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Marked-up Revised Tech Spec Section 4 Re Surveillance Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 07/19/1983
Oregon State University, CORVALLIS, OR
Shared Package
ML20077D254 List:
NUDOCS 8307260458
Download: ML20077D260 (5)


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! 4.1~ GENERAL Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements of any system related to Reactor Safety.

Objective. The objective is to verify the proper operation of any system related .to Reactor Safety.

Specifications. Any additions, modifications, or maintenance to the ventilation system, the core and its associated support structure,

' the pool ~ or its penetrations, the pool coolant system, the rod drive mechanism or the reactor safety system shall be made and tested in

  • accordance with the specifications to which the systems were originally
- designed and fabricated, or to specifications approved by the Reactor Operations Comittee. A system shall not be considered operable until
  • after it is successfully tested. -

I Bases. This specification relates to changes in reactor systems which could directly affect the safety of the reactor. As long as changes or replacements to these systems continue to meet the original design specifications, then it can be assumed that they meet the presently accepted operating criteria.

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4.2 . SAFETY LIMIT -- FUEL ELEMENT TEMPERATURE Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements of the fuel element temperature measuring channel.

Objective. ihe objective is to assure that the fuel element tem-peratures are properly monitored.


a. Whenever a reactor scram caused by high fuel element temperature occurs, an evaluation shall be conducted to determine whether ,

the fuel element temperature safety limit was exceeded.

3 b. A calibrati$n of the temperature measuring channels shall be i'--"'""'"+'+i-+--'---++---->-'" A performed s hd.'dh'Edd$(IMichGIN"WoS9dd 5EldinTEEM no66s).

.c. A Channel Check of the fuel element temperature measuring channel shall be made prior to pulsing operation on a daily-basis ( mch bc done.

deng %e cdendtof dog.

Bases. Operational experience over the past five years with the l TRIGA system gives assurance that the thermocouple measurements of

' fuel element temperatures have been sufficiently reliable to assure accurate indication of this parameter.

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307260458 830719 P ADOCK 05000 .jg.

Amendment No. 3


'4.3 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATIONS I 4.3.1 Reactivity Requirements Applicability. These specifications apply to the surveillance .

requirements for reactivity control of experiments and systems.

Objective. The objective is to measure and verify the worth, per-formance and operability of those systems affecting the reactivity ,

of the reactor.


a. The reactivity worth of each control rod and the shutdown margin net te exceed 14
shall determined annually (but at inter":m bictno O eltC M 6 N M -
b. The reactivity worth of an experiment shall be estimated or measured,' as appropriate, before reactor operation with said experiment.

. c. The control rods shall be visually inspected for deterioration

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d. The transient rod drive cylinder and associated air supply system shall be inspected, cleaned and lubricated as necessary,

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e. The reactor shall be pulsed semi-annuallyp to compare fuel tem-perature measurements and peak power leve ls with those of previous pulses of the same reactivity value. _Ontcovai noW ac.ced Seutn04 o n e. 4 a 4 m o n k h D Bases. The reactivity worth of the control rods is measured to assure that the required shutdown margin is available and to provide an accurate means for determining the reactivity worths of experi-ments inserted in the core. Past experience with TRIGA reactors gives assurance that measurement of the reactivity worth on an annual basis is adequate to insure no significant changes in the shutdown margin. The visual inspection of the control rods is made to evaluate corrosion and wear characteristics caused by operation in the reactor.

The reactor is pulsed at suitable intervals and a comparison made with previous similar pulses to detennine if changes in fuel or core charac-teristics are taking place.

4.3.2' Control and Safety System ,

Applicability. These specifications apply to the surveillance require-ments for measurements, tests, and calibrations of the control and safety systems.

Objective. The objective is to verify the p'erformance and operability

(' of those systems and components which are directly related to Reactor Safety. s

_19 Amendment No. 3

.,. i-Specifications.

  • I a. The SCRAM time shall be measured annually but at inter" not

, 40-exseed 'i months.- *

(3dtgol noOeycAad 15 month

b. A Channel Check of each of the reactor safety system channels for the intended made of operation shall be performed prior to each day's operation or prior to each operation extending more than one day. .
c. A Channel Calibration shall be made of the power level monitoring channels by the calorimetric method annually but at inter + ot 4o exceed li months. Cmt@ val not +CM N eck
d. A Channel Test of each item in Table I and Table II other than measuring channels, shall be performed m iarqual'" 'ut-at-interyalc r QNGn (L^

-eeM-months O NL -MM' Wc nOS , EL ehm-ta M ^ch MM Bases. Measurement of the scram time on an annual basis is a check not only of the scram system electronics, but also is an indication of the capability of the control rods to perform properly. The channel tests will assure that the safety system channels are oper-able on a daily basis or prior to an extended run. The power level channel calibration will assure that the reactor will be operated at the proper power levels. Transient control element checks and annual maintenance insure proper operation of this element. . .


( 4.3.3 Radiation Monitoring System Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the area radiation monitoring equipment and the air monitoring systems.

Objective. The objective R to assure that the radiation monitoring equipment is operating p.opely and to veiify the appropriate alarm settings. ,

Specification. The area radiation monitoring system and the air onitoring systems shall be calibrated annually,-but at intervalsh^NM 30 0 gq::f (ncyg t te y exceed ' A months-and their set points verified weekly (ndevd 66%

e4ceed Wda .

Basis. Experience has shown that weekly verification of area radia-tion monitoring and air monitoring system set points in conjunction with annual calibration is adequate to correct for any variation in the system due to a change of operating characteristics over a long time span. ~

4.3.4 Ventilation System Appl icabil ity. This specification applies to the building confine-ment ventilation system.

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Amendment No. 3 e

0bjective. The objective is to assure the proper operation of the N-- ventilation system in controlling releases of radioactive material to the unrestricted area. g ggg Speci fication. It shall be verified r-i:- er!!y, but :t interva-It-e t +e e-c d 8 -- +

O.d em-kW m::ont4@50, that the ventilation system is operable.

Bases. Experience accumulated in over 7 years of operation has ,

demonstrated that tests of the ventilation system on a semi-annual basis are sufficient to assure proper operation of the system and control over releases of radioactive material. Tie perfect operating record of this system achieved in the past is sustained by regular mechanical maintenance performed on a monthly basis.

4.3.5 Reactor Pool Water Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the reactor pool water.

Objective. The objective is to assure that the reactor pool water level and the bulk water temperature monitoring systems are operating, 1 and to verify appropriate alarm settings.

. Specification.


a. The reactor bulk water temperature monitoring system shall be

( calibrated annually, but at iaterial

] ex.cagd l5Jhand its set point verified dtryd no& %monthly eVcAnd M W44h-

@s et i b. It shall be verified monthly at the reactor pool water level monitoring system is operable. @rval nob tu e4cEd W MC S i Basis. Experience over the past 7 years has shown that monthly 4

verifications of set points and annual calibrations of tempsrature measuring devices are sufficient to ensure proper operation of the system.

4.3.6 Experiment Limits Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for experiments installed in the reactor and its  ;

experimental facilities. - '

Objective. The objective is to prevent the conduct of experiments which may damage the reactor or release excessive amounts of radio-active materials as a result of experiment failure.

Specifications. An experiment shall not be installed in the reactor or its experimental facilities unless a hazards analysis has been ,

performed and reviewed for compliance with Limitations on Experiments, I Section 3,8 by the Reactor Operations Committee in full acco'rd with i Section 6.2.d.1 of these Technical Specifications, and the procedures which are established for this purpose.

Amendment No. 3

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Na CMAA6dn oW W5 MG f Bases. It has been demonstrated in over 7 years of experience that experiments which are reviewed by the staff of the OSTR and the

(- Reactor Operations Committee can be conducted without endangering the safety of the reactor or exceeding the limits in the Technical Specifications.


. Applicability. This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the fuel elements.

Objective. The objective is to verify the continuing integrity of the fuel element cladding.

Specifications. All fuel elements shall be inspected visually for damage or deterioration and measured for length and bend at intervals .

. not to exceed the sum of 3,500 d611ars in pulse reactivity. The reactor shall not be operated with damaged fuel. A fuel element shall be considered damaged and must be removed from the core if:

a. In measuring the transverse bend, the bend exceeds 0.063 in.

over the length of the cladding,

b. In measuring the elongation, its length exceeds its original length by 0.100 in., or
c. A cladding defect exists as indicated by release of fission



Bases. The frequency of inspection and measurement schedule is based on the parameters most likely to affect the fuel cladding of a pulsing reactor operated at moderate pulsing levels and utilizing fuel elements whose characteristics are well known.

The limit of transverse bend has been shown to result in no diffi-culty in disassembling the core. Analysis of the removal of heat from touching fuel elements shows that there will be no hot spots resulting in damage to the fuel caused by this touching. Experience with TRIGA reactors has shown that fuel element bowing that could result in touching has occurred without deleterious effects. The elongation limit has been specified to assure that the cladding material will not be subjected to stresses that could cause a loss of integrity in the fuel containment and to assure adequate coolant flow.


Amendment No. 3

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