0CAN049413, Forwards Certificates of Insurance P94-045,X94143R & CX94-03M Issued by Nuclear Mutual Limited,Ani & Maelu & Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited,Respectively

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Forwards Certificates of Insurance P94-045,X94143R & CX94-03M Issued by Nuclear Mutual Limited,Ani & Maelu & Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited,Respectively
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1994
From: Mims D
0CAN049413, CAN49413, NUDOCS 9405110269
Download: ML20070P368 (8)


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Operations -

..10CFR50.54(w)(3). _

Apr il 29,1991 OCANo.19113 U. S. Nuticar Regulatory Coinmission Document ('ontrol Desk Alail Station PI-137 Washinpton. I;C 20555


Arkansas Nuclea.- One - IJnits I and 2 Docket Nos. 50-313 and 50-368 f.icense Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6 Nuclear Onsite Property D.unage losurance Gentlemen' Hy letter dated hi,uch 20, 1994 (OCANO39402), lintergy Operations committed to forwaid Arkansas Nuclear One's (ANO) recently issued certificates of insurance to the NRC uhen teceived at ANO. In accordance with 10CFR50.54(w)(3), attached are the following cer tificates:

Nuclear AlutualI.imited P9.l-015 American Nuclear Insurers and Alutual X94143 R Atomic l:nergy I.iability Underuliters Nuclear lilectric Insurance Limited CX94-03M I Should you hne any questions concerning this submittal, please contact me. ,

\'ery truly your s,

$w7Af'C 7)f,,l .

Dwight C hlims Director, l.icensing IRJhi/nbm Attachments O bl:'14 l 9405110269 940429 PDR J.

ADOCK 05000313 PDR lh,4h' . 1i , n j

U. S. NRC April 29,1994 OCAN019113 Page 2 cc: Mr. l.conard J. Callan Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-8064 NRC Senior Resident inspector Arkansas Nuclear One- ANO-1 & 2 Numbec l Nuclear Plant Road Russellville, AR 72801 Mr. George Kalman NRR Project Alanager Region IV/ANO-l U S Nuclear Regulatory Conunission NRR Mail Stop 13-II-3 One White lilint North 11555 Rockville l'ike Rockville, MD 20S52 Mr. Thomas W Alexion NRR Project Manager, Region IV/ANO-2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 13-11-3 One White 1: lint North i 1555 Rockville Pike Rockville. MD 20S52 i

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' l. I M I T I? D m y>2 a* sun CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE LAX 302 8" M "" V "3" M

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ISSUED TO: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ADDRESS: Washington, D. C. 20555 ATTN: Robert Wood License Relations Analyst Office of State Programs THIS IS TO CERTIFY that insurance has been effected with NUCLEAR MUTUAL LIMITED, 1201 Market Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, under Policy No. P94-045 as follows:


l ADDRESS: Risk Management Policy ,

c/o Entergy Services, Inc. I P.O. Bo: 61000 tIew Orleans, Louisiana 70161 PROPERTY TNSURED: Arkansas Nuclear One COVERAGE: Operating Faci:ity Policy AMOUNT OF INSURA!!CE: $500,000,000 INSUREDS: Entergy Operations, Inc., Arkansas Power & Light Company, Bechtel Corporation, Agent and Associated and Affi1iated Companies, and Combustion '

Engineering, Inc., its employees, suppliers and subcontractors, as their interests may appear.

River Fuel Trust til (as Lessor) and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (as Assignee) as their interests may appear.

POLICY TERM: 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 1994 to 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 1995, Standard time in Hamilton, Bermuda.

LOSS PAYEE CLAUSE: See attached Schedule A 1-

d This Certificate is not transferable and may be cancelled by NUCLEAR MUTUAL- LIMITED by giving 60 days written notice to the party to whom this Certificate is issued prior to cancellation of the insurance described herein, unless specifically provided for otherwise under the Terms, Conditions and Exceptions of the Policy.

THIS CERTIFICATE is for information only; it is not.a contract of insurance but attests that a policy as numbered herein, and as it stands at the date of this Certificate, bas been issued by.the Company. Said policy is subject to change by endorsement and cancellation in accordance with its terms.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE: April 1, 1994 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: April 1, 1995, unless cancelled sooner.

Signed by:

NUCLEAR MUTUAL LIMITED Jef f ery Up Palmer Q ) ~.- -

Vice PrQdent-Finance & Administration l



i i-l Scedule A l Loss Payee Clause


' 1 Fire Loss, if any under this Policy (except loss covering materials and supplies or losses to Arkansas Power & Light i

Company leaw d property and except any loss less than $50,000), l

! shall be adjusted with Arkansas Power & Light Company or Entergy j i Operations, Inc. as Agent, if Arsansas Power & Light. Company so 1 l authorizes, and payable to the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of l New York, Corporate Trustee, as its interests may. appear. i 1

i- The Mortgagee Provision appearing above is extended to include 1

the interest of River Fuel Trust #1 (as Lessor) and Morgan

! Guaranty Trust Company of New York (as Assignee) as their. i

interest may appear with respect to fuel for Unit No. 1 and UniL <

! No. 2. -

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_rt INSURERS LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE OF INSUl(ANCE This certificate is issued to the Certificate lloider as a matter of information only. It does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed below.  ;

Name of Insured EMIERCd' OEERAllONS INC LT AL i

Mailing Address t La..Enh1gy_ServicnLinc JisllianagenlenLDeJhir_t.mintt, l'n Ilov (11000, New_Drlean.Elnuisiana _Zlllfil 1.ocation(s) Covered ARKANSAS NIJCI.E AILONE

'Ihis is to certify that the following policy (ies) issued by members of American Nuclear Insurers (AN1) and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters (M AELU) to the insured named above are in force as of the effective date of this certificate.

Policy Numbers Policy Expiration Date+ Amount or Limit Deductible l X44143R April 1,1995 $765,000,000. -

Type of insurance: All risk of direct physical damage to the Property insured by any Cause of Loss specified as covered in the policy, provided such pl,ysical damage takes place during the policy period.

Cancellation of Policies: Should the policybes) described above be cancelled before the expiration thereof, ANI or M AELU will endeavor to mail or deliver advance written notice to the Certificate 4 lloider, but failure to provide such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon j ANI or M AliLU.

Name and Address of Certificate lloider:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, llc. 20555 I Attn: Robert Wood Licensee Relations Analyst Office of State Programs Efh ctive date of the Certificate: April 1.1994


Tow n Center. Suite 300s / 29 Soudi Niain Street / West Harthird, CT OM07 Mt; / (203) 5M-3433 H FAX (203) SM-M55

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ISSUED TO: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Robert Wood I Licensee Relations Analyst Office of State Programs ADDRESS: Washington, DC 20555 i TIIIS IS TO CERTIFY that insurance has been effected with i NUCLEAR ELECTRIC INSURANCE LIMITED, 1201 Market Street, suite 1200, I Wilmington, Delaware 19801, under Policy No. CX94-03M as follows:


Arkansas Power & Light Company
c/o Entergy Services, Inc.

l ADDRESS: P.O. Box 61000 l:

New Orleans, LA i0161

' PROPERTY INSURED: Arkansas 11uclear One

Decontamination Liability and Excess Property-r Insurance L

i AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $85,000,000 e INSUREDS: Those entities specified by the Member Insured i in the Declarations of the ANI Excess Policy i No. X94143R or any' Endorsements attached i thereto j POLICY TERM: 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 1994 to 12:01 a.m. on j April 1, 1995, Standard time in Hamilton, Bermuda.

i j' LOSS PAYEE CLAUSE: Arkansas Power & Light Company or as more specifically outlined in the Dec .arations of l- the ANI Excess Policy No. X94143R or any i Endorsements attached thereto.

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i c This Certificate is not transferable and may be cancelled by IJUCLEAR ELECTRIC INSURANCE COMPANY by giving 60 days written notice to the party to whom this certificate is issued prier to 1 cancellation of the insurance described herein, unless specifically provided for otherwise under the Terms, Conditions and Exceptions L of the Policy.

THIS CERTIFICATE is for information only; it is not a contract of insurance but attests that a policy as numbered herein, and as it stands at the date of this Certificate, has been issued by the Company. Said policy is subject to change by endorsement and

cancellation in accordance with itc terms, a

EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE: April 1, 1994 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: April 1, 1995, unless cancelled sooner.

Signed by:


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4 Jeffery $.1 Palmer Vice Pre l$ dent-Finance & Administration

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