AECM-90-0172, Forwards Endorsement 67 to Nelia Policy NF-257 & Endorsement 46 to Maelu Policy MF-106

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Forwards Endorsement 67 to Nelia Policy NF-257 & Endorsement 46 to Maelu Policy MF-106
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1990
From: Cottle W
AECM-90-0172, AECM-90-172, NUDOCS 9009250074
Download: ML20065D299 (3)


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~~~ - EMg mai:rev c a r:iita2.iac.

P.o. Box 756 Q$ Put Gbson MS 39150 TG 601437-6408

. September 17.-1990 w. T. cotti.

ve ne.xw O(604(u Gam M ncu 9aacs .i

'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory: Commission

~ Mail Station P1-137

> Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: ' Document ~ Control DeQ

. Gentlemen:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1

, Docket No. 50-416 License No. NFF-29 Nuclear Insurance Endorsements AECM-90/0172

'1 . In accordance with 10CFR140.15(e) Entergy Operations, Inc., is submitting

certified copies of:
1) -Endorsement No. 67 to ANI Policy No. NF-257, and. .;

o 2)' Endorsemant No. 46 to'MAELUt Rglicy No. MF-106.

Yours truly, w r nP - - - -

, WTC:mtc

. Attachments

.cc: Mr. D. C. Hintz (w/o)

Mr. T. H. Cloninger (w/o) ~!

Mr. R. B.-McGehee (w/o)

Mr. N.!S. Reynolds (w/o)

Mr. H. - L. Thomas (w/o) .,

J Mr.'H. 0 Christensen.(w/a)

.Mr. Stewart D. Ebneter'(w/a)

Regional Administrator-4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 5 Region)II 101:Marietta St., N.W., Suite 2900

-Atlanta, Georgia. 30323

.r Mr. L. L. Kintner, Projr t Manager (w/a) .


', Office of Nuclear Reactci' Regulation t i

S J a U.S. Nuclear' Regulatory Commission ~

, JMail Stop 11021

.i; ..ashingtonFD.C.'20555; W

f A9009121/SNLICFLR - 1 fy Og/

k i9009250074.900917 .

73-gjsW'. L POR+1ADOCK 05000416

./ Jf I

9. , ' PDC-

j c.-. ,

,1  :. - .

. Nuclear Energy Liability insurance .


, CALE SAR YEAR M 1.- It is agteed that with respect to bodily injury, property damage or environmental' damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear. _

energy hasards 1

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing j companies listed below.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. .,


c. Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation L assumed or curred under the policy because of such bodily injury,.
l. property damage.or environmental damage as designated below.
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from tha beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close~of December-31, sooner.1990, ortothetimeoftheterminationorcancellationofthegpolicy,if/l: . >

o Aetne Casualty & surety Co. 12.9173375 l

Attlana Insurance Company 1.5156345 _

. Altstate Insurance Company 5.5355105 g .m 9 0

. American Hase Assurance Co. 0.M23695 Oj^

  • l' Continental Casustty Company Continental Insurance Company 5.3417505 jy 10.33387ta , g ;.,,

Federal Insurance Company 2.7556995 .c m g ;f

  • ~

General Inn. Co. of America . 1.7223125 6M  !'

Nanover Irsurance Company 0.5950595 E $ 3 2" ,

Martford Fire irsurance Co. 10.33587tB g 'N f T -

ll Highlands Insurance company Mcme Indsmity Company 0.3 W 425 1.61 4 75 cV *%

$ pl'1 j ;"

L Ins. Co. of korth America , 7.750405X ' "

! Motors insurance Corporation- 0.4305735 2: C. 4 Chlo Caeustty Insurance Co. 0.172231% nyb  !

j Providence Washington Ins. Co. 0.1937605 n Ej E Reliance Insurance Company 0.5166945 7 {j f k Royet Ins.' Co. of Aparica St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co.

3.6168551 -

5.9919225 2ebF


r s

.h C

state Farm Finn & Casualty Co. 0.8611561 E *$

f .$ D *b*

l Tokio Marine & Fire Ins. Co. 0.5166945 SL@ $g-Transamerice Insurance Co. 0.861156X a$W" i.m

! Travelers Indomity Campany 12.856195% EI 5' gg U. S. Fire Insurance Company 2.325121% y ~ 4 u .2 U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 8.6115581

/ .E E .

Universat underwriters Ins. Co. 0.172231%~ +


Zurich Insurance Company 1.4200075 M }h; Total 100.0000005  :

!' WE 90 -

F -

Effective Date of I 44 this Endorsement January 1. 1990 To form a part of Policy No. NF-257 7

12:01 A. M. Standard time /

. Mississippi Power & Light Company and System Energy Resources, Inc. and L Issued to. South Mississippi Electr.ic Power Association g Dote of Issue Acril 1. 1990 A For the Subscribing Co fanies, I ..

By I 'V N O ( W - ~~-

N President Endorsement No. Countersigned by ##

L_. _. . -- . - --- -

o y. 1

_ ,,--f k ~. l Nuclear Energy. Liability insurance '




.1. .

lit is agreed'that with respect to bodily injury, property damage or environmental.

damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear 4

. energy hazards.


The word " companies" vherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below.

b. (

The poli'cy shall be binding on such companies only. '

c. Each'such company shall be liable for its proportion, as designated'belov'.. 'I of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury , property damage or environs < 7tal damage. t 2.

It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning. r of the effective another~ " Changes date of this endorsement In Subscribing Companies And stated In Their below to the offective Proportionate Lia d3te: that Endorsement" changes-theCompaniesand/ortheir.proportionsaslistedin$lity I

1-endorsement, sooner. - or to the time of' the termination or cancallation . cy, if of th i . .8 _r. e Arkuright Mutuel Insurance Company Esployers insurance of Wausau, A Mutual Company 21%

21% b a

Liberty Mutual Insurance Ccapeny Ltatermone Ntual Casustry Cospany 28% y ]gpL i

-> a 305 '3 .G T gc usTIE OF AAAML ImETlusB i'

jgdfJ s l The annust meetings of Arkwright m y -. :t The enruel meetings of Employers insurance Mutual Cospany are held Insurance of Wausau A Mutual y na at its hcme office in Waltham, Ccapeny, are held at its home- 'f.R USNhusetts, on the second Woessday office in Watsau, Wisconsin, on , ,g y & .,

01 O rch in each year, at tenathirty g: o c: D.

the fourth friday of May in eet.. 4* '

lt o'etock in the morning.

year, at nine o' clock in the mornles.)) [ ] 'g - '

The amust meettnes of Liberty Mutual ,o $~-


. insurance Ccapeny are held at its home The annuet meetings of Ltemermans ' 6 E Ej o - + *[

Mutunt Casualty Ccapany are held-office in Boston, Massachusetts, on the third Wo m eedey of Apelt in each at its home office in Long Grove . ;.: x} ,.;my {

'. d.

p" 2. [ 3 8 iP yeer, at ten o' clock in the morning.

Illinois, on the third Tuesday of May in each year, at eleven o' clock y 6v O .J 3. j ,f j6 in the morning, E .21 -


f .g s 9 ii

~Bffective Date of

[ this Endorsement January 1. 1990 46g i E To form a part of Policy No. MF-1665- l 12:01' A.M. standard time o j i

l- Mississippi Power & Light Company and System Energy Resources, Inc.'and

' Issued-to South Mississippi Electric Power Association 1

y Date of issue Acril 1. 1990 For the Subscribing Companies .

l, HUTUAL ATOMIC u GYLIABILITYUNDERVRIThS By .w. h -M c Endorsement No. 46 Countersigned by *N

. . _ ~ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _