HL-1278, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-321/90-15 & 50-366/90-15.Corrective Actions: Mispositioned Valves 1E21-F025B & 1E21-F027B Placed in Correct Positions & Technicians Disciplined

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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-321/90-15 & 50-366/90-15.Corrective Actions: Mispositioned Valves 1E21-F025B & 1E21-F027B Placed in Correct Positions & Technicians Disciplined
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1990
From: Hairston W
HL-1278, NUDOCS 9009270073
Download: ML20059L522 (5)





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., W. o, Hairston, til Sernor Vee Presdet Naclear 0;erations HL-1278 y' 001031 September 12, 1990 U.S. -Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN:' Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 PLANT HATCH - UNITS 1, 2 NRC DOCKETS 50-321, 50-366 OPERATING LICENSES DPR-57, NPF-5 RESPONSE TO INSPECTION REPORT 90-15 ,


i in- response to your letter of August 24, 1990 and in accordance with i the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Georgia Power Company (GPC) is providing the . enclosed response to the Notice of. Violation Associated with NRC 1 Inspt:ction Report 90-15. A copy of this response is being provided to NRC l Region Il for review, in the enclosure, a transcription of the NRC  !

Violation precedes GPC's response. L 1

Sincerely,  ;

(4 ./b M W. G. Hairsten,-III JKD/eb


Violation 90-15-01 and GPC Response

-c: (See next page.)  ;

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-i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

September 12, 1990 Page Two .


c: Georaia Power Comoany -

Mr.. H. L. Sumner, General Manager - Nuclear Plant Mr.'J. D. Heidt, Manager Engineering and Licensing - Hatch i GO-NORMS t U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Washinoton. D.C. >

Mr. F. Rinaldi, Acting Licensing Project Manager - Hatch  :

U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Reaion II l Mr. S. D._ Ebneter, Regional Administrator Mr. L. D. Wert, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch  :





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VIOLATION 90-15-01 l Technical Specification 6.8.1.a requires that written proceduras be established, implemented, and maintained as recommended in Appendix "A* of i Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. '

Section 4 of Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide.l.33 recommends procedures for the operation of the Emergency Core Cooling Systems. The Core Spray l system is an Emergency Core Cooling System at Plant Hatch. '

t Procedure 34S0-E21-001-IS, Rev. 8, ' Core Spray System," provides written instructions for the operation of the Unit 1 Core Spray System and  ;

specifies that valves IE21-F0258 and IE21-F027B be maintained in the closed  :

position and that valve IE21-F30llA be maintained in the open position when the system is in its standby mode.  ;

Contrary to the above, between July 23-25, 1990, valves IE21-F025B and  !

lE21-F027B were found in the open position and valve IE21-F30llA was found  ;

in the closed position. At the time of these findings, Unit I was operating at approximately 100 percent of rated power and the Core Spray system was in its normal standby mode. .

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement 1). l RESPONSE TO VIOLATION 90-15-01 Admission or denial of violation:

The violation occurred as described in the Notice of Violation.

Y l

001031 HL-1278 El-1


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l ENCLOSURE 1 (Continued) l yl0LAT10N 90-15-01 AND GPC RESPONSI l Reason for the violation:

f The first event, in which valves IE21-F025B and IE21-F027B were found i mispositioned, was caused by a less than adequate procedure. The Core i Spray System had been aligned to the Condensate Transfer System, the alternate keep-fill system, per plant procedure 3450-E21-001-IS, " Core .j Spray System," on 5/14/90. This was done because both Jockey Pumps, the  ;

primary keep-fill system, had been taken out of service on Clearance  ;

l-90-1261. When the Core Spray System was aligned to the Condensate Transfer System, valves IE21-F0258 and IE21-F027B were opened as required ,

by the procedure.

Jockey Pump IE21-C002B was returned to service on 5/21/90. As part of the return-to-service activities, an operability test was performed on the  :

Jockey Pump. This was done per the " Jockey Pump Startup" section of procedure 34S0-E21-001-IS. This section of the procedure does not require r valves IE21-F025B and IE21-F0278 to be verified to be closed.

l Consequently, the procedure was not adequate to ensure valves IE21-F025B -

and IE21-F027B were returned to their proper position when transferring from the alternate keep-fill system to the primary keep-fill system.

The second event, in which valve IE21-F30llA was found mispositioned, was caused by personnel error. Instrument and Control (l&C) technicians who '

i performed procedure 57SV-E21-001-IS, " Core Spray Discharge Line level Instrument FT&C, on 7/9/90 failed to follow procedural requirements  ;

regarding the positioning, independent verification, and sealing in position of valve IE21-F30llA. The first I&C technician failed to follow

  • l' procedural requirements in that he failed to open the valve as required by procedure 57SV-E21-001-IS and he sealed it in position contrary to the requirements of procedure 51GM-SPR-001-0N, " Sealing of Instrument Valves."

The second I&C technician failed to follow procedural requirements in that -

he failed to verify independently the valve was in the open position as ,

required by procedure 57SV-E21-001-IS and he failed to seal it in the open  !

position as required by procedure 51GM-SPR-001-0N.

001031 HL-1278 El-2

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a b ENCLOSURE 1 (Continued)

VIOLATION 90-15-01 AND GPC RESPONSE Corrective steos which have been taken and the results achieved:

As a result of these events, the following actions have been taken:

1. Upon discovery, the mispositioned valves were placed in their correct positions. Valves 1E21-F0258 and IE21-F027B were closed on 7/24/90 and valve IE21-F30llA was opened on 7/25/90.
2. Procedure 3450-E21-001-15 was marked-up to include the necessary steps in the " Jockey Pump Startup" section to ensure valves lE21-F025A and B and IE21-F027A and B are closed. The procedure revision currently is in the review and approval process and will be issued effective by 9/28/90. (The designs of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Core Spray Systems are different in that the Unit 2 Core Spray System does not have an alternate keep-fill system; therefore, procedure 3450-E21-001-25, " Core Spray System," does not need to be revised.)

3, The two I&C technicians were disciplined per GPC's Positive Discipline Program.

Corrective steos which will be taken to avoid further violations:

No further corrective actions are necessary to prevent recurrence.

Date when full como11ance will be achieved:

For the first eveht, full compliance was achieved on 7/24/90 when valves 1E21-F025B and 1E21-F027B were moved to the correct (closed) position.- For the second event, full compliance was achieved on 7/25/90 when valve 1E21-F3011A was moved to the correct (open) position.

001031 HL-1278 El-3

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