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Responds to Generic Ltr 89-06, Spds. All Open Issues Identified in NRC SER & Plant SPDS Satisfies NUREG-0737, Item I.D.2 & Suppl 1
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/1990
From: Beard P
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.D.2, TASK-TM 3F0690-12, 3F690-12, GL-89-06, GL-89-6, TAC-51233, TAC-73649, NUDOCS 9006260133
Download: ML20043H578 (2)




= dt$ $ N , 1990 3F0690-12 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j Attn: Document Control Desk i Washington, D.C. 20555  ;



Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)

Generic Letter 89-06 TAC No. 73649 and 51233 j l l' l


A. NRC to FPC letter dated October 28, 1988, " Crystal River L Unit 3-(CR-3) Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)"

B. FPC to NRC letter No. 3F1288-13, dated December 23, 1988 C. NRC to FPC letter dated April 30, 1990, " Response to NRC Generic Letter 89-06 on The Safety Parameter Display System"

Dear Sir:

Florida Power Corporation (FPC) is submitting this letter in accordance with Reference C which requested that FPC notify the staff in writing upon full implementation of the Safety Parameter Display . System (SPDS) atLCR-3. .j l

l FPC-received the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) on the CR-3 SPDS I as an enclosure-to Reference A. The SER identified several open issues j to which FPC responded (Reference B). Our response made commitments to i modify the SPDS to incorporate three deficient Critical Safety i Functions (CSF) in Refuel 7. These have been implemented as follows: j

1. Reactor Coolant System Level was implemented on SPDS as an alert. Reactor Coolant System Inventory is displayed on all SPDS display screens as "RCS INV". The inputs are as described in Reference D. -1
2. ' Reactor Building Sump Level was implemented on SPDS as an alert.

Reactor Building Sump- Level is displayed on all SPDS display ,

screens as "RB LEVEL". The actual level is available on one of j the alpha-numeric displays. This parameter satisfies the CSF ,

for RCS Integrity. l 9006260133 900621 PDR ADOCK 05000302 P PDC POST OFFICE box 219

  • CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDA 326290219 + (904) 795-6486 [ l A Florida Progress Company 1

p l

i o' 9 June 21, 1990 3F0690-12 i Page 2

3. The Containment Hydrogen Concentration instrumentation must be manually placed in service to activate the signal input to SPDS.

The alert " Reactor Building Conditions" is displayed on all SPDS display screens as "RB CONDTN". This alert consists of hydrogen concentration, ES actuation and RB radiation. These three items are also included on the alpha-numeric displays. These three items satisfy the CSF for Containment Conditions.

Resolution for one additional Critical Safety Function, the containment isolation status, was explained in Reference B. The control room Engineered Safeguard (ES) Light Matrix Panel which provides the status of the RB isolation valves to the operators is in close proximity to the SPDS. This required status indication is provided in lieu of RB isolation information on the SPDS. This alternative was confirmed acceptable in a telecon on November 21, 1988 with NRC staff members.

There were also several Human Engineering Observations (HEO's) identified which have been resolved by hardware and software changes to the SPDS system.

FPC has resolved all open issues identified in the NRC SER and the Crystal River Unit 3 SPDS now satisfies NUREG 0737, Item I.D. 2 and Supplement 1.

Sincerely, P. M. Beard, Jr.

Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations PMB/EMG/sdr xc: Regional Administrator, Region II Senior Resident Inspector