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Informs That on 900425,yard Fire Hydrant Hose House 7 Declared out-of-svc Due to Const in Area,Per Tech Spec 3.14.F.2.Const in Area Will Prevent Return to Svc of Hydrant Hose House 7 Until Approx 900630
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/25/1990
From: Parker T
NUDOCS 9006060160
Download: ML20043C773 (2)


. . .

414 Nicollet Mall i Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 1927 '

Telephone (6 2) 330-5500

.May 25, 1990 Tech. Spec. 3.14. F.2 i

i Director.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  ;

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission '

Attn: Document Control Desk j Washington, DC 20555 '

, PRAIRIE IS1AND NUCLEAR GENERATING- PIANT Docket Nos. 50 282 License Nos. DPR 42 50 306 DPR 60 Report of Plans for Alternate Provisions for an Inonerable Yard Fire Hydrant Hose House This letter is provided in accordance with Section 3.14,F.1 of the Prairie Island Technical Specifications which requires that all yard hydrant hose ,

houses be operable whenever the equipment they are protecting is operable.

Technical. Specification 3.14.F.2 requires that:

If Specification 3.14 F.1 cannot be met, within one hour have sufficient additional lengths of 21/2 inch diameter hose located in adjacent  ;

-OPERABLE yard hydrant hose house (s) to provide service to the unprotected area (s), y Restore the yard hydrant hose house (s) to OPERABLE status within 14 daye or submit a special report to the Commission within 30 days outlining the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the houses to OPERABLE status.

On Wednesday, April 25, 1990 Ilydrant Hose House #7 was declared out of l service due to construction in the area which made it inaccessible, Technical Specification 3.14.F.2 was met by having additional lengths of 2-1/2 inch hose.

placed in adjacent Hydrant Hose Houses #6 and #8 which left no areas unprotected. In addition, all hose stations inside the Turbine Building and Auxiliary Building have remained in service.

We estimate that the construction in the area will prevent the return to service of Hydrant Hose House #7 until approximately June 30, 1990. This construction involves excavation and placement of concreto, rebar, and structural steel for the building which will house two additional safeguards

, diesel generators.

L 9006060160 900525 ,

PDR ADOCK0500ge-F 0 s

L I o l t j 1

!s Diract:r of NRR-

'May 25, 1990-

'* "E'

' Northem States Power Company Please contact us if you require additional inforniation, v.

Thomas M Parker Manager Nuclear Support Services l

c: Regional Administrator Region III, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, NRC  !

NRR Project Manager, NRC '

C Charnoff 1

l l

l 1

5 i

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