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Forwards List of Commitments to Support NRC Review of Eagle 21 Reactor Protection Sys Function Upgrade,Per 900510 Telcon
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1990
From: Wallace E
NUDOCS 9005170274
Download: ML20043A057 (3)



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                                            .      TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY.i Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Post Office 1 Box 2000 l;

4 Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee ,37379 - p' , May 10, 1990-

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U.S. Nuclear: Regulatory Commission
                            , ATTN : Document Control Desk l


                           .-  nshington.<D.C. 20555                                                                                -

j Gentlemen ' l In the Matter of- (

                           ; Tennessee Valley Authority-
                                                          ,                   .~)
                                                                                                         'DocketLNos.$0-3277                                         l
                                                                              . .)                                         '50-328                                   :


                            ' SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT.(SQN)'- EAGLE 21 FUNCTIONAL UPGRADE! COMMITMENTS                              ,

l Thisletterdocumentscommitmentsrequestedby/anddiscusped.withqNRCduringa[ j May 10,'1990, telephone conference' call.t - These comitments supportlNRC's review of the' SQN Eagle 21J reactor- protection system function upgrade. JThese' j

                           . commitmentsLaddress reporting.of' Eagle;21' performance during.the:first, cycle:                                                 '};

o f operation and software change: control.'.The software'changeicontrol. , j commitmenteis: based onithe currently ~ approved verification'and;validationi -( n program. TVA recognizes'that'as:the' software; change control: program' matures > improvements.will be made. The software.. change cont.rol; commitment" allows-for. -l the adoption of-future NRC-approved programs. .Likewisei*the overalli 3 administrative control program requirements may. change.clTVA will-.continuelte 1.; evaluatesthe program's'needs'an.d performance and will propose;any appropriateL l changes tol thel commitment:inothe 'last of- the Eagle 21" performance: reports... 2

                           - The commitments are provided in the enclosure.- Please'dir'ect questions; concerning this issue to Russe 11'E. Thompson at--(615) 843-7470.                                           I                      j t                                                                               Very truly yours, e


                                                                                                             '                                                  i t                                                                               E. G. tallace;             nager Nuclear Licensing.and
-                                                                                     Regulatory Affairs
                                                                                                                                                              !i Enclosure                                                                                                         '                   '

. cc: .See page 2 E I i

An Equal' Opportunity Employer.

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                                                                    -                          fU.S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Commission E cci - Ms.'S.C. Black {AssistantDirectorf(Enclosure) for-Projects.

n TVA Projects Division' . ' o U.S.-Nuclear-Regulatery Commission-One White Flint North 11555 Rockville= Pike Rockville ; Maryland '20852--

                               ' NRC Resident-Inspector _(Enclosure)                    -

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 2600fIgou' Ferry' Road Soddy Daisy. Tennessee; 37379:

                               ' Mr. Bi1A. Wilson,' Assistant Director-(Enclosure)'

for Inspection Programs- , TVA Projects-Division . . U.S.1Nucleae Regulatory Commission Region II. 101 Marietta: Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia .30323, i I i i 1 l

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r - . ENCLOSUREL , List of Commitmentst .i l'. . TVA will - submit to' NRC a ' report . describing.' design hardware, design software, and maintenance problems lwith Eagle 21l. encountered during Unit 1-  ! startup'and power ascension from the Cycle'4 refueling outage within: . 30 days of. reaching'100; percent power.- , 2.- TVA will submit to NRC: periodic reports describing design hardware, design: -

p software, and maintenance problems.with Eagle'21:for Unit:1l Cycle 5' '

operation at approximately 6 month intervals.

3. TVA.'will.Limplementidesign controls that require NRC. review and' approval" _ ,_

for 'any. sof tware change: not developed in.accordance with Revision.3 of- the - ' l Eagle'21 Replacement: Hardware Design,' Verification and Validation Plan (Westinghouse 'WCAP-12374,. Appendix A), or any lother NRC-approved-verification and validation plan.:

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