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Provides Clarification to SALP 9 Rept 50-483/90-01 for Sept 1988 - Jan 1990.Licensee Voluntarily Retested Few Remaining Const Workers Originally Approved for Unescorted Access Using mini-IPAT
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1990
From: Schnell D
ULNRC-2201, NUDOCS 9005070237
Download: ML20042F116 (3)




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  • 314 bb4 Nbo Union ^Prii 30, 1990 0~"" "'.~"

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  :

Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 ULNRC-2201 l

Gentlement SALP 9 BOARD REPORT NO. 50-483/90001 CALLAWAY PLANT This responds to Mr. A. Bert Davis' lottor dated  ;

April 5, 1990, which transmitted the SALP 9 Board Report for Callaway Plant covering the period September 1, 1988 ~

through January 31, 1990. .

We havo reviewed the report and have the ,

following clarification to the security section of the report (page 15, 4th paragraph):

The mini-IPAT psychological test was not determined to lack validity as a written personality. test ,

required by ANSI 3.3, Security for Nuclear Power Plants. In a labor dispute whercir. Danici International Corporation utilized mini-IPAT test i failures in decisions to reduce construction l forces, an arbitrator ruled the test was l inappropriately used and was not valid for this '

purpose without a clinical interview. In responso '

to NRC's concern about tho' validity of this test, i Union Electric voluntarily rotestod the few romaining construction workers who originally were approved for unoscorted access using the mini-IPAT.  !

In our opinion this action was the Commission's concern, considering that no objective  !

cvidence has boon presented which invalidatos the mini-IPAT as a written personality test.

Some editorial comments have been discussed with Mr. B. H. Little, NRC Senior Resident Inspector. We appreciate the positive statomonts made in the report and during the April 19, 1990 mooting at Callaway Plant. At the same timo, wo acknowledge those sections of the report which identify areas for our increased attention and improvement.


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ULNRC-2201 i

We appreciate.the opportunity to discuss the o SALP 9 findings with members of the Region III staff and representatives of NRR. Such discussions contribute to improving the safety and performance of our Callaway .

Plant. ,

Very truly yours,  ;

r 1

Donald F. Schnell DFS/ CSP /bjp I cc A. B.-Davis,- Regional Administrator, USNRC Region III -

R. L. Hague - Chief, Reactor Projects Section 3C, USNRC~ ,

Region III -

A. T. Gody, Jr. - USNRC. Licensing. Project Manager (2 copies)  !

Manager - Electric Department, Missouri Public Service e i Commission -

B. H. Little - USNRC Senior' Resident Inspector Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge i



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$7 ULNRC-2201.

t boca A160.0761 (QA Record) (CA-460)

A160.0411 (90001) (Commercial Record)' (CA-460) -

A160.0411 (90001 - File / Logging) (QAQS:CA-460)

Nuclear Date File (S. L. Auston) (490)~

E210.0001 D. F. Schnell Chrono G.:L. Randolph J. V.;Laux C.~D..Naslund Licensing and-Fuels (A;;C. Passwater/D.~E. Shafer/

D..J. Walker) ~ (490)

T.'P.'Sharkey- .

NSRB -- (SL .- L. . Auston)J (490)

II..Wuertenbaecher (100)

O. Maynard (WCNOC)

L. H. Kanuckel C. S.~Petzel 4


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