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Forwards Requests for Relief from Inservice Exam Program for Class 1,Category B-J Piping Welds 4 Inches or Greater & Class 2,Category C-C integrally-welded Support Attachments for First 10-yr Inservice Insp Interval
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1991
From: Lyster M
PY-CEI-NRR-1334, NUDOCS 9103270079
Download: ML20029C263 (31)


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RO. box w Michael D. Lyster 10 CENTER ROAD PERRY, OHt0 44081 VICE PRESIDENT . NUCLEAR PERRY, OHIO 44061 (216) 25+3737 March 19, 1991 PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No.-50-440-Inservice Examination Program (ISEP)-

Relief Requests Centlemen:

Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(g)(5), we hereby. submit eight (8) relief requests for the PNPP Unit 1 Inservice Examination Program (ISEP)-generated upon completion of PNPP's second refueling outage. Five~of the relief requests:are revisions to those previously submitted, two of which were previously granted by the-NK.

on April 25, 1990 concurrent with'the approval of PNPP's first:10 year i interval inservice inspection plan. The remaining three relief requests are new submittals. Attachment I contains a summary of the proposed relief requests. The relief requests are provided in Attachment 2.4 If you have any questions,-please feel free to call'.-

! Sin etely, I

Q-Michael D. Lyster p MDLICJF:nje

!- Attachments l cc: NRC Project Manager l-

-NRC Resident Inspector Office NRC Region.III EC&C Idaho, Inc.

W. Zimmerman (ANII) .

J.- Ilarris - (State of Ohio)

,.operasng co+comes P

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O p e -: q -e Toledo E0$0" 9103270079 910319 m ' [1

~ A V u 1. O ( PDR ADOCK 05000440 -l .


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. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 Summary of Proposed PN*P Innervice Rxamination Program Relief Requests Relief Description of Request Number Status Revision or New Relief Request IR-004, Rev. 1 Rev. O submitted to Updated narrative, deleted one NRR by PY-CEI/NRR- component from the table and 0919L dated 11-18-88 added one component to the and Cranted by NRR table, on 4-25-90 IR-012, Rev. 1 Rev. O submitted to Updated narrative, deleted six NRR by PY-CEI/NRR- components from the table (for 0919L dated 11-18-88 which alternative exams are now and granted by NRR proposed in IR-026) and added on 4-25-90 four components to the table.

IR-018, Rev. 1 Rev. O submitted to Updated narrative and added six NRR by PY-CEI/NRR- components to the-table.

1078L dated 11-17-89 IR-021, Rev. 1 -Rev. O submitted to Updated narrative, revised NRR by PY-CEI/NRR- completion 1 percentage for one 1078L dated 11-17-69 component in the table and added eleven components to the table.

IR-022, Rev. 1 Rev. O submitted to Updated narrative and added NRR by PY-CEI/NRR- seventeen components to the 1078L dated 11-17-89 table.-

IR-024, Rev. O New Relief Request Relief for six_RPV nozzle safe-end extension velds which received-limited exams due= to metallurgy and joint geometry.

IR-025, Rev. O New Relief Request Proposed alternative visual-exams for support lug to process pipe attachment velds for four Class One Main Steam guide supports.

IR-026, Rev. 0 New Relief Request Proposed alternative visual exams for support lug to process pipe attachment velds for six Class Two Main Steam and Feedvater guide supports.

NJC/ CODED /4539

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Attachment 1 l .Page 1 of '29 Perry Nuclear Pover Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IR-004, REV. 1 I. Identification of Components Class 1, Category B-J (Item numbers in attached table), piping velds 4' inches NPS and greater.

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVB-2500-1 requires 100% surface'and volumetric examination.

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested from the required volumetric examination because of partial inaccessibility of the veld and required volume, at the first and subsequent examinations as scheduled Section 2.6 of Section ISEP.

IV. Basis for Relief The structural integrity of the piping pressure boundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting ~the requirements of the ASHE Code Section III, and additionally by meeting the requirements of ASME Section XI during preservice inspections. The subject velds were-examined in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders vere qualified in accordance with Code requirements, and materials were purchased and traced-in accordance with the appropriate Code-and NRC requirements and guidelines. There: vere no-reportable indications during preservice inspection. -

The pressure boundary passed the required prescrvice hydrostatic _ test and first period inservice system pressure tests, and has operated for a g total of about 712 equivalent-full power days between November 1987.and December 1990 vithout leakage indication attributable to.'the subject velds.

In addition to partial ' inspection of the subject velds, complete =

examinations meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section-XI are performed on. velds of similar configurations which utilize the same veld techniques, ' procedures and materials.- The examined velds'are subject to the same operating and environmental conditions as the partially examined velds.

Since the construction. operating conditions and environmental conditions of the non-examined portion of the velds -are identical to the 1 examined. portions, it is reasonable to apply satisfactory results from the examined to the non-examined portions.

Design,_ procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile failure of the subject velds remain as described in the Perry USAR.

A  !

' PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page 2 of 29-Perry Nuclear Power' Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IR-004, REV. 1 In summary, because:of acceptable-initial condition, successful test and-operating experience, the' capability to examine most of the subject veld volumes on a continuing basis, and protection against brittle failure, it is concluded that'there is no significant impact.on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternate Examination None.

NOTE: Revision 0 of this Relief Request was granted by NRR in a Safety Evaluation dated April 25, 1990, i

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Perry "rlmr Power Plant thit 1 REllEr RBQlEST IIR-GM, REV.1 NA.11EE OF EST %

IIDI 10. G M O Bir I.D. SYS./110. 10. IESmITFITM OBSIRIETIM G NPIEIE B9.11 1821-0025 ftS/605-103 ' Omtour ibzzle to Joint Gemetry Perpmdimlar SOE, Flage Parallel 10X 1

B9.11 1B21-0122U HSN05-101 26" Elbow Sean, Aljacent Brandi Perpedicular & Parallel

'15stry n Omnection 90s B9.11 1E21-0133 ftS/60i-101 G mtour tbzzle te Joint Gesetry Perpedicular Sur, Flarge Parallel 100E B9.11 1E12-0406 ElR/642-125 - 12" Pipe to Valve Structural Steel Perpedimlar SOE, Interferece Parallel 100t i 99.11 1E12-0880 Int /642-143 12" Process Pipe . Contairment Perpendimlar 80s,

.to Elbow Penetratim & Parallel 100E -

Ueld e-try B9.11_ IE22-0012 BR:SS01-111 12" Elbow to Joint c-try Perpedicular 95%,

Pervatration Parallel 100E

' 89.12 - 1833-002711 ,BR/602-101 16" Pipe Seen lig Interference Perpedimlar

& Parallel 92%

i B9.11- 1E21-0007 IR:SDOS-111 '12" Pipe to Elbow Mn4temovable Perpendimlar Support 1E21-80003 & Parallel 80[ g' y> g MS = min Steam =n i RER = Residual Heet Removal hO BICS = High Pressure Core Spray ,gg RR = Reactor Recirculation .

mox 1R:S = low Pressure Core Spray u " *e O




Attachment 2 Page 4 of 29 _

Perry Nuclear Pover Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-012, REV.1 I. Identification of Components Class 2, Category C-C, (Item and. component numbers in attached table),

integrally velded support attachments.

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVC-2500-1 requires a 100% surface examination.

III. Relief Requested-Relief is requested from the required 100% surface examinations because-of partial inaccessibility-of the examination area, at the first and subsequent examinations as scheduled in Section 3.6 of the ISEP.

IV. Basis for Relief The structural integrity of the subject- pressure boundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting the-requirements of the ASME Code Section III. -The subject velds vere examined in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders were qualified in accordance with Code requirements,,and materisis were:

purchased and traced-in-accordance.vith:the appropriate' Code and 1003 requirements and guidelines. There vere no reportable indications.

during ASME Section XI preservice inspections. h$5 Yae pressure boundary passed the required hydrostatic test and=first jh[

period inservice system pressure tests, and has operated for a total of about 712 equivalent full power days between- November 1987 and December 1990, without leakage indication attributabla to the subject velds.

In addition to partial _ inspection of the subject velds, complete ghg examinations meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI are performed on velds of siallar configurations which-utilize essentially similar veld techniques, procedures'and materials. The examined velds are subject to the same operating and environmental conditions as the partially examined velds.

Since the construction, operating conditions and environmental l- conditions of the non-examined portion _of the velds are identical to1the i

examined = portions, it is reasonable- to apply _ satisfactory results -to the .

non-examined portions.

Design, procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile. jh, I

failure of the subject velds remain as described in the Perry USAR.



PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page 5 of 29 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-012, REV.1 In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful test and gg, operating experience, the capability to examine at least 50% of the veld surfaces on a continuing basis, the capability to detect pressure boundary leakage, and protection against brittle failure, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternate Examiaation ,


NOTE: Revision 0 of this relief request was granted by NRR in a Safety fg Evaluation dated April 25, 1990.

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Peny Mrimr Pbwer Plant thit 1 REllEF REulEST GIR-012, RDT.1 f&G1RE OF EST %


O .10 1-E12-8001A-SL1 641-121 SEI96C 11E GDEIRY SRF#I 95%

0 .10 1-E12-B001A-SL2 641-121 SEISGC 11C GDEIRY SEFMI 95%

0 .10 1-E12-B001A-93 641-121 SEI9EC 11E GDEIRY SRFKE 95%

0 .10 1-E12-B001A-SL4 641-121 SEI9f!C 11E GDEIRY SRF#2 95%

0 .20 1-E22-ME7-VA -701-113 IE1HD ATTAGMNT IWGR/001E BAfD SRFKE 95%

Ato IRAIN IlfE INERHREMIS O .20 1-E12-11289-VA 641-121 UEIH D ATTAD M NT GDEIRY SRFKE 60C O .20 1-E12-H290-VA 641-121 UEIHD ATTADMNr GDEIRY SRFKE 60C I O .20 1-E12-IB59-VA 642-116 UEIHD ATTADMNT GDEIRY SRFKE3G" O .20 1-E12-lO60-VA 642-116 VEIDD ATTADMNr GDEIRT SEFKESOE O .20 1-E12-H368-VA 642-114 VEIHD ATTADMNT GDEIRY SRFME 60K O .20 1-E12-fD69-VA 642-114 V l H D ATTAD M WT GDEIRY SEFKE 60K A IN3 en E12 - Residual Het Renoval RQ l E22 - !iigh Pressure Cbre Spray *lC

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Peny Meler Ibuer Plant thit 1 REllEF RBQtEST IIR-012, REV.1 14i11FE OF ET %


i 1-E51-0)01-A-VA 631-109 UEIHD IUF CASI?C HNP lYTESTAL 83%


O .30 1-E51-0)01-B-VA 631-109 UFJTm RHP CASDC IUF IIIESTAL 83%


t1ITmr IEMIET BUXKS N C3.30 - 1-E51-(D01-C-UA 631-109 WJrm IUF (ASDC IUF PIIESEAL 83%

Siffmr IRA &Er BUXKS A0 SS E51 - Reactor Core Isolatim Coolirg

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. ,4 PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page 8 of 29 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-018, REV. 1 s

I. Identification of components Class 1, Category B-K-1 Item No. B10.10 integrally velded support attachments for piping (See attached table for ID numbers).

II. ASME B&PV Section KI Requirements ,

Table IVB-2500-1 requires a 100% surface examination (volumetric is not applicable).

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested from the required 100% surface examination of the support lug to process pipe attachment velds due to inaccessibility of the veld face at the pipe clamp or box guide to support lug interface. jg At least 65% of the required surface is accessible and was examined during the first period, or vill be examined Guring subsequent periods, as scheduled in Section 2.6 of the ISEP.

IV. Basis for Relief the structural integrity of the piping pressure baundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting the requirements of the ASME code Section III. The subject velds were examined in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders were qualified in accordance with Code requirements, and materials were purchased and traced in accordance_vith the appropriate Code and NRC requiremitnts and guidelines.

The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test 'gg and first period inservice system pressure tests, and has operated for a-l total of_about 712 equivalent full power days between November-1987 and December 1990.

Complete examinations meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI are performed on velds _of.similar configurations.which utilized the fg i same veld techniques, procudures and materials.. The examined velds are L subject to the same opernting and environmental conditions as the partially examined velds.

Since the construction. operating'cond'itions and environmental conditions of the non-examined portion of-the velds are identical to the_  !

examined portions, it is-reasonable

  • apply satisfactory results from

, the examined to the non-examined portions.

l . .

Design, procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile failure of = the subject velds- remain as described in the Perry USAR. -



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. Attachment 2 Page 9 of 29 I

i Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-018 REV.1 In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful test and jg operating experience, the capability to exaaine at least 65% of the subject veld surfaces on a continuing basis, and protection against brittle failure, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

t V. Alternate Examination None t



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, ,. PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L  !

Attachment. 2  ;'

Page 10 of 29

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. .. PY"CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page ll of 29 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-021, REV. 1 I. Identification of Components Class 3. Category D-B, Integral Attachments: Component-supports and restraints. (See attached table for component identification). .

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVD-2500-1 requires a VT-3 visual examination.

III. Relief Requssted Relief in requested from the required visual examinations due to the inaccessibility of the components.

IV. Basta for Relief The structural integrity of the piping pressure boundary was demonsttated during construction by meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section III. All velds were inspected in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements. Veld techniques and velders were qualified in accordance with code requirements and materials were purchased and traced in accordance with the approJriate Code and NRC requirements and guidelines.

Complete examinations meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section j XI are performed on integral attachments with similar configurations-which utilized the same veld techniques, procedures and materials.

Since the construction and operating conditions of the inaccessible jgg_

velded attachments are sir.ilar to that of velded attachments that were examine? it is reasonable to extend the satisfactory results of the accessible integral attachments to the inaccessible ones.

The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test and first period inservice system pressure tests, and the plant has- b operated for a total of about 732 equivalent full power days between November 1987 and Dr -  : 1990.

In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful examinations of similar components,'and successful test and operating b experience, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternato Examination No.

Perry Mrlmr Pbuer Plant Guit 1 FF7M REUIST IIR-021, REV.1 NG1RE: & EST %

IIDt N). G N tM NT I.D. SYS./DiC.10. ESRIPTIM GGACTIM GDE EIE D2.20 1P21-H)0504lA thin Steen WlM bgs for Gderwater, E

SS-3T>405-115 Pipe Sqport Germetry D2.20 IB21-10157-UA kin Steam W1M hgs for thkneter, E  ;

j SS-3T>405-127 Pipe Support Geometry 4 ,

m.20 IB21-10167-VA k in Stesa WiM hgs for thleneter, W S5-305 4 05-126 Pipe Sipport Cemetry D2.20 1821-10179-EA thin Steam W1M has for thienster, & i 55-305-605-124 Pipe Sapport en-try m.20 IP42-10221-UA Buer. Closed O ml. W1M hgs for has in Pene. E SS-305-621-106 Pipe Sqport F111ed v/Selant i U2.20 1P45-H]643-UA Bier. Service vtr. W1h hgs for hgs in Pme. &

SS-305-791-110 Pipe S@ port Filled v/Goout ,

m.20 2P42-iOOO M fA Beer. Pl==d Gool. W1M hgs for Two of Eight hgs 73I b  :

SS-305 423-106 Pipe Sq port in Pmetratics Filled v/4=1=nt D2.20 IB21-10176-UA Main Stems W1M bgs for thienater, W SS-3054T)-130 Pipe Stpport Geometry . , > , ,

hin Steam S07i DZ.20 1821-10128-Ma W1M bgs for lhleneter, E *gQ,

, 55-3054 05-129 Pipe Sgport ra-try g {Q '

oSE, m.20 1821-10156-UA man Stems. WiM has for thienater, W -y; SS-3054T>-128 Pipe Sqport en-try y"g [

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Perry Mrlmr Power Plant thit 1 FalEF IMpFAT IIR-021, F1V. I fdI1EE & ELT % ,

IIDI 20. OMUENT I.D. SYS./DC. PD. ESTIPTIM WSIMDIN OMHIE D2.20 IB21-10158-UA min Steam WIM bgs for udenster, &

SS-305-605-125 Pipe Stpport r-try l D2.20 IB21-10173-VA kin Steam Uelded hgs for Dderwater, M l SS-305-605-123 Pipe Stpport r - try i i

D2.20 IB21-40175-uA Main steam u=1M Iqss for udenster, N  ;

SS-305-605-133 Pipe Support r-try i DZ.20 IB21-10155-uA min Steam W1M bgs for udenster, &

SS-305-605-112 Pipe Stgport e-try D2.20 IB21-10168-VA kin Steen W1M bgs for Unkneter, &

SS-35-6(E-113 Pipe Stgport e-try ,,

DZ.20 IB21-10120-UA kin Steen WlM bgs for Gdenster, E

  • 5 3Q5 & 5-114 Pipe Styport r-try 4 m.20 IB21-10159-VA kin Steam Velded hgs for Gdeneter, M SS-30Mi5-121 Pipe S4port e - try M.20 IBZ1-10160 MA k in Steam W1M hgs for thdenster, m  !

SS-305-6T>-120 Pipe Support r - try m>m ,

D2.20 IB21-10186-GA Main Steam 19 W1M hgs for thdeneter, E $"7!

SS-305-605-119 Pipe S9port e - try

  • E> S '

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! W.20 1821-40177-UA kin Stama Uelded hgs for Edenster, E o3E SS-305-405-118 Pipe Syport Geometry *"7

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Perry Mrlear Ibwer Plant udt 1 '


NKllEE & EST %

IM PC. OMUENT I.D. STS./DC. PD. ESTJFIT(N WSIBILTI(N UNIEIE D2.20 IB21401634fA kin Steen WIM bgs for Gderwater, C I SS-305-605-117 Pipe Support Geometry ,

i m.20 IB21401644TA kin Steam Veldal hgs for laderater, E  ;

SS-3054M-116 Pipe Sqpport Ceometry  ;

D2.20 1G4140396-VA Puel Pbol Cleanirg WlM bgs for hgs in Bene. E SS-305-655-114 Pi, ~g port Fillai v/ Sealant ,

D2.20 1P4240115-VA Beer. Closed Cool. W1M bgs for Two of four 30t SS-305-621-107 Pipe Supgert hgs in Pene.

Fillai v/kalant ,

4 DZ.20 1P4240222-UA Tmer. Closed Cool. Velded h gs for has in Pene. E SS-305-621-104' Pipe Syport Filla! v/9alant t

I2.20 1P4540022-VA Iber. Service Utr. Wh1 Stand 11on - Stanchian in a j SS-305-792-106 of Pipe Syport Pm e. Filled v/ Sealant ,

l D2.20 1P4540049414 Buer. Servim Utr. WlM Sleeve of Sleeve in 1%ne. Or i j - SS-305-792-112 Pipe $spport Filled w/ Sealant DZ.20 1P45-iO1274ia ' 1her. Service Utr. WIdad has for hqs in 1%ne. OC y>gj Fillai v/Lalant


SS-305-792-107 Pipe Sgport g;4i nm 4

D2.20 IP4540191-UA Beer. Service Utr. *1 M h gs for fugs in Pee. E EEC !

SS-305-791-113 Pipe Suport Fillel w/ Sealant .o, - :eSEi e " t; .

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Perry MrJear Ibuer Plant thit 1 ItFIM llBET IIR-021, IEI.1 MOUIE & EST%

l'HM 10. 00PRNNr I.D. SIS./0MG. 70. IEIRIPTIM OBSIIEETIM OMEIE 12.20 : IP454M714 Iber. Servim Utr. Velded tags for lags in Pene. E g 5 315 -791-104 Pipe S gport Fillai v/La1=t -

D2.20 1P45-10417-M Beer. Servim Utr. Velded Iags fx Iggs in Pene. OE 5 305-791-101 Pipe Sgport Fillai w/Lai m t m.20- 2P42-80024 4 lher. Closed Gtol. 61M IAqs for h of Sir 66%

5 3 5-623-112 Pipe Sgport Fuss in Bene.

Filled v/ Sealant W.20 2P42 NYP5 4 Ihte. (Las=t Cool. *1 M Iqss for h of Six - 66Z 5 305-623-110 Pipe Support tags in Pene Filled v/%=larit m > ~e  !

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. .. PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment ~ 2 l Page 16 of 29 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-022, REV.1 I. Identification of Components

. Class 3 Category F-A, Item F3.10, Component Supports. (See attached table for component identification).

l l II. ASME Bl.PV Section XI Requirements Table IVF-2500-1 requires a VT-3 visual examination.

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested on that portion of the component that cannot be subjected to the required visual examination. (See attached table for amount of component that is accessible).

IV. Basis for Relief The structural integrity of the piping pressure boundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting the requirements of the ASME-

, Code Section III. All supports were inspected in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements. Veld techniques and velders were qualified in accordance with Code requirements and materials were purchased and traced in accordance with the appropriate Code and NRC requirements and guidelines.

Complete examinations meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI are perforn.ed on supports adjacent to the inaccessible supports. g Since the construction and operating conditions of the inaccessible supports are sitilar to those of supports that vere examined -it is g

[ reasonable to extend the satisfactory results of the accessible supports i

to the inaccessible supports.

l The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test and first period inservice system pressure tests, and the plant has 6 operated for a total of about 712 equivalent fu'.1 power days between November 1987 and December 1990.

In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful examinations of adjacent supports, and sue::essful test and operating b-experience, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the -

i overall level of plant quality and safety. 5 l

V. Alternate Examination No.

w g. n +p-v e y , - g g. , g-.wy-.ry y9.p q p 4-- p.g y .

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Perry Mrlear Power Plant thit 1 FFTJW R!DlEST IIR4)22, RE'I.1  !


IIDI M). (IMRMNr I.D. S75./B0. N). MSmIP17(N WSIRLTRN CLM IEIE D.10 1821-8 1150 Main Steam Pipe Q2ide nulervater, M SS-305 4 05-115 c-try F3.10- 1B2140157 thin Staus Pipe Qiide udervater, M i E 30 Mf)5-115 r-try .

F3.10 18214 0167 Main Steam Pipe Q11de ndervater, M

, SS-3[5 405-115 Geometry F3.10 1B2140179 Main Stama Pipe Glide Gderwater, M SS-3054 05-115 r-try F1.10 1E1240476 net, Pipe Qaide Qaide in Pen. 25%

SS-305 4 05-124 Filled v/%1mt F3.10 IP4240221 Buer. da==i Cool. Pipe Gilde Qaide in Pet. M -

SS-305 421-104 Filled v/ Sealant F3.10 1P4540643 Buer. Service Utr. Pipe Q2ide Q2ide in Pet. M SS-325-791 110 Fillat w/Grtmit F3.10 2P4240009 Huer. dnasul Gool.

SS-3(5 423-106 Pipe Gilde Oside Partially In Penetratist 7St &

Filled v/ Sealant , > .e E *?

F3.10 1B2140176 lhin Ste m Pipe Q11de Gderieter, M *E2 SS-3054 05-130 c.,r-try ;iCi F3.10- Dder.ater, oE5?

1821 4 0128 Main Stema Pipe Qaide & **7 55-2[5 4 05-129 c-try ""g:

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l Peny Mehr Pbwer Plant thit 1  !


IIDI 20. GNUENT I.D. SYS./DlG. 10. ESutIFFIm WSDEJCTIM QNEIE D.10 1B2140156 hin Steam Pipe Q11de 3denster, M SS-305405-128 Geumetry D.10 18214 0158 hin Steam Pipe Gilde thienater, M SS-305-605-125 Gesetry ,

F3.10 1B21-10173 hin Steam Pipe Glide thdenster, M SS '305605-123 Geometry F3.10 18214 0175 hin Stema Pipe Gilde thienater, M SS-305 405-122 r-try D.10 1B2140155 hin Stessa Pipe Q11de thdenster, M SS-305 605-112 c-try D.10 1B2140168 Main Stomi Pipe Gilde thdenster, M  !

SS-305-605-113 r-try

- D.10 18214 0120 Main Steam Pipe Qaide lhdenster, M SS-305-605-114 eq D.10 1B2140159 hin Steam Pipe Gilde ikuienster, W 5 305405-121 Germetry D.10 18214 0160 Main Steam SS-335 4 05-120 Pipe Gilde thdenster, eg M [heeg Gi iO '

O .10 1B2140186 hin Stessi Pipe Qaide thienster, M o eg; SS-305-6 5-119 Geometry *~y

.. " " C; D.10 IB2140177 hin Steam Pipe Q1ide thienater, M yy 5 305405-118 rg ,


.m-. , r-a. ,, ,,-r,.. c ,, .,- . , , .-e.,- y .

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Perry Mrimr Power Plant Wit 1 -



IIDI NL U M U efr I.D. SYS./DWG. ML IESCRIPTRN OBSIBIEIEN QM'1EIE F3.10 1E21-10163 min Steam Pipe Q dde Ederwater, at '

SS-3(5 4 05-117 m w try F3.10 1821-10164 hin Steam Pipe Qiide Gderieter, QC SS-305 605-116 Gecumetry n.10 acci-an96 a=1 Pool d-ig 5 305 4 55-114 Pipe Qdde Qdde in Pm.

Fillai v N imt OC g ,

F3.10 1P42-10115 Huer. ("hwad Gml. Pipe Q11de Qaide Partially SOE L305421-107 in Pm. Filled v/ Sealant

- D.10 IP42 H F12 1her. Closed QxW. Pipe Gilde Qaide la Pen. OE I 5.05421-104 Fillai v N 1mt F3.10 1P4540022 1her. Servim Vtr. Pipe Anchor Ardor in Pen. OE E305-792-106 Filled vN1mt l F3.10 1P45-10049 1her. Servim Utr. Pipe Anchor Anthoc in Pen. E t 5 305-792-112 F111ert v N i m t D.10 1P45-10127 1her. Servim Utr. Pipe Anchor Anchor in Pen. OC 5 305-792-107 Filled v/Senlant .e > .e D.10


1P45-10162 Emer. Servim Utr. Fipe Qaide Gda in Pam E *%Qi 5 315-792-104 Filled v N 1= t G[C' O .10 IP45-10191 1her. Servim Vtr. Pipe Qdde oEE' Gdde in Pen. OC " 7 ;

5 305-791-113 Filled v/%=1mt ""C Y

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Perry Nelser Pbuer Plant thit 1 '



O .10 1P4541271 Eber. Servim Vtr. Pipe Gilde Gdde in Pm. E d  !

E305-791-104 Fillai v/ Sealant -i F3.10 IP454D97 lher. Service Vtr. Pipe Qxide lhdenster in W 5 305-791-108 4 Limitei Access 59 t

. F3.10 1P45 4 D98 Iher. Service Vtr. Pipe Oside thderwater in W  !

jL E305-791-108 Limited Access i SW I f'

F3.10 1E%5-4ED99 Buer. Service Vtr. Pipe Glide thdenster in W i 5 305-791-109 Limital W 5:

Socp D.10 1P45-lEM00 Iher. Servam Ut . Pipe Q dde thdenerar in W t i

S h 791-109 Lindted Access i SM

' I

. F3.10 ' 1P45-410617 Buer. Servim Utr. Pipe Qaide adh in Inma. W j SS-315-791-101 Filled w/Lalmt T

F3.10 IP454M30 Buer. Service Utr. - Pipe Qdde ad h in Psa.: W 5 305-791-102- Filled w/9mlarit .e > *e e ., .<

o:, - e .

l F3.10 2P42-10024 Buer. d an=d O ml. Pipe adh Qdde Partially M *$0!

!' SS-305-623-112 . In ftue. Filled - Ug C t k-

, v/9m1=t oEE; me x ,

!  : D.10 . MM h . d M Qiol. Pipe Gilde. Qda Petally M @"G!

.! E305-423-110 in Pene. Filled M

j. w/Lalarat e-r 1


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. .. PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page 21 of 29

  • r Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-024 I. Identification of Components Class 1. Category B-F, *.' tem B5.10, Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Velds (see attached table for ID numbers).

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVB-2500-1 requires 100% surface and volumetric examination.

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested from the required 100% volumetric exama.'ation, at the first and subsequent examinations as scheduled in Section 2.6 of the ,


IV. Basis for Relief Safe-end to safe-end extension velds of.the Core Spray and Resioual Heat Removal nozzles, which are inconel to carbon steel binetallic velds, can not be effectively ultrasonically examined using conventional shear vave techniques.

To overceme the metallurgical properties impeding the conventional shear wave ultrasonic transmission, refracted longitudinal vave examinations are employed. The acoustic properties of refracted longitudinal wave propagation limit the technique to 1/2 vee path. The Code required volume necessitates either 1/2 vee path scanning from both sides of the veld or full vee path scanning from one sioe-through the veld and required volume. Therefore, when joint geometry precludes adequate scan paths on both sides of a veld for 1/2 vee scanning, the perpendicular examination of the veld and required volume vill be limited. For the subject safe-end to safe-e.nd extension velds, a-safe-end taper limits

' scanning from one side of the veld to approximately 60% resulting in an overall perpendicular examination completion: percentage of approximately 80% (see Fig. IR-024.1 below).

The structural-integrity of the piping pressure boundary was l demonstrated during construction by meeting the requirements of ASHE Code Section III. The subject velds vere examined in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders were qualif.ied in accordance with Code requirements, and materials vere purchased and traced in accordance with the appropriate Code and NRC e requirements and guidelines. There were no reportable indications during ASME Section XI preservice inspections.


. , PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L

, Attachment 2 Page 22 of 29 l Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RE1JEF REQUEST GIR-024-The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test and first period inservice systes pressure tests, and has operated for a total of about 712 equivalent full power days between November 1987 and December 1990.

Although the examinations are limited, the most critical areas of the '

veld and required volume are adequately covered. The root of the veld receives full two directional coverage and both the heat affected zones receive covers je which is essentially perpendicular to the end preparation.

Since the construction, operating conditions and environmental conditions of the non-examined portion of the velds are identical to the examined portions, it is reasonable to apply satisfactory results from the examined to the non-examined portions.

Design, procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile failure of the subject velds remain as described in the Perry USAR.

In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful test and operating experience, the capability to examine most of the subject veld '

volumes on a continuing basis, and protection against brittle failure, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternate Examination None.

i-Transducer Scan Tranducer Scan l hard REV . ,%ey FranIEV fE M =i k

[; he-End #;(h>.s elt.enstm y 4~ s Pipe / .

'C i n

YN v i

N Full Coverage _ Examination Volume = ABCD -

Liznited Coverage FIGURE IR-024-1

_ ._ r .





Perry Nelmr Ibwer Plant thit 1 REllE REIJEST IIR-024


IHM NO. GMDBir I.D. SYS./ DUG.10. [ESTIFTI(N OPSIMETICN GMYEIE B5.10 1813-NSA-FC RX/SS-305406-109 IR:S Nozzle safe- Joint Geometry / 80E Perpendicular ed to safe-ed Nra11'wEy '100E Parallel extasian B5.10 IB13-N5B-FC RX/SS-305-006-109 HPCS Muzie safe- Joint r-try/ 80t Perpendimlar erd to safe-ed Meta 11 rgy 100C Parallel extmsicn B5.10 IBl3 & A-FE RI/SS-305405-109 NR nozzle safe- Joint ru mptry/ 80E Perpedicular ed to safe-ed krallergy 100E Pc.rallel extension B5.10 IB13&B-#C RX/SS-305-005-109 MR ruwzle safe- Joint c-try/ 80E Perpedicular ed to safe-ed Meta 11 rgy 100E Parallel extaufm B5.10 IB13MC-FC RX/SS-305405-109 NR sww71, safe- Joint e-try/ SOE Perpedicular ed to safe-ed Mera11.rgy 100t Parallel ertssion RI - Beactor W 1 IECS - Im Prissure Core Spray arcs - nigh Pressure axe spray y>m NR - Residtaal Heat Reurmal A O 'f

  • Rn 5ifC


=~c Y


  • ~ ., PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L Attachment 2 Page 24 of 29 Perry Nuclear Pover Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST IIR-025 I. Identification of Components class 1 Category B-K-1. Item No. B10.10 integrally velded support attachments for piping (See attached table for-ID numbers).

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVB-2500-1 requires a-100% surface examination (volumetric is not applicable).

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested-from the required 100% surface examination of the support lug to process pipe attachment velds because access limitations from the surrounding guide structure prohibit surface preparation and examination of the attachment velds without disassembly of the guide.

IV. Basis for Relief The velded attachments identified in the attached table are pipe lugs within large and complicated guide supports for the 26" main steam piping. Disassembly (and the subsequent reassembly) of the guides to-provide access for the required surface exams requires over 320 manhours for each guide in a general radiation area of_approximately-10 ar/hr.

l Vithout disassembly, access is sufficient for VT-1 examination (utilizing mirrors and a fiberscope) of the velds.- Utilization of the VT-1 exams in lieu of surface exams maintains an adequate level of quality and safety without the hardships which would be incurred in disassembly. '

The structural integrity of the' piping pressure boundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section III. .The subject velds vere examined-in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders vere qualified in accordance with Code requirements, and materials vere purchased and traced in accordance with.the appropriate. code and NRC requirements and guidelines.

The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test -

and first period inservice system pressure tests, and has operated for a total of about 712 equivalent full power days between November 1987 and December 1990.

  • i Design, procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile failure of the subject velds remain as described in the Perry USAR.


  • PY-CEI/NRR-1334 L

}' . ,,

Attachment 2 8

Page 25 of 29


I Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 i i RELIEF REQUEST IIR-025 ,

3 In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful test and  ;

operating experience, the capability to visually examine the subject '

, veld surfaces on a continuing basis, and protection against brittle failure, it is corcluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternate Examination j VT-1 examinations vill be performed, to the extent and frequency required by Table IVB-2500-1, in lieu of surface examinations.

4 1

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Pierry Mrlmr Ibwer Flant thit 1 ,


l THM 70. 00PRMNr I.D. SfS./DWG. Po. I E N ITFII M OBSMUIm GM j B10.10 1821-C101A-VA MS/SS-3[5-605-101 W1M logs fx O2ide Assembly M*

PI Pe Euide ,

i k

$ B10.10 IB21-G1018-UA 16/55-3(5-605-102 Veldst hgs fx O2ide Assembly M* i l

PI Pe guide l

'B10.10 1821-G101CATA Pts /SS-305-605-103 W1M hgs fx Qaide Assembly M* .

l  !

PI Pe guide


B10.10 1821-G1011Mia MS/SS-3[5-605-104 WIM hgs fx Q11de Assembly M*

PI Pe guide t

  • Os maplete fx required surface exandnation, but essentially l' JOE cmplete fx alternative VT-1 examination.

MS - Min Steen ,

I i

5 1



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. .* 4 PY-CEl/NRR-1334 L a Attachment 2 Page 27 of 29 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUEST #1R-026 I. Identification of Components Class 2, Category C-C, Item No. C3.20 integrally velded support attachments for piping (See attached table for ID numbers).

II. ASME B&PV Section XI Requirements Table IVC-2500-1 requires a 100% surface examination (volumetric is not applicable).

III. Relief Requested Relief is requested from the required 100% surface examination of the support lug to process pipe attachment velds because access limitations from the surrounding guide structure prohibit surface preparation and examination of the attachment velds without disassembly of the guide.

IV. Basis for Relief The velded attachments identified in the attached table are pipe lugs within large and complicated guide supports for 26" main steam and 20" feedvater piping. Disassembly (and the subsequent reassembly) of the guides to provide access for the required surface exams requires over 320 manhours for each guide in a general radiation area of approximately 5 mr/hr. Vithout disassembly, access is sufficient for VT-1 examination (utilizing mirrors and a fiberscope) of the velds. Utilization of the VT-1 exams in lieu of surface exams maintains an adequate level of quality and safety without the hardships which would be incurred in disassembly.

l The structural integrity of the piping pressure boundary was demonstrated during construction by meeting the requirements of the ASME Code Section III. The subject velds were exaained in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements, veld techniques and velders vere qualified in accordance with Code requirements, and materials were purchased and traced in accordance with the appropriate Code and NRC requirements and guidelines.

The pressure boundary passed the required preservice hydrostatic test I and first period inservice system pressure tests, and has operated for a l total of about 712 equivalent full power days between November 1987 and December 1990.

Design, procurement and operational provisions against nil ductile failure of the subject velds-remain as described in the Perry USAR.

  • ? e* l'Y-CEI/NRR- 1334 L $

a Attachment 2 Page 28 of 29 e

Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 RELIEF REQUP.ST WIR-026 In summary, because of acceptable initial condition, successful test and operating experience, the capability to visually examine the subject veld surfaces on a continuing basis, and protection against brittle failure, it is concluded that there is no significant impact on the overall level of plant quality and safety.

V. Alternate Examination VT-1 examinations vill be performed, to the extent and' frequency required by Table IVC-2500-1, in lieu of surface examinatiens.

NOTE: Relief from the subject surface examinations, without "

performance of an alternative visual examination, was previously requested in Relief Request IR-012, Rev. O, and granted by NRR in a Safety Evaluation dated April 25, 1990.

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i 1 1%ny Mrimr Ibuer Plant thit 1 i

BF7M Rsrpm 3IR426 f I

tmusa EST %

nm m. anoeir I.D. m. [E50tTIPTIM OBS M E TI M G m EIE O .20 IN11-W221-VA MS/LS -305-6T>-108 WlM hgs for Odde Asserbly M*

Pi pe guide i i

O .20 IN11-NT7M-UA E/SS-305-65110 Welded hgs for Odde Asserbly M*

PI Pe guide  ;

0 .20 IN11 MlM LUA E/SS-305-605-107 WlM hgs for Odde Assably M*

Pi pe guide d.20 IN11-R1224-VA E/SS-305-405-109 WIM hgs for Odde Assably M*  ;

. pipe guide

- O .20 IN27-31031-UA N/SS-305482-106 blM hqs for Odde A::sably M*- i PI Pe guide G.20 INZ7-E032-UA N/SS-335482-101 WIM hgs for Odde Asse61y M*

PIPe Ruide

  • 0C complete for required surface exandnation, but essmthily 100s nurlate for altemative VF-1 euminathm.

E - h in Steam N - Fawkater-m 2- m me *<

'T 2 n e N7M


C 3 M

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.,s . - -m . _ , -