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Provides Addl Info Re 830511 Response to SER Issue 48, High Energy Line Breaks, Analyzing Two worst-case Scenarios. Radiological Consequences of Postulated Events Less than 10% of 10CFR100 Limits
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/1983
From: James Smith
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SNRC-940, NUDOCS 8308090244
Download: ML20024E124 (3)


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7 f LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY l JEdrtDP i SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION g famaw ke P.O. BOX 618, NORTH COUNTRY ROAD + WADING RIVER, N.Y.11792 Dkect Dial NumWr August 2, 1983 SNRC-940 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 SER Issue No. 48-High Energy Line Breaks Shoreham Nuclear Power Station- Unit 1 Docket No. 50-322


1. Letter SNRC-786 dated 11/8/82
2. Letter from NRC (A. Schwencer) to LILCO (M.S. Pollock) dated 1/24/83
3. Letter SNRC-887 dated 5/11/83

Dear Mr. Denton:

In response to SER Issue No. 48 "High Energy Line Breaks" (HELB),

LILCO-submitted the reference (1). letter forwardina a report entitled "High Energy Line Break / Control System Failure Analysis".

It was concluded that conditions resultina from HELB and subsecuent non-safety control system failures are bounded by the accident analyses contained in Chapter 15 of the FSAR.

In the reference (2) letter, the staff requested that the HELB study consider an additional single failure within the systems used to mitigate the event. In response, as stipulated in reference (3), two worst-case scenarios were evaluated for Shoreham:

Case I a) HELB occurs in Turbine Building b) Loss of feedwater heating occurs, causing reactor power increase to 117% of rated.

c) Turbine generator trip occurs coincident with peak reactor power


8300090244 830802 PDR ADOCK 05000322 O E PDR /


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1 V' August 12,1983; ,


-Page12" d)- Scram occurs as a resulthof turbine generator; trip


4 (Loss-of of# site powercalso occurs

, :e)l 'HPCI; fails ~(Single: failure)'

f) -RCIC operaths g)? : Reactor water level is' restored by RCIC


Case II a) Steps a through d are the'same as Case I e)' Loss of turbine-bypass to condenser (Single failure) f) RCIC operates

.9 ) -Reactor water level is restored by'HPCI

'..... c The occurrence 1of'theseLevents is extremely unlikely as concluded



!l 'in reference 13. iRsgardless,-these two scenarios wers' analyzed

"' . quantitatively using~the conservative. Chapter 15 analysisJmodels.

1The results{ indicate 1that. the short term part: of the Case I


event.with bypass (turbine trip"at'the thermal.' power: monitor set-point: power) is' enveloped by'the FSAR Chapter 15 Accident' Analysis.


In this case,-the peak fuel ~ cladding, temperature?is less than 9000 F asfcomparedcto the 22000rJ11mit.'iThelsec~ond event (Case II)

imposedfalfailure.ofLthe, turbine; bypass _. system'on the' initial scenarios. The peah 1 cladding;temoerature:wasJestimatedLto' reach

_approximately 12000F,;again well within~the PSAR Chapter 15 accident-

- , limits.

EBased'on further~ discussions with-Mr. J. Mauck of your staff,

further-assessment ~has'been done and'it has been determined that-Ethe radiological consequences for;these' events'will be less than-110%-~of the'10CFR 100 limits.


We trust that this.' additional 1information'is. sufficient to completely J. fclose'this: issue.. Should you have any questions, please contact this office..

.Veryltruly yours,

-- J . L. Smith. -

-Manager,' Special Projects' s Shoreham' Nuclear-Power Station RWG:bc cc:~ sJ..Higoins All Pasties Listediin~ Attachment;l) ,


-Lawrence . Brenner, Esq. Herbert H. Brown, Esq.

Administrative Judge Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq.

Atomic ~ Safety and Licensing Karla J..Letsche, Esq.

Board Panel Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Hill U.S. Nuclear-Regulatory Commission Christoper & Phillips Washington, D.C. 20555 . 8th Floor 1900 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Dr.. Peter A. Morris

' Administrative Judge '

Atomic Safety and Licensing Mr. Marc W. Goldsmith Board Panel Energy Research Group U.S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~4001 Totten Pond Road Washington, D.C. 20555 Waltham, Massachusetts 02154-Dr. James H. Carpenter MHB Technical Associates Administrative Judge 1723 Hamilton Avenue Atomic Safety and Licensing' Suite K Board Panel _

San Jose, California 95125 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington,.D.C. 20555 Stephen B. Latham, Esq.

Twomey, Lutham.& Shea Daniel F. Brown, Esq. .33 West Second Street Attorney . P.O. Box 398

. Atomic Safety and Licensing Riverhead, New York 11901

. Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission t Washington, D.C. 20555 Ralph Shapiro, Esq.

Cammer and Shapiro, P.C.

9 East 40th Street-Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq. New York, New York 10016 David A. Repka, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

, ~

Matthew J.-Kelly, Esq.

State of New York


Department of Public Service James Dougherty Three Empire State Plaza 3045 Porter Street Albany, New York 12223 Washington, D.C. 20008

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