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Forwards Completed NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheets,Per Generic Ltr 90-01
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1990
From: Shelton D
1790, GL-90-01, GL-90-1, NUDOCS 9004160043
Download: ML20012F509 (12)



, 1 1


a e ww to cm nr  !

L DONALD C, SHELTON f vu nom _ Nm 3 (410)P49 2300 I Docket Number 50-346 .!

License Number NPF-3 f

Serial Number 1790 April 3. 1990 5

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk I Vashington, D. C. 20555 l Subject : Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey (Generic Letter Number 90-01) ,

r Gentlemen:  ;

r Toledo Edison appreciates the opportunity to participate in the subject Regulatory Impact Survey. Attached please find the completed Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire sheets which vere prepared utilizing the additional clarifying information to Generic Letter 90-01 provided by NUMARC.

In accordance with the NUMARC guidance, a separate line entry was added 'to Item Number 5 of the questionnaire to include involvement by, supervisors in inspection activities. Additionally, the total time data requested in Item Number 5 is reported in manhours rather than percentage of total time.

i If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. R. V. Schrauder, Manager - Nuclear Licensing, at (419) 249-2366.  ;

Very truly yours, ,

/9 -

_ s RWG/ssg >

Attachment cc P. H. Byron, DB-1 NRC Resident Inspector A. B. Davis, Regional Administrator, NRC Region III B. Lee Jr. (NUMARC)

T. V. Vambach, DB-1 NRC Senior Project Manager i 9004160043 900403 PDR P ADOCK 05000346 i PDC 'I 4 THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY EDISON PLAZA 300 MADISON AVENUE TOLEDO, OHIO 43652  ;

Docket Number 50-346 -

  • Licance Number NPF-3 i Serial Number 1790 )

Attachment j Page 1 )

NRC Reeulatov laeact Survey  ;

ouesttometre sneet j

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC TEAM INSPECTIONS l


2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how oftes )

15 this activity Conductogt Two NRC Team inspections per year  :


3. Operations / Construction areas covemd Maintenance. E0P's, Radiation


Protection Program ,

i 4 Extent of the activity. (how many people, for how long)' NRC team inspections generally consist of 4-8 inspectors who are onsite for ,

r one to three weeks ,



5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, aud in response to the activity described in Itas #1.
a. Plant Department Heads 513 (number involved) 20  ;
b. Plant Manager 24 j 1
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved) .


d. Corporate Vice Presidents 24 I (numberinvolved)  ;

[ e. Chief Nuclear Officer I

f. Supervisors 413 (number involved) ,11 1 i

i Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time

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Docket Nurbst 50-346 ticense Number NPF-3  !

4 Serial Number 1790 l

Attachment NRC Resula"a*y insect Survey Page 2 l uuest' o umre sneet t

1. Type of inspection, auett or. evaluation: NRC RESIDENT .RECION III . ,


t i



2. Bases on actual experience over the past several years, about how often i is this activity coneuttaa! Approximately 13 Regional Inspections and ,

8 to 10 Resident inspections per year i

3. Operations / Construction areas covered: Chemistry, Safeguards. Allegations, Radwaste, Fire Protection. Environmental Monitoring and other SALP 1

areas are covered i 4 Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) NRC Resident ,

Inspections consist of 3 inspectors for 4-6 weeks.NRC regional typically inspections consist of 2 inspectors for 1 week. -

I l

i S. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the f following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and '

in response to the activity described in Item fl.

a. Plant Department Heads 567 (numberinvolved) 18
b. Plant Manager 56
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 12.5 I (numberinvolved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer {
f. Supervisors 593 (number involved) 25 l Note: llumbers given are in nanhours per year rather than total time 1

l- I I


. Docket Number 50-346 l Igi.canss.Numbar NPF-3 l Scrial Number 1790 t


, 3 .

NRC Reeviatory laeact Survey vuestionnaire sneet -


1. Type of inspection, auett or evaluation: INPO EVALUATIONS / VISITS f

I t

j 2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about-how oftee '

is this activity ConeuCted? INPO performs n'olant evaluation 12 to 18 , j h months j 3. Operations / Construction areas covered: Areas covered in INPO evaluations' j include training. maintenance plant operations, etc. }


} ,

4 f 4 Extent of the activity (how many people. for how long) The plant evaluation generally include 8-14 individuals on site for approximately 2 weeks [

I l

! 5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and '

in response to the activity-described in Item fl.

a. Plant Deparanent Heads 331 (numberinvolved) 14 ,
b. Plant Manager 60
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 40 (mmber involved) I
e. Chief Nuclear Officer _
f. Supervisors 764 (number involved) 52 1

Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time 1

i l



Docket Nu bar 50-346 ,

Licensa Number NPF-3 i

Serial Number 1790 Attachment Page 4 NRC Regulato+y lusact Survey Questioluisire sheet 1 I


1. Type of inspect 1on, audit or evaluation: INSURERS (ANI) -


2. Based on actual experience over the past several' years, about how often - I 18 this activity Coneucted? Liabildtv evaluations occur once or twice  !

a year '

, 3. Operations / Construction areas covered: Liability evaluations generally cover Fire Protection, general housekeeping, Radiological Monitoring Program I and industry awareness '

t 4

Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) The evaluation generally involves 2 individuals for 2-3 days i

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual' basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl.
a. Plant Department Heads 29 (numberinvolved) {
b. Plant Manager 1 4
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (numberinvolved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer
f. Supervisors 50 (number involved) 9 Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time l l

'-Docket. Number 50-346  ;

Liccase' Number WPF-3 Serial Number 1790 i

  • I "

$ 5 NRC Regulatory impact Survey Questionnaire sneet j i

. 1. Type of inspection. aucit or evaluation: L*S / OHIO EPA

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often  !

is this activity conoucted! Meeting with representatives from the EPA occur.


approximate 1v 4 times per year l l

3. Operations / Construction areas covered: The areas covered include the l t

water treatment facility,the NPDES permit program and reportable events


4 Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) EPA inspections generally involve 1 inspector and'last from 1 to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> b


5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the q following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and J l

in response to the activity described in Item fl.


a. Plant Department Heads 8 2 (numerinvolved). l l
b. Plant Manager 2 '
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (numberinvolved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer  !
f. Supervisors 54 _ (number involved) 8 l

l Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time -

I l  !

l i


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t Docket Number 50-346 l ' Licens.e Number NPF-3 l Serial Number 1790 ,

Attachment {

.i page 6 NRC Reeulatorv Imoact Survey ouestionnaire sneet i

1. Type of inspection, auait or evaluationg OSKA l

1 l

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often I

{ is this activity coneuctacy OSHA inspections typical y occur once per year i l


3. Operations / Construction areas covered: The inspections include I investication of employee complaints, asbestos related activities, and work i

safetv practices 4

Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) The inspections l

typically involve 1 inspector for lh days t


'  ?

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl. {
a. Plant Department Heads 24 (numberinvolved) 8 5
b. Plant Manager 7
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 4 (numberinvolved)

I l e. Chief Nuclear Officer

f. Supervisors 36 (number involved) 8 Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time I

l l

r i

. Docket Number 50-346 j

,. License. Number NPF-3  !

l Shrial Number 1790 i

! Attachment Page 7 NRC Reeulato+y Issact Survey vuestioinaire sneet f y

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION j

( DOT )

, 2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how oftee i l 15 this activity consected! DOT inspections occur on an. annual basis  ;

h i

3. Operations / Construction areas covered: The inspection verifies compliance  ;

with DOT codes and requirements {

4 Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) The DOT l

inspections typically involve 2 to 3 personnel for I day 1 -


5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and i in response to the activity described in Item fl. i h a. Plant Department Heads 2 I (numberinvolved) i
b. Plant Manager 1
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (neber involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer
f. Supervisors 16 (number involved) 2 i

Note: Numhers given are in manhours per year rather than total time l

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Docket Number 50-346 '

1,1censis. Number NPT-3 l Serial Number 1790 '

Attachment Page 8 f NRC Reeulatory Imoact Survey  !

vuestionnaire sneet

1. Type of inspection, auait or evaluation: 0^ ^ nits  !


Based on actual experience over ast severa QAthe aud gts are con,lge,ags, onabout how pftes  ;

is this activity coneuctady. a quarter y or annual basis depending on the' area covered f

3. Operations / Construction areas covered: Areas covered durina OA audits {

include traininc. maintenance. plant operations and other quality related. ,

activities s

4 Extent of the activity (how many people, for how lung) The OA audits typically involve 3 to 6 inspectors for one to two man weeks l ';


5.  !

Approximate percentage of total' time (on an annual. basis) which thee +

following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during, and in response to the activity described in Item fl. 'I

a. Plant Department Heads 446 (M M P involved) IO


b. Plant Manager 32 l
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)  !
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 8.5 I ^


e. Chief Nuclear Officer <

. t

f. Supervisors 1000 (number involved). 40 Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time Il

. . - - - . . . _- - - . . _ _ _ . . _ .lt

_ ._ _ _ _ .._ _ ~.- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ ___ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ ._ . . _ .

q Dockot Number 50-346

' License Numbor NPF-3 Serial Tumber 1790 Attachment Page 9 gp

1. Type of inspection. 49ett er evaluattent NON-0A SE1.T A$$ES$MENTS i

i 4 .\


2. Beste on actual taperience over the 9481 several years, thout new often j

( il this activity coneucteeg several management audits ano Quality i I

I Assurance Program audits have occured over the past 2 years

3. ODerations/ Construction 4F948 coveftgg All quality related areas I i


, i



4 Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

  • d .

! 5. AppPostmate percentage of total time (en an annual basis) which the

{ following managers must spene in direct involvement before during, and 1 l in response to the activity sescribed in item fl.


4. Plant Department Heads 294 (numeerinvolves) 6

. b. Plant Manager l

c. Carpereto Department Heses (numberinvolved)

,i d. Carperate Vice Presidents (numberinvolved) l

t. Chief Nuclear Officer ,

) f. Supervisors 430 (number involved) 14

Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time i
i 1  ;

I i


'I I

~ Docket Nu bar 50-3%

License Number NPT-3 Serial Number 1790 Attachment Page 10 NeC Reeula< mry atact Survey 1

c- t ' anna' re sneet l

1. Type of inspostion auett er evaluation: STATE / LOCAL AUTHOR m ts l

l l

z. in On uusi . p.rience over the put .v.r.i t has er il this activity Cemaggtegg Inspection / visits 7rom rs,state a and local nffte4mir nretir nn a nnn-neriodic basis.

! 3. Operttiens/Censtrist$1en arees cevered: Plant toura by local officals, atata l

M involvement in ASME code related activities. Tire Protection and Emergency l

l J

Preparedness activities are covered during visits .

J t

i 4

Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) The number of people involved varies according to the nature of the inspection / visit  ;

\ -

' l l

f I

5. Apprentaata percentage of total time (.n an anneal basis) which the following managers must spend in airect involvement before, during, and in response to the activity eescribed in ites fl.
a. Plant Deparsment Heads 137

( m imivW 15 j

b. Plant Manager 8
c. Corporate Deparment Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 5 I (neuter involves)  !
t. Chief Nuclear Officer  !
f. Supervisors 94 (number involved) 16 i Note Numbers civen are in manhours per year rather than total time k,

i l \

! l

.tiocket Number $0-3%

L$qcnss Nu bar NPT-3

' serial Number 1790 Attachment rage 11 NRC Reeula'ary 'moect survey oues t' enna' re sneet

1. Type of inspection, auett or evaluatient omR (Smm)

Joint Utility Management Assessments. Tederal Wildlife Service. Ohio Department of hatural Resources. Artoy Corps of Engineers

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how oftee il this activity conducted! These activities occur at varving f requencies
3. Operations / Construction areas coveredt various 4

Estent of the activity (how many people, for how long) ,varioua

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before during, and in response to the activity described in Itas fl.
a. Plant Department Heads 218 (numberinvolved) 13
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (numberinvolved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (nusber involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer
f. Supervisors 190 (number involved) 20 Note: Numbers given are in manhours per year rather than total time

. . . . __ U