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Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-21, Request for Info Re Status of Implementation of USI Requirements.
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/14/1989
From: Bird R
TASK-***, TASK-OR BECO-89-178, GL-89-21, NUDOCS 8912280252
Download: ML20011D685 (16)


J, GL 89-21

.M emwm Pilgrim Nuclear Fbwer station Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts o2360 Ralph G. Bird BECo 89-178 senior vice President - Nuclear December 14, 1989 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 License DPR-35 Docket 50-293 RESPONSE TO GENERIC LETTER 89-21:

REQUEST FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING STATUS OF IMPL EMENTATION OF UNRESOLVED SAFETY ISSUE (USI) REOUIREMENTS Generic Letter 89-21, dated 10/19/89, requested the implementation status of unresolved safety issue (USI) requirements applicable to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

Attached is the information requested, in the format designated in Enclosure 1 to Generic Letter 89-21.

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GGW/jcp/3886 Attachment cc: Mr. D. Mcdonald, Project Manager Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mail Stop: 1401 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike i Rockville, MD 02852 '

O. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Senior NRC Resident Inspector Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

/94/2 8912280252 s91214 DR ADOCK 0500 3 /[f i

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. ATTACHMENT-TO-BECO LETTER 89-178-Resoonse'to Generic 4 Letter 89-21::

Reauest for Information Concernina Status of-Imolementation of Unresolved Safety-Issue (USI) Reauirements '

(14 pages)-

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Pilorim Nuclear Power Station - ResDonse to Generic letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved M %11 MPA REFERENCE APPLIC- STATUS

  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS B&W NA PNPS is a BWR and is not affected by this issue.

USI: A-5 B&W Steam NUREG-0844 Generator Tube GL 85-02 PWR Integrity NUREG-0408. Mark 1 C By letter dated 10/14/75, BECo endorsed the GE Final Report USI: A-6 Mark 1 BECo letter, dated 10/14/75 BWR 6/21/78 on the Mark i Short Term Program (NEDC 20989). This report MPA: A-05 Containment Final Report for PNPS provided the GE analysis, for plants referenced in the report, to Short Term confirm structural and functional capability of the containment Program BECo letter, dated 12/1/76 proposed TS changes suppression chamber and attached piping to withstand NRC letter, dated 6/21/78 newly-identifed suppression pool hydrodynamic loading conditions not considered in the original design analysis.

issued Amendment 31.

BECo letter, dated 5/31/89 Subsequent to the Final Report, BECo requested a technical SIMS Update specification amendment to assure that normal plant operating conditions are within the envelope of those censidered in the GE analysis. The NRC staff approved the proposed technical specification and issued amendment 31 by letter dated June 21, 1978. The supporting Safety Evaluation concluded that the issuance of the amendment provided the necessary assurance that the plant's operating conditions remain within the envelope assumed in the GE Final Report in accordance with the Mark i Short Term Containment Program for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1. Verification of closeout of this issue at Pilgrim was provided in the BECo SIMS update letter, dated 5/31/89.

C - Complete 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary Page 2 of 14 E -' Evaluating Actions Necessary

. == u -.




Pilorim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety Issues For. Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/


  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE BEMARKS USI: A-7 Mark i Long NUREG -0661 Mark l C Subsequent to the issuance of the Orders, dated 1/13/81, and MPA: D-01 Term Program NUREG 4661, Suppl.1 BWR 4/12/85 the submittal of the final Plant Unique Analysis (PUA) by BECo.

TAC: 7948 Order, dated 1/13/81 dated 10/26/83, the NRC staff and technnical consultants BECo letter. dated 1/15/82 reviewed the PUA and supplemental information provided by -

proposed TS change BECo. The NRC safety evaluation, dated 1/30/85, indicated it NRC letter, dated 2/5/82 had completed its assessment of the PNPS, Unit 1 PUA against issued Amendment 53 the generic acceptance criteria contained in NUREG-0661 and BECo letter, dated 10/26/83 its supplements. The NRC staff concluded that the dynamic loads PUA for PNPS utilized by BECo were conservative and found acceptable. The

.NRC letter, dated 11/7/84 letter transmitting the safety evaluation requested BECo to issued Amendment 83. submit proposed technical specification changes because of the NRC letter. dated 1/30/85 Mark I containment program modifications at PNPS. BECo SE for PUA for PNPS letter, dated 4/12/85, indicated all modifications were BECo letter, dated 4/12/85 complete and all technical specifications had been requested and completion of Mark i Long approved by amendment 53, dated 2/5/82, and by amendment Term Program. 83, dated 11/7/84, thus implementing all requirements of the BECo letter, dated 10/30/87 Mark I Long Term Program.

SIMS/MPA Update USI: A-8 Mark II NUREG-0808 Mark 11 NA NA for PNPS.

Containment NUREG-0487 Supp.1/ 2 BWR This USI is addressed specifically to BWR plants with Mark 11 Pool Dynamic NUREG-0802 containments.

Loads C - Complete

  • l- incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 3 of 14 9

Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/


  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-9 Anticipated .NUREG-0460,Vol. 4 All l PNPS ATWS related modifications (ARl/RPT) regt4md MPA: A-20 Transients 10CFR 50.62 technical specification changes in 1980. NRC lette'/, dated -

C-02 Without Scram .BECo letter, dated 4/7/80, see note 5/12/80, issued Amendment 42 including TS charges for ATWS TAC: 59127 proposed TS changes for under ARl/RPT mods. Amendment 62, dated 8/5/82,1v.luded ,

65493 ATWS RPT/ARI mods. Remarks clarification of the LCO's for the ATWS related TS ax:tions. -

NRC letter, dated 5/12/80, Because of SLCS modifications required by to CFR 50.62, BECo issued Amendment 42. proposed TS changes, dated 5/29/87. The NRC issued GL 85-03 Amendment 102, dated 8/5/87. Modifications to the standby

.GL 85-06 liquid control system were completed on 9/16/88 by plant

.BECo letter, dated 5/29/87, design change (PDC) 86-75.

proposed TS change. On 9/8/88, the NRC issued a requested TS change (Amendment

.NRC letter, dated 8/5/87, 121) that clarifies survellance requirements for ATWS issued Amendment 102. RPT/ARI instruments at PNPS.

.NRC letter, dated 9/8/88, issued Amendment 121. Note: This USI remains open for Pilgrim due to an unreso!ved

.NRC letter, dated 6/6/89, issue regarding diversity requirements of the ATWS rule. The post-implementation review BWROG has appealed the NRC staff position on these oiversity requirements. However, ATWS related systems at Filgrim are operational.

C - Complete 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 4 of 14

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Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety Issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USl/


  • NUMBEiB TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS EMR C The NRC safety evaluation, dated 5/29/84. concluded that USI: A-10 BWR NUREG-0619

.NRC L:: ster, dated 11/13/80 1/11/85 appropriate modifications were being made at to limit MPA: B-25 Feedwater GL 81-11 See note crack growth in the feedwater nozzles. By cutting s.4 capping TAC: 8841 Nozzle NRC Letter, dated 5/29/84 under the CRD retum line, BECo eliminated potential cracking in the 6866 Cracking Remarks CRD fetum line nozzle.

(SER) The staff indicated that BECo should continue to perform the routine inspections of the feedwater nozzles and spargers at the intervals specified in Table 2 of NUREG-0619 to ensure crack growth does not exceed ASME limits. These inspections are part of the augmented inspections conducted in conjunction with Pilgrim's ISI Program.

Note: Modifications, procedures, and training, required by this USI (NUREG-0619) were ccmpleted by plant design change (PDC) 83-45 on 1/11/85.

Reactor Vessel NUREG-0744,Rev.1 All NC BECo removed the first set of reactor vessel specimens during USI: A-11 the 1980 refueling outage. These samples were analyzed by MPA: A-23 Material ~ !O CFR 50.60 Toughness GL 82-26 Southwest Research Institute and the results were submited to TAC: 71533 the NRC with the 1981Pi; grim'in-Service inspection (ISI) report. The report indicated that the material toughness rernains above 50 ft.-Ibs., as required by Appendix G to 10 CFR 50.

C - Complete 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary Page 5 of 14 E - Evaluating Actions Necessary

Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Resnonse to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/



Toughness of This USI is addresse* 3 PWRs.

Steam Generator and Reactor Coolant Pump Supports USI: A-17 Systems .AEC letter to BECo, dated All NC While USI A-17, as resolved by GL 89-18, dated 9/6/89, did Interactions 8/3/72 not require any licensee iactions, it did provide 5 lessons (Quad Cities Flooding Event) learned from the review of the systems interaction issue.

.NUREG -1174 One lesson referenced was for licensees to continue to review

.NUREG-1229 events occuring at other operating nuclear power plants, per

.NUREG/CR-3922 NUREG-0737 TMI task action plan (TAP) Item I.C.S. This TAP

.NUREG/CR-4261 for PNPS was completed on 3/31/82, (see BECo letter, dated

.NUREG/CR-4470 4/18/89).

.GL 88-20 (and Supp.1) Also, in response to GL 88-20, Supp.1, on 10/27/89, BECo

.GL 89-18 indicated we would perform a level 1 PRA in accordance with '

.BECo letter, dated 10/27/89, NRC gudance response to GL 88-20, Supp.1

.NUREG/CR-5420 C - Complete

. 1 - Incomplete NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary

) E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 6 of 14

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i i Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USl/


  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS Oualification of +NUREG-0588,Rev.1 All C The NRC safety evaluation, dated 3/26/85, concluded that USI: A-24 BECo's electrical equipment envrionmental qualification MPA: B-60 Class 1E 10 CFR 50.49 11/30/85 Safety- GL 82-09 See note program (EO) was in compliance with the requirements of

~ TAC: 42477 Related GL 84-24 under 10 CFR 50.49. BECo informed the NRC that we were in 56821 Equipment GL 85-15 Remarks compliance as of 11/30/85.


  • NRC letter, dated 3/26/85 NRC letter, dated 4/15/86 Note: A post-implementation inspection of the Pilgrim EO Program was conducted on 12/9/85 through 12/13/85.

Inspection Report 85-35, dated 4/15/86, determined that, as of 11/30/85, BECo had implemented an EO program to meet the requirements of 10 CR 50.49.

Open items from inspection Report 85-35 were closed by inspection Report 87-37, dated 11/3/87.

Reactor Vessel DOR Letters to Licensees, PWR NA NA for PNPS.

USI: A-26 Pressure dated 8/76 This USl is addressed to PWRs.

MPA: B-04 Transient .NUREG-0224 Protection NUREG-0371 GL 88-11 Residual Heat .NUREG-0606 All OLs NA NA for PNPS.

- USI: A-31 Removal RG 1.139 (after 1/79) The operating license for Pilgrim Station was issued prior to Shutdown 1979.

Requirements C - Complete

. 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary Page 7 of 14 E - Evaluating Actions Necessary

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Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety Issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved U SII MPA REFERENCE A P P LIC- STATUS

  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-36 Control of NUREG-0612 ' All C The NRC safety evaluation, dated 3/6/85 concluded that MPA: C-10 Heavy Loads GL 81-07 10/2/85 Pilgrim had complied with NUREG-0612, sections 5.1.1 and C-15 Near Spent GL 83-42 See note 5.1.3. and that Phase I of the Control of Heavy Loads was TAC: 10817 Fuel GL 85-11 under complete. GL 85-11. dated 6/28/85, determined that no 52257 NRC letter dated 12/22/80 Remarks further action was necessary.

NRC letter, dated 3/6/85, Also, the PNPS technical specircations, section 5.5.E. prohibits SE for Phase I, NUREG-0612 loads exceeding one thousand pounds from traveling over fuel BECo letter, dated 5/31/89, assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool.

SIMS update Note: Modifications, procedures, and training, required by this USI, were completed by plant design change (PDC) 83-83 on 10/2/85.

USI: A-39 Determination NUREG-0802 BWR NC Note: SRV acceptance criteria for Mark I containments are TAC: 7948 of SRV Pool NUREG-0763 See note presented in NUREG-0661, and are dealt with as part of USl Dynamic Loads NUREG-0783 under A-7.

and Pressure NUREG-0661 Remarks See implementation and status summary for USI A-7.

Transients USI: A-40 Seismic Design NUREG/CR-4776 All NA USI A-40 does not apply to Pilgrim Station.

Criteria .NUREG/CR-3480 See note

.NUREG/CR-1582 under Note: The seism'c design concerns of USI A-40 are being NUREG/CR-1161 Remarks addressed at PNPS by USI A-46, " Seismic Qualifcation of NUREG-1233 Equipment in Operating Plants".

NUREG/CR-3805 PNPS is a participant utility of the Seismic Qualifcation Utility NUREG/CR-5347 Group (SOUG).

NUREG/CR-3509 C - Complete

. I- Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 8 of 14

Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/



USI: A-42 Pipe Cracks in .NUREG-0313 Rev.1 BNR C The NRC SER, dated 6/20/84, concluded that the guidance of MPA: B-05 Boiling Water GL 81-04 6/20/84 NUREG-0313. Rev.1 was moot because of newly identified B-84 Reactors BECo letter, dated 7/8/81 IGSCC concerns with larger bore piping. Further staff review TAC: 46673 BECo letter, dated 5/20/83 would come under Generic Letter 84-11. This SER closed USI 56835 NRC letter, dated 6/20/84, A-42 for Pilgrim.

69153 SER for NUREG-0313,Rev.1 BECo letter, dated 5/31/89, SIMS update IGSCC Expanded issues: IGSCC Expanded issues:

GL 84-11 On 2/4/85, BECo proposed TS changes to address reactor  :

NRC letter, dated 6/20/84, coolant leak detection limits as specJied in GL 84-11. This .

SER refers to GL 84-11 generic letter was subsequently superceded in its entirety by

  • BECo letter, dated 6/4/84, GL 88-01, which enclosed NUREG-0313. Rev.2. Augmented pipe replacement IGSCC inspections, required by GL 84-11, are now performed BECo letter, dated 2/4/85, under GL 88-01 (NUREG-0313.Rev.2) criteria. i TS change per GL 84-11 The NRC staff did not complete its action on BECo's TS request BECo letter, dated 5/6/87, pending the development of revised staff positions regarding the augmented inspection plan IGSCC problems as provided in GL 88-01. On 3/8/88, the NRC GL 88-01 informed BECo that TAC number 69153 was assigned to the NRC NUREG-0313. Rev. 2 review of this response as well as BECo*s TS charxje, dated
  • NRC letter, dated 3/8/88, 2/4/85.

closed GL 84-11 for PNPS BECo provided responses to GL 88-01, and the assochtted RAI, BECo letter, dated 8/4/88, on 8/4/88 and 6/19/89, respectively.

response to GL 88-01 NRC letter, dated 3/31/89, GL 88-01 RAI BECo letter, dated 6/19/89, response to GL 88-01 RAI -

C - Complete

. 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 9 of 14 .

1 Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/


  • fiU_MBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS NUREG-0869, Rev.1 All NC This USI was closed by GL 85-22. dated 12GSS. The NRC USI: A-43 Containment NUREG-0897, Rev.1 concluded in the regulatory analysis performed for this USI, Emergency NUREG-0869, Rev. '., dated October.1985, and in the technical Sump R G.1.82. Rev.1 Performance -GL 85-22 findings regarding this USI. presented in NUREG-0897, Rev.1, also dated October,1985, that no new generic requirements are needed for operating plants to address the concerns of this USL Revised guidance, provided in R.G.1.82, Rev.1, allows licensees to perform 50.59 reviews to determine thermal insulation needs for use on primary system components.

Therefore,this USl requires no action by PNPS.

C - Complete 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 10 of 14


  • ~ " ' ' ' ~ ' ' ~ ^

Pilorim Nuclear Pcwer Station - Resoonse to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USII MPA BEFERENCE A P P LIC- STATUS

  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-44 Station R.G. 1.155 All I in response to GL 81-04, procedure changes and training were MPA: B-63 Blackout NUREG-1032 See note identified to address the loss of all AC power at PNPS.

TAC: 68585 NUREG-1109 under During the extended refueling outage (RFO-7), a non-class 1E 40577 10 CFR 50.63 Remarks station blackout diesel generator (SBO-DG) was installed as 43890 GL 81-04 part of a self-initiated safety enhancement program (SEP).

BECo letter, dated 8/12/81, in the 4/17/89 response to 10 CFR 50.63 (c)(3), BECo response to GL 81-04 addressed the NRC approved NUMARC document, dated

-NUMARC letter, dated 9/28/88. BECo also indicated the SPO-DG wi!I be designated as 9/28/88, generic response an alternative AC power source when the proposed to SBO ' modifications are completed.

NRC letter, dated 10/7/88 in the 4/17/89 letter, BECo projected an RFO 8 (spring of approved NUMARC response 1991) completion date in anticipation of receiving NRC BECo letter, dated 4/17/89, acceptance notification shortly after the 4/17/89 submittal.

response to blackout rule Note: The NRC review was scheduled to be completed in the fall of 1989, however, due to problems identified during inspections at other plants related to SBO, a new review schedule, and additional guidance for complying with Station Blackout, will be provided to licensees by the NRC staff.

C - Complete

. I- Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable '

NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 11 of 14 O

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Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Resoonse to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USI/


  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-45 Shutdown NUREG-1289 All NC This USI was resolved by NUREG-1289,* Regulatory and Backfit TAC: 74451 Decay Heat NUREG/CR-5230 Analysis: USI A-45*, dated November 1988. No new Removal --GL 88-20 requirements are irmosed by this USI. The NRC has subsumed Requirements GL 88-20,Supp.1 A-45 into its Severe Accident Policy as the most effective way BECo letter, dated 10/27/89, to achieve resolution of the concems of A-45.

response to GL 88-20, Supp.1 During the extended refueling outage (RFO7), a limited IPE was performed and several plant modifications implemented as part of a self-initiated Safety Enhancement Program (SEP). Several of these modificetions enhance Pilgrim's capability to remove decay heat; for example, additional water sources for core opray and reactor wahrr, additional diesel fire pump for supplying these water sources, improved containment spray nozzles, and ADS system logic changes.

la the GL 88-20, Supp.1, response dated 10/27/89, BECo committed to perform a Level 1 PRA consistent with NRC guidance. The schedule for this PRA will be provided in the Long Term Plan updates, required by section 3.H of the PNPS operating license.

C - Complete

. 1 - Incomplete

. NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 12 of 14 4... _ - - . __m. ._m -

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Pilarlm Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USII MPA REFERENCE AP P LIC- STATUS

  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-46 Seismic .NUREG-1030 All E USI A-46 was resolved with the issuance of GL 87-02 on MPA: B-105 Qualification of NUREG-1211 2/19/87. In addition, on 7/29/88, the NRC issued a safety TAC: 69741 Equipment in GL 87-02 evaluation for the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP)

Operating BECo letter, dated 10/11/88, developed by the Seismic Qualife,ation Utility Group (SOUG).

Plants response to GL 87-02 The SE identified several open iswes which needed resolution.

NRC letter, dated 7/29/88, The BECo response to GL 87-02, dated 10/11/88, provided an SER for SOUG GIP initial schedule for implementation of the seismic verification NRC letter, dated 6/7/89 program and also indicated BECo mettership in SOUG. BECo noted the schedule for implementation of the GIP is contingent upon resolution and approval of the open issues by the NRC.

In the 10/11/88 response, BECo also listed various actions to be conducted during operating cycle 8, prior to the end of 1990.

This schedule is expected to be extended to cycle 9 and RFO 9.

The actual implementation schedule for PNPS will be included in updates to the BECo Long Term Plan in accordance with license condition 3.H of the PNPS operating license.

USI: A-47 Safety NUREG-1217 ~

All E A BECo response is due by 3/20/90, according to the MPA: B-113 Implication of .NUREG-1218 requirements of GL 89-19, dated 9/20/89.

TAC: 74981 Control +GL 89-19 Schedules for implementation will be determined in accordance Systems with the Long Term Plan, license condition 3.H of the PNPS operating license.

C - Complete

. 1 - Incornplete

,- NA - Not Applicable NC- No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 13 of 14 h

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Pilarim Nuclear Power Station - Response to Generic Letter 89-21:

Unresolved Safety issues For Which A Final Resolution Has Been Achieved USl/


  • NUMBER TITLE DOCUMENT ABILITY / DATE REMARKS USI: A-48 Hydrogen -10 CFR 50.44 All, NC No changes to PNPS are required by this USI since PNPS has had Control GL 84-09 except PWRs an inert containment since initial startup in December of 1972.

Measures and .NUREG-1370 with large The original Technical Specification, section 3.7.A.5.

  • Oxygen Effects of dry Concentration , required the primary containment atmosphere Hydrogen containments oxygen concentration to be less than 5% oxygen within 24 Burns on hours of placing the reactor in Run mode. Amendment 87, dated Safety 4/27/85, reduced the oxygen concentration to less than 4%

Equpment for compliance with 10 CFR 50.44. This is the present operating condition for PNPS.

USI: A-49 Pressurized RG 1.154 PWR NA NA for PNPS.

Thermal Shock RG 1.99 This USI is addressed to PWRs.

10 CFR 50.61 GL 88-11 l

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C - Complete

  • I- Incomplete NA - Not Applicable NC - No Changes Necessary E - Evaluating Actions Necessary Page 14 of 14 6

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