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Forwards 6-month Rept,In Response to NRC Request for Info on Control of Heavy loads.Nine-month Rept Will Be Forwarded in Dec 1981
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1981
From: Fay C
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML20010J558 (150)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ v 1 l Wisconsin Electnc eaara coursur \ 231 W. MICHIGAN, P.O. BOX 2046. MILWAUKEE, WI 53201 V September 30, 1981 . f i y< l Mr. H . R. Den ton , Di rec to r I Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation a U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION d Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention : Mr. D. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing Gentlemen : DOCKET NOS. 50-266 AND 50-301 NUREG-0612 - CONTROL OF HEAVY LOADS TRANSMITTAL OF SIX-MONTH RESPONSE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 kur letters of December 22, 1980 and February 3,1981 requested that Wisconsin Electric Power Company review controls regarding the handling of heavy loads at Point Beach Nuclear Plant and provide certain information requested in Enclosure 2 to the December 22, 1980 letter. On June 19, 1980, we informed you of our inability to meet the requested six-month submittal date, and proposed to supply the requested information in September 1980. The enclosed report, "Resoonse to NRC Request for Information on Control of Heavy Locds, Six-Fbnth Report", supplies the requested information. Additional information has also been requested for submittal under the heading of a "Nine-Month Report". This information will be forwarded to you upon completion, which we presently expect to be in December 1981. We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding this submittal . Very truly yours, J/ Y" k2 _. V C. W. Fay,/ Director Nuclear Power Department Enclosure I Subscribed and sworn to before me fs, fff f e N 033 This 30th day of September,1981. lSJ NLUull]. yL h 5 matihA m Notary Pttblic, State of Wisconsin {" "ocr a 1933 3 ,f

                                       ,                 /
                                                               "$"Z'6 tat fl My Commission expires <MM /,) fi 7 '/ ,                   E, u            ,3 $/x.

Copy to: NRC Resident Inspector 8110050345 810930 PDR ADOCK 05000266 p PDR


4 O ( 3 Response to NRC Request for information on control of Heavy Loads Six Month Report for the POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ( ) l l l O Prepared for l l WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin l l l l ( Prepared by Bechcel Power Corporation, San Francisco, California September 1981 O $Y l

i /^h

 'V l


                       WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Prepared by                                                   .

Bechtel Power Corporation I San Francisco Rev. O California 94119 September 1981 = f (s_/




1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Identification of Overhead Handling Systems 3.1 General Of fice Review 3.2 Field Walkdown
4. Responses to NRC Request for Information, General Requirements for Overhead Handling Systems 4.1 N.R.C. Question 2.1.1 4.2 N.R.C. Question 2.1.2 4.3 N.R.C. Question 2.1.3 i 5. Wisconsin Electric Position Statements requested l by NRC Letter Dated 12-22-80 l (~'\

l \) l TABLES - l FIGURES l l APPENDICES 1 I l l


(./ i 112/8


l. INTRODUCTION Nuclear Regulatory Commission General Technical Activity Task A-36 determined that there was a need for nuclear power plants to review their design equipment and procedures for handling heavy loads (*) in those areas where, if the loads were to accidentally drop, there was a potential that such loads could damage spent fuel, fuel in the core, or equipment that may be required to achieve safe shutdown, continued decay heat removal, or the mitigation of radioactive material releases that could exceed 10CFR Part 100 limits.

As a result, NUREG 0612, " Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants", was published in July 1980 by the NRC, which gave several recommendations to be implemented to ensure the safe handling of heavy loads. On December 22, 1980, the NRC issued a letter requesting all (~)

'-      licensees of operating nuclear plants to review their controls for the handling of heavy loads to determine the extent of
  • compliance with NUREG 0612. This request was clarified and reaffirmed in the NRC letter of February 3, 1981.
2. OBJECTIVE This repert provides a response to the requirements set forth in section 2.1 of Enclosure 3 to the NRC letter to all licensees dated December 22, 1980 and as clarified by the February 3, 1981 letter. This response is based on field walkdowns and review of plant arrangements for all overhead handling systems for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2.
3. IDENTIFICATION OF OVERHEAD HANDLING SYSTEMS 3.1 Design Office Review the identification of overhead handling systems was initially carried out by review of design and plant procedure documents, supplemented by field walkdowns.

(*) The definitions as provided in section 1.2 of NUREG 0612 are used throughout. Any areas in NUREG 0612 report requiring es either further definition or clarification for the Point Beach (_,) plant are included in Appendix A to this report. 112/6

i 3.2 Field Walkdown Field walkdowns were performed to confirm initial findings and to identify any additional load handling devices, lifting devices and loads. All the load hand-ling devices at Point Beach are shown on Figures 3-1 through 3-7 and are also listed in Table 4-1. O O



Report the results of your review of plant arrangements to identify all overhead handling systems from which a load drop may result in damage to any system required for plant shutdown or decay aeat removal (taking no credit for any interlocks, technical specifications, operating procedures, or detailed structural analysis.)


L A survey of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant was performed to identify the overhead handling systems from which a heavy load drop could result in damage to any " safe shutdown equipment", (as defined in Appendix A). These handling sys-are listed in Table 4-2. The plant structures reviewed in-cluded the reactor containments and facades, auxiliary build-ing, fuel storage areas, control building, turbine building,

;                         service building and the circulating water pump house.

Cranes and hoists habe been reviewed without consideration for: (a) Electrical or mechanical interlocks which could pre-C'4 vent the movement of a crane or monorail hook (carrying a heavy load) over spent fuel, the reactor ~ core, or safe shutdown equipment. (b) Operating procedures which are used to control the movement of a heavy load along a safe load path. (c) Location in an area of the plant, such as the containment, which is normally unoccupied during 4 normal plant operation. 1 l (d) Cranes or hoists used only for lifting a load or loads when a unit is in the shutdown or refueling mode of operation. 4 () i 112/6 t

    . - , , -,.       .. _ , - ~ _ - ~ _ _ . _ . , _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . - , , _ _ _ _ . _ , . , _ _ _ , _ _ . . - , ~ . _ . _ _

(m) Additionally, it has been assumed that if a heavy load is dropped, it is capable of penetrating the floor or floors beneath the handling system, with subsequent damage to safe shutdown equipment located holow the floors. 4.2 NRC Ouestion 2.1.2 Justify the exclusion of any overhead handling system from the above category by verifying that there is sufficient physical separation from any load-impact point and any safety-related component to permit a determination by inspection that no heavy load drop can result in damage to any system or component re-quired for plant shutdown or decay heat removal.


The overhead handling systems identified at Point Beach as having sufficient physical separation from any load impact point and any safe shutdown equipment such that no heavy load drop could result in damage to safe shut-down equipment are listed in Table 4-3. f'3 4.3 NRC Question 2.1.3 V With respect to the design and operation of heavy load handling systems in the containment and the spent fuel

  • pool area and those load-handling systems identified in 2.1.1 above, provide your evaluation concerning compli-ance with the guidelines of NUREG 0612, Section 5.1.1.

The following specific information should be included ! in the reply: 4.3.1 NRC Question 2.1.3.a Drawings or sketches suf ficient to clearly identify the location of safe load' paths, spent fuel, and safety re-lated equipment. l


i The location of the spent fuel pool, the reactor core, the containment and the safe shutdown equipment which may be affected by a heavy load drop, are shown on Figures 3-1 through 3-7. Interim load paths have been defined for all of the load handling devices i and are shown on Figures 4-1 through 4-7. O V l Entry 6 1 I l i l

G !s ,/ 4. 3. 2 NRC Question 2.1.3.b A discussion of measures taken to ensure that load-handling operations remain within safe load paths, including procedures, if any, for deviation from these paths.


Procedures are used to control the handling of loads by the turbine building crane, the containment polar crane, the auxiliary building crane, the service water pump house, monorail, etc., as noted in Table 4-2. These procedures limit the path of movement that is to be followed for each load handled by these cranes. Interim load paths defined in the procedures mini-mize to the greatest extent practicable the potential for heavy loads to impact irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel, the spent fuel pool, or the safe shutdown equipment, should such loads be accidentally dropped. For the cranes listed in Table 4-2, procedural require-ments to ensure that load handling operations remain f)i x within the interim load paths have been established. Point Beach Nuclear Plant administrative procedure

  • PBNP 9.3 "Special Structural Limitations on the Lif ting of Heavy Loads" was revised to include the interim action requirements of the NRC let-ter o f 12-22-8 0. This administrative procedure includes requirements that the crane operator follow the Interim Load Paths which have been identified for each crane. Interim Load Paths are marked on Interim Load Paths Drawings (see Figures 4-1 to 4-7).

These drawings are in the control room and always available for reference. O 112/6

1 () Deviations are not permitted from the prescribed Interim Load Paths without prior approval of the Manager's Supervisory Staff. Interim Load Paths will be updated ad additional in-formation is obtained and Safe Load Paths will be de-fined upon completion of analyses performed in response to NUREG-0612 "nine month" report requirements. These Safe Load Path Drawings will be located such that they will be readily available for reference by crane opera-tors. Deviations will not be permitted f rom Safe Load Paths without prior approval of the Manager's Super-visory Staff. 4.3.3 NRC Question 2.1.3.c A tabulation of heavy loads to be handled by each crane which includes the load identification, load weight, its designated lif ting device, and verification that the handling of such load is governed by a written pro-cedure containing , as a minimum, the information identi-fled in NUREG 0612, Section 5.1.l(2).


l; Tables 4-6 through 4-41 provide the response to this question. For each handling device, the tables list applicable information in the following categories: building location, reference drawings, crane capacities, loads lif ted and their weights and dimensi.ons, associated lifting devices and their weights and dimensions, and safety related items in the potential load drop areas. All information compiled to date is included in these tables. The information in these tables will be expanded in the "nine month" report. All load handling devices with potential safety impact (see Table 4-2) are covered by Point Beach Nuclear Plant administrative procedure PBNP 9.3, "Special Structural Limitations on the Lifting of Heavy Loads". This admin-istrative procedure will be reviewed upon completion of the "nine month" report and revised as appropriate. 4.3.4 NRC Ouestion 2.1.3.d i Verification that lifting devices identified in 2.1.3-c above comply with the requirements of ANSI N14.6-1978 I or ANSI B30.9-1971, as appropriate. For lifting de-vices where these standards, as supplemented by NUREG l t 0612, Section 5.1.l(4) or 5.1.l(5), are not met, describe any proposed alternatives and demonstrate their j s, equivalency in terms of load handling reliability. 112/6 4



For the purpose of this review the lif ting devices considered were those that were found to be designed and used under the definitions given Appendix A. a) Special Lifting Devices Westinghouse Electric Corp. supplied most of the special lifting devices and has been requested to review the design of the special lifting devices which they supplied, to determine design, fabrica-tion, and testing compliance with the guidelines of ANSI N14.6-1978, as supplemented by NUREG 0612, Sec-tion 5.1.1 (4). The special lifting devices used in the plant are listed in Table 4-42 and their use noted in Tables 4-6 through 4-41 as applicable, f'T The testing and maintenance requirements of ANSI

 \            N14.6 - 1978, Sections 5 and 6, "Special Lifting Devices for Critical Loads", will be reviewed to determine the applicability to the special liftin@

devices in use at Point Beach Nuclear Plant. Ex-isting Point Beach testing and maintenance procedures will be reviewed to determine conformance with the applicable sections of ANSI N14.6 - 1978, Sections 5 and 6. The results of these reviews will be in-cluded in the "nine month" report, b) Other Lifting Devices i A review of the design of other lif ting devices in use at Point Beach including ropes, slings, and f ! cables is proceeding to determine the design, fabrication, and proof testing comp 2iance with the . guidelines of ANSI B30.9-1971, and as supplemented l by NUREG 0612, Section 5.1.l(5). If it is found that specific compliance with the above standards is not met, it will be shown that l l either the actual requirements are equivalent to the standard guidelines or the lif ting device can be derated on a generic basis to enable conformance. 7%g Inspection of these lifting devices will be per-(_) formed as required by ANSI B30.9-1971. Entry 6

4.3.5 NRC Ouestion 2.1.3.e n# Verification that ANSI B30.2 - 1976, Chapter 2-2, has been invoked with respect to crane inspection, test-ing, and maintenance. Where any exception is taken to this standard, sufficient information should be prov ided to demonstrate the equivalency of proposed alternatives.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant inspection, testing, and maintenance operations have been reviewed against the requirements of ANSI B30.2 - 1976, Chapter 2-2. Plant procedures are in compliance with this chapter, with the exception of the containment polar cranes. These cranes are given an initial inspection in ac-cordance with OSHA requirements prior to use. The major annual inspection fulfilling the requirements of ANSI B30.2, 1976 Chapter 2-2, is performed during the annual refueling outages as time permits. 4.3.6 NRC Question 2.1.3.f Verification that crane design complies with the gitide-lines of CMAA Specification 70 and Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2-1976, includiag the demonstration of equivalency (\/') of actual design requirements for instances where spe-cific compliance with these standards is not provided. _


The design review summary for the auxiliary building , the containment polar cranes, and turbine building cranes as they apply to ANSI 3 30.2 and CMAA Specification 70 will be prr ided in the "9 month" report. The Point Beach auxiliary building crane ~ will be modified to provide ' adequate redundant lif ting teatures. The modification will take into consider-ation the ANSI B30.2, CMAA specification 70 require-j ments and Regulatory Guide 1.13. 4.3.7 NRC Question 2.1.3.g Exceptions, if any, taken to ANSI e 30.2-1976 with respect to operator training, qualification, and conduct.


() Existing Point Beach Nuclear Plant Training Program, l 112/6

llh TRNG 2.1 meces the requirements of ANSI B30.2 - 1976 Chapter 2-3, " Qualifications for Operators", with the following exceptions to ANSI B30.2 - 1976: Item 2-3.1.7e The warning bell will be actuated only as required to advise personnel of crane move-ment, rather than continously during crane motion. I tem 2-3.1. 79 The main line disconnect switch will not be left open. Present operating practice is to leave it shut on some cranes, whether or not they are in use, thus reducing the delay when placing the crane in service. Item 2-3.1.7n The cranes will not be de-energized for nor-mal maintenance since some maintenance re-quires that the power be on. Item 2-3.1.7o Crane controls will not be tested at the begin ning of each shift. They will be tested at the beginning of each lifting operation. Item 2-3.1.2b Existing Wisconsin Electric medical examin-(1 & 2) ations assure compliance with physical re-ggg quirements as specified in Section 2-3.1.2b, 3 through 6. Future medical examinations , to be scheduled as soon as practicable, will in-clude eye examinations to meet the requite-ments of Sections 2-3.1.2.b.1 and 2-3.1.2.b.2.

5. WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POSITION STATEMENTS REQUESTED BY NRC LETTER DATED 12-22-80 5.1 NRC Request Furnish confirmation within six months that im-plementation of those changes and modifications you find are necessary will commence as soon as possible without waiting on staff review, so that all such changes, beyond the above interim actions, sill be completed within two years of submittal of Section 2.4 for the above report."

O 112/6

    +         Response Wisconsin Electric Power Company will implement modi-fications found to be necessary as a result of the NUREG- 0612 review as soon as practicable. Necessary modifications will be completed within two years of submittal of the nine month response to NUREG-0612, subject to availability and delivery of egiupment re-quired for modification.

5.2 NRC Request Furnish j ustification within six months for any changes or modifications that would be required to fully satisfy the guidelines of Enclosure 1 which you believe are not necessary. The criteria in NUREG-0612 are also applicable to applicants for operating licenses. Such applicants ara expected to provide the information requested by item 1 above and to meet the same schedule of implementation as indicated in 2 above. Any item for which the implementation date is prior to the expected date of issuance of an operating license will be considered to be a prerequisite to ob- {} taining that license. For any date that cannot be met, furnish a pro-posed revised date, justification for the delay, and any planned compensating safety actions dur-ing the iterim."


j Wisconsin Electric will furnish justification for not I implementing modifications or changes which would be l required to fully s: . fy the guidelines of NUREG-0612 that we determine to be unnecessary. This j ustifica-tion will be furnished after the completion of tne analyses being performed in response to the nine month report requirements of NUREG-0612. O 112/6 1

                                              - ------weg  3,.-      , _ _ , , _ , , _

Sheet 1 of 2 () LIST OF TABLES 4-1 List of Eoad Handling Devices at Point Beach 4-2 List of Overhead Heavy Load Handling Devices in the vicinity of Safe Shutdown Equipment 4-3 List of Overhead Handling Devices Not in the Vicinity of Safe Shutdown Equipment 4-4 List of Load Handling Devices Excluded f rom the Review 4-5 Circulating Water Pumphouse . Monorail N - S 4-6 Circulating Water Pumphouse Monorail E - W 4-7 RPV Head Circular Monorail; Unit 1 4-8 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator; Unit 1 4-9 Containment Polar Crane; Unit 1 4-10 Jib Cranes on Containment Butresses; Unit 1 (') v 4-11 Monorail in Personnel Access Hatch; Unit 1 4-12 Auxiliary Building Main Crane . 4-13 Ready Stores Monorail 4-14 Main Shop Crane 4-15 Monorail for Containment Equipment Hatch; Unit 1 4-16 Jib Crane over Incore Instrumentation; Unit 1 4-17 Monorail for Feedwater Heaters; Unit 1 4-18 Monorail at North End of Control Building Electrical Equipment Room 4-19 Jib Crane over Seal Water Injection Filters; Unit 1 4-20 Turbine Building Main Crane 4-21 Water Treatment Area Monorail 4-22 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrumentation; Unit 2 () 4-23 Monorail for Containment Equipment Hatch; Unit 2 110/52 1 __ _ _. _ _ _ _ r.

Sheet 2 of 2 () LIST OF TABLES 4-24 Jib Crane Over Seal Water Injection Filters; Unit 2 4-25 Monorails for Feedwater Heaters; Unit 2 4-26 Monorail in Personnel Access Hatch; Unic 2 4-27 Jib Crane on Containment Butresses (E); Unit 2 4-28 RPV Circular Head Monorail;. Unit 2 4-29 Containment Polar Crane; Unit 2 4-30 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator; Unit 2 4-31 Spent Fuel Handling Device 4-32 Drumming Station Jib Crane 4-33 Jib Crane Over MSRV's; Unit 1 (} 4-34 Facade Monorail at Lines " L" & "7"; Unit 2 4-35 Facade Monorail at Lines "L" & "3"; Unit 1 . 4-36 Jib Cranes Over MSRV's; Unit 2 4-37 Facade Monorail at Lines "L" & "15"; Unit 2 4-38 Facade Monorail at Column Line L-16; Unit 2 4-39 Monorail East Wall Pumphouse 4-40 Clean Side Maintenance Shop Crane 4-41 Jib Cranes Over Reactor Coolant Pumps; Units 1 & 2 l 4-42 List of Special Lifting Devices at Point Beach O 110/52

Page 1 of 2 Table 4-1 () List of Load Handling Devices at Point Beach Item Number Decription 1 Circulating Water Pumphouse Monorail, N-S 2 Circulating Water Pumphouse Monorail, E-W 3 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Circular Monorail Unit 1 4 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator, Unit 1 5 Containmnet Polar Crane, Unit 1 6 Containment Buttress Jib Cranes, Unit 1 7 Personnel Access Hatch Mcnorail, Unit 1 8 Auxiliary Building Main Crane 9 Ready Stores Monorail 10 Main Shop Crane O 11 Containment Equipment Hatch Track, Unit 1 12 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrumentation, Unit 1~ 13 Feedwater Heaters Monorail, Unit 1 14 Control Building Elcctrical Equipment Room Monorail, El. 26' 15 Seal Water Injection Filters Jib Crane, Unit 1 16 Turbine Building Main Crane 17 Water Treatment Area Monorail 18 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrumenation, Unit 2 l 19 Containment Equipment Hatch Track, U.iit 2 20 Seal Water Injection Filters Jib Crane, Unit 2 21 Feedwater Heaters Monorail, Unit 2 22 Personnel Access Hatch Monorail, Unit 2 p/

s. 23 Containment Buttress Jib Cranes, Unit 2 113/21 l

Page 2 of 2 Table 4-1 () List of Load Har.dling Devices at Point Beach (continued) Crane Number 24 Reactor Pressure Vessel Circular Monorail, Unit 2 25 Containment Polar Crane, Unit 2 26 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator, Unit 2 27 Spent Fuel Handling Device 28 Drumming Station Jib Crane 29 MSRV Jib Crane, Unit 1 30 Facade Monorail At Column Line L-7, Unit 1 31 Facade Monorail At Column Line L-8, Unit 1 32 MSRV Jib Crane, Unit 2 () 33 Facade Monorail At Column Line L-15, Unit 2 Facade Monorail At Column Line L-16, Unit 2 34 . 35 Monorail, East Wall Circulating Water Pum-+~ .se 36 Clean Side Mai,tenance Shop Crane 37 Jib Cranes Over Reactor Coolant Pumps, Unit 1& 2 9

    '113/21 l


Table 4-2 List of Overhead Heavy Load

  • Handling Devices in the Vicinity O of Safe Shutdown Equipment Item # Description 1 Circulating Water Pumphouse Monorail N - S 2 Circulating Water Pumphouse Monorail E - W 3 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Circular Monorail- Unit 1 5 Containment Polar Crane - Unit 1 6 Containment Buttress Jib tranes - Unit 1 8 Auxiliary Building Main Crane 10 Main Shop Crane 12 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrumentation - Unit 1 16 Turbine Building Main Crane 18 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrumentation - Unit 2 23 Containment Buttress Jib Cranes - Unit 2 24 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Circular Monorail- Unit 2 25 Containment Polar Crane - Uhit 2 31 Facade Monorail at Column L - 8 - Unit 1 33 Facade Monorail at Column L - 15 - Unit 2 34 Facade Monorail at Column L - 16 - Unit 2 f
  • Heavy Load defined as 1750 lbs. or greater - See Appendix A Definitions O


_ ____ ___.___ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . .._____ _ _ . -- . _ . __m - f Sheet 1 of 1 1 t i Table 4-3 ( 2 2 () List of Overhead llandling Devices not in the Vicinity of Safe Shutdown Equipment 1 1 1 j A. Cranes lifting loads, which if d ropped , would not result in s damage to equipment required for safe shutdown or decay heat j { removal, or the mitigation of radioactive material releases i that could exceed 10CFR Part 100 limits. These cranes can be eliminated as non-safe ty-relate 6. ] , ) Item 4 l j 9 Ready Stores Monorail - , i 13 Feedwater :leaters Monorail, Unit 1- i l 17 Water Treatment Area Monorail - l l j 21 Feedwater lleaters Monorail, Unit 2- l l l 35 Monorail, East Wall in Circulating Water Pumphouse - l 36 Clean Side Maintenance Shop Crane - l l B. Cranes to be j ustified by physical separation t rom safety-  : l related areas. Item 4 i 7 Personnel Access flatch Monorail, Unit 1- i 15 Seal Water Injection Filters Jib Crane, Unit 1- , i l l l 20 Seal Water Injection Filters Jib Crane, Unit 2 - 22 Personnel A-cess llatch Monorail, Unit 2-l 28 Drumming Station Jib Crane - l l i f l r O 113/21 1 !__ .m

() TABLE 4-4 List of Load Handling Devicec Excluded from the Review A. Cranes to be excluded on the basis that the load lifted is less than the critical load definition. Item #4 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator, Unit 1 - This crane operates in a safety-related area; however, the load car ied is less than the heavy load definition. The consequences of a load drop in this area have bee an-alyzed previously. Item #14 Control Building Electrical Equipment Room Monorail, ! Elev. 26'0"- This monorail operates in a safety-related I area; however, its designated load is a 1400 lb. multi-tester which is less than the defined heavy load. Item #26 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator, Uni t .] - Same as Item #4 Item #27 Spent Fuel Handling Device - This crane operates in a sate ty-related area; however, the spent fuel elements are less than the heavy load definition. The conse-quences of a load drop have been analyzed previously. {) Item #29 MSRV Jib Crane, Unit 1 - This jib crane operates in a safety related area; however, its designated load is a-1250 lb. MSRV which is less than the defined heavy load. Item #32 MSRV Jib Crane, Unit 2 - Same as Item #29. Item #37 Jib Cranes Over Reactor Coolant Pumps, Unit 1 & 2-These jib cranes operate in safety related areas; however, their heavinst designated load is a 300# reactor coolant pump shaft coupling which is less than the defined heavy load. t B. Equipment to be excluded for the reasons noted below. Item #11 Containment Equipment Hatch Track, Unit 1 - Not a lifting device; therefore, not intended to be included in the scope of NUREG-0612 Item #19 Containment Equipment Hatch Track, Unit 2 - Same as Item #11. Item #30 Facade Monorail at Column Lines L-7, Unit 1 - This monorail is no longer in existence. 110/52

   ._      . _ _ _ -              . - . _ _        -    . - . . - . -.-   . ~ . - --


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Int le L- 5 (cheet 1 of11 Cire. Ws*** Twtp*,ouse Monorail !. 2 ITEM Marl'M1 TEVI f IN CCN C'dRAI.L TE2EE CF COMTI.lANCF pypApg No. Equip, Eervice Lift Elds Fe f. *4** No. Cap. Cp ar. Dvs. g 6 purTs are availatle for operation. The plant can te safely shut down on 3 gu: ps. No cornon 1 - 'DV 4 d JU P-163 Mter cables, switchgear er piping are under the monorail. 20 3 *E o=

              - IDAD tFFCFIPTIC'i                Assoc. Lifting rev.         Degree of              Class " A" Impacted                   Class "B" Impacted                 Class "O,D" etc. Impacted ltem    keight &

N'. Handled rimension Weight & Dim. Ccespliance with items *** Items *a I t eme =* ANEI N14.6 (19781 or E30.0 (17711 -< 6 Service 2'4x P32 ( A.P.C.P.E and F) Water k' High Iater later Fer1 rice Water Peps Pumps Service Water Firiu 6 Eervice 2' 4 x Water 2' High Later L ater- fervice Water Electrical Pump Connections Motors

                -     Mise.          Most Items          items less                Later                    Later than 17504
  • DEGREE of ecscpliance v' T " 1 - Excellent, cceplete compliance **
  • Class "A" items : - are those items in thefree f all vertteal tra,tectory ANSI N 1h.6 (Igr78) 2 - Ccerpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Corapliance in few areas C1ssa "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 4 - No evidence of compliance after the first structural flocr is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the nest lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lover (third) structural floor. NUREG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C. 2

. _ _ _ . _ _ . - - . _ _ . . . _ - - _ _ _ = _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ m_c -_._____---.____--_--m. m m ...m_ _ _ __ _. 1 1 1 I O O i a j j.. i A Table 4 6 (Eheet 1of1) Cire. Water twphouse Monorail E W OVLRALI. LEGREE OF COMPLIANCE REMARKS ITEM PUCCtm PEVICT LOCATICN No. Equip , Service Lift 2144 Fef. + tr " f No. Cap. Cran Dwg. } 5 6 Pumps are available for operation. The plant can be safely shut down on 3 peps. No cocsnon ) , i l 2 - W gd gg P-163 Later cables, cwitchgear or piping are under the smorail. gg 3y j u :. i IAAD D73CPIPTION Itea 'aelght & Assoc. Lifting Dev.

Dearce of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" impacted Class "C,

D" etc. ".mpacted l items ~ I t ems "+ Items +++ i

NS. Handled Dimension Weight & tin. c epliance with t
  • Ar>I N14.6 (19791 j

3r 230.9 (17n) i I i t 6 Servlee 2' t x Water k' High Later 14ter F32 ( A,B,C,D,E and F) Not Applicable Not Ipplicatie j Servie= Water Pumps j i Pumps Service Water Piping  ; 1 6 Service 2' 9 x l Water 2' High L8ter Later Service Water Electrieel Connaetions Pmp 1 Motors a _ Misc. Most

'                                            Items               items i

a less Later Later I then 17 # 1 t i 1 I l 1 i ' e < 1i 1 3I I I 1 l i lt

  • DEGREE of empliance with a 1 - Excellent, complete empliance "+ Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical tre,1ectory i i

2 - Cmpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and M e first structural floor. ANSI N ik.6 (1W8) ,' ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cmplience in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues f k - No evidence of ecepliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultar t missile (s) p ) ANSI B 30.9 i ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second! structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - s ee those items in the trajectory path that continues * ! BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the r. ext lower f third) structural floor. I 4 NUREG 0554 .i 1 NUREG 0612 App. C. i f t . . . -- i i -

l l l i Tatie A-7 ' Meet 1 of 1)  ; Unit 1 RW Head Circular Monorail ITEM MATI!:N3 fEVICE IM ATTCN OVERAIL LEGREE OF COMPUANCE RDARKS , No. Equip, Servlee Lift Elds Pe f. *%** No. Cap. Span Dwg. , 3 - Later 4, M-1 Iater This monorail is used only during a cold shutdown, while the reactor vessel head is in position. b? 8s n LOAD JSCRIPTTCN Item Weight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A* Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C D" etc. Impacted N*. Handled risension weight & Dia. Cep11ance with Items *** Items *" Items *** ANSI N11+.6 (1778) or B30.9 (1971) 3 Stud 2650# ' Iater Later Reactor V6 1%t Applicule No* Applicatile Tensioner 1 5' 4 s X 1 3.5* High 12 Reactor 5004 Letsf" Latte Heat Studs ~ 1 Ecal later La*se Later Ring

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete e m pliance "* Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N %,6 (1778) 2 - Cap 11ance in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting device) and the first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class "B" items - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 le - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor la penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues l BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 05% NUREG 0612 App. C. I

i Tatie k-8 (Sheet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Reactor Cavity Fuel Manipulator $ ITEM MADI1N3 IEVICF LOCA* ION OVERALL DEGRIZ OF COMPLIANCE No. RDWIKS Equir. Eerytee Lif t B1dv Re f. .* 4r ** No. Cap. Cpan Dwg. l 3a Compliance review not re-k 1-216 W 25, @@ o quired for cranes carrying Icad carried is found less than the heavy load definition. Consequences of lost drop has been analyset M-1 less than heavy loads. previously and acceptable.


LCAD DESCRIPTION Item 'aelght & Assoc. I.1fting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Nf. Handled Dimension Class 'B" Japacted Class "C,D" etc. Ingeeted weight & Dia. compliance with Items +++ Items +a Itessa.

                                                       ^                 A*.CI N143 (17781 or B30.9 (1771) 121     Fuel          IWi4         Fuel grappling arm is        Compliance re.        Not Applicatie Bundle and                built into the manipu-                                                                       Not Applicable                    Not Applicable view not control                   lator.                        required Rod Assently 6

l r i i I i

  • DEGREE of compliance with "

1 - Excellent, complete ecunpliance "* Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fell vertleal trajectory ANSI N 1b.6 (1978) 2 - Ccepitance in most areas ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Corepliance in few areas between the load (and its lifting device) and ebe first structural floor. ANSI B 30.9 Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that's h - No evidence of compliance ANSI B 30.10 after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant miss12c(s) CMA Spee 20 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural ficee. BTF AFB 9-1 Part B Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues NUREG 0554 to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 0612 App. C.

l 4 l i Table L-9 (Cheet 1 of 3) i Unit 1 Contalment Tolar Crane j 4 ITEM IULT L W TEVICF fr a*T M I i O'JPJLL OE2EE OF COMTLIAri ]: No. Equip , Service Lift Blde Pef. *%** REMAPFI No. Cap. Open Dwg. l t A 5 I-ZI3 100 main C Used only durina shutdown,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         }j 1

15 aux. 100' L M-1 later in the "nine month" report. refety implications of items impacted during shu+.down will te evaluated . j tons [oh 1 1 ISAD DESCFIPTION { 4 Item aeght & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of t i NS. Handled Dimension Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Lepeted Weight & tin. C ep11ance witn Items +++ Class "C,t" etc. Issacte3 1 ltems*** Items *** 1

'                                                                                               A*CI N11. 6 (19791 i                                                                                               er 130 9 (1971)

B* actor head control caties 1-F1(MB) 2 Reactor Later Later Later

  • Service water piping d"HB-19
                                                                                                                                                                                    ""                                                                          l q                             Coolant                                                                                         _              _ - _ _ _

P g) Containment rpray line y,g Eervice water pipin.t 8"HP-19 Containment spray pump diseFarre 1P1 (MB) line 6"SI-301R-1 H & V Ducting Instrument mir lines Piping for safety injection sys. 2 RCP Motor later Reactor Coolant Pump f later Service Water Pipina 8"HB-19 Eafety injection system Motor Lifting Device Pressure Retter Tank 1-T2

!                                                                                                                            Eafety injection tanks 1-T-3!+          accumulator _ tanks 1-T34 (MB) 2       RCP Fly.              Later                                                                                                                                                Cables for neutron det=ction later                         Iater                  (MB)                                    H & V Ducting wheel                                                                                                                                                                      system j

Piping for safety injection Containment Fpray Line 8 Contelnment Cables for auxiliary feedwater 50005 later later system ] Ventilation each IMV units 1-W1B 112, 1-WIC 112. system Fans 1-W3A, 1.W3P, 1.W5A Reactor IW5 MB IW1A1 thru CRD Mach. Cooling Tans _ Carles to MV units Instrument air lines

  • IWID2 Catles to rarety injection 1%V units 1-W1DI, 1-WID2, 1-WLB Fan For Cables to IAV units 1W1 (MB) system controls (valves, in-2 Control 21005 Le t,er strtsnentation, etc. )

Rod Coolins each later Fuct core (when vessel head is Pressure transmitters 1-Pr9 0, 1 removed) 1.FT941,1.pnook IW3 (MB) Incore instrumentation table 1 B r 170,000# R.V. Head Lifting Device Vesrel head (when missile shiel' Cables 'for IEV units Later is removed) Radiation monitors Head Cables for residual head removal i Peactor coolant pumps (when mis- Eteam and drain lines to con- system tainment heat exchangers 1 R.V. Head (0004 Iater i planks are remo nt) (e.g., 1 h/-76) , Stud Pack later Emercenay feedwater piping

  • U0*4*4 Pressuriser (when missile plankt 3"EB-10 Instrument racks 1-C57A, nre removed) 3 Stud ten- 26504 later 1.C57C RHR pump suction piping 17AC-ni mee Inter Eo1R-2
  • DEGREE of ecupliance with
                                                                               ** 1 - Excellent, complete empliance
  • Class "A" ANSI N %.6 (1778) 2 - C a pliance in most areas items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory l ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas tetween the lead (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.
-;            AM I B 30.9                                                           h - No evidence of empliance                                         Class *P* items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues l

ANSI B %.10 , efter the first structural floor is penetretes and the resultant missile (s) CMA Spee 20 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. BTP AEB 9-1 Part B Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continuee

  • NuREo 05% to the reest lower (third) structural floor.

NUREG 0612 App. C.

                         . _ _                                          __        - _ _ _ _ _ .                                            -          _ ___                  _ _                   _ x             .-.      ,

O 1 i Table L-9 (Cheet 2 of 3) Unit 1 Containment Folar Crar.e ITEM RWIN IEVICE LOCsT" 3 OVERALL LE7.EE OF CO 8.TLINCI py y,. l No. Equip , Service Lift Elds Fer. *4** j No. Cap. Span  !%rg . 100 main E 5 1-Z13 15 an. 100* L M-1 See sheet 1 of 3 fee sheet 1 of 3 to ns ff ISAP TESCRIPTICN Item =eight & Assoc. Lifting Lev. regree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class *C,D" etc. Impacted

                      @.            Handled Oimension        Weight & rim.                      Ccus;11ance with    Items ***                        Items ***                          Itess***                              .

A'CI NIL.6 (19781 j er P30 9 (1971) Cables for Containment Ceponent cooling water piping R.V. Head later Iater Later 1 missile shield Catles for reactor coolant Peactor coolant tar.k drain line system j PI"4 Peactor coolant tank 1-T16

,                                                                                                                                                     Cables for auxiliary feedwater 4        Mein steam      later              Later                             Later                                            system                              inV ductina snutt er i

Beactor vessel (when misst*e Stesi generator blowdown line l 1 FAR vessel Later Later Iater shield 1s in ple e) inspection Eteam generator level tra .rsitterr device Peactor coolant pump oll lift pump 1-174 Condensate return unit purTs 10 RCP missile La* e r Wire Rope later 1-If2 (MP) shield Eafety injection aceunulator planks tanks 1-T34 MB 3 Pressuriser Later Wire Bope Later I missile l shield planks l } h steam Iater fater Later I Generator snutter 1 Vessel Later t*pper Internal lifting Later Internals device (used for lower ] (Upper & core barrel removal also) lower)

  • DEGtEE of compliance with ** 1 - Exceller.t. coe:plete ecxq11ance *" Class "A" Stems: - are those it<ms in thefree f all vertical trajectors
  • ANSI W 14.6 (1978) 2 - Ccs:pliance in most areas between the load (and its liftir4 deeice) and Me first structural floor.

l AIEJ B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccxq11ance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues AIE13 30 9 h - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. j CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continM s , BTP Ass 9-1 Part B to the rest lower (third) struetaral noor. NuREc 0554 l NUREG 0612 App. C. J

  . ~ - , - -                                                                                                                                                            .       .              --

O ) Table L-9 (Theet 3 af 3) Unit 1 Containment Ibler Crane ITDt Raft 1Tr. TEV'f? f.DCA T M No. Egatr . Servlee Lift Elds P e r. C'4RALL DEGRE OF COMPLIANCE

                                                                                     *4**                                                                                       RIF-J FO No.      Cap. Fran       Dwg.

100 main $ M-1 5 1-213 15 aux.

j. See sheet 1 of 3 Sae sheet 1 of 3 o!

tens uo , ICAD IESCFII"* ION . Item

  • eipt &
                                                            '                 Assoc. Lifting Dev.                                                                                                                                        I N9                                                                Depee of            Class "A" Impacted Handled Dimension          Weight & tin.              C a pliance with                                      Class "B" lapseted Items
  • Items *** Clas.s "C,D" etc. Is@ acted ATI Nile.6 (IW91 Itesem or P30.9 (1971) 3 Peactor Fabric Slings vessel hee.: M I4ter 1RV ducts Mise val- Most Fabric Elings ves, heat less Later
           *,                                exchangers,      than etc.             17504 1      Crane hook      67505                Later                       later and bottan block 1      Crane top        ik504                I4ter tiock                                                            later t

t l l f

  • DEGREE of empliance with ANSI N 1b 6 (1W8) ** 1 - Excellent, cce:plete empliance m Class "A" itema:

ANSI B 30.2 th. 2 2 - Capliance in most areas - are those items in thefree fall eertical trajectory ANSI B 30.9 3 - Cmpilance in few areas letween the load (and its lifting Sevlee) and e%e first structural floor. k - No eviSence of compliance Clasa 'B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues . J52 B 30.10 CMA Spec 20 after the first structural floor le penetrated and the resultant missile (s) j ICP AEB 9-1 Phat B fall to"C" Class hit items: the next lower (second) structural floor. NUREG 0554 - are those items in the trajectory path that continues  ; NUREG 0612 App. C. to the D6st lower (third) structaral floor.

                                                                                                                                                                          , , . e   9m,- .g     -meg.-.wa=m--*--        --



i Tatte k-10 (Cheet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Jib Cranes on Contair. ment Putresses 6 ITEM HAr!"M FEY:CT *MM_

                                                         ,               CVERA11 IE2EE 0' C X 11AM E                                                               TIMAPKE                                                  '

No. Equip . Servlee Lift Elds Sef. *%" No. Cap. Tran .vg. 6 - tater u j M-1 Inter Used only at 5 yr. intervala. A protalistie risk analysis will justify emelusion of these devices. b er ICAD TITCPDTCM Item 'acies & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Im; acted Class *C,D" etc. Impacted N9 Handled Limension weight & Dim. C er11ance with items *** Items *** Items *** ATI N1k.6 (17791 or P30.9 (1971) 1 Tendon 300n# Pemovatie Wire Rope Later Concrete pipevays housing Not Appi. , sble Not Appiteable Surve11 (and ench) W ety-related piping and laree pump embles ( fo- RIDt CIO, etc.) Steam generator tiowfown lines 1 Tendon 2000# Removab h Wire Role Later Padiation monitors ) Surve11- (and vench) - lance ram i I l 1 l' 4

  • DEGREE of compliance witt ** 1 - Excellent, corglete empliance *" Class "A" stems : - are those items in thefree fall vertical tra,1ectory ANSI N 14.6 (1978) 2 "gliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting deetee) and the first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccsgliance in few areas Class 'B" stems: - are those Stras in the trajectory path that continues h . No evidence of compliance after the first str actural f1cer is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.9 ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues RfP ASB 9-1 h rt 2 to the next lower (third) structural floor. Nunto os54 NUREG 0612 App. C. s ..-- r - ._ ..

r+ -s f V \ i Table h-11 (Ebeet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Monorail in Personnel Access Hatch I ITEM fiA.C1"M3 DEVICf '.rC a *I ON C*4RALL IE3 TEE OF COMPLIANCE FI wJtrI, No. Egalp , Service lift Eldg Pe f. *%** No. Cap. Cran Dwg. i

                                                           ,                 Compliance review not re-Not                5                  quired for handling devices            Removable. Used only when containment is open daring a cold ebutdown. No safety related items 7        --          Review-    6 ., j,          M-1       in areas with no safety                under path of this monorail, ed         c S! q gg                 equipment.

6 oa , LOAD OFSCPIFTION Item 'aelgnt & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class 'A' lupacted Class *B' 1mpacted Class *C,D' etc. Impacted bit. Handled imension Weight & Dim. Compliance with items *** Items *** I t ems *** ANSI N14.6 (19781 or E30 9 (1971) J 3 Stud 2650# Identification not Not Applicable None None None j tensioner 1. 5' t required X

!                                                  3.5'

} high r )i


1 -- Misc items Most Identification not moved in items required Not Applicable snd out of lest l wontain- than ment 1750# l s 1 1 l l I , t "

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 3 - Excellent, complete compliance *** Class "A' items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory I

+ ANSI N ib.6 (1978) 2 - Compliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and ehe first structural floor. I i ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class 'B' items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues q ANSI B 30 9 h - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant ados 11e(s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) struttural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class 'C' items: - are those items in the trajectory path that ;ontinues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. i NUREG 0554 , NUREG D612 App C. t t ?, j - aras _ . -

Tatte 1 -1_': 4 (Eheet I cf 3) Auxiliary Puilding Fein Crane ITEM HANDLIN" IFVICT W8E 0'.T.RALL IE7EE CF CCHFLIANCE RDVJKr No. Equip . Service Lift fldg Pef. *%" No. Cap. Span Ivg. II

  • M'I " " * #* I # #" ' "" "E E# #" * **

8 215 ~.,x. y tons TLAD TESCPIFTION Item 'aelght & Assoc. Lifting Lev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,0* etc. Im; acted N9 Handled Olsension Weight & Dia. Capliance with Items

  • Items
  • Items
  • A'CI N14.6 (17731 l

j or P33.9 (1971) I 6 Chargir.g 96505 Later later Opent fuel frent fuel pool demineraliser Borte Act- system piping Pump with motor Epent fuel pool Caponent cooling water piping Residual heat removal pumps 1-F10 (MB). 2-F10 (MB) h Residual 7000$ later Iater rpent fuel pool heat exchar.g. Component cooling water heat heat remov- er HX-13 exchanrers Pesidual heat removal heat ex-al pump changers 1-HX11 (MP) 2-HX11 (MP1 with motor Spent fuel pool pumps F12 Boric acid tanks TG (A,B & C) (MB) Residual heat removal piping h Caponent 3200# Iater later Borte acid system piping and cables cooling Epent fuel pool cooling sys. pump with piping and enties Borie acid rectre. pumps Containment spray pumps 2-F14 motor 1-F116, 2-F116 (MB) rpent fuel pool exhaust fans 2 Epent fuel 18004 Later later WC1 (MD) Porie acid transfer pumps Cmponent coolina water pumps pool pump. 1 Tie (MP) 2F (MB) 1-F11 (MB), 2-F11 (MB) with motor Waste distillate tanks Cafety injection purps 1-F15 (MB' is Containment $h004 Iater Later 2 F15 (MB) sirey pump Peactor coolant pump discharre with motor piping 3"WD-151R.9 16 En fety 10,2254 Iater Later Injection pump with motor I I 2 Aux.tidg. PL005 !ater Later stack ex-heu-t fan f

  • DEstEE et compliance with ** 1. Excellent, ccarplete empliance
  • Class "A* Stems: . are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory 2 - Ccepliance in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting device) and the first strvetural floor.

ANSI N 14.6 (1778) Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues AIEI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Car 411ance in few areas after the first structural floor is penetrate 3 and the resultant missile (s) AIEI B 30.9 h . No evi$enee of compliance ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (seeced) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP AEB 91 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. I ll NL1tEG 0553 , IPJREG 0612 App. C.  !

               ~ <'          o e     a==

Totte 4-1? (Theet ? cf 3) Auxillary IN11 ding Win Cra :e ITEM ftANDL'N1 IrdCF LvA

  • ION C*aMLL IE2II OF CCHFLIAN f FF.AF C No. Equip , Service Lift Elds Fef. *4 **

No. Cap. fran Ivs. 130 eale 8 Z 15 20 aux. 75' 4 M-1 Cee sheet 1 of 3 fee sheet 1 of 3 tons $ I ILAD DESCPIPTICN Item %eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,L" etc. Ispacted N1 Handled timension wefght a rim. C=pliance with Items +".A"

                                                                                                               .                     Items...                           Items.

AEI Nik.6 (19721 or E30.9 (1971) 2 Aux.bidg. 3500f Iater Later l carton ex-i haust fan 1 Aux.b1dg. 3200# Later Inter j s spply air fan 2 rpent fuel later Later Iater , pool ex-haust fan 3 Beactor 2650# Inter Later head stud , tensioner 1 Pesin eask la8.00M later Later (full) 73" 4 x 75" high 1 Filter eash 35350# Later Later . 1 New fuel 7000# Later Later shttpira cask (full) 1 Waterrate 3000# Later Later Opent fuel le8.000# Iater Later I shipping cuk (rulli m

  • DEGREE of ecmupliance with ** 1 - Excellent, cor:plete czpliance Class "A" items: - are those itema in thefree f all vertical tra,)ectory ANSI N ik.6 (1778) 2 - Capliance in ecst areas between the load (and its lifting de tee) and ehe first structural floor.

M I B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C mpliance in few areas Class "P" items: - are those items in the trajectory pata that continues ANSI B 30 9 h - No evidence of ecurpliance after the first structural floor la penetrated and the resaltant missile (s)

  • AICI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) atructural llocr.

CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ACB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floon. NenEo 0536 . NUPIG 0612 App. C. f

s 1 Talle b-12 (Cheat 3 of 3)  ; Auxiliary Buildir.s Main Crane

  • i i


  • Do. Equit . Service Lift Blds Pe f. *&" -

Bo. Cap. Even Dwg i 130 r.atn . 8 Z15 20 aux. 7$* g M-1 Eee sheet 1 of 3 fee siaeet 1 of 3 l' c 1 tw.s 14AD OFScPI m ON Item *eight & Assoc. I.1fting Dev. regree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Im;aeted Class "C D' etc. Impactei

,                              N9         Handled rimension         weight & rim.                C ep11ance with          Items +++                       Items +++                          Items +++

l ANEI S1k.6 (1$rT31 1 or B30.9 (1971) 1 k5 Concrete Heaviest Iater Iater hatch cover covers 18.75C4 i 1 Email filt- 20004 Later Later

!                                      er cask
                                -      Mise iters     most                fater                       Later

, less j than i '.7508 i 1 Crane hook 10,50LW Iater later }' and block 1 i i a l l t I l 1

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellect, cceplete empliance *" Class "A' 1; ems : - are those items in therree fall vertical trajecto y ANSI N ?b.6 (1778) 2 - C apliance in most areas t+ tween the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.

i ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C mpliance in few areas Class *B' items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues .l ANEI B 30 9 h - No evidence of ecupliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant alssile(s) . ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the cent lower (second) structural floor. 1 CMA Spee 20 Class 'C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues

 .                        PIP ASB 9-1 Part B                                                                                                       to the next lower (third) structural floor.

1 m:nEc o5% E" REG 0612 %p. C.

  • 3 *=E& ~~ ,
                                                                                                                                                     .-       _ _ . . - . . . _ . . . _ , _ .                    - -~ ~ . - . ---                   . . - . _ . .               __ _             -    .~. . _ . _ . _ -

1 4

  $                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I 1

s '

 !                                                                                                                                                                Tatie 4-13 (Sheet 1 of 1)

I Readf Etores Monorail


LOCA*ICN OVERALL DECREE OF COMPLIANCE REMARKS ITEM fWCI'M DEVICE No. Equir, Eervice Lift B14 Ref. *4" No. Cap. Span Dwg. C mp.t hnee review not re-q .g eE quired for handling devices I 9 Z84 1000 lb. 6s 3$ M-5 in non-safety areas. There are no safety related items in the lift path of this monorail. -

c. E. - I i, e 5 i! .,

IAAD DESCRIPTICN 1 Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degsee of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. ImpacteS I ltem aeight & NS. Handled Dimension weight & tin. Capliance with Iteri m Elev. Items

  • Elev. Items
  • Eler. .

! 1 4 A?CI Nib.6 (1978) l i or B30.9 (1771) ' 1 4

                                                                            -       Mise items   less       identification not re'-               Captiance                           None                                          None                                    Not Applicatie f-to stock     than       quired                                review r.ot                                                                                                                                                               '
  • ready 10004 required stores k

4 1 f $ l l 7 i i G l 1 i i j

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, cmplete empliance m Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory j 2 - Cmpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and he first structural floor. 5 ANSI N 14.6 (Igr78)

Class "B" items: - ere those items in the trajectory path that continues 4 ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C mpliance in few areas after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) h - No evidence of compliance ANSI B 30.9 fall to hit the next Ic,ver (second) structural floor. ANSI B 30.10 ' Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues , ! CMA Spec 20 BTP ACB W1 Part B to the next lovar (third) structural floor.  ! NUREG 055h NUREG 0612 App C. t l f a

                                                                                                                                                                                                    -- , , - . - - - - - _- ._ _ n                  _-


   - -           - - _                  - _ - . - .-_ -                  . ,             ,,               ._..         ~             _ _ _ - - . - . . - . _ ~ . _                   . . . -         . _ . - - - .              - - .         _ ..

1 I 1 k 4


a i 1 l 3 l J j Table k-14 (Chaet 1 of 1) 4 Main Chop Crane ITEM MAEL'R' TEY:Cf IN C CM CVERALL TE';PE CF CCHTLIA.'.*0E RDRPC No. Equit . Eervice L1ft Eldg Pef. *4"

h. Cap. Oran Iv.t .

10 270 6000 its 33' *$ av M.5 tater t i 1 ! $S ' r ILAD DESCPIPTION l Item neignt & Assoc. L1fting Dev. regree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" lagaeted Class "C,0" etc. Iz; acted i N9 Handled 01mension Weight & Eim. C m;11ance with Iter.s

  • Items *** Items
  • i ANE1 Nik.6 (19'91 4

or $30.9 (1971) l - Mise items less Later later kne Cables for auxiliary feed- Nct Applicatie j required than water system in per- (0004 formance , i of normal , I mainten-I anee fab-  ! rication I i i i

l 4

J i F d i I i i , i } l t l i-

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - F .cellent, cmplete erupliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N ik.6 (1778) 2 c;11ance in most areas tetween the loma (and its lifting eeetee) and Me first structural floor ANST B 30.2 ch. ? 3 - i w:;11ance in few areas Class "B" itees: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues '

j ANSI B 30 9 h . e evidence of ces;11ance after the first structural floor is penetrates and the resultant missile (s) . ANSI B 30.'O fall to hit the next . lower (second) structural floor. 1 CMA Fpec 20 Class "C" items: . are those items in the trajector; path that continues

PTP ACB 9-1 / art B to the next lower (third) structural floor.  ;

4 mmEc osS NUREG 0612 %p. C. l j

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - - ' ~
   *M**$ .

4 i

          .                                                .            -                                    _ _-.              _       __               -             _ - - _ _ ~ _          ...             ~ _     _ - .

i Tatie 4-15 (Cheet 1 of 1) e Unit 1 Containment Equipment iratch Track +( P I IR ATION CVERAI.I. IF'2EI 0F COpr/LIANCE FDuP TI, ITEM MATITRO DEV:CF  ; i l No. Equit, Eervice Lift Eldg Fe f. *4** *

!                       No.      Cap. cpan       Dwg.                                                                                                                                                                      4, 4                                                .              Not reviewed as not in scope 11    1-Z-18    Not                   M-7      of NUREO 0612 This is not a lifting device. therefore is not intended to te included in NJPEG M12.

i reviewed $d EU 5 $0 I_ Le 00 IfAD DETcRIPTION Item =eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree cf Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impetted Class "C.D" etc. Impacted IP. Handled Dimension Weight & Dim. Ccepliance with Items ~ Items ~ Items

  • t& I NIL.6 (19"81 j or P30.9 (1971) '



r l 5 i A & d j < NOT REVIEWED AS NOT IN SCOW OF NUREG 0612 r i 4 L d 5 - 1 ] i i t . 1 i i i I

  • DEGREE of e g liance with ** 1. Esce11ent. ccuplete empliance ~ Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N %.6 (1778) 2 - C ay11ance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and *%e first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cmpliance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues 4 ANSI B 30.9 k . No evidence of ccepliance after the first structural floor to penetrates and the resultant missile (s) ,. ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) struet,1n1 floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: . are those items in the +/s ectory s path that continues

!                BTP afb 9-1 Part 3                                                                                                 to the next lower (third) structural flooe.

j mEo o5% m Eo 0612 app. C. 4 1 d 4

              ._.                         .                  __-.       .- _                          --                   - - ~ -                              _ .-         _        .-           .         -               _ . . , _ .

1 ) 4 Tette L-16 (Cheet I cf 1) i l' nit 1 Jih Crane Over Incore Instrumer,*etion ITDf M.A*rlW ?DT"Y IMIT!N C'J.RALL IE2EE CF COCLIA!CI R.ty,;Jc i No. Eq2ip , Eervlee Lift Eldi Fe f. *&** l No. Cap. Sean Dwg. i E.

!            12      -          14ter     d b    M-5             Later                              The safety related status of this erane is to Le determined.

f ITAD TESCRIPU CN I Item =eight & Assoc. Lifting Lev. regree cf Class A" Impacted Clas B" Impacted class "C,D" etc. Isgeeted NS. Handled rimension wetsht & rim. Ccepliance uth Itess*++ i t ems "* It ms ~ A*CI N14.6 (19791 x or 230.9 (1471) i 1 Incore ileight Iater Later i Instruenn later l'A ( ALE) 1-T16 atton Peactor coolant drain tank Tabla '4' uh ' IM dueting

.                                           8' high                                                                                                             Feactor Coolant drein tank j                                                                                                                  Raitation monitor 137                         piping

i } Cables for residual test Coc:ponent ecoling water p-

;                                                                                                                 removal system                                ing to reactor coolant pump 4" /4-152N-4 Emerrency feedwatee piping                                                  a 3"-EM-10 Fesictual heat removal pup suctton line 10" AC-601-R2 1

i 1 I 1

                                                         .                                                                                                                                                                                  t L

4 I $ l 3 n ]

  • DEJZE of empliance with ** 1 - Excellent, ccreplete ecm::;11mnee ~ Class "A" Stems: - are those items in thefree fall eertteal trajectory 21 N 1h.6 (1778) 2 - C=pliance in most areas between the loss (ans its liftina device) and me first structural floor. '(

4 ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccur;11ance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues i ANSI B 30.9 L - No evidence of ccurpliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant alssile(s) i ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class C" Stems: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ' BTP iEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. ,! NuREG o3S , NUREG 0612 App. C. I  ! 1 T


_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ .- . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m._____-- . _____ ~ _ _ _ . _ __i _ _ _ _ _ .. _m___.. _ _ _ __


L I l i I ]* I  ; 1 it Table 4-17 (Theet 1 of 1) {- } Unit I honorails for Feedwater Heaters ,.

                               . TEM      MATIMN' IEVICE           LOCATION                   OVERAI.1, IEGREE OF COMPLIANCE                                                                                               REMAPKS g

No. Equip Mervice Lift Blds Ref. *%** l'

i 4 No. Cap. Open tvg.

Ccepliance review not re-a y ggy . quired for handling devices j 13 1-Z82 h d[ 4, $ M-5 in non-safety areas. There is no safety related equipment in the lift path of this moncrail. I j 4 (A

  • 8) y j i IAAD PESCPIFTION _

Item ~.eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C D" etc. Impacted  ? 4 N9 Handled Dimension weight & rim. Oceraliance with items *** It ems ~ ~ Items +++ f IJCI N14.6 (19781 = ar B30.9 (19714 i 1 None None Not Applicable , is Feeavster Not re- Identification not Cmp 11ance , Hesters viewed required review not required 4 f i 1 i 5 1 l { i i e r 4 i l' a t I  ! i i 1  ;

  • EEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, emplete compliance "* Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N 1h.6 (1778) 2 - Ccr:plianae in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor. i ANSI B 30 2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Cless "B" i'tems: - are those items in the trajectory path that ontinues ANSI B 30.9 h - No evidence of compliance after the fir.t structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) .

ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the neirt lower (seesnd) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class "C" ltems: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues { BTP ACB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structr.ral floor.  ; i NUREG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C.  ! l .I _ __- . , , . ,

G ml ~ Taile h-19 (cheet 1 of 1) f'er.orail at North Irvi of Cen* rol Paildirp Flectrical Tg 2t rent M. F1. F ' ITEM MA r LIM 3 r m er L(va ICN CVEFALL TEM OF CCFILIA?.TE F3'.AP E e No. Equip, fervice Lift Euf s e r. .g.. No. Cap. Oran Dwg. W !ience reviav not re-ghd for tadling d vices l'+ _ pooc4 o

                                    ,       3    g_5 carr/ing less than heavy                        This monerall does not ca rr;r tea <y loads.                                                                                                               ,

y , F% 8 leads. A s. o IPAD rFSCPIFTICN ltem **1ght & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted NS. Handled rimension neeight & ris. Ccripitance with Class "C,D" etc. Impacted Items - ltems... Items -

                                                                                 #?CI Nik.6 (17781 er P30 9 (1971) l 1     M21t t -amp     lla9           Identification no*.            Cap 11once                                                            Not Applicatie                     Not Applicatie                    Not Applicatle Tester          5'x2'           required                       review cot x!a'                                        required f

i e EEGREE of ecurpliance with ** 1 - Excellent, e mplete e xpliance - Class "A" Stems: - are those stems in therree fall vertical trajectory AEI N %.6 (1Sr78) 2 - Cmpliance in most areas tetween the load (and its liftinr device) and Me first structural floor. ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Coq 11ance in few areas Class "P" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues AEI B 30 9  !. - Nr evidence of empliance after the first structural flocr is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) AF.T B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor.

      " A Spee 20                                                                                                                                                             Class *C" items: - are those items in th- trajectory path that continues itP AFB 9-1 Part B                                                                                                                                                      to the r. ext lower (third) structural floor.

NUREG OS% NUREG 0612 App, C.



? I 1 I i i 1 ) Table 4-19 (Cheet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Jib Crane Over real Water Injection Filters 1 ITDI MATLtM1 PEVIer Lnc m eN OVERALL LEr.JE OF COMFLIJ3CE PIPfJKS q No. Equip, Service Lift Blag Ref. *4" No. Cap. Cyan Dwg. Compliance review not re f g quired for handlin.t devices t , . in areas with no safety 30004 M-5 equisa.ent There are no safety related items in this area, i 15 - e

                                                                 . M f.

I/1AD TESCRTmcN f Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C # etc. Impacted ! Item Weight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. j N9 Handled nimension weight & Dim. Capliance with Items *** Elev. 26'-0" Items

  • Elev. Items
  • Elev.

I ANCI Nih.6 (19'78) !] or B30.9 (1971) Nor:e None Not ATT11eatle 1 i 1 Filter 20004 Identification not Compliance casks required review not { required , j + 1 Concrete 20254 Identification not Not Applicatie Itatch required Cover . i t t I t j a d t  ! i  ; I I l I i I . i i l ,I 1

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete empliance *** Class "A" items: - are those iters in thefree fall vertical trajectory 2 - Capliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and M e first structural floor.

l ANSI N %.6 (15r78) Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues j ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C apliance in few areas 3+ - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is peretrated and the resultant missile (s) j A1EI B 30 9 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. 4 AICI B 30.10 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues

 !                                CMA Spac 20                                                                                                                                                                                                                      j j                                  BTP AEB 9-1 Part B                                                                                                                          to the next lower (third) structural floor.

NUREG 0$f4 r NUREG 0612 App. C. l , 4

                                                                                                                             ,-                                                  . - . - .                                 -_             ,.                   .w

i [ l i i

!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            l l

{ i Tatle 4-?O (Cheat 1 of 6) i l 4 h etir_e hiliing Main Crane 5 l RIFJJiC

  • i i ITEM PJTi'ai f!?IN LnC AMON CVEPJLL IE2EE CF COMPLIA3~E No. Epit fervice L1ft E ld.' Pef. *4**

No. Cap. CTan Ivs. J

  • t i

16 21h M emi' 120' 8 'o M-3 Later i 20 aux. ;3 tons (( l i  ? tcAD trFCPIF~ ION Class *E" Impacted Class "C.D" etc. Impacted l ltes =eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class 'A' Impacted Ite=s*** lietght & Dia. Compliance with Items *** I t er.s *** j PO. Handled Cimension A*C1 N14.6 (19791 er P30.9 (1971) i i later Air intakes to diesel rener- Ccepu*.er Boore Main control roce (entles. IRV. j 8 Moisture Later Iater ators instr'.rsentation. etc.) g seperator IRV units for control 11dg reheater tiesel renerators l bundle EV dxting for control tidg Later MV units for control 1111 Generator later Later 8 Diesel renerators  ; I hyd rogen Catle spreading room (caties. l cooler Eervice water piping li&V, etc.) __ later Later 2 Exciter Iater Electrical epipment rone , I cooler (catles. MV, etc. for control blog) b !ater Later

b Condensate 3'.0004 I i

1 pump with each Cervice water piping j motor Auxiliary feedwater puers i Later later 6 heater Later 1-P29, 2-P29 j drain pump with motor Emerrency tatter!*s ] 1 65004 Nain feed pump lifting later 3 h Steam Gen. TwitcVeer rore i feedwater rig ! pump Auxiliary feedwater pielr t 3 j Later 3"FP-10  ? i k Steam Cen. 8200# Later e i feedwater I pump t'ase- i .


4 plate l h i I f i

                                                                                                                                                   *** Class " A" items: - are those items in thefree fell e*rtical trajectory
  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, cceplete ecs:pliance 2 - Compliance in mest areas tetween the load (and its lifting 6evice) and he first structural floor. lf ANSI N 1%.6 (3778) 3 - C epliance in few areas Class *2' items: - are those items in the trajec'ery path that cor.tinues  ;-

A!EI B 30.2 ch. 2 after the first structural floor le penetrated and the resultant missile (s) + ANSI B 30.9 k - No evidence of ccepliance fall to hit the cent lower (second) structurel floor. lt 1 A351 B 30.50 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues I j CMA spee so to the next lower (third) structural floor. ' . BTP A3B 91 Part B 1 irJREG 05% i NUREG 0612 App. C. 1 f I 4 l

     -.         .           = _ _ _ _ . _ - _ . . . _ -          .     - -.      -          -      _ _ . _ . _ _       - . _ _ _       .-          _c            . - __ - _ - . ~ ---                -                    -- - - _ - . . - . . _ . . - . - . - . _ . .

i l 1 T ) Tatte '-204 (Theet ? of 4 ) [ Turbine Pa11 ding Msin Crane ]

 !      ITEM        NA'CLN ITV'N                        IN s*ICN       CVEPJI.L IE~2.E OF CC9GLIAN7                                                                                     py;J;g                                                                              l j        po.         Iquit . Eervlee Lift Blds                Pef.      *t**

1 No. Cap. Fran I%g. t m=t, e-20 an. 120' 25 2 See sheet 1 of 6 ( 16 Z14 M-3

                                   """                  tU ile                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;I
 .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       i LCAD IESCRIFTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,

Ites '

                                               - tight &        Assoc. Lifting Lev.           Degree of                      Class "A" Issacted                 Cless *P"             Is; acted                            Class *C,L" etc. lagaete$

1 f4 Handled :'zension Weight & Dia. Ccr pliance with Ite=s

  • Items " Items
  • W I N1h.6 (IT el

} or E30.9 (19'1) 1 l i 4 Steam Cen. 5800# Iater Later I feeiveter put"p fly- * [ wheel i t h Steer Gen. 17,0004 Later Tater feedwater p ap motor j 2 A u. feed. Later Iater Later 4 pump with j mkr 1 i , l 2 Aux. feed- Later Later Later l

 -                       weter pump                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '

I with motor h 1 1 Ccanon Vee 1759 Later Imter ! priming , VM i 2 Veeuta 175M Later' Later , priming pwp with g  ? I motor i 4 2 Demerated later later Later I water purp j with motor 4 i e DEGREE of compliance with ++ 1 - Ezeellent, ceraplete ccepliance *" Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertitel trajectory ANSI N ib.6 07TS) 2 - Compliance in tost area. 1setween the lead (and its lifting device) and s% first structural floor. l' ANCI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ceegliance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that conttr.ues ANSI B 30.9 h- No eri$ence of coepliance after the first structural f1cor te genetrated and the res21 tant missile (s) , ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structu-el floor.  ! CMA Spee 20 Class *C' items - are those items in the trajectory path that continues , t BTP AEB 9-1 Part 3 to the hest lower (third) structml floor. ir.:REo o59 IFJRE3 0612 App. C. . t 4 f'.i

   ,                                                                                                                                                                                                   . .                                 .                           ~

i a i

                                                                                                                                                     ,,.        ,                            - . - -      - . . , - ~ _ -
    , _           . _ _ _ ~                             _. - _ _ . . - - _ - - _ _ - - _ -                             -     -         ..        _ _ . .                    -            . . - -         - _ .. _ _ _ ~ _ -              - _ . _ .

O I . Tatie 4-20 (rbeet 3 of (2) Turtir.= Pulloing Pain Crane ITEM MATI"N7 IEv'0F Lnca*ICM O'.*EAaLL TE7E CF COMPLIANOT P&JJr3 No. Equit , Service Lift Plds Fef. *% ** i No. Cap. Ctan !ws. ! 16 Z14 m ech gq M-3 See sheet 1 of 6 1 20 aar. 120, , , , , , I 1 5"8 tE j l de l IEAD tEscPIFT'CN Ites '- eipt & Assoc. I.lfting Iev. Degree of Class "A* Impactet Class *B" Ingeetes l Class"C,D*etc.Impactet N9 Bandled rimension weicht & rim. c e;11ance with Items +++ Items +++ Items **+ 4 ATI N13. 6 (19781 { or P30.9 (1471) l 1 Generator 235,00c4 Iater Later ! rotor i l 1 Generator h300# I4ter Later hydroren 1 cooler l 2 Generator 13,f004 Later Later

t ea ring each
tracket ,

! (half) J ] 2 Generator 221'4 Later Later bearing each

(half) i I 1 I;retter 18,6704 !ater later

! rotor 4 1 1 1 Exciter 55(04 Later Later j stator j 1 Exciter 24504 !ater Later . relestat ], tearing & seals

1 Eretter 2. ,Jon# Iater Later l testing i plate and 4 t<ed plates i

l e

  • DE 2EE of easy 11ance with ** 1 - Ezeellent, ecerlete ecrT11ance +++ Class T tt sa: - are those items in thefree fall vertical tra;eetery i ANSI N 4.6 (ISTP; 2 - Compliance in most areas between the aced (and its lifting device) and e*w first structural floor.

! ANSI B 30.2 ch. I 3 - Car pliance in few areas Class '2" items: - are those items in the trajectory gath that continues l ANSI B 30.9 k - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrates and the resultant ales 11e(s) i ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. A CNA Spec 20 Class *C" Stems: - are those stems in the trajectory path that cantinues 1 If"P A!B 9-1 Part 3 to t*.e next lower (third) structural floor. ! NunEs o551 Nt:nEc 0612 Ayy. C. i 4

T ele k-00 (theet b of /) g T4rtine Pu1131ng Main Crene ITEM HAELTNO trVICT INATC CVERALL IE3iEE OF CCELIANCE F M PKS No. Equir, Service L1ft Elds Pef.

  • 4 ** ,

No. Cap. Open Dwg.  ; 125 rain e ,4 16 Z1k 20 aur. 120+ yj b M_3 See sheet 1 of 6 tons g du 14AD DESCRIPTIC1s Item 'e.gnt & Areoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Close 'P' Isracted Class *C D" etc. Impacte$ NS. Monated Dimension *<ght & Dia. ccurpliance with Items *** Items *** Items ***


ANE1 514.6 (19761 or P30 9 (1971) 1 Ereiter 15,5004 Imter later

                                   *nousing and outboard cooler (doshouse) 1     Righ pres-     81,7004           Iater                       Iater sure (H.P.)

turtine out-er cover 1 H.P. turbine 70.000# High pressure md low Later roter pressure rotor lifting device 2 9.P. turbine 3200J Later later blaie ring each

                                   #1 (half) 2     3.P. turbine A70tW               Later                       later blade ring     each
                                   #2 (half)                                                                                                                                                 .

1 Iow pressure 122.3005 Later Iater (L.P.) tur-bine outer cover 2 I.P. turbine 50.0005 Later lat-r

                                   #1 *.nner       each cylinder (half)
  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, coe:plete compliance *** Class 'A' Stems: - are those Stams in thefree fall virtical trajectory ANSI N 14.6 (1778) 2 - Ccer11ance in most areas t.etween the load (and Sto lifting Sevice) and e%e first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cce:plinnee in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path trat continues ANSI B 30.9 k - No evt3ence of ecer11ence after the first structural floor le penetreted and the resultant ases11e(s) AMEI B 30.10 fall to hit the cert lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Closs *

  • items: - are those Stees la the trajectory path that continues BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor.

IMtEG 0551s lutEG 0612 App. C.

  • A ,

Tarle 4-20 (Cr.cet 5 of 6) .- Turtire Pullding Mein Crane TTEM RAEL"U IEVICT IKsTM OVERALL LE2II OF COMPL1AN"E RD%ec No. Equip, Service Lift Bids Pef. *t** No. Cap. Open Dw.J . 125 main e-16 Z1h N 6ux. tpo. y ,E M-3 See sheet 1 of 6 tots ( tac IFS.CPIPff CM lten 'eight

                                             =         &      Assoc. Liftira Dev.        Degree of          Class 'A' impacted           Class *B" impacted                  Class "C,D* etc. la M etet
                       @.            Handled Dimension        Weight & Dia.              Capitance with     Items *                      ',t er.s ***                        Items
  • AICI N14.6 (17781 or P30 9 (1971) j 2 L.P. tur- 90,C005 Iater Later bir.e #2 each
)                             Inner cyl-inder (talf 3

a 1 L.P. tur- 1(0.0004 High pressure and low Later I pressare rotor lifting bine rotor device i 2 L.P. turbin. h9 d 14ter Later blade ring each ! (half) 2 L.P. tur- W Iater later bine cyl- *ech , inder inlet i ficae c:1de (belf) 0 1 l'. tur- 3325M Offset Lifting Big Iatar i b!1e beer each

  • j inas #3, #4 I #5, E (half) i I L.P. tur- %X4 !ater Iater b1ne cross-over adapt-er piece 1
             * !EGREE of compliance with                                     ** 1 - Ezeellent, ecumplete carp 11ance
  • Clase *K' Stems: - are those items la therree fall vertical trajectory MI E 14.6 (1776) - 2 - C apliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting eevice) mas e%e first structure 1 floor.

M I B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C e r11ance in few arena Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectery path trat continues M I B 30.9 h - No eviSence of ecurpliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) MI B 3010 fall to hit the next lower (seecna) structurel floor. CMA Spee 20 Class 'C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues B"? AEB 9 1 Piart 5 to the next lower (third) structural floor. NL1tEG 05% EUREG 0612 Ayy. C. l ..-,m __ .

l J O C l 9 I Table kW (Theet 6 of 6) 7 Turt ire Pa114f er l'aln Crane < I ITEM MUCI"Ir1 IEWCF UcaTTk CT_RA'L IE31I 0F CONTLIA!5TE PS AP C Mo. Eq' alp. Servlee Lift Eld.' Pef. *& ** Do. Cap. Ti an  !%#g. a l' 125 *- 16 Z1k i

                                                                                      "'I'.          120'       M-3        Eee sheet 1 b' 6 20 en                                   52 tons                                   ,


'                                                                item                                ~ eunt k       Assoc. Lifting Lev.           Legree of                    Clote "A" Impacted                              Cless *B" Iagmeted                                                                                          Class *C,D" etc. Iztacte$

4 N1 Handles n=ension weies & rim. Cca@llance with Items *** Items

  • Itu s***

r A.'t! N14.6 (1778) t er B30.9 (1971) 1 L. P. tur- 32,000h Later later

,                                      b1ne cross-over pipe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,

K 1 L.P. tur- 12.0004 tater ^ . Is'er , tirie cross-over pipe Pt. Peach ' 1 L. P. tur- 10 M Iater Later 4 bfne lift-ing gear . Crane hook 10,5004 Later Iater I  % bottora block 1 g Crane top 20004 Inter later e tiock

  • 4 4

4 1 1

  • IE3 TEE of empliance with ** 1. Excellent, cce:plete ecrT11 mace *** Class "A" items: . are those items la thefree fall eertical trajectory MI E ik.6 (NTS) 2 . C a y11ance in most areas between the laat (and its lifting 6eelee) and '%e first structurel floor.

AK.'I B 30.2 th. 2 3 - Corzpliance in few areas Clase "B" Stene: - are those itene in the trajectory pth that continues I M I B 30.9 k - No evidence of courpliance after the first structural f1cer is penetretef ass the resultant mise 11e(s) M I B 30.10 fall to hit tne next lower (secana) structursi floor. CMA Spee 20 Clase *C" items: . are those items in the e. injectory path that continues FfP AEB 9-1 Part B to the nest lower (third) structural floor.

,                    m mza os5k WRE3 0612 App. C.

O O O 1 4 Tatle !+-21 (Cheet 1 of 1) { Water Treatment Area Menorail ITEM MA'OL'E IFCCE LOCA*TCM CVERILI. IE2EE OF COMPLIAEE PIMMtF2 No. Equip, Servlee Lif t Eldg Pef. *4++ 1 No. Cap. 7 pan Dwr.. Corp 11ance review not re-not ,.. 721 red for handling devices 17 Z80 review. M-2005 There are no safety related items in the lift rath of this monorail in non-safety areas. f E2 -c e I 14AD LESCPIF" ION ) Item =eight & Assoc. Liftir.g Dev. Degree of Class "A' impacted Class "B' Impeeted Class "C,D" etc. Impactet NI. Handle *. Oimeeston Weight & Dim. C ep11ance with Items

  • Items
  • Items
  • ATI Nile.6 (1W81 or E30 9 (1971) l 4

Identi fi- not re- Identification not Complianca re- None Not Applicable Not Appliemble cation rit viewed required view not requir-require a ed 4

j. i t

a 1 i 1 I, 1 1 l 5 1

  • DE2EE of ecmpliance with ** 1 - Excellent, cerglete empliance
  • Class "A' items: - are those items in thefree fall vertteel trajectory ANSI B %.6 (1W8) 2 - Cep11ance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and the first structural floor.

ANSI 7 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cor411ance ;n few areas Class "P" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANB1 B 30.9 16 - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) AN51 B 30.10 fell to hit the next icwer (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" itemt: - ere those ites.s in the trajectory path that continues  ; to the next lower (third) structural floor. . i BTP AEB 9-1 Part B NuPzc o5% l j NtNEG 0612 App. C. f I w

_ _ . _ _ _ -- ___m _. . _ _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ -. - . O Table b-22 (Cheet 1 of 1) l Unit 2 Jib Crane Over Incore Instrientation 5 1 j ITEM IWOi.TNO TMCT I F 4 TION CVERAI.L IEOE' 0F COMPLIATF RIyjJ E

  • No. Equir. Service L1ft Bldi Fe f. *4** **

No. Cap. Open Dwg.

                                                                                                                                                          .                                                             ?

18 - Inter f {g M.2(05 Later The safety related status of this erane is to te de. ermined. ' O O$ i i j IAAD TESCRIPTION t item 'eignt

                                       *         &      Assoc. Lifting Dev.            Degree of             Class *A* Impacted                 Class 'B" Imp acted                Class "C,D" etc. Impacted l                   N1          Handled Dimension        Weight & Dim.                  Capliance with        Items ***                          Items ***                          Iters
  • I CTOI Nik.6 (1978) l or E30.9 (1971)
2-Wh (MB)

Reactor Cavity Cooling Fans i e t sump drain Not tisejlicable i 1 Incore Wt. later I4ser I4ter M V Ducting piping i Instrumen-( tation k'zk' Eafety injection system pip- Cmponent cooling water pip-l Table x8' high ing 6"RC-2501R-5 ing . k"AC-152N b l l l I i l i l I e i

  • DEGREE of camp 11ance with " 1 - Excellent, complete empliance *** Class "A" items: - are those stems in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N %.6 (1979) P - Ctrpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting dettee) and 'he first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C apliance in few areas Class *P" iter.r: - are those items in the trajectory path that continuee ! ANSI B 30.9 h . No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penet-a'ed and the resultant miss11T(*) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) strue: ml floor. CMA Epee 20 Class 'C" items - are those items in the trajectory path that continues i BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the r. ext lower (third) structural floor. l nuREs 055h NUREG 0612 App. C.

_- - - _ . _ _ . . . - __ _ - _.. - =_ --- O O Tetle le-23 (Chaet 1 of 1) Unit ? Ponorail for Containment Equirenent Hatch Track ITEM Mart!O IEVICI LOCA T M OVERALL IEGFIE OF COMTLIAN71 P_W. APf,s No. Equip, fervice Lift Eldf Pef. *4" No. Cap. Tian Iv - ) ( Not reviewed as not in

                                      -     a not re-  j, y                  scep= of NUREG 0612.                    Not a lifting device, therefore not intended to be included in the scope of DJE10612.

19 2-Z18 viewed oy gy M-2005

0 U 0I - i i

14AD TESCPTFTICN Item .eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class 'A' Impacted Class *T 1mpacted Class "C,D* etc. Impacted Nt Handled timension weight & Dim. ccepitance with Items +++ Items ++- I t ems *" ATI Niled (17761 or E30.9 (1971) l I I i l 1 NOT REVIEWED AS NOT IN ECOPE c? NUREG 0012 l l { l l t i { l L l l r .

  • DEGREE of ccumpliance with ++ 1 - Excellent, con:plete ecugliance "* Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory I l ANSI N A.6 (1978) 2 - Cce:pliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and the first structural floor.

AICI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cce:pliance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 b - No evidence of cosrpliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the reruitar t missile (s) l ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (recon 4) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues FTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. ! NUREo o551

NunEs oa 2 App. C.  ;, '

l t

 - t uu _                                                                                                                                                                                .             --

m .- - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ .__ .. ._ . - . _ -_ e i l i 4 Table h-Ph (Creet 1 of 1)

 ,                 'ITEy      lit.X.'It o TTVICT       iMa* ION t? nit ? Jib Crane Over Fest Water In.iaction Filters
}                   No.       Eq 21r . Service Li f t Sids Fe f.


  • 4 ** FDt*J U

] No. Car. Cran Dws i 20 Cormliance review not re-i 3000# g M-2005 quired for handling devices in areas with no refety There are r.o refety related items in this area. , a, ' 4 g hy% equipnent. ILAD IITCPIPTICN 3

                          #A Iten    =eight &        Assoc. Lifting rev.        Degree of                      Class                                                                                                                     !r Handlet Dimension       Weight & Dim.                                                        'A' Impacted             Class "B" Impacted                                                                     !*

, Ccertiance with It ams"* Class C,D" etc. Impacted Items *** I t e:* s ***

A.TI Nik.f (1/79) or P3 A9 (1471) '
,                           1     Filter cask     W             Identification net           Not /pplicatie                        Nor.e j                                                                required                                                                                          None Not Applicable 4

1 Concrete 20254 Patch Identification not Not Applicable Cover required 1 . , 4 I J l 4 i I e 1 3 i i l l i i  ! ', f )

  • DEGRET of caspliance with ANSI N ik.6 ()cf78) ** 1 - Exe*Uer.t, ccerlete ccepliance "* Class "A" ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 2 . Cce;11ance !n most areas items. - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory 3 - Cee:pliance in few areas between the lead (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.
'                 ACI B 30 9                                                     h - No evidence of ecepliance                                       Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.10                                                                                                                       after the first structural floer is penetrated and the resultant missile (s)                  ,

{ CMA Spec 20 ' i BTP AtB 9-1 Part B fall to hit the next Icwer (second) structural floor. Class "C" items: - are these items in the trajectory path that continues j 1 rara o554

NUREG 0612 App. C.

to the nert lower (third) structural floor. i l 1 i

 \- - . _ - . -
   . - _ . .         -                .-         _ -        . . - .-                                          - - - . . .    . - - -       ..          -~     -                . -         -     - . .   ...        _ . . . ~ . .

as 3 ( l I l


d I a i }  !. Tstle 4-25 (Cheet 1 of 1) 4 Unit 2 Honorails for feedwater Heaters ll s IMTION CVERALL DEOREE OF COMPLIANCE REMARKS ITEM MA.C1"NG DE7ICT I No. Iquip, Service Lift Side Ref. *%** go, Cap. Cpan Dwg. '

                                           ;g                        Compliance review not re-2-Z81
                                 t re-   g      E  M-2005 quired for handling devices 21   2-IS,2      viewed      g     g                  in non-safety areas              There is no safety related equipment in the path of this monorail.

( ) c h ! E 5 LOAD TEFCPIPTICN Item 'eight

                                         =         &    Assoc. Lifting Dev.             Degree of          Class "A" Impacted                    Class "B" Impacted                 Class "C,D" etc. Impacted N9          Eandled Dimension '     Weight & Dim.                   Compliance with    Items ***                             Items ***                          I t ems * **

ANSI N14.6 (17781 or B30.9 (1771) k,' t j k Feedveter not re- Identification not re- Compliance None None Not Applicable [ heaters viewed quired review not reqtired 1 i 4 1 9  ! 3


e i 4 i I 4

                                                                             ** 1 - Excellent, complete compliance                   *** Class " A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory 5 DEGREE of compliance with l

2 - Compliance in most areas between the load (and its lif ting device) and the first structural floor. ANSI N .1b.6 (1978) ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class "B" ttems: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues i 4 - No evideree of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.9 ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. 1 CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ASB 91 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C. 1 i j __ __-.. i

___ _ m _. . _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . - m _. . -._ _ _ _ i i 0 Table b-26 (Sheet 1 of 1) j i i Unit 2 Nonorail in fersonnel Access Hatch ITDf HAE!'O ITVICE LOCA T M OVEPALL IEM Of COVJLIANCE RDtWI No. Equip , fervice :.i f t Bldg Fe f. *4**  ! No. Cap. rien Ovg.

                                                   .                             Compliance review not re-22       -       Not re-   T     3                              quired for handling devices       Bemovable, used only when containment is open daring a cold shutdown, No eafety related 1+ ems viewed   y     .h              M-2001         in areas with no safety           under path of this conorail.

I g g equipment. 1414 fESCPIPTICM l } Item =eignt & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,t" etc. Impacted i N1 Handled rimension weight & rim. Caspliance with Items += Items ** s t ems ** i A CI N14.6 (1976) j or 1'30.9 (1)/1) i d 3 Stud 2650# Identification not N< t applicatie None None None

Ter.sioner 1.5' f required x

3 5' high } 4 i Mise items Most less Identification not Not Applicable i moved in than required 4 and out of 17504 ] containment 2 6 i l 1 ) i 1 i I'

  • DEGRE of ecespliance with ** 1 - Ezeellent, coc:plete ecm:pliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectery j ANSI N 14.6 (17T8) 2 - Ccepliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and she first structural floor. j j ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C<way11ance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues l ANSI B 30.9 h - No evi$ence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant alssile(s)  ;

fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. 1 AIE1 B 30.10 } 4 CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items to the trajectory path that continues l 1 BTP AEB 9 1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 055h l ,j NUREG 0612 App. C. I j - , _ _ m

<                                      m 4

h 2 a Tat,le b.FT (theet 1 of 1) , j Unit 2 Jib Craries on Centairent Pu'rerses i ITEM RTLTU TEv'?T IK sTION OVERA!.L LE2EE OF COPGLIA.TE paany;. j No. Epir , Eervice Lift Eldg F e f.

  • 9, *
  • No. Cap. Eran Dwa e


  • I M-2001 Later Used only at 5 year intervals A protalistic risk ar.alysis will justify exclusion of these devices. '

23 - b , l 4 I4AD DErscFTPTION 6' Item 'aeight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Im; acted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted t N9 Handled Dimension Weight & Cim. Ccarpliance with Items *** Items *** Items *** 4 AT I N13 6 (19761 or 230.9 (1971) 1 Tendon 300C4 Removable wire rope Inter Steam Cenerator blowdown Not Applicatie Not Applicable Surveillance (and wench) lin*s pump Concrete pipeways hmsing safety related piping and

!                                      1      Tendon          2000#             P* movable wire rope         Later                cables ( for RIIR, CIT, etc.)

Surveillance (and wer:h) ram Padiation monitor i, l 1 } j 4 4 i t I 4

  • DEGREE of empliance with ** 3 - Excellent, con:plete empliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory i

ANSI N ib.6 (1778) 2 - Compliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and the first structural floor. ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C mpliance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 h - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant alssile(s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. i' CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues 4 BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG OS$k NUREG 0612 App C.


4 1

O O i Tatie h-28 (Cheet 1 of 1) Unit 2 RPV Circular llend Monorail a ITEM MA'CI. m TFW CT IN AT*?N CVERALL LEGhTE OF CCMF1.IANCE PIMAPKS I No. Equip, Service Lift Bldf Pef. *t" No. Cap. Open Pwg.

                                              .-e     e O       C. M-2001 Ps t    -         Later     o      Sy M 20/0           Later                        This monorail is used only during a cold shutdown, while the reactor vessel tead is in position.

M" oSE a: ICAD TEScPIPTICN Item enght a & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impoeted Class "B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted NS. Handled Dimension Weight & Dia. C mpliance with It ms*** Items *** Items

  • A?CI N14.6 (19781 or B30.9 (1971) i e


3 Stud ten- 2650$ Later Ister Reactor vessel Not Applicable Not Applicable j stoner 1.5' /

i X 4 3.5'

high 9

4 1 1 1 12 Reactor 50c# Later rater j head studs 1 Seal ring Later later Later i J 4 3

  • DEGREE of ecepliance with ** 3 - Excellent, eceplete empliance *" Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectery

,j ANSI N 1h.6 (1778) 2 - Cap 11ance in most areas between the load (and its lif ting device) and the first structural floor. ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class "P" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 h - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structure 1 floor. I CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory pati. that continues a BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 0554 PJREG 0612 App. C. 1 1

  -+ . ;g y , _, . _                                                                                                                              ___                   _._         ,           - - - . - - , -

O O 3 Tatie k-?) (theet 1 of 3) U-it 2 Containment Polar Crane ITEN EMIN IFCF Loca*TL OFMLL IE7IE OF COMPLIANCE FIM/MS No. Equit , Service Lift Eldf Fef. +4" No. Cep. Cyan Dwc e 25 2-Z13 M-2001 Used only during shutdown. refety implications of items impacted during shutdown will te evaluated 100' gy M-2009 Later in the "nine month" report. tons g[ ICAD EFSCM m CN Item aeight & Assoc. Lif ting Lev.

Dearee of Class "A" Imgeeted C1sss "B" laTaeted Class "C,

D" etc. Impacted N9 Handled imea.ston Weight & Dim. Ccanpliance with Items +++ Items *** It-ms+++ ANSI NIL.6 (1778) or 130.9 (1971) Reactor Head control cables Reactor Coolant Purps Cervlee water piping 8"HB-19 2 Peactor Laler Later Iater Containment Fpray Line Service Water Piping 8"HB-19 Piping for safety injection sys. Coolant Pep (RCP) t%V Ducting Instrumert Air Lines Pressurizer relief tank 2-72 2-F1 (MB) Fervice Water Piping 8"HB-19 Safety injection system Cables for auxiliary recovater accumulator tanks 2-T34 (MB) system 2 BCP Motor Later Reactor Coolant pump Later Safety injection tanks Motor Lifting Device 2-T34 ( A & B) IRV Ducting Instrument air lines Piping for safety injection Containment fpray Lice Cables for 157 units system 2 RCP Fly- Later Later Iater 1%V Units 2W5B, 2W1D1, 2W1D2 Cables for residual heat removal wheet IEV Units 2-W3A, 2-W3B, 2-W5A system Cables to IMV Units Cables to inV Units 2W1 (MB) Emergency feedwater piping 8 Containment 50004 Later Later Cables to safety injection 3"EB-10 Ventilation each Puel core (when ves;e1 head system controls (valves, fans 2W1A1 is removed) instrumentation,etc.) Cteponent cooling water piping thru 2WID2 Vessel head (when missile Incore instrumentation table Reactor coolant tank 2-T16 shield is removed) 2 Control Rod 2kW Later Later Steam and drain lines to con- IRV ducting Cooling each Reactor coolant pumps (when tainment heat exchangers fans 2W3 missile planks are removed) (e.g. 2-HX-76) Eteam gearator blowdown lir.e (MP) Pressurizer (when missile Instrument racks 2-C57C, rondensate return unit pumps 1 Resetor 170,000# R.V. Head Lifting Device Later shield planks are removed) 2-C57D i-T82 (EB) i Vessel Head  ! Cables for aax111ery feed ' RHR pump suction piping l water system 10"AC-601R-2

  • DEGREE of empliance with " 3 - Excellent, ccuplete ecrT11ance m Class "A" items: - are those items in therree fall vert 1 cal trajectory ANSI N ib.6 (1978) 2 - Ccs:pliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting Sevice) and ehe first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cec:pliance in few areas Class "P" items: - are those items in tne trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 L . No evisence of eceT11ance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structursl floor. NUREG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C.

                                                                                                                                                                                   . . - - - - - - . ,        ~._.

F*. 3 T - . .m , - . . ,

N s d Table h-29 (theet 2 of 3) Unit 2 Contaiment fular Crare j ITEM F>rLiN3 IEVICF LOCA* ION OVERAI.L IEOREE OF COMFIlANCF PD%P C No. Eqair , Service Lift Bld! Pef. *%** No. Onp. Span Dwg. 100 main .h M.2001 25 2.Z13 15 aux. Loo' 3 M.200) See Cheet 1 of 3 Fee sheet 1 of 3 tons oY oe LCAD TEscPIPTION Item aeight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A* Impacted Class B" Impacted Class "C,L" etc. Impacted NS. Handled aimension weight & rim. C apitance with Items . Itemn+++ Items ~ ANEI Nik.6 (IgrtS) or P30 9 (1771) , Catles for reactor coc? ant Contaireent spray pump discharge system line 6"EI-301R-1 1 R.V. head 60004 Iater Later Peactor vessel (when missile stud rack shield is in place) (loaded) 1, 1 3 Stud 26504 Later later q tensioner i 1 R.V. head later later Later missile shield plug . Is Main Steam Iater later Later Onutt'er 1 FAR vessel Iater later Later inspection , device 10 RCP missile later Wire Rope Later -i5 shield planks i

  • DEGREE of ecaspliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete compliance *" Class "A" items: - are those itana in thefree fall vertical trajectory MI N sk.6 (15r78) 2 - Capliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting eevice) and %e first structural floor.

MI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccer;11ance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30 9 h - Do evidence of empliance after the first structural floor la penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) atructural floor. l CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. IMtEG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C.

O O r I Table b-29 (Thee+ 3 of 3)  ! L' nit 2 Containment Polar Crane ITEM MWL'N7 !!Y'?? !hCa*Tr3 CVETGLL IE2EE OF COMTLIANTE P&.A.*. *3 No. Eqair . Service Lift Plds Pef. *t** No. Cap. 2 pen Dwg. 25 2 213 100 main 7g. j ggg ,l D ""#* 7Y M-2004 See shee.1 of 3 see. sheet 1 of 3 l tons 01 j we trsc9:rr:rN I Ites .eipt & Assoc. Lifting rev. regree of Class *A' Impacted Class *P" Impacted Class "C,0* etc. Impacted N9 Handled timension weir.t & rim. Ocm;11arce with Ite=s ~ Items ~ Items ~ AEI

  • 1L.6 (19791 or P p.9 (19'1) 3 Fressurtrer Later Wire Rope Later missile I shield planks l

4 Steam Gen. Iater Later Later Enutter 1 Vessel Iater 1Trer internal Lifting Internals Device (used for lower (Upper ax1 core barrel also) lower) \ l l 3 Reactor Ves< About Fabrie Slings Later set head 20LXM InV ducts _ Misc. valves Most Fabrie Slings Iater heat ex- less changers, than etc. 17504 f I Crane book 6750d Later Iater

                    % bottom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           t tiock 1     Crar.e top       ik50d             Iater                      Iater block
  • DEGREE of empliance with ** 1 - Excellent eceplete ccepliance **
  • Class " A' items : - are those iteins in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N 1b.6 (1778) 2 - Ccr;11ance in most creas between the load (and its lifting deetee) and eSe first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cor:;11ance in few areas Class 'P" items: - are those items in the trajectory rath that conticues Ams! B 30.9 L - so crisence of ecepliance after the first structural floor is penetrates and the resultant missile (s) ANEI B 30.10 fall to hit the cent lower (second) structurel floor. CMA spee to Class C items: - are those item in the trajectory rath that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the r.est I. wer (third) structural floor. EnrG o551 EREG 0612 App. C.


O O O s Table 4-30 (Cheet 1 of 1) Unit 2 Peactor Cavity Puel Panipulator ITEM HA.T LTM3 !TVICT LOCATICM OVERALL LE2EE OF COMTLIANCF RfyjJwy ' No. Equip Service Lif t Else Pef. *4" No. Cap. Span Dws

                                        ,           Cornpliance review not re-26    2-216     (COM      25'   .5  M-2001   quired for cranes carrying           Ioad carried is less than the heavy load definition. Consequences of a load drop has teen pre.

j, less than heavy loads. viously analyzed and found acceptable. NE oo ILAD LTSCRIPTICN Item 'aeight & Assoc. Lif ting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C.D" etc. Impacted N9 Handled timension weight & Lim. Ccepitance with Items *~ Items *

  • Items'a A:CI NIkM (17781 or B33 9 (1971) 121 Puel bundle 114045 Fuel grappling arm is Compliance re- Not Applicable Et Applicable N t Applicable and control built into the manipu- view not re-rod assamtly lator quired l

i l i

  • DE2EE of ecumpliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete compliance ~
  • Clas s " A" i tems : - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectczy ANSI N 14.6 (3cff8) 2 - Ccs:pliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and We first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that contiziues ANSI B 30.9 4 - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (stcond) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ACB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NumEc o554 NUREG 0612 App. C. i ..3g .-- - - . . -

Tatle 4-31 (cheet 1 of 1) Trent Puel Handling Device HATJI.tU TEVICT LOCA* ION CVT.RALI. IEOPIE OF COMTI.I/II pIMApry ITD8 No. Equir . Eervice Lift Bldg Pef. *4** , No. Cap. Span INg Cmp 11ance review not re-W 217 20004 M' f. M-1 quired for cranes carrying The spent fuel elements are less than the heavy load definition. Consequences of a load drop has teen analyzed previously aryl fotmd acceptable.  ! d less than heavy loads. I 5I

                                                                               -e a 1


                                                                    =             &     Assoc. Lifting Dev.            Degree of           Class "A" Impacted                     Class *E" Impacted                              Class "C f etc. Impacted Nh              Handled Dimension            Weight & Dia.                  Cmpliance with      Items ***                              Items ***                                       Items ***

l /M I N11+.6 (1978) or B30 9 (1971) er E 5 Eperat fuel grappling arv Campliance Not /pplicable Nnne None t Spent fuel 1750# I jg bundle vitt is built into the hand- review not pg poisen rod ling devise required se assembly fg and band-

                                           # n,         ling tool 3,,8 e

a l

  • DEGREE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete e mpliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N ik.6 (1778) 2 - Ccrzpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and she first structurel floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccepliance in few areas Class *P" items: - are tt.ose items in the trajectory path that continues AN51 B 30.9 k - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 tall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those itema in the trajectory path that continues BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NunEc 0554 NUREG 0612 AD. C.

                     . ~ _ _ . . .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___l

d t U Tatie 4-32 (Sheet 1 of 1) Drumming Etation Jit Crane ITEM MAlCLTNO TEVICT LOCATION OVER/.LL IEGREE OF COMPLIANCE RDMPFI No. Equip Service Lif t Eldg Pef. *4** No. Cap. Span Dwg. Cmpliance review not re-8 quired for handling devices 29 2/o 5 tons j h M-3 in areas with no safety A drop of a raivast drma does not pose a significant radiation release hazard. Pererence: 10 CFR Tart g g equipment. 100. e e ii ICAD PESCRIPTION  !' Item =eight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degne of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted N9 Handled 01mension Weight & Dim. C mpliance with I tem s "* I t ems "* Items *** IJ:EI Nik.6 (19781 or 130 9 (1971) O 55 ge11on 1030# Identification not Cm pliance re- None Not Applicable Not Applicable O drums of required view not re-a radveste quired l l l l i 1 e

  • DEGREE of espliance with ** 1 - Excellent , emplete empliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical tra,jectory i ANSI N 1b.6 (1778) 2 - Cmpliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor. l ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class "B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues i ANGI B 30.9 k - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant tiss11e(s) i ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next Icwer (second) structural floor.  !,

Ii CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ' MP AEB 9-1 hrt B - a the next lower (third) structural floor. NunEs 0552 WREG 0612 App. C. i i

Table 4-33 (theet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Jib Crane over ICFV's ITEM F> r 1T O TEVICF ITCA* ION OVETtALL IETIE OF COMTLIANTE FIyAp ry No. Equir, fervice Lift Eldg Pef. *4** No. Cap. Open Ivg.

g Compliance review not re-i not re- o. e M-1 quired for handling devices This jib crane does not carry heavy loads.

29 - view'd [ 3 M-60 carrying less than heavy o j loads. 14AD DESCPIPTICM ltem 'aelght & sasoc. Lifting Lev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,D* etc. Impacted PO. Handled ;imension Weight & Dim. C epliance with Ite=s*** Items *** I t e:ns *** ArI Nik.6 (1978) or I30 9 (1971) b v b Main steam 1265# Identification not re- Compliance re. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicatie i i relief quired view not re-valve quired I i A r 1 I l i l i I i

  • DEGREE of eenpliance with ** 1. Excellent, emplete empliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectors ANSI N 1b.6 (1978) 2 . Cepliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.

ANSI ? ')0.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class *P" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B W.9 le . No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant ales 11e(s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. j CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues

;                                BTP ACB 9-1 Part B                                                                                                    to the next lower (third) structural floor.

j WREG 0551+ i i EREG 0612 App. C. i l i

  - ~ + -                     -                                                .

_. _ _. _ .. _ i -

       ._    . .~                                                                                                                          ,                         -


                       \                                                                                         d Table k-34 (Cheet 1 of 1)                                                                                      ;

Unit 1 Facade Monorail at Lines "L" and "7" ITEM 883 r LT O IEVICE INATICN OVERALL IEGREE OF COMTLIANTE REPJJ C t No. Eqaip . Servlee Lift Eldg Pe f. +&" No. Cap. Egan Dwg. e M-1  ! VJ - - - 3 M-fo - This monorail is no longer in existence. 5 14AD IFSCMmON l Item ae1Ent & 4 soc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted NS. Handled rimension weight & pim, coroltance with Ite=s+++ stems +++ Items +++ A'CI N14.6 (19791 or E30.9 (1W 1) i 4 i 4 i 4 t I, a d i I. '

  • DE@IE of compliance with ** 1 - Excellent, complete ccepliance *" ilas s " A" S tems : - are those items in therree fall vertical trajee*ary
               - MI N 1b.6 (15r78)                                            2 - Ccepliance in most areas                           tetween the load (and its lifting device) and %e first structural acor.

E I B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccepliance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues , M I B 30.9 h . No evidence of ccepliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) l 21330.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. l CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory poth that continues BTP ASB 9 1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NunEG c55h EUREG 0612 App C. ' 5

O \ V Table k-35 (cheet 1 of 1) Unit 1 Faeade Monera 11s at Lines "L" and "8" ITE" HArtm DEVIer insP C CVERALL IE3I"' OF COMPLIANCE REFARKS No. Epit , Service Lift Bldg Pef. *4** No. Cap. Tran Pwg. 31 - Later l gg {g M1 Iater Leads not yet identified. Use of this monorail is still under investigation. g M-60 IrAD TfscPIPTICM Item actsht & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of l Class"A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. lape:ted NS. Hansled rimension weight & rim. Cmpitance with Items *++ ltems ++ Items *** AEI Nik.6 (1779) or 130.9 (1371) Iater later Later later Concrete pipevay housing Net Applicatie Not Applicable safety-related piping an<a cables ( for RER, SIS, etc. )

  • DEGREE of ecurpliance with ++ 1 - Excellent, complete coepliance m Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree fall ven tical trajectory ANBI N ik.6 (1778) 2 . C m;11ance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural floor.

M I B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Corr;11ance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 L - no evidence of cocpliance after the first structural floor is penetrates and the resultant missile (s) MI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items- - are those items in the trajectory peth that continses BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lowrr (third) structural floor. NuREa 055h NUREG 0612 App. C. -m: u . -

O O O 4 1 4 Tatie 16-36 (Theet 1 of 1) h j Unit 2 Jib Cranes Over McRV's j ITDf HA'CUN", IEVICT IDCANCN CVERALL IE3(II CF COMPLIANCE PLv,; yrs i Mo. Equip , Eervlee Lift Eldg Pe f.

  • 4r **  ;

No. Cap, fran Ivg. I g Compliance review not re- 1 32 _ Not re- , 4 M-2001 quired for handling devices l viewed . g M* N carrying less ttan heavy 'Ihis jib crane does not carry heavy loads.

S g8 loads.

14AD IESCRIF""ICN Item aeipt & Asioc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" impacted Class B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted

                                                   @.               Handled Oisension                    Weight & Dia.               Ocupliance with    Items
  • Items *** Ite=s m M.TI NIta 6 (1976;
or E30.9 (1971) k Main steam 12654 Identification not re. Ccurliance Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
;                                                           relief                                      quired                         review not valve                                                                      required

) i j e t i i DEGEZ of ecampliance with ** 3 - Excellent. complete eczrpliance *** Class "4" items: - are those items it therree fall v-rtical trajectory MI N %.6 (1778) 2 - Ce;11ance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structural flew. AE! B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cerg11ance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those iteip in the trajectery path that continues i M I B 30 9 h - No eddence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next 1cwer (second) structural flocr. CNA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP AEB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. EREG 0$% EREG 0612 App. C.

      ..:-=--.                                  ._       - - . - - . -            -                      .                                                                                                                             .                       -- ,

s s O 1 3 i + Tatle 4-37 (Theet I cf 1) Unit 2 Facate Monorati et Lines "L" and "15" ITEM IWCL'M3 TEVICT LOCA*Ic*i OVERALL IE2EE OF COPGLIANCE py y*c No. Equip , fervice Lift Pldg Pe f. *4** No. Cap. fran Dwg. C 33 - Later g y, M-2001 , g g M-2002 Later Icaos not identified yet. Use of this monorail is still under investication. i' E E i m rEsCP:rtreN Item ae16ht & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" 1rpacted Class 'B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted j @. Handled Oimension Weight & Dia. Cepliance with Items *** Items Items *** ] W I N1k.6 (1976) 1 or 230.9 (1971) - 1 ') 1 j - Iater later Later Later Concrete pipevay housing Not Applienble Not Applicatie

 ;                                                                                                                                            safety related piping and cables (for PJG, SIS, etc.)

J i f e f l V 1 4 l

  • 3 1
  • DEstEE of compliance with ** 1 - Ezeellent, complete ccepliance *** Class "A" items: - are those items in thefree f all vertical trajectory M I E Sb.6 (1978) 2 - Capliance in most areas between the load (and its lifting device) azul 'Se first structural floor.

mI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Ccespliance in few areas class 'B" items: - are tnose items in the trajectory path that continues 2 1 B 30.9 L - No evidence of coemliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) mi B 30.10 fall to hit the next icwer (second) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues B:P Ass 9-1 Part B to the r. ext lower (third) structural floor. NUREG 055h

NUREG 0612 App C.

I 4 M *z- .._._. -- ..

r kw Table k-39 (Cheet 1 of 1) 4: Unit 2 Facade Monorell et Column Line L-16 ITEM MA'Cl!M TEVIC? LOU

  • ION OVERALL TEGIE OF COMFLIANCE RIMAPKS No. Eq' alp. Servlee Lift Eldi Pef. *4**

No. Cap.  ! pan Ivg. 34 - Later . . M 2001 o 3 M-2000 Later Iceis not yet identi fied. se of this mor.orell is still under investigation.

                                                             'd f     w 14AD !TSCPIPTION

! Item .elga.t & Assoc. 1,1fting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Iapacted Class 'B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Iz; acta . < @. Handled Dimension Weight & Dim. C m;11ance with Items"* I t ems *" Items *** ATCI N14.6 (1770 or P30.9 (1971) g

                                 -        Iater           Later                 Later                     Later                Concrete pipeway housin.1:          Not Applicable                     Not Applicarte safety-related piping and l

cables (for RHR, CIS, eve.) l I 1 i t 1 i' j e i l i I

  • IEstEE of easpliance with a 1 - Excellent, emplete ecs:T11ance "* Class *A" items: - are those items in thefree fell vertical trajectory M1 N %.6 (1978) 2 . Ccutpliance in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting deetce) and e%e first structural floor.

AE1 B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Compliance in few areas Class *B" items: . are those items in the trajectory path that continues AE I B 30.9 4 . No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor is penetrates and the resultant missile (s) ANBI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. Class *C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues l CMA Spee 20 BTP ACB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NunEs 05% NUREG 0612 App. C. 1

             -m -

E v C s Tutte k-39 (theet 1 of 11 Monorail, Fast Wall in Circulatirv Water Mphoure ITEM Starlin IEVIN U< a TM CVERALL LE';Pl2 OF CC$C#LIAKE RDRPC No. Equip. Service L1ft Elds Fef. *4" No. Cap. Span Ivg.

                                             -                   -                     Cmpliance review not re-E       y*            quired for handling de-O                                                                                   Eere are no safety related items in the lift path of this monorail.                                                                       I 35      -

30Co# $ vices in non-aarety areau. {t -T E u :s w .s :s: l l IfAD LESCPIPTION Item ac uht & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impactei Class *B" Ispected Class "C,D" etc. Ingacted l It 33 NS. Handled risensson weight & tis. C -pitance with Itens. Item . ATI N14.6 (1778) or E30.9 (1971) Identification not Ccapliance None Not Applicable Noc Appliemble 8 Traveling Not re-Water viewed required review not Screens required 8 Steel Not re- Identification not Compliance plate viewed required review not hatch required , covers I 1 I e l l l

  • DEGREE of ecupliance with *.1 - Exceller.t. emplete coepliance "* Class "A" items : - are those items in thefree fall vertical trajectory l ANSI N 14.6 (1778) 2 - Ccampliance in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting device) and Me first structurel floor. I 3 - Ccepliance in few areas Class *5** items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 after the first structural floor is penetrated and the rerdtant missile (s)

ANSI B 30 9 h - No evidence of expliance ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (seeced) structural floor. CMA Spee 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NUREG O$$ FJREG 0612 App. C.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;   I l

l l

 .- s s             . - - . - _ .      .                          . . . - _ . . .        ,
               /%                                                                                                                                                                               ,

( Table 4 ho (Theet 1 of 1) Clean Side Maintenance Chop Crane ITEM Marl"M3 IEVICE LCCP T N OVERALL I12E OF COMTu;&'E PIMARC -[ No. Equit . Servlee Lift Bids Pe f. *&** No. Cap. Open ,a Ivo US

                                          ==      -

S Compitance review not re-Zenar 3 tons it' g No. gg g ,h quired for cranes in non- %ere are no safety related items in the lift path of this erane. 4750 3g g gg safety erees. u~ ww IDAD DESCRITTICN ltem aeigr.t & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class "B" Impacted Class "C,D" etc. Impacted N9 Handled risension weight & Dim. cce;11ance with Items ** Items + . Items.+. . AZI N14.6 (1773) or P30.9 (1971)

               -       Mise. items   Less       Identification not re-            Compliance        None                               Not App 1Leatle                   Not Applicable required      than       quired                            review not in perform  - 3 tons                                       required anee of                                                                                                                   m normal mainten-l                      ence fab-rication.

) 1 4 I I 1 I i I

  • DEGREE of ecmpliance with ** 3 - Exceller.t, ecunplete ecepliance "* Class "A" items: . are those itene in therree fall vertical trajectory ,

ANSI N 14.6 (1978) 2 . Ccutpliance in most areas between the load (and its liftir4 device) and Me first structural floor. l Class *B" items: - are those items in the tra.*eetery path that continues 9 ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - Cca:pliance in few areas h - No evidence of compliance after the first structural floor la penetrated and the resaltant missile (s) ANSI B 30.9 ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the next lower (second) structural floor. CN/ Spec 20 Class *C" itemr: . are those items in the trajectory path that continues BIP A O 9-1 Part B to the next lower (third) structural floor. NcREG os56 NUPIG 0612 App. C. 4 4

              -=                                        .    . . + = =


V v 4 Table k-41 (Theet 1 of 1) Jib Cranes Cver Beattor Coolant Pumpsj Units 1 & 2 ITEP HAWM TEV'CF LOCAS ON CVERAI.L IE2EE OF COMTLIANTE Piv./J rf No. Eq2ip . Service Lift Blds Pef. *4"

                !;o.      Cep. Cran       Dw:

M-1 37 - 100tM f S

                                          }. M_2ool        Later                                These jih eranes do not carry heavy loads.

ei ILAD DESCP!F' TION Item aeight & Assoc. Lifting Dev. Degree of Class "A" Impacted Class *B" Impacted Class "C,L" etc. I:gacted NS. Handled timension weight & Dim. Cmpliance with items". Items ~ Items.+. A*EI N1h.6 (1978) or E30 9 (1971) Compliance 2 Reactor 300# Identification not review not Coctant required required Benetor Coolant pumps 1-r1 Reactor coolant pumps 1-F1 None Purp Shaft ( A & B) (when missile planks ( A & P), 2-F1 ( A 4 B) Coupling are removed) (when missile planks are in place)

             -        Reactor        Less       Identification not                Compliance Coolant        than       required                          review not Pter. Seal     30tV                                         required Parts
  • DEGREE of empliance with " 1 - Excellent, complete empliance m Class "A" items: - are those Stams in thefree fall vertical trajectory ANSI N 14.6 (1778) 2 - Ccutpliance in most areas tetween the load (and its lifting deetee) and the first structural floor.

ANSI B 30.2 ch. 2 3 - C mpliance in few areas Class *B" items: - are those items in the trajectory path that continues ANSI B 30.9 b - No evidence cf compliance after the first structural floor is penetrated and the resultant missile (s) ANSI B 30.10 fall to hit the cent lower (second) structural floor. CMA Spec 20 Class "C" items: - are those items in the trajectcry path that continues BTP ASB 9-1 Part B to the r. ext lower (third) atructural floor. FJREG 0554 NUREG 0612 App. C.

() Table 4-42 List of Special Lifting Devices At Point Beach Lifting Device For

  • Reactor Pead Lifting Device Reactor Vessel Head
  • Upper Internal Lif ting Device Reactor Lower Core Barrel Removal and Upper Internal
  • Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Lifting Device
    *High Pressure & Low Pressure                 Turbine High Pressure Rotor Rotor Lifting Device (Turbine)               and Low Pressure Rotor Offset Lif ting Rig                           Turbine Upper Bearing Housing

( ') '- clain Feed Pump Lifting Rig Main Feed Pump

  • Supplied by Westinghouse f


O LIST OF FIGURFS Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2 Load Handling Device Locations 3-1 Load Handling Devices Items 1, 2, & 35

                                        - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes &

The List of Cranes and Handling Devices 3-2 Load Handling Devices Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 27, 29, 31, 37A & 37B - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes 3-3 Load IIandling Devices Items 16 & 28

                                        - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes O

3-4 Load Handling Devices Items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

             & 36                       - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes 3-5   Load Handling Devices Items 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 37C & 37D          - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes 3-6   Load Handling Devices Items 16
                                        - Enlarged Coverage Envelope r

3-7 Load Handling Devices Items 17, 18, 19, 20, & 21

                                         - Enlarged Coverage Envelopes O

114/6 1

i i i I i I h Interim Load Paths For Cranes (Per 11UREG-0612) I i 4-1 SK-C-250 Units 1& 2 4-2 SK-C-251 Unit 1  ; 4-3 SK-C-252 Unit 1 . T i , ! 4 -- 4 SK-C-253 Unit 1 i l 4-5 SK-C-254 Unit 2 4-6 SK-C-255 Unit 2 l 4-7 SK-C-256 Unit 2 O , e e I l l l l O 114/6  ;

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                                                                                                                                                                                             }R         '

lS s -!) Q~'%<,es (~.-~ s, ~c. as Ser<a,, a wc,,Cn, re,- psa, :n cir:.fni. / l6 3 - 4 '

                                                                          ,.            =.....

R PV He ad u,ise menoe s:I me%,vate, Fb,sephense.- - , . 4 la 3 n eescro- Caa. raei non e,- (o- a uoT- < IM' 5 E Cont sin me fit f ar Cr s 9 s - t ,3) . - - . - - - *' O'S3l' l b C;;'nef en Conts.o}qwqt Sw **reffes (& M*si k # l 3 *2 ' ( Mooer ell la Per(onge l Accagg Harch ~ 4 l** 3 I f* *

  • d ' # . A vs a le ar Bu /d,qy Main cea e ( l ()

R4ady Mg Manor eal ( L 8 ) _ ' l'**3 s-A*) de.n p a,a ceane ( l 70) / l^* 3-4) ' k I*0' 3 '4' Mme I th,- Caets eca+ n E wy men + ~ s*c n b

  • l'*)

J;5 C. sne c er .ncore s reww e :ta r.'on ' p O'C 5**I usa teer (I- 2 9t A, It-E2S* 02 A , o 2 622) / O'6

  • A
  • S* Mono rs,IM'cnorail; av hem k 1 4

dy'or f'ee dwsw $ /

  • C ,47, ,4 B Wid,n [:ect".c al Equ.ponsq+ ?oom
   '-2,'3-3:1-f)                    _s lWr,s s                lob cry,s C,er feet water r e t.oq f"'Ittry s

7;. .a n g g,,,;ts;33 m,,, c,,,, g ( y . ;j) / / t* a- t ' 5 ' A * '] . ' i a, .e r-e-.b,+C,,ta re s . , ea so) . qs me- incors p reum e n t a t:en

                      '                        50' E * 'A(                    Mc pc- mll fee C:n + a 9 m e 19 f                                                                                      /

ff A

  • J !) ., , 6 Crane C,tr feat wats f.upme e.e 9+ 'da+ch i lee rg12-216) /
      ,                                        Il'G* I ~ /)                   %cra,lp ko- f eed w a ter re a$e c+<en$ ;z E.8s A,2-26I8,2 1 BE A,8 262 8)

( I f % 2 - Y.' /.

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 .N                 -
                     }.                        f f/'h15                       E PV H< >e C,rcutse Moqoes:1 _.                                                                                        /

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  • 1: / l y,., &}.y s
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l i I O , I Appendices  ! l s i ! Appendix A - rms an Definitions as Used in Point Beach NURPG. , ~] ' I 4

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( 1 1 I i a e l l Entry 6  !



TERMS AND DEFINITIONS AS USED IN POINT BL'sCH tlUREG 0612 REVIEW '; Safe Shutdown - Safety-related equipment and associated Equipment subsystems that would be required to _' bring the plant to cold shutdown condi-t' ,, tions or provide continued decay heat removal following the dropping of heavy

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load. Safety functions that should be preserved are those which provide ca-pability to maintain reactor coolant

           , 'N                                pressure boundary, capability to reach and maintain suberitical removal of decay heat, and capability to maintain s                      integrity of components whose f ailure could result releases in excess of 10 CFR 100 limits.

Lif ting Devi ce - Any-load carrying connection between the crar e (or hoist) hook and the load. Special Lifting Device - A lifting device which has been spe-x cially designed or manufactured to handle a specific and particular load. Enlarged Coverage Envelope - Tius is the plan area as covered by the maximum travel limits of load handling dcvice crane / hoist hook extended out to allow for the drop of the largest dimen-sioned load or lifting device. The exten-sion dimension being taken in all lateral directions as being the largest dimension of either the load or the lifting device as noted in Fig ure A-1.

                     -Class A, B, C,   etc., items (as hit by dropped load) - The NRC criteria (for response to section 2.1) that no credit for natural structure resistance be taken into account means that all items that could be hit in the drop envelope as it is extended from and to each of the lower floor areas, must also be considered. To ease the safety evalua-tion work that must be carcied out for the nine month report (NRC letter Sections 2.2 and 2.3) these items have been categorized as follows:

Entry 6

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