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Forwards Comments Re Senior Reactor Operator Exams Administered on 891024.Recommends Deletion of Question 5.07
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/1989
From: Murphy W
To: Gallo R
Shared Package
ML20005H197 List:
RTR-NUREG-1021 BVY-89-98, NUDOCS 9001240270
Download: ML20005H205 (18)


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..- , Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301-7002 l

. October 27, 1989  ;

TOL89.28 .!

- (so2) 257-527, BVY 89-98 -l

'Mr. Robert M. Gallo 1

-Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety  ;

U.S.; Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Region I 475 Allendale Road ~

King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Mr. Gallo:

The accompanying comments are in regards to the Senior Reactor Operator examinations administered at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation on 24 '

October.1989. These connents have been compiled from our post examination critique which was conducted in accordance with NUREG 1021, Section ES 201  ;

Enclosure 4. parts 2 and 3.- 'With these connents we' hope to resolve any ambiguities.or. inaccuracies in the exam and respective exam key.

We would like to express our appreciation for the conduct of your examiners i during their visit here. All candidates felt that they were treated in a fair and. professional. manner, yet thoroughly evaluated.


Warren P. urphy )

Vice President and M agdr of Operations l Enclosure; cc: J.P. Pelletier E R.W. Spinney

.J.T. Herron G.J. LeClair

.Mr. N. Conicella USNRC WPM /pjs/891026.1 I?


900124027o 9Cc105 PDR ADOCK0500gy1

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. , .4-1 QUESTION 5.07 (1.00)

The unit is operating in COLD SHUTDOWN with the "A" loop of RHR in Shutdown ,

Cooling and the "B" loop inoperable due to a problem with RHR Service Water.

-The operating loop of RHR becomes inoperable due to a problem with the heat exchanger. In accordance with ON 3156, " Loss of Shutdown Cooling", Which ONE of the following is an acceptable means of circulation?

a. Maintaining RPV level to establish a natural circulation flowpath,
b. Establishing a " feed and bleed" flowpath with the Condensate System and


c. Establishing a " feed and bleed" flowpath with CRD flow and RWCU letdown.
d. Establishing a " feed and bleed" flowpath with Core Spray and RWCU letdown.

Answer 5.07 (1.00) .



1. LOT 9-003 SCR0 Obj. 28
2. ON 3156
3. K/A 295021 G008/3.7, G011/3.9, K1.04/3.8 295021G011 295021K104 295021G008 FACILITY COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS
1. -Answer d is also correct.
2. The question asks for recall from memory of the supplemental actions of a procedure.
3. Facility policy, and Training Program objectives state that only immediate actions of OT's and symptoms of ON's must be recalled from memory.
4. The question as stated is not related to the LOT objective referenced.
5. We recommend deletion of this question.


1. ON 3156 Rev.1 page 2 of 5 paragraph B.2.a and 8.2.b
2. The LOT objectives that support Comment #3 are:

LOT-09-003 SCR0 Obj. C.6 and C.7

7 7 .

QUESTION 5.18 (2.00)

For an unexpected positive reactivity insertion with cause listed in Column A,.

MATCH the IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS from Column B as given in OT 3110, " Positive Reactivity Insertion". Assume the reactor is at 100% power prior to the positive reactivity insertion.


a. Control Rod 20-21 drops from position 1. Reduce recirculation flow to 00 to position 36 reduce power below pre-transient power level
b. RCIC inadvertantly injects
2. Reduce power by 25% with'
c. A feedwater heater-isolates recirculation flow =

.d. Control Rod 18-31 drifts from position 3. Reduce recirculation flow 00 to position 26 to minimum and notify management

4. Select Control Rod and apply single insert
5. Verify RPV level and drywell ,


6. No action required Answer 5.18 (2.00)

La. 3 (.50)

b. 5 (.50)
c. 2 .(.50)
d. 3 (.50)


1. LOT 9-006 SCR0 Obj. A.2 & B.2
2. OT 3110
3. K/A 295014 G001/3.9, G010/3.9 295014G010 295014G001 FACILITY COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS
1. This questions asks for recall from memory of the supplemental actions of a procedure.
2. Facility policy, and Training Program objectives state that only immediate actions of 0T's and symptoms of ON's must be recalled from memory.
3. LOT-09-006 SCR0 Obj. A.2 & B.2 states inmediate operator actions of OT 3110, all parts of this question refer to follow up actions of OT 3110.
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N ',, l 10VESTION 5.18 (contd)

L FACILITY COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS (contd) 1 a 4. For part d of the question, the proper procedural step is not one of the candidates choices..


5. We recommend deletion of this question.



1. OT.3110 " Follow Up Action Steps" i lo 2. LOT-09-006 SCR0 Obj. A.2 & B.2 .
3. " Follow Up" Action Step 2a. for part d of the question which is not listed in- '

i Column "B".


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QUESTION 5.19 (1.00) i Which of the fo'llowing procedures allows actions to be taken irrespective of adequatt core cooling if conditions warrant? i CHOOSE ONE i L a. OE 3103, "Drywell Pressure and Temperature Control" D/W Temperature leg.  ;


b. OE 3104, " Torus Temperature and Level Control" Torus Level leg. i-
c. OE 3104, " Torus Temperature and Level Control" Torus Temperature leg.


d. OE 3105, " Secondary Containment Control" Area Radiation Level leg.

Answer 5.19 (1.00) b.


1. LOT 9-008 SCR0 Ojb. A.2, A.3, B.7, and B.10
2. OE 3103, OE 3105
3. K/A 295024 K2.15/3.9, K2.04/4.1 295024K304 295024K215 (KA's)


1. The question asks for recall from memory the specific steps of an E0P flow chart.
2. Facility policy and Training Program objectives require E0P entry conditions and reasons for a given precautions to be recalled from memory.
3. The referenced objectives do not support the question.
4. We recontnend deletion of this question.

REFERENCES LOT-09-008 SCR0 Obj. A.2, A.3, B.7, & B.10 LOT-09-001 SCR0 Obj. A.3 & A.4 I

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' l QUESTION 5.25 (1.50)

OE 3101, " Reactivity Control", Step RC/P-6 under Pressure Control states " Control Reactor Pressure Below 1055 psi UNLESS Depressurization is required...." STATE the pressure range to be maintained and the basis for this range.

1 Answer 5.25 (1.50)

a. Range (950) to 1055 psig (.50)
b. Basis: Maintain pressure high enough to keep turbine bypass valves open (0.50) but low enough to allow scram to be reset (0.50).


1. LOT 9-011 SCR0 Obj. A.2
i. 2. OE 3101
3. K/A 295025 A2.01/4.3 G012/4.5 295025A201 295025G012 (KA's) .!


1. The referenced objective states the basis for individual Steps of OE 3101.

OE 3101 step RC/P-6 states " control pressure below 1055 PSI". '

2. We recommend that 950 psig be deleted from the answer key.
3. We reconsnend the reason for 950 psig also be deleted.
4. We recommend that full credit be given for <1055 psi to allow the scram to be reset.
5. The Lower pressure Limit has been removed from the OE step.
6. LOT-09-011 had not be revised to reflect the latest revision of OE 3101 and therefore still contained reference to the 1055 - 950 psig control band. Since the lower pressure limit (950 psig) no longer exists in the procedure, the basis for this limit no longer applies.

REFERENCES OE 3101 Step RC/P-6 LOT-09-011 page 17 l


I QUESTION 5.28 (1.00)  :

l' OE 3104, " Torus Temperature and Level Control", Step T/T-3 requires the operator establish torus cooling by normal methods if torus temperature is above 100 degrees F  ;

What Two (2) CAUTIONS does the procedure identify when implementing this step?

Answer 5.28 (1.00)

a. Caution 8: Observe NPSH requirements for pumps taking suction from the torus. (0.50)  ;
b. Caution 18: If continuous LPCI operation of any RHR pump is required to assure adequate core cooling do not divert that pump from the LPCI mode. (0.50)


1. LOT 9-010 SCR0 Obj. A.2 & A.3 2.

OE 3104 l

3. K/A 295013 G007/3.8 K3.01/3.9 A1.01/3.5 l 295013K301 29503G007 295013A101 (KA's)


?. \

1. The question requires the operator to memorize which precautions apply to a giver il

~ ~'


2. Facility policy and Training Program objectives state that the operator must be able to state the reason for the precaution.
3. The objectives referenced in the question support Comment 2.


4. We recommend deletion of this question.

l REFERENCE LOT-09-010 SCR0 Obj. A.2 & A.3 1

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. QUEST *0N'5s39' '(2.50): { -


[' For the Column A, identify the other components or systems in Column'B s that should have also isolated.


a.~- RWCU just isolated on low RPV level 1. Offgas System

b.  !



MSL drains isolates on~high MSL 2. HPCI Steam supply.  !

tunnel temperature n . 3. RHR S/D Cooling  !

R c. D/W floor' drains isolates on high '

D/W pressure

, 4. MSIV's ~j

d. ' Main turbine trips on RPV high 5. No other isolations from this list level 3

3 Answer 5;39 (2.50)

a. 3 '(0.50) -

b.- 4 (0.50)<  !

c. .~ 3 (0.50) >
1. HPCI will also isolate after a time delay on part b. #
2. . . We recomend 2 be added to part b of the answer.



.1. ' Tech Spec, Table 3.2.3 page 42 p


'4 l~


} 7l es' QUESTION 6.02~ .(3.00)

You-have directed the Reactor Operator to manually scram the reactor. STATE SIX (6) indications that the Reactor Operator has available to verify that the scrain functioned properly.

Answer 6.02 (3.00).

(0.5 each)

a. RPS Panels 9-15 and 9-17 each set- of scram solenoid groups has white power lights (4 white lights) b.- Each Control Rod has white scram light to indicate scram valves have repositionec
c. Annunciator for cause of scram.

d.. Annunciator for scram channel A or B.

e. Annunciator for Manual Scram,
f. Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain Valves (V3-32's & 33's) closed.
g. APRM Power decrease.


1. _ LOT 3-108 SCR0 Obj.1 & 2
2. None-
3. K/A 212000 K1.02/3.9 212000K102 (KA's)


1. There are additional correct answers.
2. We recommend accepting the additional answers listed below:
a. Scram Group indication Lights CRP 9-5.

(Centrol Room Design PDCR # 86-07)

b. Rod drift alarms CRP 9-5.
c. Rod overtravel Green full in back lighting CRP 9-5.
d. One rod permissive white light CRP 9-5 with 5A-S1 (Reactor Mode SW) in refuel and all rods into or beyond 00.

e.. Increasing /high scram discharge volume level as indicated by CRP 9-5 Instrument Volume Level indication or high level at 3, 12 and 21 gals

_ annunciators.

f. Decreasing steam flow.
g. Low Scram air header pressure indicator CRP 9-5.
h. Low Scram air header annunciator CRP 9-5.



1. CRP 9-5 Alarm Response Cards i
2. LOT-03-006 RMCS l
3. LOT-03-108 RPS i

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QUESTION'6.15: (1.00)i.m. j

' -^

Which of the following would prevent the start permissives to be satisfied in.the. .i

$ manual start circuit for. a feedwater pump?, (CHOOSE ONE)  ;

a. only one condensate pump running i.1 b..-feedwater pump; discharge. valve open  :
c. feedwater~ pump-lube oil pressure 7'psig l
d. .feedwater; pump suctio'n pressure 155 psig

. Answer 6.15. _1.00)

( l l

c -C. 4 I


1. Answers c..and d. are both correct.
2. . We.recomend. accepting c. or d. for the correct answer.-


1. 0P 2172 Rev.11 page 1 of 4 paragraph 4 " Manual Start" states; 'i Lube oili>10 psi ~. l Suction. pressure'>200 psi

-i o,. '




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g QUESTIONj6.177 -(1.00); ~

I '.Which of the folicwing statements describes .the power supply to the RCIC system? O

[. '(CHOOSE ONE) l a.. The RCIC system is independent of auxiliary AC power-b.iRCIC is dependent on AC power and the diesel generators

'c. RCIC operation requires only DC power from the station battery E' , : d. - RCIC' operation requires .only' auxiliary AC power f-t " Answer '6.17 (1.00) 1 a.: .

s Reference t

-'1. -LOT 3-302 SCRO 0bj. 1 1

2. :None- '


3. K/A 217000 K6.01/3.5 K2.01/2.8 l

.217000K201 -217000K601 (KA's)


1. During the-pre-examination review the examiner used OP 2121 as a reference for

.justif.ication of his answer.

. 2. None of the choices listed in the answer are totally correct according to OP'2121

3. We recommend deletion of this question.

REFERENCE. I OP 2121 Page 1 Rev. 21 y



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NRC Response to Facility's Formal Comments 2

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, ATTACHMENT 4 6 u j;J NRC Response to Facility Formal; Comments Question 5.07: Comment ACCEPTED.- This question has been deleted from the examination and the total examination point value has been adjusted accordingly, j . Question 5.18: Comment ACCEPTED. This question has been deleted from the examination and the total examination point value has been adjusted accordingly.  ;

. Question 5.19: Comment NOT ACCEPTED. This question does not test recall from memory-of specific steps of an E0P flowchart, rather,- ,

it' tests an overall general' knowledge of the' contents of.

the E0P flowchart and it tests an understanding of E0P strategies.

- Question 5.25: Comment ACCEPTED. The answer has been changed to require only "<1055 psig to allow resetting the scram" for full credit.

Question 5.28: Comment ACCEPTED. This question has been deleted from the examination and the total examination point value has been adjusted accordingly.

Question 5.39: Comment ACCEPTED. The answer for question b. has been changed to "4 and 2."

Question 6.02:- Comment ACCEPTED. The additional answers proposed have all been' incorporated into the correct answer.  ;

Question 6.15: Comment ACCEPTED. The answer has been changed to accept "C" or "D" ad the correct answer.

r Question 6.17: Comment PARTIALLY ACCEPTED. The answer has been changed to accept "A" or "C" as the correct answer.


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Requalification~ Examination Test Items





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.SEG 10 Recirc loop break with loss of high pressure feed

'SEG 3- , Main condenser leak with ATWS '


1 .-Isolate and vent scram air Header -.3101060504 PLANT

2. Perform local-firingLof squib valves 2110050101 . PLANT

' 3 -. , Add water to torus from RHR '3104030501 CONTROL ROOM.

4 Perform reactor coolant temperature check 2020030201 CONTROL ROOM

_5- S/U. torus cooling from Alternate S/D panel 20017170501 PLANT

..r 6 Manually-S/U HPCI and inject into RPV 2060050101 CONTROL ROOM 7 Perform core spray 'A' full flow test 2090010201 CONTROL ROOM

, Initiate'SLC injection into RPV 2110050101 CONTROL ROOM -

9 S/U-RCIC from Alternate S/D panei 2007170501 PLANT

~10 Perform MSIV Functional Test for'MSIV-80A 2390060201 CONTROL ROOM -i

.11 . Shift level control from manual to auto 2590070101 CONTROL ROOM F 12- Perform local operation of feed reg 2590080104 PLANT

-valve 12A' 13 . Transfer station loads from S/U to Aux 2627280101 CONTROL ROOM transformer 14 Place 125V-battery charger in service 2630070104 PLANT WRITTEN EXAM - PART A SCENARIO. Al-- Steam leak in RWCU pump room w/' A' recirc pump seal #2 failure QNUM TEST ITEM NO. QVAL 1 LOR-88.3-004 1.0 2' LOR-88.4-012 (SR0 Only) 1.5 3 LOR-88.5-007 1.0 4 LOR-88.5-306 1.0 A 5- LOR-89.4-209 1.0

-6 LOR-89.5-211 1.5 1 7 LOR-02-007 1.0 l

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'U l,. ;iAttachment.5 2.

SCENARIO A2 - Loss of off-site power w/ steam line rupture in 0/W ONUM TEST ITEM NO. QVAL 1- LOR-88.4-001 1.5 2 LOR-88.4-001 1.0

s. -3 LOR-88.5-303 1.0

.4 LOR-89.1-105 1.0 5 LOR-89.2-209 1.0 6' LOR-89.2-209 1.0 4 7 LOR-89.5-211 1.0 b -- WRITTEN EXAMINATION-- PART B QNUM. TEST' ITEM NO. 9 VAL 1- -LOR-88.2-205: (SRO Only) 15.

2 LOR-88.2-301 (SRO Only) 1.5

,. 3 LOR-88.4-301 -(SRO Only) 1.0 4~ '. LOR-88.4-010 (SRO Only) 1.5 5- -LOR-88.4-010 (SRO Only) 1.5 6 . LOR-88.5-303 (SRO Only) 2.0 7' LOR'88.5-310 (SRO Only) 1.5 8 LOR-89.4-210 (SR0 Only) 1.0 4

9. LOR-89.4-502 (SR0 Only) 1.5 10 LOR-89.5-005 1.0 11 LOR-89,1-501 2.0 12 LOR-89.1-002 2.0 13 LOR-88.4-501 1.0

.14 LOR-88.5-310 1.0 LOR-89.1-002 1.0 16 LOR-89.4-210- 1.0 17 LOR-89.4-409 1.0 18 . KIR-89.4-410- 1.5 19 LOT-03-007 2.0 o 20 LOT-06-301' 1.0 21 LOT-06-301 1.0 22 LOT-09-001 1.5


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Simulator Fidelity Report t,




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Simulator Fidelity Report t

Facility- Licensee: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power ,

c, Corporation  !

RD 5, Box, '169- Ferry Road -

Brattleboro, Vermont 05301

-Facility Licensee Docket No.: 50-271 .

-Facility License No.: DPR-28 I k ' Simulator Examinations Administered At: Vermont Yankee Simulator

. Replacement Examinations Given On: October 25, 1989

'Requalification Examinations Given On:

November 6-7, 1989 The following are observations of the fidelity of the Vermont Yankee I sim'ulator. These observations were made by the NRC examination team during  :

the-conduct of the replace' ment and'the requalification examinations. These

. observations do not constitute audit or inspection findings and do not affect-

-NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility. No licensee action is required in response to these observations.

Malfunction PC'OS (Safety / Relief Valve (RV2-71A,B,C,0) Line Break) is designed to simulate a' failure of the selected relief' valve tailpipe above the torus water line-in the torus air space. The malfunction.did not produce the described in the -Vermont Yankee simulator cause and effect manual.

'This-simulator infidelity resulted in one scenario developed by the NRC for use'during the replacement exam to be invalid. This~ fidelity problem was .

detected during simulator' scenario validation, therefore, a replacement ,

scenario was chosen and the conduct of the replacement examination was not '

affected. The simulator operators were aware of this discrepancy and have taken appropriate measures for its correction.

There were no other major simulator fidelity problems noted during the conduct

e. of-the replacement or requalification examinations.
