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Provides Bases for Environ Qualification of Instrumentation Monitoring Effluent Radioactivity & Status of Standby Power Per Reg Guide 1.97,Rev 3 & Generic Ltr 82-33
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/11/1990
From: Bird R
RTR-REGGD-01.097, RTR-REGGD-1.097 BECO-90-005, BECO-90-5, GL-82-33, TAC-51119, NUDOCS 9001230024
Download: ML20005G745 (2)


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egC Generic Letter 82-33

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80SMW EDfSON j Pilgri.m Nuclear Power Station c ]

Rocky Hill Road - l Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 '

Ralph G. Bird BECo 90- 005 Senior Vice President - Nuclear - January 11, 1990 *


% .U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  :

Document Control' Desk.


.Hashington, DC- 20555

.. 1.icense DPR-35


  1. Docket 50-293 I

Environmental Qualification of. Instrumentation Monitoring  :)

Effluent Radioactivity and Status of Standby Power for Reaulatory Guide 1.'97. Revision 3 (TAC 51119) e, Boston Edison has completed the evaluation of the post-accident environment  !

. for instrumentation monitoring effluent radioactivity and status of standby

. power at! the P_ilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS). As. requested by your letter dated January 24 -1989, the following bases for the environmental '

qualification ofc these..two Regulatory Guide 1.97 variables are provided: i

,1: Effluent Radioactivity - Noble Gases (Tvoe C. Cateaorv 2)

= Regulatory Guide 1.97 recommends instrumentation be provided to monitor effluent: radioactivity released:from buildings or areas where primary containment. penetrations and hatches are located. This instrumentation would be used post-accident to detect a breach of the- primary containment. At PNPS, effluent radioactivity instrumentation monitors the

? main stack,'the reactor building vent stack, and the turbine building roof J

n exhaust.-

-The radioactivity monitors for the main stack and reactor building vent stack are located in areas presently scheduled for shielding-enhancements. With the shielding enhancements in place, these areas will

, remain mild during post-accident conditions. Therefore, no environmental qualification of the main stack and reactor building vent stack monitors is necessary. The shielding enhancements will be installed in accordance with the Long Term Program schedule for completion of the Regulatory Guide 1.97 Project.

Portions of cables associated with the main stack and reactor building vent stack monitors pass through potentially harsh environments. These portions of cables will be environmentally qualified in accordance with the Long Term Program schedule for completion of the Regulatory Guide 1.97 Project.

The existing turbine building effluent monitor is located in a potentially harsh environment for which it is not environmentally qualified. Turbine 9001230024 900111

i. .P PDR ADOCK'05000293 PDC gof ); g T, fp6



" ! *; il D. L , :: January'll i19901 ,

6e "i U. S.: Nuclear: Regulatory Commission l Page'2; I

l building effluent monitoring capability will be environmentally qualified to meet the Regulatory Guide:1.97 recommended design criteria for this Category 2 variable. This will be completed in accordance with the Long I gV  : Term Program schedule for completion of the Regulatory Guide 1.97 Project.  ;

o i

-2. Status of Standby Power and Other Enerov Sources Imoortant to Safety-m (Tvoe D.-Category 2)

Regulatory Guide 1.97 recommends. instrumentation be provided to monitor the status of standby power and other energy sources important to safety.

At PNPS,1this includes instrumentation to monitor.the status of the 4160 V-distribution; system, the emergency diesel generators, the 125 VDC system, the 250 VDC. system,:and the instrument air system.


-The instrumentation and associated equipment used to monitor this variable

, are located in both mild and potentially harsh post-accident c

environments. This instrumentation and associated equipment will be qualified to their' respective-post-accident environments in accordance with the Long Term Program schedule for completion of the Regulatory Guide 1.97 Project..

1 1

DMV/3911 g:

cc: Mr. D Mcdonald, Project Manager Division of Reactor Projects - I/II D

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mai1=Stop: 1401 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission L 1 White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 02852 i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region.I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Senior NRC Resident Inspector Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 1 l



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