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Request for Amend of CPPR-99,revising Latest Completion Date to 820430.Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1981
From: Abel J
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20004B898 List:
NUDOCS 8106010264
Download: ML20004B897 (4)




[D Commonwealth Edison

-- ) One First National Plaza. Chicago, Illinois k 7 7 Address Reply to: Post Office Box 767 (j Chicago, Illinois 60690 s  %

y 91 O MA7 '2.919'81

  • May 20, 1981 vm adhsus.

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director

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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


LaSalle County Station Unit 1 Construction Permit Extension Request NRC Docket No. 50-373 References (a): V. A. Moore letter to B. Lee, Jr. dated September 10, 1973 transmitting "anstruction Permit No. CPPR-99.

(b): R. S. Boyd letter to B. Lee, Jr. dated May 31, 1978 transmitting extension to Construction Permit No. CPPR-99.

(c): 0. D. Parr letter to D. L. Peoples dated January 17, 1980 transmitting extension to Construction Permit No. CPPR-99.

(d): D. L. Peoples letter to H. R. Denton dated September 24, 1979.

Dear Mr. Denton:

Commonwealth Edison requests an amendment to the LaSalle County Station Construction Permi CPPR-99 as issued by Reference (a) and amended by Reference (b) cnd (c). This request is made pursuant to the provisions cf 10 CFR 50.55(b). For the reasons delineated below, we request that the " latest completion date" be revised to April 30, 1982 fo~ LaSalle County Unit 1. This amendment does not in the judgement of the applicant, involve a significant hazard consideration. The revised completion date reflects a coriservative estiraate of actual construction completion allowing some margin for potential futu-a delays. The specific bases upon which this request for extension is founded, are the following:

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1. Design verification of piping supports as required by NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin 79-14 entitled, " Seismic Analyses for As-Built Safety Related Piping Systems". This work is judged to have resulted in adding as much as three additional months to the estimate provided in Reference (d).
2. Accommodation of additional NRC criteria related to preoperational testing in numerous areas including vibration monitoring, leak rate testing and electrical system load verification. This work is judged to result in a two month extension of the critical path schedule provided in Reference (d).
3. Potential construction schedule delays resulting from unforeseen equipment delivery difficulties which cculd effect critical path preoperational testing. It is judged that such problems could add from one to six months to the construction completion date provided in Reference (d).
4. Uncertainty attributable to potential expansion of NRC requirements beyond that presently identified in the LaSalle County Safety Evaluation Report, NUREG-0519 dated March, 1981. This uncertainty has been assigned a acastruction completion delay estimated at four r.onths. This value is judged to be realistic in light of recent augmentation of Regulatory guidance in many areas which could potentially effect construction completion. Recent experience on operating licenses issued since March, 1978 as well as acknowledgel delays reported by the NRC on pending license applications provide justification for inclusion of this uncertainty in defining the projected " latest construction completion" date for LaSalle County Unit 1.

The attached bar graph schedule indicates the interrelation of the various schedule factors that have contributed to the schedule extension request for Unit 1.

It should again be emphasized that the factors addressed in this request do not involve a significant hazard consideration.

There are no major unreviewed safety questions involved as evidenced by the recent statement of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) in the letter from J. Carson Mark to J. M. Hendrie dated April 16, 1981.

e-Also attached is a proposed " Finding of No Significant Impact" (F0NSI) prepared by Commonwealth Edison to address the negative environmental impact of this construction permit extension request.

Three (3) signed originals and thirty-seven (37) copies-of this submittal are provided for your review and approval.

Enclosed is a check in the amount of $1,200.00 submitted in accordance with the fee schedule defined in Section 170.22 of 10 CFR 170, in support of this construction permit extension request.

Very truly you:-s,


.'. Abel Director of Nuclear Licensing cc: Mr. R. G. Page - Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety i

NRC Resident Inspector - LSCS SUBSCRIBED and y R to before me this U i day of M /t (1-- , 1981 AN1_ k - GOA/R40 NgfaryPublic [)

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Existing Permit Latest Completion vote Revised Permit June 30, 1981 Le.t 0 3 t Completion Date April 30, 1982

1. Verification of g Support Design

> 1

2. Additional Pre-Op a

. a Testing -


3. Equipment Delivery  :  :  :  :  : _a 4 NRC Criteria l 0  ;  ;

LaSalle County Unit 1 Schedule Delay (Months) e F e k