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Reply Brief in Response to ASLB 810224 Request.Aslb Should Judge Adequacy of Total Emergency Planning Effort at TMI-1 According to Stds Set Forth in Licensee,Nrc & PA 810306 Joint Statement.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1981
From: Adler R
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8103200715
Download: ML19350B516 (6)


bh,Q PA 3/12/81

. s "g' s % 4 9.'r 1, gj CNI'ED STAIES OF MIERICA




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(tree Mile Island thclear



Docket No. 50-2S9 (Restart)

Station, Unit No. 1) )

Y CQt0NWEAL~di 0F PENNSYINANIA'S - s REPLY BRIEF ON DIERGENCY PIMEU ISSUES Introduction Following the February 24, 1981 round of briefs on energerrf planning issues, de Board directed the parties to file reply briefs by March 12, 1981. Be Cuu.u. wealth herein responds to the Board's request.

Frerzencv Planning Standards Anolicable To his Proceedira One of the major ps_es of the reply briefs ordered b'j the Board as to resolve the disagreements between the Licensee, the Staff, and the Cocrorsealth regarding the emergency planning standards applicable ~

to this proceeding. Rese differences were resolved by the " Joint Statecmt by the Cocmonwealth of Pennsylvania, the NRC Staff, and Licensee on Emergerc/ Planning Issues" filed on March 6,1981. Bis statement eHHnates the need for the Cocrenwealth to reply to the briefs of the Staff and the Licensee, and states the Cocrenwealth's position with respect to the standards proposed in the briefs filed by M URY and Mr. Sholly.

Acclicability of NRC Emergencv Planning To his Proceedirs One additioral point raised in MURY's brief warrants response frcra the Caccenwealth. MURY argued that " full FEMA approval of the NRC's M.5 internal Fmergency Plannfr.g cust be obtained prior to restart and pr'or to the close of the Record in this proceeding." Brief of Intervenor II 810sso oW 1


M G Y cn Fre gency Planning Issues, at 1. MmY noted 6at "this is a point ** tare the Cc:monwealth agrees with KURY." Id. at 4 Although the Cacccmealth agrees in general on the achissibij.ity of RGY Contention VII, see Cocrxrmalth of Pennsylvania's Response in Support of MEY Contention VII (Februa:/ 6,1981), it does not agree with tN statemnt of the issue precisely as set forth in the XmY brief.

The Cotrrraalth notes first $at there is no mechanis:a for fonnal FDR approval of interral NRC emrgency planning, as there is with respect to state and local energency planning. However, FDR is responsible for coordirating all federal radiological energerrf response efforts, and could testify in this capacity as to the adequacy of NRC energency planning.

Second, the Cotrrrmalth recognizes that this Board cannot judge in this proceeding the adequacy of the entire federal radiological response effort. It is apptupriate, however, to litigate the coordiration of NRC and other federal emergency response plans with de energency plans of the Licensee and the stee and local response organizations, as acolicable to DII-1. SeebcronwealthofPennsylvania'sReportonPositions For ulated Based on Infonnation Available as of July 25, 1980, at 8-9.

It is also appi.vp1. late to judge the ability of the NRC and other federal agencies to respond to an accident at D!I-l to the extent they are relied upon to do so in the Licensee's as all as in tb.e State and local energeref plans.

Evidence of the inadequacy of the NRC response to de DII-2 accident as nest recently documented in NCREU-0760, " Investigation into Inferration Flow During the Accident at Three Mile Island" (January,1981)

(Mvance Copy). Specific deficiencies in NRC infonnation ficw during da accident are cited at pages 35-39 of this report. This section of de report concluded that:

2e >RC inspectors located en the site and at Regicn I had a better understanding of the accident than headquarters. Re role of each of de tRC cecpenents was vague. Bis resulted in a degree of confusion cencerning the ficw of info::rntien wi~hin the !aC.

Se imestigators conclude that, on a day of the accident, an effective system did not exist within NRC to ensure that information was properly accuculated, evaluated, and disseminated.

Id. at 39. More irportant, the report's recccrmnda::icns require site-specific treat =ent by the NRC in preparing for emergencies at nuclear pcwer plants:

5. Re investigators recccmend that BRC redew and revise, as necessary, the cactunications channels to be inplanented in response to an acc W nt.
6. Me investigators recocmend that the roles of those BRC perscnnel involved in responding to an accident be clearly defired. Bis ircludes those personnel to be on site, in the Regional Office, and at headquarters. Rese roles shculd also be discussed with and understood by licensees.

Id. at 12.

Notably, the Licensee's emergency planning witnesses testified that they have not analyzed the NRC's incident Response Plan for purposes of coordiration with Licensee's plan. Tr. 14,228-30. Apparently, Licensee intends to rely on the NRC to assure that the NRC plan is properly i

coordinated with Licensee's plan. Yet none of the federal emergency planning d m = nts are site-specific to M . NRC Staff's Responses to cmwalth of Pennsylvania's First Set of Interrogatories to NRC Staff, at 2 (Response to Interrogatory 2). In short, there is no evidence that an uncoordinated federal response will not imoede tF4 response to an accident at D!I-1, as occurred at SfI-2. Rus, the NRC and other federal plans for response to an accient at DfI-l can and should be censidered

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in this proceeding in judging de overall adequacy of emergency plaring at the site.

Conclusien This Board shculd judge the adequacy of the total eergency plaxing effort for DE-1 according to the standards set forth in de joint statemnt of the Licensee, the EC Staff, and de Cu.u.sealth. This revies shculd include an evaluatien of the federal role in respending to an eergency at DE-1.

Respectfully edc:itted, g9 4M.d20gj ROBE?f k. ADIl2 /

Attorney for the Cvu u.sealth LlilED STATES OF MIRICA




) Docket :b. 50-289 (Three Mile Island Ibclear ) (Restart)

Station, Unit Ib.1) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the attached "Carcrreealth of Pennsylvania's Reply Brief en Emergency Planning Issues" were served on the parties en the attached service list by deposit in the U.S.

nail, first class pactage prepaid, this 12th day of March,1981.

OBERT W. ADLER Attorney for the Commwealth 3


UC.ZAR FEI::A".UU C2tCSSICI 3ERRE S'E An!IC SAF*.'"Y RD LICE 5I'C ?fxC In de h eter of )


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) .beke: b. 50-2S9 (Oros Pile Island Ibclear ) (Researt)

Stati:n, mi :b.1) )

SEl:CI l'.ST Ce:rge T. *::5 bridge, Esq 2 e Dr. Lir.fa W. Li::le SPaw Pit:=mn. Pct:s & Tr::stridge A <r d .- Safety and I.icer. sir 4 3 card Panel 1500 M Stree:, N.'J. 5000 Her m age Drive

'Jashing=n, D.C. 200C6 Nadps, Tcrd Carolfra 07612 Ms. Wrjerte M. Asni: Docketing and Service Sec dcn R.D. 45 Cffice c: de Secre:a:/ .

Coatesv113e, Pe:r.sylvarla 19320 U.S. :Lclear Fere.latory Cxx:Lssien "4 "* D'C' C555 Ya. Holly S. Keck, lag. C-Am Anti-!Lclear Group Fs;resen:1r4 Ellyn R. Weiss Ycrk (RGtY) Shelden. Ha=cn. Rois: nan & Weiss 245 W. F5th'.alphia Stree: 1725 : Stree:, N.W., Suite 506 Ycrk, Pemsylvania 17404 Washir4:en D.C. 20006 Ms. Frieda Serr,till, Ca1=an Karin P. Shelden, Tstaire (7K;E)

Csalia.'cn fer !bclear Pow:

. Shelden Ha= en. Reis,an & Weiss Plan P stpormnant 1725 I Stree:, N.W.. Suite 'C6 2610 Granden Drive, D.C. 2000A Wil:Wutzm, 'bl = e 198C8 Janas A. Tourtellotte. Esqde Mr. Rober: Q. Pollard Office of de Exec t:ive legal Direc:cr 609 tir.tpelier Street U.S. :bclear Regula::t-r n', d=sion .

Salti:ncre, hryland 21213 Washing:cu, D.C. :Ct35 'J. Cohen. Esgaire John A. Lrfn. Essaire C. A %.cate Assis:an Carael Depart:mer.: of Justice Pennsylvania Pe.blic Utility C,,-d esien Strawbe=y Square, led Floor P.O. 3cx 3265 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17127 Marristurg, Perr.sylvania 17120 Dr. matrcey Kepford Rober: L. Krug Esqaire Judid H. Assistan: Solici:cr. Cxr.y of Dauphin Er:vf.rtrinsc:al Coali* en N Aaa?

?.0. Box ?. 407 Ter-h Frcnt Street Pcwur Harrisburg, Pemsylvania 17108 433 Orlando Avers.:e State College, Perr.sylvar.ia 163C1 John E. MLr.ich. Cair mn Omuphin Car.g Scard of Cw '*sicem s Mr. Steven C. Sholly Dauphin Car.ty Ca..-dcuse Wien of C,nea-mar' Scientists F=n: art. &rke: S=eets 1725 : $=eet, N.W., Suite 601 Harrisbt..g,-

Perr.sylvarda 17101

  • 4ashir4:en D.C. 20006 Jerdan D. Q:r.ingnas, I:sq2e Ms. T.ouise 3radford A :crray for :e.te=y Tor r. ship OC Aler: T.2LI. Steerira Ci,-d::ae 315 Peffer Stree: 2320 lbrd Seccnd Stree:

Harrisburg, ?arraylvania 17102 Harrisbi .g, Perr.sylvania 17110 Ivan W. Scrid, ~@e, C ai-9an Nrfn I. Idwis A*' + Safety and Licensing 3 card Panel 6504 3radford *errace U.S. !Lclear Regulate:y cn * *siat Ph1Malphia, Ferr.sylvania 19149 Washir4:en, D.C. 20555 Jane Iae Dr. Walter H. Jordan R.D. 3, Sex 35:1 At:t:ic Safaq and Licensir4 3 card Pacal Z::ers, Perr.sylvania 17319 331 **es: Outer Drive Cak Ridge Te:r.essee 37330 2nas J. Ge=:ine, Escuire Cecuq A::cremy Ge.aral. Division of 'e Focxs 316,1100 Raytend Sculevard rewark, Mer Jersey 07102
