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Requests Authorization to Use ASME Section XI Code Case N-401-1, Eddy Current Exam,Section Xi,Div 1, Per 10CFR50.55a(a)(3),since Case Not Currently Listed in Reg Guide 1.147,Rev 7 as Endorsed by NRC
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/1989
From: Withers B
RTR-REGGD-01.147, RTR-REGGD-1.147 WM-89-0256, WM-89-256, NUDOCS 8912190241
Download: ML19332F873 (3)


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NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Gen D. Wilhers e,ees n one -l cw n e nouse om ar 1 December 14, 1989

'l U. S. Nuclear, Regulatory Commission ATTN:. Document Control Desk

. Hall Station Pl-137 ..

Washington, D. C. 20555 l


Docket No. 50-482: Request for Use of ASME Code Case j N-401-1 Gentlemen:

The purpose of this letter is to request that the Nuclear Regulatory' Cocunission (NRC). authorize the use of'ASME'Section XI Code Case-N-401  :

entitled " Eddy Current Examination, Section XI, Division 1" pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a) (3) for Wolf Creek Generating--Station.

This Code Case-revision was approved-by the-ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code = Committee on May 4, 1988.

Code Case N-401 was' approved by the Code Co ^*r -- I February 20, 1984-.and I is listed as an approved Code' Case in Regulatory Guide 1.147. Code Case N--

401 specifies that, 'when demonstrated equivalent to the Authorized Nuclear ,

Inservice Inspector, digitized collection and, storage of eddy current test data may :be used as' an alternative to magnetic tape and strip chart  ;

recording of eddy current test data required by Section XI, . Division 1, r Appendix IV. Code Case N-401-1 adds the requirements for calibration to the g original provisions of Code Case N-401. Periodic calibration in accordance with IV-3000 is required only for analog elements of the digital eddy current data collection and storage equipment. This Code Case will allow the use of current equipment and practices used by eddy current testing contractors and provide appropriate calibration of' digital eddy current data equipment. This Code ' case provides an acceptable level of quality and safety when the Section XI requirements can not be met. A copy of this Code Case is attached to this letter.

Since Code Case N-401-1 is not currently listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 7, as a Code Case endorsed by the NRC, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) requests approval of this Code Case by February 1, 1990. Approval by this date will allow WCNOC to use this Code Case _during the fourth refueling outage which is scheduled to start on March 8, 1990.


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P.O. Box 411/ Burlington, KS 66639 / Phone:(316) 364 8831 I An Equal opporknty Employer M F/HC/ VET n 92 e


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-WM 89-0256- '

, tPage:2.of 2.

N . December 14,'1989 -

1 7g This Code-Case-was approved for use at 0conee, McGuire and Catawba Nuclear-Stations- in a letter- dated February 25.. 1989 from D.- B.-- Matthews to v" '

-H. B..-Tucker ~of Duke: Power Company. . If;you have_any questions concerning.

4 this matter. please contact me or Mr. 0. L. Maynard of my staff.

Very truly yours.

---+Y .

Bart D. Withers President and- 'I Chief Executive Officer p

l c BDW/sem Attachment 'l cc: B..L. Bartlett-(NRC), w/a 1 E.-J.: Holler'(NRC).-w/a R. D. Martin = (NRC), w/a D. V. Pickett (NRC), w/a i

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TAttachment-to WM 89-0256^ '

Page.1 of 1

-' CASE >

N-401 ,

CASES OF ASME DOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Approval Date: May 4.1988 See NumerieelIndes for expirstron, and any reaffirmation dates.

Case N 4011 Eddy Current Examination Section XI, Didsfon 1 Inquiry: Is it permissible, as an alternative to the Section XI, Division 1 Appendix IV, requirement for magnetic tape and strip chart recording of eddy current test data, to use digitized collection and storage of data as the permanent record for eddy current examina-tions, and to what extent do the calibration require-ments of IV 3000 apply?

l Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that, when demonstrated equival< t to the Authorized Nuclear '

l Inservice Inspector, digitized collection and storage of l

eddy current test data may be used as an alternative l to magnetic tape and strip chart recording of eddy l

current test data required by Section XI. Division 1, Appendix IV. Periodic calibration in accordance with IV 3000 is required only for the analog elements of the digital cddy current data collection and storage equipment.

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