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Responds to NRC 890713 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-282/89-18 & 50-306/89-18.Corrective Actions:All Personnel Involved in Event Counseled on Importance of Following Procedures & Work Requests as Written
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/1989
From: Larson C
To: Axelson W
NUDOCS 8911290068
Download: ML19332C843 (2)



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1 414 Nicollet Mall I

- Minnenpolis, Minnesota 55401 1927 ,

. Telephone (612) 330-5500

. t August 11 ', l 1989 -


'Mr W L Axelson, Chief'

~ Projects Branch 2, Region III

, U'Sl Nuclear Regulatory Commission r 799 Roosevelt ~ Road

. Glen Ellyn', Illinois-' 60137 ,

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLAliT Docket Nos.-50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 -


Response to Notice of Violation

, 1Dsoection Reoorts No. 50-282/89018(DRP) and 50-306/89018(DRP)

In: re :po:ise. to your letter of: July 13 1989, which transmitted Inspection 1Repor s No. 50-282/89018 and 50-306/89018,. the following information is

'o f fe r ed .'

l-t Violation

-t L. 10 CF" 50, Appendix' E, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, requires that-activities affecting quality shall be prescribed-by documented instruetions and procedures of a type' appropriate to the circumstances and-shall be'accompliched in.accordance'with these instructions and procedures.

--Administrative Control Directive SACD3.2, Work Control, Rev. 15, Step 6.14.3 l' requires. work -procedures' to be at the ' job site and that the requirements and/or precautions shall be followed and completion of procedural steps documented.

l, ' Contrary to the above, on June 27, 1989, the 480 volt breaker for the 11 ,

. Inverter Instrumenc Bus II was deenergized and removed from Motor Control L

Center lACl, instead of the 480 volt breaker for the 11 Battery Charger as specified by Work Request N4669.


-This is a Severity Level IV violation-(Supplement 1).

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, j Northem States Power Company W L Axelson August 11, 1989 Page 2

. Resnonse The No. 11 Instrument Inverter has two sources of power. One is an AC source

'from Motor Control Center 1AC1'and the other is a DC scurce from No. 11 p'

Battery. The AC source breaker was removed from the Motor Control Center by_

mistake. :This error did not doenergize the No. 11 Instrument Bus, since'the DC source was still available. Though errors were made in removal of a breaker', at no time was any safety function made inoperable. The resulting electrical configuration met the Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation at all times during this event.

Upon discovery that-the incorrect breaker had been removed, the breaker was reinstalled and the correct breaker removed.

Corrective Actions Taken and Results Achieved All personnel '(with the exception of one individual on an extended vacation) involved in the event have been counseled on the importance of following procedures and work requests as written.

Prior to this event, an awareness program had been recently instituted at Prairie Island to help maintain a high threshold for attention to detail. As part of the implementation of this program, all personnel have been advised of the importance of "self checking". This program is intended to avoid events of this kind in the future.

Corrective Actions to be Taken to Avoid Further Violations The remaining individual will be counseled upon returning from vacation. This will be accornplished by September 1,1989.

Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved it Full compliance has been. achieved.

Please contact us if you have any questions related to'our respense to the subject inspec on reports.

7 C E Lar on j l Vice Pr ' dent Nuclear Cencration c: Regional Administrator III, NRC l Senicr Resident Inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC C Charnoff