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Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-34,superseding Limiting Conditions for Operation 4.1.2 Through 4.1.6, Surveillance Requirements 5.1.1,5.1.2,5.1.3 & 5.1.5.Request Supersedes 890914 Request,Per Telcon W/Nrc
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/1989
From: Crawford A
To: Weiss S
Shared Package
ML19327B130 List:
P-89394, NUDOCS 8910250262
Download: ML19327B129 (3)


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h Public Service' October 13,-1989. M j "c7 m , m

, Fort St. Vrain  ;

i, Rg3;2 .. c c,.~

Vice Preesdent .


Nucient Operations

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l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission li*fYdI  !

i ATTN: Document Control Desk 'iji F Washington, D. C. 20555 j;j; l

L' l!.. suses.s -

t ATTN: Seymour H. Weiss, Director  : "="===

. I Non-Power Reactor, Decomissioning 1::::gr ..

I. e, and Environmental Project Directorate j;y 1

23" L

Docket No. 50-267 i'="=" a e j l'  :: m'" ,


Proposed. Technical  ::

Specification Amendment--===::$

Reactivity Centrol '(( ,

1: 2


See Attachment 4 r.:"tr :"E. "." i iinT.6 i

Dear Mr. Weiss:

1 U This letter submits a proposed Technical Specification amendment >

related to reactivity control specifications that will replace current Interim. Technical Specifications. This letter-supersedes PSC Technical Specification Amendment request submittec September 14 , .

1989 (Reference 1). Per a telephone conversation between Mr. Ken -

Heitner, NRC Project Manager, and Mr. M. H. Holmes, PSC Nuclear -

Licensing Manager, -it was detemined that this resubmittal of the reactivity control specifications is desirable. This resubmittal only involves two changes to- the reserve shutdown ' system -

s)ecification, 3/4.1.8 previously submitted in Reference (1). These c1anges are being made for continuity purposes within'the reactivity control specifications. The additional changes in this submittal are ,

indicated by double revision marks in the margin.

l This resubmittal responds, in part, to Reference (2). An amendment submittal regarding fuel handling and storage that wac also requested ,

't by Reference (2), has been forwarded under separate cover (Reference 4). With these submittals, PSC considers the commitment to upgrade the Fort St. Vrain Technical Specifications'(References 5 and 6) to be closed.

L l This amendment, as proposed, will supersede LCO's 4.1.2 through 4.1.6, SR's 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.5, the Interim Technical Specifications, and will incorporate a new Reactivity Control l

Section. This section will be placed in the same location as the Interim Technical Specifications have been, with the tab title changed to " Reactivity Control". Othef specifications are revised to support the new Reactivity Control section. These specifications 8910250262 891013 gDR ADDCK 050 g 7


.1-l 3

P-89394 ,

October 13, 1989 include: Definitions Section 2.0, SR 5.1.4, and Administrative i Controls AC 7.1.3. The Surveillance Reauirements have been

l. reorganized and re-ordered to the extent necessary to maintain l consistency with the existing FSV procedures.

A summary of proposed changes is provided as Attachment 1. The proposed changes are provided as Attachment 2. A No Significant L Hazards Consideration Analysis is provided as Attachment 3.

On . August 29, 1989, PSC announced the end of operations for Fort St.

Vrain. The NRC requested in Reference 2 that the Technical Specification changes reflected in the attached amendment proposal be made prior to commencing defueling. PSC is pursuing.a high priority.

effort .to submit these changes, obtain NRC approval, and implement ,

these changes. However, PSC is concerned that an approved amendment may not be issued in time to support current plans to start defueling by November 27, 1989. Therefore, PSC requests the NRC staff's

! assistance in placing these Technical Specifications in effect prior to November 27, 1989. ,

l If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact l Mr. M. H. Holmes at (303) 480-6960.

l Very truly your ,

l L

aAA. Clegg Crawfor Vice President Nuclear Opera 6 r.s 2

L ACC/BHD/km Attachments I

Regional Administrator, Region IV cc:  !

ATTN: Mr. T. F. Westerman, Chief I l Projects Section B j 1

Mr. Robert Farrell  !

Senior Resident Inspector i Fort St. Vrain Robert M. Quillen, Director Radiation Control Division Colorado Department of Health l

(y.. , y, ,

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4 i


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In the Matter ); j

$ ' - .,b.. .

)- J Public Service Company of Colorado )' Docket No. 50-267 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 )'

o ,


. ,j


L iA. Clegg.Crawford, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That '

.he-is Vice President, Nuclear Operations, of Public Service Company l of. Colorado, 'the Licensee: herein, that he has. read the foregoing Application for Amendment to' Appendix A of the Facility . Operating >

License and. knows the contents thereof, and that the. statements and .,

matters set forth^therein are true and correct to the best: of his knowledge, information'and belief.



W V A. Clegg Cr'awford ' ,

l Vice President Nuclear Operations STATE OF_ COLORADO ) l


Subscribe and sworn to bef: e me, a Notary Public on this 1 13th~ day of October , 1989,. , .


'r n D N8 r+wt ]h 2 Notary Public )

My commission expires January 6, , 1993,


4 I

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