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Forwards Clarification to Summary of Changes Made in Rev 2 to Plant Inservice Testing Program
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/1989
From: Morgan W
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8911010179
Download: ML19325E094 (9)


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October 24, 1989 T.

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e' T Dr.-Thomas E. Murley, Director-Offlee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

, U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Q,


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LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 , d Inservice Testing (IST) Program ,

l 4 E C Dx tet Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 q Reference (a):. H.E. Morgan letter to T.E. Murley dated' October 2, 1989 (LaSalle County Station  :

Units'1 and 2) Inservice Testing (IST)' Program.

,e t

Dear Dr. Murley:

i Reference (a) transmitted LaSalle County Station's Inservice Testing ,

Program (Revision 2). For clarification purposes, the attached document  ;

provides a summary of the changes made in Revision 2 of the LaSalle County.

' Station Inservice Testing Program.

If'there are any further questions regarding this matter, please' f contact this office. -

Very truly yours, W 6:

H. 4 Morgan Nuclear Licensing Administrator im Attachment i'

cc: P.C. Shemanski - Project Manager, NRR AoT7 t A.B. Davis - Regional Administrator, RIII I Senior Resident Inspector - LaSalle County ' I  :

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8911010179 891024 1: PDR ADOCK 05000373 '

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Inservice Testing Program' i

, y Summary of Changes for Revision 2 R ,.

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1) AIR NO. 373-104-89-00400. documents response to Generic.

l Letter 89-04, .

i l 2) AIR NO. 373-251-88-00226, documents review of the IST L,;

program to the Q-List (list of safety-related components). '



':' The Inservice. Testing Program for pumps and valves is being revised based


' on Generic Letter 89-04 (documented in reference 1). The scope of the IST '

3 Program was also ' reviewed carefully to ensure the inclusion of the necessary

.; pumps and valves in the program. This was accomplished by using LaSa11e's ,

Q-List and Component Classification documents. The following is a short ~

} discussion of the program changes.


  • c

,SECTIOt in Table of Contente f

1. ,

j A " Technical' Approach (es) and Position (s)" section was added to the IST program, therefore, it is referenced in the ' contents section.



SECTION 21 Inmarvice' Testina Procram Descrintion

[ 2.2 - Innervlee Testina

,j, 1. Added requirement to identify approval document to each relief request and cold shutdown justification ( .

2.. .Added section 2.2.3 which discusses when and why a Technical '

l Approach / Position is Utilised.

', l ' ~

SECTIGt 31 Format Leoend and Notes 3.0 - AEME Class 1. 2, and 3 Pumns a 1. Added " Technical Approach (es) and Position (s)" to the field section 1

for pumps. The description is also given for the new field. The 3

" notes" field was changed to No. 13.

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?. , Inservice Testing Program-  !

Summary.of Changes for Revisior 2 l 3.'1 - ARMR Clama ~1. 2. mad 3 Valves ,


1. The field section for valves has been changed. " Technical-Approach (es) and Position (s)" was labeled No.10 and replaced the "masimum stroke time" field. The maximum stroke time will not be.a  ;

part of the NRC submittal due'to establishing limiting values of l

-f 'I full-stroke based on reference values.

2. Added " disassemble and inspect"'(DI) an a new test type. f
3. Test abbreviation SA (semi-annual) has been added to the " test .

schedule" field.

SECTION di Innervice Testina Plan-Pumns


1. .A " Technical Approach (es) and Position (s)" column was added prior to ,

the'" notes" field. The " notes" column became field no.13.

p SECTION 51 Pumn Relief Reauesta  ;


An " Approval / Reference Document (s)" field was added to each relief

1. [

?- request to depict the approval document or identify any applicable l

reference (s) used.

SECTION 6: Inservice Teatino Plan - Valves Svatem Description


ALL 1. Added TP-01 to all power operated valves that are stroked timed.

CM 1. All SOVs will use the " rapid-acting valves" position per RV-56.

DG 2. 1(2)DG049A/B, ODG023A/B, 1(2)E22-F362A/B (DG air compressor i discharge check valves) have been classified as active class 3 components, and therefore will be tested in the IST program per 7 1 RV-51.  ;



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, Inservice Testing program

.i Summary of Changes.for Revision 2

! "4 Inzervico Testl' na Plan - Valven J'~ SECTION 6: ,

.J f

System Descrintian IKi 2. 1(2)DG055A/B, ODG029A/B, 1(2)E22-f369A/B, 1(2)E22-F370A/B (DG  :

'i' Air Receiver Check Valves) have been added to the IST program t even=though they are non-code. 'At LaSalle they are considered '

3' to be safety-related passive, but a setpoint test will be' .

performed to ensure their operational readiness.-

DO 1. 1(2)DOO24 have been classified as passive and will be deleted

, from the IST program. :t u FC 1. 1(2)TC105A/B have been deleted from the IST program due to the-fact.that FC is a non-safety related system and does not fall j l within the scope of the IST program.

1  :

HG 1.. 1(2)HG017A/B '(H2 Recombiner Water-Spray cooler supply CV's) have i

been classified as active class 2 valves and will be included in ,

the'IST program. A cold shutdown justification (CS-53) has been I written describing their test method and equivalent cold

shutdown frequency.

i- 2. 1(2)HG016 and 1(2)HG007 have also been classified active and 3

will be tested in the IST program per Tech Specs on a 6 month frequency. A c/s justification (CS-54) has been written describing the basis for this test frequency. l HP 1. 1(2)E22-F006 (Water Leg Pump Disch Check Valves) have been added

[ to the IST program. A relief requent (RV-50) has been written ,

for testing the plants ECCS WL pump discharge check valves. It ~

c' also explains why the upstream cv's must be disassembled and inspected during reactor refueling per RV-46.

E IA 1. The outboard MSIV accumulatur check valves have been moved from

. IN to IA system designation.


I IN 1. INO31, IN100, and IN101 solenoid valves will use RV-56,

" rapid-acting valves" position.

5 j LP 1. 1(2)E21-F034 (Water Leg Pump Discharge Stop Check Valves) have

, been added to the program. These valves will be tested 1 quarterly per RV-50.

j' 2. 1(2)E21-F033 (water leg pump disch cv/s) testing methods have

! been changed to partial exercising quarterly per RV-50 with ,

K disassembly and inspection during refueling outages per RV-46.





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Inservice Testing Program

. Summary of Changes for Wevision 2 9

SECTION 6: Inservice Testina' Plan - Valves System Description

'MS 1. 1(2)E32-F010,'1(2)E32-F011, 1(2)E32-F310A/B/C/D have been added to the IST program due to the component classification review.

<o These' valves have been determined to be class 2, active  ;

components ~. Disassembly and inspection is the method of testing which will be used on a reactor refueling basis per RV-52 and

    1. RV-46. ,,

'NR 1. The following valves are non-code, however,.they are safety-related active. The valves are currently exercised and' leak tested per Technical Specifications, however, now they i

- require a stroke time and PIT per GL 89-04. ,

, .a. 1(2)C51-C004A

b. 1(2)C51-C004B '
c. 1(2)C51-C004C
d. 1(2)C51-C004D .

! e. 1(2)C51-C004E


i ,

RD 1.- The 1(2)C11-D001-115 and 1(2)C11-D001-138 valves have been added to the program per GL 89-04. Relief Request RV-45 documents the  ;

testing methods. ,

RH 1. 1(2)E12-F060A/B (will use RV-56), 1(2)E12-F075A/B (will use ,

, RV-56): process sample valves are class 2, active and will be tested per normal code testing methods.

. 2. 1(2)E12-TC89/93/94/97, are also going to be added to the IST ,

program. These valves'have been determined to perform a safety-related function and will be tested per normal code

! testing methods. t r

3. The 1(2)E12-F046A/B/C minimum flow line check valves will be partially stroked quarterly per RV-49, and disassembled and inspected per RV-46 per GL 89-04.

! 4. 1(2)E12-F040A/B, RHR drain isolation valves to radwaste are class 2, active and will be tested per normal code testing methods.

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Inservice' Testing Program l

Summary'of Changes forJRevision.2.


SECTION'6t- -Innervice Testina Plan ~- Valygg '

E, Sy.g tagg Description

'5 RH ' . ?l.< 'The'following relief valves have had their classification changed to passive (per reference 2), however, they will remain

, in the IST. program and the setpoint. testing will continue.


a. 1(2)E12-F005s_ h. 1(2)E12-F088A j
b. 1(2)E12-F025A 1. 1(2)E12-F088B

.c. 1(2)E12-F025B j. 1(2)E12-F088C .

d. 1(2)E12-F025C k. 1(2)E12-F311A [
e. 1(2)E12-F030- 1. 1(2)E12-F311B'
f. 1(2)E32-F055A' m. 1(2)E12-F313A ,

'g. 1(2)E12-F0558 n. 1(2)E12-F313B y

5. 1(2)E12-F073A/B and 1(2)E12-F074A/B have been changed to ,

active. They are already esercised in a station surveillance, however, they must now be stroke timed and have a position- a indication test performed for the IST program.

1(2)E12-F084A/B/C (Water Leg Pump Disch CV's) will be added to 6.

p the IST program. They will be partial stroke tested quarterly.

per RV-50 with disassembly and inspection every refuel outage

  • per RV-46.

' 7. 1(2)E12-F085A/B/C (Water Leg Pump CV's) have been added to the '

program and will be tested quarterly pet.RV-50.

t RI 1. 1(2)E12-F036A/B have been given a pessive classification,

' however, testing will continue as with other relief valves.  ;


2. TP-02 was added to E51-F028/F040/F047 valves to document and 1 clarify testing in the IST program.

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.4 -Inservice Testing Program i Summary of Changes'for Revision 2

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l" RECT 10N-6 Innervice Testina Plan - Valves 0: )

Egitta Description  !

q RR 1. The following valves are presently tested per LOS-PC-R1, j 2 however, due to reference 1 these valves are'now required tv be ,

y added to the IST program'(CIVs, Appendix J osempted).- The L inboard valves can on3y be tested during c/s or refueling ,!

outages, but the outboard valves tested quarterly. . C5. J5  !

explains the c/s basis. ,

a.' 1(2)B33-F338A 1. 1(2)B33-F342A [

b.  !

1(2)B33-F338B j. 1(2)B33-73428. 4 i, c. 1(2)B33-F339A- k. 1(2)B33-F343A l

( , d. 1(2)B33-F3398 1. '1(2)B33-F343B

e. 1(2)B33-F340A- m. 1(2)B33-F344A .;

.f. 1(2)B33-F340B n. 1(2)B33-F344B' ..

f. g. 1(2)B33-F341A o. 1(2)B33-F345A I 4
h. 1(2)B33-F341B p. 1(2)B33-F345B ,

O< . .

, RT 1. The following relief valves have been deleted from the IST '

,, , ' program since the reactor water cleanup system is non-safety ,

E -related. l j ,

' a. 1(2)G33-F339A d. 1(2)G33-F340B

b. 1(2)G33-F339B e. 1(2)G33-F341A t

~ c. 1(2)G33-F340A f. 1(2)G33-F341B .

f VG3 1. 1(2)VG0001 and VG0003 are classified as class 3 active valves and have been added to the IST program. Testing will include bn F

' stroke timing and PITS.

I ' VQ ' 1. VQ041 is a non-code valve and has been deleted from IST per E' reference 2 documentation. The valves are classified as passive.

i' '

SECTION 7e Valve Rollef Recuests/ Cold Shutdown Justifications -[ '


_(. ' ALL An " Approval / Reference Document (s)" field was added to each ,

relief request and cold shutdown justification to depict the  ;

. approval document or identify any applicable reference (s) used.

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fi . Summary of Changes for Revision 2 l

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1 SECTION 71 Valve Reljaf Reaumata/ Cold Ehutdown Justificationa

-Y p 1- RV . Describes the basis for relief and alternate test methods for i the Gontrol Rod Drive.(CRD) charging water header cv's and the

[" ~ CRD' coo'.ing water cv's.


2. .RV-46; Describes the GL 89-04 approved alternative to full-stroke esercising check. valves -- disassembly and inspection. t
3. RV-47 Explains the' basis for relief and alternate testing for the LPCS motor cooler water outlet ev's~which deviates from c0de testing l because it only proves a partial stroke according to Generic Letter 89-04. . -l L
4. RV-48 (RCIC min flow line cv's); The present testing only proves a partial stroke according to Generic Letter 89-04. This' relief request explains the basis for relief and testing method for-these valves.
d 5. RV-49. (LPCI min flow line ev's);' Explains basis for relief and alternate test methods for these. valves.

IS i

6. RV-50 (Water leg pump discharge cv's); Describes the reasoning and method of testing these valves.
7. RV-51 Describes the basis for relief and alternate testing for the DG, compressor discharge cv's which have been added to the IST 3 i- , program.
8. RV-52 Explains basis for relief and alternate testing for the MSIV-LCS Cv's.
9. CS-53 (Hydrogen Recombiner water-spray cooler supply cv's); Describes the reasoning behind the method of testing these. valves once a year (equivalent to c/s testing) for the IST program.

i 10. CS-54 (Hydrogen Recombiner containment suction ev's); Explains basis for cold shutdown testing of these valves.

11. CS-55 (Reactor Recirc hydraulic line inboard cv's); Describes the
basis for relief and why these valves will be tested only during


i refueling outages. Explains that the outboard valves con be g.

tested quarterly. '

t 12. CS-56 Describes the limits imposed on rapid-acting solenoid valves in

the IST program per the NRC staff's position described in GL

, 89-04.


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'i' Inservice Testing Program 4 S weary of Changes-for Revision 2 I

'EECTItM'as- Technical Approachas and Positions

1. .

TP-01' Developed to describe stroke, time testing of valves in'the IST program and the acceptance criteria involved with establishing alert and required action rLage limits.


'2. TP-02: Describes the method'of-full-stroke' testing'of the T

E51-r028/F040/F047 RCIC systern ev's.



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