RBG-47923, Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use

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Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use
Person / Time
Site: River Bend, Holtec  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/2018
From: Reynolds J
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RBF1-18-0239, RBG-47923
Download: ML18365A204 (14)


  • ~Entergr. Entergy Operations, Inc .

R1'!er Bend Station 5485 U S H1gt1way 61 N St Francis*11lle. LA 70775 Tel 225- 3 81-4 177 Jeffrey W. Aeyn olds D1rec10, Regula to ry & PerfQrmancc Irn provern ent 10CFR72.212(b)(2)

RBG-47923 December 19, 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use River Bend Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47 Pursuant to 10CFR72.212(b)(2), Entergy Operations, Inc. hereby provides notification of the use of two (2) spent fuel storage casks at River Bend Station (RBS). The casks were placed in service on (11/19/2018) and (12/03/2018), respectively.

Licensee Name: Entergy Operations, Inc.

Licensee Address: River Bend Station 5485 U. S. Highway 61 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Reactor License No.: NPF-47 Reactor Docket No.: 50-458 ISFSI Docket No.: 72-49 Cask Certificate No.: 1014 (Amendment No.5)

Cask Model No.: Hi-Storm 1OOS Version B Refer to Attachments 1 through 3.

This document contain o regulatory commitments. If you require additional information, please contact Mr. J e ey Reynolds at (225) -381 -3612 .

RBG-47923 Page 2 of 2 JWR/djp : Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 631 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS30)

(11/19/2018). : Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 632 (RBS Identification No. DFS-HS31)

( 12/03/2018).

cc: Director - Spent Fuel Project Office Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Regional Administrator - Region IV NRC Senior Resident Inspector - River Bend Station Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Radiological Emergency Planning and Response Section Public Utility Commission of Texas

ATTACHMENT 1 RBG-47923 Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 631 (RBS Identification No. OFS-HS30) (11/19/2018).

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 ICA Transfer Form

( Official Copy FMet Standard Cowreheet Site and Unit: River Bend Station Unit 1 (1) Transfer form Number: RBS-2018-008 Revision Number. ----"'----

O (2) Issued (Date): -...:l~=---=Af,:,,;,.,.....;;.~....;.&_ _ _ _ _ _ __

(3) Reason For Transfer. Move loaded MPC (serial number 631 l from the cask pool to the cask wash pit. MPC will be loaded Into HI-STORM cask (DES:HS30). Cask to be moved to the cask storage area and finally to the ISFSI. This is the 30ffi cask loading.

Notes I Comments I Special Instructions:

MPC:68. DFS-MPC30 (SIN 631) to be loaded into HI-STORM cask DFS-HS30 {SIN 1160). HI-STORM cask DFS-HS30 will be stored in the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI}. Location determined and recorded by fuel service. Reference attached map to designate ISFSI location.

(4) Prepared By: ~ \,\\~._ ~ CJ4w, \o -,-, * \i (4a) Reviewed By: t:e,,,*...  !. . kb Y,, 0 .._... tend toll1 f.._,

(4b) Additional Approvals By:_N/_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(1 O, SNMC Approval: ,fe,uo* Nlo1L ~ Linesj_Toruioate ti* ~ /I (14) SNM Records Updated By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru___Date: _ _

(15) lndependentty Verified By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru_ _ Date: _ _

(16) SNMC Closure A p p r o v a l : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  • EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 ICA Transfer Form Fleet Standard ICA Transfer Fonn Malerial Serial Number I Performed Step FROM TO Date/Time Verified By Notes Oescf"1ion Equipment ID By 1)/!t


SN: 631


[if MPC ID: DFS-Cask Pool cask Wash Pit o~st..

MPC30 fr ~1, ~

4-SN: 631


111 1 Cask Loading MPC Cask Wash Pit Area ID: DFS-MPC30 /'(:,/

II~\ 1i 0

SN: 1160


ISFSI Jl g2_

Cask Loading HI-STORM ID: DFS-HS30 Area

,1~7- /}11.~

RBS-2018-008 Page2 of 2

ATTACHMENT 2 RBG-47923 Cask Identification: Cask Serial No. 632 (RBS Identification No. OFS-HS31) (12/03/2018).

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 ICA Transfer Form


Fleet Standard Coversheet Official Copy Site and Unit: River Bend Station Unit 1 (1) Transfer Fonn Number: RBS-2018-009 Revision Number.*--------

O (2) * \$_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Issued (Date): _...;_\\----'%.._-......

(3) Reason For Transfer: Move loaded MPC (serial number 632) from the cask pool to the cask wash pit. MPC will be loaded into HI-STORM cask (DFS-HS31}. Cask to be moved to the cask storage area and finally to the ISFSI. This is the 31st cask loading.

Notes I Comments I Special Instructions:

MPC-68. DFS-MPC31 (SIN 632) to be loaded into HI-STORM cask OFS-HS31 (SIN 1161). HI-STORM cask DFS-HS31 will be stored in the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation {ISFSI). Location determined and recorded by fuel service. Reference attached map to designate ISFSI location.


(4) Prepared By: '('r\...""'-i V-)\\'-:,,,s ~ tgU..v.., \I) - \ ""\ - ,i (4a) Reviewed By: Rebecca lTofdo ~ 10*2.'1-111 (4b) Additional Approvals By:_N ....../__

A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(10) SNMC Approval: J£M4>a t411--Jc.. ~ 4ry Lines..1.Thru..a._Date 8 A..- Pll8 ti (14) SNM Records Updated By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines _ _Thru _ _Date: _ _

(15) Independently Verified By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lines_ _Thru. _ _Date:. _ _

(16) SNMC Closure A p p r o v a l : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--~ -

EN-NF-200 Rev. 14 Attachment 9.1 ICA Transfer Form Fleet Standard ICA Transfer form Material Serial Number I Perfonned Step Description Equipment ID FROM TO By Date/Time Verified By NOies Q r SN: 632

,ij1..i/1r ~

rz.'~r MPC Cask Pool Cask Wash Pit ID: DFS- -~

MPC31 CP 1~\1.-/1i SN: 632 MPC ID: DFS-MPC31 Cask Wash Pit Cask Loading Area

~ tYl-f 7



cp fir rz./3/19 SN: 1161 ISFSI 1 ~~

Cask Loading HI-STORM ID: DFS-HS31 Area

} /3SD RBS-2018-009

\ Page2 of 2

LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS The following table identifies those actions committed to by Entergy in this document. Any other statements in this submittal are provided for information purposes and are not considered to be regulatory commitments.





Letter#: RBF1-t8-0239 Response Due: December 19, 2018


Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use Date Issued for Review: December 19, 2018 Correspondence Preparer I Phone#: Dennis Pereira I 4621 Section I letter Concurrence and A reement to Perform Actions POSITION I NAME Action Signature concurrence, c (si n. interoffice mem e-mail, or teJecom)

Robert Morgan mail Jeff Reynolds COMMENTS Se c t"ion 11 c orrespond ence s creenmg Does this letter contain commitments? If "yes," identify the commitments with due Yes D dates in the submittal and in Section Ill and initiate a PCRS LR-LAR to track No ~

implementation and/or completion of the commitment. When fleet letters contain commitments, a PCAS LR-LAA should be initiated with a CA assigned to each applicable site to enter the commitments into the site's commitment management system .

Does this letter contain any information or analyses of new safety issues performed at Yes D N RC request or to satisfy a regulatory requirement? If "yes," reflect requirement to No ~

update the UFSAR in Section Ill.

Does this letter require any document changes (e.g .. procedures, DBDs, UFSAR. TS Yes D Bases, etc.) , if approved? If "yes," indicate in Section Ill an action for the 1'1l1Sponsible No 12$1 department to determine the affected documents. (The Correspondence Preparer may indicate the specific documents requiring revision, if known or may initiate an action for review.)

Does this letter contain information certified accurate? If "yes," identify the information Yes ~

and document certification in an attachment. (Attachment 9.5 must be used.) No D Section Ill Actions and Commitments EN-Ll-106 REV 19

~Entergy NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT MANUAL 0UALITY RELATED INFORMATIONAL USE NRC Correspondence EN-Ll-106 PAGE REV.19 2 Of 2 ATTACHMENT 9.4 NRC SUBMITTAL REVIEW Required Actions Note: Actions needed upon approval should be captured in the Due Date Responsible Dept.

appropriate action tracking system N/A N/A Commitments Note 1: If the letter contains commitments, a PCRS LR*LAR should be initiated to trar;k. implementation and/or completion.

Due Date Responsible Dept.

Note 2: When fleet letters contain commitments, a PCRS LR-LAR should be initiated with a CA assigned to each applicable site to enter the commitments inlo the site's commitment management system.

N/A NfA Section IV Correspondence Preparer Denrns Pereira Final Submittal Review (optional) N/A Responsible Department Head Jeff Reynolds EN-Ll-106 REV 19




~~rNumb~: l~R_B_F_1-_1_B_*D_2_3_9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~


I Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use Certifiable Statement(s): Use one of the following methods to identify certifiable statements in the table below:

1 Identify location in submittal (e.g., page 3, para 2, sentence 1) OR, 2 Paste in the exact words of the statement(s) OR, 3 State "see attachment" and attach a copy of the correspondence with the certifiable statements indicated (e.g .. by redlining, highlighting, or underlining, etc.).

Each statement or section of information being certified should be uniquely numbered to correspond with the supporting documentation listed below.

Objective Evidence or Basis of Peer Review: List the supporting documents in the table below and attach a copy of the documents OR give basis of peer review. Large documents need not be attached.

Certifiable Statement(s) Objective Evidence or Basis of Peer Review

1. Cask Certification No. 1. See attached copy of cask C.o.C.
2. Cask Model No. 2. See attached email
3. Cask identification and service da1e 3. See attached ICA Transfer Forms
4. 4.
5. 5.

Individual certifying the statement(s): Certification may be documented using e-mail, telecom, "sign off" sheet, or inter-office memorandum. The form of documentation should specifically identify the informat:on being certified.

Dennis Pereira _l,.icens in g 12/19/2018 Department Date Peer Review: Prior to signing for certification, determine if a Peer Review is required per section S.4[2](c).

Indicate "NIA" if not required.

NIA N/A NIA Name Department Date EN-Ll-106 REV 19

NRCFORM S5f U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (10-2004) 10 CFR 72 CERTrFICATE OF COMPUANCE FOR SPENT FUEL STORAGE CASKS Page 1 of 5 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is issuing this Certificate of Compliance pursuant to Title 10 of 1he Code of Federal Regulalions, Part 72, "Licensing Requirements for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste" (10 CFR Part 72). This certificate is issued In accordance- with 1o CFR 72.238, certifying that the storage design and contents described below meet the applicable safety standards set forth in 10 CFR Part 72, Subpart L, and on the basis of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of the cask design . This certificate is conditional upon fulfill ing the requirements of 10 CFR Part 72, as applicable, and the conditions soecified below.

Certilicale No.

1014 I Effective Date 05/31/00 I Expiration Date 06/01/20 I Docket No.

72-1014 I Amendment No.

5 I Amendment Effective Dale July 14, 2008 I Package ldenttflcation No.

USA/72-1014 Issued To: (Name/Address)

Holtec International Holtec Center 555 Lincoln Drive West Marlton, NJ 08053 Safety Analysis Report Title Holtec International Final Safety Analysis Report for the HI-STORM 100 Cask Sysiem llf - - - -- - ----,-.,...- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -**- -- - - -- - i l l CONDITIONS This certificate is conditioned upon fulfilling the requirementl of 10 CFR Part 72, a&i\pplicable, the attached Appendix A (Technical Specifications) and Appendix B (Appro'led Contents and Design Features), and the conditions specified below:

a. Model No.: HI-STClllRM 100 C9tlk Sy~tem
    • ..  :..I ri1 . '.
  • r The H1-STO RM 100 C~k System (the cas~) *C0h~e~ of t!J,.following eofllppnents: ( 1) interchangeable I * {" ~*i \
  • multipurpose canister*~ .(Jw'PCs). which containit~~ fuel; (2) 'a storage QV9'p'ack (HI-STORM), which contains the MPC durin*~:r;,rage; and (3) a transfer cask (HI-TRAC) i,~lch contains the MPC during loading, unloading and trannr operations. The cask stores up to~ pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel assemblies or 68 boiling water n~ector (BWR) fuel ass(VTlblies.
b. Description The HI-STORM 100 Cask System is certified as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Safety Evaluation Report (SER) accompanying the Certificate of Compliance. The cask comprises three disaete components : the MPC, the HI-TRAC transfer cask, and the HI STORM storage overpack.

The MPC is the confinement system for the stored fuel . It is a welded, cylindrical canister with a honeycombed fuel basket, a baseplate, a lid, a closure ring, and the canister shell. All MPC components that may come into contact with spent fuel pool water or the ambient environment are made entirely of stainless steel except for the neutron absorbers, aluminum seals on vent and cfrain port caps, and aluminum heat conduction elements (AHCEs), which are installed in some early-vintage MPCs. The canister shell, baseplate, lid, vent and cfrain port cover plates, and closure ring are the main confinement boundary components. All confinement boundary components are made entirely of stainless steel. The honeycombed basket, which is equipped with neutron absorbers, provides criticality control.

Pereira, Dennis From: Morgan, Robert Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 4:21 PM To: Pereira, Dennis


Re: Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use 121918.pdf I have reviewed and concur that the letter looks accurate. Furthennore Cask#30 and #31 were HIS TORM IOOS Version B.

Thanks, Robert Morgan Supv, Refueling Services Riverbend Station

-**-----Original message --------

From: "Pereira, Denn is" <dpere i r@e ntcrgy. com>

Date; 12/19/18 4:04 PM (GMT-06:00)

To: "Morgan, Robert" <rmorga4@entergy.com>


Notification of Spent Fuel Cask Use 121918.pdf

Robert, See attached and review.

I need your concurrence that the letter is accurate.

I also need you to verify cask were Hi-Storm 1 OOS Version B.

Your reply email will be an attachment that goes along with all the other information.

Thanks, Dennis Pereira Licensing Specialist River Bend Station Office: 225*381-4621 Email: dpereir@entergy.com

~~*\RIVER 1::~5 TAT ION BEND 1