RNP-RA/18-0060, Transmittal of Core Operating Limits Report

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Transmittal of Core Operating Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/2018
From: Sherman C
Duke Energy Progress
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18291A420 (30)


(_~ DUKE

~ ENERGYe Charles E. Sherman H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 Director - Nuc Org Effectiveness Duke Energy 3581 Wes t Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550 0 : 843 951 1609 F: 843 951 1319 Chuck.Sherman@duke-energy.com TS 5.6.5.d Serial: RNP-RA/18-0060 OCT 1 7 2018 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 H. 8. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-261/RENEWED LICENSE NO. DPR-23 TRANSMITTAL OF CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with Technical Specifications 5.6.5.d, Duke Energy Progress, LLC is transmitting Revision O to the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Cycle 32. A summary of the changes is provided on Page 2 of the attached revision to FMP-001, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)." The COLR is Attachment 10.1 to FMP-001.

There are no regulatory commitments associated with this letter.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Kevin Ellis, Manager - Nuclear Regulatory Affairs at (843) 951-1329.

Sincerely, arles E. Sherman Director - Nuc Org Effect1 eness CES/cac Attachment c: NRG Regional Administrator, NRG, Region II NRG Resident Inspector, HBRSEP Mr. Dennis Galvin, NRG Project Manager, NRR

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attachment to Serial: RNP-RA/18-0060 29 pages (including cover page)

H. 8. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT (HBRSEP), UNIT NO. 2 CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT, REVISION 0 Note: This report is Attachment 10.1 to HBRSEP, Unit No. 2, Fuel Management Procedure (FMP) - 001


REVISION 35 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 1 of 2a I


OF CHANGES PRR 2200705, RNEl-0400-0014 RO Section/Step REVISION COMMENTS Revised the following for RNEl-0400-0014 RO, R2C32 Core Reload NTM 2060245 changes (PRR 2200705)

Throuahout Updated RES Reactor Svstems with Reactor Enaineerina and Svstem Suooort. (Editorial)

Throuahout Updated "Cvcle 31 Revision 1" to "Cvcle 32 Revision 0" (Editorial)

Throuahout Updated "Licensina/Reaulatory Proarams" with "Regulatory Affairs" (Editorial)

Throughout Deleted "RES". (Editorial)

Throughout Updated reference OMP-003 with superseding AD-WC-RNP-0420. (Editorial) 2.5 Updated reference with RNEl-0400-0014. (Editorial) 2.7 Replaced reference PLP-001 with supersedina AD-LS-ALL-0019. (Editorial)

Replaced reference with DUKE-QAPD-001, Duke Energy Corporation Topical Report Quality 2.10 Assurance Program Description Operating Fleet (Editorial)

Deleted step "The Plant Nuclear Safety Committee (PNSC) is responsible for reviewing revisions to the COLR and providing concurrence prior to implementation of COLR revisions (UFSAR Section 17.3, RNP Quality Assurance Program Description, Appendix A Item Old 3.2 A.1.6.6.j)." This is not required in AD-LS-ALL-0019, On-Site Review Committee.

This is an administrative action that is not required to accomplish the task described in this procedure. (Non-Technical)

Deleted "as well as PNSC concurrence". This is not required in AD-LS-ALL-0019, On-Site 5.1.3 Review Committee. This is an administrative action that is not required to accomplish the task described in this procedure. (Non-Technical)

Old 8.2.1 Deleted PNSC abbreviation. (Editorial)

Deleted step for "The proposed revision of the COLR shall be submitted to the PNSC for review." This is not required in AD-LS-ALL-0019, On-Site Review Committee. This is an Old 8.5.5 administrative action that is not required to accomplish the task described in this procedure.


Deleted step for "The PNSC shall review the proposed revision to the COLR and concur with the changes prior to their implementation in accordance with UFSAR Section 17.3 Appendix A Old 8.5.6 Item A.1 .6.6.j. This is not required in AD-LS-ALL-0019, On-Site Review Committee. This is an administrative action that is not required to accomplish the task described in this procedure.

(Non-Technical) 0.1 Updated "547" to "703" EFPD and "19,027" to "23,944" MWD/MTU.

Section 1.0 0.1 Step Updated "-45.0" to "-44.0" pcm/°F.

2.1.1.c 0.1 Step Updated "-39.58" to "-38.81" pcm/°F.

2.1 .2 0.1 Step Updated "-43.85" to "-42.94" pcm/°F.

2.1.3 0.1 Step Deleted ROB2-28 & RO82-29 and Added ROB2-32 2.4.1, 2.5.2 0.1 Step Updated F~HRTP Limit from "1 .80" to "1.77".

2.5.2 0.1 Step Updated all Indicated RCS Average Temperature Limits.

2.10 0.1 Steps Added references: DPC-NE-1008-P-A, DPC-NF-2010-A, DPC-NE-2011-P-A, DPC-NE-3008-P-3.29 thru 3.33 A, DPC-NE-3009-P-A 0.1 Figure Updated "273" to "352" EFPD and "9,500" to "12,000" MWD/MTU.

1.0 Note 0.1 Replaced Figure 3.1 V(z) as a Function of Core Height for Cycle 32 information.

Fiaure 3.1 0.1 Updated "19,027" with "23,944" MWD/MTU.

Figure 3.1 Note IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 2 of 2s I

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................4


......................................................................................................4 3.0 RESPONSIBLITIES ..............................................................................................5 4.0 PREREQUITES ....................................................................................................5 5.0 PRECAUTIONS and LIMITATIONS .....................................................................5 6.0 SPECIAL TOOLS and EQUIPMENT .................................................................... 6 7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ...................................................................................6 8.0 PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................7 9.0 RECORDS ..........................................................................................................11 10.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................. 11 10.1 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT .... 12 10.2 PROCEDURES POTENTIALLY AFFECTED BY COLR REVISIONS ........... 28 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 3 of 28 j

1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To present the cycle-specific Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for HBRSEP Unit No. 2 1.2 To provide a means of incorporating the COLR into the Controlled Procedure Manual procedures. The COLR is placed in the Controlled Procedure Manual procedures to ensure that it resides in a controlled location, and that references are provided that ensure that the requirements specified in NRC Generic Letter 88-16 and Improved Technical Specification 5.6 .5 are met.


2.1 Improved Technical Specifications 1.1, 2.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 3.9.1, and 5.6.5 2.2 PLP-100, Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) 2.3 NRC Generic Letter 88-16, Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications, October 4, 1988.

2.4 License Amendment No. 250 - Regarding Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits to Core Operating Limits Report 2.5 RNEl-0400-0014 Robinson Cycle 32 COLR Markups 2.6 AD-DC-ALL-0201, Development and Maintenance of Controlled Procedure Manual Procedures 2.7 AD-LS-ALL-0019, On-Site Review Committee 2.8 AD-LS-ALL-0007, Applicability Determination Process 2.9 Self Assessment# 108207, Technical Specifications 5.0, Administrative Controls 2.10 DUKE-QAPD-001, Duke Energy Corporation Topical Report Quality Assurance Program Description Operating Fleet 2.11 AD-NF-NGO-0214, Core Operating Limits Report Generation IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 4 of 2a j

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Reactor Engineering and System Support or Nuclear Fuel Engineering (NFE) is responsible for revising this procedure as changes to the COLR are required. At a minimum, revisions are required once per cycle, at Beginning of Cycle, to make the COLR cycle-specific.

3.2 Reactor Engineering and System Support and Operations are responsible for monitoring plant conditions to ensure the Core Operating Limits specified in this procedure are met.

3.3 Regulatory Affairs is responsible for providing prompt notification of COLR revisions to the NRC in accordance with ITS 5.6.5.d within 30 days upon procedure approval.

4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 None 5.0 PRECAUTIONS and LIMITATIONS 5.1 Requirements for Revision of the COLR 5.1.1 The COLR is cycle-specific, this procedure will be revised at least once per cycle, that is, at the beginning of the cycle.

5.1.2 The methods and requirements established by this procedure for revision of the COLR supplement those of AD-DC-ALL-0201, Development and Maintenance of Controlled Procedure Manual Procedures.

5.1.3 Changes to the COLR will require a 10CFR 50.59 Evaluation and notification of the NRC per TS 5.6.5.d as part of the revision process.

5.2 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) 5.2.1 The current cycle-specific Core Operating Limits Report is provided in Attachment 10.1.

5.2.2 The titles for the Methodology references in Attachment 10.1 Section 3 have been altered to match what is currently listed in the RNP Technical Specifications. These report titles may differ slightly from current report titles.

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 5 of 2a I

6.0 SPECIAL TOOLS and EQUIPMENT None 7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA None IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 6 of 2a I

8.0 PROCEDURE 8.1 Definitions 8.1.1 Fav(Z) - the Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor is the maximum local heat flux on the surface of a fuel rod divided by the average fuel rod heat flux and including the V (z) penalty and measurement uncertainties.

8.1.2 CFQ = FaRTP - the cycle-specific Fa limit at Rated Thermal Power (RTP).

8.1.3 K(Z) - the normalized axial dependence factor for Fa versus core elevation.

8.1.4 FtiHN - the Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor is the integral of linear power along the rod with the highest integrated power divided by the average rod power.

8.1.5 FtiH RTP - the cycle-specific FtiH limit at Rated Thermal Power (RTP).

8.1.6 PFtiH - the Power Factor Multiplier for FtiH.

8.1. 7 AFD - the Axial Flux Difference is the difference in normalized flux signals between the top and bottom halves of a two-section excore neutron detector.

8.1.8 V(Z) - the ratio of the maximum Fa(Z) produced during and following transient maneuvers to the equilibrium Fa(Z) value at target axial offset conditions.

8.1.9 P - the fraction of rated power (2339 MWt) at which the core is operating.

8.1.10 RTP - Rated Thermal Power is a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 2339 MWt.

8.1.11 Tavg - RCS Average Temperature IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 7 of 281

8.2 Abbreviations 8.2.1 COLR - Core Operating Limits Report 8.2.2 MTC - Moderator Temperature Coefficient 8.2.3 ITS - Improved Technical Specifications 8.2.4 RIL - Rod Insertion Limits 8.2.5 EFPD - Effective Full Power Day 8.2.6 HBRSEP - H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 8.2.7 NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8.2.8 ARO - All Rods Out 8.2.9 SOM - Shutdown Margin 8.2.10 RCS - Reactor Coolant System 8.2.11 DNB - Departure from Nucleate Boiling 8.3 Background Information 8.3.1 HBRSEP Unit No. 2, like all other commercial nuclear power plants, is required to operate within the specific core operating limits and restrictions as specified in the Technical Specifications. Examples of these limits/restrictions include power dependent rod insertion limits, and limits of Fa(Z) and F~H. among others. Technical Specification changes and NRC approval were required as specific numerical values for these limits/restrictions were revised. If these changes were frequent, e.g. on a cycle-specific basis, or if they were needed on accelerated schedules, considerable administrative burdens were placed on both the NRC and on utility personnel.

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 8 of 281

8.3.2 To reduce this burden, the COLR concept was developed in which specific numerical values for certain core operating limits and/or restrictions would be removed from the Technical Specifications and relocated to a COLR document. Using NRC approved methodologies, numerical values for these operating limits and/or restrictions can be updated on an as-needed basis (e.g. each cycle) by simply revising the COLR with appropriate review and notification to the NRC. Hence, revisions to the Technical Specifications are not required.

8.3.3 The NRC endorsed the COLR concept by encouraging licensees to develop such a document in Generic Letter 88-16 which provided guidance for relocation of specific numerical values for various core operating limits and/or restrictions to a COLR and indicated that these values could be changed without prior NRC approval so long as an NRG-approved methodology is followed. Future changes and updates would be allowable provided an Evaluation is performed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR 50.59, the COLR is .suitably revised, and the NRC is promptly informed of the revision.

8.3.4 The use of a COLR at H. B. Robinson was accepted by the NRC per License Amendment 141. The amendment established requirements for a cycle-specific COLR and for notification of the NRC (ITS 5.6.5.d) when any revisions or supplements (beginning of cycle or midcycle) are made.

Since the COLR is cycle-specific, the COLR will be revised at least once per cycle, that is, at the beginning of the cycle.

8.4 Contents of the H.B. Robinson Unit 2 COLR 8.4.1 Technical Specification ITS 5.6.5.a requires the following cycle-specific core operating limits be established and documented in the Core Operating Limits Reports

1. Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) Limits
2. Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits
3. Control Bank Insertion Limits
4. Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fa(Z)) Limit, CFQ
5. K(Z) Curve
6. Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (F 6H N) Limit, F6 H RTP
7. F6H Power Factor Multiplier (PF6H)
8. Axial Flux Difference (AFD) Limits IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 9 of 281

8.4.1 (Continued)

9. V(Z) Curve(s)
10. Shutdown Margin
11. Refueling Boron Concentration
12. OT~T and OP~T Setpoint Parameters
13. Reactor Coolant Sytems (RCS) DNB Parameters
14. Reactor Core Safety Limits 8.4.2 The COLR will also contain a listing of the specific methodologies used to support the core operating limits per TS 5.6.5.b.

8.4.3 The core operating limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits (e.g., fuel thermal mechanical limits, core thermal hydraulic limits, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) limits, nuclear limits such as SOM, transient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met (TS 5.6.5.c).

8.5 Revisions to The COLR 8.5.1 Nuclear Fuels Engineering (NFE) shall review and recommend for implementation any changes to the COLR. The changes recommended by NFE are normally transmitted to the plant via Engineering Instruction (El).

8.5.2 Once NFE recommends a revision to the COLR, a Reactor Engineer shall request a revision to FMP-001 in accordance with the requirements of AD-DC-ALL-0201, Development and Maintenance of Controlled Procedure Manual Procedures.

8.5.3 Other plant procedures shall be reviewed to determine if they require revision in order to implement the revised COLR. At a minimum, the procedures listed in Attachment 10.2 shall be reviewed.

8.5.4 Any required procedure revisions or new procedures necessary to incorporate the change to the COLR shall be completed by the effective date of the COLR change.

8.5.5 Upon approval of the COLR revision, Regulatory Affairs shall notify the NRC per ITS 5.6.5.d within 30 days.

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 1o of 2a j

9.0 RECORDS 9.1 This procedure does not generate any records.

10.0 ATTACHMENTS 10.1 HBRSEP Unit No. 2 Cycle 32 Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 0 10.2 Procedures Potentially Affected By COLR Revisions IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 11 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 1 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 1.0 OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for HBRSEP Unit No. 2, Cycle 32 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of ITS 5.6.5 and is applicable to 703 EFPD (23,944 MWD/MTU).

The Improved Technical Specifications affected by this report and the methodologies used for the various parameters are listed below.

ITS Applicable Methodology Parameter Reference (Section 3.0 Number)

MTC 3.1.3 18, 19,22,23,25 Shutdown Bank RILs 3.1.5 8, 18, 19,22,23,25 Control Bank RILs 3.1.6 8, 18, 19,22,23,25 Fav(Z) 3.2.1, 3.2.3 5,8, 11, 17, 18, 19,21,22, 23,24,25,26,27 F6H 3.2.2, 3.2.3 3, 5, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23,24,25,26,27 AFD 3.2.1 t 3.2.3 16, 18, 19,21,22,23,24,25, 27 Shutdown MarQin Requirements 3.1.1 3.4.5, 3.4.6 I 8, 18, 19,22,23,25 Refueling Boron Requirements 3.9.1 8, 18, 19,22,23 OT~T Setpoints 3.3.1 3,5, 18, 19,20,25,26 OP~T Setpoints 3.3.1 18, 19,25,26 DNB Parameters 3.4.1 3,5, 18, 19,20,25,26 Reactor Core Safety Limits 2.1.1 3,5, 19,20,26 COLR 5.6.5 None IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 12 of 281

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 2 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. These limits have been developed using the NRG-approved methodologies specified in ITS 5.6.5 and the COLR Section 3.0.

2.1 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (ITS 3.1.3) 2.1.1 The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) limits are:

a) The Positive MTC (ARO) shall be less than or equal to +5.0 pcm/°F for power levels less than 50% RTP, and b) The Positive MTC (ARO) shall be less than or equal to 0.0 pcm/°F at 50%

RTP and above.

c) The Negative MTC (ARO/RTP) shall be less negative than -44.0 pcm/°F.

2.1.2 The 300 ppm Surveillance limit is:

At an equilibrium RTP-ARO boron concentration of 300 ppm the MTC shall be less negative than or equal to -38.81 pcm/°F.

2.1.3 The 60 ppm Surveillance limit is:

At an equilibrium RTP-ARO boron concentration of 60 ppm the MTC shall be less negative than or equal to -42.94 pcm/°F.

2.2 Shutdown Banks Insertion Limits (ITS 3.1.5) 2.2.1 The shutdown banks shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.

2.3 Control Bank Insertion Limits (ITS 3.1.6) 2.3.1 The control banks shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 1.0 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 13 of 281

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 3 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 2.4 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - Fcv (Z) (ITS 3.2.1, 3.2.3)

Fav(z) ~ (CFQ/P) x K(Z) for P > 0.5 Fav(Z) < (CFQ/0.5) x K(Z) for P ~ 0.5 Where: P = (Thermal Power I Rated Thermal Power) 2.4.1 CFQ = 2.46 for ROB2-30, ROB2-31, and ROB2-32 reload batches 2.4.2 K(Z) is specified in Figure 2.0 2.5 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor - Ft.H (ITS 3.2.2, 3.2.3)

Ft.H < Ft.HRTP (1 + PFt.H (1-P))

Where: P = (Thermal Power I Rated Thermal Power) 2.5.1 Ft.H is the measured Ft.HN multiplied by the measurement uncertainty (1.04) 2.5.2 Ft.HRTP = 1.77 for ROB2-30, ROB2-31, and ROB2-32 reload batches 2.5.3 PFt.H = 0.2 2.6 Axial Flux Difference (ITS 3.2.1, 3.2.3) 2.6.1 The axial flux difference target bands are +/-3% and +/-5% about the target AFD.

2.6.2 V(Z) values for the +/-3% and +/-5% target bands are specified in Figures 3.1 and 3.2 2.6.3 The AFD Acceptable Operation Limits are specified in Figure 4.0 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 14 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 4 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 2.7 Shutdown Margin Requirements (SDM) (ITS 3.1.1, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.8, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 3.9.1) 2.7.1 The Mode 1 and Mode 2 required SOM versus RCS boron concentration is presented in Figure 5.0.

2. 7 .2 The Mode 3 SOM requirements are as follows:

a) With at least 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation, the SOM shall be greater than or equal to that specified in Figure 5.0.

b) With less than 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation and the rod control system capable of rod withdrawal , the SOM shall be greater than or equal to 6% Llk/k. This shutdown margin requirement shall be met with a minimum boron concentration of 1950 ppm.

c) With less than 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation and with the rod control system not capable of rod withdrawal, the SOM shall be greater than or equal to that specified in Figure 5.0.

2.7.3 The Mode 4 SOM requirements are as follows:

a) With at least 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation , the SOM shall be greater than or equal to 2.6% Llk/k.

b) With less than 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation and the rod control system capable of rod withdrawal, the SOM shall be greater than or equal to 6% Llk/k. This shutdown margin requirement shall be met with a minimum boron concentration of 1950 ppm.

c) With less than 2 reactor coolant pumps in operation and with the rod control system not capable of rod withdrawal , the SOM shall be greater than or equal to 2.6% Llk/k.

2.7.4 The minimum required SOM for Mode 5 is 2.6% Llk/k.

2.7.5 The minimum required SOM for Mode 6 is 6% Llk/k.

2.8 Refueling Boron Concentration (ITS 3.9.1) 2.8.1 In Mode 6 the minimum boron concentration shall be 1950 ppm.

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ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 5 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 2.9 Overtemperature L\T and Overpower L\T Setpoint Parameters (ITS 3.3.1) 2.9.1 Overtemperature 11T Setpoint Parameter Values Parameter Nominal Value Reference Tavg at RTP T' ~ 575.9 °F Nominal RCS Operating Pressure P' ~ 2235 psig Overtemperature l:!,.T reactor trip setpoint coefficient K1 ~ 1.1265 Overtemperature l:!,.T reactor trip heatup setpoint penalty coefficient K2 = 0.01228/°F Overtemperature l:!,.T reactor trip depressurization setpoint penalty coefficient K3 = 0.00089/psig Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator for Tavg , 1 ~ 20.08 sec

, 2 ~ 3.08 sec f(l:!,.I) "positive" breakpoint = 12%1),.1 f(l:!,.I) "negative" breakpoint = 17%1),.1 f(l:!,.I) "positive" slope = 2.4 %1),.To/%1),.I f(l:!,.I) "negative" slope = 2.4%8To/%l:!,.I 2.9.2 Overpower 11T Setpoint Parameter Values Parameter Nominal Value Reference Tavg at RTP T' ~ 575.9 °F Overpower l:!,.T reactor trip setpoint coefficient K4 ~ 1.06 Overpower l:!,.T reactor trip penalty coefficient Ks~ 0.02/°F for increasing Tavg Ks= 0/°F for decreasing Tavg Overpower l:!,.T reactor trip heatup setpoint penalty coefficient Ks~ 0.00277/°F when T > T' Ks = 0/°F when T ~ T' Time constant utilized in the rate lag compensator for Tavg ,3 ~ 9 sec f{l:!,.I) "positive" breakpoint = 12%1),.1 f{l:!,.I) "negative" breakpoint = 17%1),.1 f(l:!,.I) "positive" slope = 2.4o/ol:!,.To/%l:!,.I f{l:!,.I) "negative" slope = 2.4%l:!,.To/o/ol:!,.I IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 16 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 6 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 2.10 Reactor Coolant Systems DNB Parameters (ITS 3.4.1)

Parameter Indication No. Operable Limits Channels Indicated Pressurizer Pressure meter 3 ~ 2218.00 psig meter 2 ~ 2223.17 psig computer 3 ~ 2212.41 psig computer 2 ~ 2216.33 psig Indicated RCS Average Temperature meter 3 ~ 578.17 °F meter 2 ~ 577.79 °F computer 3 ~ 578.81 °F computer 2 ~ 578.57 °F RCS Total Flow Rate ~ 99.8 x 106 lbm/hr IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 17 of 2a I


1) Deleted
2) Not Used for Cycle 32
3) XN-NF-82-21 (A), Revision 1, Application of Exxon Nuclear Company PWR Thermal Margin Methodology to Mixed Core Configurations, Exxon Nuclear Company, September 1983
4) Deleted
5) XN-75-32(A) Supplements 1, 2, 3, and 4, Computational Procedure for Evaluating Rod Bow, Exxon Nuclear Company, October 1983
6) Deleted
7) Deleted
8) XN-NF-78-44(A), Generic Control Rod Ejection Analysis, Exxon Nuclear Company, October 1983
9) Not Used For Cycle 32
10) Deleted
11) XN-NF-82-06(A), Revision 1 and Supplements 2, 4, and 5, Qualification of Exxon Nuclear Fuel for Extended Burnup, Exxon Nuclear Company, October 1986
12) Deleted IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 18 of 2a j


13) Deleted
14) Deleted
15) Deleted
16) ANF-88-054(P), PDC-3: Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation Power Distribution Control for Pressurized Water Reactors and Application of PDC-3 to H.B. Robinson Unit 2, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, October 1990
17) ANF-88-133(P) (A), and Supplement 1, Qualification of Advanced Nuclear Fuels PWR Design Methodology for Rod Burnups of 62 GWd/MTU, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, December 1991
18) ANF-89-151 (A), Revision 0, ANF-RELAP Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactors: Analysis of Non-LOCA Chapter 15 Events, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, May 1992
19) EMF-92-081 (A), Revision 1, Statistical Setpoint/Transient Methodology for Westinghouse Type Reactors, Siemens Power Corporation, July 2000
20) EMF-92-153(P) (A), Revision 1, HTP: Departure from Nucleate Boiling Correlation for High Thermal Performance Fuel, Siemens Power Corporation, January 2005
21) XN-NF-85-92(P) (A), Exxon Nuclear Uranium Dioxide/Gadolinia Irradiation Examination and Thermal Conductivity Results, Exxon Nuclear Company, November 1986
22) EMF-96-029(P) (A), Volumes 1 and 2, Reactor Analysis System for PWRs Volume 1 - Methodology Description, Volume 2 - Benchmarking Results, Siemens Power Corporation, January 1997
23) EMF-92-116, Revision O and Supplement 1(P)(A)-000, Generic Mechanical Design Criteria for PWR Fuel Designs, Siemens Power Corporation, February 1999 and February 2015
24) EMF-2103(P) (A), Revision 0, Realistic Large Break LOCA Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactors, Framatome ANP, April 2003 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 19 of 281


25) EMF-231 0(P) (A) Revision 1, SRP Chapter 15 Non-LOCA Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactors, May 2004
26) BAW-10240(P) (A), Revision 0, Incorporation of MS Properties in Framatome ANP Approved Methods, Framatome ANP, May 2004
27) EMF-2328(P) (A), Revision 0, PWR Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model, S-RELAPS Based, Framatome ANP Richland, Inc., March 2001 and Errata, January 2008
28) DPC-NE-2005-PA, Thermal Hydraulic Statistical Core Design Methodology, Rev. 5 (not used for Cycle 32)
29) DPC-NE-1008-P-A, Nuclear Design Methodology Using CASMO-5/SIMULATE-3 for Westinghouse Reactors, Rev. 0, as approved by NRG Safety Evaluation dated May 18, 2017 (not used for Cycle 32)
30) DPC-NF-2010-A, Nuclear Physics Methodology Report for Reload Designs, Rev. 3, as approved by NRG Safety Evaluation dated May 18, 2017 (not used for Cycle 32)
31) DPC-NE-2011-P-A, Nuclear Design Methodology for Core Operating Limits of Westinghouse Reactors, Rev. 2, as approved by NRG Safety Evaluation dated May 18, 2017 (not used for Cycle 32)
32) DPC-NE-3008-P-A, Thermal-Hydraulic Models for Transient Analysis, Rev.a, as approved by NRG Safety Evaluation dated April 10, 2018 (not used for Cycle 32)
33) DPC-NE-3009-P-A, FSAR/UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient Analysis Methodology, Rev. 0, as approved by NRG Safety Evaluation dated April 10, 2018 (not used for Cycle 32)

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 20 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 10 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 1.0, Control Group Insertion Limits for Three Loop 0 pe ration 225 ,--.....--,:-:---,:,-=--::--==,....---~-----:-::c=---=-~=-----:a,..-------,

- (4.!17,225) : (67:.03,225) * * *

, , *- (~0 . 155 , ~25)

(0,215~ Bank ;B , , , -: ,  :  :

200 ....*** *** **.**.* * ....**..*... ****** * * * * * * ** * **** * ******* ********-*********************


  • I I I I I I I I , ... I l I I I I - I I I I
  • I I I I

~-------- ~-- ----- --------*--------~--------~--------~--------

I -.

175 Ban :k C -~*  :  :  : (1~0,165)

I .

150 . . . . . . . . ' '

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J . - - - - - - - .J - - - - -

1 ---- i--------,-------- ------- ------~-------- --------ii' *.. *-----~------

en 125 I

: I -  :  :
  • ' ' Ba~ k D

.. :  : ,  : * , 1~0,129) 100 - - - --;-------- --------;-------- --------,--------,------- -,--------,- -------:---------


~~** * * -

II. (0,87) :  :  : .,,:. - I  :  :

8 l:........ :t........ :[........ l.-_.~.~.~~~ ....:

75 --------~-------- --------~------- -~-------- ~---- - -~ -~---- ------~--------~--------


50 . . . * . . . . .

~  :

J........ I--_:: -=~~  :

I I - I I I I

' 'I 'I ' 'I '


-.... -**t* *,*20*ii',*..... -.~ -

  • I I < I

- - ~--------1-------

I *

.J ------- - -------~--- ----~-

' I I I

' ' ' I I





I I I I <

0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 BO 90 100 CORE POWER(%)

NOTE: The breakpoint between BOL and EOL RIL occurs at 50% of the cycle as defined by burnup. For Cycle 32, this burnup occurs at 352 EFPDs (12,000 MWD/MTU).

Control rod banks shall always be withdrawn and inserted in the prescribed sequence. For withdrawal, the sequence is Control "A",

Control "B", Control "C", and Control "D". The insertion sequence is the reverse of the withdrawal sequence.

Overlap of consecutive control banks shall not exceed the prescribed setpoint for automatic overlap. The setpoint is 97 steps.

Control bank A must be withdrawn from the core prior to power operation.

At BOL and 0% core power, Control bank B will be at or above step 224.

IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 21 of 281

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 11 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 2.0, Normalized Axial Dependence Factor K(z} for Fq Versus Elevation 1.2 ----T----T----,----,----,-----r----r----T--*-T*---,----,-----

I I I I I I I t I t I t

1.1 ----r----r----,----

I t t

,---- ,-----, ----, ----r----r----,---- ,-----,

t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I 1.0

____ 1I ____ 1t ____ JI ____ JI ____ JI ____ IL t ____ 1I ____ JI ____ JI ____ J I

___ IL ____ 1 0.9 I I t I I I I t I I I I

____ 1I ____ 1I ____ JI ____ Jt ____ JI ____ J t_____ IL ____ L I ____ 1I ____ JI ____ JI ____ J I 0.8 I I I I I I I I I I I I

____ 1I ____ 1I ____ JI ____ Jt ____ J I ____ L. I ___ LI ____ L I ____ 1I ____ JI ____ JI ____ J I 0.7 I I I I I I I I I I I I t

____ 1I ____ L ____ JI I

____ J ____ J l _____ IL----L----L----L I I I

____ JI ____ JI _____ 1I

~0.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I t ____ iI ____ JI ____ J I _____ 1I

____ 1I ____ LI ____ JI ____ J I ____ J I _____ IL ____ IL ____ L 0.5

L----*----~----~----~-----~----~----~----*----~----~-----1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.4 I t I t I I I I I I I I

L----*----~----~----~-----~----~----~----*----~----~-----t I t I t I t I I I t I I 0.3 I I I I I I I t I t I t 0.2 ----~----+----

I t I t I

  • ----*----~-----~----

t I I



I t I I


I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 t I t 0.1 I t I t I t 1 I I I 1 I 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Core Height (ft)

NOTE: For all power levels the K(z) at all axial levels is 1.0.

FMP-001 Rev.35 Page 22 of 28

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 12 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 3.1 V{z) as a Function of Core Height

~  :!S'll> :t3'llo

(!ffl) V(z) V(Z) 0.0 1.0000 1.0000 0.2 1.0000 1..0000 0.4 1.0000 1.0000 0.6 1.DDOD 1.0000 0.8 1.0000 1.0000 1.0 1.0000 1.0000 12 1.0000 1.0000 14 1.09Q5 10658 1.6 1.osn 1.0642 UI 1.09311 1.0621 20 1.D91Il 1 OEOO 2.2 1.0860 1.0580 2.4 1.0817 1.0!,57 26 1.0796 1 0534 2.B 1.om 1.0519

+ -+1 H- +

L11 3.0 1.07:50 1.05'.M

'+- + - -,._ + +

3.2 1.D737 1.0493 N"D*tft

  • 1~ - -1.

I 3.4 1.0712 UM86 Ltt


3.6 1.D6e7 1.0474

_+ + + + + ++

t.tD 3.B 1.!1662 1.0460 I - 4.0 1.0652 1.0443

.. +++ .+. +

I 4.2 1.ll6S-4 1.IM30 LIii 4.4 1.D656 1.0441 1--

4.6 1,0669 1.IM56 I

-*** . .- .** + -

I I 4.8 1.0676 1.Gl59 I I 5,0 1.o684 1.0473

- ,_ 52 1.0680 1.IM68 1-- A -6 * : *

  • LIii 54 1.0681 10469

.... ***1

  • J I I 5.6 1.D669 1.0462 1** I I 5.8 1.~ 1.<M63 I I I
    • -4**I I

I 1*

I I I I I I I 60 62 11.4 10642 1.0613 1.D!ICl5 10449 1.0435 1.0413 LIii I I 6.6 1.11567 1.0393 u w u u u u u n u u u u u 6.8 1.D589 HM02 Col9NIMCIIIO 7.0 1.08111 1.0418 72 1.D639 1.0438 7.4 1.11659 1.0444 7.6 1.0673 1.IMSO 7.8 1.11693 1.0458 8.0 1.0705 UM69 8.2 1.0716 1.IM60 8.4 1.ans 1.0485 8.6 1.0734 1.0513 88 10767 10545 9.0 1.D819 1.0579 9.2 1.0867 1.0615 94 1.0915 1.11649 9.6 1.D961 1.0678 9.8 1.1004 1.0712 10.D 1.1050 1.0746 102 1.1088 1.0782 104 1.1126 1.01122 10.6 1.1170 1lll!64 10.8 1.DDOD 1.0IXIO 11.0 1.0000 1.0IXlO 112 1.0000 1.INXII 11.4 1.0000 1.0000 11 .6 1.DOOO 1.0IXlO 11.8 1.0000 1.0000 12.0 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: V(z) data applicable for 0 < burnup < 23,944 MWD/MTU.

For power levels below 50% RTP, the V(z) data at all axial levels is 1.0. It is conservative to aoolv the above fioure to power levels below 50% RTP.

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 23 of 2a j

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 13 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 3.2 V(z) as a Function of Core Height Figure 3.2 is not required for Cycle 32 IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 24 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 14 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 4.0, Allowable Deviation from Target Flux Difference 100 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - ~ - ~

(~,90) (~10,90) 90

....... -.T~~~~J~~~~~- -:*..: (-6,90

<+a, gtji .. ----.-o~~~~~~~~-~

so .. __ . -* ---!- -.. 0~6¥-TION :{-__ --__ . --* --___ --( \ __ ... -~. QP.l;AA11QN . ---

, I f I I I I I I I I I I I I

  • I I I I t I I I t I I ii:" 70 - - - - - - - -- -:- -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - --:- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ - - - - - - - -'

I I f I I



....  :  : t I I "' I o:::  :  : .: ACCEPTA LEOPERATION :*.  :

60 * * * * * * * * * * .:. * * * * * * * * * **=* *** * * *~ ** * ** * *** * ** * * **** * ~ * ** * ** ** * -~ *_., _* * ***.: . ** ** *** **

I I I I I "' I

_J I *


-+ *--**--*) **-**(+2 ~*5or *----

(~24,50) ::'  :  :  : *.  : (+30 50) n:-

  • 1

, I I I "' I '

g ir-22;5or ~ --------**---*---*

1 I I I 50 - * -- -* * - - ----* -/

E 2 40 ---------~---------- ~----------~--------- ---------- ~----------**---------~----------
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E I I I I I I I I I I , I l I I I I I LL I I I I I I




O 30 I I I I I I "af!.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -*- - - - - - - - - -

l I I I 1 t t I I

.j. --_-.-.--

20 _. __ ... __ _ _ +-5% Target Bands ____ ___ . ______ ~ __ . _____ . _~ ___ . - ... _

..**.*. +-3% Target Bands ' ' '

I I I '

I '

I '

I 10 ---------~----------~----------~--------- ---------- ~----------~----------: _________ _

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I r 1 t I I I I I I 0 - l - - - - 4 '-- - - - ' ---- ' - - - - + - - - - '- - -*- - -*- - -

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 DEVIATION FROM TARGEr FLUX DIFFERENCE(%)

NOTE: For power levels above 90%, power operation is allowed within the target bands (+/-3% and ,+/-5%).

IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 25 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 15 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 5.0, Shutdown Margin Versus Boron Concentration 2


+-}- -1--t-+- -t- +--1- -1-+- }- * - }- * -+ -f- + -1- -+-1- +- ... _.,_

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.8 -'-1J11t- ~-:- ~-1-j-;-~-~ - i-~-:- ~ ~ -~~ ~ -~~-1-~-~ ~-1-~-~ -:-~ - ~ -~-:- ~-t- ~ -~

-. ,-1-,-.-,-.-,-,-,-,-,-,-1-,-,-,-,




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- + - t - *-


  • - +


-t--1- +-t- I I I I I I I

  • --+- t- -


-'-...I- J._ L_I_ ...J_...J -L-L...J_.J - L-L-L .J_J._ L _L...J_J. _ L-L...I_ J._J. -L ...J_.1_ J. _L_LJ _ J._L_I_ ...J_.l_ L -L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02 I I I I I

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I I -,


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I I I I I -, - l - I -

I I r-, -,-

I I I I- I -

I r -I I

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- T- 1 ,-,-r-r-1-., - r-r- .,-T- i -r- 1-"t - r-r- , - -,-T"-r- , - , - t -r--1-, - t-r- ,-T- r -r-1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 BORON CONCENTRATION, ARO, HFP (ppm)

FMP-001 Rev.35 Page 26 of 28

ATTACHMENT 10.1 Page 16 of 16 HBRSEP UNIT NO. 2, CYCLE 32 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT REVISION 0 Figure 6.0, Reactor Core Safety Limits 680 DO NOTOPERATt IN Pressun, ,.,..,

Points on Gr h r....

660 l111!al t,l!Uted)

THISAAEA 0.0 662.0 2400 70.0 624.5 640 118.0 562.0

!I 0.0 656.5 l! 620


2300 70.0 617.0 118.0 553.0 0.0 648.5 J 2200 70.5 608.5 118.0 545.0

~ SM) 0.0 643.5

!!! 560 2400psla 2100 75.5 118.0 599.5 537.0 g 0.0 636.0 ACCEPTABLE OPERATION 2300psla 2200psla 2000 n.o 591.0 S40 118.0 531.5 2100 psla HIGH Fl.lllC TllP 2000 psla 0.0 628.5 520 AfllWOI' 1900 psla 1900 83.5 579.0 IIATED JIOW£11 1800 psla 118.0 524.0 o.o 621.0 500 0 20 <<> 60 ., 100 120 1800 87.0 569.0 118.0 519.0 hn:entafbtedlhermalPoMr NOTE: BASED ON A MINIMUM RCS FLOW OF 97.3 x 10 lbm/hr IFMP-001 Rev. 35 Page 27 of 2a I

ATTACHMENT 10.2 Page 1 of 1 PROCEDURES POTENTIALLY AFFECTED BY COLR REVISIONS Revisions to the COLR may require that revisions be made to other plant procedures. At a minimum the following procedures should be reviewed to determine if they must be revised:

AD-NF-NGO-0214 EST-105 GP-009-5 AOP-019 EST-146 GP-010 AOP-038 FMP-009 LP-551 APP-005 FMP-012 LP-552 CP-010 FMP-014 AD-WC-RN P-0420 Curve-Station FMP-019 OP-003 Curvebook ERFIS CAOC FHP-003 OP-910 Software EST-002 GP-002 OST-020 EST-003 GP-003 PLP-100 EST-028 GP-006-1 EST-047 GP-009-1 EST-048 GP-009-2 EST-049 GP-009-3 EST-050 GP-009-4 The procedures listed above are those that are typically affected by COLR revisions; however, other procedures may also be affected.

IFMP-001 Rev.35 Page 28 of 2a j