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Deemed Timely Letter for Holcim (Us), Inc., License No. 24-32702-01
Person / Time
Site: 03037779
Issue date: 07/26/2018
To: Watson E
Holcim (US)
Kennedy E
Download: ML18211A568 (1)


-.ffi UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION III 2443 WARRENVILLE ROAD, SUITE 210 LlsLE, lL 60532-4352 July 26,2018 Holcim (US), lnc.Radiation Safety Officer Erin Watson 2942U5 Hwy 61 Bloomsdale, MO 63627


LICENSERENEWALAPPLICATION This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material(s) license identified below. Your application is deemed timely filed. Renewal actions are normally processed within 180 days. However, under timely filing (before expiration) your license will not expire until final action has been taken by this office.Your renewal application did not include your taxpayer identification number, please complete and fax NRC Form 531, "Request for Taxpayer ldentification Number," located at the following link: http://www.nrc.qov/readinq-rm/doc-collections/forms/nrc531 .pdf, to (301) 415-4135.Please follow the instructions on the form for submission of your Taxpayer ldentification No.lf you have any questions regarding NRC Form 531, please contact us at (301) 415-7554.lf you have any questions concerning the processing of this renewal, you may contact the Materials Licensing Branch at 1-800-522-3025, extension 9887 or 1-630-829-9887.

Any correspondence regarding the renewal application should reference the control number specified below, and your license number.License No.24-327 02-01 Control No. 609464