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12/15/1977 Memo Reportable Occurrence 335-77-50
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/1977
From: Harris K
Florida Power & Light Co
To: O'Reilly J
Download: ML18144A805 (1)


~Co fats to X. N. Harris, J. H. Barrow, C. h. Mails, C. H. Vaux, R R. Jennfngs, R. K. Ryall, Qh Offsitc: h. D. Schmidt, J. R. Bcnscn, C. 0. Moody, flohloh ~it'R a UGNT COQChNlr H. h. Schoppisan, R. E. Uhrig St. Lucia Plant December 15 '977 TO 0 Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director, Region ZZ Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Coaxafssfon Atlanta, Ceorgis 30303 FROM: Hr. K. N. Harris, Plant Manager St, Lucis Plant DPR 67 Plorida Power 6 Light Company Ft, Pierce, Florida SUMECT; HEHO FOR FACSDiILE TRANSMISSION TO CONPIRH REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE 335-77 50 This memo confirms our verbal notification of the sub)ect fourteea day reportable occurrence made today to Hr. H. V. Sinkule and Mr.

B. C. Parker of your office as follows:

OCCURRENCE - Hr. Harris iaformed Hr. Parker and Hr. Sinkulc of the following: CE has notified us (approximately 4s30 P.H. 12/14/77) that the methodology used ia applying experimental data to of peakfag factors is being reviewed by the NRC. Changes calcu>>'ations to the methodology requested by the NRC shov that the original cal-culations are somewhat non-conservatfve. The total amount of change is about 5'L; however, CE has done analysis, taking into account other margias end conservatisms available and the net effect is to re-


duce our allowable Peak Linear Heat Generation Rate by 1/2Z (Tech.

Spec. Figurc 3,2.1) This will also reduce maxiaum allowable power when operating with only Excore flux detectors ('T.S. by 1/2Z (a factor of 1.005 less than previously allowed.)

CORRECTIVE A ION - Vc are making t'e necessary changes to set-points and procedures and have reviewed our records snd verified we have not exceeded the nev limit (14.726 Kw/ft vs. original 14.8 Kv/ft) . Nc believe this is a prompt report item pcr Reg. Guide 1.16 ~ C.2.a.g. Vc expect that CE vill be meeting with the NRC soon to provide full information on this (generic) item. Mr, Parker and Hr. Sfnkule had no further comments at this time.

K.. Harris Plan Manager St L i Pl t KNH:RRJ:b5 NFI PISA BUILO FLOAlPA