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Forwards Response to NRC Questions Re safety-related motor- Operated Valve Program Ref in IE Bulletin 85-03 & C Norelius 870507 Ltr to DF Schnell.Revised Encl 2 Resubmitted to Incorporate Info in Encl 1
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1987
From: Schnell D
IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, ULNRC-1523, NUDOCS 8706180161
Download: ML17261B304 (100)


Uivvox ZI.zcmrc I JSH3  !'gfaqgI

\FBI t90T Gratlot Street. St. t cuis Donald F. Schnell Vice Present June, 10, 198 7 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washing"on > D.C. 20555 Gentlemen: UL~C- 1 5 23 PROGRAM~<

DOCKZT ÃJNBER 50-483 CALLAWAY PLANT SA- = 5-RELET D MOTOR-OPERAT D VALV Refererces: 1) QLlTRC-1387 dated October 17, '86

2) C. E. Norelius letter to D. F. Schnell dated February 19, 1987
3) UL~< C-l456 dated March 5, 1987
4) C. E. )Torelius letter to D. F. Schnell dated Nay 7, 1987 Reference 1 transmitted the Union Electric esponse to isZ Bulletin 85-03 which documented the NOVATS safety-related motor-operated valve (Hov) program. provided nerein as Enclosure 1, is t+e Union Zle tr'c res"onse to the HRC sta f auestions as transmitted '.-. "efe ence 4.

Znc'osur 2 to "'.is letter is the Union Elect" ic NOV program which is be ng resubm-'tted in a revised form to incorporate the in ormation ound in Znc'osure L. Revision bars in the margin annctat ~here changes to the orogram have been made.

if vou have any additional questions, piease contact us.

Very trulv yours, Dona 1 d 'chne].l NZK/ma t Enc los ur o s 75 7Q g/ Q M Ig 'a ~Q cx 9. Sl. 4 uis NO RlE6".


Donald F. Schnell, of law ul age, being first duly sworn upon oath says that he is Vice President-Nuclear and an of icer of Union "-lectr'ic Company; that he has read the foregoing document and knows the content thereof; that he has executed the same for and on behalf of said company with full power and authority to do so; and that the facts therein stated are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

na a r. cnne


Vice 'President Nuclear SUBsCRXl3En and sworn to before me this /4 day of 198/.

(7 g 8ARBARA J PP~+


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CC: Gerald Charnoff, =-sg.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 2300 N. Streets N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20037 Dr. J. 0. Cermak CPA~ Inc.

4 Professional Drive (Suite 110)

Gai the r sbur g, HD 20 S79 W. L. 2'orne y Division of Projects and Resident Programs Chief; Section 1A U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region ZTZ 799 Roosevelt Road G1.en -llyn, Tllinois 60137 Bruce Little Callaway Resident Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission RR41 Steedman, Hissouri 6S077 Tom Al xion (2)

Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hail S too 316 7920 Norfol'< Avenue Bethesda, HD 20014 Manager, Zlectric Deaartment Hissouri Public Se vice Commission P.O. Box 360 Jefferson City, HO 653.02 Richard J. c(iessel Off'ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, HD 20014 .

bcc: 3456-0023..6 Nuclear Date DPS/Chrono D. V. Schne 11 J E. chirk J. P. YcK,aughl in


A. P. >Ieuhal. en R. J. Schuka i N. A. Stiller G. L. Randolph D. E. Shain H. Huertenoaecher D. N. Capone A. C. Passwater R. P. Hendling Z. NcFarland D. E. Shafer D. J. Ãalker O. Naynard (HCNOC)

N. P. Goel (Bechtel)

GS6.37 (CA-460)

Compl ance (J. -. Davis)

NSBB (Sandra Auston)

V. e. ew ui I4/A

g. ulirr ~/A

> ~


Enclosure 1 to ULNRC 1523 UNION -LECTRIC RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTiONS CONCERNING CALLAWAY PLANT SAPETY RELATED MOTOR OPERATED VALVE PROGRAM Question 1: Refexring to Enclosuxe 1 (Page 1) oz the latest response oz 3/05/87, note that the following statement appears in the second paragraph of the response to RAI Question 1:

"Due to the xesults of this (MOVATS') zeseazch, we have zevised our submittal to no longez require one time delta-P testing in the open direction."

Referzing to the response to RAI Question 6 on Page 5 of Enclosure 1, note that the HOVATS data base does not include globe valves with ozifice sizes less than 1.75 or gzeater than 2.0 inches.

We note that four 4-inch motor-operated globe valves (HV-5,7,9,611) aze located in discharge lines of the APE/ motor-driven pumps, and that two 1>>1/2 inch motox'-operated globe valves (HV-8813 6 8814E) are located in miniflow lines leading from the BBSI pumps to the RWST.

Will representative samples ox. these globe valves be de'ta-P tested in the open direction?

Resaaosa: The valve si"es, as listed in Question 1 above, xefez to the piping line sizes in which the valves aze Located. This differs from the orifice si"e which is used foz thrust calculations. The orifice sizes for the valves in question aze as fol'ows:

AL BV 5, 7, 9 6 11 - 2.00 inches W HV 8814 AGE - 1.875 inches EN HV 8813 1.875 'aches Since these valves'rifice sizes are encompassed within the YOVATS data base, no differential pressure testing is deemed necessa~

uestion 2: Please refer to Enclosure 2 (Page 3) of the latest response.

Completion of revision ox procedures foz Phase II is scheduled =or July 1, 1987. This date does not agree with the date of Batch 15, 1987 scheduled for Phase II on Page 6 of Enclosure 2.

R 8 S D 0 IlS Ih: The cozzect date for completion of revision of procedures for Phase ii is July 1, 1987.

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h e Enclosure 1 to ULNRC 1523 UNZON ELECTRZC RESPONSE TO iNRC UESTZONS CONCERNZNG CALLAVAY PLANT SAFETY RELATED iIOTOR OPERATED VALVE PROGRAM Question 3: Please refer to Attachment A, (Page 2) of the latest response.

Justification l.9 shou3d replace Justification 1 foz valves AL-EV-5, 7, 9, 11.

h n

Resnnnse: The corzect justification for Max Operating Differential Pressure is Justification r'1,9.

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uestion 4: Please refer to Attachment 8 (Ztem ZZ-B, pages 3 and 4) f ~

of the latest zesponse. Where in the response are conditions and precautions addressed foz intentionally backseating a val~e electrically? .

Resnnnse: The statement regard'ng the intentional electrically backseating 'of a motor-operated 'valve (HOV) will be deleted.

Presently, Callaway does not backseat any valves which aze undez the scope of this bulletin, nor is there any intent to electzically backseat these valves in the future.

uestion 5: Seveza3. entries in Table 2 of Attachment 1 to the Union Electric submittal indicate that the actua'losing force was greater than the ca3.culated c3.osing force (Log 815, 91, 92, 105, 109, 110, 111) . Each of these should be explained in detail since the figuzes indicate that the formu3.a used to ozedict closing fozce may have been unconservative in these cases.

Response: The log numbers listed in Question 5 are associated with Westinghouse gate valves with disk-to-stem pins. As previously stated in Enclosure 1 (Page 9) of the latest zesponse (ULNRC-1456, dated 3-5-87), the test results indicate that the standard YOVATS equations do not, apply to double disk and parallel disk gate valves oz Mestinghouse gate valves (with disk-to-stem pins) in the closed direction. As discu sed in Attachment 1 (page 6) of the latest submittal, a representative samp3.e of va3ves which fall 'nto this category wi11 undergo differential pressure testing. This data will be used to develop valve specific equat'ons.

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Enclosuze 1 eo

. ULNRC 1523 UNZON ELECTRZC RESPONSE TO NRC'UESTIONS CONCEBNZNG CALLAWAY PLANT SAPETY RELATED HOTOR OPERATEO VALVE PROGRAM'ese'on 6: At a meeeing between NRC and Uaion Electric Co. oa Eeb ruary 1.9, 1987 the ques t'oa of mo eor control ceneer (iiCC) eeseing of the motor-operated valves was discussed at some length.

The question of iiCC testing artex "adjustment" of valve stem packing was discussed and several alternatives were mentioned.

Union Elecezic's current pxoposal i.s to do stroke time testing per APING Sect'on ZZ after adjusting of packing and thea eo check valve seem dzag, as pare or MCC eesting, during refueling outages. As poineed oue by ehe seaff, such testing may noe detect overtigheen"ng of packing during ehe interval between tests. Unioa Electric has aoe discussed tern this i.ssue ia their submi,ttaI,. Oae of the Uaion Electric proposals made during the meeting was eo limie packing loads to some predetermined value and to declaxe the valve inopexable 'f such a value were exceeded. However, ehe current Union Elecezic pzoposal .i.avolves no positive vezificaeion that the valve was I.efe operable after packing Ioads are adjusted. The BSHE Section ZZ stzoke timing eese 's considered inadequate based oa past expezieace. The Union Electric policy should be zevised to provide the needed assurance of valve opexability after any ad jus emene of valve s packiag oz, for that mat ter, ary substantial maineenaace or adjusemeae of ehe valve assembly.

RRSQOllSa: Un'on Electric's policy regazdiag valve opexability veziiicatioa arter m noz maintenance (i.e. packing adjustmene) will be to xely on the Section Zi Code testing. Although Sectioa ZZ se oke time eesting is not considexed ehe opeimum form or operabiliey vezification folIowing a packing adjustmeae, 'e is what is required by 10CPR Pare 50 Section 50.55a(g). Union Electric feels that ehis possible deficiency should be addressed by going ehzough ehe appropriate ASH Code committees aad revi.ew process eo revise ehe applicable code requizements. This will ensuxe that the px oper reviews of addieional cost eo the indus ezy, addit'onal sareey marg"a gained, eec., aze performed.

'C Enclosure 2 to ULiNRC . 1523 CALLAVAY PLANT SAFETY-RATED MOTOR OPERATED VAE.VK PROGRAM The response to ZE 3u3,1etin 85-03 is oxganized into four phases which corresoond co Action Ztems a, b, c, and d fxom Bulletin 85-03. These phases provide for:

I) identif'cac'cn of valves to be inc3.uded and vezificacion of design basis foz che operat'on oi each valve (Action Xtem a.); XX) development of policies and procedures io- establishing correct switch settings (Action Item'.); IIZ) sMcch ad)use ent, de onsczation that the settings defined in Phase XI above have been pzoperly ~~plemented, and demonstration'hat the valves will function properly under the maxim~ differential pressuzes expected on the va3ves during both normal and abnormal events within the design basis (Action Item c.); IV) preparation or revision oi pzoceduzes fox periodic testing and inspections to ensuxe that correct switch settings are determined and maintained throughout the life oi the plant (Action Item d.).

Each phase oi the pzogzam and the overall pxogram schedule are described in the following s~=j.

Phase I- 'Identification of valves to be inc3.uded and verification of design h

basis for the operation oi each

inis phase of the program has been completed and the results have been t arsmitted co the nuclear Regulatory Commission (KC) via ULCC-1309, dated Hay 14, 1986 (Reference 2) . For comp3eteness of the program, the information W3.'1 be m~ .eluded here.

The Union E3ectric response to Action Item a. is based on mechodo3ogy devel-oped by ch 'westinghouse Cwnexs Group (/OG) for member utilities (see HOG-86-158, Vest~mghouse Owners Gxoup Safety-Re3ated MOV Progxam Final Report, dated Apri3. 7, 1986). This methodology is based on the SR%PS design for the high pressure injection system and au:dliary feedwater system. The flu"'d systems evaluation was used to decernine the maximum ooexating dift r-ent"al pxessure for all system opexating modes and design basis events. The mc"=um oper ting different'al pressure represents the maximum pressure producing capabilicy oi the system equipment for the system operaring modes.

Atcac." ent A, ZE Bulletin 85-03 Valve Information, provides a lisc of the valves to be inc3.uded and design information for operation of each valve.

The informtion consists of:

A) MOV as 3.isted by Callaway valve numbez.

8) Brief descripcion of valve function.

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C) Design E specification differential pressure for opening and closing as specified in the design equipment specification.

D) Rzimum operating dixferential pressure for opening and closing as determined by the fluid systems evaluation.

E) A brief justification statement for the maximum operating differen>>

t'al pressures.

P) Results of

"RGs) axe a review to determine if Emergency Response Guidelines consistent with the fluid systems operating assumptions.

Phase T: Development of policies and procedures for estab1.ishing correct s 'tch settings.

Th.'s pnase of the pxog=am defines the technical basis fox establishing torque and 1~-'t switch setpo"'nts. The technical basis for many of the setpoint policies to be used at Ca3.1away have been obtained from MOVATS Zncoxporated.

MOVATS utilized test results from many plants to establish and justify seve al a'ternate policies for torque, torque bypass, and limit switch setpoint adjustments. A description of the policies and technica1. basis which wer supplied bv MOVATS is included as Attachment B, Switch Adjustment Po1.ici s and Justifications.

Listec be'ow are the s~ tches for which Union Electric determined that setpoint policies we e requixed for response to Bulletin 85-03. Also, listed are the policies wh'ch were not included in Attachment B.

A) Open Torque Switch See Attachment B B) Ooen Limit S~itch See Attachment B C) Close-to-Open Torque Bypass Limit Switch

- See Attachment B Xndication Limit Switch D), Open

- The policy to be utilized at Callaway for the open indication switch wil1. be to have the open indication limit switch set at the l~t same point as the ooen limit switch. Each of the valves included in the Bulletin has an open limit switch and will be set oer B) above.

-) Close Torque Switch

- See Attachment B

") Close Limit Switcn

- See Attachment B

~~J (C

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6) Open-to-Close Torque Bypass Limit Switch See Attachment B H) Close Indication Limit Switch

- The policy to be utilized at Callaway wi3,1 be to have the close indication 3.imit switch set at the same point as the close 1.~~t

. switch, if a close limit switch exists tor the valve, IE the. valve is designed to close on torque; i.e. no close limit switch, the close indication limit switch will be set with'n 3X of valve travel Ezom the fully closed position.

In no case will the close indication limit switch be set ac the same position as the close-to-ooen torque byoass l~t switch.

This is possible for all the valves in the bulletin since they al3.

have Cour limit switch rotors instead of only two.

I) Contzol of Butterfly Valves

<< See Attachment B To accomplish Phase II of the progzam, first a review of the torque and l~'t switch configuration oC each va3ve will be performed. If this review indi-cates that the current design cannot meet the switch setting policies stated above, an evaluation oC current valve ooezability will be performed. For this initial evaluation of opezabi3.ity, all switches which affect the safe-ty-related function or the valve will be assumed to be set properly, unless two or more switches which both affect safety-related functions, and are required to be set at different places, are on the same rotor, i.e. are set at the same position. Foz valves which fall into this category, the valves will be dec3.ared inoperable until an evaluation verifying operability is performed or the design can be modified to allow all switches affecting safety-re3.aced functions to be set pe" the above oolicies; When review of the design indicates switches not affecting safety-related functions, cannot be set propezly, design mod'Eication packages wi3.1 be developed and the new design implemented at the first available outage that the valve can be worked.

Revie~ of the design for each valve will be complete inarch 15, 1987.

Procedures Eor setting torque and limit sw'ches aze scheduled to be revised in accordance w'th the above policies by July 1, 1987. This 's to allow time Cor the purchase of test equipment (which will be zequired to perform the switch settings as will be discussed in Phase III) and to allow time for training ot appropriate personnel.

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Phase XXI Switch adjustmenc,, demonstrarion that the sertings defined in Phase IX above have been properly implemented, and demoast"acion that the valves will funccion propexly unde= the maximum differea-t'aL pressures expected on the valves during both normal. and abnor-mal evencs with'n the design basis.

This phase of che program beg'as <<ith the actual adjust~eat oi the switches using. rhe ool.icies established in Phase XX. To facilitate measuremeat of such things as percent valve cravel and thrust values of toraue switch tr'p, which are aeeded in setting the sw'ches, and to facilitate resting to prove operabil'ty, the HOVATS Signatuxe Analys's Process <<ill be utilized. To aid in the evaluacioa of our program aad due co the many advaaces in val~e signature anal.ysis over the last few years, Attachment C, Descripcion of

.-OVATS'ignature Analysis Process, has been included. Additional informa-tion regaxd'ng the operation aad principles of HOVATS may be found in the American Society of Hechanical Engineers paper 84-HE-i6 "Early Diagnosis of Hotox Ooerated Valve Hechaaical and Electrical Degradations", 12th Inte -Ram Conference for the El.ectric Power Industry report entitled "Update on Field Sigaatuxe Testing of Hocor Operated Valve Hechanical aad Electrical Deg ada-tions", ox by contacting HOVATS Incorporated, 2999 Johnson Perry Road, Harietca, Georgia, 30062, telephoae 404-998-3550.

Utili ing the Control. Swicch Signature discussed in Attachmeac C, all the Limit switch setpoints discussed ia Phase IX can now be set aad verif'ed to be within the co" ecc percent of valve travel by indication of actual switch trip secpoint in milliseconds of valve cravel.

Utilizing the Seem Thrust Sigaarure and Coacrol Switch Signacur discussec in Attachment C, the actuaL thrust values obtained at che open aad close toraue switch c ip can be measured. These values are then compared to the policies specified in Phase XI and adjusted appxopriately.

Thex fore, co perform the swicch adjustmeats and demonstrate that the set-tings def'ned in Phase XI have been pxoperly implemented, HOVATS Signature-Aaalysis wiLL be per oxmed locally at the valve in conjuaction with swirch adjuscmeat. This init'al HOVATS Signarure Analysis will cons'sc of as found stem chrust, motor load, and coatrol switch signacures, stem thrust signature calibracioa, switch adjustments and as lefr. stem thrust, motor load, and control swicch signatures.

final part of will function

'he Phase IIX is to demonstrate that the valves properly under the maximum differeatiaL pressures expected oa che valves during both normal and abnormal. events within che design basis.



Callaway will utilize a test method devel. oped by HOVATS which verifies rhe valves wiLL function .against differential pressure, This method breaks down the toral thrust encountered during valve operation ineo ewo parts: thrust resulc'ag from diffezential pressure, and ehrust resulting from ehe valve itself (i.e, packing loads, friceion, gear efficiency, eec.) The ehzuse resulting from the valve ieself is easily measured and quane'fied using ehe MOVATS thrust signaeure. Then if rhe ehrust resuleing from differentiaL pressure alone could be calculated and added eo ehe measured valve running ehrust, ard ehe eoeal was l.ess chan the thruse value ae torque switch ezip, we could be assured that ehe valve would operate under maximum differeatial pressure.

To pezrorm this calcul.ation, HOVATS has developed equations ror different types of valves. Examples of these equations aze shown in Attachment B under TX-A and LT.-E. These equations have been verified by actual test daea (showa oa Tab'e 2 of Attachment B) eo bound czacking, seating, and unseaeiag thrusts. The calculated ehruse values will be verified to be Less than ehe maximum allowabl.e Loading condition specified by the operator aad vaLve supplier. We do not feel that additional differential pressure test"ng is needed to verify these equations unless one of the following coadirioas exist:

1) The industry data does not encompass the particular size of valve being eva3.uated.
2) The valve is of a unique or unusual design, such chat ehe data base informa tioa would no e ap pl y.
3) Suffic'eat industzy fu3.1 or paztial pressure test data is not available at the rime of the plane eesr. to validate the equaeion being used Eor thrust calculations. Sufficient test daea to validate a given open or closed stem rhrust equation is assumed iE at least four (4) sets of pressuze data exist Eor rhe same type and size of valve or twenty (20) sees Eor ehe same type but various sizes.

As ehe valve degrades, the zuaniag ehzuse value (without differenrial pres-sure) will iacrease. As it increases, the total thrust value (after addinF thrust resulting from differential pressure) increases. To ensure that this toeal thrust does aot get higher than the torque switch serting, we wiLL periodically monitor the running ehrust. To facilitate ehis monitoring, MOVATS has deve3.oped a meehod of monitoring fzom the moror control center (ifCC) .

"Motor Load" signatures will be obeained as described in Attachment C. incor Load is a measure of moeor mechanical output power, and changes in motor load can .be rel.ated directly eo changes in stem thrust.

.fotor Load will oe monitored during initial NOVATS testing and a motor load "threshold" value wiLL be established eo aid in determination of valve operability.



The motor load threshold vaLue is determined by conservatively calculating the stem thrust required to overcome differential pressure and measuring the corresponding motor load va3.ue (see Attachment C for a more complete de-scription of this process). The equations used for calculating the required stem thrust have been validated by many in plant tests (see Attachment 3, Table 2) .

Notor Load va3ues recorded during routine tests wiLL be compared to the established threshold va3.ues. As long as the running motor Load is less than the threshold, the ooerator is capable of delivering enough add'tional thrus" to overcome the differentia3. pressure condition. Xf the running motor Load increases to the threshold value, the valve will be declared inoperable until repair and testing act'vities are complete.

Phase IV Preparation or'evision of procedures to ensure that correct switch settings are determined and maintained throughout the life or the plant ~

As stated in the last paragraph of phase Xi, the procedures'or setting torque and 1'mit switches in accordance with Phase 1'E po3.icies are scheduled to be prepared or revised by July 1, 1987.

Zn addition, preventive maintenance orocedures will be developed to periodi-cally perform testing to ensure the switch settings are being maintained and that the va'ves are stil3. capable o overcoming accident differential pres-sures to perform their functions. This periodic testing will consist of the following:

A) . otor load and cont ol sw"'tch signatu e traces.

This test veri ies the following:

- ~otor running load has not evceeded the previously determined "Threshold" value.

cycle time has not changed by more than 0.5 seconds from previo s test.

- close-to-open torque oypass Limit switches are within origina3.

criteria (time of actuation and comparison to valve unseating).

<<check for unusual geometry of motor power signature which could be indicative of developing degradations.

- check time difference between contactor drop-out time and cont ol switch actuation and compare to previous data.

- compare final closing power value to previous test. A, change of 20Z may warrant further eva3.uation.

1 Page of 4 A'I"1'ACIIHENT A IE BULLE'TIH 85-03 VALVL'HFORlfATIOH Haximum ERG Design Operating Justification Confirmation Callaway Plant (E-SPEC) AP AP for Hex Of Operating Valve Number C] nse ~Oen Close ~lien Assum tiona BN-IIV-8806 A&B Safety Infection 200 200 200 50 Open - 2 Yes Pump Suction Close -1 from RWST EM-IIV-8923 A&8 Safety Infection 200 200 200 50 Open 2 Yes Pump Suction Close 3 from RWST BH-LCV-112 D&E CVCS Pump Suction 200 200 200 50 Open rr Yes from RWST Close rr BG-LCV-112 8&C CVCS Pump Suction 100 200 100 100 Open 5 from VCT Close 5 EH-IIV-8821 A&8 SI Pump 1500 1500 1500 1500 Open 15 Yes Cross-Connect Close Ir'r r

EM-IIV-BS35 SI Pump Discharge 2750 1500 Open 7 Isolation Close 6 BG-IIV-8105 CVCS Hormal 2750 2750 2750 2750 Open 8 Yes BG-IIV-8106 Disclrarge Close 8 Isolation EM-IIV-8803 A&8 BIT Inlet 2750 0 2750 Open 9 Yes Isolation Close 6 (See Table 1 Footnote 1)

EM-IIV-8801 A&8 DIT Outlet 0 2750 2750 Open 9 Yes

.Isolation Close 6 (See Table 1 Footnote 1)

DN-IIV-8813 SI Pump Hiniflow 2750 2750 1500 1500 Open 11 Yea Bf-IIV-8814 A&8 Close 10 BG-IIV-8110 CVCS Pump 2750 2750 2750 2750 Open 13 Yes DG-IIV-8111 Mini flow Close 12


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Page .of 4 AT'I'ACIIMEHT A IE IIULLETIH 85-03 VALVE INFORMATION Maximum ERG Design Operating 3ustification Confirmation Callaway Plant (E-SPEC) hP hP for Max Of Operating Valve Number Close ~Oen Close ~Oen Assum tions FC-IIV-312 Mechanical Trip 1275 1275 1220 1220 Open 16 Yes and TI>rottle Close 16 AI.-IIV-34, 35 I 36 Suction from 150 150 )7 17 Open 17 Yes CST All Pumps Close 17 AL-IIV-30, 31,32,33 Suction from 200 200 180 180 Open 18 Yes Fssential Close 18 Service Water.

Al IIV 5~ 7j9> 1 I Motor-Driven 1800 1800 1645 1645 Open 19 Yea Pump Discharge Close 19 Flow Control


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Attachment A Page 3 of 4 JUSTIFICATIONS


This valve must be able to c3ose to isolate the RWST fxom the dischaxge of the RHR pumps during the recirculating mode of operation, as a precautionary measure in the event of back3.eakage through check valve 8926A (or B). For this scenario, the hP across 8806A (or B) could be as high as the ~H pump

.discharge head -200 psig.

2. This valve is normally open, and is c3.osed only fox stzoke testing and/or pump isolation for maintenance. The valve must be able to open against a full RWST head of water. Foz Callaway, this is -50 psig.
3. This va1ve mus" be capable of isolating (closing) one high head safety injection pump, given a pass've failure in that train of ECCS. For th" s scenario, the AP across 8923A, B could be as high as the RE% pump discharge head -200 osig.

Same as 8806A, B (foz both close and ooen), except these valves axe in the suction of the centzifugal charging pumps and not the high head safety inj ection pumps.

5. These valves must close on an "S" signa3.; the maximum dP across the valve is defined by the volume control tank at its design pxessu e (relict valve setpoint) of 75 psig plus elevation head of the VCT above the valves. This is estimated to be -IOO psig.

Valve is only closed when pump is not operating; no xlow - no dP.

7. Pump testing on miniflow circuit, dP is determined by the miniflow head of high head safety injection pump -f500 psig.
8. These valves must be able to isolate the RCS from the CVCS, with a. maximum possible dP of - the shutoff head of the centr'fuga3. charging pumps.
9. Given a miniflow test of the centrifuga3. charging pumps, the BIT isolation valves must be able to open with a AP - equal to the charging pump shutofr head.
10. Valves must close to isolate miniflow so that high pressure injection switchover to recircu2ation may pxoceed. In the worst case, the hP wi13. be equal to the pump developed head on miniflow "1500 psig. to 10, except va3ve must be ab3.e to open during miniflow testing of the high head safety injection pump.

12. Valves must close to ensure adequate high pxessure injection flow (on "S" signal) against miniflow dP -2750 psig.
13. Similar to 12, except valve must be able to open duzing minif3.ow testing.
14. Must be able to move to allow realignment to ECCS to recirculation mode, and for KCCS train separation. Delta-P could be as high as 1500 psig - equal to miniflow head of high head safety injection pump.


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Attachment A Page 4 of 4 1S. Must be able to ooen to allow tra'n separation during the recirculation phase of ECCS .operation. Delta-P same as closing.

16. Lowest steam generator safety valve set pressure plus 3 percent accumulation.
17. Static elevation head of the condensate storage tank.
18. Discharge head of the service water pumps at miniflow.
19. Motor driven pump discharge pressure at miniflow.


1. The ERG guidelines to terminate safety injection (isolate the BIT), and return to normal charging are performed with the centrifuga'harging pumps operating. This termination method reduces net RCS makeup in a controlled manner and maintains continuous reactor coolant pump seal injection. Since the charging pumps are operating, the BXT isolation valves must close against a M. This dP could be large for some ST termination scenarios (RCS could be as low as 200 psi - dP could be as high as 2500 psi).


i. I 1i i



Page 1 of 8 ATTACHHEiNT B Switch Adjustment Policies and Justifications This phase of the program def'nes the technical basis for establishing torque and Limit switch setpoints. A given control switch may be set to a number of possible positions. The most appropriate setting will be selected and switch setting procedures revised afte. a revie~ of the va3ve function, operator and valve design, and overa3.3. plant policies. The following are the setpo'nt methods and technical Justifications that will be considered for implementation during the contro3. circuit review proc ss. In each case, the method to be used by Ca3.laway on most valves wiLL be identified.

II-A 0 en Torque Switches" The open torque switch acts to alert plant personnel of mechanical problems with the valve or operator. The torque switch also provides some element of protection if the open Limit switch fails to open. Historical data has shown that'-

open limit switch failures are extremely rare.

Typically, the open torque switch is set to actuate at a thrust value above the calculated unseating load (including maximum design differentiaL pressure loads). During valve unseating, the init'al 2oad peak (cracking load) may be of a high enough 3.evel to cause the torque switch to trip. Because of this peak, the torque switch must be electrically bypassed during this phase of valve operation.

One acceptable approach (being evaluated by Callaway as a possible approach) is to eliminate the open torque switch from the contro3. circuit. 'Zrom a mainte-nance point of view, the "aLerting" function of the open torque switch trip is not necessary if valve/operator condition is monitored using some othe" means to provide adequate indication of developing mechanicaL degradations (i.e., ifOVATS'fCC System).

As an alternative (also being evaluated by Czllaway), the open torque switch wiLL be wired irto the control circuit and set to trip at a vaLue greater than the load calculated for valve unseating. To establish the torque switch setpoint, the opening thrust value for full differentiaL pressure conditions must be established accurately. The following is an example of the equations for the opening thrust.

The equations were developed by YOVATS and va3.idated using full and partial pressure testing data.


~ s ~ ~c ~

Page 2 of 8 TKLUST CALCULATXON KQUATTONS Solid and F1.ex-Wed e Gate Valves*

Seat (Frfction) Load (SL) 0.3 x Delta P x Orifice Area Vedging Load 0.75 x Seat Face Load Scaling Constant (SC) 1.3 Opening Thrust against Delta P~ SC (SL+ML)

Standard Globe Valves Seat Face (Friction) Load (SL)~ Delta P x Orifice Area Scaling Constant (SC) 1.3 Opening Thrust against Delta P~ SC (SL)

  • NOTE: These equations are not used if a careful review of valve drawings identifies unusual valve design features. 'Tn particular, the equations do not apply to double disk or parallel disk gate valves.

Unseating Thrust (Tu) Running Load + Opening Thrust against Delta P Runn'ng Load measured a" point A on Figure 1..

l pi,

Page 3 of 8 After che unseating thrust (Tu) has been determined, it will be compared to che maximum allowable loading condition specified by the operator and valve ..

suppliers. Valves which have che calculated unseating thrust (Tu) exceeding che maximum wf;11 be evaluated on a case by case basis. Corrective action may include such things as operator replacement, full pressure testing, lowering of che dP requirement, or a vendor aparoved extension of che operator rating.

After an acceptable unseaciag thrust has been determined, che torque switch sect'ng will be adjusted to some valve above (Tu). Typically, the min'mum acceot-able value is 1.05 (Tu) after all expected insccumeatatioa and equipmeac variation are taken into account. These variatioas are as follows:

Operator/Torque Switch ~10X (Thrust loads less chan 4000 lbs)


~5X (Thrust loads greater than 4000 lbs)

MOVATS Znstrumentation ~Accurse 50K Load Cell +2X of load ~0.4X linearity 200K Load Cell ~1.9X of full scale Nicolec Scone 0.2X of Voltage Range (10V)

'M) Linearity +0.6X of 10 Volt Scale Combining these to'erances, torque swicch trip points established as follows:

For seem chrusc loads less chan 4,000 lbs, Tu (1.05 + 0.15) 1.20(Tu) minimum secpoint setting For stem thrust loads greater chan 4,000 lbs, Tu (1.05 + 0.10) 1.15(Tu) minimum secpoint setting Za general, a target baad of 1.20 - 1.30 Tu (loads less than 4,000 lbs) and 1.15 - 1.25 Tu (loads greater than 4,000 lbs) will be used to al'ow fo" iield setting of che switches (See Figure 4).

After che open torque switch has beea set, the thrust ac the actual trip secpoinc will be veriiied co be less chan the maximum allo~able loading condition specified by che operator and valve suppl'ers.

ZI-B 0 en Limit Switches The opea l~t.~switch muse be adjusted to prevent inadvertent backseating of the valve.

5 V

, I

Page 4 of will be 8'ypically, the open Limit switch set at approximately 90X of stroke from the close-to-open position, It is recogni ed that the amount of stem traveL after Limit s~itch trip is influenced by the inertia of the FOV assembly, valve design, and delay in motor contactor drop out after actuation of the open Limit

~ switch. Therefore, a specific setpoint Eor the open Limit switch cannot be

  • estabLished. Instead, the fol3owing process will be used:

The Limit switch wiLL be set initiaLLy for 90-92X of the full open stroke.

The vaLve will then be cycled open and allowed to trip electrically. Plant personnel will then p3.ace the operatoz in manual. and cont"'nue to open the valve using the handwheel. If the valve can be opened an additiona.'. amount past the trip and coast down position, the s~itch is set correctly. If the va3ve cannot be opened past the coast down position, backseat.

it can be assumed that the valve has hit the In the unlikely event that the valve has inadvertent3.y backseated, a HOVATS signatuze analysis test will be conducted and the stem loading and subse-quent stem stress levels will be evaluated. The limit switch setting wiLL then be reduced in 2X increments and the valve will be cycled and checked until it is verified that the disc is not coasting into the backseat.

II-C Close-to-0 en Torque B mass Limit Switch The close-to-open torque bypass Limit sw.'tch prevents torque switch actuation during the high 3.oading condition nozmaLLy experienced when the valve disc is "cracked" fzom its seat (Tc - see Figure 2). From a operational standpoint, 'many switch settings aze acceptable, depending on utility operating and maintenance policies; Operator loading condit'ons during the opening cycle must be examined.

0 to understand technicaL justifications for each acceptable set" ng.

Figure (1) shows a typicaL stem thrust and control switch actuation signature Eor a valve going from the close-to>>open pos'ion with rezo differentia3. pzessuze across the va3ve. Figure (2) is the same basic sigaatvze modif"ed to show bypass switch actuation at 5-1OX of va3ve stroke (based on stem movement). HistoricaLly, it is believed that the 5-I.OX switch setting would encompass the initial valve unseat" ng. After the valve began to pass flu.'d, the high loading conditions would decrease rapid3.y. This theory was generally accepted even though full pressure and flow data were not avaiLable to va3idate such an assumption.

Figure (3) depicts a thrust signature rzom the same va3ve shown in .>>ig-ure (2). The changes in the signature characteristics result from differential pzessuze across the valve. Pith the typical bypass switch setting of 5-I.OX of stroke, it is clear that the torque switch may not be bypassed during the full unseating process. However, Figure 3 demonstrates that the "cracking load" (Tc) occurs early enough in the ooen cycl that the 5-10X bypass encompasses this loading condition.

Data f om tests with Eu3L and partial differentiaL pressure condit'ons (Table 1) indicates that the cracking Load condition occurs at less than 1Z oE valve stroke Eor globe and gate va3ves, even though the loading condition during unseating does not begin to decrease until as much as 15X of stroke.






~ ~

Page 5 of 8 L

Based oa analysis of test data, the fol.lowing are accepeable settings for the close-to-open torque bypass limit switch.

Three (3) pezceae of total valve stroke as measured Erom the point of stem motion. The three percent value ensures that cxacking has occurred ae the time of swiech actuation though unseating may noe be complete.

To use the three percent setting, the ooea torque switch must be see ia accordance wieh recommendaeioas contained in Section ZZ-A.

2) 5-10X of stroke will provide some addie'oaal margin for added stem loads due eo buildup of foreiga ma'."ezials on the valve seat, etc. Bypass swiech actuaeion will. occ r during or at the completion of valve unseat-ing under diffezeneial. pressure conditions.
3) The approach to generally be used by Callaway sC3.3. be to use 20-25X of stroke to ensure that the entire unseat'ng is bypassed. The advantages of ehis appx'oach are the same as 1) and 2) above. Zn additioa, the valve will most likely perform its intended function even if the torque swiech is set improperly. Zf this option is selected, it should be recognized that the closed, light will illuminate when ehe valve is20-25X opea on operators equipped with two-rotor limit switches.

Operaeiona3.1y, this condition can be justified Eor many applications.

Of course, the 20-25X setting will noe affect position indicatiag lights if opezaeox's are equipped with Eouz-rotor l.imie swieches and the indi>>

cating light limit s~itches are on differeat rotors than the close-eo>>opea torque bypass Callaway).

l~t sWtch (which will be the case ae

4)90-98X of stroke will have the same advaaeages as 1) through 3) above aad will preclude stoppage oi va've travel if large mechanical loads axe encountered anytime during the opening stroke. 90 - 98X of stroke wiU, still provide back up xoz the opea limit switch.
5) 100X Bypass - Vith ehis optioa, ehe open eorque switch is wired com-pleeely out oE the opeaiag circuit, ehereby negating the need for the bypass switch (see ZZ-A, Open Torque Switches, for guidance on this condition).

ZZ-D Oaea Zndicaeioa L~~ ie Swicch See Phase ZZ in body of this enclosuxe.

ZZ-E Close T'oraue Switch The closing eoraue switch easures that suEficient loads are delivered eo the valve seem to pxovide leak t"ghe closuxe of the valve. Although certain types of valves aad/or unusual'losing requirements may dictate use of a limit sw9cch for valve closure, ehe torque switch is the most common method Eor contzol during the closfag stroke.

1 As with ehe open torque switch, the closed tox'aue switch setting muse be cal.culated accuzately. To establish the torque switch seepoint, ehe closing ehrust value for fu13. differential pressuze condieions must be established accuxaeely. The following is an example oE ehe equations Eor ehe closing thrust.

I~ ',


Page 6 of 8 The equations were developed by LfOVATS and validated using full and partial pressure testing data. When the closing stem thrust (Tu) has been established, the margins for operator, valve, aad instrumentation variations (previously described) are applied to determine the "target closed torque switch setting.

The fallowing is an example of the equations for closing thrust.

THRUST CALCULATION EQUATIONS Solid and Flex-wedge Gate Valves" Seat (Friction) Load (SL)~ 0.3 x Delta P x Orifice Area Wedging Load 0.75 x Seat Face Load Piston Effect (PE)- Delta P x Stem Cross Section, Area Scaling Constant (SC)~ 1.3 Closing Thrust against Delta P~ SC (SL+PE)

Standard Globe Valves Seat Face (Friction) Load (SL) Delta P x Orifice Area Pistoa Effect (PE)~ Delta P x Stem Cross Sect'on Area Scaling Constaat (SC)~ 1.3 Closing Thrust agaiast Delta P~ SC (SL+PE)

  • NOTE: These equations r

are not used if a identifies unusual valve design features.

careful review of valve drawiags In particular, the equations do not apply to Westinghouse gate valves with pinned (hinged) disks.

As vill be discussed in Phase III, the equations will not be relied upon if sufficient industry full or partial pressure test data is not available at the time of the plant tes't to validate the equation being used for thrust calculations. The present iNOVATS data base does not include sufficieat test results to validate iiOVATS closing thrust equations for flex and solid wedge gates or globe valves with orifice diameters less than 1.7S inches or greater than 2.0 inches. Therefore, the testing program at Callaway will include differential

,pressure testing in the closing direction on representative valves. Utilizing thi.s data specific 'equations will be devel. oped. The equations will be considered accurate for a particular valve if pressure test data is provided by four valves

f Page 7 of 8

. of the type and size or twenty (ZO) valves of the same type.

~ I i'en closing same a valve, the final loading condition may be significantly higher than the closed torque switch trip setpoint. This difference is due to the

~ ' inertia effects of the operatoz and valve assembly as well as variations in the 7

motor contract drop-out time. Closing a va1ve without tlow and pressure vill S

result in the highest c3.osure forces and the final forces must be evaluated

~ ~

against the operator and valve manufacturer's thrust 1~~its.

XX-P Closed Limit Switches Foz va3ves that aze controlled using a limit switch during closure, the final closure forces mus" be examined closely. These forces can vary widely deoending on inertia, contactor drop-out time and valve design. Signature analysis tech-niques will be used to verify that the closure forces are acceptable when compared with opezatoz and valve manufacturer's limits. Xn the long range program, any significant changes in contactor drop-out time will be noted and the impact on final stem 3.oads will be monitored and evaluated.

XX-H Closed Xndication Limit Switch See Phase XX in body of enclosure.

XX-G 0 en-to-Close Torque B ass Limit Switches Typically, the open-to-close torque bypass limit switch is of no operational concern because large hammerblow loading conditions do not occur during the initiai, phases of the closing cycle. For this reason, no specific requirements are placed on this switch setting relative to the valve stroke. Unless some other need is 'dentified for positioning of this switch, the position that zesu3.ts from coast down of the motor after open Limit s~itch actuation vill be accepted.

XX-X Contro3. of Butter"1 Valves The guidelines for setting buttezfly valve limit switches (and torque switch-es, where applicab3.e) wil3. be basically the same as previously discussed, for other types of va3ves. There is one notable exception.

Normally, butterfly valves do not employ tozque bypass switches. Bypass switches for the open torque switch will be considered when all of the following conditions ezfst:

1) Horma3. operating pos'tion of the valve is closed;
2) The safecy position of the valve is open;


Page 8 of 8

3) The valve is in a sea water or water environment such that foreign material build-up is of concern;
4) The valve is not cycled frequently enough to ensure that the foreign material build-up effects are negligible.

lf all of the above conditions exist, then the open torque switch will be wired out of the control circu" t or the close-to>>open torque bypass limit switch will be set for approximately 98K of stroke.




cn peat< toad deltvered l.

I t I 0) running had vatqe hits bacl(seat cllsc begins to LInseat I I

hamrnorbbw.-stern Is rnovIng I zero loact on sprlngpact< I )

switch turrted to open I



~torque swttch t opens c/o bypass switch opens limit switch opens TlME (InillisecondsI ei

HGUBE 2 hammer blow actual valve unseating Tc open limit smitch

+ ~%-30% c jo bypass sot ting actuation TIME(SEC) 010 STEM TI-IBUST SIGNATURE W/0 DIFFERENTIAL PREBBUllE..



valve cracl<lng Tc valvo unsoating Tu valve bQglns to pBBB flUlcl open limit switch actuation 6%-]0% c/o bypass satitng ~




w jo differential pressure

~/ dlffarantlal prassura T!ME(SEC)



~ lg

~ .os, . e is@ il ' ~ . ', ' l f I ~ ~ ' L, I9' % ~ ~ %>t r>


U) )0%

lQ 90%

20% 25%

U3 K

~ open limit switch actuation ts setting- 1.25 Tu






~ ~ 1 t l Atacama a Ffgurt 5

"'I urn cern suv~z- re oD,~


~ Pt (V ~

H l4 I



I I r


~ o~t

' 4 %1 ~


t I ~ +yog hg tI




~~ ~ ~ t~ a~

%At ~ m 4

' ~

CiTH~ 5 LC.'f KQ 0


t II N




I l

running bad valqo hits bacj<seat clisc begins to unseat I harnrnerblow-stem is moving 1

l zero Ioat:I on sprlngpact(

swllch lurned lo open I

l I

l torque swllch opens c/o bypas switch ojaens

.I limit switch opens TIME (milliseconcls)

~ ' ~

4 '0 l


Table TABX= 1 Shaac 1 4C '

CZAQZitC QfO PifS:-%~1M TL~M hS PHC~i OF VALVc. ~a.OK:-

(A" caged ia Asc~rd'"8 O=da")




~ 'I .26 I


  • ~
1. 05
1. 17 1.32

.19 Zt 2>>

~ 22 2.W

~ 2>> 4.78

~ 2>> 5:R

.27 5.22

.28 5.32 p


I .29 5.7 15 .Z9 5.85 gC, .33 7.5

~ 3~

~ 36 7. 89 J

4 .<2




~ 4I

10. 8 2% 2


,I I


~  !'



.I FM 000 1050 I.aao 3. 438 6a52 4489 4873 HO 35GQ 2 F~G 00 54 1.887 13.250 908L 3455 3100 NO 2580 J 3 FiG Qo 420 L.625. 7.625 13089 IL720 8612 ND 10174 5 ~ M aao 100 1.125 5.761 L779 1688 1145 1014 HO

', ~



~ 6 FAG aao 100 1. L25 5.761 1779 1100 L'5 1062 HO

~ I



o 7 Fry 650 2.000 8.000 22299 21250 15396 HO HD

?i n 8 SMG I 860 2.L25 11.750 63645 41837 -'.0333 NO HO

~C 9 SMG I 935 2.125 LL.750 69195 57702 43851 ND NO t

10 SING 0 85Z 1.875 7.875 28322 20809 19242 ND HD SMG I 850 2.125 11.750 62905 45199 39864 HD AD 12 Sr(G I 850 2.125 11.750 62905 36476 39864 No HD HO L3 SMG GO 900 1.625 6.aao 17367 8015 12350 HD 6.aoo 12350 HD HD 14 00 900 1.625 17367 610Q 16 RlG ao 2400 1.125 Z.aao 5145 880 6042 HD 1255 L7 FMG 1 300 Lj.aao 46474 32800 2778L iNO 328ao 18 GO 1050 1.500 5.761 18680 11257 13086 HO 11257 ao 7aa 1.500 5.761 L2453 7344 8724 NO 73~8 19 c~

20 FMG aa 1050 I..500 5.761 18680 10733 13086 NO 10733 I 21 FAG 1075 2.500 14.500 121153 90541 76090 iND 90541


22 FMG LQ50 1.500 5.761 18680 15700 13086 HO 16200 23 FMG L 750 1.5ao 5.761 13342 11820 9347 NO 145aa" I

I' FAG 1050 1.500 ,5.761 18680 12959 13086 HD 12959 25 RlG I Llaa 1.500 5.761 19569 130a6 13709 NO 13096 26 RlG Qo .900 1.500 5.761 16011 9656 LLZ'6 HO 96"a 27 FAG 1050 1.500 5.761 L8680 13584 13086 NO 13584 28 riG 1275 1.500 5.761 22682 14148 15890 HO L4148 S

- Flexible Wedge Gate Yalves + Log. No. Z3 and 162 are he FMG

%G - Solid Kedge Gate Valves sane valve at different N's.

- Ho Data obtained This valve's operation is NO suspect due to conditions it has be n operated under.

TABLE 2 She t I of 3




~ '<< I h



29 FMG 0 100 1.5 10 , 5360,, 46ol 3293 HO 46ol


<< 31 FMG QOO 105 Z.ZS 8.021 3621 3002 251Z HD 3002 32 FMG 361 2.0 8.125 '2774 11379 8774 HD 11379 34 FMG COO 100 L.25 5.761 1779 1600 LI76. HD HD 43 FMG CO 1.125 2 3650 5488 HD 3650 70 FMG QCO, 10 8094 4866 4450 4817 162 FMG I 350 5.761 6Z27 4362 HD 10620 ~

IS ~ MFG LSO 1.375 7.625 4986 3000 31"8 5836 3025 91 ~ .MFG 27ZO "I.L25 2.62 7Z47 9234 EIZ37 6833 10008'0100

<< ~ 1 i

~ 92 ~ MFG 00 24?4 l. E25 Z.62 6688 9319 10264 6688 96 MFG QOO 2700 1.125 Z.62 9935 8396 9166 HO 7577 97 MFG QO 2700 1.125 Z.62 9935 10607 916o HO 9100 o8 MFG 00 2750 1.25 3.4" 17444 5864 14355 1080S 5540 99 "

QO Z700 1.25 3. 44 17127 4333 14094 6906 4257 100 2650 1.25 3.44 16810 4971 13833 HD 5116 103 QO 2650 1.25 16810 77 5 13833 EL960 2715 104 MFG 2625 1.25 16o51 4230 13703 10587 4230 105 MFG 1500 L.25 9515 4859 7830 10165 48S9

~ <<" '06 QO LSQO 1,.25 '3. 44 9515 7124 7830 7099 7124 109- QO 1470 ~ 2% 3.83 11559 6939 8950 12585 8750 LIO MFG E500 1.25 3.83 11795 6871 9133 143SZ 5699 N<<


ill MFG 1475 1.25 3.44 9536 4350 7700 7730 4350 Cga 35 >="OO L470 I;5 2.%>5 6777 5628 6941 HO 37 GLB'0 00 1470 0.81 L.625 3963 2825 4948 1705 HO 40 GLB QO 1350 1.25 2.75 104Z4 9161 1257> 10590 9030 50 GLB aoo E950 Q. 938 2 '964 LSOO HD HD SI GLB QO 1490 0.875 2 6085 3060 7250 HO HO 83 'QO 1360 1.25 Z-75 10501 126/I LL417 HD FMG - Flexible Medge Gate Valves

  • Log. Ho. 23 and L62 are the same MFG - Mes inghouse Gate Valves valve at df erent N's. This with pinned st-to-disk TABLE 2 valve's operation fs suspect due GLB - Globe valves Sheet 2 of 3 to condftfons ft has be n operated under.

Yj l

gtl s

, ~,, ~

~ ' " .1 g

' r I ~ k ~ ~

- LOG TYPE OPER OELTA ST'A OR jFlCE CALC AC i NL 'CALC ACiiAL CRACK NO. spaz~ OtA. ARK OPEil OPEN CLOSE CLOSE LOAD (PSlG) (rX) (Sq Iix) 93 GLB 00 2725 1.125 1.875 9781 6000 U303 7845 6000 94 GLB 00 Z750 1.125 1.875 9871 5420 13425 8241 5420 95 GLB 00 2560 1.125 1.875 9189 5000 12497 7580 5000 101 GLB 00 2750 1.125 1.875 9871 6861 6891 6140 134Z5'3230 102 GLB 00 2710 1.125 1.875 9723 6184 6636 6184 r~

~ 4 I 'l g'

~ ~

GLB - G1abe veIves TABLE 2 Sheet 3 oi 3


TA0l.f 9 Fll'uRE l Attachment 0 13FJ TaaJ: AaaiilJ:a Shown as Squaras l2U 110

~ '


,r rr


~~ ~


CalculaJ:ad ...

Thrus J: P r

r Q

20 ..-f5 gt 1 I J ) T ~

l I 1 J J 1 f "J J 2JJ lQ 6J) ii0 l (JlJ 'l ..'I J

( f h 3l i~ u ul> 4 l)ll'Ff:Al tlIIPl l'AE.=.'JAI:. ~. Sl:Al /ilail.P

L h r

~ ~ ) ~


,~ I r. o..I.k ..L.l Io.

~ ~ ~ ~ <<ro.r h 4.. ~...<<vvr r. go%.1 ~ << ~ Io 'Ir'oIo hr VabrIIary 'iuI


TA(ILE 2 Attacfunent 0 FIGUAf 2 Teat Beaulta SIIawn aa Squarea 6-Calculated of 3-2-

1 I~

I'tery r

naar: '. r r4's



'" ~

~ ~

i eaorunrj"

'2 ~

co,'AOLE 0


K 0


Q g

~ Calculated



2 0 Vi 0 0 a I;-':


'2 P

7 (Tlious >rods)


, 4 TAllLE 2 Pebruary 26, l987

0 FtGuRl. gt.tachment 0 .




'l'eat Reaulta Sl>own) aa Squarea

)2 C alculated Yhruat Q

a 7

(T housan(Ss) nCaA f;: (SCAT+ STCAM WeA:.)


, February 26, f967 TABLE 2 FlGUAE 5 Attactumnt 0 THRUST TO OPEN WEST. GATE VALVES


OATA FROM DELTA-P TESTS Teat Aeaulta 51>oun aa Squares Calculated



0 n

]3 15 17 19 21 23 25 (Thousands) f)II.FEAEIITIALPRES&I.IAE x SEAT Al)LA

ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION PORV BLOCK VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ATTACHMENT CD 6 A copy of Rotork Catalog Section 2, "Electric Motor Performance Data for "A" Range Actuators and Rotork letter dated April 27, 1989

h 4')


$ 't ~ 'th ~

g A C

Catalog section 2 Pubkcation number AE2/0 I Electric motor Date of issue )2rBI performance data for

'A'ange actuators ATTACHMENT C. 6 P 2 sj'5 Performance requirements this characteristic without too much regulating butterfly valves which may require The operating torque of the average kinetic energy. i.e. the rotor should be long a very high opening torque during travel but motorized valve essentially features the and thin rather than short and fat. The will be assisted in closing, and lubricated tollowing four points. short time rating which enables more punch plug valves which may need a higher to be packed into a smaller frame is therefore proportion of torque through travel but ass 1 Torque at the open position is low. as also desirable for mechanical reasons. generalisation tho 33% figure is quite


there is no differential pressure, and gland conservative. If this is then worked out friction force is the largest constituent. mechanically into horsepower and listed as Motor Performance Oats 2 The closing torque only begins to rise For any three phase motor of any valve the nominal horsepower it will be found substantially as throttling takes place when actuator from any source there are only that the locked rotor current is much higher the valve is about three quarters shut. three pieces of information which are than that quoted for the equivalent 3 The closing force rises sharply with the factual, because they can be measured. conventional motor of the same horsepower.

last few turns as the valve seats. They are locked rotor current, locked rotor The virtue of the horsepower figure is 4 If the valve has remained shut for long torque and stalling torque. The first only is therefore only that it is independent of a periods, wedging, corrosion or the 'flow', of of any use to the customer the others are


supply voltage.

soft seats may require a higher momentary part of the actuator maker's responsibility Rotork Published Motor Currents unseating force than was necessary to shut in selecting the motor in the first place. Rotork, therefore publishes the following the valve. As no continuous running is Quoting locked rotor current only is not three currents for actuators at any specified possible on normal on/off duties, the motor very helpful for the selection of cables, need only be 15 minute rated to cover fuses and control gear, where data is required voltage.

normal valve travel times of 1-5 minutes, on the o/dinary full loading running 1 Locked Rotor fstsrting) and this will also give a generous allowance condition of an ordinary motor drive. To Maximum current demanded, lasting for for inching on manual regulating duties. satisty this requirement. an arbitrary basis three cycles only (sce oscillogram) during The essential requirements of a motor to for presentation must be chosen. normal starting unless the motor is stalled.

meet these needs are: Locked rotor current should be used tor The seating torque. for which the actuator sizing cables, to ensure that the voltage

') A high stalling torque in comparison with must be rated mechanically, is only required drop does not exceed approx 15% during that required to operate and seat the valve, for a very brief period: the time rating has starting.

to be available at high speed for unseating to relate to the average load of a valve which, in combination with a lost motion in our experience is about 33% of seating 2 Rated Torque corresponding to maximum seating (seating)'urrent

~ammerblow effect, achieved by allowing torque. There are particular exceptions like torque, which is also a brief duration at the end of valve stroke. It should be used for Rotork motor Speed/Torque characteristic selection of fuses and thermal trips where required. See page 8.

3 Average Load Torque Corresponds to 33% of maximum seating torque, and should be used for sizing motor control gear. See page 8.

Pullout I peak) torque at In addition, a nominal horsepower is listed 60%+ of motor speed iindependent of voltage). The figure gives the equivalent size of a conventional motor which would draw approximately the same locked rotor and average load currents.

The following data is approximate and applies to standard 15 minute rated class 8 insulated motors for normal power supplies as specified.

Torque at max torque switch setting, 70% approx. of pull out torque.

0 Speed % syncronous 100 Torque at maximum torque switch setting.

the motor to reach full speed before the drive is taken up.

b A relatively high starting torque to enable the valve to be inched when the backlash is taken up.

The graph shows the Rotork motor speed/

torque characteristic. designed to meet these performance requirements. It provides the highest possible stalling torque at high ~ ~

speed while providing a starting torque ~ ~

which isat least 80%of it. The torqueavailable to seat the valve is shown as actuator rated torque, and it can be scen that the stalling ~ ~ ~

torque gives a safety margin of up to 2; I to ensure unseating, even if the voltage is low. IThe stalling and starting torques vary approximately as the square of the voltage).

In order to prevent valve damage in the event of incorrect wiring, particularly reversed phase rotation when torque and limit switches are rendered useless, it is important that the motor should produce

I'OlOflf ,

Catalog section 2 Publication number AE2/0 (Imp)

Date of issue 12/81 Performance summary for electric actuators Imperial units ATTACHMENT C. 6 ps+5'echanical data Actuator Flange Maximum stem Thrust Umit switch Handwheel Dimension sheet size reference diameter inches rating Ibf turns range'atio number Rising Non-using Standard Optional Syncropak Syncroset 7A 5000 1 5 to 100 or duect AE2/1.1 AE2/2.1 7AZ 5000 12 5 to 400 direct AE2/1.1 AE2/2.1 7AB 500 direct AE2/1.2 AE2/2.2 11A 5000 1 ~

5 to 100 or direct AE2/1.1 AE2/2.1 11AZ 5000 12 5 to 400 direct AE2/1.'1 AE2/2.1 11AB 500 direct AE2I1.2 AE2/2.2 13A 10000 1.5 to 100 or direct direct AE2/1.1 AE2/2.1 13AZ 10000 12.5 to 400 ienlarged AE2/1.1 AE2/2.1 18 diam) 14A 2 1k 15000 1 5 to 100 or direct 10:1 AE2/1.3 AE2/2.3 14AZ 2 2 15000 25 to 800 direct 10:1 AE2/i.3 AE2/2.3

~ 16A 1$ 1 $ 15000 1 5 tc 100 or direct 10:1 AE2/1.4 AE2/2.4 16AZ 30A 30AZ 3

3 2

2s 2f tg 1g 2

~ 15000 25000 25000 25 to 800 2 to 160 or 25 to 800 duect direct direct 10:1 15:1 15:1 AE2/1.4 AE2/1.5 AE2/1.5 AE2/2.4 AE2/2.5 AE2/2.5 i

40A 5 2$ 2 60000 2 to 160 or direct 10:1 or AE2/1.6 AE2/2.6 40AZ 5 3 24 60000 25 to 800 direct 20:1 AE2/1.6 AE2/2.6 40AR 4 2 direct AE2/1.7 AE2/2.7 70A 2k 24 50000 2 to 160 or 15:1 30:1 AE2/1.8 AE2/2.8 70AZ 3k 2s 50000 33 to 1000 15:1 30:1 AE2/1.8 AE2/2.8 70AR 24 15:1 30:1 AE2/1.10 AE2/2.10 90A ~

2k 24 76000 2 to 160 or 15:1 45:1 AE2/1.9 AE2/2.9 90AZ 3$ 2s 75000 33 to 1000 15:1 45:1 AE2/1 9 AE2/2 9 90AR 2k 15:1 45:1 AE2/1.10 AE2/2.10 91AR 4 2f 33 to 1000 15:1 30:1 AE2/1.11 AE2/2.11 95A 6 2R 24 100,000 2 to 160 or 15:1 45:1 AE2/1.12 AE2/2.12 95AZ 6 3$ 2s 100.000 33 to 1000 Actuators will be provided with the lower

. turns range unless the turns required by the valve are specified, in which case the higher turns range will be provided lor specified turns exceeding the following:

For 7A/11A/13A 39 turns 14A/1 6A 49 turns 30A/40A 59 turns 70A/90A 69 turns 91AR/95A 69 turns Refer to Rotork for applications where valve travel time exceeds 10 minutes or for turns exceeding maximum tisted.

Flange data Reference Number UNC bolt PCD Outside of bolts size inches inches dia. inches 1 ~ 4 4 4R 2 4 5$ 7k 3 4 6$ Bj 4 4 10 11$

5 8 10 11) 6 8 119 134

K C 4 Cw i


ATTACHNENT C. 6 For 575V 60Hz 3ph power supply Actuator rpm Rated e Motor Approximate current amps Average load sfse torque poles 'ocked Rated Average Nominal Nominal Power Efficiency Ibf ft rotor torque load hp kW factor 7A. AZ & A8 1 29 25 1.7 .9 .4 .13 49 51 43 23 57 20 86 20 3.8 1.4 . 1.0 .25 .19 .40 115 16 11A,AZ & AB 1 50 29 50 3.7 1.2 1.0 .24 19 .39 47 43 45 57 40 86 40 5.1 1.75 1.4 .38 ,40 115 32 13A & AZ 29 80 43 57 80 70 2.6 1,45 .82,49 52 14A& A 1 0 2.8 1.8 .43 .45 67 120 43 l00 57 80 10 3.0 2.1 .55 71 86 80 115 60 173 45

~16A & AZ 1 14 4.8 3.0 1.2 .48 63 29 225 43, 190 57 150 17 5.3 3.6 1.8 1.3 70 86 150 115 110 173 80

~30A & AZ 21 400 29 400 24 6.0 3.8 2.0 1.5 71 43 375

~St 57 86 300 300 40 10.5 5.5 3.6 2.6 .68 72 115 240 173 190 40A,AZ & AR 21 750 29 750 40 1 1.0 6.0 3.4 2.5 .57 73 43 625 57 500 86 500 59 18 7.5 5.9 4.4 .65 82 115 400 173 300 70A. AZ & AR 21 1100 17 4.4 3.3 74 29 1100 43 950 57 750 86 750 21 13 7.8 75 115 550 173 475 230 400 90A.AZ & AR 21 1500 29 1500 70 21 l2 7.2 5.4 .57 79 43 1250 57 1000 86 1000 115 750 124 31 17.5 12 9.0 .65 81 173 640 230 540 1A 1 166 67 21.6 21 15.6 .79 87 230 1000 95A & AZ 29 2200 70 22 13 7.8 5.8 .57 78

I i7 K

ttotork Seated Valve Actuatora Rotork Controls, Inc. telephone (716) 328 1550 19 Jet View Drive telex 6854116 Rochester cables Rotork Rochester New York 14624 telefax 716.328 5848 rotors your reference our reference date April 27, 1989 ATTACHMENT C.6 Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation 89 East Avenue Rochester NY 14649 Attention.'r. Cong Pham


Rotork Motors

Dear Mr. Pham:

Thank you for your interest in our products. We discussed earlier your


requirement for rating our motors in foot pounds. We do not rate our motors in foot pounds as we feel we sell a machine which provides a foot pound output.

We have come up with a small formula to try and obtain a rating for your comparison purpose. We hope this is of some use to you. Please feel free o co act us if you require more information.

eg te din ortheast Regional Sales Manager PK/nar Enc.

E S Q'


ATTACHNENT C. 6 p.5 6 16A size Actuator 57 m:

Rated: 150 foot pounds Motor Ratio: 60:1 Efficiency. 45%

Mechanical Advantage: 27 Motor Torque Foot Pounds = 150 t 27 = 5.5 foot pounds

. 30A size Actuator, 57 m:

Rated: 30 foot pounds Motor Ratio: 60:1 Efficiency: 50%

Mechanical Advantage: 30 Motor Torque Foot Pounds = 300 . 30 = 10 foot pounds


'4 p 4

C ~



KEYS', Vi Q xs/g /z res"  % xF" grX go Ixg I PC NIJT x%g's/"

IOOQMUQ 1 PC. NOT QAXNU)b BORE ~ 2%o 2% 3sli 4%

KEVWAY s/i'> %" Q X)fs  %"x Nz "x 5z  % x'Yo IVo xFio RATH BARGE AlID 33.5 136

- 23.0- )09 26.4 ) 50.8

~ 27.2- 171.6 26.2- 82.5 43.9 - 95.5 WLX. TORQUE RATNG 904 QYP 500% 850'f. )8004 4200'8 (SoN+ockiag) 84.8- 150 114 - 184 )58.3 - 247 19).7 234

~ 98.6 132.8


)90'4 3404 625% ') 2$ M 33%M 153 - 212.5 138.4 - 186.4 950'P 2NXM RhTtO RJLNGE hNO , 12.5-30.6 9.7- 22.0 11.2 - 26.) 11.6 25.6

~ )0.6 25.5 ) I.l -37.3 MAX.TORQUE RATING 9lYP 250'P 500'g 8M'4 18NY>> 4200'0

{Holi4xMAgj SfhTNG THRUST 8,0001 14,0008 24,0001. 45,0001 70,ONE 140,0000 thOTOR NLHGE o 2'f'/U 5V/0 7>>/U 10'4/U 15%/U 40%/U ghat. LsBo For Stylj oo SV'/68 7s/~'~tv IOV/U 15'0/U 25'P/U 60'P/0 ICP/102 ) 5'P/150 25%/) 71 40'4/150 80%/U

~ 15%/65 o 25%/1)4 o CYf /106 60'+ /117 100'4/)43 oo 25%/44 oo 4N/63 o 60'0/79 o QM/82 o )50%/)18



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w Nroasor suppSo4adS 431cl lwdwtoot year ra4o

%NNFN roators sup yo aso4 for aorta soaieg m 4l acts tacit e4ao oole4 f I

'QQ Otll roahta aoog bc use4 aekd oolras.

1800QtQ roolor aalu, for oisces trope or poQioa soaarag.

SEL4 QKB10f 3

, %V. 2 Q2/I5

ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION GINNA STATION PORV BLOCK VALVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ATTACHMENT C. 8 MOVATS, Inc. Engineering Report E.R.1.0, "Differential Pressure Thrust Calculation Methodology", Rev. 0, June 20, 1988


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