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Revision 29 of the Quality Assurance Program Description
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/2015
From: Nick B
Dairyland Power Cooperative
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML16015A018 (45)


BARBARA A. NICK President and CEO DAIRYLAND POWER C_ 0OP ER AT IV E November 17, 2015 10 CFR 50.54(a)(4)

In reply, please refer to LAC-14359 DOCKET NO. 50-409 and 72-046 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Dairyland La Crosse Power BoilingCooperative Water Reactor (LACBWR)

Possession-Only License DPR-45 Revision 29 of the LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description (OAPD)


1) LACBWR Possession-Only License No. DPR-45
2) LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description, Revision 28 The purpose of this letter is to submit Revision 29 of the LACBWR QAPD for USNRC approval prior to implementation. Dairyland Power Cooperative and LaCrosseSolutions, LLC have recently submitted an application to transfer the LACBWR Possession-Only License No. DPR-45 to LaCrosseSolutions, LLC. Revision 29 of the QAPD is reflective of that change and, with NRC approval, would be implemented at the time of the license transfer.

The proposed QAPD revision represents a reduction in commitment by replacing the Safety.

Review Committee with an Independent Management Assessment process and replacing the Operations Review Committee with a Qualified Technical Review system. Justification for this reduction in commitment is defined in the enclosed Sunumary of Changes and QAPD RG 7.10(r2) Compliance Matrix. This QAPD revision is also being submitted for your review and approval prior to its implementation to ensure compliance with the requirements of the NRC Confirmatory Order dated September 15, 1994.

If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Cheryl Olson, LACBWR Plant/ISFSI Manager at (608) 689-4207.

Sincerely, QL 4 Barbara A. Nick, President and CEO ~S7ie BAN:CLO :tco A Touchstone Energye Cooperative ____

3200 East Ave. S.

  • P0 Box 817
  • La Crosse, WI 54602-0817
  • 608-787-1258
  • 608-787-1469 fax
  • Dairyland Power Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider arid employer.

Document Control Desk LAC-14359 Page 2 November 17, 2015


1) LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description, Revision 29
2) LACBWR QAPD, Revision 29, Summary of Changes cc w/


Marlayna Vaaler Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Cynthia D. Pederson Regional Administrator, Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission STATE OF WISCONSIN )



Personally came before me this O* "'L day of */l'..' -t , 2015, the above named, Barbara A. Nick, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same.

Notary'Pu~blic, La Crosse County Wisconsin My commission expires 5-i;? 5-/ ~'

LAURIE A. ENGEN Notary Public State of Wisconsin A Touchstone Energy Cooperative__

3200 East Ave. S.

  • PO Box 817
  • La Crosse, WI 54602-0817
  • 608-787-1258
  • 608-787-1469 fax
  • Dairyland Power Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Enclosure 1 LACBWR Q~uality Assurance Program Description, Revision 29

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  • i LA

..,.E WATER.::

... ,.....REACTOR.......:..



Author: (6/12.1 Dale /

Anthony R. Bejms1i~dependent Consultant QAApproval:

~KJames E.Werner, SOLUTIONS QA Manager 'Datel' Manager Approval: -

..... wak:  ::::*:.r:y::,LUIO: NS "' P:roject::::::i: Manager'.

'*Z:i:""::"; "":":! Date:

    • n ~ ,Jvii  : :*:::* I Corporate QA Approval::ii:,:i::.ii:ii'ii'i~:!i::*~i~'*iii~i*:*i*'~i':============

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i.. N..:col,~ii::olutionsne rgy... Corporate  ::::i Director, Q:'Dat Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC)i;:ii,:ii:*?*i

i:: 9 -:.3:.a:::::::::::::::

..:*:*::::i:i:.;  :::::::::::


QA Approval:::i Martn, Manage, :QualityAsu rance!.: :

. :::Manager Appi S. iPeters, Site Manager, Genoa~ii

..i:iii*;*::*:.::ii;iLane i li ate ii:i~i:i~i:-:

  • i*!i*iil:!!iiiD i!i



....... The Quality Assurance PrOgram Description (QAPD)* described: herein has been developed by Dairyland PowerS:Cooperative (DPC) and La Crosse Solutions, L*LC:; :: I*

(SOLUTIONS) to prov~dea consoldatedovervlewof the qualitypro*gram controls that *I S gover~nthe operation and maintenance of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI ), and thte ZIii:!i1;i decommissioning Oflthe LACBWR plant. The QAPD describes the qiualitY asslurance i:::~I
organizational structure. fun:ctlonal responsibilities,, levels of authority and Inter'faces.* i::,

~~The QAPD applies to all activi~ties associated with structures, systems, !and* * :*! I components which are important to Safety iun.der i1:0:CFR 72. *The QAPD also applies i :to transportation ipackages ~li:censed :by :the :NRC Under 1I0 CFR 71I.: ReqUirements: of  :

...:the !QAPD arel performed in iia graded approach commensurate with an Item'sor* an

  • : activity's importance to safety. :This graded: approach is responsive to NRC ... :*;

Regulatory Guide :7.10O. The applicablilty of he requirements of the QAPD to .

decommissioning activities is *determined on a case by case basis. :The QAPDi!  ;*l satisfies the requirements of 1i0CFR 50 AppendIx B, 10 CFR 71 .............. Subpa~rtH; andO 10i*!

CFR 72 Subpart G. ... . ....... . .. ,.

SThe SOLUTIONS iExecutive Vi~ce: President and General Manager is :responsible forl:i;

  • i:the. establishment iand implemrentatio)n of aquality !assurance progriam whiich meets all! -:I_

r*iii:legu~lator~yirequirements. i The quiality assuran~ce program, as described in lthis QAPD,

Isi Isimplemented through the use:of approved pr'ocedures (I.e., poilcies:,:directives,:...
~::/procedures, man~uals, instructionsr or. other documents) which provide written:: ; ::

. :~::i::gUidance for the ~conftrol :of ilmpor'tant to :Safety items iand activities and iprovides for":*:

    • the devielopment o:f documentation :to demonstrate objective evidence of compliance.:

with stated requirem ents. ;i!!::ii!*: :iii: ..  : ::.: : . * . ... .

Solutioins Executive  :: Dairyland Executive::. * ::::i i . ..::

  • iI i
: i::i::i*:: Preslden~t and CEOi::: * !i  :

: ..... E:, .,  :* *:D ate :i: :  ;  :

-i... - .... * *- ,

.i: ,:  ::::,:!i: i::! , :,.i:i::_ "

QAPD.... ..... Rev. 29 .. .

QAPDi: :*




  • IlIII. DESIGNVE CONTROL.....................AND......REVIEW..........,.,.

G -C N ... ... 10...10 .

IV. PROCUREMNTCOCUMENT.CONTROL :./:::...;. ... ... m 11;o::

V. INSTRUCT1ON, PROCEDURES AND DRAWINGS ........ ....  : i.,,::t,, ... is V,. OO ~ E T O T O .,:L .,!,..::  :::::::::-

........ .:. ,:::-: 14


IX. CONTROLOFSPECIASPRONCADESS:ES~ P.N.............................................17:::::::::::::::::::2



.;  ::*:"i* 22i:::::::!

i:.XV CORGRECTIV:,EACION....O.T1....R.AN..A. ON....................................*, .. :....:_....22  :


  • ,:*:*i!i  :, i":::iii*: ::i::i:



....A ,*.F. _ ....

..p- ':.",
!i;*decomm*issioning iof the LEACBWR site. *i*;DPC'wiii r(etain o
wniership :;of thei~l::i*:::**:*ii~i:i:ii::ii:i:i::.i*:* i!*:!ii:

l*: :and ~s~p~ent :,fuel :andibe thie ownre-:lilcensee. *"DPC will:: be :subco tracted ;:1; *.::,,!:* :i iiand c*;::omnpletion obf:decommis~sioning, SOLUTIlONS will apply :to the NRC to6;: ;: .*: ;:::; ::

!iili *!:;.:::wiillmaintabin t~he ISFS]I, and be r::esponsible: for th: uleutimate .dispos*ition obf!:..*::i :i~:!.: ::*.i::;:.:::i

;..::i::.:. In :order. toQubality,
:i iii~i;:i~L...i.*i.*l-:.*.!.ACBWR minimize: disruidpti0on Ass~urance :and maximize',
Progriam Description efficienicy, I(.QAPD) !this:rlevision of :the *:...i was ijointlyi;*i:i~:::::i::!:iii
  • i::*::::ic:-i.;": ien~se transition idescr~ibed: above. ::Duin:ig" the decomm~issionin~gi::*:ii::::i ~*:~~;;:!:
-:*~ :a~ctiviities, ;!SOLUTi~oNS :will :subcontract ithe operatio)ns.and main.tenhan~ei: of::;;;*i**


.i**.::;.!ii. th~e ISFSI to D:*PC. Although iDPC p~roceduresand processe~s *willcontinue~i: .:i


.i.::!.~i~l. toWl be ust ed: fiCns e.ithe

-:i*: operain iaII :sond maintenf:a nc ofathe orSI St OLesUreT e.IONS i !!i: ,.

-:: .~~i: .:: :::.QAPD requirements applicable, to ::the ISFSi "are effectively; implemented by;!--i-.

il i::.-i:*:"  : .ii::tio all: ISFSI!.a*ctiVitiesi anddselected plant:d ecom missioning acetivities..:.i i.* ;:*::l ..l :.i

.;...The QAPD is. desig ned' to meet the requirements of 10:CFR 50 ppni

... ":::: :i:!.B,: 10 CFR 71, :.Subpart.H, and. 10 CGFR :72,.Subpar't G :*and :reflet the...b::::. ::;::: :::.


... ngru perford~l~miga n dime ct.hly:b :responrsible:fori:th e wok u chasl pr:oj*0ik.:::: i


i::iThis includes. q:u"ality control" and :ve rification :th~at alliwork: is. pe:rformed In -. :: .: :
i:.;.. ~*i'uditing: for;:a::i:i:, these igroups a nd assur~ing, manag em ent that ;thei QAi prog ram: -: : :

...::!;_:: sbeing fully-and effectively implemented.* QA is recognized :asani:.;: ::.:*il-.:i

i:: ::!:.:~.::i !:T:.i:he i::requi:remen~t~s iand icommitmen~ts c:*onta in ed:: in iithis :QA:P:D ai:rei m:a ndabtor*y:.i !iiii:i*i: !i*

..**::*-.*::i:*:::-and imus*t bie :implem-ented!, enforced,.' and :adher~ed to by-allin::divi~duals an~d: :::::::::::::

ii:i:ii:iiii B.

i:The"terms i~and diefin~itioni0s t:H ed below are used* frequentliy. throu*ghout :thlis docum ent. .'* *::::.  :::i*:.i :::i. ::i " "";!:: . i:.*.i!i.: :":' . :*.; : ..:--: ::* *.:.:::.:/:*:*::::!*::i::!;.!: ::::ii::::::.:*:!i::

"LACBWR. La: Cross~e Boiling Water Re~actor.:

i.i*'" :
)A PD:::*:i  :" : '*i!:::,:ii: *,*::ii :,i:::::!!:!

i !iiii:i : :i: i i:Ii! !


..:!;:.,ev. 29::*:::::;::**!

ii*:!i::.":-!i*ii!:*!:,- ii::!:.::';i*:



  • .. ..i - "QUALIFIED TECHNiCAL REVIE.W.- Thorough reviews .ofthe documets*ii:"
.:::-.::...:::+:i::~ii!::"i+..:::i:i!::.necessary :to ,provide ;adeqcuate confidence thait! str~uctures , systems, or*
..  ::..*!i":i:: :;i:;! .to control and-!measu re the ~ch ara cter isics of: an ite m,iproces s ori: fa cilitiy!*to ii'
  • .i:i.i FACIL:ITY Encompasses
..:i:.*decommissioning, - i~iand i*thel :the ISFS*:P:ant l sitesite, wher~e i..:: :::? ' :I+-.

spent, fuel .is.Stored.:... ExclUded:



!::.;.!i!;!!;;;:[an~smis sio*nil apparat us loc:a~ted !beyond the LACBWR: switchyar~d ".=; : -* i :-.+;

ii: :!?ii!i~!::IpLAN*T i::: -' Enc~ompasses tihe biuilidings t*het functionally supported t!he i!

.i~i'SCHEDULE  :*:i :! INTERVAL: A
  • i*time:frame

- within :wh~ich a schieduled activity:

::i::::I: *::::: shall be performed with amaximUm allowable extension not to exceed 25 givento01si*tructures,
ii:::*:systems, iand :ompo'nents (IiTs)
IMPO*RTANTITOSiAFETY (SSCsl)Athat - class~ification

,provide nuclear safety] designi:

.functionls. i(See Appendix A for complete details)i,:. i .:*::: *i:*!:.: :::ii:

fl::+ANIml7AT+iA M.+ !i:ii .. .

?:i,, ,.+ + v , *  ::+!!:




'-' .: .... "{ . . .... ,.I.*.+. "! !+.!-:.-:¥ 111¥ n llllr,=l'*l 11=t111 +,:-::++..:-:-:-.;:....,:-.

....:.:....:+ :.: ::-::

i i.:i+!*::i*:*::*ii*i~*::*:***::i:1.  :**:This sec.tion d:*efines *:theerespons~ibilities o*f k"ey project m:embers::: ; il;

+iii./(.:!+.:. .:?ii+.::.i+:i!+i*accountable for Implementation of thelQAiPDt.Functions and. actions-:

i:::i i:+:::i.:i: : !

+i::'*- .delega+ted;i holwever, t++he r:iespni**ibi lity r.emains with: th~e: /::*

-": .. .:-!. i::: :On~site. and* offsite organization**s shall be est~a bli~shed ifo!r statio~n a:*nd*i:

..::i:: .*i:: ...  : :~::. ::*:*** *:!*c rpojra te .ma niag em e nt, *re sp ec tiv ely. T:: h e .ons ite `a nd *o ffs ite :* : :.i*:.":..:i iiii:!i::!*:


. . ::...: *::":i*;:!;/.:*
  • ..:.:  :  ;:::: organizatio~ns ;sh all Include :the :positions :for .activities :.affecting lthe :safe

.:.::!:ii."3."i: S:i:i"::!:iince SOLUTiON N +an~d DiPC wilwil be working t+o tihe :requirements of th+is

  • ?:: :;i*i*:~::i;:i:/:: i:*:i i:iii* :i :::i:::Soluti~on *.iOrga*nization.:i :This: QA PD:Identitifies :key. on-site p roject  :*  ! :i
::i , i : :: i::::c~iiorpoate support groups. :The QAPD also definies the DPC.I:;:*::
+ii . '4:.Lines 4:. of authority,. r.esponsibility,;.and communication: shall b~ie:.::+ ::: ..

+.:::::-i:established land :defined for the-"highest management :levels ;throughi++:

-- ..... i ntermediate::levels to and !ncluding a~lloPerating organization:* *:

: :ii:**p0sitions. :The~se rielationships shall be documente~d *and *updated,; as QAPD.:: 4 ... Re~ 29i
  • Yiii:;*!*.*ii:i*i:i*:
    • /i ?:if: 'i:i*;.i!,,i i iI i-i
  • ,..:.:...: / * .. ':: ,* .,.--.*::: .:::.:......:  :.,,..- : ..: ,.'.t:""-.':', .

}:-: i::i.:;..,::,::i::::::::::::::

  • / .............

!!::*:i!!:!::!i:ii}iii i:!*:i*}i!ii:*ilS*

' .:.*-,.-.:iy!.:. !.: %y..

  • {}

~~ii::i}?.::~::;::ii*i::.}:i: appr~oPriate, in:ii .the'*form~of o~rgantization charts, :functional, descriptionis: 4:

].:..:.::>..: -:

.*{//::.::/".:.:?.i:*... .:;}i~;i.'  :.:.:fo'r key personnel p~ositions,.or in e*quivalent. forms oif idocumen~tation!..i::..i!;i


. .5. 5;..The-ihj iu* we ay uthatWhsics.:and: quality: assurance.: .<......

.::*  :... }::::: !ac~tivi~tie's, may'ifunctionally reportto. an appropria~e onbtsite m*an~ager:**;:!i.:i. :{*.:.

. .:** . . ..;:: *.,:however,. they*shall have-sufficientorganizatiornal freedom to e/.nsure;;}:.::*;*;

.i!::! i}:"::.i:*!i:i*::i*i:::*]ii  :!ii:.
  • ii*]!:

/.::: ::.. :i ;:i:i:::]* 1!:}Pr:esident:- Th:*eiPraesidentxrnarnag~es th~e p~atlo*n-ofEnergySolutions:*`.:



i": :::i:}]:"-::.:*. :*.i; :::. *:: :*!;/stew ardsh i :p!projects ~at: U.: ..R eactor :sites,.an d-assu]res: that the:i:;::;-i;: *;;;.; :

: ::.:u:i{*::..::.Y;-*:.L:{ ACBW R *project :*receive~s timhely :and*effective: supportfrm*:;:.::{.&*.::*:;.:**;]:

ii:-.: ::]:.:.:::.;:::]} .;:))w-*ith th~e GM; and..other k~ey m*anagers ~to review the-.oper~ation of theii:~, }:!


management, quality, 'dnd~ related !issues.: The President shali: have*;ii:i:::

.corporate~responsibili~ty if6r, the safe' storage of nudiea~r fulad

" *: *}i I,}*I....::. ... take an~y me~asures ;needed to ensur~e acceptable:perfo`rmance o*f tjhe*i*:***;:i**

.. shall.....


............ "....... :. :staff in o eai*:*

.-. ..:.... .............. ~ ~ngria*in*t~aining,*and/ providing t`echnical *support toti*:he;:'" .;:::!}::'*';'.':i::.':::'. -:.i]}::i~;...::4. ,,,,::i,,i:i i::i:::*.*i*i!:i,!:}:i i]*::

: : ::* ::... :: :::"plant-to ens~ire the, safe storage !.of nuclear. fuel. A'- :::*-**:*v*#::-
  • ..:::::::..F ":!i.::.:.:

/,;!.:.! ,:,;;,Y :

i: ::* X:.:::i::i

!:.._  :::2;.::ExecUtW&Vlce.Pressident and General Manaaqer (GM) i;-T:hisexecutivei <- ' ::*':i::'::.::*, *}

haor: il.t adis *niihfrt~ es*tbliishmenet and.  :....i wi: .themanagement *tea~m *toreview pians and: progress and to, "*:  :: ;::-.

.aidressstakei~oider,* quali ly and project'rnanagement issues., The GM.,....

- - - . deiegates!to: DPC*: a~nd the .man ageme nt team ~th~e day-to-d ay..*i;:.!].::;i.:~::~:::*..

/ ,r*espoipii**i~tles'ifor';tie (ISFSI ari*adjdeco*mmssioning b*iy ~a}pproved:i:Y:{* '::
::  :-:7

. 7.....

-:*3.. *;~i -The::PM is: res )onsible for all .decommissioning::!:

  • i:i?*:::<::y:::*k i* *:. :i::;**i/::/aotiwiies~includimg:firep~rotection and I'ndustrial safety activties
ng ,:,,iiide,,ommiss  :* site. Tl,::,PM.i*-ha,.have.authority autsite over those on

...... *i:..:*.:!.:".,;...:::

. :.:. ...::/. -:.:. ~ ~ ~te~n i,**::~ s <"**,.": a yo,:a forsa-.sor e*s o a

,:,'":-,-",: -..e fn :: c e r~u.afuel..


lh hav h v :bbeen:::::::::::::..*:*

en :*:...:c:


  • descr:*"b;id: .. i..

....... ,i 'o tis~APD and for th~e Qualifiedi Tec5hnical:,.

'i:i:}:.:i.:.:~.:!:;: .. :Rev iew. prpbcess,*tt.,ized;j*o rd e omm is sio n~ingg:iTheePM retainsauhoid"to.jyi: *

-/: ::::::!::u

i:: *:*!*! for~::

!ftach*: prop6sed~tdst, experiment, ormodification to systenms or:/*}i:;:]:

i!i* ::::/::::: :: !~i :*}:= eq uip ment ::that :affec*t *the ~safe :storage :of inu clear fu el: wh ich ha b~*i~Seen::! - -

Qiat! ssra:eMnaer(A M)_T*:**he *QA M're; th e P M:*ianhd;i:i:*:

/:: **:::::k!;:.: :*r n:*att*s,. The P:M: is resp9op si bleI:f
::-!;.: etablIis hing and: m aintai ning the -,
  • '" ': " ""::;:: ". QAPO""'

,-"*.'"., .;.i ,rn the.9proec' s quali*s t y objectives*,

. tho ugh....ove...view.. and,.:, .


  • .::}: ::i*;;;}:i:{:!:ii
i ns:**c~t(i~n
i ; iihiP~e ctivitie s,;!apdi-proyidin g'*feeid bak t o
m an.agem ent onithe}. :. i*:
i-:, -:...':::ii~:i
  • !"!:.}:ii i,.: ef'fp.i!.

ct:::i*:veness.*M.*of the QAPD. i~n~tiohe *a*( ev[aluani es, acceap ts, a nd performs:!:}i*:li!:

QAP D .... 5* Rev.:294 the *SOLUTION. :organization. .Th0 QAM porlodloally: :iii* :i*!*!I*I  :!i:::::*!:::

i!i: :i:!:

.provtides *report..o n project :quahity, activitiei *to .tt .*,..t. PM,he ...:thi. .i*
mana~ eh 0 t team .  ::i:::* ::: ' : ! :i: : :::i::::::. :::::::: :::


- .".radiation :er 5A 5.*met~i p:"ect e n.i.

Hsdiek:n protection, R pro*(e4~tion,

-Thm 1RPM.

  • Itei* olosur*,

tmponsibie and.for waste all

i*::..:. i*::::. *:i

... .. . ~shipping actlvties at the entire site.- . . .:":.-".:- .:"'*

  • .. :: : :: :.::::::activi-ties :with. the RegItq*rs :such as ilcensing submlttsl, regula*toryi:
  • .:* :.:*:!  :: -::*:.:::-reports,.!reporteability isesu~i~oQAPD revisiions,. REtvPIOLDCM r:epoi,::*!::  :- ..  :. .:., ..,...:. ,. ,....
  • ...- :.. -: ..:financial. re~pottsDecon~iss~ion~ng.Plan revlsiona*.-$NM Inventory..-:*.:::: ,, ,-:.:.:i:: .:i i::"! i :

.:-.:: * *. :* * *.*i*,*,*.-:*nD*":-*,.*;*,,.*

I '.:...: ..-. " """ '.'
  • iiii:: ii*::

':.-..- a:.

dmi.:"*mnistration and opration of th* LACBWR tSF$I and the Operation :

... .:.::".' .:of Th6 00enoa 3 coa! fired plant and the QuaiUl ec.Thnical fRevlewi :

:. -*-:.... *responsilbe for o0peration and rn~aIenance .oftIe* LACBWR ISFSI.:.
: ::i::.:.::..: within :the limits se~t fo:th in the De~Ommlsi8ni~nt Plan, Thc,hn~cl*li::

.:"::- -..-.  ::ISF$I Manager and is r s~ponisiblo for ensuring reg~ulatory :requirements

. ::" ar"e:

amdequately niet :and.the $e~curity Pian,. related proceures, training

  • ~and contingency r'equirerments are developed *nd maintained current.:

'*".4. OA S*ecia,~t lit/ngi* -, The. Q A* SpecIali~t /: Engineer is :responsible 1 S for performing independent overviews of I$FSI related actvivtIes, "..::

' admin~isterIng.:the ISFSI'a correotiv ~action prograim, provldln9. ...-

  • .....  :..: ...orientation and training. on :applicabte q... uality program requirements tO ::

.::.:...: : :.: :D staff, end interfaelntg wth SOLUTION$ off-site QA st~ft..: . . . ::::

.:: ::..: :.:of lSFB! activities and for ensuring that adequatertechnical review Is**:

,::*::i:pp ied to cha ::0 tests , :andi:i exper::::::::::::I ments.  :::: :!::::::::::, :i: :: :::::::::

t OU,AIJIY: ASR*::: E PR:OGR  ::::,A:M ::::: :::  : : :::: :::i* :::: ::i :: :::*:

-:-:.-.. :The QA: program describe*d herein Sets forth th~ equiurements for the :QA.: ::

.. .- .organi~ation, personnel :responsibilities,-controlS, :end measures. :... .:.
.:.:.::"established .to achiev,: maintain,"end document qual~ty. -These .: :-:. . .

-"::::: :requirements include, but are not limited to, the to~i[win~i: '::; -:r.

.*.: . -:desig*nbases for. ITS. SS¢$ Into. the I$F$I oeraetions and. ma*intena nce. .-

.:::i:.'!::" procedures,:. ... :.::. .-. : . * : . . ' :. :. . " -.. :
' : :.i:.::"
'"* .:22. -*Performance of-all..installation,.
  • .. .. calibratlon, and :testing. on necessary:
' all ""' '"-* .

QA..:. ... . .. .  : . :. . : . . 6.:-. .. .. . . 29..

  • - . : '."::.:.": .:' '::': ':"'"."i '::":'.": " .': ":

, :::.:.:il;:i .*i*i, :ii::!!:!i ....'::":'"":"

. i .....ii*

i!;i!"ii!!!ii*::i:il;*:*:* /: :':": " " '"

.:;. ** .. .!..i:' *..:..*:.i..;: .. ": '" ' ' : *:

  • iiiii*




!-I "!i*.-:i*l!sii*ii accordance ::w ith

in*;!" i;.i!ii~;i:!*!*i:;::::.:.i:! approved:!!;!

.:;:" ISFS iipli*ced:.u*i*bs!i*

procedures.:**i*: i*:i-

  • i*i:-il;ii*

i i;::

ii.;;iiiiii iii!i-!

. 5o:.i Resolution of :itemsside~ntified a*s adiverse to ,quality wit h :!appropiSHate*:::::.:::-?:::ii

.",":6.i P;erformance. of. auldits !and isurveiillances .by :QA personnel ito iverify *.thatii:*..:i:;*l ;

.......:.::.*:....I S FSI*. ad m.inistrative: co ntrolIs, .pro¢ed ures,. a nd. p rocure ment: documenits:*: :;*:*:

  • : i::.n:;i :::.:*.


  • !;;!:*i:i


.:;*:*:*:iii.i*i:*:i:::graded appoac*h: *to :quality :thaa*:is; cornmmensurate: with-a item' or a
  • .""21. The folloWing- sections of the~iQA*pO idescribed in:.dustryi!..*
.i .: .;equivalen~t may *be aapplied *to t:he decommissioning of th~e LAO BWR.*:***:!:i.**.
  • /.- *:'i;::*{** pl***an~t in *a i:graded appro*ach1 to quality that !is com~mensurate it~h an*:itiem1****
  • ii*,**i-:*a. :i:;Forany* Raioactive Material* T~ran~s~portPa*ckage-s subject; to* the** :*i

.-.;i;** .:;*

i..i::i:!~~.:i~ii:.iiii~i iQ APD a pplies.*:! For ithes*e *activitiessa ssoci ated w~ith thfle:! iSF*SI, th:ie :::i I!

  • i.i~.]i i!:!!i i:iil;ii

.*:::;**:: :For *th ese :activ~'is associated with* decommissioning, ;the: ".**:..:.:..: .:;.:i;*...i *-i";

.::-..: ~.impilementaionof0fithe QAPO ;Is *by itheia ppropriate *soLUTION S.i..*;::i...i;:i*! iii.i

  • -:.ii.i::;ii:.*~i:Sections
.*.; :I,:*:;illXV,.. X.V~and *XVII and* Appendix:C of thi:s iQAPD mayl*. ;..!,-
  • apply

~~*!*:i:;::*.*l I.::*De*om.:mis sioing acn.bti vi ties a-ra e. otherw:ise :controlled .:by ~proce*.dure s,::;

  • ,.
    .:Iii*:*:.i~ i ocesses,:and; pol*icies di~ee med ad:*aeq u:ate! b:y ,th m*.*a n:a~geimen:t:*i ::.!:**

.*pr:::  :;'. .ii:

  • . .:H :.*::


. .Excep~twhen alternatives or :exceptions: a~re identified,. the implementing ii :i: :;i

'procedures for the QAPD shall* comply with the quality assuranice guidance:.; i:.

documents* listed in
AppendiX B:. Additionally., the following clarififcations:.i.:;:* !:--:

1:":*:. the :guidance:: in anyi of .-the :listed documents is :in:: conflict :with :the :;!.; *:*: .i;i;'

  • :!i;:*f
"QAPO, ~*:*;i ~the- guidance provided :in "the QAPD is ithe, con~trolling docu menit;..ii..;i


i;i'::* *i*  ::i

  • i :::;*
    • ,;: i::*;!.:;i
? * *::;* i*:;*i?:/ , :i ::? *ii::; ;:;;i!;: *;,*:;**z**;.*ii:;, *R* ev.;29i:!;:!***




  • ':ii
i i*.**.*

., . . ,.. , - .. ... : ;Y:: .' ::'- * ' ::,':' :q: .':'.:'"".'., .:., ..,:..::.:,.., ..,:::. ,:,:, :..y::.- :.:%.,.:,::::  :-.:/...: ..:./ :. -:,:,:.

i/{*".i !i*  :(. ilil :iii!!iiil; i:i:il ii!:i:



{: !..::.;}.i.:i:: ::i:ii:2:...::i , Standar'ds, g~uides, codesi~ etc.,~iidentified in ~any commitment* document: i

" ::-iI}:*(  :.:* ":/. :{i :.are .not.qudalit~y assUr~ance :prog ram rei'quirem~ents unless !that-document* :

  • < .i:,i3..

,*!!:i.::::!-!ii*i!i:::;,Guid~ance are :appl iciable:to;: applicable* com~p~ar~abl to sa fetyi relatedand:

!e:itemsi items anld act~ivit!ies activities ( mporit~ant CF:*

!:(}1.0To R ;5,0)*:*-iiii;i}:i b.!Safet~y)' .*,,:!:;

i 7 : i..*....:.,.:. .i(;:at ithe compiletion ,of fuel tran~sfer to :support; decommissioning;i. T~he}. " ;-..

. -..y* .:.*..;.:Qualified -TechnicaliReview was added .at the time SOLUTIONS became::4; ii!:./!. ": .i;:i:the :licensee. *::The ifollowing .subjects shall .be .:independenitly irevitewed} by a; .

.".'::""*i.;" ;.":*i1:.. 1..i0 .CFR 50.I59 and( 10O CFR 5*0.82 evalUatiOn~s for Changes in th fl~e.acility; :

.:v7:::::-.... :.:*.,. .:-.:::de*scrrib:)ed ~in the.DP and: PSDAR to"- verify that such a:ctionis do Ibnot' :-;:/:::.

!:..}:.:.i:..:}:!}...":.. .. .:.:inv.,olve a :chang~e to: th~e. Technical :.SpecificatiOns or w:ill :no0t r~equir]ei~::{:i~*:i i{ ....

17. :".,:/verify that ~such :changes :do. not :invol:ve ,a ,change to :th~e Techinical- -, .. .;
:.;i: :*":-. :*-:;::::.. S pe~cific ations :an*:.Will n ot requ*ire: NRC :approval: pu rsuan*:t t:io10 CFR:,::,:::
:. ,....::**5 0 i5*9 a n d 10 .CF R :72.4 8 ; a nd ;*::****::.*:.:;:**** `.:: .:::*::}:::*.:;:::::{**::*.;*:*:::::E.::*:***::
  • .::;*::::}:**::i1*:{. :I*nd*ividuals ;that are a;.s~sig:ne.d rtespons*ib:iliti~es *as described ;i~n S*ctioni*!i!,:
:i .: i:i.!:~.:.::!:,O.RGAN !ZA*IlON.. *.shall. prepare, admiin~istrative: and q uality :a:ssur~an*ce:;


i;*::: ::;  ::i:::;:;i*pr0cedue iis* as n!;ecessar to. 0.impliemenlt the:.requl~irement*s of *th:J;is!:i!: i.::.!i:.i

..:*.:i:::: ;:*:::!!::.*pr~ogriam:: In/s~upporto~f oPe~ration a nd m:.*ain ten anice o0f:.the :LACBW R. ::: :/

i:,::i:::}::{i.::~l8SF1 i::: an d decommissio ning activitie~s:, as applicable. Procedlures sh all."
::.i:.:: :~; *":.include appropriate quantitative and qualitative accep~tance .criteria :.::
  • :i.;i.::::::::::::::: ne~ces*sary deter~mine :that :the activity. is :being: prop*erly performed.;:.:.

.' 2..:

",-Audit :or surveillance repo0rt~s .are- distributed ito management f.*or; their.::"

" .. * ..." and assessment of the QA :program, as :to.effectiveness,: scope,-
Y:: .{:}Y:*::ii:Employ*ee-.: Train ing shl*:l lbe!pr~ovided: to. all: facility .personn~el anhdi:!::q{
.:: : *:, .4.,contractor:s :performi~ng *activi~ties that coUld affect ,th~e quality .of***;:.- .

i  !.;:.: !:;::!:::}4*:*.: Inde*pe*nd ent ;:Manage*ment A*ssessme;nts ar*e perii od~ica~lly pe.rforimedi to :}

"': :i :: ' ;.monitor :*over*all performnance: and. confirm that -activities :affecting qUality:

-i!,:i!(, ii*/

QAPD....... /:::;

.;i.: .::. ::t .;:!:*::;i,.",:::::i:

.*::}::.:::::.:i":.. .:.*., :.:::;i '81:: ::-:  :.:.:: ::::::
4. .i": ::: :::"..};:::

.:"Rev; :.2*i::!::I

I h:**::*:**::-:ik:::!:}:i/:*!*i*:co:i)):mply w:ith the QAPO and ithat `the !QAPD Is effectively implemented.i::;i:i!.il

**:i} .::.:designated: by:the. President, independentiga of activities assessedt; pendet;o~atiit~s., ssssd;;i'* and :!*;/::i~

}17*}:*;!:/*i:!:::*:i:il ievel of

{k:::yi::.:i 0im~anage6me~nt ihav~ing th*e- authority to e6ffect ~orr*ectivle a*ction.i :Iin~i

  • :.:*..*:i;*Yi*,-i:*::.:.::.:y.*:}addlition, tiihese :*resulits are rePorte d in a timel *y :fa sh ion to0the Presi deni*t.::*
. ...-: . .:...:... .. s-:...F::::..Pe n e Training. and: Q ualification.:. ...- :. ..  :*  : i ... "}:::*:::;i: i":::"": i::" -i:.:":



".* member of the fac¢ility staff (InclJuding audit, sUrveillance and~ii!:!i:i*!

.',:inspectio n person n el) shlli~ha Ve. s ufficie*n t.i q ualificatio ns: to0 periform.-k

.:ii}..:}ithe~irr*:a ssig ned. duties.i* Reg ulatory :Guide 1l*.8 :-19*77(ANSI ::N1.;I8 1:.;-i.:; :::iii

  • i!iiii:i:iii!::*;!
  • !i 9717:l) I*s uiitilized* :ifor* detjermi n ing anda. aSssessin*g ;ap pro:priate staff;!::{;;:i!ii.!:!


i:iii*i::iii >:: ;0 ::!

ii.i!i i!i'i:::.

i.;*/::;*..*.*.*p::ersonnel training :andqualification *:re~cords :are. mailntaine~d inii:*~i.*!*i:i :* il*::}ii/;i!*iii::


:'q":" >": ' i:.: :i, i:::*:i i.{'::!*:.

i:~ Thie: !pos[:it*~ion ofthie IQA :Man ager iishallJJ* meet :ithe :.ifolloin o i !m inim*um::i:!

  • . *'- ,,... . . ::.,* '." .'-. .. .:; :- .:" :--i L:.:;:i Graduate of a four-year accredited engineering or science ii! college or university, or the equivalent in practical experience plus five (5) or more years in positions of leadership, such as lead engineer, project engineer, audit team leader, etc.

}..:": -.: ifi.:":i*:..:i:.:.i *i:: this: exper~ience sha~llbe in 'a quality *assurance organizationi./Y:: :

. ":: .!.... :.-" :.} .. implelmen~tation- may be, substituted for the one-year experien~e:
.:.::i:]Yi-...:i~:.::::.!::iiw:ii. ."-wtthin* a quality assu~ranice orga-nization:....:/ : i!::*iiii:::i..:;i.ii{;:i.-


  • i::!/i:::.! .-*:-b*.:ii  ::*!ihe T ::pos~itilon !of Radiation Protectioni Manaiger :shall meet ~the:;!**i :;i: i

.iii:::i {ii:i:,i::ii i- : :.:::}: :!/: :*I:- ::r.ia dio~lo~gical ;Safety,: .thriee6: yearis :of :-whiich;Sh all :*be*in ::a~ppliedi:: :::!{:;i

*" Technical:experience inTthe areaexe ofcradiologicalea safetyd IlIsf~* :beyond e~y::n :::i :i::ii! i..
  • !i!

....' "' id,.!

'QAPDII :....-:.,  ;.::*::*,*::i* .:i*i*..i:"i:.

  • .*:{:*:i.*i. Q APD,. 9


  • !.!:!:.i* i .::..i:,.*iii} i.!:,:...:.; ;.;:,i,.::I;.::: iii:::i;i!:"!,. R ee.v.!I229:}  :*:I.
%*i:.:.i!{:"*(:/* >*ii iliiii!i*i:*!!!:!i*:Z::¸

., *....... ,,,...,..* ..  ::..t :.i':':"

}::'.-.'::i:i:::*'*:':ii!}:.  !:t*::::ii.;::::;:::*:i.i*i{:::.:*i::.:

  • !/1:}::.*!:`:.:..:*:i*.`:*:;;*./*!:.i:*....*....:/y:*.::*:::*:(.,.*:.:.*:/
.::.' .::""":. ..:**:';:,i*..: **i*-.1:!:::::.*::ii::*!:48*:I*::I ii:.!}:!::!i iii!::i:{i*;~
.**!*!il' :::i*!:::**:basisstowarid s thIe:iacad emic. d egriee :requ1irieme n~t !(four ye:*ars o :f, *:**
.::!:!:,.::.:! i.ii:::; :ii*::{ :technical experiencel being :eq uivae!nt to!a fou r}year aaem.a ilc::::
  • * ':ii*"*::.:.i::{ i.i **: i:A:*ca*demic a:nd- tech*nical~i experiie nce :must i~total: a: minimu oi:::ef::.i ..i/:*::}::.:.

c.::::::::::::l Ti*iihei position ofQ*ualiffied iT =chn*ical .*:Reviewers shall: meetth::ie-:i ::::*- .;:*

  • followinggim m i~i inimum u q*aif qualifications: ati sii*i i:.!:!;. i:i:-:..:..i :!:i::.:ii::::::.ii:ii:::..~iii::l:.ii: .~iiii **:! i.:-:i :i::::*i~~:!:!:.-i:ii
. :. , ., ::::;.}i:::::!::*i;}i:i!!}i:

.:::.:* :::i::-::::i!*::*:.*:i:::: *:

.: :: .::: Qu

-.{.:. ralifaiedT cn icas~l Ren v~iew rssal l ubegpefrindiiuaswtheout n!.. -

i .ii

,*Qualified TFechnical: Reviewers shall have at :least :5 years ;of . :;iI

!!!if Sii: iiill:.:"i i'::::::/.q~u*alification*s evaluated o*n *a case !*by ca*se basis iand: approve:.dii*}

  • !.i:*Re~vieweris i..;. ifor[deco~mmisioning a:ictivities.iand ith Siii:ite~: ~i.:.!:::: i} :!i*i:
i i*::::;*Manager, G enoa s*hall: appoi~nt Qui~alified *Tech~nic~al *!Reviewerts::i: i for ..ISF:SI*t la ed:ac
i"::o activities.*..::

i ite--rela.ted:  :.:.... :; i:i*i~*i;i":" ;::i:i:..:.:i::: - : .:::

." ill:". DESIGN CONTROL.AND:REVIEW!;:.::: .:.!;::::: .::::/: " ::-.  :  :::::: :;:}ii. .,.
i~**}i~.::.;:::: :i.:ili:*:::This* s;ectio e stabl!e
.::::-i i* sh:es *the:re*quir~ements; :to :ass urie thi*at, Importa~nt: To ::!(::::!!:*::
!* ::i::::*~i*::{
!:*:{:; ;::i*::iiiii; Safety (ITS
  • st!*ruci:turie s,::syste*m s,; a*n d :com ponent*s *(SSCs )!:of !th:e: ELACBW:R *:*i.:*

i::::!*i:i~~* ISFiSi ar*

/:i::i:.*:*:*:::: :e: ad * ;:deleted,: chi*a~n*ged: or moodified*:; in* a~ccordlance*:i with:::::::the ::::::ii:::::::::::
.i: .:. : :i::ii!:(c:.:o~des, s!itandards,!::: an~d r!e~gulationrs.:t thatg overned :th e oiriginla~l. de~sign,::::::::::::::::.!::
~:":::i~-:i::~ii:excep*t .as lamehcide aindi approved. **M~easure~sshallbe establishec~ifo:r th~e i:::::.:.:{:. -::::*!:;i*
: :!i:,:/*:.}. :.: : ir:ieview,; evaluation :da and; pproval ~of all :de~sign: chianges ::goven inn.i:S FS i!:t.:::::;./
  • -. '::: " :SSCs. Th~e Engineering Manager (EM) :shall }en~sure .that the "design*controli:l

/... . -. and: review for .:ITS SS~s :shall be :performeci :by the appropria:te. .Design*::.*:.."!I

  • .- :./ ::::.Auth~ority (ref.; Appen~dix :A) utilizing thleir appr~oved: 1:0 :CFR: 50: Appe~n~dix iB;*:.:ii*-

.- : :::%.::::. ......::..Design,: fabrication, o)r modification :of storage and shipping :casks .used for :.::i. -.

i: .*.!. ::.*:"*::ii:

  • T:::.:}: pment iof~i radcioactive !materials :will :;not !be c~ondUcted u:6ndi*:erthiS::secti()n~i-:*i:i.i
i: :::;i*i::

. :::.::.:.::::::1i:!. r:. The:i [e!:DP:C] s~taff: is :r~es ponsiible: fo:r establishiiing :p~roce~dures to{b:* implemb*en t:.i*:;l -I:

QAPD: i :10:*:  :-10.,.Rev:.:"

-A..:. 29..':': .

..: : iJ ::orders:,design.:control and the

.procedures- and.incorporation instrUCtionS. ::of design


.*;:iz- into :i q work j ?.:.*.: : ,I :

"  : :~2.: :The EM is: respOnsible for :the iincor~poration of design lbases, regulatory I:

.. "  ::' requirementS, codes and standard~s into drawings and specifications ... ;:.i

.. :...:: :**.i.::: related. to ITS SSCs: design :and ch*anges thereto:..The EM ;is*: also.*;*::*

- : :!:::::i;.:!;.:
.i~i::; respi:::;::
onsi~ble for the r;ieview o~f d:esign drawin~gs, speci~fications,;i!  ::*:
::i::::calculationad procurement documents: to assure *that: quality  ! :1:
: :.: i:::standa~rds :are *included or-refere nced.: 7:: - i i:::: : i: ;-;:i *::i:::  ;;i1!i:

3.TeulfidTehialRviwrisrspnilefrprovidin~g an :.:  :*

i *;:i::. :*:*:**:i:*iin depe:nd ent* r*eview of: cha*nges :to *the i:SFSI* iTS. SSi3sl. i They ishall* ; r ;I

":' *':"::!:':" :i::;i~i:::iprovide assurance ::that the :modification: m~eets :the design: bases,

--" .... regulatory requirements,:and applicable codes and standards. The .

review shall determine whether: the proposed .modifications: :requi~re:-

prior NRC approval. if prior NRC approval is needed, any .license:;* ..

amendment request shall be referred to SOLUTIONS licensing sup0port.

i ::"i*:i

~ 1.:::i.:...:

iiA W:or~k Order! shall b*,e *initiiated ifor all modification:s to iTS :SS~s :and:: :"*


ii*ii:iiiiiiii"i::iiiii*i2. :ii!Desigbn :ibases, :regulatory :requ~irements, a!n~d a~pplicabl~e codes :and ,

. .... - standards :and requirements for all proposed ISFSI modifications to ITS J, "iJ-  : ... S SCsi and sys~tems maintained operation~al duringisFiSi :activities.::

i, " . These conditions shall be incorp~orated into drawings,: specifications*, i

"* : ; : . -: pro c ure me n t d oc u m e n ts, an d proc ed u re s :. --.: :. : i :~:ii:: : . : . .i:.i :ii::.. : ::* .' ... .

i"i:3. ii.:All p.roposed I:SFSI m*odifications :shall be reviewed to determ~ine  ::"I:
iV.:* PROCUREMENT DOCUM:ENT C:ONTROL: :i::;::i;:i:;: :;;:.:;i: ii:::.:!

Ths ecio:etalihe te eaurs oassure that procurement; ::.i.J.::

: documents (purc(hase requisitions: and' orders) covering: material;:i::,::*..

"., and serv~ices :for ISFSl ITS:SSCs..specify appropriate quality..* ..

' ' ~requirements;: Thie purchase order :specifies or r~eferences .:th:e *applicabile .~~.:.

  • ~~requiremen~ts,- d.esign bases, codes, :and stanida~rds to assure qual ityi: ;::.;:.

. .::.. B.; Responsibilities .:..::!~::. .:.:.*:i:;.;:.::; .. ,.  :.*: it;: .

:;The DC ::staff *;is respons~ible for; developing p;rocedures ito !cont~rol t~he: *
...i.i2i. ! 2:i.T~heDPiC staf~f is iresponsible for:initi~ation iof purchase requisition;:: ::ii 1
*wor~kSheets for mater~ial,: equipment, and services: require~d ::for; .::;  :
  • " : . : ":... .m aintenanice, ;repair:, and: m~odifications; . :.:i ':r" *;*';" ]':' ;"'; *,];":
3. The Engineering Maniager is: responsible .for preparing engineering  :-

QAPD 1:1 Rev.29

!!iiiili ii  :*i: i ?:ii~i*li:;:*::::!pecifications :w~hich detail: the :technicall and quality r!;equi~remenits fiorii:!ii!:


". : 5 ,:*u

III. Pii:5irch*asing ,is rjespo nsible forI prepa ri ngi, rieviewing,* approv~in g,:: is*s~uing ,i !

i!+;?  :*6. 6 ircurement i;;;iii:p:ro*:/: The QA Specialist documents I Engineer is respon!sible ito ensure iinclusion for review of IJTSi;i*:.i::i!.: ';::~ii of appro*priate~quiality::* :ii:;


  • .::i..::;!

i--:.:1: .i:.::..puto l.. :Tie!rchaserqiiin for new matertiOn al,equripet

. tand s erice*( t h::sandi:*i:.

..+*:i! .:*,?ias quantity, ..item idescr~iption,* and technical and qula~lity ;reqUlrementds:i!..*ii

.i.2.+ Purchase orders shallinclude ispe*cifications th~at contain all the~i:?*+!**:!i+!:i:*::*:+::*+!I

+:.+ information necessary to* assure material,: equipment, and services are*:**::i: i+::

i:of: a d equa.teb qu*ialit. T~i::ih~is s*h~all!;in clude :material sele:**]ctioni: des ign d ata !ii.!:i, +!i: *.i::



!i:::.:*+:.:..:*delin~eated in;p+urcha~se or*der~s.. :Thm~:issha~ll include a :listing of each :item.:;!::-::,i:.::


f documnen tatio r
t;be-isub to mitted,:wh*enh it[is:to bbe submittedi' wha~t~i:: i,::: ::::*: :: ;

req"-ubirtes approval:-""":

.. prio to manufacture,

.. and. toy

. whom

-: I t shall.::::!..:."i-be:?::::-.?i:i*::.:


.. To.:the extent necessary, ITS procurement documents shall:r~equire :. ..


.*-:; 10 CQ:*FR I50, :*Ap pend!ix B,:. and/or* 1 *0.: CF*R 72,:+I Su bpart* G.:;::: Suppier~isii:*.:*!

!i.iiiii : ;::i iisha~ll be r.tequire!d !to ::provid{e :acceSs fac.*i!i~ti~essialn~d:i*

.ii-. reods iifor:i:l .:*!..+!

i::ii:nspect[ion. and audit, as reqluireid,-t~o~determinei complianceb w*ithl!:!!i*:i::.:iii:::l

.i;: -:i~:.+.:.:ii*.:*i"
+ ~
i :+:::provisions o:f !thiei purch~ase ord:er. *=These: requirem ents shfiall ;exten~d i:to:ii.:ii


  • .:+::i~5;:.
  • .ispu~rchas~e requisitiOns :sh~all be :reviewed by: the. QA ::Specialist::.:I"-:.:::.
i/i*::i~:i~i:. ":*::in~itiated ia~nd revi~ewed in. i*:accordanice i:ith:tlhe. s~ame proceduries :u~tilized:*:.


  • ** +;':.:.+? : . . i.i.:.ii: .  ?.::i i' .'" . ". : ?+ '.+.':' ." "',

in preparation of the original document. i *ii i!ii!I*



S. AND DRAWINGS A. General This section establishes the measures to assure that activities relating to ISFSI activities are performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures, and drawings.

B. Resoonsibilities

1. The DPC staff is responsible for preparing or reviewing all procedures iiiii that are required for implementation of the QAPD.
  • 2. The ISFSI Manager is responsible for approval of ISFSI related rirocedures that imDlement NRC-aooroved oroorams and olans.


3. The Qualified Technical Reviewer is responsible for reviewing all initial and revised procedures that 'affect ITS ISFSI operations and shall determine whether changes to these procedures require prior NRC approval.

C. Reauirements

1. Detailed instruction for ISFSI activities shall be contained in procedures and checklists covering the following activities:



  • , ": *::*:.. ,* !,!'r:*-*'

i a. administrative control,

b. general security system operation,  !!iii!!!i i!!:

iii i!iii!ii!ii!

!!iiii!!ii iii:*:

c. Security Plan implementation,
d. quality assurance, i:;;:

e;*;. I::sur*veill.ance ::::alnd i::tea~t a ctivities of iequipme~nt,:




rot ctio  : prog:i:raE.::

iiii::::: m,:: a nd::
f!::i:::::: ::i:!.E::,i i*~ :::::::::::: ::*~:ii::i i;i:*:i:i ii ii
  • .i ::i**;!::*i:*i::;iii*i!*ii:;:: For;iact*::t~iv
iii2:!;i:.i othr *:those
ities th!an w*: ni:*ormal~*craf expertisei ith;*.in:; -;!~i;yt  ;: :::*ii:
  • i nst:ru:ctionsii!:i;::

.::* !si ii for  :.i~maintenance ii* d :br ~*!land: s ~repair b i~s:a:pic of ISFSI equipment  :::or:ii!::i

    • ;;:;! i::***i*.: systems
  • ..:.: ": shall: be:-::

o cointsslaliirine in d proced raes or WorkaOrdeors.Th guidnesallta~~::*:*:i*..*:;:!:ii:.;i:;~:i*l

. : . i..;.".  :~i". - ::*:.i*,Ptai con. isru:c:iteions f~or preprtemiongtl~, perorane, c tes~tying, a nd return:~iEi to


  • -"::::i::"i
:i: ::::;:ser ic.T * :*egu dac em hsa*~ ay refer:::**.::*/:*:*:::*.enc..*:::...;..e m anufactur.* e r's:**:: Instruct*::::*::::::::**",:*:,*:::*:::*ion
  • i:: iii:,* ii*ii

ii;!ii*:*:il ill: *29~i!iiii~iii;!i~**!i:!


!iiiii!ii!!iiii!*!iiiii!i!!ii!ili:ii!::*!ii:iil;i iiiiii*i *- ::.::..;.

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T ::::::,:./*:::"

  • ...:::::*:.5::::

ii i

4. The department responsible for an activity shall be required to provide i!i!i!ii iilii!iiii! il
  • .i:)::*:TiT*:!i*!::i::ii!i*Li!!!!i)iiiii:i*

the. necessary technical input and review of changes to instructions, iii!ii*ii!i:*i*:ii!*!):*iii:i::T procedures, or drawings~

5. Changes to or deviations from established instructions, procedures, or drawings will require the same review and approval as the original document However, temporary changes to procedures that do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made in ink, dated 1 and approved by two people of the management administrative
6. Procedures will be reviewed periodically as set forth i*:::;
: : ~: o c ed u r es.:::::*:::::::::

i! * :.ii *li* :::::  :: : :: :::::::::pr  ::::: :::::::: ::: :::: :...;

A. Generali*  !; ii*~i*~*!i::ii~~iiii~iii:iiii!i~~~~:*i~):;ii*i!i!:iiiii!)**i!*)i)i*)i*i*~)iii*)ii~l :ii:);*i:ji),*i:i ~ )i*l*i)**:*)):i)i)i ~

  • T hT:**))**:!)is
  • -)))))) s ci *ion*:****

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!:i!*))*:) b J))i) i) the:~):))~:*i)i


ishes~  :*ij)**')irequirem

  • )::i)Y*))) *: ents i*i:::fo d)*:):**)*
!i:* cu)i:!)en ] control)F) *i )Ti)))*i)))**) ias*fT ti.i!))i)))]iE~) i ::i:i:i.:])!TIiT )) :):**

~. r~esDonsIDIIIIIes

1. The DPC staff is responsible for preparing a standard procedure for iiili controlling the issuance.of procedures and for preparing, procedures Ifor controlling the distribution of operating, maintenance, repair, and modification procedures for the ISFSI.

C. Requirements 1; Procedures shall be established for the issuance of procedures, drawings, and specifications. A document control procedure shall be prepared to provide a uniform system of document Identification.

2. All documents shall have an identification number, title, date, and revision number. Documents shall be fi!ed and controlled by. use of

'this Identification. Each type of document shall be filed in a central location identified in a document control procedure.

3. 'DrawIngs, specifications, and procedures', Including revisions, shall be reviewed for adequacy and approvedfor release by authorized personnel. The required reviews and approvals shall be specified' in a document control procedure. ' .'
4. The' administrative staff shall assure that current documents are distributed to and used at the location where the prescribed activity is~

performed. Documents and revisions shall be distributed as specified in a document control procedure. Preliminary and superseded documents shall be clearly identified and closely controlled to preclude their misuse.

5. An index of each type of document shall be established and maintained to provide the current status of documents.


ii!i i!i!i¸ i!!ili.:ili!!)ii!ii:il)ii!ili!Sii;!!i)!!i

ii iii iil;iiii!i!!!!


iii:ii i~i:iiiii:d!i i i iii r jelctly ior throlughlc~ontriactors andl subcontriactor,:s conform tot~iihe i:iiiiiilI


!!ii*i!iiiiii!iiiiii:iiii%!ii*;i evalu*:*:*

i*ation, q"ua~lif¢ication,: !*and evaluating*: su PPlier q*Ualit~y pro *gr*am*s ii.!i:*iiii::!i i f ~iiiiii!


!;*!:: QAi~~iiSpeciai

!*Ii*ii* st
E-ngineer is responsible for developing;i:  :: ~li:!


  • ii::iii: I
  • !i:iiiiili!ii!iiiiiiiiiiii*iii:,


iiiiiiii!iii ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2iiil ii!iii!i!ili!ii!iiii!i!ii!iii!iiiiiiii ii!i!i ii:and:c itec*hnficial capa'bilities.i*.iiiiii iiiiiiii!liii!iii Cii:C

  • ii*:;SSu* nolier
  • ~ ~ ~iQ Qualificationi::ii
1. Q aiiaino upir
    • i t*** i::i;::i**!i:!: ~i ~!i:*l  :!;i: iii:~!:l:iii::i:iii:i:

f:iiii.!ii!i!:i !::


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  • ii::

~i.*~i!i:i ii!. i:ii!'i i!ii!ii!!ii!iiiii!!!

hl oss fassigps xe ience  :

  • i:::::! wiiih te snUpplieriind:t~iii:;Q
ii*!init sup ier'rput~ration. and exp*t er iencosi: th f:::::::::::ie, in andi:::i~~:
: :;::: up~pliiers iofi c¢ask 2 .:::*Smaeilsal si us~e~dfor sh ipm~ent: :andcl eeauae.oesre* that ithesto rage: .:d~esign o*f :radioactiveJ a:nd :ifabrication *:*:*.iii*iii::::


  • ...._--" ... ::!.i::*;i:::*i:
*: : i: *;::::',"::*'-:!:'*:i: r perfored iliacain :i:i~ '~:'*': undrl the control of an~ E: NRC-approvedi'!il~iii:iiiiii:ii
  • !:: !:' andiii~iii:
  • !:!!!!i!

Source Inspection...............


1. When appropriate, suppliers shall be requested to furnish DPC with sufficient information concerning their manufacturing and inspection plan to permit DPC or their designated agent to plan and implement a source inspection plan.

2.We prpitiseti!oni plans s:*hfal I:nclueitn~

t ii*e~d*ss and: hold i*i~i*:i:~i~i::! il*i po!**ii~

i ntsfori nspec.:* f  :*t*ion of tem  : jjc , wti**~ tne sin ofpro ess s o tests,::i*i!~i::ii**i*i*

ii:: :!*:!::*i:*:i:i auit:. ofii!i!:iiii:

requiredL quality~do um n ato

.*i*i~::*:::.iii:ii:*ii::. , nd v:i*:~*:ii:*i i**:i:ii!!l*!i::i* rii ato i iii: that~ :ii vendors:*i:!i*:i~i:! hav:i!ii:i~iiieiilii *iii:ii::!iiiii E.l

1. Items shall be examined by appropriately trained staff upon receipt for shipping damage, correctness of identification, and specified quality documentation, in accordance with approved instructions.
2. Documentary evidence attesting that items conform to purchase order requirements shall be available at the ISFSI prior to installation or use of the item.
. QAii:::i~~*! 3.iDocumentary eidence!!shall be sul fiienin ode to Idnif that th .9!i:ii~*i!!:

.:*;:t;*!::.*:!:Y:..;::::;':*:.!*:.}t:i;>:.*;*:::specific r:!eqUirements,- such as codes,. standards,: anid specifications, i:: **:

  • :.*i: :.! .il:.i, ;;*:ii~:zi:!:

~:ii:: :.*::i:  : *;ican~i n~be.*confir'med :fori thle pur~icha sed item, :This r-ieqU ire~ment !shall: ibe: .i::.ii. .! *:i!:


i  :"::-: }:i -. sat:isfi ae by:;d umhaving ap~op ava fiabe copes ofrin the purchase order:and*ii!:.i:i*: ii~i*:!:!ii:ii-!:.;il*.!:i::i: *'i

... .... appropriate... docum ent referenced.. . th*. rein...

...::.:.. .: ;i ; *:..*::.;:::::::::::::::::::i:;;::. *;tit:::.:.-:

. :4!AlIT aeils at, n o poet il esgegtduo i


!:;:* :I  ;. :'i:iiLi;i : :]E T rFeceip an will b*;e place in*:a; receivinginspection hold area*sb EparTe i;:*ii:~~l

  • i!ii:!ii;~!i i~:i*
  • "; 'r*..:.:*'*
        • :*:m;from:* *:]:": sto rage*]:;*4**+:2:"*i**;::iZ::

fa;**::* i +iies:*:;:**:;.*

A fter
  • accep
.*:"::" *::**  : : tan ce,:
  • =;::[* t* *he:' m aterial; will:::::::::::::::
  • =* be:*:=identified:*

" :':2:=*****:

-it-a;hs accineptabl iesandplaed insecuifimednts.orag x~;:t;:;..:i;i!.t::i::.:;::::*:*o~*:i:}: ie.ntfct~ n;;n o~ f::i:i* :*i;: ;::*':=;;

~::ii!;;:i;i!i ii!; 5.i;:iDui~a~rina!eciva~ing inspectin, If ~ non ii::: i;ii~~*:::* a s onformanie or di yscrepancy ~ii~;:!ii*i:: iiii:i*i ;:*



  • i::i ;;; d exists, i the :f6material mi:~e i shall ti:* ;tebe ;f~ placed on hold in*tajito~;

ityiii*r*gh*: and w.ill remain;;: usini::aiii:i::.:.




~~i *.


  • ~ii;:::i:;:
    • !!: . statuii:i suntil final, disp
i::,i!!::::iii:!:i:i¢;:i¢ !i::iii::o::sitioni

-;i:i!:.i~.;.:;:::ii:; .i:?:!i;i:!. is di.eterm ii::*!::: :i!i:;:*



!:: ed..i

i:::i:i::i;:; A: corrective:!action.

i*!:;*:::.i- :::*! *: .:i*:::;:;i ii;i!i!:* ::;document:*:: *:.*!i;:::T e shc~*all: beinitiatell:b~e~bihn* th*oe~l rq iie e:si:*:! *!,i:::::i

...-../ITS mateial,.par., and c mpoeteasb a o tsed ntheponentssyste m -. ,:  :::

. ..;;::;):i::::::ii::*:

!::; :i:?:i}:;:.:*idesignat:iiil iii*:i?:i.i : i on, fromi!::r6 rece.:i~*;u~

ip:!n t aiti theb*fai ity~e: throughidbnstallation or u~ste .ti~i: .i! !:ii*;*

  • .* .::-...; t;! for3t;;:;

hesi~a:;dentificati.on and controlc fa t~~iderias pabrtshandicomponents~h;"i;.

'::::;"""; " .i: .!i.: ::} from recemm:ip){nt th oug istall~oq:atio n goruse and/ort e v::.tran!;ielop t0:ingpro icdures .}:::;!:;:.;;:.

  • 7*:{**:::,: documentation.: I::dentific~ation *Shall: be either: o n the: item o r !recor~ds:i.

{ :::::::i:::!)::

!::} i :traceable ito :the :.:item.iWhe re~plhysical. ide ntification .is*im practicali*:-.:iI :::
  • :::..:.!/i{.


i.:-:physicalisepa rationi~, /procedu*Jral 'cont~r.ol, :or other. approbpriate :means :i"i

....... _: ...- :.:/ -


A.i: Gene~ral::


i*i-:,,  :,,:,i:::}, ::: : "

This secti~o n es tablishes, the:: m easurbes .to"assurie* s pecial :proce~sses,.iii} :i*i::i)i:;. ii{:i*

  • .! :":... id::i~:.*:i::iientified as I.lSFSi .ITiS,. a*:re c*ontrolled and ~accomplished byZ iqualifie~d*:ii;!.-:;i::K:-ii~~:*:*..i~ii:

i:ii.}:iiip.;erison~nel iusing q:..ualiified ~procedue-i.s} in accordance. with:*i":i

.i:}:::. apicable cei*-as,7:*.! iiii:{: ~i st.eand sefiatinscriterieaioto nards n, and ~oth spcalsreuirementsrane.:"":

r  ::.;::.:

S - -1. ThreOPO stafddfisresonsibeWor establising S~capro~cedrs that d~esrib:*ed::;:-i:i

--: :.:..::.:.:. ::how p:q~Ja~fersonel a~ndpoedures n aorane w~tqualifiedfosijecalprcessres;::*:{.:.}!/:*}.:::*::*:*i*:E:

K:!:.. K.:!!}*:~"**:.i.i]

2:.:.:The QAi Speiaist I En:*  ::eer oisrbe*:f)r.:asponsibne for rev*u~iewing o~i~ifi: :*::i !i [. :*:

  • : ';' 7:::>,:.:>.**::
  • -i{:i*}!
.: repa:!iii-:!ersand mdii.*h 0cedtion w eork nvling specal prcessife~s: perform.;;iiil.::-.:::.:*{:iied *

-i::.!-:::- byi:!qualc:ifsi~ed proniunde acntildcord nce ithiqualiie:a prceduresi~.-*:~ .:-::

6da .:..-:

  • i!:;*:iiii!-!:ii!:i

.... : :.:...: ... using: qualified personnel :and :procedur~es. iQualification of..personnel:.i.: !.


i.:/::*!..::*ard*st.n~dproc durs:!:*!::*:*!:: shall com .: ply::::::::::::::::::::::!:!*i with the req}{i .irements!:*. of! appl:":

i cable.:.:/:: codes!:*::!:::{.!:i:.


{i:::i2.**: Wi:eiderSiand welding iprocedu~res: s hall:* be:q ualifi ed,-i as approi:pria*te,:: :in~i:;:::i:!i:*

.{!::if-:: :---..: . t: }: .!.: {i : .:.:*.":*: -: :i ":i¸*: :i :: :i::::iaccordance: w*ith iSection iX o:*f the ASME Boiler :and Pressure :Ves~sel::*;:*:!!~i ii!iiiii{,,iii*i


  • . *.........:,V ::i:!*
      • .:::.:: ::.i:i*i*::




i:*i.:::: accor*.dance
:. w.:ithi:thhe Amer*ican :Society ifor .Non-destr*uctive :Testin~g:*!:::**::: .*;:

4.: Procedures shall, be established. to describe !themethod. used to control." ::


" the receipt, storage, baking, drying, and disbursal of welding filler ..

i:::," /:*::,' ,,::/-'

  • * ,": -..:, ""{. %.."" :.:'  : ""

caibatdmaintained,":stored, :handled, -and :Issued :in .accor'dance with

'. :,.....applicable .. procedures orinstructions..-..........- ".-,... .:"'/!.....}'i.:.. ": "r ii:ii

'  ::,.'.{:", ::i:: " .: }".' : / ":

!}:': 'i: "(::'4.:::;/" ":::::'.*:A:*ai:*l-:t*,







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. . :.:Si.  ::: ; ..":.:.. :...::.:

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,.. ..*:*:"": ev. 29:-.. -..

      • 2.
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i. :i S!ii  :, ,,, .. ..  :,:-,:,:::.::- :, .. ::,,, ,::: , ,i!


A.* General This section establishes a program for inspection of ISFSi activities to verify conformance with approved procedures, drawings, and specifications.

B* Responsibilities ii;.! ::;i:i;;i-i;::;:;:.r.i:.equir~ements ::ar~e :inClu ded:i n engineering;,specifications, alndi reviews *of.:::ii

  • in~sp ection **pr~oce d Ures!: imp lemrne nting this Section. arecom p leted*:!:: . .*:!i.

. .~  ::;:! :T~he QAi Spec~iali:st I,Engi neer i~is;!:

  • .2;.i: reponisbleI for esta*bliishing ;inspection :!il.I

.:i :.::i.i i!:: :.;;*proceduries and iassurin g adeq uate. ;inspection: req uir~em ents arie!:;:;; :::;!::i :;i:: ~*!.i.

.: *****iincluded in procedures. They areualso responsiblrese sibe,:frl forcoordienatingi c o!;dnilt n *~th theo e;::*:::*. :

":;:~ii"., assignments: t ofsgnme qualifiedfie isinspection personnel.  : *:i:i ".i. i.:*!:*!::Y::i -:;;i~  :-: :-*:.i :

  • ..:i..:..;:;::.:;.:..
. :3-*.: The/.":.:"..:.

ISF :i:""-::::,:

i. :i;i:?.?. Manage I :,;,*:,: shall::i.:,,::;:..i-,

be eson .. .::,ibe for ,approv,:, ,ing,,- ..ISESI, .inspecti .i:::.~..:,.:..::::::,. on.*

! ;i
i:}:*i;::*i ; proci3::;iT e duresFor a!insrcionsa nd-*shall ens ure suf~f~ i c:*ient ;Inspect;ions are~i~!;!J
:*:!performed. - to provide adequate

!::.ii-;:"::."./.;:::: confidence

ii*:::;*.i~::.:.;  ::::.: that
.: project activities
::::*?:;;::;**:**;;::i:;;; meet;:~i:*-i::;:
':::;::i*::;;i;?:*:i:;:*;;;;.;::  : :::~i.  ::*: ;;
p :e :*!i::in redeterm:i:ed reiqui':*:
l:;:ii*!*:i:i*;**:; reme;!;n!' ts.*;l***:~i' i::;/ *i*;*;i:i;;il*:!!i;*:: *i:*

.i:::;i:i*i!::::;:'i i:*iii:!!!:;;**::!ii;ii:!: ;iii*:: *:*: :;: *;~;'ij:*;i*!*!!!;: *;: i*:i':*:;i***i*!i;


.i*:::i;.;ii: to..?

tpbe e;*stabl!i.shed.: Plannin:g activities shall. identify :the ~char!acteristicis: ;!l*.

i!:.ii;accePltanice cicteraia, a~d the o:ibrganization r.iiesponsi!ble :for:performing~i.:: : . i


.. :inspectin~g of, an activity. beforie proce~eding, shall be in;:idicated inithiei:;;:ii..::;:

appro*prijateprocedure, specification, ior :order. Ti;;;he: inspect{ion:.~:;..}.:::::;::

.i::i:::;shall :be documnented, to indicate approvali and rel~ease: p~rior to ....: -:- / :

. ;i , .. continu~atio n iof the actvi ty . i. . . i., .. . ,:,,.; . ;:, -,,,ii;-i;i:;ii; :i*.:,:,li iiI

  • by:cOm*panyi yipersonn eli or con:tractorii.pleriso0nn el,: ian~dii sh alli requir~ei t hat.:i"i.!:*; ::*i*i:*:::::.!
  • i;
    • ...ii::iii*;:i::i::.i:-i::"
ii:.i:;:*:.:.;..;?.:;!i:;nspection *proced ures ;and :*inOstruc¢tion~s, alo!ng w.ith n*ecess:ar!y dra~lng s,il.!i~i~;.:jj::::.::ii~..

...:: i::i~~ii/:::*;i; i!* ~-*:;*~il:i 5.ii:

Insp. e ct*ionre uiemet hai eint goverdning modificatieorgns, r ;epairs an id i; :.....:.*

replae  : ment;shalli: be

;.." acc , .inrdanc with:.the,.... origi:.:.

i nal des;;... ..i gni and.*.

.. ;;;;i.:/!*::;;;.:

inspctio requirements::, or., as amended.: , by approved chne to the, QAPD.......  ;!;*!iiii;i!i*i:!;i*

  • !i*i!* i!i;::i*

i!i*i:!i:*:iil* ***ii*i¸

i 18 Rev. 29:"


  • i.i-ii::*.:  :. ::./i:::!.

section establishes the requirements for an ISFSI test program to demonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service. The test program shalt include, but not be limited to.surveitlance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, and testing following ISFSI modification o significant changes in procedures.

B. Resoonsibilities..........

1. The DPC staff is responsible for establishing the requirements to control the test program and for preparation and review of test procedures, surveillance during testing, and review and documentatio of test results. The DPC staff is also responsible for establishing specifications, requirements and acceptance criteria for testing following ISFSJ modifications or installation activities and the review o results for testing following modifications.
2. The ISFSI Manager 'is responsible for the approval of ISFSI test~

procedures or instructions.

3. The Qualified Technical Reviewer is responsible for review of all ITS proposed test procedures, special testing procedures, performance testing procedures following ISFSI modification and performing 10 CFR 72~48 evalu~tion~ to verify that ISFSI tests do not require prior NRC~

approval. .

C. Requirements

1. A program shall be established to assure all testing required to demonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service is, Identified and documented.
2. Testing shall be performed in accordance with approved test procedures that incorporate or reference the requirements and acceptance criteria containedin a'*~~l*i~able design documents and Technical Specifications:
3. Test procedures shall incorporate, but not be limited to, requirements for such items as: hold points, witness points, caution notes,.

emergency reqLirements, and test jumper logs.

4. that:

Test procedures shall Include, as a minimum, provisions for assuring

a. Prerequisites have been completed that include, as a minimum:
1) Control of systems status as necessary.
2) Availability of calibrated Instrumentation and special equipmen
b. Test objectives and applicable acceptance limits are stated.
c. Test results are documented.
d. Detailed instructions for performing the test are included.

APD Rev. 2

i*:: .:'::.:::::*:*:*i::::*i:


i! ::!! i .,i:ii*!*

!ii:ii!::ii*: i: ii*i:..:,*,:i,:*!:;:i:!!*::::i*ii*ii;:**

    • !ii*:;::iii
  • !*i!::*:  :*:*,i*:!*:*!
ii*!*ili*i:i!iI ili:!i i*i:i L! :ii:iii!i!:

iii !*'::!i e-.:i:l Test !results ar~e reviewed a nd :approve~d:.:


.*:0uc~tin:g:the *:test, recorder:, the:: type:-of. observ9ation :made,:: ::

.:...:the :equipment .used,. the test re~sults, :the acceptability of.the :test;::..;;.:

r iesults, .anid approved :dispositio*n for an~y deviaJtions::. :.*:.-;.:":.i":*:::::,


iti::ieria :shall :be p:roperliy n:ot~ed :andl appropriate ¢orrie~ctive a~ction tak*:ienii:::.i:

XiII. C:!!i*ONT OL:OF .MEASURI:NG AND TEST EQUp:IPMENT..: :;;-i!!i-:::*::~i: ::ii::.:;:i::*:!:: **iiiilii ii::!;::.:;::::i!iic:*,on*tr

- ol,*
calib~rati on,:: andl p:)eri~o~d ic adjuistmient:; of :tools, *gau[g~es,;*: inst rum~ents,*::.* ::

':.:.."!:::':,::~i:!a::*ndl othe r measurinirg :an~d:test!eq uipment-used, to verify confo rma nce ~toi .::.:-: .:

: : " established :iSFSI tec:hnical requlremients "..... "."::..... .... ':'""-;

B. R es o s b i~ es :,!::: :"::" :"::. . .. "::onsib""il...:":ities'::" :::."":: :::::::i!!i.i:.i::. :::::::::::::

1...The DPC staff is rsponsible for establishing requremet for a .

.-:::::.... ; .... program :for.-the Econttrol, calibrat*ion,: and periodc ~:adjustment. of itoolSi::.

  • i!:*;::::ii
!.: *:en*suriingg:tool s, g auge s:;, instr umen ts,* andCothe r *m easurin g :anrd :test:.::. i

!*i-,:::.:**::!*.:::***::*::eq:uipmet a:*re calibrated to a:s~sure co*:mp:iai*nce with *t~he imnplementing::*:;

  • ..*.*:....*i*i::i!*:* :*:::.*:::- .::::i*::: ;3*:. T;*he~I:SF:SI!: Manag:errIsi ;resp)onsible for ensuriing iim~plement~ation*of the.i.*:;

.. :...: -!req uirements :of this sectioni:of ;the manual "for.ISFSI ::activities andrfor:..:;.

*; aprovig I:SIprocdurs o insrucion ...... . *:*i*i:i::;*::::  :  ::::::::::
* ::::i * .. -.*:* * *: : *:* i i*!***~!:/; ::::::::::::- :: . : : * : :- ! i:i !*::*;*:: Ji :.:; *: :: ::!; :;::: ~: ::*: :i :***::!: :.**i:::  :: .:.:!i *,:: :*::*::

iili ill:i!

  • .. :, *- " . ,*,.. .*,,..:....I'*

, ,*H.. UI[*III*li- ".;:'..- :

i::ii:: :ii.!: i*iii:*.*1:.*:,*Insp'e~ctio'n, *::t~est, aind iwor p:ro:edure;s shall include pro*:!*ivision t:!:o!**: ::::i :!:

  • !:-.a.nd. t~est eqi p m~enrti an d: idev*i:e s :used: in :a::cti:vitieS affecting*: qu~ality::ar~e of:
  • t h~e .*pbrope :range
  • gb~tY pe,: and .!accu: rac(yi.{to ve rify !c~onhformanceb; to::*:** :"i:":.*

established requirementseandm testan parameters.e~i*;*:;* :::* :::.*;:.;;.*::;i..::::::!:::;i::::* :.*:il*

E::::.:.:*.:equipment shall be.:.:: controlled, calibrated, adjustedecl and maintained.........

.::.:. :period~ically,-o~r :pr{ior to :use.? Calibratio~ns are performned againSti!:;::"::::

  • - -:"- " -certified :measur~ement standards that,.are traceable-:to. nationally*::::,.:* ...
. : ~recognrized standards. Where, national::standards do: not :exist, ================:
  • . ::. i- .,provision~s will :be established to dc~ument .the.basis for-calibration.:;.**Ei:*..::


... .::. .. ::: .:Contr~ol.m~easures :and, p~rocedures :shall: prevent the use o:f calibrated::.-*..:

======================= un=
  • auth*orizedi personnel. Special controi :m~easures :ar*ei::
  • :.":-: ..-:::  ::;:!. :!. no.ii0t; required for d~evices when nhormal: commercial. practic~es provi~de:.i.:..--:.
i:*a de q ua te :ac c u ra cy . :::::::::::::::: .- : :

.*=.....: *:.;:..*:..:::.iii;*::::*: -.. ..:;*:".* : :::: ' : .. -.::.:- . : .:*:*::.: *::=i

...  : 3,!!*::I:::.:

. W he...n an.. of....

.- .:........:........,:,::m e s r.item n and test:':"!i::i' eqi pmi: e nt!:.i:,'="=

. ... :is found to,... bei:::.

out of':::*:*!,,:* :.:

!i!::!!::i:* ::~:i:
3*.  :*:f* ea~~ing: 20 and; *este~p et:i ifurl~ !.ii:beo Rev.  :~ ::::i;:29:!:!:*iiie
.::;::: ::::ii,: i*::i::i:i:i::: **!!i...::i::::i:, ::i*,
  • i!ii*: !.:i*!*:i*i:!:*i*i *.i:* !i*: .il!:!i*iil calibration, an, investigation* will be conducted and documented: to. "

deteri~mne :the validity of previous .inspections,. tests, or caliibrations.::

..which wereper~formed with: the use of that* item: .:.. :*:!*I .:.. :;!i *.l..!i!.::i':*


i i:*~ :ii:ii:iI4. .*i*R ecords. or loii0gsSiof ithe icalibrationnhist oriiof imea suring anddtest:'~~~!ii*::iiIi!:l:i*

?::a**:ffixe*d iserial :n umb er.! .Calibr~atio n:.idecalsiiitag s ori*s tickr
:;-::!i*:.-::!i::::ii~*:.:;:-? i eis~ihalli;b e :. :I*

.:.i:i:.!.:~d :islyd enit::f prom iSn entlyn i:on each device .!i-.,cal and rt shallh.reflect.  :::" the date=== of===========iii::!-i:ii


--*-:.,*::.*. :: i:-* T his* secti on es:**:tablishle~s:*t:he* re qu ire~ment s fo lr:S FS :proce*du re*s ,on:':r to trol* :i.:

. :::*ii~:::

ieihan~dlinig,  ;:storage, :sh ipping,* iclean*in~g,* pack aging:,* and :preservation o::0f *::i:

.:.?!::*IiTS*: m~ateriia~l**a~n*d ieq~uip~ment :*t o :prievent idam*ag e, deterio:ration;, or lioss:ii.:i:i!:*:*i:.-

.ii.*:.:.through.::;.;shipm ent, .::

inst: lla io or. use..-.--:.:.... -.-:: .:..:-. :-.::.. : .-.::-:-:.-:~ .i: .i- :::::i:*.~~:::::

!!::"i: : *.:i~.:!:2:..:.!.:::"2i: .-The .ISFSI ~Ma nag e~r: Is respon*sible::*forappro*val

' :.::..:. t o:f *allimpl**: em:enting':i:::::i**:::*:::

- "':" " : '"";'" -:1.:: Th r:scaequsirements: for handing:, storagpleshippti~ng cl~teanembing, and~  :::i :*"*i

':i:! :i*I
  • " -:':: . -suprlserv *,ation of-ma.erials, ia l.. and:equ  ::...:. ipment shall::::: be~ doc

.- :::..i--"?.i.: me te .:in::*.:.::::i

" - : - .: :: p::.*: roved

" !:!:i~ip roced  :::::.:/u res.:::'*:ap .  ::::::...: i.:* ::: * :::i:i:  :::::::::::::: L.i:*:.:::: : *::i*:: ,:, .,.,,,. *:, ::,:,: : .,:.,,,, ,:,,, **:
,":::!i:!!:.:,..: i :!i::':;:
  • :::;.*:: .:::.c:bovrinand::it~pr~oetvednviromentrs;, suhatspeinier!it

.:. *::::::*: valsa *tmospherei::i::

i:. hand::!

lting:tools, .andi~ equip~mentto a e sueafan adequatey mntied::.-::: handling::.:: of;,"*,.*:::*ii*.ii::

/.!:.!*....  :.::;::..;::-i.

  • ,:. :,"" *;;,*:., ' LII.*, *i ,:*:.-:*-:i*:*.:

i*il- ": , i;-

........ . ... .  ::: ., , :, .

  • HL :L :- . :


...: :,,. : .- .,-:I*."::T -, :*i:*::
!:  :::. : : : :*i:i
-:::::::::.:*!:::!  :*i:i:i:

9 i,*i:i*

  • ii::*::::::*ii
.!*. i.:::

i::i:::::.:* :i

..... . . .. ......': .i:***:* *-.,i:::::::? :*:**:i*i:-!:!::i:**::ii ii:*i!iii-!*:*I :, ili, .ii iiI:::.i:.i**.*!!i

....**::.:::i:i:::!* **: *:!!::*

  • "*":"*'*** *' ' **:.*handling personnel. :Other special shipments which requir~e sPecbial: .....  ::*.-
... ;-*@:.::@i.:*:*@equipmenit and handling: willibe *handled by knowledgeable an~d trained !" !. * *
-i.!!;..-:::.:::.7,:Storage.o~f material and equipment will be in from fumes, . ..:.,: ...

..::.- . :;vapors, s.iand :dust.Storage will be in areas protected frobm the weather, . : !/..:.*;

-:.";;::.::;*i! : as approm~; epr~ifjate, andinthorichemical wti*;:storage wislxludd: b::ih ecp e a s:;-!.:.*:i.:::::*:.:::::.:!:;::::.:.
: .:.:"i:which s~atisfy :th~e h;andling and .storage: requirements specifiedO: for the;:: .:: ;::i::. . :


- +m

.  :.XIV.  ;* . * ..... . TI .. t :. ..

..:: .:,::.. :....:T......T..-..::. ,: . l...-..

i i!!.*:i!*:! :*i i : .*!!i i  :!!i!: !i!i: i!i:: !i:*ii:

iiiiii! iii:.":::!"1:.i::: i-:.The DPC istaff:is !.responsib*le for ensuring tha~t the status~of operating.:.'!I

- ..":'::":.::--.::".eq uip ment o.:r :systemss*to;.be ::removed: from .service for: m ain~tenance:,;;: i- .::

.-.-... .-:test, :Inspection, r~epair, or: modification Is in .accordance with :;the:. ::.;i :.i;

-.-::*-i: -.-.. :c ompliance witth approved iproc~edures and shall ensUre in~spectioni~::i:*:ii:!::i::

.*i:*..i"*results :are pro*perly rlogged.;,! :They:. shalli establish the :probedIurebs. ifo r : -i.* ;:


  • :: . i:iv:.....

i.-: imple~m~enting :the work inspection or status sheets during imaintenance,;*::

  • ".'i:. ***:!properly loggebd. !:Th~e*D*PC staff *is *also responsibl*e fr ithe con~trol f *:.ii:!- :

/:*"i i!ii!: " : :%. *, * ...... "*.....": .','.. : "'.,"

C. Reauirements

1. Equipment or systems not ready for normal service shall be clearly identified by use of tags.


.: Equipment :or syst~em ;inspec~tion :an~d :test statu~s ishall be .indicatedi:::::-.*::.i:.i::::.


.::*::. ...  ::SS~s :that :!a~re fou~nd.itobe unac*eptable:i durin:g. !or :a fter tefsting :s hall::: :::!:::!*:!:i

i. : ..: ::'.
  • i:':.:"  :

!:~i*ii***i:.:.!:iii:.,:: section estbliishes measures t~o: :assure t:hat :onditions:advese *:. :::"*.i:

. : ::::*:..- :~ii!:: :devi atio ns:,, defe~ctive :m ate ri al a nd .,equipment,; a nd no0n-co0n form an ce:s aref!..:-'- :

  • ... ..::.. . :* promptly Ideintified~a~n~d corrected.-, T:his inicldies: the control: of materials:;: :.: ,

" " ....: parts, or-comp~onents thati do not: conform !to!requirements, .ther~eby..*:i::...:;i:... :::*i.

~~preventing :their inadvertent: use ori :installation. ".::  :-;: :::: ::.:..::i::..:::::::.:::.::.::::*i*i::
.B*::. :.ResponslbilitieS*:,: : ::...!...; procedures:.:  :.::*::.:the.-::!"!*!ii for.:::*..:  :!.ii*!. ::
1. Thi:*i:i e DPC.: stafi s ri::iespons:ibl:e :for iesta:blisini:gi
.;!: :::!i:i i:;::!: *!: :::i :::i~i: *i/ *.:ii:2 2 ::i!!ii*:::iii;::*:::: ::2:;:*;:::*

ii*::~i*i::i.:;:i:!..i:  :*:::*:::*ii**.:*::*:*:!*:;i*;::*::!iR ev.::29:*:.,:

  • ..:*i:*
Q APO;i*:


:i.*! ii
.. i. . ;
.::"-identification, !review,: and correction of conditions adverse to quality: :i

.:~: *.: i ::]:!! ,whi~ch :includes the control, evaluation, and disposition of deficien~t::i*, i-:.


-::.~i.:.:2;i:.: The D p*sta~ff C is Lrespon~sible :for reva*iewin*g. no nconfor~ming ;items ti*hat!*:i~~~

!..:i::?i!*::canrnot:b~e co~rr~ected ;by )vendor a-ctilon anld :recomm~ending :dispositio)n*):.)

.:::!:;..~*!*ii* I.


?I3. i?!Thie iDPC staff ;is irespo nsible
  • rev~iewing conditionrsadve~rse: toi;*.:. ::i:*-
  • : .-  : :i:)::ii.:.quality to. determ~ine the: cause .of the condition; and for: rec*ommending;
  • ..I-).!::i.i;:. correctivect action toe :prpreclude repetition.i:* i.!~i:.)": :!i~::.::i:i~!-.-..I:IIi:/: :..]


    • !~i**:*:**i*:]:d~eficiencie*s,- *devi~atio:ns,~defective m*aterial *and equ*ipm~ent, shiall ~bei:*i:!; iii!*:;

i i;:::iii i,*:iir,*ieported ion ia corre[ctiveI *ac*tio0n :d~ocument.: Materials, iparts!,ib*::*i

  • :*:: ;:.:i:*:i!**:ii: or :i: i;~ii*ii*:*l*:i**
!:.:.i::iil'-':i:!  !::placedi~ii~~:::

i l::; n a holid *st atu[s,. No*nconforming items, shallii remai~n' in*:: a..i...::!?;!!i~!i*i :;:::i!

..ii!)*.. : .-segregated *area :until *approved disposition: has been determined:i:)- :.i-:*. .:*

  • .-:i:i:

2.: i:The corr~ec~tive action do~cument shall identify :the condition, :the cause- ;.!:l~

all nonco~nforming items and requested to: correCt the deficiencies.:::;: *,::.*:

  • 0L','.'...0;': i' ...i ): :.
:r:e'spon ii ::i sible ~fo:r*i coor dinabting ::the !dispos ition* ofa deficienht: :i t~ems.Wit hi :!i*ii [iili o***!!*:*r reject..I:`t~e~ms :shall *be r*epaired or r:eworkedi only: in; ac*co~rdance withi-*i:::!*
approved probcedUres and sha~ll be re-inspected after rePair
by :the: QA: i::III: i:i:  !*!i
  • :...:).' .-:.:---i.:i.,i..'.:

.. specialist:I Engineer:. DPC staff :shall ensure ithat documented ~and:.: :i: :: :

! iappro:ved

procedures are availabl~e prior t;!° repair or irework.
::i!:**:i* ii!:!; !:::i

... ~:5... . l5ii:.;tem*s.iwhich iare accepted i~for us~e witha :known defiiciency shall b;ie fullyi

  • i :i: :idocumente~td with ~th~especificatio n !:requirement, j]ustification*:f~or:i*i*:: ii::i ir;]i~:ac;eptanice, and effect !of such u:;se;*i Alli such :iitems lshall b*1e :a~p~provediii:


L i ii!

!i!i!:::: :::i:!:.;irecommen:0d e~d or*rec*tive. a~ctio~n:s thaa*in*:voliv~e :a d*e~s~ignncha*nge,*:..shall! :b-e~i



- by :DP pcstaff or: appiciiable :Designn::Author*ity. (r~ef.: Appen*di~x :::...

."'"10CFR21I.shall* be :reported In accordance with: approbved.:pr*ocedur~es'..". .


. .. .. ,' ".- -. '.. * :. ,: ":::) ... ." : -.. " D':" ".:

QD . .:...:*.!:*:: :.::..:.: *:..iL:

  • i: 23 ;::)::

.ii23 Rev. 29i.::i.:*:*.*.

...-L.  :..:..:.-...:-..'


  • i:' ::::*!i!:

/. .-:: <..::;.:.,.:., ::'.-: .:::./::.- -:--.:..-:

A. General:  ::::**:*:.*:*iii'i:!!.

  • i:i:::i*i::i::.i;!:i*:*i*::.*¸.

i:/thle oper~ati.on, mi:m.ntenance, :installation, rfepa~ir,: and modification o*f ISFS!::;;**I. ;*

    • SScs,
      alnd ithe :decommissioning: activities, covered :by the QAP.Di:. Also**::!.*:;!***::
"-infclud ed iareh istorical~i reco rds gathe red and -coll!ected; d uringgpl!ant :*and ::i::*::i.: :: :!iii
?ISFS I op*erations; which
are eithert*q re Uired toblsupporti th e dry~i icaski sltor~age*i*:: ::.iii
  • !;**exe~mpt from r~ecords ;keeping ir~equirements
    :inaccor~dance *:with :thei ter~ms iofi-*
i:iany iNRC- appro*ved irecords exem ptionnth*at"may be g ra nted :!SOLUTi*ONS:::.


.*..*.*-...*...... .: :..  :- . *1.:

T*.::*he DPC staff::is:respor~sib~e for establishing the requirements of :this.
  • ,,. , ,, . : se c tion...
  • '.i*:.:/;ii:.

i:*  :*:c:ontrolled and stored in: accordabnce with iwritten !Pr~o~cedures.*; The riecordl:

;;. ;:::!~:system~;!].inlude~s theii@ *rete ntion of *thioseii d~esign, f!abricatio0n, *in~specttb?
. i:::!i:i ion, ::*:;
    • ***.~~;:.:  :*i:::
i:i*; ic::borr*es pondin j :m anufactur:ing,,i:;nstalliation;,:. Insp~ctio:n, .itest, :and iaudeiti::i*i?*!:

i*?::::.. -::*.:;:i:specified ini: approv*ed pro~cedur*ies::. QA riecor~ds shal be::pro*:

- .!ii::i;:::..i tected::** ::.;!.*::!~:!:!

/;*;with :a *mean~s ob.f matching *therecord.d:;to the item; or activity ;to whlich;:f~ ::it

.i.!:. :i;~:::::/"::::.::  :::i

  • "..:..:::::i i: *:*subcon~t'racto~rs/sub-supplier~s, .theorigin~alQA r~ecord of the ~deliverables.i iiii i iiii i -:will:be.transmitted to SOLUTIONS or DPC When applicable:i:.iii-::i:.i*.i-l:..
  • ~i:
  • .ii:?:.:i.i ii:.I: :i2l.i 2::uthie A,.:i:i!:.:.ntic-ation:. Docum*ents s hall be!*onsid~ered valid~: ireco:rds .o nljy i*ifii~l l~~
i :":::":"::*i!!stamip~ed,:;' i~nitiale d, or *s ig ned :anda dated* by-a uth*ori'zed :.p ers oinel or!:*!ii:.*ii.!i:*:::i::


  • .:.*.:::*:.**i:*:!::i:i*i!**:/:**;:::!!:*:::*:ii:othritW~ise authentlicated, :including th~e :u~se o*:felbectr~onic approval iarnd~i::i;.i.
-!i'.i:ii?!i!:~:;::~i*:.i:-ii:i;ii.::i:.**:*aUthur*ization. *iThis: authen~ticat~ion may t:!ake ithe form o.f ai*statemenht biy!:;i.:* * ::, ,<:..,,,-.:. ,: ,:..... ,.,: .:

. *..iii* i/ *ii.::::: i::.:!:ii:ithe rei~sponisible, individu~ali or organlizat!Qion*.Han~dwriitten isignlatures i~arei**:i~: ':: :* :..:*::*'i  ::"i,.:.*::.:::

.i~~i:.:! : ::*;:::*;*. *!::no require .. d; if* theadocu ment :is clearl! id entified as ia:st atement bY *th e:*;::::

!.:;:: ;*::. :: :;.: ;.repo rtin g* ciniv idu al ori:org anrizat ion. :,T hes e: reco0rds-m ay* b e !originoals or0*::i:!:

i ii:":"

i .::ii;.:.::.:3:.:;:.3:

:"* iIndexing dentif~ication, Thel;ocation

-*. records of indexing the record system :within ~theincl

.must ude :records:.*i.::

isystem, and~iminimum:.:ii.i  ;*:::. :

.:--". ii;..:!:.:Hir etention. time. I:Th1e re~co rds and/or ind exinrig sy/ste m(s) :shallI ipro~videi:.;::.*


.ii:,:*::i*v:i:!29 QAPD 24

, .,*+* . ,.,, ,,,:,,,: ,* ,:, ... ,:,

Rev. 29

  • i:'i::: ! :i.:!:


.,:-.. : .'::" ; ':i":'-T:il* ' ":.:

!:i!i :i : i

.  : : : : :i:i: ilili

!  :*!:::!i!?:;::::-!sufficient; info.rmation to permit ;identtification between the: recor~d"anid the:.


": ;i 4:::~.Distirib~ut[ ion:: a:nd: Cntroli..; The records shlla. be distributed, h~ian dledi! ai!nd::
.cntoledinacoranewitritten np rocedulres. Measuresa*iha!.!. ble.*.zi ;
-: ;::! ;:;-::established to preclude the entryi of :unauthorized personnel inito :the:.::i*::::
i::*i.::~:stor~ag e requirements !aseither lfifetime o r nonpermanient'. R*eco*rds :~ithat:*
  • i::iiii.:.;!i:.;

.*i::i**?.:,:..:;::**::*.%~imeet .any..of :theefollo~wing 'criteria ~are idesignated Lifetimee"r~ecords ::anid~ii~.:;;i

.!!!:i:*!:i.iii*!* m
  • iii::I m ust ds , be m aintained.;!::*-*

a n d: ..:::..:i *i.:*

  • i -:; :: . . : . ..-i.: ::".. ~i:...:i.:~i*- -i:. .


i! :" *: ..:aiProject lifetime .*records shall.include, as a minimum, design: :*i.

  • :.. ... and interface control drawings, copies of material i.test reports,.-...i

. .;i.::/

ii~ ;: :;'::i:inclUding examination :reports*,' and nonconforman~cel re~portsii.;i!:~*:iii

.: :*-:i*:*.: of:** itemlm"!ife iof..the facility, ior life: of the license, aiipplicable.:..:*
  • .:* : .:*f!the tandaa~rds (.le:g.i: O1C FR7.i,.::10:: C:FR :72) w)-:ill'-be iinclud ed:.ini thl

=============.::!::.s *e: r*et entio n.:


.. :6. - :.-6::Storage . Requirements.:-:.The :records shall be stored; rIn: predetermined i:.i:*

    • i======================
.i ::.;.:*::location(s) that a:meet :the lrequir~ements..of appllicable standards, :codes,;i.:::::
  • i::*:ii::

i::::i!:*:..::::~.*i-.  : *::i::i*!and regulaorat:Yiige nc*ies ..i.Prio~r: *toisto:ra ge o!f r!ec ords,i: a w:ritte*n s:tor~iage*..i:*:

!i~i Z '"


""*" "' I".Records *shall be stored

":temperatur~ei:.:A~ll'om aintained in hard:copymoistureor?.:"***

fo:rm shiall b~e firmly:-  : '":..:::

_.... ..... :: attac~hed: to bi!ndersi or..placed in: :folderts, e:nvelopes, o:r :boxes fo;{ri::!::::.i* ::.:;

.:::::.-: ::.-:*::storage in file :.cabinets or within :containreis on :shelving. :Records miay:**.

  • ::*:i:.i:*i**.:!i.*i::;::*::i:::b:i!le::

stored' iini:belectr onic :media: pro~vide~d that: the '*process :for mi:anha * *g::ingi..

ii ::*-:::.::.:::- a.:*::
i:*?Re~cords :shall b:ie storied in fiacilities ~that minimize the :risk of damage
.: 1!: :: i.,.¸ QAPD 5.-....  :: Rev:29 .".:::::":"
  • -,, .b. Natural di sasters such .as :Win d, flood,, or fires;.. .,.:..:- .:. :..:/.:*f.V:i .:.:.
-:c. E::Jnvi~ron*m-ental c:onditions : sucbh as{ hig S-:. :i::a n d :low: temper*atures iand:a*::i : .

S"d::. !Inf:jiestationby* :insects, moldi:. or r:odents.ii:~i:

!:.-:7:.: D~isposition- Va~riou s i:reg ulatory agencies ihave: :req~u~irementsi~~*:i{ii:


on~cerning records- that are. withini th-e scope: of thie QAPD. :The::

    • :*stringent ir~equire~ments sha~ll be: usedl in !:determining ;the :.finhali:i::~::ii most .

!.i XVII.

LUiT l-.}:, : : -:i::::'<:"

":x .i! ,:::::"",,':,:!i

" A::" \*:.-. G ene ral  : "*.::
This section :establishes }the requir~ements for a system ::of planned and ii::"::::::::::::

.documented .audits to} verify complianCe with all aspects of the :QA program..================

,and to. assess the, effectiveness of the program as. it applies to .the ISF:SI,:. :::*::;!:: ...

The system provides for thee reporting andd review of audit u results by :!*:*:.i~::(:::::!;:.:::*::::!:::i !i:*~i:*::

  • //


kli~sts.i :des~igna:tin~g ::andc itraiani~nggaudit pei: rsonnel, !:and*I conducting:#::::::k i:i*:! **d au* dits..*

i s *"i' *~ i b @*:**:*!:.,**:i *i:*:*i- i:i*:*:*:i:} i::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::.! =============================== *:~::d .U :


":bv::. . " ThebiQA verify that :S~pe~ciaJi
  • th~e ISFSi stl /i:En
is gbeing peforims :in:consisstentt in~e* maintained
er depe n d en*trevieW an d auidit i:to:.:l:: :!

w:ith ~company.::*::i:(::i:!i::::*i~

.:i :!::!. safetyey administrative, andd llicensing provisions. :::. :!: :::::"::.. :::i::::}-!:V:.:-;:i,: ::ii !!::

C. .: Rbea~ ulre e ~m ~ennts:: s {*:i*!; :;iii:i*i: ..:::i!i:

  • i ::::: *i:i!

{*!iiE~*IEi::/: ;:::*::i i;:i*:*:::ii::: ::!{ *}.** .:***i

i:'": i:::!

.::i:::i-:{i :;:*i*i!! *}:

i~ii*i": :*:,;

  • i1.*:::*i;;

A udciti}Shal i:: be p~ierform;e d i~n a*ccorda*nc e ::w ith: written pi;*rocedur esi!or ii~! !:::: i:.ii:i*i!:

checkl!is~ts! by appropriately ~trained p~er*sonnel: haviing no6!*dir~ect:.ii:*: i::.:::!'I:: :{

-: =================:.i ri*-espo nsibil ities in.theeartea audi ted.: *Defici encie6s from iprev*io ussau dit s i -ii:*

:}::shall- be r~eViewed a nd re-;audited:, as appropriate:.-The checklists ar:e :::,: ::
. 2:;. AUdlits may b~e conducted by th~e' QA Specialist I :Eng~ineer :or: other. ::}::a

.,... :.qualified personnel,. such ~as technical specialists from other: :;::-. . .;.::;i

Au~dit *ani :s u~rveillance iresults :sh alli b:e idocumented :a~n~d reviewed wi*th.,: :. :ii 3.::::::::::

i:::i:::*:i:*!isu:pervisi~on the ar.!ea audit~ed, who sh0::fall:take necessary!.:::{::

.}:!:i.:::. action :to corr*ect r!epo~rted dleficiencies. i:Follow-up-actionin:rcludciJng r:ie- ::::ili:

,-:;:.s~l;:: :i.,:a~udit/re-survey of0d:eficien*t ara,, !aS:is ini~tiated :a s }dee~medJappr*oprli~at~e:...,,:i:i::

..: : :=:.*:~*:::*:::.*!*: , ~i: iii 6 ::i:i.i/:::i:!2

:::: :::.::, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Rev. }2299.ii~
.; : :.::}.!i!i::! :ii::i!::.:: .:ii}::::R  :::i:



4.i:i!iii!T~he Q:*A:iSpecialisti i!iEng*ine!er: s*hall *::assess :the following:~**~**



i*!ii:ii iil iiiiiiiii!i:

  • iiii*ii!*iiiiiiii*ii*iiii ii
a..!], cviaui:,:*1/

I!  !/U:!..! qua!i ii 1M!I ty dl ~i UlI!:d:IIUC plli:aJ!ULl;iucb, p":i

  • !U UCU U5I dIKED~J[

]i: ii]:i :::] i i~:


iii ~~ii:* : .:b: effecud t!ic vendUess ofimplremethati the oiowin;gand. aS reiiauitd:iiii i*ii:::~iii:!*iili: :

i::ii~J cno
i!i~~ii:i:licii.iii !..:il: i:i*i ith i A mac with approv01 ii e d~iiICaii proedureal os. iand;ia!* ~ b *ii~ !*eiili i:ii !*iii
    • !: !:i: :i* Aud*:i::i.l
iii sche:*ulesi ass~ii*i~i:*ur.

it:!iii*i**.d e thatlii:i i**.:i the*folo in areasi1241 are.o:~i: audited at t~he.iii i!ii**ii:** :i:i::ii*


  • i*ii ::: i *:: ndiiicated**:i:ii*

i ii:*i:*i * [**i frequenc

  • *d* i*ies or more frequently as :*:iii;::*i* perform ance lii
  • i~ii:::** dictates.
  • l3**iiii*ii*:i
i.**:i ii:i::*ii*:i*3i~ii:::::*:ii:i*i**

i::i:.ii Training and qualifications of the staff..


i!i  ::*:.

Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring with equipment, structure, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety.


.: ,.:::::- :;  :::nc:- of,:.:..-

ac .:,:**

ivities.. required:b

-*.3: :.:. -::* .::. the

.) QA:

  • program  :,.i*:: to:::::

meet:*:::.!::~u*arH:ai!l::i:O**CFR::7 thecrteia f 0 FR.i:i8*b 0,Apen B 10:3, CFR:

r :~ :3:*!:i:.:,i:::~l:

ix 71::




  • ,: :  :;:::7:::::i :i , ,***/-.,

n0:ted *.*andarog 1.etPo ht th ate~nt~ioe n olefo!the Pr  :~etsMaagder and.. ,: ill

3:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::9.::::: External audits .or s*:urveys of: suppliers: providing3 Imp~ortant:*To afety::***! I
materials,. parts, eq::::i;::i::*f* services U nyi~i*mom3:*rquipmentlo 1f imareperormd at
  • th~e~s*::

i:::ind*::* cated*:::

  • i**.::::::::::::::::::Ii*:::

ii(!i:~i: :i!iii!***:: o~*r*Smoefeunl me~:j**i!erformanc as pn*'::i dici~i t:J~ :a~n:tes. n*:~ iies*i:i::i:

i ::::.!*::::::i*!::*: ::*:!:i:3::::ii:3i:i*0. 3a.Suppliers provdingdi.:by:.

.i:;!-!*i:: co m riali gradeicalibrationie a ndte stitng service:sin i::.::

i:ii~i~ii::: who::::::::::


en:accredited. m*by na iat*onally:co re3i gnized accredi* i.Ttin:gil::~ : *lbody, uiong:i::::i:

ii:*:!:ii:::: *.!)::procedures. consistent i:::::* !:ii::i.. w-:!i.*::*i**!:..!:::*

ith:tho se.

i*i:.::::!;:*:!!:~i~!:*i*:: found:::::::::::::::::::
  • i:::Z::::!**:i*:: In A N:::ili.iiF[:

SI/ISO":: IIE C 17025!3 i:":F:::..: ::: ! *:*i!* 3:*:!:*:3i:i .:( :*i i (::i~i *::::*Q i:*:*:*:**:!.:* General:::i*i!*ii**

Requirements for the Competence:: of-::::J:;*:;*!:

Testing::: and3: 'Calibration:::::::::::::::

  • :Labo0rato0ries~i, do: not h a ve tob be p erio0dically :su rveyed: !ifth cbi*onditions ::::i:i*:i*:
  • i;i of the N RC iSafetyi Evialualtion dated iFebruary 9, 20i15 :are*met (seei *':I ! ::
  • i*ii
  • i i *i¸::: :i:: ;z:.* .:::::i:i:i*,:!.i: :i.

Apeni xB. onros halbe etbise inap ical prcdue to ensure~ii.:

  • .!!i ;ii:;i::*::*2 the::::::::: r qi rem  :*.:: entsii*:::2
  • *.::;i:  :*i* ofi*:i the .:: NRCiSafety:::::::::::::: Evaluation?}:i:-.**: il~are
i;,i i:!: *:*!.:!i.: :*1:: ?:i;!i~: : .;i:
  • ... :. : .>i.:H, : : ...:...::... ,.....:.:.:.,.... ,+: :,: ,L.¸. -<-.>::::,
:/..:> :: :. . :.....< :: ::.: .: .:..,.,:: ..:.:,::. ,::,:::  : :' ,.. :..:..:.-;:. * .:...:.::>:::.::: :::: :.. :..:;....:-: .... --
  • .* **!!!**ii*,**. *ii*!i*.!** .i..*iii/*.! i *i**.

iI* ii*ii*il *ii!*i!**I .i*i* i:i*I i !i!

.. . *:ii ... ill i i:ii:ii i ii*i

  • i* i*; *ii*,ii* i*!!*iii'!*iI *iii*,
      • iiiI*i iiii!i* !ii*



!!! :**=*

: i!i!!
  • i!¸
  • !* i *IL*:*¸  ;*i::i:il;*!

. :.. :. : . i;,*::. .

-.' " ::':: * "* *i: :,'*:: * :.i'*-* ;:.:.,'.. ::,:;*.*

ii* i ii"

. * . .. :: :. . . . : . : :. . , . :r .-  : "'::'/,...  : :': ..

ili*i*i*i* i;i!:* ii i i* *i!*

'..'..' i.i..*./.': " i:i: *  ::,,*: -.-:*:i::: ::.:%1..

!!i! !i!ill il i *!i *i! ii!i**!*

ii:*- /i*!i !ii*ii !i ii/i ii!iii!:i*

  • i*:iii *i i**. *iii*!*iii*i ill *:-:i:i:i*!*:i::i* .* :*:*: *:::iiii:  !*:!i:!:::: *.ilri:

QAPD 28 Rev.

!. .,.i~i*.:-  ;":I.iMPOrT.ANT TO1 sAFETY STRUCTruRES. SYSTEMS AND CoMPONENTS:i,:.:. -. :.

. .:.- . The pertinent qual~ity as~surance requirements of.10 CFR 50, *Appendix :B, 10::I CFR :71!IIi i~i.. Subpart H and 10 CFR: 72 Subpart G will be applied, as a. minimum, to all qualityi-::.* i:i:

.. :..:.::.. ...i i.:activities .affecting .the I!mpo rtant TO Safety (ITS) StructuresiSystems and: =* :.*  ;:* :; '**;'

bi.i::ased on .e~ngineeringieval~uations:and :a revision ito t'he INAC-MPC FISA:R*I. :Th~ese!l~:!:::::I

  • not considered**a :redutionintihi~***le comnmitmenjs to :the ::QAPO.::v::*i

... *i~:*::::. !, ',!:!ii:-:::iiii:i::*:

  • The quality cl~assification:of NRC,-licensed Dry Spent"Fuel StorageComponents and.

',..Transportation.:Pa~ckages.may.:not be r;evised:.using the iLACBW W*Design ::Control!i:~~:*:!:!!

.:process. *Th~ese :modifica~tions must :be :made :by the Certifica.teHolder. *The*::::i*-:.:!::I::

il:Certificate:Holderis rlespOnsible for idesign and licensing~icontrolsf(orthesei:; I.!::.;:. I*:

c.:::,omponentsubnder: their NRC-appro~ved Quality: A ssurance ;iProgram. SOLuTI/oNS!.:I.;

  • utilizes these:types ~of .componentsland*packages* under.:the provisions of a NRCii;::i:i:
.iGeneral-:Licensefori!Radioactive Material TransportationiPackages (10 :CFR 71ii) ~andi.

I::*:?tems and :services:associated with P:*ackaging and :Transportation of; Radioactive' i: ::

"*"i.Materdia s described ::in 10:i:C FR!71:,: andi i ndep*endent:; Sto6rag e: of:Spent N~fuclear: F~uelI.:

..:,assdescribed*in 1.:;t0 C FR :72,; willials o* fall ;under ;the r*eq'uiremen*ts: of: the:QAPD."*:.ii-.:: :.


packages are defined below :...  : *:  :  :::  :,  :,  :::: :ii::L ii:.iiii*;;ii!i!;;*

  • 'i!::ii
  • ".i *!*:*ii!!ili:i,!?


A.i: ::

Dry Spent:::::Fuel Storage *:ii!:i!i!**i;i~: (10. C:FR 72)~i:!:.......

  • ii*i:;:


ii:iii*i*i!i*:::;*i iii*: !*


i.i:.:::i :::ii*.i?

  • Design Quality !::*:*:i::::**i:::.:iDesign::*!:'
i:..::i::.: .:: S-sc"":ii~i::
  • '::..J ....Cateaorv:.  :*:::%"*Auth0dtv:i:*!:...::;i"


T.ransportable Storage:Can~ister and Fuel Basket Assembly:.! i-:"I:". .. A':: :.* :.:-NAC Intl'.:..,I :..


  • .:i::*:ii:!':*.

!:il ISFSI Pad . .... " .. ..--: *: :.,: :, . . . : .... :-- . .: ' , .:- : - C ... . ,. -D PC .....:

Laaiftinn:g" Y oke  ! ::i:::::*!i: :.i::::U :.:: .".*.:i ***:*:;:"i-::..:: "!::" .BA ::.:".:I .:*:: NAC A :Intl. n L:::i... *:

ii !* iii:I

?* :*: i!*i l i!::i*


!i i: i:i'il QAPD QAD29Rv.2 . .. .,

-: . i:.:  : """ .*:::. ':". '::-; ::"::":" " ": "


  • !i::i::,:
  • ii*ii:::*i*:

i,  :: ::i! :i::*::,



  • L*:


, : :!: i**,::


y::*:i:": II::'" " i:.. .ii.i PP N I A:! A.ii:::

""APPENDIX i ./ ~ii: *!-:i

... (Page 2 of 2)


.i::*:":.:. :.i:.}; : ::" SC .:. ' .- " :: " : : ":: .Qa itgoy.-.,*;- Design"Authority" Transportable Stora e. Canisters and Fuel Basket Assembiy....I" A... ' NAG Intl: .

Damaged Fuel Can:.-.:-..  :: * '  :" /  !"I;"" A : ".:NAG Intl. :

Transportable Storage Canister and Basket Assembly For GTCC.I' A" -*NAGI*,: ;intl. :

W aste Containers: . "__"_____I___""._:-I__""

Storage Transp~ort-Cask. (STC): :"". ..:. . -". .. A'.". "NAG Intl..":


C. Radioactive-Material Transport Packages (10 CFR.71) -

Radioactive M~aterial. Transport.Packages subject to the *provisions of 10. CFR 7:1, S~ubpart C,:. uG eneral.LicernSes,:=' are ;iim portant .:To..Safety and subject: .to i;the*

. a~pplicable :requ!irem ents.. of the6 QAPDi:::I. .;:!  :: .::..":i ".:: .:.*.::~::.*: ;i.:.:::!:::

NA*C-MPC **Final ~:*Sa~fety* A*na~yis.:

1. S::::i{::}ee Report ifor additiionalJclassification:***::.i:}:!:::

[infforrm atio lc n.*:*: ::::::::::: :: .i.":.:. :......./!:: i:::i::. .:.:i. . : ;: : ::::: :. :: :::::::::::::::::::


See NAG Storage

  • associated *Transport Cask NAC specifications (STC) Finalclassification for additional* Safety Analysis Report and information.
3. For the definitionof QualitY Categories A, B:, and C refer to NUREG/CR-6407:.

QAPD 30 QAPD30Rev. 29

i:: ,.. :i.lrl:¸,:I:;¸:


  • ~**

PPEND IXBi~. !i*i*i :!i ,i EPT:  !*::IONS: ":" ii*:::*** *::.i~iii~:*

  • .. -.. . .. . . .. . .. . .. ..., . . , ... . . . . l . . . . .


.1.1 Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1I-R-5/7, Pesne Seletion end Training 1;;.;:,;::!:2..

.;;;::Regulatory iGuide 1.10, Ri;;evisIon 2.(3/05), "Establishing.Quialit~y iii *:

Assuanc Proram forPacagig Usd i theTrasporatin o


+.. - -.-.-.-...-.

,:::. l -w*.* ... "";*:i.1l.*TUI .JiOC'liii..Wli.Jiir i ittislaljiliiu US.II.:.:.C.J*tl LCLIUIIl OIIUi LIE 7


i;i::Fueli iSitoria ge::: iSyte m* rC:Om*pon ents A~ccording ito:*il Iportant to ;Safety!i:;i,:i~i (2 /..9.6)...". ,.:::::.  :,,:',_,.::

2.0 S2.1 iiN;iucl]ear; Energy:; Insti~tute :(N EEI)! N E !~4i-055ii"Guid elines for :the Us e o**f  : i~li li:~;I:i

Accred ita tion ::in iLieuJi: of Commrre ci al* Grade !Survieys for P rocbureme n~t! obfi~lii::*::

S Laboratory Calibration and :Testl Services,"; revision Q. and associated :;:*i

...... ,. H..,.. ,..


!~; :*iii!:** ii:3.0~*:!:*¸

- ""':* :: " :. None:.'

.*i/-::i.*ii i*.!*'.  ;//:*:* :i.:,,*.*i*!* i.i:ii.*iI *

.-.....-.....- - ..-.. H...... . H ......... ..... H .. ,.

i:;*:}ili!i:!.;: i:!::============================2::*;::::*;;i:

  • /:*::!:}i


. .:,:. : :-:. :-:* ..:r', :.'" r "....:  ::" :"*" ":: ' *. "':'.:::.',"


i::'..'i*,,":i! ii::.::i:,.!.!'.i:!;:'.: :"" : :.' i:i :

iiil! i'

/:., _ :. :.::... :.::.


PD~!ii:::il i ii~i*ii~i:-. 31'i*:*  : *i;!;:i::'

!i*:i:*i:*:,il *:i* i: *!i:*;*;*/;:i::*;*i' :Rev.

    • i:;2*i*;!:*;:.
il;i*i i :*:*iii*ii*i!ii::i*:*i iii 29!;i~~~i*!~



. . .. "" .- ,-:'-,.' '.;-:b .. :  :.:.:.

i:!.-*iti i.:i i":i!i;}!*i:*!i(i:.i*i.

. .(Page 1l of 4) .
. .... ....,:, :."":i:.': :.:.i:":-:.. ,.:::-

" . : i,} . ::/ .,. 'i:i/i .}i},ADMINISTRATIVE CGONTROLS.:I il ,. .i~I.~I:.:I::.ii ~,":i :.i}i}~

'i:These Administr~ative :Control



eedvloe osport; opertation of the L{ACBWR

/;.ii:;planrti whiilie: :inh. SA:FSTORRi(d.i smantlem~ent)} and:-operationi~ of. the. LACBWRi i SF.Sii :i. :

T3!;:i:~iequ r ire~men ts~we re; pr~evious iyl :in clud ed :i n~ the: Tech nicail Speciifi cation0s :Zand~::. i iii:!iere: :relaei.*bid iL6!to th .xpD!udg.!c!ved~~missinQAPD during- active,:decommissioning.!:::i:iiii:i:!:i~i!i*:~i:i!i!:!:*:.i~l ji!!


.fi;/:: .i.:c:i overing :the :Pl ant dbcomm~is sio niJng acti vi~tie s ref-reien ce d ibe low anddin 1.1.3 Radiation Protection Program implementation.

1.2 Each procedure required by Section 1.1 above and programs listed in Section 2.1 through 2.5, and any changes theretog shall be independently reviewed by a Qualified Technical Reviewer and approved by the Project Manager or designee prior to implementation.

2::.-20: :PROGRAMS AND :MANUALS ".::

i!i! i!i!: ii r:!:..::*:i:;.;eview.: Eice~nse~e-i nitiat ed]: chanoes. to {theg iPC Cpshal i:b e su bmi[tted to*.iiii

  • .!*!.;%{;!..i;;*.!i*which t.ihe chan.;.*ge(s) w*asma*d~ei~i. *This submittal shallicontai~ni :> ; ::

the :::.


i:::::~~i:*: con*:::!
::!:: ,;i:}**;::::: *:forman*e iof the solidifi~ed waste :pr~oduc:t to,*existin~g criter~ia* for! ::; ::* * ;: : i; 2.1.:3:: .Do:ume~ntaiotJn of :thie fact: that t:he change !has been reviewed a~nd :

i i::found

. :acceptable :by a Qualified :Technical Reviewer.. ::: :*i:! ::i:




i:}i i:ii:;*!:::::i:i*


I iii i}:!i ii; i: ::i :i'i i*:!:i i:ii*!*::::::i*


i:::!:i*ili :i:ii:/i::!:117

,.... ..... -.. ,..._...,* ..... -', :.;..: : ".,'...'w::'::i Q;APD  : :: *'!::} 32 ...i...

i..: ;!:ii: ::32:: *..:}.... . : ....


,-..- *" ..R Rev.

..ei!.:29 29:

.;:,:.,  ::-i

(Page 2 of 4)}i C;

..**?:: i::.::i
:.3-:;";:ADM INISTRA iVE CONTROLSi:;i.*ii~::i:& ":i :./ :i* i.:... *~i/;:;
  • i:,i::i:iiiiiii!

-:.::' :i; .::: iili!:!

": 73/ii ":.:{:: :-:::: In:i~.:i.::!formation submitted should consist of a package of :those -pages:
.:::i:..:. }.:::ii::.i:.,.* ::: /i}.6of::.;
.i/i.! the 00*CM :changed iwithi each page numbered .and providedi: : :

. }:: ". :"i. ": :}::: "": ;.':{i-:w:itht an approval and date box, together with appropriatei:.!:; . }:::: i

'.:i ::-...::!:i:Sr~adioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to miembers of the ... :.::.i:

.. ::.. {:/ ::;. .: progra~m (1I). shalli be cobntained :in: th~e: 0DCM,:(2:)shall: be: implementedI.:i.:ii::!!i

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                             .-i T* *." remedial actions to be ta~ken whenever.the pro0gram limits are exceeded:..};. "
                              ..i.-:/}/,.:i: .:-:The program shall :include.'the following, elements:::.                                                          . .,. ?-} ..?} 7 . ; :.4.::


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                                           .: }::/":.:: ::*::.                 methodolo*gy and iparameters described :in the 00CM:;.:*:i*::/`:::::.*.;*::*:}.                                                                 .

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                                           .:.:}!il":;.from radioactive :effluenits-for :the current calendar quarter *a~nd:!:: * " :*::
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APPENbIX c (Page 3 of 4)


2.3.6 Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of the public from tritlum and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released to areas beyond the site boundary conforming to 10 CFR 50, !i!:.:i:i*T*:*:!:iii:i!*::!):i!iii:

       -.. ,- : ....                                                       Appendix I; 2.3.7 LimItations on the annu'aI dose or dose commitment to any iiii member of the public due to release of radioactivity and to' radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR                                                                                -
 ...::{*i* *:*::*.*ii!iiiii:                                               Part 190.

Radiological Environmental Monitorina Proa ram A program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radionuclides in the environs of the plant. 'the' program shall provide representative measurements of radioacdvty In the highest potential exposure pathways. The program sha~l (1) be contained in the ODCM; (2) conform to the guidance of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and (3) Include the following: 2.4.1 Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters'described in the ODOM.' 2.4.2 Participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program to~ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in the environmental' sample matrices are performed aspart of the Quality Assurance Program for environmental monitoring.

ii,2:*5 i:


F.e~deral:R~egulations, i:the :following *:repo*rts shall be isub*mitted!:


  • }iori::: to *1.:: off:eac~hy*e'ar. in: a~ccord ancewitjh~i:10 C FR !:50ii*::L.4.

2.5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring ni o inq ReM e pi*-i!! iL:: i::::i:::!i::!liiE.ii:*:,orti: iiiii! ii!:

                                                               !:{!::::::*!:::the report :ishall :ibe s::ubm*itted :notin1g :and iexplainin~g :the reasons:**:!:!:: :i*:


:o::the: mis*sinig:i* reuit~s. T he mim ssing data shall* be sulb mitted: as:!i -::.::://*::!::::

soon as possible In a supplementary le niar~ie o~:::.:i:. ::. ~i:i:*i!:: :::::::::::::::::*:i!:i:i:!*iii::: i*:!:*


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                                    .QAPD                                                                                                                                                                                                       PD ::::~:::.R~ev. 29::

FIGURE 1 La Crosse Solutions Organization SOLUTIONS (off-site) I I PresidentI SOLUTIONS (on-site dismantlement) ,. *

                                            /                  rjc              a  grK   I
                                                     /                        I P                       I ISFSI ACTIVITIES (subcontracted to DPC)        [..............................

QAPD 36 QAPD36Rev. 29

Enclosure 2 LACBWR Q.APD, Revision 29, Summary of Changes

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes LACBWR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (QAPD) Revision 29 Summary of Changes The Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) and LaCrosse Solutions (SOLUTIONS) have recently submitted an application to transfer the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Possession-Only License No. DPR-45 to from DPC to LaCrosse Solutions QAPD Revision 29 was developed in conjunction with the SOLUTIONS application for the Transfer of the NRC 10 CFR 50 license from DPC to SOLUTIONS for the completion of decommissioning. Upon NRC approval, SOLUTIONS will be the NRC licensee responsible for all activities under the LACBWR License. QAPD Revision 29 reflects the iicensee change from DPC to SOLUTIONS, and reflects the plan to subcontract the management and activities at the ISFSI to DPC. Upon completion of decommissioning, SOLUTIONS will apply to the NRC to transfer responsibility for the NRC License back to DPC. In order to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency, this revision of the QAPD was jointly developed by DPC and SOLUTIONS to facilitate the various stages of license transition described above. S The proposed revision is a substantial revision to the QAPD and will replace the current QAPD Revision i,28 in its entirety. Major or substantial changes are described along with the justifications for those - changes. In addition, various minor changes are discussed in summary form. SMany of the following changes were based on similar changes that the NRC approved in the ZionSolutions Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, ZS-QA- 10, Revision 7. The LACBWR site status is substantially the same as that of Z~on at the time the Zion ZS-QA- 10, Rev. 7 was approved and implemented (i.e., fuel transfer completed, only decommissioning remaining). Note that by Revision 28 of the QAPD DPC had already completed the maj or QA Program transition to the Regulatory Guide 7.10 (RG 7.10) basis after fuel transfer was completed. Therefore, the ZS-QA-10 Revision 7 and the QAPD Revision 28 were already aligned in that the program basis both were aligned to RG 7.10. Chanwe 1 -Org~anization Changes: The license transfer application and the approach whereby SOLUTIONS will manage and perform decommissioning activities and will subcontract DPC to manage and perform ISFSI activities made extensive changes necessary to the QAPD Policy, Section 0.0 Introduction, Section I Organization, and Figure 1 Organization chart. These changes also made numerous changes necessary throughout the remainder of the QAPD, to align specific references and responsibilities accordingly. The specific changes to the Organization describe and reflect the language contained in the overall license transfer submittal to the NRC. It is understood that the QAPD Revision 29 would only be implemented in conjunction with the NRC approved license transfer from DPC to SOLUTIONS. Given the precondition of NRC approval of the license transfer, the Organization changes herein are specifically identified under 10 CFR 50.54(a)(3)(iii) as not representing a reduction in commitment, and therefore the QAPD Revision 29 changes of this nature continue to satisfy the criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and the Quality Assurance requirements of 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR 72. Page 1 of 4

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes Chang~e 2 - Substantive Chang~es: Substantive Change 2A.: In recognition of the limited number of ITS and/or radiological items that will require safety reviews at the ISFSJ and remaining D&D activities, this revision incorporates significant changes to the safety review functions described in the QA program. The Safety Review Committee (SRC) has been removed from QAPD Revision 29 and replaced by the Independent Management Assessment (IMA). Section II.E.4 identifies an Independent Management Assessment (IMA) functiOn. Individual(s) that perform IMAs are assigned by the President. The requirements for an independent review function was based on ANSI Ni18.7-1976 as endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, and were satisfied by the SRC. The composition and function of the SRC as was described in the QAPD revision 28 followed the guidance provided in ANSI Nl8.7-1976, Section 4.3.1. The program described therein was intended for operating nuclear power plants. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, does not specifically require an independent review function (as described in ANSI Ni18.7) as part of its quality assurance program requirements. Appendix B, 10 CFR 50, Criterion II States in part: "The applicant shall regularly review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program." The JMA as described in the QAPD revision 29 meets this 10 CFR 50 requirement. Substantive Change 2B:" In recognition of the limited number of ITS and/or radiological items that will require safety reviews at the ISFSI and rema~ning D&D activities, this revision incorporates significant changes to the safety review functions described in the QA program. The Operations Review Committee (ORC) has been removed from QAPD Revision 29 and replaced with the Qualified Technical Review (QTR). The QTR is defined in Section 00.B, and QTR qualifications are established in Section II.F.3.c. The

  • documentation that requires QTR is identified in several places in the QAPD: Section II.D, Section III.B.3, Section V.B.3, Section XI.B.3, and Appendix C Sections 1.0 and 2.1.3 all specify' documents that require a QTR. The Project Manager and the Site Manager, Genoa are responsible for the QTR function.

This change was approved by the NRC in the case of numerous other decommissioning plants at the same stage of decommissioning, e.g. Yankee Rowe, Connecticut Yankee, and Maine Yankee. This change is justified based on reduced scope and complexity of operations at the station, and reduced staff, making the continued operation of the ORC impractical and unnecessary. The responsibilities of the QTR will encompass the functions currently performed by the ORC and will be consistent with the scope of activities at a permanently defueled facility in an advanced stage of decommissioning. Substantive Change 2C. The applicability of the QAPD to the ISFSI and decommissioning scope was clarified in Section II.B. The QAPD Revision 28 Section fl.B stated that the QAPD was applicable to "Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning activities". The QAPD applicability to decommissioning scope is now described in the QAPD Revision 29 in the same way as in the Zion ZS-QA- 10, Revision 7. This change is justified based on reduced scope and complexity of operations at the station, and is consistent with the scope of activities at a permanently de fueled facility in an advanced stage of decommissioning. The applicability of the QAPD to ISFSI ITS activities and 10 CFR 71 licensed waste shipments remains unchanged in QAIPD Revision 29. Substantive Change 2D: The QAPD Revision 28 Section XVII Records was replaced in its entirety with the language from the Zion ZS-QA- 10 Revision 7. This change represents practical records controls that have been approved by the NRC in the case of numerous other decommissioning plants at the same stage of decommissioning, e.g. Yankee Rowe, Connecticut Yankee, Maine Yankee and Zion. Substantive Change 2E: In the Appendix B "alternatives", the 2005 APS submittal and NRC approval related to the calibration services for M&TE was updated to the recent Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Page 2 of 4

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes NEI 14-05, "Guidelines for the Use of Accreditation in Lieu of Commercial Grade Surveys for Procurement of Laboratory Calibration and Test Services," Revision 0, and associated NRC Safety Evaluation dated February 9, 2015. This is acceptable since it is approved by NRC Safety Evaluation, and provides more flexibility for acceptance of testing and calibration services. Substantive Change 2F. In Section XVI.C, the following sentence was added as an enhancement: "Conditions that may be reportable per 10CFR72.242, 10CFR71.95, or 10CFR21 shall be reported in accordance with approved procedures." Substantive Change 2G:~In Appendix C, Section 1.1, the following references were removed, justified as follows: 1.1.1 ISFSI Operations and Maintenance: This was removed as a redundancy. The QAPD Section V already applies to ISFSI Operations and Maintenance, so it was not necessary for this to be listed in Appendix C also. 1.1.5 Physical Security Plan implementation: The requirements for procedure to implement the Physical Security Plan are self-proscribed ther'ein, and it is not necessary to list this in Appendix C. 1.1.6 Emergency Plan implementation: The requirements for procedure to implement the Emergency Plan are self-proscribed therein, and it is not necessary to list this in Appendix C. 1.1.7 Procedure for controlling temporary changes: Based on current status of ISFSI and decommissioning temporary changes are not required. Change 3 - Editorial / Administrative Improvements and Clarifications: Editorial changes to remove historical information no longer relevant after license transfer, make specific references more general in nature, and eliminate unnecessary detail of no QA program relevance were made. The types of changes of this nature are as follows: EditorialChanges Type 3A: In a few instances, historical details that were not necessary were eliminated. These include changes to eliminate "Passive SAFSTOR" in Section 0.0B, and removing historical detail at the introduction to Appendix C. EditorialChanges Type 3B: In a few instances, specific references were changed to be more general in nature. Examples include: Section XV, "Corrective Action Report (CAR)" was made "corrective action document", and "Purchasing" was made "procurement support staff." Vl.C.4, "Administrative Staff' was made "administrative staff." In Section V.C, "procedures" was replaced by "guidance" and "Work Orders" in places to provided flexibility. EditorialChanges Type 3C." In a few instances, unnecessary detail of no QA program relevance was eliminated, such as "Company", "Administrative Control Procedure (ACP)" and "QA Manual" being removed from Section 0.0.B. In summary, these types of changes are considered editorial and do not alter the intent or purpose of the QAPD and continue to satisfy the criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and the Quality Assurance requirements of 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR 72. OVERALL EVALUATION: Radiological risk factors associated with D&D activities have been significantly reduced. All spent fuel has been transferred to the ISFSI. The ISFSI has transitioned to long-term passive operations. Additionally, although not known for certain, there is a remote possibility that Class B and Class C radioactive waste may be required to be shipped offsite for disposal, so the QAPD still applies to those activities should they be necessary. Page 3 of 4

Al . QAPD, Revision 29" Summary and Evaluation of Changes The QAPD Revision 29 applies to all activities associated with structures, systems, and components (SSCs) which are important to safety (10 CFR 72). The QAPD also applies to transportation packages licensed by the NRC under 10 CFR 71. For other ISFSI and D&D activities, administrative programs and procedures ensure compliance with governing regulations and include appropriate controls for activities under the radiological control programs previously contained in the Technical Specifications. The proposed revision to the QAPD is appropriate for the remaining D&D activities and ISFSI operations. All safety related systems have been removed from service and have undergone partial or complete demolition. Radiological risk factors associated with D&D activities have been significantly reduced. All spent fuel has been transferred to the ISFSI and Greater Than Class C (GTCC) waste has~ been removed from the site. Should any Class B and Class C radioactive waste remain to be shipped offsite for disposal, the QAPD would still be applied to those activities. The ISFSI has transitioned to long-term passive operations. The system is inherently safe by design. The main function of the ISFSI organization is to monitor the environment in a way that demonstrates the integrity of the system. While it continues to be important to maintain an appropriate quality standard that preserves the passive functionality of the system, it can be accomplished satisfactorily through conformance to RG 7.10. The proposed revision will continue *o satisfy the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and the QA requirements of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H, and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.

                                             - End of Changes  -

Page 4 of 4

BARBARA A. NICK President and CEO DAIRYLAND POWER C_ 0OP ER AT IV E November 17, 2015 10 CFR 50.54(a)(4) In reply, please refer to LAC-14359 DOCKET NO. 50-409 and 72-046 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Dairyland La Crosse Power BoilingCooperative Water Reactor (LACBWR) Possession-Only License DPR-45 Revision 29 of the LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description (OAPD)


1) LACBWR Possession-Only License No. DPR-45
2) LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description, Revision 28 The purpose of this letter is to submit Revision 29 of the LACBWR QAPD for USNRC approval prior to implementation. Dairyland Power Cooperative and LaCrosseSolutions, LLC have recently submitted an application to transfer the LACBWR Possession-Only License No. DPR-45 to LaCrosseSolutions, LLC. Revision 29 of the QAPD is reflective of that change and, with NRC approval, would be implemented at the time of the license transfer.

The proposed QAPD revision represents a reduction in commitment by replacing the Safety. Review Committee with an Independent Management Assessment process and replacing the Operations Review Committee with a Qualified Technical Review system. Justification for this reduction in commitment is defined in the enclosed Sunumary of Changes and QAPD RG 7.10(r2) Compliance Matrix. This QAPD revision is also being submitted for your review and approval prior to its implementation to ensure compliance with the requirements of the NRC Confirmatory Order dated September 15, 1994. If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Cheryl Olson, LACBWR Plant/ISFSI Manager at (608) 689-4207. Sincerely, QL 4 Barbara A. Nick, President and CEO ~S7ie BAN:CLO :tco A Touchstone Energye Cooperative ____ 3200 East Ave. S.

  • P0 Box 817
  • La Crosse, WI 54602-0817
  • 608-787-1258
  • 608-787-1469 fax
  • Dairyland Power Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider arid employer.

Document Control Desk LAC-14359 Page 2 November 17, 2015


1) LACBWR Quality Assurance Program Description, Revision 29
2) LACBWR QAPD, Revision 29, Summary of Changes cc w/


Marlayna Vaaler Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Cynthia D. Pederson Regional Administrator, Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission STATE OF WISCONSIN )


COUNTY OF LA CROSSE ) Personally came before me this O* "'L day of */l'..' -t , 2015, the above named, Barbara A. Nick, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary'Pu~blic, La Crosse County Wisconsin My commission expires 5-i;? 5-/ ~' LAURIE A. ENGEN Notary Public State of Wisconsin A Touchstone Energy Cooperative__ 3200 East Ave. S.

  • PO Box 817
  • La Crosse, WI 54602-0817
  • 608-787-1258
  • 608-787-1469 fax
  • Dairyland Power Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Enclosure 1 LACBWR Q~uality Assurance Program Description, Revision 29

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                                                                                         ..,.E             WATER.::
                                                                                                                 ...            ,.....REACTOR.......:..

i !ii QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION REVISION 29 La Crosse Solutions, LLC (... Author: (6/12.1 Dale / Anthony R. Bejms1i~dependent Consultant QAApproval:

                                                  ~KJames E.Werner, SOLUTIONS QA Manager                                                                                              'Datel' Manager Approval:                                -
                                                              ..... wak:     ::::*:.r:y::,LUIO: NS "'              P:roject::::::i:    Manager'.
                                                                                                                                           '*Z:i:""::"; "":":!                         Date:
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QA Approval:::i Martn, Manage, :QualityAsu rance!.: :
    . :::Manager Appi S. iPeters, Site Manager, Genoa~ii
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  ....... The Quality Assurance PrOgram Description (QAPD)* described: herein has been developed by Dairyland PowerS:Cooperative (DPC) and La Crosse Solutions,                                                                       L*LC:; :: I*
(SOLUTIONS) to prov~dea consoldatedovervlewof the qualitypro*gram controls that *I S gover~nthe operation and maintenance of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI ), and thte ZIii:!i1;i decommissioning Oflthe LACBWR plant. The QAPD describes the qiualitY asslurance i:::~I
organizational structure. fun:ctlonal responsibilities,, levels of authority and Inter'faces.* i::,

~~The QAPD applies to all activi~ties associated with structures, systems, !and* * :*! I components which are important to Safety iun.der i1:0:CFR 72. *The QAPD also applies i :to transportation ipackages ~li:censed :by :the :NRC Under 1I0 CFR 71I.: ReqUirements: of  :

     ...:the !QAPD arel performed in                                  iia graded approach commensurate with an Item'sor* an
  * : activity's importance to safety. :This graded: approach is responsive to NRC                                                                                    ... :*;

Regulatory Guide :7.10O. The applicablilty of he requirements of the QAPD to . decommissioning activities is *determined on a case by case basis. :The QAPDi!  ;*l satisfies the requirements of 1i0CFR 50 AppendIx B, 10 CFR 71 .............. Subpa~rtH; andO 10i*! CFR 72 Subpart G. ... . ....... . .. ,. SThe SOLUTIONS iExecutive Vi~ce: President and General Manager is :responsible forl:i;

     *:i:the. establishment iand implemrentatio)n of aquality !assurance progriam whiich meets all! -:I_

r*iii:legu~lator~yirequirements. i The quiality assuran~ce program, as described in lthis QAPD,

Isi Isimplemented through the use:of approved pr'ocedures (I.e., poilcies:,:directives,:...
~::/procedures, man~uals, instructionsr or. other documents) which provide written:: ; ::
  . :~::i::gUidance for the ~conftrol :of ilmpor'tant to :Safety items iand activities and iprovides for":*:
    • the devielopment o:f documentation :to demonstrate objective evidence of compliance.:

with stated requirem ents. ;i!!::ii!*: :iii: ..  : ::.: : . * . ... . Solutioins Executive  :: Dairyland Executive::. * ::::i i . ..::

                                                                                                                                                                                                   *: iI i
: i::i::i*:: Preslden~t and CEOi::: * !i  :

: ..... E:, .,  :* *:D ate :i: :  ;  :
                                                                                                                                                        -i... - ....    *    *- ,
.i: ,:  ::::,:!i: i::! , :,.i:i::_ "

QAPD.... ..... Rev. 29 .. . QAPDi: :*


  • IlIII. DESIGNVE CONTROL.....................AND......REVIEW..........,.,.

G -C N ... ... 10...10 . IV. PROCUREMNTCOCUMENT.CONTROL :./:::...;. ... ... m 11;o:: V. INSTRUCT1ON, PROCEDURES AND DRAWINGS ........ ....  : i.,,::t,, ... is V,. OO ~ E T O T O .,:L .,!,..::  :::::::::-

                                                                                          ........         .:.     ,:::-:   14

IX. CONTROLOFSPECIASPRONCADESS:ES~ P.N.............................................17:::::::::::::::::::2

          . CONTROL*] OF; lMEASRING XII:::                              TEST0EUIPMET AFT    TUCU AND     ssES                        ,....;.        ::::::            20-i; X
                                                        .;                                                      ::*:"i*     22i:::::::!
i:.XV CORGRECTIV:,EACION....O.T1....R.AN..A. ON....................................*, .. :....:_....22  :


                                                                                             *,:*:*i!i   :, i":::iii*: ::i::i:


                    ....A          ,*.F. _  ....
..p- ':.",
                                ;:!i;*decomm*issioning iof the LEACBWR site. *i*;DPC'wiii r(etain o:wniership :;of thei~l::i*:::**:*ii~i:i:ii::ii:i:i::.i*:* i!*:!ii:

l*: :and ~s~p~ent :,fuel :andibe thie ownre-:lilcensee. *"DPC will:: be :subco tracted ;:1; *.::,,!:* :i iiand c*;::omnpletion obf:decommis~sioning, SOLUTIlONS will apply :to the NRC to6;: ;: .*: ;:::; :: !iili *!:;.:::wiillmaintabin t~he ISFS]I, and be r::esponsible: for th: uleutimate .dispos*ition obf!:..*::i :i~:!.: ::*.i::;:.:::i

;..::i::.:. In :order. toQubality,
          ;i::i iii~i;:i~L...i.*i.*l-:.*.!.ACBWR            minimize:           disruidpti0on Ass~urance             :and maximize',
Progriam Description efficienicy, I(.QAPD) !this:rlevision of :the *:...i was ijointlyi;*i:i~:::::i::!:iii
  • i::*::::ic:-i.;": ien~se transition idescr~ibed: above. ::Duin:ig" the decomm~issionin~gi::*:ii::::i ~*:~~;;:!:
-:*~ :a~ctiviities, ;!SOLUTi~oNS :will :subcontract ithe operatio)ns.and main.tenhan~ei: of::;;;*i**
               .i**.::;.!ii. th~e ISFSI to D:*PC. Although iDPC p~roceduresand processe~s *willcontinue~i: .:i
            .i.::!.~i~l. toWl be ust ed: fiCns e.ithe
          -:i*:                                                            operain iaII :sond         maintenf:a nc ofathe orSI St                               OLesUreT e.IONS              i !!i: ,.
           -:: .~~i:   .:: :::.QAPD requirements applicable, to ::the ISFSi "are effectively; implemented by;!--i-.

il i::.-i:*:"  : .ii::tio all: ISFSI!.a*ctiVitiesi anddselected plant:d ecom missioning acetivities..:.i i.* ;:*::l ..l :.i

            .;...The                       QAPD is. desig ned' to meet the requirements of 10:CFR 50 ppni
            ... "::::      :i:!.B,: 10 CFR 71, :.Subpart.H, and. 10 CGFR :72,.Subpar't G :*and :reflet the...b::::. ::;::: :::.
                    ...                    ngru perford~l~miga                 n dime     ct.hly:b :responrsible:fori:th e wok u chasl pr:oj*0ik.::::                                                 i
i::iThis includes. q:u"ality control" and :ve rification :th~at alliwork: is. pe:rformed In -. :: .: :
i:.;.. ~*i'uditing: for;:a::i:i:, these igroups a nd assur~ing, manag em ent that ;thei QAi prog ram: -: : :
            ...::!;_::        sbeing fully-and effectively implemented.* QA is recognized :asani:.;: ::.:*il-.:i
i:: ::!:.:~.::i !:T:.i:he i::requi:remen~t~s iand icommitmen~ts c:*onta in ed:: in iithis :QA:P:D ai:rei m:a ndabtor*y:.i !iiii:i*i: !i*
            ..**::*-.*::i:*:::-and imus*t bie :implem-ented!, enforced,.' and :adher~ed to by-allin::divi~duals an~d: :::::::::::::

ii:i:ii:iiii B.

i:The"terms i~and diefin~itioni0s t:H ed below are used* frequentliy. throu*ghout :thlis docum ent. .'* *::::.  :::i*:.i :::i. ::i " "";!:: . i:.*.i!i.: :":' . :*.; : ..:--: ::* *.:.:::.:/:*:*::::!*::i::!;.!: ::::ii::::::.:*:!i::
                                  "LACBWR. La: Cross~e Boiling Water Re~actor.:
i.i*'" :
)A PD:::*:i  :" : '*i!:::,:ii: *,*::ii :,i:::::!!:!

i !iiii:i : :i: i i:Ii! ! R

                                                                                                                                                                          ..:!;:.,ev. 29::*:::::;::**!

ii*:!i::.":-!i*ii!:*!:,- ii::!:.::';i*:



                          * .. ..i -                              "QUALIFIED TECHNiCAL REVIE.W.- Thorough reviews .ofthe documets*ii:"
.:::-.::...:::+:i::~ii!::"i+..:::i:i!::.necessary :to ,provide ;adeqcuate confidence thait! str~uctures , systems, or*
..  ::..*!i":i:: :;i:;! .to control and-!measu re the ~ch ara cter isics of: an ite m,iproces s ori: fa cilitiy!*to ii'
                                                          *:.i:i.i    FACIL:ITY Encompasses
..:i:.*decommissioning, - i~iand i*thel :the ISFS*:P:ant l sitesite, wher~e i..:: :::? ' :I+-.

spent, fuel .is.Stored.:... ExclUded: which-iS:undergoing-i.. tr:

!::.;.!i!;!!;;;:[an~smis sio*nil apparat us loc:a~ted !beyond the LACBWR: switchyar~d ".=; : -* i :-.+;

ii: :!?ii!i~!::IpLAN*T i::: -' Enc~ompasses tihe biuilidings t*het functionally supported t!he i!

.i~i'SCHEDULE  :*:i :! INTERVAL: A
                                                                                                                                           -                            within :wh~ich a schieduled activity:
::i::::I: *::::: shall be performed with amaximUm allowable extension not to exceed 25 givento01si*tructures,
ii:::*:systems, iand :ompo'nents (IiTs)
IMPO*RTANTITOSiAFETY (SSCsl)Athat - class~ification
                                                                                                                                                                       ,provide nuclear safety] designi:
.functionls. i(See Appendix A for complete details)i,:. i .:*::: *i:*!:.: :::ii:

fl::+ANIml7AT+iA M.+ !i:ii .. .

                                                                                                                                             ?:i,, ,.+ + v , *                            ::+!!:

I. '-' .: .... "{ . . .... ,.I.*.+. "! !+.!-:.-:¥ 111¥ n llllr,=l'*l 11=t111 +,:-::++..:-:-:-.;:....,:-. ....:.:....:+ :.: ::-:: i i.:i+!*::i*:*::*ii*i~*::*:***::i:1.  :**:This sec.tion d:*efines *:theerespons~ibilities o*f k"ey project m:embers::: ; il;

                                     +iii./(.:!+.:.  .:?ii+.::.i+:i!+i*accountable for Implementation of thelQAiPDt.Functions and. actions-:
i:::i i:+:::i.:i: : !
                                     +i::'*-                                                          .delega+ted;i holwever, t++he r:iespni**ibi lity r.emains with: th~e: /::*
-": .. .:-!. i::: :On~site. and* offsite organization**s shall be est~a bli~shed ifo!r statio~n a:*nd*i:
                                     ..::i:: .*i:: ...   : :~::. ::*:***      *:!*c rpojra te .ma niag em e nt, *re sp ec tiv ely. T::                                       h e .ons ite `a nd *o ffs ite :* : :.i*:.":..:i iiii:!i::!*:
. . ::...: *::":i*;:!;/.:*
  • ..:.:  :  ;:::: organizatio~ns ;sh all Include :the :positions :for .activities :.affecting lthe :safe
                                .:.::!:ii."3."i:                                   S:i:i"::!:iince SOLUTiON                 N +an~d DiPC wilwil be working t+o tihe :requirements of th+is
                     *:?:: :;i*i*:~::i;:i:/:: i:*:i i:iii* :i :::i:::Soluti~on                         *.iOrga*nization.:i                           :This: QA PD:Identitifies :key. on-site p roject                  :*      ! :i
::i , i : :: i::::c~iiorpoate support groups. :The QAPD also definies the DPC.I:;:*::
+ii . '4:.Lines 4:. of authority,. r.esponsibility,;.and communication: shall b~ie:.::+ ::: ..
                                                     +.:::::-i:established land :defined for the-"highest management :levels ;throughi++:
                                                            --   .....             i ntermediate::levels to and !ncluding a~lloPerating organization:* *:
: :ii:**p0sitions. :The~se rielationships shall be documente~d *and *updated,; as QAPD.:: 4 ... Re~ 29i
                                                                                                                                                                                       *::*/i ?:if: 'i:i*;.i!,,i                       i iI i-i
                                                                     * ,..:.:...: / * .. ':: ,* .,.--.*::: .:::.:......:                                                                                                    :.,,..- : ..: ,.'.t:""-.':', .
                                                                                                                                                                                                              }:-: i::i.:;..,::,::i::::::::::::::
                                                                                                                                                                                                                */ .............
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !!::*:i!!:!::!i:ii}iii i:!*:i*}i!ii:*ilS*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' .:.*-,.-.:iy!.:. !.: %y..
            ~~ii::i}?.::~::;::ii*i::.}:i:          appr~oPriate, in:ii .the'*form~of o~rgantization charts, :functional, descriptionis: 4:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ].:..:.::>..: -:
.*{//::.::/".:.:?.i:*... .:;}i~;i.'  :.:.:fo'r key personnel p~ositions,.or in e*quivalent. forms oif idocumen~tation!..i::..i!;i
           . .5.                             5;..The-ihj               iu* we ay uthatWhsics.:and: quality: assurance.: .<......
             .::*                  :... }::::: !ac~tivi~tie's, may'ifunctionally reportto. an appropria~e onbtsite m*an~ager:**;:!i.:i. :{*.:.
     . .:** .                   . ..;:: *.,:however,. they*shall have-sufficientorganizatiornal freedom to e/.nsure;;}:.::*;*;
.i!::! i}:"::.i:*!i:i*::i*i:::*]ii  :!ii:.
    /.::: ::.. :i ;:i:i:::]* 1!:}Pr:esident:- Th:*eiPraesidentxrnarnag~es th~e p~atlo*n-ofEnergySolutions:*`.:

i": :::i:}]:"-::.:*. :*.i; :::. *:: :*!;/stew ardsh i :p!projects ~at: U.: ..R eactor :sites,.an d-assu]res: that the:i:;::;-i;: *;;;.; :

: ::.:u:i{*::..::.Y;-*:.L:{ ACBW R *project :*receive~s timhely :and*effective: supportfrm*:;:.::{.&*.::*:;.:**;]:

ii:-.: ::]:.:.:::.;:::]} .;:))w-*ith th~e GM; and..other k~ey m*anagers ~to review the-.oper~ation of theii:~, }:! i.::ii:}.::q: management, quality, 'dnd~ related !issues.: The President shali: have*;ii:i:::

                                                   .corporate~responsibili~ty if6r, the safe' storage of nudiea~r fulad
       " *: *}i I,}*I....::. ... take an~y me~asures ;needed to ensur~e acceptable:perfo`rmance o*f tjhe*i*:***;:i**
                                                                                                                                                                             ..      shall.....


     ............              "....... :. :staff in o eai*:*
             .-. ..:.... ..............                                    ~ ~ngria*in*t~aining,*and/ providing t`echnical *support toti*:he;:'" .;:::!}::'*';'.':i::.':::'.                            -:.i]}::i~;...::4. ,,,,::i,,i:i i::i:::*.*i*i!:i,!:}:i i]*::
: : ::* ::... :: :::"plant-to ens~ire the, safe storage !.of nuclear. fuel. A'- :::*-**:*v*#::-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *..:::::::..F ":!i.::.:.:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  /,;!.:.! ,:,;;,Y :
i: ::* X:.:::i::i
      !:.._                           :::2;.::ExecUtW&Vlce.Pressident and General Manaaqer (GM) i;-T:hisexecutivei <-                                                                                                                            ' ::*':i::'::.::*, *}

haor: il.t adis *niihfrt~ es*tbliishmenet and.  :....i wi: .themanagement *tea~m *toreview pians and: progress and to, "*:  :: ;::-.

                                                  .aidressstakei~oider,* quali ly and project'rnanagement issues., The GM.,....
                        - -           -          . deiegates!to: DPC*: a~nd the .man ageme nt team ~th~e day-to-d ay..*i;:.!].::;i.:~::~:::*..
/ ,r*espoipii**i~tles'ifor';tie (ISFSI ari*adjdeco*mmssioning b*iy ~a}pproved:i:Y:{* '::
::  :-:7
                         .             7.....
                                         -:*3..                    *;~i                                                   -The::PM is: res )onsible for all .decommissioning::!:
   *::::i:i?*:::<::y:::*k i* *:. :i::;**i/::/aotiwiies~includimg:firep~rotection and I'ndustrial safety activties
ng ,:,,iiide,,ommiss  :* site. Tl,::,PM.i*-ha,.have.authority autsite over those on
   ...... *i:..:*.:!.:".,;...:::
                    . :.:. ...::/. -:.:. ~ ~ ~te~n                    i,**::~ s <"**,.":            a yo,:a         forsa-.sor  e*s o a
                                                                                                                           ,:,'":-,-",:   -..e fn :: c e r~u.afuel..

twwhich..--. lh hav h v :bbeen:::::::::::::..*:* en :*:...:c:

              *descr:*"b;id:                         ..                    i..
                                                                             .......                           ,i            'o tis~APD and for th~e Qualifiedi Tec5hnical:,.
'i:i:}:.:i.:.:~.:!:;: .. :Rev iew. prpbcess,*tt.,ized;j*o rd e omm is sio n~ingg:iTheePM retainsauhoid"to.jyi: *
       -/: ::::::!::u
i:: *:*!*! for~::
                                                  !ftach*:            prop6sed~tdst, experiment, ormodification to systenms or:/*}i:;:]:

i!i* ::::/::::: :: !~i :*}:= eq uip ment ::that :affec*t *the ~safe :storage :of inu clear fu el: wh ich ha b~*i~Seen::! - - Qiat! ssra:eMnaer(A M)_T*:**he *QA M're; th e P M:*ianhd;i:i:*:

/:: **:::::k!;:.: :*r n:*att*s,. The P:M: is resp9op si bleI:f
::-!;.: etablIis hing and: m aintai ning the -,
    * '" ': " ""::;::          ".                  QAPO""'
                                                        ,-"*.'"., .;.i                 ,rn              the.9proec' s quali*s        t    y objectives*,
                                                                                                                                                     .          tho ugh....ove...view.. and,.:, .


      *.::}: ::i*;;;}:i:{:!:ii
i ns:**c~t(i~n
i ; iihiP~e ctivitie s,;!apdi-proyidin g'*feeid bak t o
m an.agem ent onithe}. :. i*:
i-:, -:...':::ii~:i
              *!"!:.}:ii              i,.:         ef'fp.i!.

ct:::i*:veness.*M.*of the QAPD. i~n~tiohe *a*( ev[aluani es, acceap ts, a nd performs:!:}i*:li!: QAP D .... 5* Rev.:294 the *SOLUTION. :organization. .Th0 QAM porlodloally: :iii* :i*!*!I*I  :!i:::::*!:::

i!i: :i:!:

.provtides *report..o n project :quahity, activitiei *to .tt .*,..t. PM,he ...:thi. .i*
mana~ eh 0 t team .  ::i:::* ::: ' : ! :i: : :::i::::::. :::::::: :::
- .".radiation :er 5A 5.*met~i p:"ect e n.i.

Hsdiek:n protection, R pro*(e4~tion,

                                                                                                        -Thm     1RPM.
                                                                                                                     *Itei* olosur*,

tmponsibie and.for waste all

i*::..:. i*::::. *:i
                 ... .. . ~shipping actlvties at the entire site.- .                                              . .:":.-".:-                .:"'*
                *:.. :: : :: :.::::::activi-ties :with. the RegItq*rs :such as ilcensing submlttsl, regula*toryi:
                 *.:* :.:*:!  :: -::*:.:::-reports,.!reporteability isesu~i~oQAPD revisiions,. REtvPIOLDCM r:epoi,::*!::                                    :- ..   :. .:., ..,...:.       ,. ,....
                * ...- :.. -: ..:financial. re~pottsDecon~iss~ion~ng.Plan revlsiona*.-$NM Inventory..-:*.::::                                                          ,, ,-:.:.:i:: .:i i::"! i :
                          .:-.:: * *. :* * *.*i*,*,*.-:*nD*":-*,.*;*,,.*
I '.:...: ..-. " """ '.'
  • iiii:: ii*::
                            ':.-..-               a:.

dmi.:"*mnistration and opration of th* LACBWR tSF$I and the Operation :

                           ... .:.::".' .:of Th6 00enoa 3 coa! fired plant and the QuaiUl ec.Thnical fRevlewi :
:. -*-:.... *responsilbe for o0peration and rn~aIenance .oftIe* LACBWR ISFSI.:.
: ::i::.:.::..: within :the limits se~t fo:th in the De~Ommlsi8ni~nt Plan, Thc,hn~cl*li::
                           .:"::-   -..-.    ::ISF$I Manager and is r s~ponisiblo for ensuring reg~ulatory :requirements
. ::" ar"e:

amdequately niet :and.the $e~curity Pian,. related proceures, training

                            *:             ~and contingency r'equirerments are developed *nd maintained current.:
                                     '*".4. OA S*ecia,~t         lit/ngi*              -, The. Q A* SpecIali~t /: Engineer is :responsible                  1 S for performing independent overviews of I$FSI related actvivtIes, "..::
                                          ' admin~isterIng.:the ISFSI'a correotiv ~action prograim, provldln9. ...-
                           * .....   :..: ...orientation and training. on :applicabte q...                  uality program requirements tO ::
                           .::.:...: : :.: :D staff, end interfaelntg wth SOLUTION$ off-site QA st~ft..: . . . ::::
                              .:: ::..: :.:of lSFB! activities and for ensuring that adequatertechnical review Is**:
                           ,::*::i:pp ied to cha ::0 tests                      , :andi:i exper::::::::::::I ments.        :::: :!::::::::::, :i: :: :::::::::

t OU,AIJIY: ASR*::: E PR:OGR  ::::,A:M ::::: :::  : : :::: :::i* :::: ::i :: :::*:

                        -:-:.-..          :The QA: program describe*d herein Sets forth th~ equiurements for the :QA.: ::
.. .- .organi~ation, personnel :responsibilities,-controlS, :end measures. :... .:.
.:.:.::"established .to achiev,: maintain,"end document qual~ty. -These .: :-:. . .
                       -"::::: :requirements include, but are not limited to, the to~i[win~i: '::;                                                       -:r.
                              .*.: . -:desig*nbases for. ITS. SS¢$ Into. the I$F$I oeraetions and. ma*intena nce. .-
.:::i:.'!::" procedures,:. ... :.::. .-. : . * : . . ' :. :. . " -.. :
' : :.i:.::"
'"* .:22. -*Performance of-all..installation,.
                                                                       * ..         ..           calibratlon, and :testing. on            necessary:
' all ""' '"-* .

QA..:. ... . .. .  : . :. . : . . 6.:-. .. .. . . 29..

        *:::-                  . : '."::.:.": .:' '::': ':"'"."i '::":'.": " .': ":
                                                , :::.:.:il;:i .*i*i,    :ii::!!:!i         ....'::":'"":"
                                                                                                        ;;;;. i .....ii*

i!;i!"ii!!!ii*::i:il;*:*:* /: :':": " " '"

                                                                                                                                       .:;.                           ** .. .!..i:' *..:..*:.i..;: .. ": '" ' ' : *:


                                             !-I "!i*.-:i*l!sii*ii                       accordance ::w ith
                                                                          ;!;:in*;!" i;.i!ii~;i:!*!*i:;::::.:.i:!                      approved:!!;!
                                                                                                                                            .:;:"      ISFS iipli*ced:.u*i*bs!i*

procedures.:**i*: i*:i-

  • i*i:-il;ii*

i i;:: ii.;;iiiiii iii!i-!

                                   . 5o:.i Resolution of :itemsside~ntified a*s adiverse to ,quality wit h :!appropiSHate*:::::.:::-?:::ii
                                .",":6.i P;erformance. of. auldits !and isurveiillances .by :QA personnel ito iverify *.thatii:*..:i:;*l ;
                             .......:.::.*:....I S FSI*. ad m.inistrative: co ntrolIs, .pro¢ed ures,. a nd. p rocure ment: documenits:*: :;*:*:
  • : i::.n:;i :::.:*.




.:;*:*:*:iii.i*i:*:i:::graded appoac*h: *to :quality :thaa*:is; cornmmensurate: with-a item' or a
                                          *.""21. The folloWing- sections of the~iQA*pO idescribed in:.dustryi!..*
.i .: .;equivalen~t may *be aapplied *to t:he decommissioning of th~e LAO BWR.*:***:!:i.**.
                             */.- *:'i;::*{**        pl***an~t in *a i:graded appro*ach1 to quality that !is com~mensurate it~h an*:itiem1****
                                  *ii*,**i-:*a. :i:;Forany* Raioactive Material* T~ran~s~portPa*ckage-s subject; to* the** :*i
                             .-.;i;**                                                                                                                                                                                     .:;*

i..i::i:!~~.:i~ii:.iiii~i iQ APD a pplies.*:! For ithes*e *activitiessa ssoci ated w~ith thfle:! iSF*SI, th:ie :::i I!

                               *i.i~.]i                                                                                                                                                                                               i!:!!i i:iil;ii
                                             .*:::;**:: :For *th ese :activ~'is associated with* decommissioning, ;the: ".**:..:.:..: .:;.:i;*...i *-i";
                                         .::-..: ~.impilementaionof0fithe QAPO ;Is *by itheia ppropriate *soLUTION S.i..*;::i...i;:i*! iii.i
.*.; :I,:*:;illXV,.. X.V~and *XVII and* Appendix:C of thi:s iQAPD mayl*. ;..!,-
  • apply
                                        ~~*!*:i:;::*.*l I.::*De*om.:mis sioing acn.bti vi ties a-ra                                           e. otherw:ise :controlled .:by ~proce*.dure s,::;
                                    *;,. :.:Iii*:*:.i~     i ocesses,:and; pol*icies di~ee med ad:*aeq u:ate! b:y ,th m*.*a n:a~geimen:t:*i ::.!:**
                                                      .*pr:::                                                                                                                                                         :;'. .ii:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      *     .  .:H :.*::
                                     . .Excep~twhen alternatives or :exceptions: a~re identified,. the implementing ii :i: :;i
                                      'procedures for the QAPD shall* comply with the quality assuranice guidance:.; i:.
documents* listed in
AppendiX B:. Additionally., the following clarififcations:.i.:;:* !:--:

1:":*:. the :guidance:: in anyi of .-the :listed documents is :in:: conflict :with :the :;!.; *:*: .i;i;'

"QAPO, ~*:*;i ~the- guidance provided :in "the QAPD is ithe, con~trolling docu menit;..ii..;i

i;i'::* *i*  ::i

                                                                                                               *:i :::;*
                                                                                                                      **::,;: i::*;!.:;i
? * *::;* i*:;*i?:/ , :i ::? *ii::; ;:;;i!;: *;,*:;**z**;.*ii:;, *R* ev.;29i:!;:!***


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;ii*.i;*.i!iil;;*:i i*.**.*
 ., . . ,.. , - .. ... :             ;Y:: .' ::'- * ' ::,':' :q: .':'.:'"".'., .:., ..,:..::.:,.., ..,:::. ,:,:, :..y::.- :.:%.,.:,::::      :-.:/...: ..:./ :. -:,:,:.

i/{*".i !i*  :(. ilil :iii!!iiil; i:i:il ii!:i:


ii!i!:! {: !..::.;}.i.:i:: ::i:ii:2:...::i , Standar'ds, g~uides, codesi~ etc.,~iidentified in ~any commitment* document: i

            " ::-iI}:*(   :.:* ":/. :{i :.are .not.qudalit~y assUr~ance :prog ram rei'quirem~ents unless !that-document* :
                                               *:< .i:,i3..
                                             ,*!!:i.::::!-!ii*i!i:::;,Guid~ance are :appl iciable:to;:          applicable*             com~p~ar~abl  to sa fetyi             relatedand:
                                                                                                                                                             !e:itemsi              items   anld act~ivit!ies activities        ( mporit~ant           CF:*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        !:(}1.0To    R ;5,0)*:*-iiii;i}:i b.!Safet~y)'      .*,,:!:;

i 7 : i..*....:.,.:. .i(;:at ithe compiletion ,of fuel tran~sfer to :support; decommissioning;i. T~he}. " ;-..

                     . -..y* .:.*..;.:Qualified -TechnicaliReview was added .at the time SOLUTIONS became::4; ii!:./!. ": .i;:i:the :licensee. *::The ifollowing .subjects shall .be .:independenitly irevitewed} by a; .
                        .".'::""*i.;" ;.":*i1:..                         1..i0 .CFR 50.I59 and( 10O CFR 5*0.82 evalUatiOn~s for Changes in th fl~e.acility; :
                          .:v7:::::-.... :.:*.,. .:-.:::de*scrrib:)ed ~in the.DP and: PSDAR to"- verify that such a:ctionis do                                                                                                 Ibnot' :-;:/:::.
                          !:..}:.:.i:..:}:!}...":..     .. .:.:inv.,olve a :chang~e to: th~e. Technical :.SpecificatiOns or w:ill :no0t r~equir]ei~::{:i~*:i                                                                                                                   i{ ....
17. :".,:/verify that ~such :changes :do. not :invol:ve ,a ,change to :th~e Techinical- -, .. .;
:.;i: :*":-. :*-:;::::.. S pe~cific ations :an*:.Will n ot requ*ire: NRC :approval: pu rsuan*:t t:io10 CFR:,::,:::
:. ,....::**5 0 i5*9 a n d 10 .CF R :72.4 8 ; a nd ;*::****::.*:.:;:**** `.:: .:::*::}:::*.:;:::::{**::*.;*:*:::::E.::*:***::
  • .::;*::::}:**::i1*:{. :I*nd*ividuals ;that are a;.s~sig:ne.d rtespons*ib:iliti~es *as described ;i~n S*ctioni*!i!,:
:i .: i:i.!:~.:.::!:,O.RGAN !ZA*IlON.. *.shall. prepare, admiin~istrative: and q uality :a:ssur~an*ce:;


i;*::: ::;  ::i:::;:;i*pr0cedue iis* as n!;ecessar to. 0.impliemenlt the:.requl~irement*s of *th:J;is!:i!: i.::.!i:.i
                                     ..:*.:i:::: ;:*:::!!::.*pr~ogriam:: In/s~upporto~f oPe~ration a nd m:.*ain ten anice o0f:.the :LACBW R. ::: :/
i:,::i:::}::{i.::~l8SF1 i::: an d decommissio ning activitie~s:, as applicable. Procedlures sh all."
::.i:.:: :~; *":.include appropriate quantitative and qualitative accep~tance .criteria :.::
                                    * :i.;i.::::::::::::::: ne~ces*sary deter~mine :that :the activity. is :being: prop*erly performed.;:.:.
                                 .'                      2..:
                                                        ",-Audit                       :or surveillance repo0rt~s .are- distributed ito management f.*or; their.::"
" .. * ..." and assessment of the QA :program, as :to.effectiveness,: scope,-
Y:: .{:}Y:*::ii:Employ*ee-.: Train ing shl*:l lbe!pr~ovided: to. all: facility .personn~el anhdi:!::q{
.:: : *:, .4.,contractor:s :performi~ng *activi~ties that coUld affect ,th~e quality .of***;:.- .

i  !.;:.: !:;::!:::}4*:*.: Inde*pe*nd ent ;:Manage*ment A*ssessme;nts ar*e perii od~ica~lly pe.rforimedi to :}

"': :i :: ' ;.monitor :*over*all performnance: and. confirm that -activities :affecting qUality:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -i!,:i!(, ii*/

QAPD....... /:::;

                                                                               .;i.: .::. ::t .;:!:*::;i,.",:::::i:
.*::}::.:::::.:i":.. .:.*., :.:::;i '81:: ::-:  :.:.:: ::::::
4. .i": ::: :::"..};:::
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .:"Rev; :.2*i::!::I

I h:**::*:**::-:ik:::!:}:i/:*!*i*:co:i)):mply w:ith the QAPO and ithat `the !QAPD Is effectively implemented.i::;i:i!.il

**:i} .::.:designated: by:the. President, independentiga of activities assessedt; pendet;o~atiit~s., ssssd;;i'* and :!*;/::i~
                                     }17*}:*;!:/*i:!:::*:i:il ievel of

{k:::yi::.:i 0im~anage6me~nt ihav~ing th*e- authority to e6ffect ~orr*ectivle a*ction.i :Iin~i

                           *: :.:*..*:i;*Yi*,-i:*::.:.::.:y.*:}addlition,              tiihese :*resulits are rePorte d in a timel           *y :fa sh ion to0the Presi deni*t.::*
. ...-: . .:...:... .. s-:...F::::..Pe n e Training. and: Q ualification.:. ...- :. ..  :*  : i ... "}:::*:::;i: i":::"": i::" -i:.:":


                                                         ".*                     member of the fac¢ility staff (InclJuding audit, sUrveillance and~ii!:!i:i*!
.',:inspectio n person n el) shlli~ha Ve. s ufficie*n t.i q ualificatio ns: to0 periform.-k
                                                     .:ii}..:}ithe~irr*:a ssig ned. duties.i* Reg ulatory :Guide 1l*.8 :-19*77(ANSI ::N1.;I8 1:.;-i.:; :::iii
                                                          ;*:!;:!i   9717:l) I*s uiitilized* :ifor* detjermi n ing anda. aSssessin*g ;ap pro:priate staff;!::{;;:i!ii.!:!

i:iii*i::iii >:: ;0 ::! ii.i!i i!i'i:::.

i.;*/::;*..*.*.*p::ersonnel training :andqualification *:re~cords :are. mailntaine~d inii:*~i.*!*i:i :* il*::}ii/;i!*iii::


:'q":" >": ' i:.: :i, i:::*:i i.{'::!*:.

i:~ Thie: !pos[:it*~ion ofthie IQA :Man ager iishallJJ* meet :ithe :.ifolloin o i !m inim*um::i:!

  • . *'- ,,... . . ::.,* '." .'-. .. .:; :- .:" :--i L:.:;:i Graduate of a four-year accredited engineering or science ii! college or university, or the equivalent in practical experience plus five (5) or more years in positions of leadership, such as lead engineer, project engineer, audit team leader, etc.
                                      }..:": -.: ifi.:":i*:..:i:.:.i *i:: this: exper~ience sha~llbe in 'a quality *assurance organizationi./Y:: :
. ":: .!.... :.-" :.} .. implelmen~tation- may be, substituted for the one-year experien~e:
.:.::i:]Yi-...:i~:.::::.!::iiw:ii. ."-wtthin* a quality assu~ranice orga-nization:....:/ : i!::*iiii:::i..:;i.ii{;:i.-


  • i::!/i:::.! .-*:-b*.:ii  ::*!ihe T ::pos~itilon !of Radiation Protectioni Manaiger :shall meet ~the:;!**i :;i: i
                                                                                                                                                                                                             .iii:::i   {ii:i:,i::ii i- : :.:::}: :!/: :*I:- ::r.ia dio~lo~gical ;Safety,: .thriee6: yearis :of :-whiich;Sh all :*be*in ::a~ppliedi:: :::!{:;i
*" Technical:experience inTthe areaexe ofcradiologicalea safetyd IlIsf~* :beyond e~y::n :::i :i::ii! i..
  • !i!
             ....' "' id,.!
                          'QAPDII :....-:.,                    ;.::*::*,*::i* .:i*i*..i:"i:.
  • .*:{:*:i.*i. Q APD,. 9
                                                                                                        *!.!:!:.i*         i .::..i:,.*iii} i.!:,:...:.; ;.;:,i,.::I;.::: iii:::i;i!:"!,. R ee.v.!I229:}  :*:I.
%*i:.:.i!{:"*(:/* >*ii iliiii!i*i:*!!!:!i*:Z::¸
                                               ., *....... ,,,...,..* ..              ::..t :.i':':"
                                                                                                  }::'.-.'::i:i:::*'*:':ii!}:.                                                                    !:t*::::ii.;::::;:::*:i.i*i{:::.:*i::.:
.::.' .::""":. ..:**:';:,i*..: **i*-.1:!:::::.*::ii::*!:48*:I*::I ii:.!}:!::!i iii!::i:{i*;~
.**!*!il' :::i*!:::**:basisstowarid s thIe:iacad emic. d egriee :requ1irieme n~t !(four ye:*ars o :f, *:**
.::!:!:,.::.:! i.ii:::; :ii*::{ :technical experiencel being :eq uivae!nt to!a fou r}year aaem.a ilc::::
                                         * * ':ii*"*::.:.i::{   i.i **: i:A:*ca*demic a:nd- tech*nical~i experiie nce :must i~total: a: minimu                                                                             oi:::ef::.i ..i/:*::}::.:.

c.::::::::::::l Ti*iihei position ofQ*ualiffied iT =chn*ical .*:Reviewers shall: meetth::ie-:i ::::*- .;:*

  • followinggim m i~i inimum u q*aif qualifications: ati sii*i i:.!:!;. i:i:-:..:..i :!:i::.:ii::::::.ii:ii:::..~iii::l:.ii: .~iiii **:! i.:-:i :i::::*i~~:!:!:.-i:ii
. :. , ., ::::;.}i:::::!::*i;}i:i!!}i:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .:::.:* :::i::-::::i!*::*:.*:i:::: *:
                                               .: :: .::: Qu
                                          -.{.:.                                ralifaiedT cn icas~l                           Ren   v~iew rssal                     l ubegpefrindiiuaswtheout n!.. -
i .ii
                                                                     ,*Qualified TFechnical: Reviewers shall have at :least :5 years ;of . :;iI
          !!!if Sii:            iiill:.:"i                              i'::::::/.q~u*alification*s evaluated o*n *a case !*by ca*se basis iand: approve:.dii*}
  • !.i:*Re~vieweris i..;. ifor[deco~mmisioning a:ictivities.iand ith Siii:ite~: ~i.:.!:::: i} :!i*i:
i i*::::;*Manager, G enoa s*hall: appoi~nt Qui~alified *Tech~nic~al *!Reviewerts::i: i for ..ISF:SI*t la ed:ac
i"::o activities.*..::

i ite--rela.ted:  :.:.... :; i:i*i~*i;i":" ;::i:i:..:.:i::: - : .:::

." ill:". DESIGN CONTROL.AND:REVIEW!;:.::: .:.!;::::: .::::/: " ::-.  :  :::::: :;:}ii. .,.
i~**}i~.::.;:::: :i.:ili:*:::This* s;ectio e stabl!e
.::::-i i* sh:es *the:re*quir~ements; :to :ass urie thi*at, Importa~nt: To ::!(::::!!:*::
!* ::i::::*~i*::{
!:*:{:; ;::i*::iiiii; Safety (ITS
  • st!*ruci:turie s,::syste*m s,; a*n d :com ponent*s *(SSCs )!:of !th:e: ELACBW:R *:*i.:*

i::::!*i:i~~* ISFiSi ar*

/:i::i:.*:*:*:::: :e: ad * ;:deleted,: chi*a~n*ged: or moodified*:; in* a~ccordlance*:i with:::::::the ::::::ii:::::::::::
.i: .:. : :i::ii!:(c:.:o~des, s!itandards,!::: an~d r!e~gulationrs.:t thatg overned :th e oiriginla~l. de~sign,::::::::::::::::.!::
~:":::i~-:i::~ii:excep*t .as lamehcide aindi approved. **M~easure~sshallbe establishec~ifo:r th~e i:::::.:.:{:. -::::*!:;i*
: :!i:,:/*:.}. :.: : ir:ieview,; evaluation :da and; pproval ~of all :de~sign: chianges ::goven inn.i:S FS i!:t.:::::;./
      * -. '::: " :SSCs. Th~e Engineering Manager (EM) :shall }en~sure .that the "design*controli:l
          /...                . -. and: review for .:ITS SS~s :shall be :performeci :by the appropria:te. .Design*::.*:.."!I
      * .- :./ ::::.Auth~ority (ref.; Appen~dix :A) utilizing thleir appr~oved: 1:0 :CFR: 50: Appe~n~dix iB;*:.:ii*-
      .- : :::%.::::. ......::..Design,: fabrication, o)r modification :of storage and shipping :casks .used for :.::i.                                                                                                                      -.

i: .*.!. ::.*:"*::ii:

  • T:::.:}: pment iof~i radcioactive !materials :will :;not !be c~ondUcted u:6ndi*:erthiS::secti()n~i-:*i:i.i
i: :::;i*i::
                 . :::.::.:.::::::1i:!.             r:. The:i [e!:DP:C] s~taff: is :r~es ponsiible: fo:r establishiiing :p~roce~dures to{b:* implemb*en t:.i*:;l                                                                               -I:

QAPD: i :10:*:  :-10.,.Rev:.:"

                                                                                                                                                                                                     -A..:.                           29..':': .
                ..: : iJ ::orders:,design.:control     and the
                                             .procedures-    and.incorporation instrUCtionS. ::of design
                                                                                                           .*;:iz- into :i q work  j ?.:.*.: : ,I :
         "            : :~2.: :The EM is: respOnsible for :the iincor~poration of design lbases, regulatory I:
     .. "                     ::' requirementS, codes and standard~s into drawings and specifications ... ;:.i
     .. :...:: :**.i.:::            related. to ITS SSCs: design :and ch*anges thereto:..The EM ;is*: also.*;*::*
- : :!:::::i;.:!;.:
.i~i::; respi:::;::
onsi~ble for the r;ieview o~f d:esign drawin~gs, speci~fications,;i!  ::*:
::i::::calculationad procurement documents: to assure *that: quality  ! :1:
: :.: i:::standa~rds :are *included or-refere nced.: 7:: - i i:::: : i: ;-;:i *::i:::  ;;i1!i:

3.TeulfidTehialRviwrisrspnilefrprovidin~g an :.:  :*

i *;:i::. :*:*:**:i:*iin depe:nd ent* r*eview of: cha*nges :to *the i:SFSI* iTS. SSi3sl. i They ishall* ; r ;I
     ":' *':"::!:':"    :i::;i~i:::iprovide assurance ::that the :modification: m~eets :the design: bases,
        --" ....                    regulatory requirements,:and applicable codes and standards. The                                                    .

review shall determine whether: the proposed .modifications: :requi~re:- prior NRC approval. if prior NRC approval is needed, any .license:;* .. amendment request shall be referred to SOLUTIONS licensing sup0port. i ::"i*:i

          ~                   1.:::i.:...:

iiA W:or~k Order! shall b*,e *initiiated ifor all modification:s to iTS :SS~s :and:: :"* sytmsminane.peaioa.drng.FS.ctvtis.Wr.Odr

ii*ii:iiiiiiii"i::iiiii*i2. :ii!Desigbn :ibases, :regulatory :requ~irements, a!n~d a~pplicabl~e codes :and ,
     . .... -                      standards :and requirements for all proposed ISFSI modifications to ITS J, "iJ-   :          ... S SCsi and sys~tems maintained operation~al duringisFiSi :activities.::
i, " . These conditions shall be incorp~orated into drawings,: specifications*, i
       "* : ; : . -:               pro c ure me n t d oc u m e n ts, an d proc ed u re s :. --.: :. : i :~:ii:: : . : . .i:.i :ii::.. : ::* .' ...            .
i"i:3. ii.:All p.roposed I:SFSI m*odifications :shall be reviewed to determ~ine  ::"I:
iV.:* PROCUREMENT DOCUM:ENT C:ONTROL: :i::;::i;:i:;: :;;:.:;i: ii:::.:!

Ths ecio:etalihe te eaurs oassure that procurement; ::.i.J.::

: documents (purc(hase requisitions: and' orders) covering: material;:i::,::*..
  ".     , and serv~ices :for ISFSl ITS:SSCs..specify appropriate quality..* ..
          '            ' ~requirements;: Thie purchase order :specifies or r~eferences .:th:e *applicabile .~~.:.
     *                   ~~requiremen~ts,- d.esign bases, codes, :and stanida~rds to assure qual ityi: ;::.;:.
     . .::.. B.; Responsibilities .:..::!~::. .:.:.*:i:;.;:.::;                                     .. ,.                               :.*: it;:            .
     ;i~~i::;The DC ::staff *;is respons~ible for; developing p;rocedures ito !cont~rol t~he:                                                               *
...i.i2i. ! 2:i.T~heDPiC staf~f is iresponsible for:initi~ation iof purchase requisition;:: ::ii 1
*wor~kSheets for mater~ial,: equipment, and services: require~d ::for; .::;  :
     *" : . : ":... .m aintenanice, ;repair:, and: m~odifications; . :.:i                              ':r"             *;*';" ]':' ;"'; *,];":
3. The Engineering Maniager is: responsible .for preparing engineering  :-

QAPD 1:1 Rev.29

   !!iiiili ii                       :*i: i ?:ii~i*li:;:*::::!pecifications :w~hich detail: the :technicall and quality r!;equi~remenits fiorii:!ii!:


                                           ". : 5 ,:*u
III. Pii:5irch*asing ,is rjespo nsible forI prepa ri ngi, rieviewing,* approv~in g,:: is*s~uing ,i !

i!+;?  :*6. 6 ircurement i;;;iii:p:ro*:/: The QA Specialist documents I Engineer is respon!sible ito ensure iinclusion for review of IJTSi;i*:.i::i!.: ';::~ii of appro*priate~quiality::* :ii:; I-i

  • .::i..::;!

i--:.:1: .i:.::..puto l.. :Tie!rchaserqiiin for new matertiOn al,equripet

                                                                                                                                 . tand           s erice*(      t h::sandi:*i:.
..+*:i! .:*,?ias quantity, ..item idescr~iption,* and technical and qula~lity ;reqUlrementds:i!..*ii
                                               .i.2.+ Purchase orders shallinclude ispe*cifications th~at contain all the~i:?*+!**:!i+!:i:*::*:+::*+!I
                                                    +:.+ information necessary to* assure material,: equipment, and services are*:**::i: i+::

i:of: a d equa.teb qu*ialit. T~i::ih~is s*h~all!;in clude :material sele:**]ctioni: des ign d ata !ii.!:i, +!i: *.i:: ii:::,i.:i::!. i.i;*:::il;:i;i!iiii!::i!i:i!.iii:!+i:ii::!

                                                    !i:::.:*+:.:..:*delin~eated in;p+urcha~se or*der~s.. :Thm~:issha~ll include a :listing of each :item.:;!::-::,i:.::


                                                           ;:f     documnen tatio r:t;be-isub  to           mitted,:wh*enh it[is:to bbe submittedi' wha~t~i:: i,::: ::::*: :: ;

req"-ubirtes approval:-""":

                                                                                 ..             prio to manufacture,
                                                                                                             ..               and. toy
                                                                                                                                   . whom
                                                                                                                                       -: I t shall.::::!..:."i-be:?::::-.?i:i*::.:
.. To.:the extent necessary, ITS procurement documents shall:r~equire :. ..


.*-:; 10 CQ:*FR I50, :*Ap pend!ix B,:. and/or* 1 *0.: CF*R 72,:+I Su bpart* G.:;::: Suppier~isii:*.:*!
                                   !i.iiiii : ;::i iisha~ll be r.tequire!d !to ::provid{e :acceSs fac.*i!i~ti~essialn~d:i*
.ii-. reods iifor:i:l .:*!..+!

i::ii:nspect[ion. and audit, as reqluireid,-t~o~determinei complianceb w*ithl!:!!i*:i::.:iii:::l

.i;: -:i~:.+.:.:ii*.:*i"
                                 ;::+       ~:i :+:::provisions o:f !thiei purch~ase ord:er. *=These: requirem ents shfiall ;exten~d i:to:ii.:ii
  • .ispu~rchas~e requisitiOns :sh~all be :reviewed by: the. QA ::Specialist::.:I"-:.:::.
i/i*::i~:i~i:. ":*::in~itiated ia~nd revi~ewed in. i*:accordanice i:ith:tlhe. s~ame proceduries :u~tilized:*:.
           * ** +;':.:.+? : . . i.i.:.ii:               .                                                                                                     ?.::i i' .'" . ". : ?+ '.+.':' ." "',

in preparation of the original document. i *ii i!ii!I* V. INSTRUCTION


S. AND DRAWINGS A. General This section establishes the measures to assure that activities relating to ISFSI activities are performed in accordance with approved instructions, procedures, and drawings. B. Resoonsibilities

1. The DPC staff is responsible for preparing or reviewing all procedures iiiii that are required for implementation of the QAPD.
  • 2. The ISFSI Manager is responsible for approval of ISFSI related rirocedures that imDlement NRC-aooroved oroorams and olans.


3. The Qualified Technical Reviewer is responsible for reviewing all initial and revised procedures that 'affect ITS ISFSI operations and shall determine whether changes to these procedures require prior NRC approval.

C. Reauirements

1. Detailed instruction for ISFSI activities shall be contained in procedures and checklists covering the following activities:
          * , ": *::*:.. ,* !,!'r:*-*'

i a. administrative control,

b. general security system operation,  !!iii!!!i i!!:

iii i!iii!ii!ii!

                                                                                                                                                                       !!iiii!!ii iii:*:
c. Security Plan implementation,
d. quality assurance, i:;;:

e;*;. I::sur*veill.ance ::::alnd i::tea~t a ctivities of iequipme~nt,: f.:::::::::::::================= fire::::!::::: p:!::i! rot ctio  : prog:i:raE.::

iiii::::: m,:: a nd::
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                    *.i ::i**;!::*i:*i::;iii*i!*ii:;::     For;iact*::t~iv
iii2:!;i:.i othr *:those
ities th!an w*: ni:*ormal~*craf expertisei ith;*.in:; -;!~i;yt  ;: :::*ii:
  • i nst:ru:ctionsii!:i;::
                                                          .::*         !si ii for  :.i~maintenance ii* d :br ~*!land:        s ~repair  b i~s:a:pic of ISFSI equipment                   :::or:ii!::i
                                                                                                                                                                   **: ;;:;! i::***i*.:      systems
                          *: ..:.: ":                      shall:   be:-::

o cointsslaliirine in d proced raes or WorkaOrdeors.Th guidnesallta~~::*:*:i*..*:;:!:ii:.;i:;~:i*l

                       . : . i..;.".  :~i". - ::*:.i*,Ptai con.          isru:c:iteions f~or preprtemiongtl~,                         perorane,        c tes~tying,        a nd return:~iEi                 to
:i: ::::;:ser ic.T * :*egu dac em hsa*~ ay refer:::**.::*/:*:*:::*.enc..*:::...;..e m anufactur.* e r's:**:: Instruct*::::*::::::::**",:*:,*:::*:::*ion
              *::i::  iii:,*           ii*ii
  • i*!I* i;* QAPD Rev.

ii;!ii*:*:il ill: *29~i!iiii~iii;!i~**!i:! iii:!!*ii*:ili!!i!

!iiiii!ii!!iiii!*!iiiii!i!!ii!ili:ii!::*!ii:iil;i iiiiii*i *- ::.::..;.

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ii i

4. The department responsible for an activity shall be required to provide i!i!i!ii iilii!iiii! il

the. necessary technical input and review of changes to instructions, iii!ii*ii!i:*i*:ii!*!):*iii:i::T procedures, or drawings~

5. Changes to or deviations from established instructions, procedures, or drawings will require the same review and approval as the original document However, temporary changes to procedures that do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made in ink, dated 1 and approved by two people of the management administrative
6. Procedures will be reviewed periodically as set forth i*:::;
: : ~: o c ed u r es.:::::*:::::::::

i! * :.ii *li* :::::  :: : :: :::::::::pr  ::::: :::::::: ::: :::: :...; A. Generali*  !; ii*~i*~*!i::ii~~iiii~iii:iiii!i~~~~:*i~):;ii*i!i!:iiiii!)**i!*)i)i*)i*i*~)iii*)ii~l :ii:);*i:ji),*i:i ~ )i*l*i)**:*)):i)i)i ~

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!i:* cu)i:!)en ] control)F) *i )Ti)))*i)))**) ias*fT ti.i!))i)))]iE~) i ::i:i:i.:])!TIiT )) :):**
                                                  ~.       r~esDonsIDIIIIIes
1. The DPC staff is responsible for preparing a standard procedure for iiili controlling the issuance.of procedures and for preparing, procedures Ifor controlling the distribution of operating, maintenance, repair, and modification procedures for the ISFSI.

C. Requirements 1; Procedures shall be established for the issuance of procedures, drawings, and specifications. A document control procedure shall be prepared to provide a uniform system of document Identification.

2. All documents shall have an identification number, title, date, and revision number. Documents shall be fi!ed and controlled by. use of
                                                               'this Identification. Each type of document shall be filed in a central location identified in a document control procedure.
3. 'DrawIngs, specifications, and procedures', Including revisions, shall be reviewed for adequacy and approvedfor release by authorized personnel. The required reviews and approvals shall be specified' in a document control procedure. ' .'
4. The' administrative staff shall assure that current documents are distributed to and used at the location where the prescribed activity is~

performed. Documents and revisions shall be distributed as specified in a document control procedure. Preliminary and superseded documents shall be clearly identified and closely controlled to preclude their misuse.

5. An index of each type of document shall be established and maintained to provide the current status of documents.

VII. CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL E ULPMENT AND SERVICES QAPO Rev. 29 i ii!i:ii! ii!i i!i!i¸ i!!ili.:ili!!)ii!ii:il)ii!ili!Sii;!!i)!!i

                                                                                                 ;i!:ii iii iil;iiii!i!!!!


iii:ii i~i:iiiii:d!i i i iii r jelctly ior throlughlc~ontriactors andl subcontriactor,:s conform tot~iihe i:iiiiiilI

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !!ii*i!iiiiii!iiiiii:iiii%!ii*;i evalu*:*:*

i*ation, q"ua~lif¢ication,: !*and evaluating*: su PPlier q*Ualit~y pro *gr*am*s ii.!i:*iiii::!i i f ~iiiiii! The

                                                    !;*!::       QAi~~iiSpeciai
!*Ii*ii* st
E-ngineer is responsible for developing;i:  :: ~li:!


                                                                                                                                                                                                              *ii::iii:                            I

iiiiiiii!iii ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2iiil ii!iii!i!ili!ii!iiii!i!ii!iii!iiiiiiii ii!i!i ii:and:c itec*hnficial capa'bilities.i*.iiiiii iiiiiiii!liii!iii Cii:C

                                          *ii*:;SSu* nolier
                                                      *~ ~ ~iQ   Qualificationi::ii
1. Q aiiaino upir
                                                                     ** i t*** i::i;::i**!i:!: ~i ~!i:*l                                :!;i: iii:~!:l:iii::i:iii:i:

f:iiii.!ii!i!:i !:: il!*i

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                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~i.*~i!i:i ii!.                        i:ii!'i i!ii!ii!!ii!iiiii!!!

hl oss fassigps xe ience  :

                                         *::i:::::!     wiiih te snUpplieriind:t~iii:;Q
ii*!init sup ier'rput~ration. and exp*t er iencosi: th f:::::::::::ie, in andi:::i~~:
: :;::: up~pliiers iofi c¢ask 2 .:::*Smaeilsal si us~e~dfor sh ipm~ent: :andcl eeauae.oesre* that ithesto rage: .:d~esign o*f :radioactiveJ a:nd :ifabrication *:*:*.iii*iii::::


*...._--"       ... ::!.i::*;i:::*i:
*: : i: *;::::',"::*'-:!:'*:i: r perfored iliacain :i:i~ '~:'*': undrl the control of an~ E: NRC-approvedi'!il~iii:iiiiii:ii
  • !:: !:' andiii~iii:

Source Inspection............... 0!:;;:~!i:i.l

1. When appropriate, suppliers shall be requested to furnish DPC with sufficient information concerning their manufacturing and inspection plan to permit DPC or their designated agent to plan and implement a source inspection plan.

2.We prpitiseti!oni plans s:*hfal I:nclueitn~ t ii*e~d*ss and: hold i*i~i*:i:~i~i::! il*i po!**ii~ i ntsfori nspec.:* f  :*t*ion of tem  : jjc , wti**~ tne sin ofpro ess s o tests,::i*i!~i::ii**i*i* ii:: :!*:!::*i:*:i:i auit:. ofii!i!:iiii: requiredL quality~do um n ato

                                                                                          .*i*i~::*:::.iii:ii:*ii::.               , nd v:i*:~*:ii:*i i**:i:ii!!l*!i::i*               rii ato      i iii: that~   :ii vendors:*i:!i*:i~i:! hav:i!ii:i~iiieiilii *iii:ii::!iiiii E.l
1. Items shall be examined by appropriately trained staff upon receipt for shipping damage, correctness of identification, and specified quality documentation, in accordance with approved instructions.
2. Documentary evidence attesting that items conform to purchase order requirements shall be available at the ISFSI prior to installation or use of the item.
. QAii:::i~~*! 3.iDocumentary eidence!!shall be sul fiienin ode to Idnif that th .9!i:ii~*i!!:
    .:*;:t;*!::.*:!:Y:..;::::;':*:.!*:.}t:i;>:.*;*:::specific r:!eqUirements,- such as codes,. standards,: anid specifications,                                                                                     i:: **:
   * :.*i: :.! .il:.i, ;;*:ii~:zi:!:
                              ~:ii:: :.*::i:               : *;ican~i n~be.*confir'med :fori thle pur~icha sed item, :This r-ieqU ire~ment !shall: ibe: .i::.ii. .! *:i!:

i  :"::-: }:i -. sat:isfi ae by:;d umhaving ap~op ava fiabe copes ofrin the purchase order:and*ii!:.i:i*: ii~i*:!:!ii:ii-!:.;il*.!:i::i: *'i

             ...                          ....                  appropriate...      docum ent referenced..                       .           th*. rein...
                                                                                                                                                   ...::.:..         .:      ;i ; *:..*::.;:::::::::::::::::::i:;;::. *;tit:::.:.-:
                                 .                  :4!AlIT                    aeils at, n                                         o poet                     il        esgegtduo                                              i
          !:;:* :I   ;. :'i:iiLi;i : :]E T                      rFeceip an will        b*;e          place in*:a; receivinginspection hold area*sb                                             EparTe      i;:*ii:~~l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *i!ii:!ii;~!i i~:i*
          *:"; 'r*..:.:*'*
                       *:::*:**: :*:m;from:*      *:]:":               sto rage*]:;*4**+:2:"*i**;::iZ::

fa;**::* i +iies:*:;:**:;.*

                                                                                 ;::;;::::*                         A fter:        accep
.*:"::" *::**  : : tan ce,:
                                                                                                                                      *=;::[*              t* *he:' m aterial; will:::::::::::::::
  • =* be:*:=identified:*
                                                                                                                                                                                              " :':2:=*****:
-it-a;hs accineptabl iesandplaed insecuifimednts.orag x~;:t;:;..:i;i!.t::i::.:;::::*:*o~*:i:}: ie.ntfct~ n;;n o~ f::i:i* :*i;: ;::*':=;;
            ~::ii!;;:i;i!i ii!; 5.i;:iDui~a~rina!eciva~ing inspectin, If ~ non ii::: i;ii~~*:::*                                                                                                                       a s onformanie or di yscrepancy ~ii~;:!ii*i:: iiii:i*i ;:*


           *:i::i ;;;                                d exists,       i the    :f6material mi:~e i shall         ti:* ;tebe ;f~         placed         on hold in*tajito~;

ityiii*r*gh*: and w.ill remain;;: usini::aiii:i::.:. hold

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~~i *.


    • !!: . statuii:i suntil final, disp
i::,i!!::::iii:!:i:i¢;:i¢ !i::iii::o::sitioni
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                                                                                                                                                !:: ed..i
i:::i:i::i;:; A: corrective:!action.

i*!:;*:::.i- :::*! *: .:i*:::;:;i ii;i!i!:* ::;document:*:: *:.*!i;:::T e shc~*all: beinitiatell:b~e~bihn* th*oe~l rq iie e:si:*:! *!,i:::::i

  ...-../ITS                                                     mateial,.par., and c                                   mpoeteasb a o tsed                       ntheponentssyste m                        -. ,:             :::
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ip:!n t aiti theb*fai ity~e: throughidbnstallation or u~ste .ti~i: .i! !:ii*;*

               * .* .::-...; t;!                                for3t;;:;

hesi~a:;dentificati.on and controlc fa t~~iderias pabrtshandicomponents~h;"i;.

   '::::;"""; " .i: .!i.: ::} from recemm:ip){nt                                     th oug istall~oq:atio n goruse and/ort e v::.tran!;ielop                                       t0:ingpro icdures .}:::;!:;:.;;:.
  • 7*:{**:::,: documentation.: I::dentific~ation *Shall: be either: o n the: item o r !recor~ds:i.

{ :::::::i:::!)::

!::} i :traceable ito :the :.:item.iWhe re~plhysical. ide ntification .is*im practicali*:-.:iI :::
                                                         * :::..:.!/i{.


i.:-:physicalisepa rationi~, /procedu*Jral 'cont~r.ol, :or other. approbpriate :means :i"i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .......                        _: ...- :.:/ -


A.i: Gene~ral::
i*i-:,,  :,,:,i:::}, ::: : "

This secti~o n es tablishes, the:: m easurbes .to"assurie* s pecial :proce~sses,.iii} :i*i::i)i:;. ii{:i*

                                                     * .! :":... id::i~:.*:i::iientified as I.lSFSi .ITiS,. a*:re c*ontrolled and ~accomplished byZ iqualifie~d*:ii;!.-:;i::K:-ii~~:*:*..i~ii:

i:ii.}:iiip.;erison~nel iusing q:..ualiified ~procedue-i.s} in accordance. with:*i":i

                                                     .i:}:::.                                                                                                                                                       apicable cei*-as,7:*.! iiii:{: ~i st.eand                  sefiatinscriterieaioto nards      n,                                                        and     ~oth         spcalsreuirementsrane.:"":

r  ::.;::.: S - -1. ThreOPO stafddfisresonsibeWor establising S~capro~cedrs that d~esrib:*ed::;:-i:i

                                                      --: :.:..::.:.:. ::how p:q~Ja~fersonel a~ndpoedures                                      n           aorane w~tqualifiedfosijecalprcessres;::*:{.:.}!/:*}.:::*::*:*i*:E:

K:!:.. K.:!!}*:~"**:.i.i] 2:.:.:The QAi Speiaist I En:*  ::eer oisrbe*:f)r.:asponsibne for rev*u~iewing o~i~ifi: :*::i !i [. :*:

  • : ';' 7:::>,:.:>.**::
  • -i{:i*}!
.: repa:!iii-:!ersand mdii.*h 0cedtion w eork nvling specal prcessife~s: perform.;;iiil.::-.:::.:*{:iied *
                                                             -i::.!-:::-            byi:!qualc:ifsi~ed        proniunde                              acntildcord          nce           ithiqualiie:a           prceduresi~.-*:~ .:-::

6da .:..-:

                                                      .... : :.:...: ... using: qualified personnel :and :procedur~es. iQualification of..personnel:.i.: !.
i.:/::*!..::*ard*st.n~dproc durs:!:*!::*:*!:: shall com .: ply::::::::::::::::::::::!:!*i with the req}{i .irements!:*. of! appl:":

i cable.:.:/:: codes!:*::!:::{.!:i:.

{i:::i2.**: Wi:eiderSiand welding iprocedu~res: s hall:* be:q ualifi ed,-i as approi:pria*te,:: :in~i:;:::i:!i:*
 .{!::if-:: :---..: . t: }: .!.: {i : .:.:*.":*: -: :i ":i¸*:            :i :: :i::::iaccordance: w*ith iSection iX o:*f the ASME Boiler :and Pressure :Ves~sel::*;:*:!!~i ii!iiiii{,,iii*i
                                      *. *.........:,V ::i:!*
  *::*:*.:::.:: ::.i:i*i*::


i:*i.:::: accor*.dance
:. w.:ithi:thhe Amer*ican :Society ifor .Non-destr*uctive :Testin~g:*!:::**::: .*;:

4.: Procedures shall, be established. to describe !themethod. used to control." :: 4

                                                                             " the receipt, storage, baking, drying, and disbursal of welding filler ..

i:::," /:*::,' ,,::/-'

  * * ,":         -..:, ""{. %.."" :.:'             :      ""

caibatdmaintained,":stored, :handled, -and :Issued :in .accor'dance with

                                                                         '. :,.....applicable   ..        procedures orinstructions..-..........- ".-,...                                                              .:"'/!.....}'i.:.. ": "r ii:ii
 '      ::,.'.{:", ::i:: " .: }".' : / ":
!}:': 'i: "(::'4.:::;/" ":::::'.*:A:*ai:*l-:t*,


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i. :i S!ii  :, ,,, .. ..  :,:-,:,:::.::- :, .. ::,,, ,::: , ,i!

X.INSPECTION: A.* General This section establishes a program for inspection of ISFSi activities to verify conformance with approved procedures, drawings, and specifications. B* Responsibilities ii;.! ::;i:i;;i-i;::;:;:.r.i:.equir~ements ::ar~e :inClu ded:i n engineering;,specifications, alndi reviews *of.:::ii

                                   ;ii.;. :i*-;-:.any
  • in~sp ection **pr~oce d Ures!: imp lemrne nting this Section. arecom p leted*:!:: . .*:!i.
                                   . .~      ::;:! :T~he QAi Spec~iali:st I,Engi neer i~is;!:
                                         *.2;.i:                                                                                 reponisbleI for esta*bliishing ;inspection :!il.I
                                 .:i :.::i.i i!:: :.;;*proceduries and iassurin g adeq uate. ;inspection: req uir~em ents arie!:;:;; :::;!::i :;i:: ~*!.i.
                                 .: *****iincluded in procedures. They areualso responsiblrese                                                                          sibe,:frl      forcoordienatingi c o!;dnilt n *~th                            theo   e;::*:::*. :
                                 ":;:~ii".,          assignments:          t ofsgnme  qualifiedfie isinspection personnel.                                                        : *:i:i ".i. i.:*!:*!::Y::i -:;;i~                                :-: :-*:.i :
    * ..:i..:..;:;::.:;.:..
. :3-*.: The/.":.:"..:.

ISF :i:""-::::,:

i. :i;i:?.?. Manage I :,;,*:,: shall::i.:,,::;:..i-,

be eson .. .::,ibe for ,approv,:, ,ing,,- ..ISESI, .inspecti .i:::.~..:,.:..::::::,. on.*

     ;; ! ;i:;;;i::i:~i;
i:}:*i;::*i ; proci3::;iT e duresFor a!insrcionsa nd-*shall ens ure suf~f~ i c:*ient ;Inspect;ions are~i~!;!J
              ;;i!:ii: :*:!performed.         -                            to provide               adequate
                                                                                            !::.ii-;:"::."./.;::::              confidence
ii*:::;*.i~::.:.;  ::::.: that
.: project activities
                                                                                                                                                                    ;i:::::*?:;;::;**:**;;::i:;;;                                  meet;:~i:*-i::;:
':::;::i*::;;i;?:*:i:;:*;;;;.;::  : :::~i.  ::*: ;;
p :e :*!i::in redeterm:i:ed reiqui':*:
l:;:ii*!*:i:i*;**:; reme;!;n!' ts.*;l***:~i' i::;/ *i*;*;i:i;;il*:!!i;*:: *i:*
                                                                                                                               .i:::;i:i*i!::::;:'i                i:*iii:!!!:;;**::!ii;ii:!: ;iii*:: *:*: :;: *;~;'ij:*;i*!*!!!;: *;:                i*:i':*:;i***i*!i;
                                      .i*:::i;.;ii:  to..?

tpbe e;*stabl!i.shed.: Plannin:g activities shall. identify :the ~char!acteristicis: ;!l*. i!:.ii;accePltanice cicteraia, a~d the o:ibrganization r.iiesponsi!ble :for:performing~i.:: : . i

                                                 .. :inspectin~g of, an activity. beforie proce~eding, shall be in;:idicated inithiei:;;:ii..::;:
                                                ;-:appro*prijateprocedure, specification, ior :order. Ti;;;he: inspect{ion:.~:;..}.:::::;::
                                      .i::i:::;shall :be documnented, to indicate approvali and rel~ease: p~rior to ....: -:- / :
                                      . ;i , .. continu~atio n iof the actvi ty . i.                                                  . . i., .. . ,:,,.; . ;:, -,,,ii;-i;i:;ii; :i*.:,:,li                                                                                            iiI
  • by:cOm*panyi yipersonn eli or con:tractorii.pleriso0nn el,: ian~dii sh alli requir~ei t hat.:i"i.!:*; ::*i*i:*:::::.!
  • i;
    • ...ii::iii*;:i::i::.i:-i::"
ii:.i:;:*:.:.;..;?.:;!i:;nspection *proced ures ;and :*inOstruc¢tion~s, alo!ng w.ith n*ecess:ar!y dra~lng s,il.!i~i~;.:jj::::.::ii~..

...:: i::i~~ii/:::*;i; i!* ~-*:;*~il:i 5.ii:

Insp. e ct*ionre uiemet hai eint goverdning modificatieorgns, r ;epairs an id i; :.....:.*

replae  : ment;shalli: be

                                                                                   ;-i.;i:;.."            acc , .inrdanc with:.the,....                              origi:.:.

i nal des;;... ..i gni and.*.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .. ;;;;i.:/!*::;;;.:

inspctio requirements::, or., as amended.: , by approved chne to the, QAPD.......  ;!;*!iiii;i!i*i:!;i*

                                                                               *!i*i!*        i!i;::i*

i!i*i:!i:*:iil* ***ii*i¸

i 18 Rev. 29:"


  • i.i-ii::*.:  :. ::./i:::!.

section establishes the requirements for an ISFSI test program to demonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service. The test program shalt include, but not be limited to.surveitlance testing, special tests, post maintenance testing, and testing following ISFSI modification o significant changes in procedures. B. Resoonsibilities..........

1. The DPC staff is responsible for establishing the requirements to control the test program and for preparation and review of test procedures, surveillance during testing, and review and documentatio of test results. The DPC staff is also responsible for establishing specifications, requirements and acceptance criteria for testing following ISFSJ modifications or installation activities and the review o results for testing following modifications.
2. The ISFSI Manager 'is responsible for the approval of ISFSI test~

procedures or instructions.

3. The Qualified Technical Reviewer is responsible for review of all ITS proposed test procedures, special testing procedures, performance testing procedures following ISFSI modification and performing 10 CFR 72~48 evalu~tion~ to verify that ISFSI tests do not require prior NRC~

approval. . C. Requirements

1. A program shall be established to assure all testing required to demonstrate that ITS SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service is, Identified and documented.
2. Testing shall be performed in accordance with approved test procedures that incorporate or reference the requirements and acceptance criteria containedin a'*~~l*i~able design documents and Technical Specifications:
3. Test procedures shall incorporate, but not be limited to, requirements for such items as: hold points, witness points, caution notes,.

emergency reqLirements, and test jumper logs.

4. that:

Test procedures shall Include, as a minimum, provisions for assuring

a. Prerequisites have been completed that include, as a minimum:
1) Control of systems status as necessary.
2) Availability of calibrated Instrumentation and special equipmen
b. Test objectives and applicable acceptance limits are stated.
c. Test results are documented.
d. Detailed instructions for performing the test are included.

APD Rev. 2

i*:: .:'::.:::::*:*:*i::::*i:

i! ::!! i .,i:ii*!*
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    • !ii*:;::iii
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ii*!*ili*i:i!iI ili:!i i*i:i L! :ii:iii!i!:

iii !*'::!i e-.:i:l Test !results ar~e reviewed a nd :approve~d:.: cond::

                                                          .*:0uc~tin:g:the                        *:test, recorder:, the:: type:-of. observ9ation :made,:: ::
.:...:the :equipment .used,. the test re~sults, :the acceptability of.the :test;::..;;.:

r iesults, .anid approved :dispositio*n for an~y deviaJtions::. :.*:.-;.:":.i":*:::::,


iti::ieria :shall :be p:roperliy n:ot~ed :andl appropriate ¢orrie~ctive a~ction tak*:ienii:::.i: XiII. C:!!i*ONT OL:OF .MEASURI:NG AND TEST EQUp:IPMENT..: :;;-i!!i-:::*::~i: ::ii::.:;:i::*:!:: **iiiilii ii::!;::.:;::::i!iic:*,on*tr

                                  ;:-                             ol,* :calib~rati on,:: andl p:)eri~o~d ic adjuistmient:; of :tools, *gau[g~es,;*: inst rum~ents,*::.* ::
                            ':.:.."!:::':,::~i:!a::*ndl othe r measurinirg :an~d:test!eq uipment-used, to verify confo rma nce ~toi .::.:-: .:
: : " established :iSFSI tec:hnical requlremients "..... "."::..... .... ':'""-;

B. R es o s b i~ es :,!::: :"::" :"::. . .. "::onsib""il...:":ities'::" :::."":: :::::::i!!i.i:.i::. ::::::::::::: 1...The DPC staff is rsponsible for establishing requremet for a .

                                      .-:::::.... ; .... program :for.-the Econttrol, calibrat*ion,: and periodc ~:adjustment. of itoolSi::.
  • i!:*;::::ii
!.: *:en*suriingg:tool s, g auge s:;, instr umen ts,* andCothe r *m easurin g :anrd :test:.::. i
                                      !*i-,:::.:**::!*.:::***::*::eq:uipmet               a:*re calibrated to a:s~sure co*:mp:iai*nce with *t~he imnplementing::*:;
  • ..*.*:....*i*i::i!*:* :*:::.*:::- .::::i*::: ;3*:. T;*he~I:SF:SI!: Manag:errIsi ;resp)onsible for ensuriing iim~plement~ation*of the.i.*:;
                                            .. :...: -!req uirements :of this sectioni:of ;the manual "for.ISFSI ::activities andrfor:..:;.
*; aprovig I:SIprocdurs o insrucion ...... . *:*i*i:i::;*::::  :  ::::::::::
* ::::i * .. -.*:* * *: : *:* i i*!***~!:/; ::::::::::::- :: . : : * : :- ! i:i !*::*;*:: Ji :.:; *: :: ::!; :;::: ~: ::*: :i :***::!: :.**i:::  :: .:.:!i *,:: :*::*::

iili ill:i!

           * .. :,  *- "   . ,*,..     .*,,..:....I'*
                                        , ,*H..                  UI[*III*li-          ".;:'..- :

i::ii:: :ii.!: i*iii:*.*1:.*:,*Insp'e~ctio'n, *::t~est, aind iwor p:ro:edure;s shall include pro*:!*ivision t:!:o!**: ::::i :!:

  • !:-.a.nd. t~est eqi p m~enrti an d: idev*i:e s :used: in :a::cti:vitieS affecting*: qu~ality::ar~e of:
                                                                 *:t h~e .*pbrope :range
                                                                 *::::::::                                gb~tY pe,: and .!accu: rac(yi.{to ve rify !c~onhformanceb; to::*:** :"i:":.*

established requirementseandm testan parameters.e~i*;*:;* :::* :::.*;:.;;.*::;i..::::::!:::;i::::* :.*:il* E::::.:.:*.:equipment shall be.:.:: controlled, calibrated, adjustedecl and maintained.........

                                 .::.:.                        :period~ically,-o~r :pr{ior to :use.? Calibratio~ns are performned againSti!:;::"::::
                       * - -:"- "                            -certified :measur~ement standards that,.are traceable-:to. nationally*::::,.:* ...
. : ~recognrized standards. Where, national::standards do: not :exist, ================:
                         * . ::. i-                  .,provision~s will :be established to dc~ument .the.basis for-calibration.:;.**Ei:*..::


                       ... .::.    .. :::                    .:Contr~ol.m~easures :and, p~rocedures :shall: prevent the use o:f calibrated::.-*..:
======================= un=
  • auth*orizedi personnel. Special controi :m~easures :ar*ei::
                       * :.":-: ..-:::   ::;:!. :!. no.ii0t; required for d~evices when nhormal: commercial. practic~es provi~de:.i.:..--:.
i:*a de q ua te :ac c u ra cy . :::::::::::::::: .- : :
                      .*=.....: *:.;:..*:..:::.iii;*::::*:                                                                                -..      ..:;*:".* : :::: ' : .. -.::.:- . : .:*:*::.: *::=i
                              ...            :       3,!!*::I:::.:
                                                          . W he...n an..                          of....
                                                                                .- .:........:........,:,::m e s r.item n and test:':"!i::i'     eqi pmi:   e      nt!:.i:,'="=
                                                                                                                                                               . ... :is found to,...          bei:::.

out of':::*:*!,,:* :.:

!i!::!!::i:* ::~:i:
3*.  :*:f* ea~~ing: 20 and; *este~p et:i ifurl~ !.ii:beo Rev.  :~ ::::i;:29:!:!:*iiie
.::;::: ::::ii,: i*::i::i:i:i::: **!!i...::i::::i:, ::i*,
                                                                                                                                                          *i!ii*: !.:i*!*:i*i:!:*i*i                  *.i:* !i*: .il!:!i*iil calibration, an, investigation* will be conducted and documented: to. "

deteri~mne :the validity of previous .inspections,. tests, or caliibrations.::

                                                               ..which wereper~formed with: the use of that* item: .:.. :*:!*I                                                                                              .:.. :;!i *.l..!i!.::i':*

i i:*~ :ii:ii:iI4. .*i*R ecords. or loii0gsSiof ithe icalibrationnhist oriiof imea suring anddtest:'~~~!ii*::iiIi!:l:i*

?::a**:ffixe*d iserial :n umb er.! .Calibr~atio n:.idecalsiiitag s ori*s tickr
:;-::!i*:.-::!i::::ii~*:.:;:-? i eis~ihalli;b e :. :I*
                                                         .:.i:i:.!.:~d :islyd enit::f          prom iSn entlyn          i:on each device              .!i-.,cal  and rt     shallh.reflect.            :::"                   the date===              of===========iii::!-i:ii
                                --*-:.,*::.*. :: i:-* T his* secti on es:**:tablishle~s:*t:he* re qu ire~ment s fo                                             lr:S FS :proce*du re*s ,on:':r                                            to               trol* :i.:
                                . :::*ii~:::
ieihan~dlinig,  ;:storage, :sh ipping,* iclean*in~g,* pack aging:,* and :preservation o::0f *::i:
                                           .:.?!::*IiTS*: m~ateriia~l**a~n*d ieq~uip~ment :*t o :prievent idam*ag e, deterio:ration;, or lioss:ii.:i:i!:*:*i:.-
.ii.*:.:.through.::;.;shipm ent, .::

inst: lla io or. use..-.--:.:.... -.-:: .:..:-. :-.::.. : .-.::-:-:.-:~ .i: .i- :::::i:*.~~:::::

!!::"i: : *.:i~.:!:2:..:.!.:::"2i: .-The .ISFSI ~Ma nag e~r: Is respon*sible::*forappro*val
             ' :.::..:.                                                                                                                                      t                                 o:f *allimpl**:                    em:enting':i:::::i**:::*:::
              - "':"    " : '"";'" -:1.::                         Th r:scaequsirements: for handing:,                                           storagpleshippti~ng cl~teanembing, and~                                                              :::i :*"*i
':i:! :i*I
                    *"                         -:':: .            -suprlserv *,ation of-ma.erials,       ia l.. and:equ                 ::...:.                ipment  shall::::: be~                    doc
                                                                                                                                                                                                           .- :::..i--"?.i.: me te .:in::*.:.::::i
                        "                           - : - .: :: p::.*:   roved
" !:!:i~ip roced  :::::.:/u res.:::'*:ap .  ::::::...: i.:* ::: * :::i:i:  :::::::::::::: L.i:*:.:::: : *::i*:: ,:, .,.,,,. *:, ::,:,: : .,:.,,,, ,:,,, **:
,":::!i:!!:.:,..: i :!i::':;:
  • :::;.*:: .:::.c:bovrinand::it~pr~oetvednviromentrs;, suhatspeinier!it
                      .:. *::::::*:                                                                                                                                                                                            valsa        *tmospherei::i::
i:. hand::!

lting:tools, .andi~ equip~mentto a e sueafan adequatey mntied::.-::: handling::.:: of;,"*,.*:::*ii*.ii::

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     /.!:.!*....         :.::;::..;::-i.
      *,:. :,"" *;;,*:., ' LII.*,    *i ,:*:.-:*-:i*:*.:

i*il- ": , i;- ........ . ... .  ::: ., , :, .

  • HL :L :- . :
...: :,,. : .- .,-:I*."::T -, :*i:*::
!:  :::. : : : :*i:i
-:::::::::.:*!:::!  :*i:i:i:

9 i,*i:i*

.!*. i.:::

i::i:::::.:* :i

 ..... . . .. ......': .i:***:*     *-.,i:::::::? :*:**:i*i:-!:!::i:**::ii                                     ii:*i!iii-!*:*I :, ili, .ii iiI:::.i:.i**.*!!i
                                                                                                             ....**::.:::i:i:::!* **: *:!!::*
                               *"*":"*'***      *' ' **:.*handling                    personnel. :Other special shipments which requir~e sPecbial: .....                                                                                           ::*.-
... ;-*@:.::@i.:*:*@equipmenit and handling: willibe *handled by knowledgeable an~d trained !" !. * *
-i.!!;..-:::.:::.7,:Storage.o~f material and equipment will be in from fumes, . ..:.,: ...
                                         ..::.- . :;vapors,                     s.iand :dust.Storage will be in areas protected frobm the weather, . : !/..:.*;
-:.";;::.::;*i! : as approm~; epr~ifjate, andinthorichemical wti*;:storage wislxludd: b::ih ecp e a s:;-!.:.*:i.:::::*:.:::::.:!:;::::.:.
: .:.:"i:which s~atisfy :th~e h;andling and .storage: requirements specifiedO: for the;:: .:: ;::i::. . :
                    - +m
                             .        :.XIV.         ;*            .     * .....      .                                   TI .. t :. ..
                                                                                           ..:: .:,::.. :....:T......T..-..::.          ,:     . l...-..

i i!!.*:i!*:! :*i i : .*!!i i  :!!i!: !i!i: i!i:: !i:*ii: iiiiii! iii:.":::!"1:.i::: i-:.The DPC istaff:is !.responsib*le for ensuring tha~t the status~of operating.:.'!I

                                  - ..":'::":.::--.::".eq uip ment o.:r :systemss*to;.be ::removed: from .service for: m ain~tenance:,;;: i- .::
                                     .-.-... .-:test, :Inspection, r~epair, or: modification Is in .accordance with :;the:. ::.;i :.i;
                                   -.-::*-i:  -.-.. :c ompliance witth approved iproc~edures and shall ensUre in~spectioni~::i:*:ii:!::i::
                                               .*i:*..i"*results :are pro*perly rlogged.;,! :They:. shalli establish the :probedIurebs. ifo r : -i.* ;:


                                   * ::  . i:iv:.....

i.-: imple~m~enting :the work inspection or status sheets during imaintenance,;*::

                                       *".'i:. ***:!properly loggebd. !:Th~e*D*PC staff *is *also responsibl*e fr ithe con~trol f *:.ii:!- :
                                   /:*"i i!ii!:             " : :%.                      *,  * ......  "*.....": .','.. :   "'.,"

C. Reauirements

1. Equipment or systems not ready for normal service shall be clearly identified by use of tags.
                                   .:                             Equipment :or syst~em ;inspec~tion :an~d :test statu~s ishall be .indicatedi:::::-.*::.i:.i::::.
                       .::*::.     ...                           ::SS~s :that :!a~re fou~nd.itobe unac*eptable:i durin:g. !or :a fter tefsting :s hall::: :::!:::!*:!:i
i. : ..: ::'.
  *i:':.:"   :
                       !:~i*ii***i:.:.!:iii:.,:: section estbliishes measures t~o: :assure t:hat :onditions:advese *:. :::"*.i:
                       . : ::::*:..- :~ii!::        :devi atio ns:,, defe~ctive :m ate ri al a nd .,equipment,; a nd no0n-co0n form an ce:s aref!..:-'- :
  • ... ..::.. . :* promptly Ideintified~a~n~d corrected.-, T:his inicldies: the control: of materials:;: :.: ,
                       " " ....: parts, or-comp~onents thati do not: conform !to!requirements, .ther~eby..*:i::...:;i:... :::*i.
~~preventing :their inadvertent: use ori :installation. ".::  :-;: :::: ::.:..::i::..:::::::.:::.::.::::*i*i::
.B*::. :.ResponslbilitieS*:,: : ::...!...; procedures:.:  :.::*::.:the.-::!"!*!ii for.:::*..:  :!.ii*!. ::
1. Thi:*i:i e DPC.: stafi s ri::iespons:ibl:e :for iesta:blisini:gi
.;!: :::!i:i i:;::!: *!: :::i :::i~i: *i/ *.:ii:2 2 ::i!!ii*:::iii;::*:::: ::2:;:*;:::*

ii*::~i*i::i.:;:i:!..i:  :*:::*:::*ii**.:*::*:*:!*:;i*;::*::!iR ev.::29:*:.,:

  • ..:*i:*
Q APO;i*:
:i.*! ii
                                          ; .. i.    . ;:.::"-identification, !review,: and correction of conditions adverse to quality: :i
                                          .:~: *.: i ::]:!! ,whi~ch :includes the control, evaluation, and disposition of deficien~t::i*, i-:.
                                        ;i*)?i?:-::.~i.:.:2;i:.: The D p*sta~ff           C              is Lrespon~sible :for reva*iewin*g. no nconfor~ming ;items ti*hat!*:i~~~
                                                     !..:i::?i!*::canrnot:b~e co~rr~ected ;by )vendor a-ctilon anld :recomm~ending :dispositio)n*):.)
                                          .:::!:;..~*!*ii*                                                                                                                                               I.
                                          ;;*::::?I3. i?!Thie iDPC staff ;is irespo nsible: for: rev~iewing conditionrsadve~rse: toi;*.:. ::i:*-
                                           *: : .-  : :i:)::ii.:.quality to. determ~ine the: cause .of the condition; and for: rec*ommending;
  • ..I-).!::i.i;:. correctivect action toe :prpreclude repetition.i:* i.!~i:.)": :!i~::.::i:i~!-.-..I:IIi:/: :..]
                                                    **!~i**:*:**i*:]:d~eficiencie*s,- *devi~atio:ns,~defective m*aterial *and equ*ipm~ent, shiall ~bei:*i:!; iii!*:;

i i;:::iii i,*:iir,*ieported ion ia corre[ctiveI *ac*tio0n :d~ocument.: Materials, iparts!,ib*::*i

                                              * :*:: ;:.:i:*:i!**:ii:                                                                                                        or           :i: i;~ii*ii*:*l*:i**
!:.:.i::iil'-':i:!  !::placedi~ii~~:::

i l::; n a holid *st atu[s,. No*nconforming items, shallii remai~n' in*:: a..i...::!?;!!i~!i*i :;:::i!

                                                   ..ii!)*.. : .-segregated *area :until *approved disposition: has been determined:i:)- :.i-:*. .:*
  • .-:i:i:

2.: i:The corr~ec~tive action do~cument shall identify :the condition, :the cause- ;.!:l~ all nonco~nforming items and requested to: correCt the deficiencies.:::;: *,::.*:

  *0L','.'...0;': i'        ...i ): :.
                                                                    ; ::r:e'spon ii ::i sible ~fo:r*i coor dinabting ::the !dispos ition* ofa deficienht: :i t~ems.Wit hi :!i*ii [iili o***!!*:*r reject..I:`t~e~ms :shall *be r*epaired or r:eworkedi only: in; ac*co~rdance withi-*i:::!*
approved probcedUres and sha~ll be re-inspected after rePair
by :the: QA: i::III: i:i:  !*!i
  • :...:).' .-:.:---i.:i.,i..'.:
                                                                   .. specialist:I Engineer:. DPC staff :shall ensure ithat documented ~and:.: :i: :: :
                                                                   ! iappro:ved
procedures are availabl~e prior t;!° repair or irework.
::i!:**:i* ii!:!; !:::i
                                            ... ~:5...        .         l5ii:.;tem*s.iwhich iare accepted i~for us~e witha :known defiiciency shall b;ie fullyi
                                                 *:::i :i: :idocumente~td with ~th~especificatio n !:requirement, j]ustification*:f~or:i*i*:: ii::i ir;]i~:ac;eptanice, and effect !of such u:;se;*i Alli such :iitems lshall b*1e :a~p~provediii:

L i ii!

                                                     !i!i!:::: :::i:!:.;irecommen:0d e~d or*rec*tive. a~ctio~n:s thaa*in*:voliv~e :a d*e~s~ignncha*nge,*:..shall! :b-e~i
- by :DP pcstaff or: appiciiable :Designn::Author*ity. (r~ef.: Appen*di~x :::...
                                                                  ."'"10CFR21I.shall* be :reported In accordance with: approbved.:pr*ocedur~es'..". .


. .. .. ,' ".- -. '.. * :. ,: ":::) ... ." : -.. " D':" ".:

QD . .:...:*.!:*:: :.::..:.: *:..iL:

  • i: 23 ;::)::
                                                                                                                           .ii23                                                      Rev. 29i.::i.:*:*.*.
...-L.  :..:..:.-...:-..'


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *i:' ::::*!i!:
                                                                                                                                                                  /. .-:: <..::;.:.,.:., ::'.-: .:::./::.- -:--.:..-:

A. General:  ::::**:*:.*:*iii'i:!!.


i:/thle oper~ati.on, mi:m.ntenance, :installation, rfepa~ir,: and modification o*f ISFS!::;;**I. ;*

                                           **:;SScs, :alnd ithe :decommissioning: activities, covered :by the QAP.Di:. Also**::!.*:;!***::
"-infclud ed iareh istorical~i reco rds gathe red and -coll!ected; d uringgpl!ant :*and ::i::*::i.: :: :!iii
                                           ;:?ISFS I op*erations; which :are eithert*q                      re Uired toblsupporti th e dry~i               icaski sltor~age*i*:: ::.iii
                                           *;!;**exe~mpt from r~ecords ;keeping ir~equirements::inaccor~dance *:with :thei ter~ms iofi-*
i:iany iNRC- appro*ved irecords exem ptionnth*at"may be g ra nted :!SOLUTi*ONS:::.
  .*..*.*-...*......  .: :..            :- . *1.:
T*.::*he DPC staff::is:respor~sib~e for establishing the requirements of :this.
       * ,,. , ,,              . :                         se c tion...
  • '.i*:.:/;ii:.

i:*  :*:c:ontrolled and stored in: accordabnce with iwritten !Pr~o~cedures.*; The riecordl:

                                ;: ;.:;;. ;:::!~:system~;!].inlude~s theii@ *rete ntion of *thioseii d~esign, f!abricatio0n, *in~specttb?
                    ; (:. i:::!i:i                                                                                                                                                   ion, ::*:;
    • ***.~~;:.:  :*i:::
i:i*; ic::borr*es pondin j :m anufactur:ing,,i:;nstalliation;,:. Insp~ctio:n, .itest, :and iaudeiti::i*i?*!:

i*?::::.. -::*.:;:i:specified ini: approv*ed pro~cedur*ies::. QA riecor~ds shal be::pro*:

                   - .!ii::i;:::..i                                                                                                                           tected::** ::.;!.*::!~:!:!
/;*;with :a *mean~s ob.f matching *therecord.d:;to the item; or activity ;to whlich;:f~ ::it
                    .i.!:. :i;~:::::/"::::.::                                                                                                                                                 :::i
                      *"..:..:::::i i:                      *:*subcon~t'racto~rs/sub-supplier~s, .theorigin~alQA r~ecord of the ~deliverables.i iiii i iiii i -:will:be.transmitted to SOLUTIONS or DPC When applicable:i:.iii-::i:.i*.i-l:..
  • ~i:
           *.ii:?:.:i.i ii:.I: :i2l.i                     2::uthie   A,.:i:i!:.:.ntic-ation:. Docum*ents s hall be!*onsid~ered valid~: ireco:rds .o nljy i*ifii~l l~~
i :":::":"::*i!!stamip~ed,:;' i~nitiale d, or *s ig ned :anda dated* by-a uth*ori'zed :.p ers oinel or!:*!ii:.*ii.!i:*:::i::
        *:.:.*.:::*:.**i:*:!::i:i*i!**:/:**;:::!!:*:::*:ii:othritW~ise     authentlicated, :including th~e :u~se o*:felbectr~onic approval iarnd~i::i;.i.
-!i'.i:ii?!i!:~:;::~i*:.i:-ii:i;ii.::i:.**:*aUthur*ization. *iThis: authen~ticat~ion may t:!ake ithe form o.f ai*statemenht biy!:;i.:* * ::, ,<:..,,,-.:. ,: ,:..... ,.,: .:
        . *..iii*  i/ *ii.::::: i::.:!:ii:ithe rei~sponisible, individu~ali or organlizat!Qion*.Han~dwriitten isignlatures i~arei**:i~:                                                                       ':: :* :..:*::*'i  ::"i,.:.*::.:::
                 ;: i;:.i~~i:.:! : ::*;:::*;*.      *!::no require .. d; if* theadocu ment :is clearl! id entified as ia:st atement bY *th e:*;::::
                      !.:;:: ;*::. :: :;.: ;.repo rtin g* ciniv idu al ori:org anrizat ion. :,T hes e: reco0rds-m ay* b e !originoals or0*::i:!:

i ii:":" i .::ii;.:.::.:3:.:;:.3:

:"* iIndexing dentif~ication, Thel;ocation
                                                                          -*. records of indexing the record         system     :within   ~theincl
                                                                                                                                    .must         ude :records:.*i.::

isystem, and~iminimum:.:ii.i  ;*:::. :

                     .:--". ii;..:!:.:Hir etention. time. I:Th1e re~co rds and/or ind exinrig sy/ste m(s) :shallI ipro~videi:.;::.*
                                                                                                                                                                  .ii:,:*::i*v:i:!29 QAPD                                                                             24
                                                                                             , .,*+* . ,.,, ,,,:,,,: ,* ,:, ... ,:,

Rev. 29

                                                                                                                                       *::i:'i::: ! :i.:!:


                                                                                                                                                                              .,:-.. : .'::" ; ':i":'-T:il* ' ":.:
                                                                                                                                              !:i!i :i : i

.  : : : : :i:i: ilili

!  :*!:::!i!?:;::::-!sufficient; info.rmation to permit ;identtification between the: recor~d"anid the:.


": ;i 4:::~.Distirib~ut[ ion:: a:nd: Cntroli..; The records shlla. be distributed, h~ian dledi! ai!nd::
.cntoledinacoranewitritten np rocedulres. Measuresa*iha!.!. ble.*.zi ;
-: ;::! ;:;-::established to preclude the entryi of :unauthorized personnel inito :the:.::i*::::
i::*i.::~:stor~ag e requirements !aseither lfifetime o r nonpermanient'. R*eco*rds :~ithat:*
                                       .*i::i**?.:,:..:;::**::*.%~imeet .any..of :theefollo~wing 'criteria ~are idesignated Lifetimee"r~ecords ::anid~ii~.:;;i
.!!!:i:*!:i.iii*!* m
                                       *iii::I                    m ust ds , be m aintained.;!::*-*

a n d: ..:::..:i *i.:*

                                                                                                                         *i -:; :: . . : . ..-i.: ::".. ~i:...:i.:~i*- -i:. .

a. i! :" *: ..:aiProject lifetime .*records shall.include, as a minimum, design: :*i.

                                                          * :.. ...        and interface control drawings, copies of material i.test reports,.-...i
                                                     . .;i.::/

ii~ ;: :;'::i:inclUding examination :reports*,' and nonconforman~cel re~portsii.;i!:~*:iii

.: :*-:i*:*.: of:** itemlm"!ife iof..the facility, ior life: of the license, aiipplicable.:..:*
                                                               *:.:* : .:*f!the tandaa~rds (.le:g.i: O1C FR7.i,.::10:: C:FR :72) w)-:ill'-be iinclud ed:.ini thl
                                                  =============.::!::.s                                                                              *e: r*et entio n.:


                              .. :6. - :.-6::Storage .                       Requirements.:-:.The :records shall be stored; rIn:              predetermined i:.i:*
    • i======================
.i ::.;.:*::location(s) that a:meet :the lrequir~ements..of appllicable standards, :codes,;i.:::::

i::::i!:*:..::::~.*i-.  : *::i::i*!and regulaorat:Yiige nc*ies ..i.Prio~r: *toisto:ra ge o!f r!ec ords,i: a w:ritte*n s:tor~iage*..i:*:

!i~i Z '"
                                                   ""*" "' I".Records         *shall be stored
":temperatur~ei:.:A~ll'om aintained in hard:copymoistureor?.:"***

fo:rm shiall b~e firmly:-  : '":..::: _.... ..... :: attac~hed: to bi!ndersi or..placed in: :folderts, e:nvelopes, o:r :boxes fo;{ri::!::::.i* ::.:;

                                     .:::::.-: ::.-:*::storage in file :.cabinets or within :containreis on :shelving. :Records miay:**.
                                     * ::*:i:.i:*i**.:!i.*i::;::*::i:::b:i!le::

stored' iini:belectr onic :media: pro~vide~d that: the '*process :for mi:anha * *g::ingi..

ii ::*-:::.::.:::- a.:*::
i:*?Re~cords :shall b:ie storied in fiacilities ~that minimize the :risk of damage
.: 1!: :: i.,.¸ QAPD 5.-....  :: Rev:29 .".:::::":"
                                      *-,, .b. Natural di sasters such .as :Win d, flood,, or fires;.. .,.:..:- .:. :..:/.:*f.V:i .:.:.
-:c. E::Jnvi~ron*m-ental c:onditions : sucbh as{ hig S-:. :i::a n d :low: temper*atures iand:a*::i : .

S"d::. !Inf:jiestationby* :insects, moldi:. or r:odents.ii:~i:

                           !:.-:7:.:         D~isposition- Va~riou s i:reg ulatory agencies ihave: :req~u~irementsi~~*:i{ii:

c*:*:::. on~cerning records- that are. withini th-e scope: of thie QAPD. :The::

    • :*stringent ir~equire~ments sha~ll be: usedl in !:determining ;the :.finhali:i::~::ii most .

!.i XVII. LUiT l-.}:, : : -:i::::'<:"

                                                             ":x .i! ,:::::"",,':,:!i
" A::" \*:.-. G ene ral  : "*.::
This section :establishes }the requir~ements for a system ::of planned and ii::"::::::::::::
                               .documented .audits to} verify complianCe with all aspects of the :QA program..================
                               ,and to. assess the, effectiveness of the program as. it applies to .the ISF:SI,:. :::*::;!:: ...

The system provides for thee reporting andd review of audit u results by :!*:*:.i~::(:::::!;:.:::*::::!:::i !i:*~i:*::

  • //

chec:!~i:i/* kli~sts.i :des~igna:tin~g ::andc itraiani~nggaudit pei: rsonnel, !:and*I conducting:#::::::k i:i*:! **d au* dits..* i s *"i' *~ i b @*:**:*!:.,**:i *i:*:*i- i:i*:*:*:i:} i::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::.! =============================== *:~::d .U :

":bv::. . " ThebiQA verify that :S~pe~ciaJi
                                                                         *th~e ISFSi        stl /i:En
is gbeing peforims :in:consisstentt in~e* maintained
er depe n d en*trevieW an d auidit i:to:.:l:: :!

w:ith ~company.::*::i:(::i:!i::::*i~

.:i :!::!. safetyey administrative, andd llicensing provisions. :::. :!: :::::"::.. :::i::::}-!:V:.:-;:i,: ::ii !!::

C. .: Rbea~ ulre e ~m ~ennts:: s {*:i*!; :;iii:i*i: ..:::i!i:

  • i ::::: *i:i!

{*!iiE~*IEi::/: ;:::*::i i;:i*:*:::ii::: ::!{ *}.** .:***i

i:'": i:::!
                                                                                                                                                                                           .::i:::i-:{i :;:*i*i!! *}:

i~ii*i": :*:,;

  • i1.*:::*i;;

A udciti}Shal i:: be p~ierform;e d i~n a*ccorda*nc e ::w ith: written pi;*rocedur esi!or ii~! !:::: i:.ii:i*i!:

checkl!is~ts! by appropriately ~trained p~er*sonnel: haviing no6!*dir~ect:.ii:*: i::.:::!'I:: :{
                     -: =================:.i ri*-espo nsibil ities in.theeartea audi ted.: *Defici encie6s from iprev*io ussau dit s i -ii:*
:}::shall- be r~eViewed a nd re-;audited:, as appropriate:.-The checklists ar:e :::,: ::
. 2:;. AUdlits may b~e conducted by th~e' QA Specialist I :Eng~ineer :or: other. ::}::a
                       .,... :.qualified personnel,. such ~as technical specialists from other: :;::-. . .;.::;i
Au~dit *ani :s u~rveillance iresults :sh alli b:e idocumented :a~n~d reviewed wi*th.,: :. :ii 3.::::::::::

i:::i:::*:i:*!isu:pervisi~on the ar.!ea audit~ed, who sh0::fall:take necessary!.:::{::

.}:!:i.:::. action :to corr*ect r!epo~rted dleficiencies. i:Follow-up-actionin:rcludciJng r:ie- ::::ili:
                      ,-:;:.s~l;::  :i.,:a~udit/re-survey of0d:eficien*t ara,,                                        !aS:is ini~tiated :a s }dee~medJappr*oprli~at~e:...,,:i:i::
                                                            ..: : :=:.*:~*:::*:::.*!*: , ~i: iii 6 ::i:i.i/:::i:!2
:::: :::.::, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Rev. }2299.ii~
.; : :.::}.!i!i::! :ii::i!::.:: .:ii}::::R  :::i:

QA..:. P.

4.i:i!iii!T~he Q:*A:iSpecialisti i!iEng*ine!er: s*hall *::assess :the following:~**~** iiiili:ii: ii!:iii::iii*i!!i:! i*!ii:ii iil iiiiiiiii!i:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *iiii*ii!*iiiiiiii*ii*iiii ii
a..!], cviaui:,:*1/

I!  !/U:!..! qua!i ii 1M!I ty dl ~i UlI!:d:IIUC plli:aJ!ULl;iucb, p":i

                                                                                                                                                                                   *!U UCU U5I                dIKED~J[
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ]i: ii]:i :::] i             i~:

i*,*:ii.:!::. iii ~~ii:* : .:b: effecud t!ic vendUess ofimplremethati the oiowin;gand. aS reiiauitd:iiii i*ii:::~iii:!*iili: :

i::ii~J cno
i!i~~ii:i:licii.iii !..:il: i:i*i ith i A mac with approv01 ii e d~iiICaii proedureal os. iand;ia!* ~ b *ii~ !*eiili i:ii !*iii
    • !: !:i: :i* Aud*:i::i.l
iii sche:*ulesi ass~ii*i~i:*ur.

it:!iii*i**.d e thatlii:i i**.:i the*folo in areasi1241 are.o:~i: audited at t~he.iii i!ii**ii:** :i:i::ii* il::!3:ii**ii**i

  • i*ii ::: i *:: ndiiicated**:i:ii*

i ii:*i:*i * [**i frequenc

  • *d* i*ies or more frequently as :*:iii;::*i* perform ance lii
  • i~ii:::** dictates.
i.**:i ii:i::*ii*:i*3i~ii:::::*:ii:i*i**

i::i:.ii Training and qualifications of the staff.. 6::::::::::: i!i  ::*:. Actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring with equipment, structure, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety. Perorm

                                                                                            .: ,.:::::- :;             :::nc:- of,:.:..-

ac .:,:** ivities.. required:b

-*.3: :.:. -::* .::. the
                                                                                                                                                                                       .) QA:
  • program  :,.i*:: to:::::

meet:*:::.!::~u*arH:ai!l::i:O**CFR::7 thecrteia f 0 FR.i:i8*b 0,Apen B 10:3, CFR: r :~ :3:*!:i:.:,i:::~l: ix 71:: i:::::*:*~::~:iii*:*!:i:i**i*i,::

  • ,: :  :;:::7:::::i :i , ,***/-.,

n0:ted *.*andarog 1.etPo ht th ate~nt~ioe n olefo!the Pr  :~etsMaagder and.. ,: ill

3:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::9.::::: External audits .or s*:urveys of: suppliers: providing3 Imp~ortant:*To afety::***! I
materials,. parts, eq::::i;::i::*f* services U nyi~i*mom3:*rquipmentlo 1f imareperormd at
  • th~e~s*::

i:::ind*::* cated*:::


ii(!i:~i: :i!iii!***:: o~*r*Smoefeunl me~:j**i!erformanc as pn*'::i dici~i t:J~ :a~n:tes. n*:~ iies*i:i::i: i ::::.!*::::::i*!::*: ::*:!:i:3::::ii:3i:i*0. 3a.Suppliers provdingdi.:by:.

                           .i:;!-!*i::                                                                                     co m riali gradeicalibrationie a ndte stitng service:sin i::.::

i:ii~i~ii::: who:::::::::: ar::i:i*:* en:accredited. m*by na iat*onally:co re3i gnized accredi* i.Ttin:gil::~ : *lbody, uiong:i::::i: ii:*:!:ii:::: *.!)::procedures. consistent i:::::* !:ii::i.. w-:!i.*::*i**!:..!:::* ith:tho se.

i*i:.::::!;:*:!!:~i~!:*i*:: found:::::::::::::::::::
                                                                                                                                                *:i:::Z::::!**:i*::    In A N:::ili.iiF[:

SI/ISO":: IIE C 17025!3 i:":F:::..: ::: ! *:*i!* 3:*:!:*:3i:i .:( :*i i (::i~i *::::*Q i:*:*:*:**:!.:* General:::i*i!*ii** Requirements for the Competence:: of-::::J:;*:;*!: Testing::: and3: 'Calibration:::::::::::::::

                                                                  * :Labo0rato0ries~i, do: not h a ve tob be p erio0dically :su rveyed: !ifth cbi*onditions ::::i:i*:i*:
  • i;i of the N RC iSafetyi Evialualtion dated iFebruary 9, 20i15 :are*met (seei *':I ! ::
  • i*ii
  • i i *i¸::: :i:: ;z:.* .:::::i:i:i*,:!.i: :i.

Apeni xB. onros halbe etbise inap ical prcdue to ensure~ii.:

  • .!!i ;ii:;i::*::*2 the::::::::: r qi rem  :*.:: entsii*:::2
  • *.::;i:  :*i* ofi*:i the .:: NRCiSafety:::::::::::::: Evaluation?}:i:-.**: il~are
i;,i i:!: *:*!.:!i.: :*1:: ?:i;!i~: : .;i:
                           *... :. : .>i.:H, : : ...:...::... ,.....:.:.:.,....           ,+: :,: ,L.¸. -<-.>::::,
:/..:> :: :. . :.....< :: ::.: .: .:..,.,:: ..:.:,::. ,::,:::  : :' ,.. :..:..:.-;:. * .:...:.::>:::.::: :::: :.. :..:;....:-: .... --
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *.* **!!!**ii*,**.               *ii*!i*.!**      .i..*iii/*.!  i *i**.

iI* ii*ii*il *ii!*i!**I .i*i* i:i*I i !i!

                                                                                                                                                       .. . *:ii            ...             ill i i:ii:ii i ii*i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *i*  i*; *ii*,ii* i*!!*iii'!*iI                                     *iii*,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ***iiiI*i iiii!i*                                               !ii*
                      !!! :**=*
: i!i!!
  • i!¸
                                      *!* i *IL*:*¸    ;*i::i:il;*!
                                              . :.. :. :          . i;,*::. .
                      -.' " ::':: * "* *i: :,'*:: * :.i'*-* ;:.:.,'.. ::,:;*.*

ii* i ii"

                      .          * . .. :: :.       . . . : . : :. .                                ,     . :r .-        : "'::'/,...     : :': ..

ili*i*i*i* i;i!:* ii i i* *i!*

                                                                                                                                                       '..'..' i.i..*./.':         " i:i: *       ::,,*: -.-:*:i::: ::.:%1..
                                                                                                         !!i! !i!ill                                            il                                                                                                                           i *!i *i!                            ii!i**!*

ii:*- /i*!i !ii*ii !i ii/i ii!iii!:i*

                                                                                                                                                                                               *i*:iii     *i i**.           *iii*!*iii*i     ill                                      *:-:i:i:i*!*:i::i*  .* :*:*: *:::iiii:                !*:!i:!::::    *.ilri:

QAPD 28 Rev.

!. .,.i~i*.:-  ;":I.iMPOrT.ANT TO1 sAFETY STRUCTruRES. SYSTEMS AND CoMPONENTS:i,:.:. -. :.
           . .:.-                . The pertinent qual~ity as~surance requirements of.10 CFR 50, *Appendix :B, 10::I                                                                               CFR :71!IIi i~i..                       Subpart H and 10 CFR: 72 Subpart G will be applied, as a. minimum, to all qualityi-::.* i:i:
        .. :..:.::..      ...i i.:activities .affecting .the I!mpo rtant TO Safety (ITS) StructuresiSystems and:                                                                             =* :.*          ;:* :; '**;'

bi.i::ased on .e~ngineeringieval~uations:and :a revision ito t'he INAC-MPC FISA:R*I. :Th~ese!l~:!:::::I

  • not considered**a :redutionintihi~***le comnmitmenjs to :the ::QAPO.::v::*i
                                              ...                                                                                                                           *i~:*::::. !, ',!:!ii:-:::iiii:i::*:
  • The quality cl~assification:of NRC,-licensed Dry Spent"Fuel StorageComponents and.
                                              ',..Transportation.:Pa~ckages.may.:not be r;evised:.using the iLACBW                                             W*Design ::Control!i:~~:*:!:!!
.:process. *Th~ese :modifica~tions must :be :made :by the Certifica.teHolder. *The*::::i*-:.:!::I::

il:Certificate:Holderis rlespOnsible for idesign and licensing~icontrolsf(orthesei:; I.!::.;:. I*: c.:::,omponentsubnder: their NRC-appro~ved Quality: A ssurance ;iProgram. SOLuTI/oNS!.:I.;

                                              ;*.:utilizes these:types ~of .componentsland*packages* under.:the provisions of a NRCii;::i:i:
.iGeneral-:Licensefori!Radioactive Material TransportationiPackages (10 :CFR 71ii) ~andi.

I::*:?tems and :services:associated with P:*ackaging and :Transportation of; Radioactive' i: ::

                               "*"i.Materdia s described ::in 10:i:C FR!71:,: andi i ndep*endent:; Sto6rag e: of:Spent N~fuclear: F~uelI.:
                              ..:,assdescribed*in 1.:;t0               C FR :72,; willials o* fall ;under ;the r*eq'uiremen*ts: of: the:QAPD."*:.ii-.:: :.

packages are defined below :...  : *:  :  :::  :,  :,  :::: :ii::L ii:.iiii*;;ii!i!;;*

  • 'i!::ii
                ;!.. :i:i:.:.::!
                                 *".i                                                                                                                                                                                   *!*:*ii!!ili:i,!?


A.i: ::

Dry Spent:::::Fuel Storage *:ii!:i!i!**i;i~: (10. C:FR 72)~i:!:.......

  • ii*i:;:

ii:iii*i*i!i*:::;*i iii*: !*


i.i:.:::i :::ii*.i?

  • Design Quality !::*:*:i::::**i:::.:iDesign::*!:'
i:..::i::.: .:: S-sc"":ii~i::
                                                                       ;*.:'::..J                                                                        ....Cateaorv:.      :*:::%"*Auth0dtv:i:*!:...::;i"

T.ransportable Storage:Can~ister and Fuel Basket Assembly:.! i-:"I:". .. A':: :.* :.:-NAC Intl'.:..,I :.. ii¸;i:i.*!:i:::i::

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             !:il ISFSI Pad .          .... " .. ..--: *: :.,: :, . . . : .... :-- . .: ' , .:- : - C ...                                          . ,. -D PC .....:

Laaiftinn:g" Y oke  ! ::i:::::*!i: :.i::::U :.:: .".*.:i ***:*:;:"i-::..:: "!::" .BA ::.:".:I .:*:: NAC A :Intl. n L:::i... *: ii !* iii:I

?* :*: i!*i l i!::i*


                                                                !i                                                                                                          i:                                      i:i'il QAPD QAD29Rv.2                                                .         .. .,
                                                                                                                                                                              -: . i:.:   : """ .*:::. ':". '::-; ::"::":" " ": "



i,  :: ::i! :i::*::,



  • L*:


, : :!: i**,::

i..:"" y::*:i:": II::'" " i:.. .ii.i PP N I A:! A.ii:::

""APPENDIX i ./ ~ii: *!-:i
                 ...                                         (Page 2 of 2)


                          .i::*:":.:. :.i:.}; : ::" SC .:. '     .-     " :: " : : "::              .Qa itgoy.-.,*;- Design"Authority" Transportable Stora e. Canisters and Fuel Basket Assembiy....I"                                         A...         ' NAG Intl: .

Damaged Fuel Can:.-.:-..  :: * '  :" /  !"I;"" A : ".:NAG Intl. : Transportable Storage Canister and Basket Assembly For GTCC.I' A" -*NAGI*,: ;intl. : W aste Containers: . "__"_____I___""._:-I__"" Storage Transp~ort-Cask. (STC): :"". ..:. . -". .. A'.". "NAG Intl..": I: C. Radioactive-Material Transport Packages (10 CFR.71) - Radioactive M~aterial. Transport.Packages subject to the *provisions of 10. CFR 7:1, S~ubpart C,:. uG eneral.LicernSes,:=' are ;iim portant .:To..Safety and subject: .to i;the*

      . a~pplicable :requ!irem ents.. of the6 QAPDi:::I. .;:!                              ::      .::..":i ".:: .:.*.::~::.*: ;i.:.:::!:::

NA*C-MPC **Final ~:*Sa~fety* A*na~yis.:

1. S::::i{::}ee Report ifor additiionalJclassification:***::.i:}:!:::

[infforrm atio lc n.*:*: ::::::::::: :: .i.":.:. :......./!:: i:::i::. .:.:i. . : ;: : ::::: :. :: :::::::::::::::::::


See NAG Storage

        *associated                           *Transport Cask NAC specifications                    (STC) Finalclassification for additional*            Safety Analysis             Report and information.
3. For the definitionof QualitY Categories A, B:, and C refer to NUREG/CR-6407:.

QAPD 30 QAPD30Rev. 29

i:: ,.. :i.lrl:¸,:I:;¸: iA*iii;i


PPEND IXBi~. !i*i*i :!i ,i EPT:  !*::IONS: ":" ii*:::*** *::.i~iii~:*

                                                   *   .. -.. . .. . .  ..    . ..         . ..  ..., . . , ... . .       .        . l .                                 .       .                    .      .


                                         .1.1                Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1I-R-5/7,                                                                Pesne Seletion end Training 1;;.;:,;::!:2..
.;;;::Regulatory iGuide 1.10, Ri;;evisIon 2.(3/05), "Establishing.Quialit~y iii *:

Assuanc Proram forPacagig Usd i theTrasporatin o

                     +.. - -.-.-.-...-.
                                  ,:::. l -w*.* ...     "";*:i.1l.*TUI                                           .JiOC'liii..Wli.Jiir i ittislaljiliiu            US.II.:.:.C.J*tl                                   LCLIUIIl                                             OIIUi LIE 7

i;i::Fueli iSitoria ge::: iSyte m* rC:Om*pon ents A~ccording ito:*il Iportant to ;Safety!i:;i,:i~i (2 /..9.6)...". ,.:::::.  :,,:',_,.:: 2.0 S2.1 iiN;iucl]ear; Energy:; Insti~tute :(N EEI)! N E !~4i-055ii"Guid elines for :the Us e o**f  : i~li li:~;I:i

Accred ita tion ::in iLieuJi: of Commrre ci al* Grade !Survieys for P rocbureme n~t! obfi~lii::*::

S Laboratory Calibration and :Testl Services,"; revision Q. and associated :;:*i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...... ,. H..,.. ,..


!~; :*iii!:** ii:3.0~*:!:*¸
 - ""':* :: " :.                         None:.'
.*i/-::i.*ii i*.!*'.  ;//:*:* :i.:,,*.*i*!* i.i:ii.*iI *
                                                                                                                                                 .-.....-.....- - ..-.. H......           . H ......... ..... H .. ,.

i:;*:}ili!i:!.;: i:!::============================2::*;::::*;;i:

                                                                                                                                                                                                           *:::;: :/:*::!:}i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . .:,:. : :-:. :-:* ..:r', :.'" r "....:        ::" :"*" ":: '   *. "':'.:::.',"

i::'..'i*,,":i! ii::.::i:,.!.!'.i:!;:'.: :"" : :.' i:i : iiil! i'

                                                                                   /:., _ :. :.::... :.::.

Q A PD~!ii:::il i ii~i*ii~i:-. 31'i*:*  : *i;!;:i::'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                !i*:i:*i:*:,il *:i* i: *!i:*;*;*/;:i::*;*i'       :Rev.
il;i*i i :*:*iii*ii*i!ii::i*:*i iii 29!;i~~~i*!~


                                                                                                                                                                            . . ..   "" .- ,-:'-,.' '.;-:b .. :  :.:.:.

i:!.-*iti i.:i i":i!i;}!*i:*!i(i:.i*i.

. .(Page 1l of 4) .
. .... ....,:, :."":i:.': :.:.i:":-:.. ,.:::-
                                               " . : i,} . ::/               .,. 'i:i/i          .}i},ADMINISTRATIVE CGONTROLS.:I il ,. .i~I.~I:.:I::.ii ~,":i :.i}i}~
                             'i:These Administr~ative :Control

eedvloe osport; opertation of the L{ACBWR

                              /;.ii:;planrti whiilie: :inh. SA:FSTORRi(d.i smantlem~ent)} and:-operationi~ of. the. LACBWRi i SF.Sii :i. :

T3!;:i:~iequ r ire~men ts~we re; pr~evious iyl :in clud ed :i n~ the: Tech nicail Speciifi cation0s :Zand~::. i iii:!iere: :relaei.*bid iL6!to th .xpD!udg.!c!ved~~missinQAPD during- active,:decommissioning.!:::i:iiii:i:!:i~i!i*:~i:i!i!:!:*:.i~l ji!!

                                                     .fi;/:: .i.:c:i overing :the :Pl ant dbcomm~is sio niJng acti vi~tie s ref-reien ce d ibe low anddin 1.1.3 Radiation Protection Program implementation.

1.2 Each procedure required by Section 1.1 above and programs listed in Section 2.1 through 2.5, and any changes theretog shall be independently reviewed by a Qualified Technical Reviewer and approved by the Project Manager or designee prior to implementation. 2::.-20: :PROGRAMS AND :MANUALS ".:: i!i! i!i!: ii r:!:..::*:i:;.;eview.: Eice~nse~e-i nitiat ed]: chanoes. to {theg iPC Cpshal i:b e su bmi[tted to*.iiii

                                                *.!*!.;%{;!..i;;*.!i*which t.ihe chan.;.*ge(s) w*asma*d~ei~i. *This submittal shallicontai~ni :> ; ::

the :::. i

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                                           .: }::/":.:: ::*::.                 methodolo*gy and iparameters described :in the 00CM:;.:*:i*::/`:::::.*.;*::*:}.                                                                 .

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APPENbIX c (Page 3 of 4)


2.3.6 Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of the public from tritlum and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released to areas beyond the site boundary conforming to 10 CFR 50, !i!:.:i:i*T*:*:!:iii:i!*::!):i!iii:

       -.. ,- : ....                                                       Appendix I; 2.3.7 LimItations on the annu'aI dose or dose commitment to any iiii member of the public due to release of radioactivity and to' radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR                                                                                -
 ...::{*i* *:*::*.*ii!iiiii:                                               Part 190.

Radiological Environmental Monitorina Proa ram A program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radionuclides in the environs of the plant. 'the' program shall provide representative measurements of radioacdvty In the highest potential exposure pathways. The program sha~l (1) be contained in the ODCM; (2) conform to the guidance of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and (3) Include the following: 2.4.1 Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters'described in the ODOM.' 2.4.2 Participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program to~ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in the environmental' sample matrices are performed aspart of the Quality Assurance Program for environmental monitoring.

ii,2:*5 i:


F.e~deral:R~egulations, i:the :following *:repo*rts shall be isub*mitted!:


  • }iori::: to *1.:: off:eac~hy*e'ar. in: a~ccord ancewitjh~i:10 C FR !:50ii*::L.4.

2.5.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring ni o inq ReM e pi*-i!! iL:: i::::i:::!i::!liiE.ii:*:,orti: iiiii! ii!:

                                                               !:{!::::::*!:::the report :ishall :ibe s::ubm*itted :notin1g :and iexplainin~g :the reasons:**:!:!:: :i*:


:o::the: mis*sinig:i* reuit~s. T he mim ssing data shall* be sulb mitted: as:!i -::.::://*::!::::

soon as possible In a supplementary le niar~ie o~:::.:i:. ::. ~i:i:*i!:: :::::::::::::::::*:i!:i:i:!*iii::: i*:!:*


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                                    .QAPD                                                                                                                                                                                                       PD ::::~:::.R~ev. 29::

FIGURE 1 La Crosse Solutions Organization SOLUTIONS (off-site) I I PresidentI SOLUTIONS (on-site dismantlement) ,. *

                                            /                  rjc              a  grK   I
                                                     /                        I P                       I ISFSI ACTIVITIES (subcontracted to DPC)        [..............................

QAPD 36 QAPD36Rev. 29

Enclosure 2 LACBWR Q.APD, Revision 29, Summary of Changes

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes LACBWR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (QAPD) Revision 29 Summary of Changes The Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC) and LaCrosse Solutions (SOLUTIONS) have recently submitted an application to transfer the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Possession-Only License No. DPR-45 to from DPC to LaCrosse Solutions QAPD Revision 29 was developed in conjunction with the SOLUTIONS application for the Transfer of the NRC 10 CFR 50 license from DPC to SOLUTIONS for the completion of decommissioning. Upon NRC approval, SOLUTIONS will be the NRC licensee responsible for all activities under the LACBWR License. QAPD Revision 29 reflects the iicensee change from DPC to SOLUTIONS, and reflects the plan to subcontract the management and activities at the ISFSI to DPC. Upon completion of decommissioning, SOLUTIONS will apply to the NRC to transfer responsibility for the NRC License back to DPC. In order to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency, this revision of the QAPD was jointly developed by DPC and SOLUTIONS to facilitate the various stages of license transition described above. S The proposed revision is a substantial revision to the QAPD and will replace the current QAPD Revision i,28 in its entirety. Major or substantial changes are described along with the justifications for those - changes. In addition, various minor changes are discussed in summary form. SMany of the following changes were based on similar changes that the NRC approved in the ZionSolutions Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, ZS-QA- 10, Revision 7. The LACBWR site status is substantially the same as that of Z~on at the time the Zion ZS-QA- 10, Rev. 7 was approved and implemented (i.e., fuel transfer completed, only decommissioning remaining). Note that by Revision 28 of the QAPD DPC had already completed the maj or QA Program transition to the Regulatory Guide 7.10 (RG 7.10) basis after fuel transfer was completed. Therefore, the ZS-QA-10 Revision 7 and the QAPD Revision 28 were already aligned in that the program basis both were aligned to RG 7.10. Chanwe 1 -Org~anization Changes: The license transfer application and the approach whereby SOLUTIONS will manage and perform decommissioning activities and will subcontract DPC to manage and perform ISFSI activities made extensive changes necessary to the QAPD Policy, Section 0.0 Introduction, Section I Organization, and Figure 1 Organization chart. These changes also made numerous changes necessary throughout the remainder of the QAPD, to align specific references and responsibilities accordingly. The specific changes to the Organization describe and reflect the language contained in the overall license transfer submittal to the NRC. It is understood that the QAPD Revision 29 would only be implemented in conjunction with the NRC approved license transfer from DPC to SOLUTIONS. Given the precondition of NRC approval of the license transfer, the Organization changes herein are specifically identified under 10 CFR 50.54(a)(3)(iii) as not representing a reduction in commitment, and therefore the QAPD Revision 29 changes of this nature continue to satisfy the criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and the Quality Assurance requirements of 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR 72. Page 1 of 4

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes Chang~e 2 - Substantive Chang~es: Substantive Change 2A.: In recognition of the limited number of ITS and/or radiological items that will require safety reviews at the ISFSJ and remaining D&D activities, this revision incorporates significant changes to the safety review functions described in the QA program. The Safety Review Committee (SRC) has been removed from QAPD Revision 29 and replaced by the Independent Management Assessment (IMA). Section II.E.4 identifies an Independent Management Assessment (IMA) functiOn. Individual(s) that perform IMAs are assigned by the President. The requirements for an independent review function was based on ANSI Ni18.7-1976 as endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, and were satisfied by the SRC. The composition and function of the SRC as was described in the QAPD revision 28 followed the guidance provided in ANSI Nl8.7-1976, Section 4.3.1. The program described therein was intended for operating nuclear power plants. 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, does not specifically require an independent review function (as described in ANSI Ni18.7) as part of its quality assurance program requirements. Appendix B, 10 CFR 50, Criterion II States in part: "The applicant shall regularly review the status and adequacy of the quality assurance program." The JMA as described in the QAPD revision 29 meets this 10 CFR 50 requirement. Substantive Change 2B:" In recognition of the limited number of ITS and/or radiological items that will require safety reviews at the ISFSI and rema~ning D&D activities, this revision incorporates significant changes to the safety review functions described in the QA program. The Operations Review Committee (ORC) has been removed from QAPD Revision 29 and replaced with the Qualified Technical Review (QTR). The QTR is defined in Section 00.B, and QTR qualifications are established in Section II.F.3.c. The

  • documentation that requires QTR is identified in several places in the QAPD: Section II.D, Section III.B.3, Section V.B.3, Section XI.B.3, and Appendix C Sections 1.0 and 2.1.3 all specify' documents that require a QTR. The Project Manager and the Site Manager, Genoa are responsible for the QTR function.

This change was approved by the NRC in the case of numerous other decommissioning plants at the same stage of decommissioning, e.g. Yankee Rowe, Connecticut Yankee, and Maine Yankee. This change is justified based on reduced scope and complexity of operations at the station, and reduced staff, making the continued operation of the ORC impractical and unnecessary. The responsibilities of the QTR will encompass the functions currently performed by the ORC and will be consistent with the scope of activities at a permanently defueled facility in an advanced stage of decommissioning. Substantive Change 2C. The applicability of the QAPD to the ISFSI and decommissioning scope was clarified in Section II.B. The QAPD Revision 28 Section fl.B stated that the QAPD was applicable to "Passive SAFSTOR decommissioning activities". The QAPD applicability to decommissioning scope is now described in the QAPD Revision 29 in the same way as in the Zion ZS-QA- 10, Revision 7. This change is justified based on reduced scope and complexity of operations at the station, and is consistent with the scope of activities at a permanently de fueled facility in an advanced stage of decommissioning. The applicability of the QAPD to ISFSI ITS activities and 10 CFR 71 licensed waste shipments remains unchanged in QAIPD Revision 29. Substantive Change 2D: The QAPD Revision 28 Section XVII Records was replaced in its entirety with the language from the Zion ZS-QA- 10 Revision 7. This change represents practical records controls that have been approved by the NRC in the case of numerous other decommissioning plants at the same stage of decommissioning, e.g. Yankee Rowe, Connecticut Yankee, Maine Yankee and Zion. Substantive Change 2E: In the Appendix B "alternatives", the 2005 APS submittal and NRC approval related to the calibration services for M&TE was updated to the recent Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Page 2 of 4

QAPD, Revision 29 Summary and Evaluation of Changes NEI 14-05, "Guidelines for the Use of Accreditation in Lieu of Commercial Grade Surveys for Procurement of Laboratory Calibration and Test Services," Revision 0, and associated NRC Safety Evaluation dated February 9, 2015. This is acceptable since it is approved by NRC Safety Evaluation, and provides more flexibility for acceptance of testing and calibration services. Substantive Change 2F. In Section XVI.C, the following sentence was added as an enhancement: "Conditions that may be reportable per 10CFR72.242, 10CFR71.95, or 10CFR21 shall be reported in accordance with approved procedures." Substantive Change 2G:~In Appendix C, Section 1.1, the following references were removed, justified as follows: 1.1.1 ISFSI Operations and Maintenance: This was removed as a redundancy. The QAPD Section V already applies to ISFSI Operations and Maintenance, so it was not necessary for this to be listed in Appendix C also. 1.1.5 Physical Security Plan implementation: The requirements for procedure to implement the Physical Security Plan are self-proscribed ther'ein, and it is not necessary to list this in Appendix C. 1.1.6 Emergency Plan implementation: The requirements for procedure to implement the Emergency Plan are self-proscribed therein, and it is not necessary to list this in Appendix C. 1.1.7 Procedure for controlling temporary changes: Based on current status of ISFSI and decommissioning temporary changes are not required. Change 3 - Editorial / Administrative Improvements and Clarifications: Editorial changes to remove historical information no longer relevant after license transfer, make specific references more general in nature, and eliminate unnecessary detail of no QA program relevance were made. The types of changes of this nature are as follows: EditorialChanges Type 3A: In a few instances, historical details that were not necessary were eliminated. These include changes to eliminate "Passive SAFSTOR" in Section 0.0B, and removing historical detail at the introduction to Appendix C. EditorialChanges Type 3B: In a few instances, specific references were changed to be more general in nature. Examples include: Section XV, "Corrective Action Report (CAR)" was made "corrective action document", and "Purchasing" was made "procurement support staff." Vl.C.4, "Administrative Staff' was made "administrative staff." In Section V.C, "procedures" was replaced by "guidance" and "Work Orders" in places to provided flexibility. EditorialChanges Type 3C." In a few instances, unnecessary detail of no QA program relevance was eliminated, such as "Company", "Administrative Control Procedure (ACP)" and "QA Manual" being removed from Section 0.0.B. In summary, these types of changes are considered editorial and do not alter the intent or purpose of the QAPD and continue to satisfy the criteria of Appendix B to 10CFR 50 and the Quality Assurance requirements of 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR 72. OVERALL EVALUATION: Radiological risk factors associated with D&D activities have been significantly reduced. All spent fuel has been transferred to the ISFSI. The ISFSI has transitioned to long-term passive operations. Additionally, although not known for certain, there is a remote possibility that Class B and Class C radioactive waste may be required to be shipped offsite for disposal, so the QAPD still applies to those activities should they be necessary. Page 3 of 4

Al . QAPD, Revision 29" Summary and Evaluation of Changes The QAPD Revision 29 applies to all activities associated with structures, systems, and components (SSCs) which are important to safety (10 CFR 72). The QAPD also applies to transportation packages licensed by the NRC under 10 CFR 71. For other ISFSI and D&D activities, administrative programs and procedures ensure compliance with governing regulations and include appropriate controls for activities under the radiological control programs previously contained in the Technical Specifications. The proposed revision to the QAPD is appropriate for the remaining D&D activities and ISFSI operations. All safety related systems have been removed from service and have undergone partial or complete demolition. Radiological risk factors associated with D&D activities have been significantly reduced. All spent fuel has been transferred to the ISFSI and Greater Than Class C (GTCC) waste has~ been removed from the site. Should any Class B and Class C radioactive waste remain to be shipped offsite for disposal, the QAPD would still be applied to those activities. The ISFSI has transitioned to long-term passive operations. The system is inherently safe by design. The main function of the ISFSI organization is to monitor the environment in a way that demonstrates the integrity of the system. While it continues to be important to maintain an appropriate quality standard that preserves the passive functionality of the system, it can be accomplished satisfactorily through conformance to RG 7.10. The proposed revision will continue *o satisfy the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and the QA requirements of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H, and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.

                                             - End of Changes  -

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