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2015 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Initial License Examination Form ES-403-1
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/2015
From: Mcneil D
Florida Power & Light Energy Point Beach
Download: ML15099A308 (1)


ES-403 ---------**---------Written Examination Grading

*---*-------* Quali!,y Ch~_cklist I Facilit~:~~~~,:l~,, ~111."l;~,.?!~:x_~-~-}) f 1*\ l 'l~:m Le~~Oi?\J SRO~~~

Initials Item Description a b c

  • --- ----+----*-- *----
1. Clean answer sheets copied befQ!~rading________,____ F~. . l ~ .----


2. Answer key changes and question deletions justified


and documented

. ---1--~~-*~-~--------i.--J~

3. Applicants' scores checked for addition errors f\,...... J. .

___ {reviewers spot check> 25% of examination~-*----*-+----+--+-"-tw'--1 1

4. Grading for all borderline cases (80 +/-2% overall and 70 or 80,

__ as ae~licable, +/-4% on the SRO-only) reviewed in detail

5. All other failing examinations checked to ensure that grades are *ustified
6. Performance on missed questions checked for training deficiencies and wording problems; evaluate validity of uestions missed b half or more of the a licants Printed Name/Signature Date
a. Grader
b. Facility Reviewer(*)

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c. NR C,, c*~h* c1.~:.xarrnner

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d. NRC Supervisor(*)

("') The facility reviewer's signature is not applicable for examinations graded by the NRC; two NRC reviews are

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