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(Songs), Unit 3 - 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section Iii.E Report
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/2013
From: Bauder D
Southern California Edison Co
Document Control Desk, NRC Region 4
Download: ML13043A089 (2)


>>~1 fBY SORN, Douglas R. Bauder Site Vice President & Station Manager San Onofre Nuclear Generati ng Station An EDISO N INTER NATlONAL Company 10 CFR 20 Appendix GilLE January 23 , 2013 ATTN: USNRC , Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd .

Arlington, TX 76011 -4511


Docket Number 50-362 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section m.E Report San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) , Unit 3 Refe rence: Letter from R. J. St. Onge (SCE) to the Document Control Desk (NRC) dated May 20 , 2011;


Docket Numbers 50-361 , 50-362, Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section III.E, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3 (ML111430627)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Southern Californ ia Edison (SCE) is providing this report in accordance with the requirements in 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section III.E. This regulation requires an investigation and report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) whenever a shipper does not receive acknowledgement of receipt in the form of a signed NRC Form 540 of a low-level radioactive waste shipment with in 20 days after transfer.

The shipment addressed in this report involved ground transportation on a special conveyance of a recently replaced original steam generator lowe r assembly (OSGLA) from San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 3 to the EnergySolutions disposal facility in Clive, Utah. On November 26,2012 SCE transferred possession of the OSGLA to the carrier and the shipment departed the North Industrial Area at SONGS and was moved to a nearby staging area located on Old Highway 101.

Following placement of the OSGLA onto the conveyance , the shipment entered highwa y 1-5 on December 05,2012 and arrived at EnergySolutions disposal fac ility on December 23 ,2012.

The design dimensions of the loaded conveyance (399 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 16 feet 9 inches high) limited the speed of the transportation. The shipment was accompanied by SCE project personnel and tracked electronically to the disposal facility. SCE has rece ived a signed copy of the NRC Form 540 as documentation that the shipment arr ived at the intended destination but exceeded the 20 day notice receipt from the date of transfer set forth in 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section III.E.

P.O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 368-9275 PAX 89275 Fax: (949) 368 -9881

USNRC, Region IV January 23, 2013 Additional details on the shipment may be found in the above reference, SCE's Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Section III.E dated May 20, 2011. The exemption request was subsequently withdrawn.

There are no regulatory commitments made in this letter. Should you have any questions, please contact Mark Morgan, SONGS Licensing Lead, at 949-368-6745.

Sincerely, cc: E. E. Collins, NRC Regional Administrator, Region IV R. Hall, NRR Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3 B. Benney, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3 G. G. Warnick, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre Units 2 and 3 Document Control Desk