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301 General Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/2012
From: Gerald Bichof
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
To: Mccree V
Download: ML12297A150 (8)


PrflIty-fieb4e4AfefRe-tien Withhold JJnd.e-r-1 0 --R2--3-9Q----

VIRGINIA ELJcl-RIc AND PowER CoMPANY RICHMONI, VIRGINIA 23261 September 5, 2012 Mr. Victor McCree Serial No. 12-344D Regional Administrator NAPS/JHL U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Docket Nos. 50-338 Marquis One Tower 50-339 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 License Nos. NPF-4 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NPF-7

Dear Mr. McCree:


NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 SUBMITTAL OF INTEGRATED INITIAL LICENSE TRAINING EXAMINATION MATERIALS This letter is to inform you that the examination materials in support of the Initial License Examination scheduled to be conducted at North Anna Power Station during the week of September 10, 2012 was express mailed to Mr. Mark Bates on September 4, 2012.

This submittal includes the Senior Reactor Operator and Reactor Operator Job Performance Measures, and Integrated Plant Operation Scenario Guides. These examination materials have been developed in accordance with NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 9.

In accordance with NUREG-1 021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 9, Section ES-201, please ensure that these materials are withheld from public disclosure until after the examinations are complete.

If there are any questions concerning this material, please contact Mr. Joseph Scott at the North Anna Training Center, (540) 894-2472.

Sincerely, Gerald T. gischof 9 Site Vice President Commitments made in this letter: None.

Personally Iden-tifiable Information Withhold Under 10-GF-R 2.390 cc: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20005 Mr. Malcolm Widmann, Chief U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 Mr. Mark Bates, Chief Examiner U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station

-Persorily IdcntifiobIo-h4errnatiun lNithhold Unde-r1-0 CFR 2.390 VIR(;JNIA Ez.I:crRfc AND PowIR CorvlIANY RicHMoND, VaRc;INIA 23261 September 17, 2012 Mr. Victor McCree Serial No. 12-344E Regional Administrator NAPS!JHL U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Docket Nos. 50-338 Marquis One Tower 50-339 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 License Nos. NPF-4 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NPF-7

Dear Mr. McCree:


NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 SUBMITTAL OF INTEGRATED INITIAL LICENSE TRAINING EXAMINATION MATERIALS This letter is to inform you that the examination materials in support of the Initial License Examination scheduled to be conducted at North Anna Power Station during the week of September 17, 2012 was express mailed to Mr. Mark Bates on September 17, 2012.

This submittal includes the Senior Reactor Operator and Reactor Operat or Written Examinations. These examination materials have been developed in accordance with NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 9.

In accordance with NUREG-1 021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 9, Section ES-201, please ensure that these materials are withheld from public disclosure until after the examinations are complete.

If there are any questions concerning this material, please contact Mr. Joseph Scott at the North Anna Training Center, (540) 894-2472.

Sincerely, Gerald T. ischof Site Vice President Commitments made in this letter: None.

  • lly ldcntifbbleInformation Withhold Uidei i0CFfl 2.300 cc: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20005 Mr. Malcolm Widmann, Chief U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1 257 Mr. Mark Bates, Chief Examiner U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1 257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station

VIRGINIA ELFCTRIu ANt) PowIR COMPANY Rii-irvi )N D, Vi R( i N I A 23261 July 20, 2012 Mr. Victor McCree Serial No. 12-344A Regional Administrator NAPS/JHL U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Docket Nos. 50-338 Marquis One Tower 50-339 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 License Nos. NPF-4 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NPF-7

Dear Mr. McCree,

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 SUBMITTAL OF WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS, OPERATING TESTS AND SUPPORTING REFERENCE MATERIALS NRC letter dated May 8, 2012, North Anna Power Station Notification of Licensed Operator Initial Examination, requested transmittal of the written examinations, operating tests, and supporting references for the initial reactor and senior reactor operator examinations scheduled for the weeks of September 10, September 17, and September 24, 2012.

In a conversation between Joe Scott and NRC Examiner Mark Bates, on July 5, 2012, it was agreed that the NRC Examination submittal is to be divided into two segments as listed below. In accordance with that conversation, the following materials will be sent via express mail on July 25, 2012:

  • Proposed written Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) examination including the distractor analysis and supporting references
  • Proposed written Reactor Operator (RO) examination including the distractor analysis and supporting references
  • ES-201-3, Examination Security Agreement
  • ES-401-6, Written Examination Quality Checklist The following materials will be sent by express mail by Friday, July 27, 2012:
  • Proposed RO/SRO operating examination (including walk-through, JPMs, and scenarios), with supporting documentation
  • ES-301-3, Operating Test Quality Checklist
  • ES-301-4, Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist

We request that the materials that were transmitted by separate cover letter be withheld from public disclosure until after the operator examinations have been administered.

If you have any questions regarding this submittal or require additional information, please contact Mr. Joseph Scott at (540) 894-2472.

Very truly yours,


Gerald T. Bischof Site Vice President Commitments made in this letter: None cc: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Malcolm Widmann, Chief U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1 257 Mr. Mark Bates, Chief Examiner U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station

VIR(;INI.\ Ei.i:ciiuc ANI) POWER CoMIr.v Rki-Iv1ONI, VIR(;INI.\ 23261 June 26, 2012 Mr. Victor McCree Serial No.12-344 Regional Administrator NAPS/JHL U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Docket Nos. 50-338 Marquis One Tower 50-339 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 License Nos. NPF-4 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NPF-7

Dear Mr. McCree:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 SUBMITTAL OF OPERATING TEST OUTLINES NRC letter dated May 8, 2012, North Anna Power Station Notification of Licensed Operator Initial Examination, requested transmittal of Operating Test Outlines to support initial reactor and senior reactor operator examinations scheduled for the weeks of September 10, September 17 and September 24, 2012. This letter is to inform you that the Initial License Operator Examination Operating Test Outlines identified in NUREG-1021 are being submitted to Mr.

Mark Bates by express mail on June 25, 2012 in accordance with the requirements of NUREG-1021 and the Chief Examiners direction. Also, Forms ES-201-2, ES-201-3, ES-301-1, ES-301-2, ES-301-5 and ES-D-ls are being submitted with the Operating Test Outlines.

We request that the materials that were transmitted by separate cover letter be withheld from public disclosure until after the operator examinations have been administered.

If there are any questions concerning this material, please contact Mr. Joseph Scott at the North Anna Training Center, (540) 894-2472.

Very truly yours, Gerald T. Bischof Site Vice President Commitments made in this letter: None.

cc: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20005 Mr. Malcolm Widmann, Chief Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 2 Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 Mr. Mark Bates, Chief Examiner Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 2 Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station