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Ohio Department of Public Safety/Requests Permission to Observe the Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment Inspection at Perry Nuclear Power Plant for the Week of September 24, 2012/Letter
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/2012
From: Bear M
State of OH, Dept of Public Safety
To: Allan Barker
Download: ML12262A525 (4)


~ OHIO DEPARTMENT John R. Koslch, Governo,

~ Thomas P. Charles, Director

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  • Bureau of Motor Vehicles Executive Director
  • Emergency Management Agency
  • Emergency Medical Services Emergency Management Agency
  • Office of Criminal Justice Services 2855 West Dublin-Granville Road
  • Ohio Homeland Security Columbus, Ohio 43235-2206
  • Ohio Investigative Unit (614) 889-7150
  • Ohio State Highway Patrol September 11,2012 Mr. Allan Barker State and Government Affairs for Region III Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2443 Warrensville Road Lisle, Illinois 60605-4351

Dear Mr. Barker:

This letter requests pennission to observe the Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment inspection at Perry Nuclear Power Plant scheduled for the week of September 24, 2012. Mr. Robert Leidy of the Ohio Department of Health has been selected by the Utility Radiological Safety Board to be the designated observer. Coordination will be made with the NRC Inspector, John Cassidy. Mr. Leidy has obtained unescorted access authorization; therefore, a plant escort will not be necessary.

Enclosed is a copy of Mr. Leidy's signed NRC/State Protocol Statement.

Michael Bear State Liaison Officer MB/tmo Enclosure RECEIVED SEP 19 Z012 Mission Statement "to save lives, reduce injuries and economic loss, to administer Ohio's motor vehicle laws and to preseNe the safety and well being of all citizens with the most cost-effective and seNice-oriented methods available. "

OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 246 North High Street 614/466-3543 Columbus, Ohio 43215 John R. Kasich / Governor Theodore E. Wymyslo, M.D.! Director of Health September 6, 2012 Mr. Michael Bear Branch Chief Ohio Emergency Management Agency 2855 W. Dublin~Granvil1e Road Columbus, Ohio 43235 Re: Perry Nuclear Power Plant JIOP Coordination

Dear Michael,

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspection schedule shows an inspection scheduled for the week of September 24 at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant to review the station's program for Radioactive Gaseous

& Liquid Effluent Treatment, 71124.06 and Ground Water Performance Indicator.

In support ofUtility Radiological Safety Board Joint Inspection Observation Program (HOP) activities, ODH would like to send a representative to that inspection. We ask that you please coordinate this request with the NRC lead inspector involved in this effort.

The individual representing ODH for this inspection will be Robert Leidy, a Senior Health Physicist in the Technical Support Section of the Bureau of Radiation Protection. He can be reached by telephone at 330 643-3290 or via email at

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your reply.

Sincerely,f 5t;,lL ~

Stephen Helmer I

J I'


!I Program Administrator, Technical Support Section Ohio Dept. ofHealth, Bureau of Radiation Protection HE... 6413 2111 ,\1 (qual Opportunity Employer/Provider

Protocol Agreement for State Observation of NRC Inspections NRC Protocol:

  • The Regional State Liaison Officer (RSLO) will normally be the lead individual responsible for tracking requests for State observation, assuring consistency regarding these requests, and for advising the Regional Administrator on the dispositions of these requests. The appropriate technical representative or Division Director will communicate with the State on specific issues concerning the inspections(s).
  • Requests for observations of Headquarter-based inspections will also be coordinated through the RSLO.

Headquaners-based inspections should be referred through the RSLO to a technical representative designated by the Region.

  • NRC will process wrinen requests to the Regional Administrator through the State Liaison Officer (SLO).

Requests should identify the type of inspection acti vity and facility the State wishes to observe.

  • Limits on scope and duration of the observation period may be imposed if, in the view of the Regional Administrator, they compromise the efficiency or effectiveness of the inspection. Regions should use their discretion as to which, if any, inspections will be excluded from observations.
  • State will be informed they mnst not release information concerning the time and purpose of unannounced inspections.
  • The Region will make it clear to the licensee that the State views are not necessarily endorsed by NRC. The Region will also make it clear that only NRC has regulatory authority for inspection findings and enforcement actions regarding radiological health and safety.

State Protocol:

  • A State will make advance arrangements with the licensee for site access training and badging (subject to fitness for duty requirements), prior to the actual inspection.
  • Normally, no more than one individual will be allowed to observe an NRC inspection.
  • The State will be responsible for detennining the technical and professional competence ofits representatives who accompany NRC inspectors.
  • An observer's communication with the licensee will be through the appropriate NRC team member, usually the senior resident inspector or the team leader.
  • When informed of an unannounced inspection, a State mnst not release information concerning its time and purpose.
  • An observer will remain in the company of NRC personnel throughout the course ofthe inspection.
  • State observation may be terminated by the NRC if the observer's conduct interferes with a fair and orderly inspection.
  • An observer will not be provided with proprietary Or safeguards information. Observers will not remove any material from the site without NRC or licensee approval.


  • The State observer, in accompanying the NRC inspectors, does so at his or her own risk. NRC will not be responsible for injuries or exposures to harmful substances which may occur to the accompanying individual during the inspection and will assume no liability for any incidents associated with the accompaniment.
  • The State observer will be expected to adhere to the same conduct as NRC inspectors during an inspection accompaniment.
  • If the State observer notices any apparent non-conformance with safety or regulatory requirements during the inspections, helshe will make those observations promptly known to the NRC team leader or lead inspector.

Likewise, when overall conclusions or views of the State observer are substantially different from those of the NRC inspectors, the State will advise the team leader or lead inspector and forward those views, in ",Titing, to the NRC Region. This will allow NRC to take any necessary regulatory actions.

  • Under no circumstances should State communications regarding these inspections be released to the public or the licensee before they are reviewed by the NRC and the inspection report is issued. State communications may be made publicly available, similar to NRC inspection reports, after they have been transmitted to and reviewed by NRC, Adjacent State Protocol:
  • An adjacent State is a State within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) (within approximately a lO-mile radius) ofan NRC-licensed facility located in another State. A host State is a State in which an NRC-licensed facility is located. An adjacent State may request permission to observe NRC inspections at an NRC-licensed facility in a host State.
  • The adjacent State SLO must communicate his/ber request for observation to the Regional Administrator for the region in which the facility is located.
  • The adjacent State SLO must also communicate hislber request to the host State SLO so that each State is aware of the other's intentions.
  • If a host State and an adjacent State request observation of the same inspection, the Regional Administrator will make the final determination on the number of State observers who may attend the inspection. Ifthere is a need to limit the numbers of observers, the Regional Administrator will routinely give preference to the host State observers.
  • Adjacent State observers will abide by the same protocol in all aspects of the inspection as host States under this agreement.


Signature of State Observer Date
