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Calculation LE-0107, Rev. 1, GE Numac Prnm Setpoint Study
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2010
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML100850379 List:
LE-0107, Rev 1
Download: ML100850410 (64)


ATTACHMENT 13 Exelon Generation Company, LLC Instrument Setpoint Calculations LIST OF CALCULATIONS INCLUDED Calculation LE-0107, Rev.1, "GE NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study"

Calc # LE..Q107 Rev. 1 C~.r-AA..J09-1001 Page 1 Revision 51 ATTACHMENT 1 D"lg" Analysis Major Revision Cover Sheet Page 1of5 D"190 Analysis (Major Revill/on) Last Page No.

  • All 7 Page 5 Analysis No.: I LE-Q107 Revision:
  • 001 Tltfe:
  • GE NUMAC PRNM SetpoJnt Study ECIECR No.:
  • 09-00096 Revis/on:
  • 001 Statlon{s): J Umerick Component(.): "

Unit No.:* 1,2 APRM-1.2,3,4 DJadpllne:

  • LEDE RBM-A,B Descrlp. Code/Keyword: '" N1A SafetyiQA Cl88S:. 11 SR S)'9tem Code: II 071,074 Structu...: " N1A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT REFERENCES II Document No.: FromlTo Doaument No.: FromITo Tech. Spec. Section 2.2.1 To LEAM-MUR.Q041 From Tech. Spec. Section 3.3.6 To LEAM*MUR-Q046 From UFSAR Sect. 1.6 To Tech. Spec. SectIon 3.3.1 To Is thIs Design Analysb Safeguards Information? .. Yes 0 No~ If yes, see SY-AA-101-106 Does th'- Design AnaJysl. c;ontllln Unwrlfled Aaaumptlona? " Yes 0 No 181 If yes, ATIfAR#:

This Design Anafysls SUPERCEDES: ,. In Ita entirety.

Description of Rmslon (Ust affected pages for partials): 19 This revision Incorporates Minor Revisions OA, 08, and OC, 8S well as 1) Detennlnes the Allowable Values (AVs) and Nominal Trip Setpolnts (NTSPs) for the Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) fIow..blased Simulated Thermal Power (STP) Scram (Two Loop Operation (TlO) and Single Loop OperatIon (SlO)) and APRM fIow.blased STP Rod Block (SLO). as wen as the AVs for the APRM fIow-bicwed STP Rod Block (TLO) In support of thermal power optimization; 2) Detel"lTlinea As left Tolerances (AlT) and As Found Tolerancee (AFT) for APRM f1ow-blased trips for use In Instrument performance trending.

(continued on next page)

Preparer: .. Tim FlBplak (Ul) ~.c~ IllO/ZOIO Dave Cufko (Ul)

PilIi __ :b:V.w.~ ~C.i~ l/ZO/2 0 l0 Method of RevIew: at Detailed Review lEI Alternate CaJculatt~ (attached) 0 Testing 0 Revlewer: .. Amarte.l Luthra (Sal)


l}s,LtkA f;;1'GilO 1

/720 ':Wi 0

' Oallo Review Notes: .. Independent review l2SI Peer review 0 Minor comments all resolved.


Extemal Approver."


{jJ A. \3,,KrtA'SA CJYIffi: I" "At . . . . II UI!ltJlO Exelon Reviewer. .. Mffl4 tt;;;JV\ J{: ~J._l

--. _. ~ .-, .."'


....... ,f 2..:"fltd 0 o.

Independent J'C' P~~Vlew Reqd? .. 0 N~

f Yes /

Exelon Approver. '" \<.:. ~



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CC-AA-309 I Revision 9

__A_n_a~ly~s_is_N_o._L_E_-...;.O_10..;.,.7_......L.. R_e~v_is_i...;.o.;.;.n_1 ~P..;.:.a~ge~1_A ___J11 (continued from Description of Changes)

Safety margin is addressed by the difference between the ALs and the Safety Limits (the ALs are established in the GE task reports). Operating margin is addressed by meeting the Spurious Trip Avoidance (STA) criteria in this calculation. The allowances between the NTSPs and AVs are either the same or 0.1 % RTP less than in Revision O. A 0.1 %

RTP reduction in margin is in the conservative direction. Since the AVs are based on actual estimates of instrument uncertainty, there is reasonable assurance that this slight reduction in margin will not increase the probability of exceeding the Tech Spec AV limit.

The calculation Excel file for the base revision was not available for incorporating the changes for this revision, and values changed with this revision have been calculated manually. As such, only the following affected pages have been replaced/added: 1, 1A, 1B,2,3, 5,6,6A, 7, 7A, 9,13, 13A, 14, 15, 17,21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,34,37, 39A, 39B, 39C, 40, Att. 2 Page 6, Att. 5, Att. 6, Att. 7.

CC-AA-309 Revision 9 I Analysis No. LE-0107 I Revision 1 I Page 1B I Revision Summary Rev. Description of Revision Names (with Dates)

No. Preparer Reviewer Approver 0 This calculation incorporated ECR LG 99-00434, Revs 0 & 1. ME Driscoll DWReigel KM Knaide Modification P-00224 (PRNM System Replacement/Stability) 03/21/00 03/21/00 05/1100 initiated this calculation. GJ Bonanni RT George 04/25/00 04/27/00 1 This major revision incorporated minor revisions OA, OB, and T Filipiak A Luthra WA Barasa OC as well as 1) determined new NTSPs and AVs for the D Cujko 01/20/10 01/20/10 APRM Flow-Biased STP Scram functions and new AVs for 01/20/10 the APRM Flow-Biased STP Rod Block functions, and 2) determined As Left Tolerances (ALT) and As Found Tolerances (AFT) for APRM flow-biased trips for use in instrument performance trendinQ.

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 3 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 PURPOSE / OBJECTIVE 4 2.0




(See Note below) 13 7.0 CALCULATION 15 7.1 Methods 15 7.2 Calculation File (Win95Excel97) 18 8.0 ATTACHMENTS 40

1. Universal Glossary
2. Bases Document (Ref. 6.5.4)
3. Neutron Noise Data Summary (1 page from pre-existing fax, Ref.
4. Flow Noise Data (Ref.
5. Guidelines for Stability Option III "Enabled Region" (TAC M92882)
6. Minimum Number of Operable OPRM Cells for Option III Stability at Limerick 1 & 2
7. Bases Document (Ref. 6.5.5)

Note: During review and revision of Calculation LE-0107 (GE NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study) for the MUR project, selected references could not be reproduced for updating and selected documentation could not be reproduced to support legacy assumptions. The specific issues are:

1) Reference 6.3.5 - GE Report NEDC-32193P identified in the calculation as Rev. 2, Oct.

'93 and PIMS identifies only a Rev. 0 from Apr. '93.

2) Reference - The calculation lists GE Doc. 24A5221 HHO Rev. O. Latest revision in PIMS is Rev. 3.
3) Assumptions 5.2.1, 5.2.2, and 5.2.3 identify implementing procedures and provide linkage to these references in the calculation.

IR 1017215 will drive the resolution of these issues.

Calc # LE*OI07 Rev. 0 Page 4 LOS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 1.0 PURPOSE I OBJECTIVE The purpose of this setpoint design calculation is to provide Allowable Values (AV) and Nominal Trip Setpoints (NTSP) for various setpoint functions ofNUMAC Power Range Neutron Monitoring (PRNM) System (APRMJRBM with ARTS/MELLLA, RPM, LTS Option III OPRM) for Limerick Generating Station Units I & 2. Therefore, this calculation utilizes methodologies of Ref. 6.1 (prevalent essentially for NUMAC PRNM) and 6.2.1 (prevalent essentially through FT). The methodologies used in this calculation comply with the requirements ofNRG RG 1.105. The results are validated for adequacy against the appropriate criteria.

Ref. 6.1 includes calculations that may be used to ensure that the probabilities of Spurious Trip Avoidance is equal to or greater than 95% and the probability of Licensee Event Report avoidance is equal to or greater than 90%. This LER avoidance criterion is not required by the PECO procedure, Ref. 6.2.1, and is not considered in establishing the setpoints in this setpoint analyses. Those calculations are, however, included in Section 7.2 for information only.

NUMAC PRNM channels addressed herein are as follows (names of functions are given; names may be slightly different elsewhere; e.g., in specifications):

1) APRM setpoints: Neutron Flux Upscale Trip (Scram), STP Flow-Biased Trip (Scram) TLO and SLO, STP Flow-Biased Alann (Rod Block) TLO and SLO, STP Clamp Trip (Scram), STP Clamp Alarm (Rod Block), Neutron Flux Upscale Setdown Trip (Scram), STP Upscale Setdown Alarm (Rod Block), Neutron Flux Downscale Alarm and Trip (Rod Block and RRCS), and (Recirculation) Flow Upscale Level Alarm (Rod Block);
2) RBM setpoints: Neutron Flux Downscale, Low, Intermediate, and High Power and Trip, and (Recirculation) Flow Compare Level Alarm.

The objective will be accomplished, as applicable, by the following approaches:

1. Using the Analytical Limit (ANL)/Design Basis (DB) defined by references identified in the tables of Section 2.0 and the error terms (LA, CA, LD, PEA and PMA) generated herein to calculate new AV and NTSP. (The actual value selected may be the same as the calculated value or a more conservative value bounded by the calculated value.)
2. Using pre~selected nominal NTSP values defined by references identified in the tables of Section 2.0 and the error terms (LA, CA, LD, PEA and PMA) generated herein to calculate new AV values.

This approach is used where the actual bases is a nominal value for the NTSP, but Tech Spec entries require an "AV". (The actual value selected may be the same as the calculated value or a more conservative value bounded by the calculated value.)

3. Using pre-selected nominal AV and NTSP values defined by assorted references identified in the tables of Section 2.0 and the error terms (LA, CA, LD, PEA and PMA) generated herein to confirm that the AV and NTSP values are mutually consistent and compatible. (The values are considered LOS PRNM Setpoint CalcJmal.doc

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 5 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study to be consistent and compatible if the difference between the AV and NTSP is equal to or greater than the difference that is calculated by the methodologies.)

This setpoint analysis does not address assorted NUMAC PRNM channel "setup" or "tuning" parameter not directly related to system functions or outputs (e.g., OPRM tuning values, bypass settings, time constants, power supply settings). These values or settings are established based on various specifications of Ref. 6.5.1, operational requirements and procedures or maintenance/calibration procedures and are outside the scope of this setpoint analysis.

This setpoint analysis does not include the OPRM trip setpoints, since these setpoints will not have any allowable values. The OPRM trip setpoints will be determined based on Option III licensing methodology developed by the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) as described in NEDO-32465-A (G-080-VC-00041) and approved by the NRC. The period based detection algorithm (PBDA) setpoints will be documented in the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) and be controlled by the reload licensing process. Other OPRM settings/parameters are documented on the APRM SPID documents. Attachments 5 and 6 of this calculation include supporting documentation for OPRM Technical Specification values.

Additionally, As Found (AF) and As Left (AL) tolerances are computed for the APRM STP Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block trip loops using the error terms (loop reference accuracy, loop calibration equipment errors, loop calibration equipment reading errors, and loop instrument drift) generated herein. These tolerances are determined for use in trending instrument performance.

The methodology utilized is in accordance with Reference 6.9.2 and is described in detail in Section 7.1.23. (Reference 6.9.2 is currently pending NRC approval.)

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 6 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 2.0


OF RESULTS The following AV and NTSP/IS are established in Section 7 by calculation or methods as described in Section 1.0.

1. APRM Channel TRIP ANLorDB AV NTSP orIS (See Note (a>> (See Note (a>> (See Note (a>>

a-1. STP Flow Biased 0.65W + 65.1 0.65W + 62.2 0.65W + 61.7 Scram (TLO) (Ref. 6.5.6) a-2. STP Flow Biased 0.65W + 60.1 0.65W + 57.2 0.65W+56.7 Scram (SLO) (Ref. 6.5.6) (Ref. 6.5.6) (Ref. 6.5.6) b-1. STP Flow Biased N/A 0.65W+54.7 0.65W + 54.3 Rod Block (TLO) (approach 2) (Ref. 6.5.7) b-2. STP Flow Biased N/A 0.65W+49.7 0.65W+49.3 Rod Block (SLO) (Ref. 6.5.6) (Ref. 6.5.6)

c. STP Flow Biased 119.0 117.0 116.6 Clamp Scram (Ref. 6.5.4)
d. STP Flow Biased N/A 108.4 108.0 Clamp Rod Block (approach 2) (Ref. 6.5.4)
e. Neutron Flux Upscale Trip- N/A 20.0 15.0 Setdown (Ref. 6.5.4) (Ref. 6.5.4)
f. STP Upscale Rod N/A 13.0 12.0 Block - Setdown (Ref. 6.5.4) (Ref. 6.5.4) g-1. Neutron Flux Downscale 0.5 2.8 3.2 Alarm Rod Block (Ref. 6.5.4)

(decreasing) g-2. Neutron Flux Downscale N/A 5.0 4.3 Trip RRCS (increasing) (Ref. 6.5.4) (Ref. 6.5.4 & note (b>>

h. Fixed High 121.0 118.7 118.3 Neutron Flux Scram (Ref. 6.5.4)
i. Flow Upscale N/A 115.6 113.4 (Ref. 6.5.4) (Ref. 6.5.4)

W= percent of rated recirculation drive flow Notes: (a) All ANL/DB, AV or NTSP/IS values are % P except item i which is % W.

(b) NTSP for g-2 is equal to NTSP for g-1 plus 1.1 % per 5.1.6.

The AVs and NTSPs for the STP Flow Biased Scram and Rod Block functions determined in Section 7 of this calculation are compared with the values provided in the GE Thermal Power Optimization Project Task Reports (References 6.5.6 and 6.5.7) in the following table. For the STP Flow Biased Scram NTSPs (TLO and SLO). STP Flow Biased Scram AVs (TLO and SLO).

and the STP Flow Biased Rod Block SLO NTSP, the calculated values are equal to the Task Report Values. For the STP Flow Biased Rod Block AVs (TLO and SLO), the calculated values are more conservative than the Task Report values and should therefore be used as the Tech Spec values. The STP Flow Biased Rod Block TLO NTSP value in the calculation was taken directly from Ref. 6.5.7, consistent with Approach 2 of this calculation and therefore no comparison is warranted.

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 6A NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study APRM Allowable Value NTSP Function GE Task LE-0107 Comparison GE Task LE-0107 Comparison Report Value Report Value Value Value STP F-B 0.65W+62.2 0.65W+62.2 Same 0.65W+61.7 0.65W+61.7 Same Scram Ref. 6.5.7 Ref. 6.5.7 (TLO)

STP F-B 0.65W+57.2 0.65W+57.2 Same 0.65W+56.7 0.65W+56.7 Same Scram Ref. 6.5.7 Ref. 6.5.7 (SLO)

STP F-B 0.65W+54.8 0.65W+54.7 Calc. value N/A N/A N/A Rod Ref. 6.5.6 conservative Block (TLO)

STP F-B 0.65W+49.8 0.65W+49.7 Calc. value 0.65W+49.3 0.65W+49.3 Same Rod Ref. 6.5.6 conservative Ref. 6.5.7 Block (SLO)

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 7 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study

2. RBMChannel TRIP MCPR ANLorDB AV NTSP/IS (See Notes (a) (See Notes (a) (See Notes (a)

&(b)) &(b)) &(b))

a Low Power Setpoint 30.0 28.4 28.1 (LPSP) (Ref. 6.3.5) (See 5.1.5)

b. Intennediate Power 65.0 63.4 63.1 Setpoint (IPSP) (Ref. 6.3.5)
c. High Power Setpoint 85.0 83.4 83.1 (HPSP) (Ref. 6.3.5)
d. Low Trip Setpoint 1.20 118.0 1117.0 116.5/115.5 116.5/115.5 (LTSP) 1.25 121.0 I 120.0 119.5 I 118.5 119.5 1118.5 (Ref. 6.3.5) 1.30 124.0 I 123.0 122.5 I 121.5 122.5/121.5 1.35 127.0 1125.8 125.5 I 124.3 123.0 1123.0 (Assumption 5.1.4)
e. Intennediate Trip 1.20 112.0 1111.2 110.5 I 109.7 110.5/109.7 Setpoint (ITSP) 1.25 116.0/115.2 114.5 I 113.7 114.5/113.7 (Ref. 6.3.5) 1.30 119.0 1118.0 117.5 I 116.5 117.0 1116.5 1.35 122.0 I 121.0 120.5 1119.5 117.0/117.0 (Assumption 5.1.4)
f. High Trip Setpoint 1.20 108.0 I 107.4 106.5 I 105.9 106.5/105.9 (HTSP) 1.25 110.0 I 110.2 109.5 I 108.7 109.5/108.7 (Ref. 6.3.5) 1.30 114.0 1113.2 112.5 I 111.7 111.0 I 111.0 1.35 117.0 1116.0 115.5 1114.5 111.0 I 111.0 (Assumption 5.1.4)
g. Downscale Trip NIL 2.0 5.0 Setpoint (DTSP) (Ref. 6.3.5) (Ref. 6.5.5) (Ref. 6.5.5)
h. Flow Compare N/A N/A 10.0 (Ref. 6.5.4)

Notes: (a) All ANL/DB, AV or NTSP/IS values are % P except item h which is % w.

(b) For the LTSP, ITSP, and HTSP AV and NTSP values, the first entry (larger value "w/o filter") applies for filter time constant ('tel) settings of 'tel ::;;0.1 second while the second entry (smaller value "w/filter") applies for settings of 0.1 < 'tel < 0.55 seconds.

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 7A NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study The following ALTIAFT and LAZ Tolerances are established in Section 7 by calculation and by methods as described in Section 1.0.

ALT/AFT and LAZ Tolerances Associated with STP APRM Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block Calibration Checks:

  • ALT/AFT and LAZ tolerances do not apply for STP APRM flow-biased actuations per justification provided in section 7.1.23.
  • Calculated ALT/AFT and LAZ tolerances associate with the combined FT/RFM calibration check as defined in References through are as follows (per section 7.3.5):

RFM LALT = LAZ = +/-1.3 % rated Q RFM LAFT =+/-1.9 % rated Q This analysis does not provide an acceptance criteria for the calculated RFM LALT (LAZ) and RFM LAFT. Results are merely summarized as determined in Section 7.3.5.

Comparison of Calculated RFM LAFT and LALT (LAZ) with existing Surveillance Test Procedure Requirements:

Per the current surveillance test procedures (References through, the RFM loop calibration checks are performed by applying differential pressures at each of the two recirculation flow transmitters (recirc loop A & B) while monitoring the RFM output for proper indication of total flow. The procedures merely specify acceptable lower and upper limits of indicated flow; they do not specify a desired or nominal flow value. As such, the algebraic difference between the specified acceptable lower and upper limits corresponds to acceptance spans equal to 3.9 and 4.0% rated Q (depending on the applied test pressures). The calculated loop as-left tolerance (LALT) determined in this analysis ( +/-1.3% rated Q around a nominal value) corresponds to an acceptance span equal to 2.6% rated Q (or 2 times 1.3%), which is smaller than the current 3.9% and 4.0% acceptance spans. Therefore, the LALT (or LAZ) determined in this analysis is tighter than the as-left requirements (or acceptable limit requirements) specified in the surveillance test procedures. Additionally, the calculated loop as-found tolerance (LAFT) determined in this analysis (+/- 1.9% rated Q around a nominal value) corresponds to an acceptance span equal to 3.8% rated Q (or 2 times 1.9%) which is also smaller than the current 3.9% and 4.0% acceptance spans. Therefore, the LAFT determined in this analysis is also tighter than the as-left requirements (or acceptable limit requirements) specified in the surveillance test procedures.

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 8 LGS I &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 3.0 DESIGN INPUT I CRITERIA 3.1 The purposes of the instruments in the PRNM Channels ofthis Design Calculation are to:

I. provide a warning to the reactor operators via annunciation in the Control Room, and

2. provide scram trip signals to the Reactor Protection System, and
3. provide trip signals to the Rod Withdrawal Block Circuitry indicating that the reactor power or recirculation flow is exceeding its operational limits. and
4. provide an APRM downscale signal to RRCS indicating that the reactor is shutdown and SLC injection is not required or can be terminated.

The calculations in this report are consistent with the following figure. which is based on Ref. 6.5.1:

LPRM LPRMs (to Detectors - bothAPRM



APRM Trip Signal and RBM)

Flow ~

Element (2)

RBM -- Trip Signal

~ RFM Flow

- (includes oJ and l; via -

Transmitter (2) digital processing) Trip Signal Figure 1. PRNM Functionality Sketch LGS PRNM Setpoint Calcjinal.doc

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 9 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 3.2 APRM Channel 3.2.1 Process Design Parameters - All Channels Except STP Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block (See 3.2.2 for STP Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block Input)


Process Variable Neutron Flux 6.8.2 Normal Operating Value o- 100% Power 6.8.2, 6.3.6 Analytical Limit (ANLVDesign Basis (DB) Section 2.0 6.3.5, 6.5.4 Allowable Value (AV) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7 Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7 3.2.2 Process Design Parameters -STP Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block The STP Flow Biased Scram (TLO) AL is taken from Ref. 6.5.6. The STP Flow Biased Rod Block (TLO) NTSP is taken from Ref. 6.5.7. The SLO AVs and NTSPs for both the STP Flow Biased Scram and Rod Block functions are 5% RTP lower than the respective TLO values as originally specified in Ref. 6.5.4 and confirmed for Thermal Power Optimization by Refs. 6.5.6 and 6.5.7.

3.3 RBM Channel 3.3.1 Process Design Parameters Ref.

Process Variable Neutron Flux 6.8.2 Normal Operating Value o- 100% Power 6.8.2, 6.3.5 Analytical Limit (ANL)/Design Basis (DB) Section 2.0 6.3.5 Allowable Value (AV) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7, 6.5.5 Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7,6.5.5 3.4 RFM Channel 3.4.1 Process Design Parameters Ref.

Process Variable Recirculation Flow 6.8.2 Normal Operating Value 0-110% Flow 6.8.2, 6.3.4 Analytical Limit (ANL)/Design Basis (DB) N/A 6.5.4 Allowable Value (AV) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7 Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP) Section 2.0 6.5.4, Section 7

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 10 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Srudv 3.5 Instrument Data 3.5.1 NUMAC Ref.

Manufacturer GE-NUMAC 6.5.1 Model No. PRNM 6.5.1 Location Aux. Equipment Room 6.8.1 Location Temp. Range 60~82 F) 6.8.1 Instrument Range

  • 6.5.1 Calibration Span (SP) 0-125 % 6.5.1 Electrical Output 0-1.0 Vdc ** 6.5.1 Electrical Output 0-1.0 mAdc *** 6.5.1
  • It may vary from 0 to greater than 125% depending on the signal; applies to both flux (power) and flow.
    • For use by remote recorders.
      • For use by remote meters.

3.5.2 Recirculation Flow Transmitter Ref.

Manufacturer Rosemount Model No. 1153DB5RJNOO39 6.6.1 Location Reactor Building 6.8.1 Calibration Temp. 65-90° F 6.1 Nonnal Temperature 65-106° F 6.8.1 Instrument Range 0-750 in WC 6.6.1 Calibration Span (SP) 0-225.0 in WC 6.2.3 Calibration Span (SP) 0-55,000 gpm 6.2.3 Electrical Output 4-20 mAde 6.6.1 3.6 Description ofInstrument Channel A function~ty sketch of the NUMAC based PRNM system is shown in Figure 1. The sensor inputs and the functions performed by the signal processing electronics remain the same as in the previous analog system, but the hardware configuration is changed.

a) The LPRM detectors feed into the APRM chassis (and LPRM Slave Chassis) which does all the LPRM and APRM signal processing and converts the LPRM signals to digital values.

LGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.doc

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page II LOS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study b) The APRM chassis performs all ofthe comparison and trip calculations digitally, and issues the Neutron Flux and Simulated Thermal Power trip and rod block signals. There are no separate APRM Trip Units whose accuracy, calibration and drift errors need to be considered.

c) The current signal from the Flow (AP) sensors from loops A & B feed directly into the APRM chassis (via a sub~function sometimes referred to as the RFM) which performs all ofthe signal processing, and converts the flow input signals to digital values. The APRM chassis calculates the loop A and loop B flow from the input current signals, computes the total recirculation flow and generates the flow bias trip setpoints for the APRM trip and rod block functions. The APRM chassis also generates the high flow rod block signal. All calculations are performed digitally.

There is no separate Flow Unit (square rooter and summer for generating the flow signal are considered as a calculation functional model only) and no separate Flow Trip Unit whose accuracy, calibration and drift errors need to be considered.

d) The RBM receives digitally processed LPRM detector input from the APRM (and LPRM Slave)

Chassis and recirculation flow inputs from the APRM chassis. The RBM chassis generates the high, intermediate and low power RBM rod block signals and also the Flow Comparator alarm signal. All calculations in the RBM chassis are performed digitally, so no additional processing error is introduced. There are no separate RBM Trip Units whose accuracy, calibration and drift errors need to be considered.

3.7 Impact ofNUMAC Instrument Channel on Setpoint Calculations As described above, the new PRNM configuration shown in Figure I uses the same input flux and flow sensors, but the NUMAC electronic chassis that process these inputs signal are quite different than the old analog electronics. The NUMAC based PRNM has different values for electronic accuracy, calibration and drift errors, and these lead to different values for overall cha1U1el accuracy, calibration and drift errors.

The functions (trip, rod block, etc.) essentially remain the same with the new PRNM except for replacement of the flow*biased APRM scram and scram clamp functions with an APRM flux upscale scram function and a Simulated Thermal Power (STP) flow-biased scram and scram clamp functions and use of STP as the input to the rod block logic functions in place of APRM flux. Also, since only the processing electronics change, incorporation ofPRNM electronics does not change process monitoring (PMA) and process element (PEA) errors, for the trip and rod block functions. However some of these errors have changed in this document compared to earlier calculations because of changes in setpoint calculation methods. The new electronics has different electronic error values, which lead to different channel error values. This in turn leads to different margins between the Analytic Limit and the Nominal Trip Setpoints (NTSP) and between the Analytic Limit and the Allowable 'yalue (AV). The new NTSP and AV values are calculated in this document.

4.0 COMPUTER CALCULATION N/A. For information onlY,let it be noted that a Win95Excel97 file is utilized in the generation of this calculation. While this calculational tool is not designated a "computer calculation", it is nonetheless based on official, off-the-shelf, commercially available software. The results then undergo normal design verification.

LOS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.doc

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 12 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 Assumptions confirmed as part of the setpoint calculation verification process.

5.1.1 All individual uncertainty expressions apply to the overall component [LPRM, FT, PRNM (including entire chassis. electronics, signal conditioning, digitizing, etc.)] and are at 2-sigma unless otherwise stated in Section 7. *Ultimately, individual uncertainty expressions feed into channel uncertainty, which is normalized to 2-sigma and process units for subsequer..t calculation ofAV, NTSP. (In Section 7, all specification values for the NUMAC equipment are treated as 3-sigma values, and include all effects of environmental factors identified in the related specifications. The NUMAC design and specification process is based on specifying worst case values (Le., better than 3-sigma). In the setpoint methodology, these types of specifications are treated as 3-sigma values. For the FT, uncertainties defined in Ref. 6.6.1 are considered 3-sigma, based on Ref. 6.1 and 6.2.1). This calculation uses the original drift specification for Rosemount 1153 transmitters of+/- 0.25% for 6 months (3 sigma value). This specification is more conservative than the current Rosemount Specification of +/- 0.20% for 30 months (2 sigma value) and is therefore acceptable. Sigma, called s, is given in the right-hand column of Section 7 for each term (column H in the Win95Excel97 file).

5.1.2 All calibration uncertainty expressions are 3-sigma by commonly- accepted practice, due to control by 100% testing and NIST traceability. Calibration uncertainty terms include CEi, CEstdi.

STOLi (which includes AGAF). (As in the case of other uncertainty terms, pertinent sigma is given in the right-hand colwnn of Section 7).

5.1.3 Per Ref. 6.2.3, AGAF limits are +/- 2% power.

5.1.4 The setpoint analyses justify a NTSPIIS equal to the AVfIRM for the RBM LTSP, ITSP and HTSP trip functions. RBM LTSP, ITSP"and HTSP NTSPIIS are limited to 123.0%, 117.0% and 111.0% respectively due to section A.2.8.2.I.l ofMELLLIARTS Topical Report NEDC-32193P (Ref.

6.3.5). Thus, NTSP/IS values shown in Section 2 can not exceed these limits.

5.1.5 The NTSP shown in paragraph 2.2.a is the desired power level at or above which the RBM rod block is to be automatically unbypassed (an "upscale" trip). Because the NUMAC RBM processes the Low Power Setpoint as a downscale function (tripping on decreasing power), the trip "reset" point is the effective upscale trip. The trip has a deadband of 1.0% (resolution of 0.1 %), so the trip will reset when the power level exceeds the trip setpoint by at least 1.1 %. Therefore, to achieve the effective NTSP in 2.2.a for an increasing signal, the entered setpoint must be 1.1 % lower than the value in 2.2.3.

5.1.6 The APRM downscale trip function, a "decreasing" trip with a 1.0% deadband and a resolution 0£0.1%, is used for both the Neutron Flux Downscale Alarm Rod Block, 3 decreasing trip (2.1.g-l) and for the"'Neutron Flux Downscale Trip RRCS, an increasing trip. A single setpoint is usedfo1' both applications. The effective NTSP for the Rod Block (2.1.g-1) is the setpoint value entered in the hardware. However, the effective NTSP for the RRCS Trip (2.1.g-2) is the Rod Block "reset" value, which is 1.1 % higher than the setpoint value entered into the hardware. Based on Ref. 6.5.4, this calculation calculates the Rod Block AV and Rod Block NTSP (2.1.g-l). The NTSP for the RRCS Trip (2.1.g-2) is calculated by adding 1.1 % to the Rod Block NTSP. This calculation then confirms that the calculated RRCS Trip NTSP supports the design basis RRCS Trip AV stated in Ref. 6.5.4.

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Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 13 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 5.2 Assumptions requiring confirmation as part of the LGS mod process.

5.2.1 The calibration intervals maximum boundary values (and therefore the bases for VD expressions) are as follows: for flow channel FT and PRNM RFM, 30-months; for PRNM APRM, 700-hrs (approximately 1-month); for PRNM RBM, 4-hrs [insignificant time-interval for drift in RBM trip function since RBM re-initializes (nulls) after each usage]. These intervals are expected to cover operational requirements (intervals less than these are therefore covered by this calculation).

5.2.2 Calibration temperature interval is 65-90 deg F, based on PECO calibration practices, Ref. 6.2.3. The calibration uncertainties (Le., CEi, CEstdi, STOLi) used in this calculation are/will be based on Ref. 6.2.3 expected calibration for the NUMAC-PRNM. Accuracy Ratio (ratio of CEi


to CEstdi) is considered to be unity (1). For the DMM, CEi Ai based on standard practice per Ref. 6.2.1.

5.2.3 Since overall channel uncertainties are relatively minimal for digital equipment, and settings are digitally entered into equipment, additional margin is considered negligible and ATSP = NTSP. Hence, STOLILAZ (setting tolerances and leave-alone-zones) does not apply for PRNM (Le., STOLILAZ is assumed to = 0). STOLi = Ai for FT-related calibration = 0.08 mAdc based on standard practice per Ref. 6.2.1. Ref. 6.2.3 is affected in the sense that future PRNM calibration procedures will have to reflect this assumption.

5.2.4 References 6.5.1 (all), 6.6.1, 6.8.1, and 6.9.1 apply to the installed PRNM system.

6.0 References 6.1 GE Report NEDC-31336P-A, GE Proprietary Information, September 1996, GE Instrument Setpoint Methodology.

6.2 PECO/Exelon Procedures 6.2.1 Exelon Procedures CC-AA-309, Rev. 9, Control of Design Analyses, CC-AA-309-1 001, Rev. 5, Guidelines for Preparation and Processing Design Analyses, and CC-MA-103-2001, Rev. 0, Setpoint Methodology for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station and Limerick Generating Station (These procedures supersede PECO Nuclear Procedure NE-C-420 Rev 3, Design Calculations [including exhibits, mainly NE-C-420-4])

6.2.2 Exelon Procedure CC-AA-102, Rev. 19, Design Input and Configuration Change Impact Screening, CC-AA-103, Rev. 20, Configuration Change Control for Permanent Physical Plant Changes, and CC-AA-1 03-2001, Rev. 3, Setpoint Change Control (These procedures supersede PECO Modifications Procedure MOD-C-08 Rev 1, Setpoint Changes (no exhibits>>

6.2.3 PECO Plant Procedures and Practices covering Surveillance Test and Calibration Procedures and Practices for Recirculation Drive Flow Equipment Procedures and Practices for NUMAC PRNM Equipment ST-2-074-420-1, Rev. 28, Calibration Check of APRM 1 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-421-1, Rev. 24, Calibration Check of APRM 2 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-422-1, Rev. 27, Calibration Check of APRM 3 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-423-1, Rev. 26, Calibration Check of APRM 4 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-420-2, Rev. 18, Calibration Check of APRM 1 Flow Bias Signal

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 13A NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ST-2-074-421-2, Rev. 17, Calibration Check of APRM 2 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-422-2, Rev. 17, Calibration Check of APRM 3 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-423-2, Rev. 20, Calibration Check of APRM 4 Flow Bias Signal ST-2-074-426-1, Rev. 11, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 1 (APRM 1) ST-2-074-427-1, Rev. 10, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 2 (APRM 2) ST-2-074-428-1, Rev. 11, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 3 (APRM 3) ST-2-074-429-1, Rev. 13, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 4 (APRM 4) ST-2-074-426-2, Rev. 05, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 1 (APRM 1) ST-2-074-427-2, Rev. 04, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 2 (APRM 2) ST-2-074-428-2, Rev. 04, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 3 (APRM 3) ST-2-074-429-2, Rev. 05, Calibration/Functional Check of Average Power Range Monitor 4 (APRM 4) IC-11-00740, Rev. 10, Calibration and Alignment of NUMAC Power Range Neutron Monitor 6.3 Pre-Existing Calculations/Bases 6.3.1 PECO Noise Data Bases PECO Time History Plot and Tabular Trend Report, Recirculation Drive B037/A1, B038/A2, B039/B1, B040/B2 Mass Flow (Mlbm/hr) for LGS-2, 1 sec time grid, 31-Jan-94 from 10:20:00.000 to 10:20:30.000 (Attachment 4: contained in Win95Excel97 file of this calc, and originally extracted from Calc LE0082, Rev. 5) PECO Statistical Analysis Report, APRMs A, B, C, D, E, F Flux (%P) for LGS-2, 0.250 sec time grid, 26-Aug-93 from 07:00:00.000 to 07:10:00.000 (from 08/26/93 fax, S.

Tanner PECO, 20 pages; 1 page extract, summary page, utilized herein as basis for neutron noise - Attachment 3) 6.3.2 PECO Calculation LE-0082 Rev. 5, GE NSSS Setpoints Required to Support Power Re-Rate for LGS-1&2 (specifically calculation #7, pertaining to NMS), dated 6-19-98 (INFO ONLY - SUPERSEDED BY CALCULATION HEREIN) 6.3.3 PECO Calculation LE-0049 Rev. 0, Limerick Rod Block Flow Biased Setpoints, dated 11-16-92 (INFO ONLY ---SUPERSEDED BY CALCULATION HEREIN) 6.3.4 GE Report NEDC-32224P, "Safety Review for Limerick Generation Station Units 1 and 2, 110% Increased Core Flow Operation and Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction",

Revision 1, October 1994 [Exelon Doc. G-080-VC-00029, Rev. 0]

6.3.5 GE Report NEDC-32193P,"MELLL and ARTS Improvement Program Analyses for Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2", Revision 2, October 1993 [Exelon Doc. G-080-VC-00395]

6.3.6 GE Report NEDC-32225P, "Power Rerate Safety Analysis Report for Limerick Generating Station Units 1 & 2", Revision 1, September 1993 [Exelon Doc. N-00E-177-00001, Rev. 0]

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 14 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 6.4 Plant Documents 6.4.1 Technical Specifications for LGS-1 &2 6.4.2 UFSAR for LGS-1&2 6.5 GE Design Specifications 6.5.1 NUMAC Documents 24A5221 Rev 7, NUMAC PRNM System Generic RS [Exelon Doc. G-080-VC-00034 Rev. 0] 24A5221HHO Rev 0, NUMAC PRNM System Specific RSDS, LGS-1&2 [Exelon Doc.

G-080-VC-00033] 25A5916 Rev 3, NUMAC APRM Generic PS 25A5916ERO Rev 1, NUMAC APRM Specific PSDS 25A5917 Rev 2, NUMAC RBM Generic PS 25A5917ERO Rev 1, NUMAC RBM Specific PSDS 25A5041 Rev 1, NUMAC OPRM Generic PS [Exelon Doc. G-080-VC-00108, Rev. 0] 25A5041AA Rev 1 NUMAC OPRM Generic DSDS [Exelon Doc. G-080-VC-00109, Rev.


6.5.2 NOT USED 6.5.3 GE various internal data, including DRFs C51-00136(4.42) and AOO-01932-2 6.5.4 PRNM System Setpoints, Bases for Analytical Limits/Allowable Values/Design Bases, APRM Neutron Flux and Simulated Thermal Power (STP) Scram and Rod Block, Recirculation Flow Upscale and Comparison, RBM, for LGS 1 & 2, Rev. 0, dated Aug.

19, 1999 (GE DRF C51-00215-00 (5.6>>

6.5.5 PRNM System Bases for RBM Downscale Trip Tech Spec Deletion and Reduced Setpoint, Rev. 0, dated 1/8/99 (GE DRF C51-00214-00 (5.7>>

6.5.6 Exelon Nuclear Limerick Units 1 and 2 Thermal Power Optimization Project Task Report - Task T0500: Neutron Monitoring System, Rev. 1, dated December 2009 (GE DRF 0000-0096-1273, Exelon Doc. LEAM-MUR-0041 Rev. 0) 6.5.7 Exelon Nuclear Limerick Units 1 and 2 Thermal Power Optimization Project Task Report - Task T0506: Instrument Setpoints, Rev. 0, dated December 2009 (GE DRF 0000-0096-3796, Exelon Doc. LEAM-MUR-0046, Rev. 0) 6.6 Vendor Documents 6.6.1 Rosemount Model 1153DB5RJN0039, various PDS associated with FT 6.7 NOT USED.

6.8 PECO Documents 6.8.1 LGS Mod # P00224, Design Input Document, Rev. 0 6.8.2 8031-M-1-C51-4010-H-2, Rev. 4, Neutron Monitoring System Design Spec. Data Sheet 6.9 Micellaneous Documents 6.9.1 ASME Fluid Meters, Sixth Edition, 1971 6.9.2 Technical Specification Task Force Improved Standard Technical Specifications, TSTF-493, Revision 4.

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 15 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 7.0 CALCULATION 7.1 Methods 7.1.1 The accuracy due to flow noise and flux noise (for PMA) is calculated from the LGS-2 data in Ref. 6.3.1, normalized to 2-sigma and process units.

7.1.2 The conversion of the flow error to power is modified by the 0.65 factor, the slope of the equation that converts flow to APRM power setpoints (Ref. 6.5.6).

7.1.3 OL for STA evaluation of scram functions is typically the rod block NTSP.

7.1.4 Unless otherwise noted, the units used in this document for each instrument function are given in the tables of Section 2.0, above [essentially either percent of the rated thermal power (%P), or percent of the rated recirculation flow (%W or


7.1.5 Unless otherwise noted, the uncertainty values used in calculations in Section 7 are two (2) sigma +/- values (random).

7.1.6 A flow uncertainty correction factor K (or K) is utilized to correct for dp uncertainties (as a function of flow) for terms upstream of square root processing, based on Ref. 6.5.3.

7.1.7 Final calculated values (e.g. AV, NTSP) are rounded: 1) in direction of conservatism (Le., away from the ANL/DB), and 2) to one decimal place.

Intermediate calculated values (uncertainty terms, etc.) are sometimes found to introduce unnecessary and unwanted over-conservatisms and hence are not rounded.

7.1.8 Methodologies utilized in this calculation are based on Ref. 6.1 and 6.2.1, and include various and sundry traditional and ongoing approaches that have evolved over the course of time, up to the present time [collectively referred to as "grandfather", and herein consisting mainly (but not entirely) of Ref. 6.5.3].

7.1.9 through 7.1.11 NOT USED.

7.1.12 Per Ref. 6.9.1 Section 11-111-60, elbow flow element uncertainty (PEA) is 4% of rated loop flow (considered to be at 2-sigma).

7.1.13 3-sigma terms (e.g., PRNM chassis electronics uncertainty, certain individual influences of FT uncertainty, calibration, etc.) are normalized to 2-sigma terms (e.g., loop terms for LA, LD, etc.) via factor of 2/3 per Ref.

6.1 and 6.2.1.

7.1.14 Individual influences of uncertainty are combined via SRSS to yield LA, LD, etc. e.g., loop accuracy LA=2 *SRSS [(VA/s), (ATE/s), (SPE/s), .....] where VA, ATE, etc. are the individual

Calc # LE-O 107 Rev. 0 Page 16 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study influences.of accuracy uncertainty, and s is the individual sigma affiliated with each individual influence tetm, per Ref. 6.1 and 6.2.1.

7.1.15 AV and NTSP are detetmined via expressions contained in Ref. 6.1 and 6.2.1.

7.1.16 PEA is a combination of the LPRM sensor sensitivity (time-dependent, and therefore called drift PEA) and sensor non-linearity (called accuracy PEA) uncertainties. For RBM trip functions, since RBM relative readings are short tenn, drift PEA is zero.

7.1.17 Uncertainties (e.g., for PEA, genVA, etc.) associated with inputs (either LPRM detector or recirculation drive flow) to PRNM, utilize the algorithm of 1/ IN to establish the overall genA on a %

rated basis, where N is the number of inputs to PRNM [e.g., LPRMs to either APRM (20 minimum) or RBM (2 minimum), with minimum used for conservatism and to account for sensor failure; or recirculation drive flow loops to RFM (2)]. While usage ofthis approach is readily-accepted for LPRMs, the basis for its application for recirculation drive flow loops is not obvious. The basis is illustrated, by an example, as follows:

let hypothetical individual rated loop flow = 1000 gpm, hence for a two-loop system rated total flow =

2000 gpm; if loop uncertainty =+/-l 0% rated loop flow =+/-1 00 gpm, then total uncertainty = .fi *100

= +/-141.4 gpm, or 141.4/2000 = +/-7.07% rated total flow = +/-10% rated loop .

7.1.18 Uncertainty associated with the flow transmitter inputs to the calibration resistor/flow electronics network ofPRNM is recognized in semi-automatic calibration !NOP-CAL mode, the uncertainty ofwhich is included in the overall specifications ofPRNM uncertainty.

7.1.19 PRNM uncertainty specifications consider the various and sundry effects of the following:

operating environmental factors, signal filtering, time constants, gain adjustment factors, power supply variation, sensor cable insulation resistance, digital signal processing considerations (time delays for AID and D/A conversion, sampling frequency, signal processing topology, signal discriminator algorithms, and digital signal bit-length), etc.

7.1.20 The NUMAC PRNM electronic chassis introduces essentially no additional uncertainty beyond the uncertainty associated with the LPRM flux inputs; hence, chassis uncertainty terms identified as VA, L and H in the calculation are considered negligible (Le., enveloped by the LPRM uncertainty tetms).

7.1.21 As a follow-on to Section 7.1.20, above, the LPRM uncertainty specification applies because it introduces uncertainty at the input of the NUMAC PRNM chassis; the uncertainty term, for example, is called genA, modified by the minimum number of LPRMs as illustrated in Section 7.1.17, above.

7.1.22 Various PMA are summarized as follows:

a) PMA errors for APRM flux and power measurement process are caused by APRM tracking error and the uncertainty due to neutron noise, for the MSIV transient and for the loss of feedwater heater transient.

b) PMA errors for flow measurements is flow noise, which is also included in APRM STP flow-biased functions.

LOS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.doc

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 17 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study c) PMA for RBM, which is a relative flux measurement, is due to: 1) uncertainty due to neutron noise; 2) the error calculated by comparing the non-failed reading to readings with different combinations of LPRM failure. Subgroups of RBM (Le.,

Power and Trip) are as follows:

1) PMA for RBM Power Measurement: The RBM Power setpoints are internal setpoints that choose the high, intermediate and low power zones in which the RBM Trip setpoints apply. RBM power setpoints are required during normal steady state operation and do not need to consider error due to fast transients. Thus the transient error due to tracking does not need to be considered, and only neutron noise remains.
2) PMA for RBM Trip setpoints is the PMA considering only the LPRM readings; neutron noise does not apply.

7.1.23 As-Left I As-Found Tolerance Determination Associated with STP APRM Flow-Biased Scram and Rod Block Actuations Only Per Section 4.13 of References through, the STP APRM flow-biased actuation points are checked by applying a simulated total recirculation flow input along with a simulated power input. The simulated flow input is kept constant while the simulated power input is adjusted while monitoring the point of actuation. The PRNM is a digital system with digital processing, and as such, actuation point settings are not affected by instrument accuracy, drift, and calibration equipment errors. As indicated by Table 10 of References through, there is a potential for actuation point effects due to instrument accuracy, drift, and calibration equipment errors, however, these effects are not due to errors associated with actuation point settings. These effects are due to errors associated with aligning calibration voltages with an external standard as defined in section 4.7.30 of References through Therefore, ALT/AFT for the STP APRM flow-biased trip point calibration checks are not applicable.

Per References through, the calibration of the RFM instrument loop is checked by applying variable test pressure inputs at the inputs of the recirculation flow transmitters while monitoring total recirculation flow rates on the APRM chassis display.

As such, this calculation will determine ALT/AFT associated with the RFM loop calibration check from the input of the flow transmitters to the output indication of total recirculation flow. The ALT for the RFM loop calibration check is determined by the SRSS of the loop reference accuracy, loop calibration equipment errors, and the loop calibration equipment reading errors. The AFT is determined by the SRSS of the loop reference accuracy, loop instrument drift, loop calibration equipment errors, and the loop calibration equipment reading errors. This methodology is in accordance with Section 4.0, Option A, of Reference 6.9.2. (Reference 6.9.2 is currently pending NRC approval). Equations utilized are:

RFM LALT =+/-[(RFM AREF )2 + (RFM CE)2 + (RFM CEREADING ERROR)2]O.S RFM LAFT =+/-[(RFM AREF )2 + (RFM VD)2 + (RFM CE)2 + (RFM CEREADING ERROR)2]O.S All uncertainties used in the ALT/AFT determination are considered to be 2-sigma (20')


Calc;:; LE-O I07 Rev. 0 Page 18 LOS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 7.2 Calculation File (Win95ExceI97)

[begins on next page]

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Calc # LE*0107 Rev. 0 LGS-1.2 Page 19 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study CHANNEL INSTRUMENT ERRORS (LA, LD)

Re.f ET DEVICE UNCERTAINTY CALCULATION 6.1,6.2.1,6.6.1,6.8.1 l111XJ!U range code outPut code 1JBJ. SE LlD.i1.s FT 1153DB 5 R 750 225.00 in we IEBM. EXPRESS/ON ~

A ~ ~ jndjveffect A1 0.5 1.125 3 I range (E) AIE1n 0.75 + 0.5 65 per 100 F 106 QIA norm } evalover 16 F 1.080 3 I range (E) AIE1t 65 106 trip } evalover 16 F 1.080 3 line pressure 1200 psig systematic span SPNE1 0.75 (note: systematic span effect is calibrated out)


z.em. random span (SRSS) SPE1 0.2 + 0.5 2.250 3 per 1000 psig evaI at 1200 psig line pressure OPE1 N/A 0.000 3 eval at 1200 psig line pressure (change in 24 Vdc regulated power supply output voltage) negligible

-PSE1 0.005 0.000 3 per 1 Vdc

} evalover o dVdc HIE1 N/A N/A 0.000 2 RE1 N/A 0.000 2 (if rad liD <= 22000000)

LGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc# LE*0107 Rev. 0 lGS*1.2 Page 20 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study SEIS1 N/A 0.000 2 (if ZPA <= 2)

NlA 0.000 2 N/A 0.000 2 oyerall normaUzatjoo A norm (SRSS)(above terms) = 1.825 2 trip 1.825 2 D jndjy effect D1 0.25 4.193 3

{IS per 6 -months

-months 24 } evalover 30 -months for 25 % grace period T range (F) DTE1 0.75 + 0.5 1.688 3 65 per 100 F 90 dIQ

} evalover 25 F D (SRSS)(above terms) = 3.013 2 PRNM PRNM Channel (Figure 1) [% flux (power) at 2-sigma unless otherwise noted] ~ a) channel instrument accuracy (LA) :s.

APRM ch 1,2,3.4 RBM ch A,B indiveffect

1) PRNM (LPRMs, APRMlRBM. trip) digital black box-ace uncert negligible (fixed) 3 gen1 VA::; 0.00 % FS APRM FS = 0 to 125  % rated P gen1 VA = 0.00 % FS RBM FS::; 0 to 125  % rated P gen1 L = 0.00 % FS APRM gen1 L = 0.00 % FS RBM gen A = 0.00 % rated P APRM gen A = 0.00 % rated P RBM trip1 VA = 0.00 % FS APRM FS= 0 to 125  % rated P trip1 VA!!'" 0.00 % FS RBM FS= a to 125  % rated P trip1 H = 0.00 % FS APRM trip1 H = 0.00 % FS RBM tripA= 0.00 % rated P APRM tripA= 0.00 % rated P RBM LPRM flux electronics. uncert on inputs signal linear processing as determined by the PRNM Instr envir2 A::; 0.800 % FS LOS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 21 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study gen2 L = 0.800% FS a

FS = to 125 % rated P gen A = LPRM(APRM) = 0.211 % rated P 20 LPRMs minimum LPRM(RBM) = 0.667 % rated P 2 LPRMs minimum

2) RFM (flow - for APRM fb) (fb) 3 FT: span 225.00 in WC = 16 mAdc FTA = 1.825 in WC = 0.811 % SP [e.g., FT-43-(1 )(2)N014(24)A-D]

resistor gen A = 0.112%FS envir2 A = 0.800 % FS gen2 L = 0.800 % FS (SRSS) 1.110 % FS 2 K carr = 1.006 at 75 % loop Q flow conversion model:

sq rt out = 0.600 Vdc at 75 % loop Q RFM flow inputs: 2 (for standard TLO) dV sum out = 1 / sqrt 2*31.25*0.016*1.006*1.110% / 0.600 dV sum out = 0.0066 Vdc = 0.822 % rated Q 0.800 Vdc at 100% rated Q hence, flow error = dP = coeff*dW FCTR slope = 0.65 (W coefficient) 0.534 % rated P RFM flow electronics, uncert on inputs signal sq rt processing as determined by the PRNM instr

3) RFM (flow - for flow trip) (flow) 3 envir3 A = 0.00 % FS gen3 L = 0.00 % FS FS = a to 125 % loop Q genA= 0.00 % rated Q 2 loop recirc (for standard TLO) trip3 VA = 0.00 % FS FS = a to 125 % rated Q trip3 H = 0.00 % FS trip A = 0.00 % rated Q FT: span 225.00 in WC = 16 mAdc FTA = 1.825 in WC = 0.811 % SP [e.g., FT-43-(1)(2)N014(24)A-D]

resistor gen A = 0.112 % FS envir2 A 0.800 % FS gen2 L = 0.800 % FS K carr = 1.006 at 75 % loop Q flow conversion model:

sq rt out = 0.600 Vdc at 75 % loop Q RFM flow inputs: 2 (for standard TLO)

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 22 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study dV sum out = 0.0066 Vdc = 0.822 % rated Q 0.800 Vdc at 100 % rated Q a) channel instrument accuracy (LA)

(APRM) 0.211  % rated P (fixed)

(APRM, RFM) 0.574  % rated P (fb)

(RBM) 0.211  % rated P (RBM power)

(RBM) 0.667  % rated P (RBM trip)

(RFM) 0.822  % rated Q (flow) b) channel instrument drift (LD) Ref 6.5.1, 6.5.3

1) PRNM (LPRMs, APRM/RBM, trip) digital black box -drift in PRNM signal between calib 3 gen1 VD = 0.5 % FS FS =a to 125 % rated P gen 0 = 0.417 % rated P APRM gen1 VD = 0.0 % FS gen 0 = 0.000 % rated P RBM LPRM N/A -not used in this calc gen2 VD = 0.0 % FS FS =a to 125 % rated P gen 0 = LPRM(APRM) = 0.000 % rated P 20 LPRMs minimum LPRM(RBM) = 0.000 % rated P 2 LPRMs minimum
2) RFM (flow - for APRM fb) 3 FT: span 225.00 in WC = 16 mAdc FTD = 3.013 in WC = 1.339 % SP resistor gen 1 VD = NIA gen3 VD = 1.789 % FS (SRSS) 1.793 % FS 2 K carr = 1.009 at 75 % loop Q flow conversion model:

sq rt out = 0.600 Vdc at 75 % loop Q RFM flow inputs: 2 (for standard TLO)


dV sum out 1 I sqrt 2*31.25*0.016*1.009*1.793% I 0.600


dV sum out 0.0107 Vdc = 1.333 % rated Q 0.800 Vdc at 100% rated Q hence, flow error = dP = coeff*dW FCTR slope = 0.65 (W coefficient) 0.8665 % rated P RFM flow electronics, uncert on inputs signal sq rt processing as determined by the PRNM instr

3) RFM (flow - for flow trip) 3 gen4 VD = 0.000 % FS

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 23 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study FS =0 to 125 % loop Q gen D = 0.000 % rated Q 2 loop recirc:

(for standard TLO)

FT: span 225.00 in WC = 16 mAdc FTD = 3.013 in WC = 1.339 % SP Resistor gen1 VD = N/A gen3 VD = 1.789 % FS K carr = 1.009 at 75 % loop Q flow conversion model:

sq rt out = 0.600 Vdc at 75 % loop Q RFM flow inputs: 2 (for standard TLO)


dV sum out 11 sqrt 2*31.25*0.016*1.009*1.793% 1 0.600


dV sum out 0.0107 Vdc = 1.333 % rated Q 0.800 Vdc at 100% rated Q b) channel instrument drift (LD)

(APRM) 0.417 % rated P (fixed)

(APRM, RFM) 0.962 % rated P (fb)

(RBM) 0.417 % rated P (RBM power)

(RBM) 0.000 % rated P (RBM trip)

(RFM) 1.333 % rated Q (flow)


OF CHANNEL INSTRUMENT ERRORS a) channel instrument accuracy (LA)

APRM functions 0.211 % rated P (fixed) 0.574 % rated P (fb)

RBM power functions 0.211 % rated P (RBM power)

RBM trip functions 0.667 % rated P (RBM trip)

RFM functions 0.822 % rated Q (flow) b) channel instrument drift (LD)

APRM functions 0.417 % rated P (fixed) 0.962 % rated P (fb)

RBM power functions 0.417 % rated P (RBM power)

RBM trip functions 0.000 % rated P (RBM trip)

RFM functions 1.333 % rated Q (flow)

CHANNEL CAL/BRA TlON ERRORS (CA) Ref 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5 all cal uncertainties are §.

indiv effect 3

channel 1: APRM Channels parameter 1 analog summary:

LPRM in APRM out RBM out mAde Vdc Vdc

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 24 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 0.0 0.000 0.000 3.0 1.000 1.000 INOP-CAL mode, essentially no uncertainty LPRMs cal uncertainty 0.0 % rated P APRM cal uncertainty 0.0 % rated P CE = 0.000 % rated P let CEstd =CE = 0.000 % rated P STOLi: FS = a to 125 % rated P

% rated P STOL1 = 0.000 (LGAF) 6.5.3 STOL2 = 0.000 INOP-CAL STOL3 = 0.000 APRM downscale neut STOL3 = 0.000 APRM setdown neut/stp STOL3 = 0.000 APRM fixed hi-hi neut STOL3 = 0.000 APRM fb stp clmp STOL3 = 0.000 APRM fb stp scram/rb STOL4 = 0.000 (AGAF)

% rated P STOL =sqrt (STOLi A2) 2.00 APRM downscale neut 2.00 APRM setdown neut/stp 2.00 APRM fixed hi-hi neut 2.00 APRM fb stp clmp 2.00 APRM fb stp scram/rb CA =(2/3)

  • sqrt (STOLA2 + CE A2 + CEstd A2) = 1.333 % rated P APRM downscale neut 1.333 % rated P APRM setdown neut/stp 1.333 % rated P APRM fixed hi-hi neut 1.333 % rated P APRM fb stp clmp Incl P comp from Q ch 1a below>>>>> 1.575 % rated P APRM fb stp scram/rb channel 2: RBM Channels APRM input  % rated P APRM fb stp clmp to 3s 2.00 (RBM power) 0.00 (RBM trip)

STOLi: FS = a to 125 % rated P

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 0 LGS-1,2 Page 25 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study

% rated P STOL1 = N/A STOL2 = 0.0 INOP*CAL STOL3 = 0.0 RBMlow (RBM power)

STOL3 = 0.0 RBM inter (RBM power)

STOL3 = 0.0 RBM high (RBM power)

STOL3 = 0.0 RBMlow (RBMtrip)

STOL3= 0.0 RBM inter (RBM trip)

STOL3= 0.0 RBM high (RBM trip)

STOL3 = 0.0 RBM downscl (RBMtrip)


% rated p STOl = sqrt (STOLi"2) = ._--~

D.O.RBM low (RBM power)

D.O. RBM inter

___ 0._0 RBM high (RBM power)

(RBM power)

-_-.:..:..::.. 0.0 RBM low (RBM trip) 0.0 RBM inter (R8M trip)

"'--O~6'R8M high (RBM trip) 0.0 RBM downsci (RBM trip)

CA = (2/3) " sqrt (STOl"2 + APRM"2) = t--_ _',;.:..;.,33;;3;,....;.;%;,..;r.,;;;a,;;,;;te;.,;;;d..."P,......j RBM low (RBM power) 1.333 % rated P RBM inter I---':";;';;''';;;-':~~

(RBM power) 1..-._-.:.. 1.;.; .3.; .33.;. . .;o/c.; .0.:..;ra;..;;te.;;.d;;"';"P--IRBM high (RBM power)

CA = (213)" sqrt (STOL"2) = 1-__;':O.;,;:O;.O~Oo/c~o.:.;ra;:.::te.:,;d~p--lRBMlow (RBM trip) 1-_-';;O.:.;O.;.OO.;...",o/c.;.o.:.;ra;;;;te.:,;d::;...:,P~RBM inter (RBM trip) 1-_ _O;.;..;.,OO;;O;,....;.;%;,..;r.;;;a,;;,;;te;.;:;d-:P,......j RBM high (RBMtrip) 1..-._ _O.; . ;.; .O.; .OO.;. . .;o/c. ;.,o.:. ;ra;,. ;te. ;.........

,d P--IRBM downscl (RBMtrip) channel1a: APRM Channels RFM Flow Reference Channel parameter / analog summary:

FE out FTin FT out RFMln RFM out cal ggm atmjnWC ~ ~ ~~ Y!:k;. a1lIM 0 0.00 4.0 0.4 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 55000 225.00 20.0 2.0 1.000 1.000 10.0 1620.0 (for standard TLO) recire FEs > FTs > PRNM high precision resistor

/ I I I number. I I / I 2 I I I I boundary _ I I I I temp (F): I I I I 90 CE1A,B CE2A,B CE3 CE4 CE1A,Bstd CE2A,Bstd CE3std CE4std (Heise 710A) (Fluke 8050) (Fluke 8050) (Fluke 8050)

For DPJlPG: 0.00 % input + 0.10 %FSof 2772.9 inWC 6.2.1 CE spec CE1A,8 2.773 in WC over span of 225.00 inWC let DPIIPG=A1? no LGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 26 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study

= 1.232 % FS of 125 % loop Q

= 1.541 % loop Q For DMM: 20.000 mAdc 125 % loop Q 6.2.1 std prac CE2A,B 0.00 % input + 0.13 % range of 20 mAdc 0.026 mAdc over span of 16 mAdc let DMM=A1? Yes

= 0.500 % FS of 125 % loop Q

= 0.625 % loop Q For DMM: 10.000 Vdc 125 % loop Q 6.2.1 std prac CE3 0.00 % input + 0.13 % range of 20Vdc 0.026 Vdc over span of 10 Vdc

= 0.500 % FS of 125 % loop Q

= 0.625 % loop Q For DMM: 1620.0 ohms 125 % loop Q 6.2.1 std prac CE4 0.00 % input + 0.13 % range of 2000 ohms 2.6 ohms over span of 1620.0 ohms

= 0.500 % FS of 125 % loop Q

= 0.625 % loop Q

% 100pQ  % rated Q CE= 1.883 1.331 let CEstd =CE = 1.883 1.331 STOLi 6.2.1 std prac analog  % loop Q STOL1 = N/A


STOL2 0.08 0.500 0.625 STOL3 = 0.000 0.000 0.000 STOL4 = 0.0 0.000 0.000

% loop Q  % rated Q STOL =sqrt (STOLi A2) = 0.625 0.442 3s CA =(2/3)*sqrt(STOLA2 + CE A2 + CEstd A

2) = 1.289 % rated Q 1.934 % rated Q 1.257 % rated P PROCESS MEASUREMENT ACCURACY (PMA) VALIDA TlON Ref 6.1,6.5.3 channel 1: APRM Channels


The PMA is a combination of the APRM tracking error and the uncertainty due to indiv effect flow noise and neutron noise. 2 For the loss of Feedwater heating event, the APRM system is designed to have a tracking error of not more than 1.11 % power in response to a 20% flow control maneuver with a limiting control rod pattern. This shall hold true for all cases including that the LPRM sensors are failed or bypassed to the minimum number required in each APRM. The neutron noise is considered to be negligible to that for neutron flux; therefore 0.000 % power including filtering of neutron noise for STP.

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 27 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study Per below, flow noise contrib'n is 0.846 % power. Hence, For heat flux STP PMA= 1.110 % rated P (fixed) 1.396 % rated P (fb)

For the MSIV closure event, the APRM tracking error is 1.11 % power, the neutron noise is 1.220% power based on actual LGS-2 plant data, and the flow noise is 1.301 % rated Q (0.846 % power) based on actual LGS-2 plant data.

Combining by SRSS yields for neutron flux PMA= 1.649 % rated P (fixed) 1.854 % rated P (fb)

(for SLO): dW (W coefficient) 0.65 (W -7.6) + y-intercept (Ref. 6.5.6) 0.65W - 5 + y-intercept (rounded from 4.94 to 5 - See Note below) bias random

-5% rated P (fb)(for SLO) N/A channel 2: RBM channels tracking o % rated P at 2s (RBM power) neutron noise same as above: 1.220 % rated P at 2s (RBM power) 1.220 % rated P (RBM power) neutron noise N/A o % rated P at 2s (RBM trip)

LPRM readings 1.0 % rated P at 3s (RBM trip)

PMA = 0.667 % rated P (RBM trip) channel 1a: APRM Channels RFM Flow Reference Channel The flow noise, based on actual plant data, is:

PMA= 1.301 % rated Q PRIMARY ELEMENT ACCURACY (PEA) VALIDA TlON Ref 6.1,6.5.3 channel 1: APRM Channels [NA200/NA300 LPRMs] § indiveffect 2

PEA is a combination of the LPRM sensor sensitivity and sensor non-linearity uncertainties.

bias random They are: 0.33 +/- 0.20% and sen-sen dpea 0.49 +/- 1.00%, respectively sen-non-lin apea Also, since N1 = minimum number of LPRM to one APRM channel = 20 Therefore, overall PEA = (0.33 + 0.49) +/- (1/sqrt N1)

  • sqrt(0.20 A2 + 1A2)

Note: The 5% rated P bias for SLO is consistent with the input identified in Section 3.2.2 of this calculation.

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 28 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study bias random PEA = 0.82 +/- 0.228  % rated P (fixed) 1.852  % rated P (fb) or, separated into drift and accuracy components:

dpea = 0.33 +/- 0.045  % rated P apea = 0.49 +/- 0.224  % rated P (fixed) 1.852  % rated P (fb) channel 2: RBM Channels PEA is a combination of the LPRM sensor sensitivity and sensor non-linearity uncertainties.

(RBM power) They are:

0.33 +/- 0.20% and sen-sen dpea N/A 0.00 +/- 1.00%, respectively sen-nan-lin apea bias random PEA = 0.33 +/- 0.228 % rated P (RBM power) or, separated into drift and accuracy components:

dpea = 0.33 +/- 0.045 % rated P (RBM power) apea = 0.00 +/- 0.224 % rated P (RBM power)

(RBM trip) They are:

N/A 0.00 +/- 0.00% and sen-sen dpea 0.49 +/- 1.00%, respectively sen-nan-lin apea Also, since N2 = minimum number of LPRM to one RBM channel = 2 bias random PEA = 0.49 +/- 0.707  % rated P (RBM trip) or, separated into drift and accuracy components:

dpea = 0.00 +/- 0.000  % rated P (RBM trip) apea = 0.49 +/- 0.707  % rated P (RBM trip) channel 1a: APRM Channels RFM Flow Reference Channel PEA is the FE:

FE error: 4 % loop Q ( each elbow FE error: 2.828% rated Q 2 loop recirc:

2.828  % rated Q

  • 0.65 = 1.838  % rated P NOMINAL TRIP SETPOINT (NTSP) AND ALLOWABLE VALUE (A V) Ref 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.5,6.7 channel 1: APRM Channels a-1) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (scram)

DB= 0.65 W+ 65.1 %rated P 6.5.6 NTSP = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD"2)+PEAbias]

= 0.65 W+ 65.1 terms above

= 0.65 W+ 61.797 61.47 (forLER) 0.65 W+ 61.43 (for LER inc! margin to chosen AV)

See Note below let NTSP = 0.65 W+ 61.7 %rated P conditional Note: This margin value of 0.04 has been used in Revision 0 of this calculation and is conservative. Therefore, the value is included in Revision 1 of this calculation.

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 29 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study AV = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAA2+CAA2+PMAA2+APEArandom A2)+APEAbias]

= 0.65 W+ 65.1 terms above

= 0.65 W+ 62.26 let AV = 0.65 W+ 62.2 % rated P b-1) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (rod block)

DB= 0.65 W+ 57.6  % rated P N/A; entered for AV/NTSpl NTSP = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAA2+CAA2+PMAA2+PEArandomA2+LDA2)+PEAbias]

= 0.65 W+ 57.6 terms above

= 0.65 W+ 54.30 53.97 (for LER)

= 0.65 W+ 53.93 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV)

See Note below let NTSP = 0.65 W+ 54.3  % rated P 6.5.7 AV = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA A2+CAA2+PMAA2+APEArandorm A2)+APEAbias]

= 0.65 W+ 57.6 terms above

= 0.65 W+ 54.76 let AV = 0.65 W+ 54.7 % rated P c) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (scram)

DB = 119.0  % rated P 6.5.4 NTSP = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAA2+CAA2+PMAA2+PEArandomA2+LDA2)+PEAbias]

= 119.0 terms above

= 116.69 116.49 (forLER) 116.43 (for LER inc! margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 116.6  % rated P conditional AV = DB -[(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAA2+CAA2+PMAA2+APEArandom A2)+APEAbias]

= 119.0 terms above

= 117.06 let AV = 117.0 % rated P d) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (rod block)

DB= 110.4 % rated P N/A; entered for AV/NTSP NTSP = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAA2+CAA2+PMAA2+PEArandomA2+LDA2)+PEAbias]

= 110.4 terms above

= 108.09 107.89 (for LER) 107.83 (for LER inc! margin to chosenAV) let NTSP = 108.0  % rated P 6.5.4 AV = DB - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA A2+CAA2+PMA A2+APEArandom A2)+APEAbias]

= 110.4 terms above

= 108.46 let AV = 108.4 % rated P e) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip - setdown (scram)

ANL = 22.3 % rated P N/A; entered for AV/NTSP Note: This margin value of 0.04 has been used in Revision 0 of this calculation and is conservative. Therefore, the value is included in Revision 1 of this calculation.

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 0 LGS*1.2 Page 30 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study NTSP = ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT{LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD A2)+PEAbias]

= 22.3 . terms above

= 19.68 19.48 (forLER) 19.43 (forLER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = IFI =========7i15:=;.0~%;=r==at:=ed=':::::::p=;11 6.5.4 AV =ANL - [(1.645/2)*SQRT{LA"2+CN2+PMA"2+APEArandom"2)+APEAbias]

= 22.3 terms above

= 20.05 let AV = II 20.0 % rated P II 6.5.4 f) APRM STP Upscale Alarm - setdown (rod block)

ANL= 15.0  % rated P NlA; entered for AVINTSP NTSP = ANL - [{1.64512)*SQRT{LAI\2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+lD"2)+PEAbias]

= 15.0 terms above

= 12.69 12.49 (torLER) 12.43 (for LER inel margin to chosen AV) ret NTSP = IFI =========1==2==.0=o==Yo=ra=te=d==p=i11 6.5.4 AV = ANL* [(1.64512)*SQRT(lA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandomh 2)+APEAbiasl

= 15.0 terms above

= 13.06 letAV = II 13.0 % rated P II 6.5.4 g-1) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Alarm (rod block)

DB= 0.5  % rated P 6.5.4 NTSP =DB + [(1.645/2)*SQRT{LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD 2)] Jl

= 0.5 + terms above

= 2.30 2.83 (for LER) 3.37 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = IfFI ==========::;;:3=;:;.2=i1".i%::::r:=at:=e~d~p::O::;11 AV =DB + [(1.64512)*SQRT{LA 2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandom 2)]

Jl Jl

= 0.5 + terms above

= 2.26 let AV = II 2.8 % rated P II g-2) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Trip (RRCS)


- 7.3  % rated P NIA; entered for AVINTSP NTSP = DB - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD"2)+PEAbias]

- (deadband + min STP resolution)

= 7.3 + terms above

= 4.68 4.48 (tor LER) 4.43 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let D = 1.0  % rated P let Res = 0.1  % rated P LGS PRNM Setpoint Catc_final.xls

Calc# LE*0107 Rev. 0 LGS*1,2 Page 31 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study for overall effect of: 1.1  % rated P Asm 5.1.5 let NTSP = IFl============:::;:4.'="3=;o/c;:;:::o=ra::;=te=;:d:;;;p==il! 6.5,4 AV = DB - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LA"2+CN\2+PMA"2+APEArandomI\2)+APEAbias]

= 7.3 + terms above

= 5.05 let AV = II 5.0 % rated P II 6.5,4 h) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip (scram)

ANL= 121.0  % rated P 6.5.4 NTSP =ANL - [(1.645f2)"SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LDI\2)+PEAbias)

= 121.0 terms above

= 118.38 118.18 (forlER) 118.13 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 1rr=1==========:::;:1~18;:::.:;<=3=;o;;:;:vo=r=at:=e=:;d~p:=illconditional AV = ANL* [(1.64512)*SQRT(LAI\2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandomI\2)+APEAbias)

= 121.0 terms above

= 118.75 letAV= II 118.7 % rated P il channel 2: RBM Channels a) RBM Low Power Setpoint ANL= 30.0  % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP = ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LAI\2+CN\2+PMA"2+PEArandomI\2+LD"2)+PEAbias)

_(deadband + min STP resolution)

= 30.0 terms above

= 28.12 27.58 (for LER) 27.49 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) shall the calculated value be entered into the equipment? no (therefore. the calculated value is the effective value at which the actual trip occurs; i.e_. rb un-bypass) let D = nfa  % rated P let Res = nfa  % rated P for overall effect of: 0.0  % rated P Asm 5.1.6 let NTSP = II 28.1 % rated P Ilconditional AV = ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LA"2+CN'2+PMA"2+APEArandomIl2)+APEAbias]

- (deadband + min STP resolution)

= 30.0 terms above

= -rr============:;28~.4:=9;==;;;;==:==;:~

letAV= II 28.4 % rated P I b) RBM Intermediate Power Setpoint ANL= 65.0  % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP =ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LN'2+CA"2+PMN2+PEArandom"2+LDI\2)+PEAbias)

= 65.0 terms above

= 63.12 62.58 (for LER)

LGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 0 LGS*1.2 Page 32 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 62.49 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 11r, ==========~63;;=.::;=1~o;;:;;Yo::::ra::::;t::::ed:::;:=;=;p:=illlconditiOnaf AV = ANL - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(lN\2+CA"2+PMAh 2+APEArandomh 2)+APEAbiasJ

= 65.0 terms above

= 63.49 let AV = II: 63.4 % rated P II c) RBM High Power Setpoint ANL= 85.0  % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP = ANl- [(1.645/2)*SQRT{LAh 2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandomh 2+LDh 2)+PEAbias)

= 85.0 tenns above

= 83.12 82.58 (forLER) 82.49 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 1;:::1 ===========8~3:;::::.:;=1 =;o/<;:;:o=ra=;t=ed~p=;llconc1itionaf AV =ANL -(1.64512)*SQRT(LA 2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandom 2)+APEAbias) h h

= 85.0 terms above

= 8149 let AV = II 83.4 % rated P I note: for all RBM trip setpoints, use MCPR of 1.20 as example; margins are the same for other MCPRs Asm 5.1.4 d) RBM Low Trip Setpoint ANL= 117.0  % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP = ANL - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LAh 2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandomh 2+LD h 2)+PEAbias]

= 117.0 terms above

= 115.54 115.11 (for LER) 115.07 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = I;:::j===========7'11~5==.5~O;;:;;Yo::::r::;::att=:e'5'd"?p<=illlconditional AV =ANL - [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA 2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandom 2)+APEAbias) h h

= 117.0 terms above

= 115.54 Jet AV = II 115.5 % rated P II d) RBM Low Trip Setpoint

- MJ;ffi 1.20 6.L 117.0 118.0 115.5 116.5 NISE.

115.5 116.5 wi filter. 0.1 <tau c1<=O.55 sec wlo fifter, tau c1<=O.1 sec 1.25 120.0 118.5 118.5 wi filter, 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 121.0 119.5 119.5 wlo filter, tau c1<=O.1 sec 1.30 123.0 121.5 121.5 wI filter, 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 124.0 122.5 122.5 wlo filter, tau c1<=O.1 sec 1.35 125.8 124.3 124.3 wi filter, 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 127.0 125.5 125.5 wlo filter, tau c1<=O.1 sec e) RBM Intermediate Trip Setpoint I.GS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE*0107 Rev. 0 LGS*1.2 Page 33 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ANl= 111.2  % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP = ANL * [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CN2+PMN\2+PEArandom"2+LD"2)+PEAbias)

= 111.2 terms above

= 109.74 109.31 (forLER) 109.27 (for LER inel margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = IIFI===========10=9=.=7=%=r:=a=te=d=p===;IJconditional AV = ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandom"2)+APEAbias)

= 111.2 terms above

= 109.74 letAV= II 109.7 % rated P II e) RBM Intermediate Trip Setpoint

~ 6.L & I:£fSE 1.20 111.2 109.7 109.7 w/lilter. 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 112.0 110.5 110.5 w/o filter. tau c1<=0.1 sec 1.25 115.2 113.7 113.7 w/lilter, 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 116.0 114.5 114.5 wlo filter, tal.l c1<=0.1 sec 1.30 118.0 116.5 116.5 wI filter. 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 119.0 117.5 117.5 wlo filter, tau c1<=0.1 sec 1.35 121.0 119.5 119.5 wI filter. 0.1 <tau c1 <=0.55 sec 122.0 120.5 120.5 wlo filter. tau c1 <=0.1 sec f) RBM High Trip Setpoint ANL= 107.4 . % rated P 6.3.5 NTSP =ANL* [(1.645/2)'"'SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+lD"2)+PEAbias)

= 107.4 terms above

= 105.94 105.51 (for LER) 105.47 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = [IF!===========:1~05;==.~9:::;:;<;%;=r=a::;=te==d:=ip;;;=;llcond;tional AV = ANL - [(1.64512)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+APEArandom"2)+APEAbias]

= 107.4 terms above

= 1~~

letAV = II 105.9 % rated P I f) RBM High Trip Setpoint

- MreB 1.20 1.25 6.L 107.4 108.0 110.2 105.9 106.5 108.7 l1I.SE 105.9 106.5 108.7 wI filter. O.1<tau cl<=O.55 sec wlo filter, tau c1<=0.1 sec wI filter. O.1<tau cl<=O.55 sec 111.0 109.5 109.5 wlo filter, tal.l c1<=0.1 sec 1.30 113.2 111.7 111.7 wi filter, 0.1 <tau cl <=0.55 sec 114.0 112.5 112.5 wlo filter, tau c1<=0.1 sec 1.35 116.0 114.5 114.5 wi filter.. 0.1 <tau c1<=0.55 sec 117.0 115.5 115.5 wlo filter, tau a1 <=0.1 sec g) RBM Downscale Trip Setpoint lGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 34 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study DB = 1.0  % rated P N/A; entered for AV/NTSP IS =DB + [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA A 2+CA"2+PMAA 2+PEArandom A 2+LD A 2)]

= 1.0 + terms above

= 1.97 89.40 (for LER) 89.43 (for LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 5.0  % rated P TS =DB + [(1.645/2)*SQRT(LA 2+CA A A 2+PMAA 2+APEArandom A 2)]

= 1.0 + terms above

= 1.97 let AV = 2.0  % rated P LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) A VOIDANCE EVALUA TION Ref 6.1 channel 1: APRM Channels a-1) APRM STP Flow Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (scram)

Sigma (LER) =(1/2)*SQRT(LA 2+CA A A 2+LD A 2)

= 0.966 Z =abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma(LER) = 0.48 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl (0.81 - See Note below), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP =AV- 0.81*Sigma (LER) = 61.47 b-1) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (rod block)

Sigma (LER) =(1/2)*SQRT(LA 2+CA A A 2+LD A 2)

= 0.966 Z =abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma(LER) = 0.48 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl (0.81 - See Note below), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP = AV- 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 53.97 c) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (scram)

Sigma (LER) =(1/2)*SQRT(LA A 2+CA A 2+LD A 2)

= 0.71 Z =abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma(LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl (0.81), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP = AV- 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 116.49 d) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (rod block)

Sigma (LER) = (1/2)*SQRT(LA A 2+CAA 2+LD A 2)

= 0.71 Note: This value of 0.81 has been used in Revision 0 of this calculation and is a conservative z-value corresponding to a multi-channel probability greater than or equal to 0.90 for LER avoidance. Therefore, this value will be included in Revision 1.

Calc # LE*0107 Rev. 0 LGS*1.2 Page 35 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study Z =abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP:= AV - 0.81 *Sigma (lER) = 107.89 e) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip* setdown (scram)

Sigma (LER)= (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CN2+LD"2)

= 0.71


Z abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.51 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ). the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP = AV* 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 19.48 f) APRM STP Upscale Alarm* setdown (rod block)

Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LAI\2+CN2+LD"2)

= 0.. 71


Z abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:


NTSP AV - 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 12.49 9- 1) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Alarm (rod block)

Sigma (LER)= (1/2)*SQRT(LAI\2+CA"2+LD"2)

= 0.71


Z abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.05 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP AV += 0.81 *Sigma (lER) = 2.83 9-2) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Trip (RRCS)

Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LN2+CN2+LDI\2)

= 0.71 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.51 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP AV += 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 4.48 h) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip (scram)

Sigma (LER)= (1/2)*SQRT(LAI\2+CN2+LD"2)

= 0.71


Z abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.51 Since this value ofZ does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 ). the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP = AV + 0.81 *Sigma (LER) = 118.18 LOS PRNM Selpoinl Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 0 LGS-1.2 Page 36 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study channel 2: RSM Channels a) RBM Low Power Setpoint Sigma (LER)= (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+LOIl2)

= 0.71 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one.sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.29 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP=AV- 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 27.58 b) RBM Intermediate Power Setpoint Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+LO"2)

= 0.71 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one.sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.29 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP=AV- 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 62.58 c) RBM High Power Setpoint Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LAII2+CA"2+LOIl2)

= 0.71 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.52 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnJ ( 1.29 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP =AV- 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 82.58 d) RBM Low Trip Setpolnt Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LAJl2+CA"2+LDJl 2)

= 0.33 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.00 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.29 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP=AV-e) RBM Intermediate Trip Setpoint 1.290 *Sigma (lER) = 115.11 Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+lD Jl 2)

= 0.33 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (lER) = 0.00 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one~sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.29 ). the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

LGS PRNM Setpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 37 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study NTSP = AV- 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 109.31 f) RBM High Trip Setpoint Sigma (LER) = (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+LD"2)

= 0.33 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER)= 0.00 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

NTSP = AV- 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 105.51 g) RBM Downscale Trip Setpoint Sigma (LER) = (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+LD"2)

= 0.33 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma(LER) = 0.00 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a multiple chnl (1.29), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:

IS =TS + 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 89.40 SPURIOUS TRIP AVOIDANCE (STA) EVALUA TION Ref 6.1,6.3,6.4,6.5 channel 1: APRM Channels a-1) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (scram)

OL= 0.65 W+ 54.3  % rated P Sigma (STA) = (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD"2)


Z = abs(OL-NTSP)/Sigma(STA) =

1.509 4.97 I

Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl (1.645), the NTSP satisfies STA criteria.

c) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (scram)

OL= 108.0  % rated P Sigma (STA) = (1/2)*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEArandom"2+LD"2)

= 0.91 Z = abs(OL-NTSP)/Sigma(STA) = 9.50 Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl (1.645), the NTSP satisfies STA criteria.

e) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip-setdown (scram)

OL= 12.0 % rated P

Calc # lE-0107 Rev. 0 LGS-1.2 Page 38 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study Sigma (STA) = (112)'*SQRT(LA"2+CA"2+PMA"'2+PEArandomA 2+LDII2)

= 1.09


Z abs(OL*NTSP}/Sigma (STA) = 2.75 Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.645 ), the NTSP satisfies STA criteria.

h) APRM Neutron Flux Upscale Trip (scram)

OL= 110.4  % rated P Sigma (STA) = (112)*SQRT(LA"2+CAA 2+PMA"'2+PEArandomA 2+LDII2)

= 1.09


Z abs(OL-NTSP)/Sigma (STA) = 7.60 Since this value of Z corresponds to a probability of more than 95% {one-sided normal distribution} for a single chnl ( 1.645 ), the NTSP satisfies STA criteria.

b-1) APRM STP Flow-Biased - Upscale (flow-biased) (rod block) d} APRM STP Flow-Biased* Upscale (flow-biased clamp) (rod block) f) APRM STP Upscale Alarm - setdown (rod block) 9-1) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Alarm (rod block) 9-2) APRM Neutron Flux Downscale Trip (RRCS)

APRM rod-block channels do not have trips which cause reactor scram; therefore, STA is NlA.

channel 2: RBM Channels RBM channels do not have trips which cause reactor scram; therefore, STA is N/A.

channel1a: APRM Channels RFM Flow Reference Channel RFM channels do not have trips which cause reactor scram; therefore, STA is N/A.

however, the flow upscale values are historically evaluated from STAlLER criteria:

values are calculated from the OL; see STA and LER evaluations, below channel 1: APRM Channels i) RFM Upscale Level Alarm (rod block) wISTA:

a OL=


- 110.0  % rated

=OL + (1.64512}*SQRT(LAII2+CA"2+PMA"2+PEA"2+LD 2) A 6.3.4

= 110.0 + terms above

= 113.06 ret NTSP = 1l!=1= = = = = = = = = 1=13==.4====%=ra=te=d=Q~11 6.3.4 wlaLER AV = NTSP + [1. 64512rfSQRT(LA"2+CAIIZ+PMAIIZ+PEAII2+LDII2)-SQRT(LA"2+CN2+PMAII2+PEAIIZ)]

LGS PRNM Set point Calc_final.)(ls

Calc # LE-Q107 Rev. 0 LGS-1.2 Page 39 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 113.4 + terms above

= 113.60 w/o LER wILER Sigma (LER)= (112)*SQRT(LA"2+CN2+LD"2)

1.01 z

distribution) for a multiple chnl ( 0.81 )

AV=NTSP + Z*sigma (LER)

= 113.4 + Z*sigma (LER)

114.22 wiLER 113.60 wloLER letAV

II 115.6 % rated Q II 6.3.4 channel 2: RBM Channels h) RFM Compare Level Alarm 2 (for standard TLO)

DB= 14.6  % rated Q N1A; entered for AVINTSP NTSP = DB - (1.645/2)*SQRT[2*(LA"2+CN2+PMA"2+PEA"2+LD"2)]

= 14.6 tenns above

= 10.28 8.71 (FarlER) rr================8=.6:=5'=i!(fOr LER incl margin to chosen AV) let NTSP = 10.0 % rated Q 6.4.1 AV = DB* (1.64512)*SQRT[2*(LA"2+CAA 2+PMN2+PEA"2)]

= 14.6 tenns above

= 10.57 letAV = II 10.5 % rated Q I h) RFM Compare level Alarm Sigma (LER)= (1/2)'"SQRT(LAA 2+CN2+lD"2)

= 1.43 Z = abs(AV-NTSP)/Sigma (LER) = 0.20 Since this value of Z does not correspond to a probability of more than 90% (one-sided normal distribution) for a single chnl ( 1.29 ), the NTSP is adjusted as follows:


NTSP AV - 1.290 *Sigma (LER) = 8.71 END LGS PRNM Selpoint Calc_final.xls

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 39A NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 7.3 ALT / AFT for RFM Instrument Loop The ALT / AFT for the RFM Instrument loop is determined per methodology provided in section 7.1.23.

7.3.1 RFM Loop Reference Accuracy Per Ref. 6.6.1, recirculation flow transmitter reference accuracy is +/-0.25% SP. Per section 7.2, additional accuracy specifications associated with the RFM instrument loop includes "resistor gen A", "envir2 A", and "gen 2 L". Therefore, FT A REF =0.25% SP resistor gen A =0.112 % FS envir2 A =0.800 % FS gen 2 L =0.800 % FS Combining terms via the SRSS method, RFM A REF SRSS =+/-[(FT AREFl + (resistor gen A)2 + (envir2 A)2 + (gen 2 L)2]0.5

=+/-[(0.25)2 + (0.112l + (0.800)2 + (0.800)2]0.5 % FS

= +/-1.164064 % FS "RFM A REF SRSS" is propagated through the RFM utilizing the same methodology used in section 7.2 for determining the RFM channel instrument accuracy (LA).

RFM A'REFOUT =[(1.006*SRSS FT *31.25*0.016) / (100*0.6*2°.5)]*(125 % rated Q)

=+/-[(1.006*1.164064*31.25*0.016) / (100*0.6*2°*5)]*(125 % rated Q)

=+/-0.862559 % rated Q In addition to "RFM A'REF OUT", accuracy of the APRM chassis display is also included when determining total RFM loop reference accuracy. Per section 5.12 of Reference, the accuracy of each of the two flow channels displays ("Flow A" and "Flow B") is +/-1.0 % loop Q. This error is propagated through the summing algorithm of the RFM utilizing the method provided in section 7.17 and combined with "RFM A'REF OUT" via SRSS as follows:

RFM AREFOUT =+/-[(0.862559)2 + (1.0/2°.5)2]°.5 % rated Q

=+/-1.115351 % rated Q 7.3.2 RFM Loop Vendor Drift Per Section 5.1.1 and Ref. 6.6.1, transmitter vendor drift specification is 0.20% URL for 30 months. This is less conservative than the vendor drift specification used when determining total instrument uncertainty (0.25% for 6 months) and will therefore provide ALT/AFT that are less likely to mask indication of degraded instrument performance. Per Ref. 6.4.1, the maximum calibration interval is 30 months (24 months plus 25%

extension). Therefore, FT VD = +/-0.20% * (URLlSP) * % SP Per section 7.2, URL =750 in WC

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 39B NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study SP =225 in WC Therefore, FTVD = +/-0.20% * (750 in WC) 1(225 in WC) % SP

=+/-0.666667 % SP Per section 7.2, an additional contributor to loop instrument drift is, gen3 VD = 1.789 % FS Since the PRNM is a digital system, the drift associated with the APRM chassis display used to monitor recirculation flow is considered to be zero.

Combining drift terms via the SRSS method, RFM VD SRSS =+/-[(FT VD)2 + (gen3 VD)2]O.5

=+/-[(0.666667)2 + (1.789)2]0.5 % FS

= +/-1.909179 % FS "RFM VD SRSS" is propagated through the RFM utilizing the same methodology used in section 7.2 for determining the RFM channel instrument drift (LD).

RFM VD OUT =[(1.009*SRSS FT *31.25*0.016) 1 (100*0.6*2°*5)]*(125 % rated Q)

=+/-[(1.009*1.909179*31.25*0.016) 1 (100*0.6*2°.5)]*(125 % rated Q)

=+/-1.418899 % rated Q 7.3.3 RFM Loop Calibration Equipment Error Per References, the calibration of the RFM instrument loop is checked by applying variable test pressure inputs at the inputs of the recirculation flow transmitters while monitoring total recirculation flow rates the at the APRM chassis display. As such, CE error will consists of errors associated with the pressure gauges used to measure the applied test pressures at the transmitter inputs.

Per References, the accuracy of the test gauges used to measure the applied pressures is required to be greater than or equal to +/-1.15 in WC. Per calculation section 7.2, SP is 225 in WC. Therefore, CEGAUGE =+/-( 1.15 in WC/225 in WC)*1 00% SP

=+/-0.511111 % SP "CEGAUGE" is propagated through the RFM utilizing the same methodology used in section 7.2 for determining the RFM Flow Reference Channel calibration error (channeI1a).

Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 39C NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study RFM CE OUT =(CEGAUGE

  • 125 % loop Q) / (2°*5)

= +/-(0.511111 % SP

  • 125 % loop Q) / (100
  • 2°*5)

= +/-0.451763 % rated Q 7.3.4 RFM Loop Calibration Equipment Readability Reading error associated with reading the test gauges is considered to be included in the CEGAUGE term. Reading error associated with reading the APRM Chassis display (total recirculation flow) is equal to the resolution of the display. Per References, the readings are in a resolution of 0.1 % Flow (or 0.1 % rated Q). Therefore, RFM CEREADING ERROR =+/-0.1 % rated Q 7.3.5 Determination of ALT and AFT for the RFM loop calibration check Utilizing methodology in section 7.1.23, RFM LALT =+/-[(RFM A REF OUT)2 + (RFM CE OuT)2 + (RFM CEREADING ERROR)2]0.5

=+/-[(1.115351)2 + (0.451763)2 + (0.1f]0.5 % rated Q

=+/-1.207517 % rated Q

=+/-1.3 % rated Q (rounded upward to nearest 0.1 % which is consistent with readability of indication)

RFM LAFT =+/-[(RFM AREFOUT)2 + (RFM VD ouT)2 + (RFM CEOUT )2 +


=+/-[(1.115351)2 + (1.418899)2 + (0.451763)2 + (0.1)2]0.5% rated Q

=+/-1.863162 % rated Q

=+/-1.9 % rated Q (rounded upward to nearest 0.1 % which is consistent with readability of indication)


Calc # LE-01 07 Rev. 1 LGS-1,2 Page 40 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study 8.0 ATTACHMENTS

1. Universal Glossary
2. Bases Document (Ref 6.5.4)
3. Neutron Noise Data Summary (1 page from pre-existing fax, Ref.
4. Flow Noise Data (Ref.
5. Guidelines for Stability Option III "Enabled Region" (TAC M92882)
6. Minimum Number of Operable OPRM Cells for Option III Stability at Limerick 1 & 2
7. Bases Document (Ref. 6.5.5)

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 4\

LOS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMEl'rT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY A ampere; Accuracy; vessel "A" side AAV Allowable Allowable Value (this is not a redundancy)

Ai Individual Device Accuracy ABA Amplitude.Based (core instability detection) Algorithm (a portion of OPRM ODA) a-c alternating-current ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards AID Analog-to-Digital ADS Automatic Depressurization System AFT As-Found Tolerance AGAF APRM Gain Adjustment Factor AL Analytical Limit AL Loop/Channel Accuracy ALT As-Left Tolerance AIM ARTS/MELLL amb ambient AN Loop Accuracy During Normal Conditions ANL Analytical Limit ANSI American National Standards Institute AOO Anticipated Operational Occurrences AOT Anticipated Operational Transients APEA Accuracy (random) portion of PEA APED Atomic Power Equipment Department Appx Appendix APRE Accuracy of Pre-Amp APRM Average Power Range Monitor APT Acceptable Performance Tolerance (synonymous with LAT)

AR Accuracy Ratio (used in calibration to denote ratio between C and C STO )

ARE Aging Rate Error ARI Altemate Rod Insertion ARM Area Radiation Monitor ARTS APRM/RBMffechnical Specification Asm Assumption ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASP AI!Qwable Setpoint; Analog Signal Processor; Automatic Signal Processor AT Loop Accuracy During Trip Conditions ATE Accuracy Temperature Effect atm standard atmosphere (14.696 psia)

ATR Accuracy of (Flow) Transmitter (including Flow Element)

ATSP Actual Trip Setpoint ATU Accuracy of Trip Unit ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram aux auxiliary

Calc # LE*0107 Rev, 0 Page 42 LOS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM $etpoint StudY ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY AV Allowable Value (Tech Spec or TRM Limit)

B vessel "B" side .

bar bar (unit of pressure (14.504 psia)}

BE Battery Error Bldg Building BPWS Banked Position Withdrawal Sequence BOS bottom-of-scale BS Bias Span Effect Btu British Thermal Unit BV Bounding Value BWR Boiling Water Reactor BWROG Boiling Water Reactor Owners' Group byp bypass c vessel coefficient of linear thermal expansion C Calibration Tool Error; Degrees Celsius; Conformity; Closure; Discharge Coefficient CA Calibration Accuracy CAL Calibration Tolerance calib calibration Cj Individual Device Calibration cb control building cc cubic centimeter (synonymous with ml)

CC Condensing Chamber CDS Component Data Base CDCI Common Data and Control Interface CE Channel Error; Calibration Equipment CF (static pressure span shift) correction factor CFR Code of Federal Regulations ch (instrument) channel CHC Constant Head Chamber chk check Ci Curie CIM Computer Interface Module CJ cold junction CL Loop/Channel Calibration Accuracy; center line cm centimeters CIM Calibration and Monitoring cntr counter COL Channel Operability Limit COLR Core Operating Limits Report COU component of uncertainty cps counts per second CPU Central Processing Unit

Calc #: LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 43 LOS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY Cr Crosstalk CR Current-Rated CRB Control Rod Block CRD Control Rod Drive (System)

CRDA Control Rod Drop Accident CRPC Control Rod Program Controls CRSS Control Rod Selection Signals CRWB Control Rod Withdrawal Block CS Core Spray (System); Calibrated Span CSCS Core Standby Cooling Systems CSTO Calibration Standard Error (Tool Calibration Error)

CTP Core Thermal Power cu cubic CU Channel Uncertainty (at a designated point in the channel) d dl)"Nell: throat diameter D Deadband; pipe diameter OJ Individual Device Drift D/A Digital-to-Analog DAS Data Acquisition System dB decibel (ratio of two parameters using logarithms to base 10)

DB Design Bases DBA Design Bases Accident DBD Design Bases Document DBE Design Bases Event d-c direct-current DC Design Calculation DCA d-c (current) alarm DCD Design Change Document [identified by Volume No. (Roman numeral)]

DE Display Exponent DFCS Digital Feedwater Control System DFS Divisions of Full Scale DG Design Guide dh instrument line elevation differential diff differential DL Loop/Channel Drift DL Design Limit DMM Digital Multi-Meter dp differential pressure DPEA Drift (bias) portion of PEA dpmin minimum measurable differential pressure (across FE) Uudgment]

DPRE Drift of Pre-Amplifier DPS Design & Performance Spec

Calc # LE*OI07 Rev. 0 Page 44 LOS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint StudY ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY DR Drift; Decay Ratio DRF Design Record File OS Design Specification DSDS Design Specification Data Sheet DSP Digital Signal Processor DTA delta T (accuracy)

DTD delta T (drift)

DTE Drift Temperature Effect DTR Drift of (Flow) Transmitter DTU Drift of Trip Unit dV delta volt (change within the specified power supply voltage requirements)

DVM Digital Volt-Meter dW delta recirculation drive flow dw drywell EAROM Electrically-Alterable Read-Only Memory ECC Elevation Correlation Chart ECCS Emergency Core Cooling Systems ED Elementary Diagram EDC Engineering Design Change EDDL Elementary Diagram Device List EDBS Equipment Data Base System EDF Equipment Data File EER Engineering Evaluation Report elev elevation ELFS Equivalent Linear Full Scale ELLLA Extended Load Line Limit Analyses ELTR Extended Licensing Topical Report EOC End-Of-(fuel) Cycle EOP Emergency Operating Procedure Ep (Calibration) Procedural Effect EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EPROM Electrically-Programmable Read-Only Memory EPU Extended Power Uprate EO E9,..uipment Qualification EQAB Engineering Ouality Achievement Board Eqn equation EOEDC Equipment Qualification Environmental Design Criteria ERF Emergency Response Facility ERFIS ERF Information System ERIS Emergency Response Information System ESF Engineered Safety Feature EUT Equipment Under Test

Calc # LE-O 107 Rev. 0 Page 45 lOS 1 & 2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY eV electron-volt eval evaluation E1A Enhanced 1A [reactor stability option (long-term solution)}

F Degrees Fahrenheit; Fluke (calibration tool)

Fa area thermal-expansion factor FB; fb Flow-Biased fc corner frequency (of noise filter, PBA)

FC Fast Closure FCD Functional Control Diagram; Flow Control Diagram FCS Feedwater Control System FCTR Flow Control Trip Reference FD Functional Diagram; Flow Device FOOl Fiber Direct Data Interface FDDR Field Deviation Disposition Request FE Flow Element FFWTR Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction FL final FM Full Meter FMdp Full Meter dp FO Fiber Optic FPS Final Product Spec; Functional Performance Spec freq frequency FS Full Scale FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report ft feet FT Flow Transmitter FTC Flow Trip Card FU Flow Unit FW, fw Feedwater FWHOS Feedwater Heater Out-of Service FZR Fuel-Zone Range g local acceleration of gravity; grams; gain go standard acceleration of gravity (32.1740 ft/sec2 , by international agreement) 9c Newtonian dimensional constant (32.1740 Ib m-ft/lb,sec2 )


G Gain GA Gain Accuracy GAF Gain Adjustment Factor GAFT Gain Adjustment Factor (Total); Group As-Found Tolerance GBA Growth-Based (core instability detection) Algorithm (a portion of OPRM ODA)

GEASC GE Advanced Setpoint Calculation GEITAS GE Instrument Trending Analysis System gen generic

Calc # LE*OI07 Rev. 0 Page 46 LOS I &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY GESET GE Setpoint Evaluation Tool GETAB GE Thermal Analysis Basis GETARS GE Transient Analysis Recording System GNWS Group Notch Withdrawal Sequence gpm gallons per minute GRBA Growth Rate-Based (core instability detection) Algorithm (a portion of OPRM ODA)

GS Gain Stability h height H Hysteresis; Heise (calibration tool); overall elevation differential HE Humidity Effect; Harsh Environment (for EO)

HELB High Energy Line Break HHM hand-held monitor hp high pressure (e.g. , turbine)

HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection (System)

HPCS High Pressure Core Spray (System)

HPSP High Power Setpoint HTE Harsh Temperature Effect HTSP High Trip Setpoint HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning HVPS High-Voltage Power Supply hr hours hw effective differential pressure (in WC)

Hz hertz H20 water I&C Instrumentation and Control ICD Ion Chamber Detector; Interface Control Drawing ICF Increased Core Flow

[CPS Ion Chamber Power Supply ICS Integrated Computer System 10 inside diameter IDCCSIP inside diameter of the condensing chamber steam inlet pipe IDS Instrument Data Sheet IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEC In~rnational Electro-technical Commission lED Instrument Engineering Diagram IIR Infinite Impulse Response (filter for STP)

IISCP Improved Instrument Setpoint Control Program in (or ") inches ind indicator in HgA inches of mercury (absolute) lNPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in WC inches of water column

Calc # LE*OI07 Rev. 0 Page 47 LOS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY I/O Input/Output IPM Integrated Plant Model IPSP Intermediate Power Setpoint IRA Insulation Resistance Accuracy Error IRM Intermediate Range Monitor IS Instrument Setting ISA Instrument Society of America ISO International Standards Organization isol isolation ISP Instrument Surveillance Procedure ITS Improved Tech-Spec ITSP Intermediate Trip Setpoint IN Current-to-Voltage Convertor I&TU indicator & trip unit IWD Interconnection Wiring Diagram 10 instrument zero JP Jet Pump k kilo (E+03;10 3); isentropic exponent K Flow Coefficient; flow uncertainty correction factor; constant kg kilograms I liter l level; linearity LA loop Accuracy LACT level actual LAFT loop As-Found Tolerance LAl Lower Analytical Limit LAlT Loop As-Left Tolerance LAT Leave-Alone Tolerance LAZ Leave-Alone Zone Ib, pound-force Ibm pound-mass LCD lowest common denominator LCO limiting Condition for Operation LCR Loop Calibration Report; Logarithmic~Count Rate LO Level Device; Loop Drift LOM Leak Detection Monitor (NUMAC)

LOS Leak Detection System LDT Line Designation Table LE Load Effect LER Licensee Event Report LFMG Low-Frequency Motor-Generator LGAF LPRM Gain Adjustment Factor

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 48 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY LI level indication (e.g., water level)

L1MAX level indication maximum (e.g., water level, synonymous with TOS)

L1MIN level indication minimum (e.g., water level, synonymous with BOS)

L1SPAN level indication span LID level instrument zero LllA Load Line Limit Analyses LLS Low*Low Set (S/RV)

LMG Level Meter Group LMR Liquid Metal Reactor LMRL Lower Meter Reading Limit LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident Ip low pressure (e.g., turbine)

LPAP Low Power Alarm Point LPCI Low Pressure Coolant Injection (mode of RHR)

LPCS Low Pressure Core Spray (System)

LPRM Local Power Range Monitor LPSP Low Power Setpoint LRDRM liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor LRES Liquid Radwaste Effluent System LRM Logarithmic Radiation Monitor LSB Least-Significant Bit LSD Least-Significant Digit LSL Licensing Safety Limit (Tech-Spec channel, bounds AL)

LSSS Limiting Safety System Setting LT Level Transmitter LTR Licensing Topical Report LTS Long-Term Stability LTSP Low Trip Setpoint LU Loop Uncertainty LVE Line Voltage Error LVPS Low-Voltage Power Supply m mass flow rate; meters; milli (E-03; 10.3); months (surveillance interval); overall component (sigma) of statistical adjustment M Metrology Lab; mega (E+06;106); months (surveillance interval); margin M ratio (Wiwd) - 1 rnA milliamps d-c max maximum MAZE maximum-acceptable zero error mbar millibar MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MeR Main Control Room MELLLA Maximum Extended load line Limit Analyses

Calc;; LE*O 107 Rev. 0 Page 49 LGS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENT!

UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY MEOD Maximum Extended Operating Domain min minimum; minutes ml milliliter (synonymous with cc) mm millimeters MM multi-meter MPL Master Parts List Mrad megarads gamma (E+06 rads;10 6 rads)

MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSL Main Steamline MSLB Main Steamline Break MSLRM Main Steamline Radiation Monitor MSR Moisture Separator Reheater MST Main Steam Tunnel; Maintenance Surveillance Test MSV Mean Square Voltage MTBF Mean Time Between Failure MTE Maintenance & Test Equipment MTTR Mean Time to Repair mV millivolts d-c MVD Multi-Vendor DAS MV? Mechanical Vacuum Pumps MWe Megawatts-electrical MW. Megawatts-thermal n the number of standard deviations (sigma) used (individual component); sample size N population size; System Noise NfA, nfa not applicable; not available NBR Nuclear Boiler Rated NBS Nuclear Boiler System; National Bureau of Standards (archaic)

NC normally closed NED Nuclear Engineering Department negl negligible NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NF Neutron Flux NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS)

NL,N/L No Limitation NMS Neutron Monitoring System NO normally open NOP not-on-peg norm normal NPS nominal pipe size NR Narrow Range NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSSI Nuclear Steam Supply Interface

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 50 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System NS4 Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System NTSP Nominal Trip Setpoint NUMAC Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control NUREG Nuclear Regulation nv Neutron Velocity (flux)

NVRAM non-volatile RAM nvt Time-Integrated Neutron Flux NWL Normal Water Level o Offset OCF Overlap Correction Factor ODA Operator Display Assembly; Oscillation Detection Algorithm (synonymous with SA)

OE Other Error OL Operational Limit OlM Operating License Manual OlMCPR Operating Limit MCPR O&MI Operation and Maintenance Instructions OOS out-of-service OPE Overpressure Effect OPIC Overall Procedure for Instrument Calibration OPL Operating Parameters for Licensing OPL-3 OPL covering Transient Protection Parameters Verification OPL-4 OPL covering ECCS Parameters Verification OPl-4A OPl covering Containment Analyses Input Parameters Verification OPL-5 OPL covering Single Failure Evaluation OPRM (thermal-hydraulic) Oscillation Power Range Monitor (reactor core instability)

ORE Observer Readability Error [accounts for parallax; typically half the minor division on the linear (e.g., indicator/recorder) scale, other than e.g., meniscus, tape measure]

OTS On-The-Spot (change)

P pressure; pico (E-12;10*12)

P power PO Plant Zero PBA Period~Based (core instability detection) Algorithm (a portion of OPRM ODA)

PC Process Computer PCI PRNM Communication Interface PCIS Primary Containment Isolation System PCT Peak Clad Temperature PO Process Diagram POlS Pressure Differential Indicating Switch POS Product Data Sheet PDT Pressure Differential Transmitter PE Position Effect; Primary Element (can also mean PE Error)

Calc;; LE-O 107 Rev. 0 Page 51 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY PEA Primary Element Accuracy P/FM Power/(Core) Flow Map PG Pressure Gauge PHD Pulse Height Discriminator PIC portable indicating controller P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram PIS Pressure Indicating Switch PLA Point Log and Alarm PLC Programmable Logic Controller PME Process Measurement Error PMI Plant Monitoring Instrumentation PMP Preventive Maintenance Procedure POP Percent of Point PPC Plant Process Computer PPD Purchase Part Drawing PRM Process Radiation Monitor; Power Range Monitor PRMS Process Radiation Monitoring System PRNM Power Range Neutron Monitor PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory PS Pressure Switch PSA Proabilistic Safety Assessment PSE Power Supply Effect PSH Pressure Switch (High) psia pounds per square inch (absolute) psid pounds per square inch (differential) psig pounds per square inch (gauge)

PSL Pressure Switch (Low): Process Safety Limit (non-Tech-Spec channel) pt point PT Pressure Transmitter PTDR Pneumatic Time-Delay Relay PU Power-Uprate q flow rate (generally volumetric, although sometimes mass)

Q Quantizing Error; RL margin; Recirculation Flow QLVPS Quad Low-Voltage Power Supply R re';T;: Repeatability: Rosemount (transmitter)

RA Reference Accuracy RAD rads gamma RAM Random-Access Memory rb reactor bUilding RB Rod Block; Reactor Building RBM Rod Block Monitor RBVRM Reactor Building Vent Radiation Monitor

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 52 LOS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY rc range code RCE Readability and Calibration Equipment (Effect)

RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (System)

RCIP Reactor Capacity Improvement Program (Le., power uprate)

RC&IS Rod Control & Information System RCP Rod Control Program RCPB Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary RCS Reactivity Control Systems; Reactor Coolant System RCTP Rated Core Thermal Power Rd Readability Error (half the minor scale division)

RD Reset Differential RDA Rod Drop Accident ROD Rod and Detector Display rdg reading Red Reynolds number based on d Reo Reynolds number based on D RE Radiation Effect; Readability Error rec recorder REE RFI/EMI Effect ref pertaining to reference leg; reference Ref Reference rem roentgen equivalent man REP Reactor Engineering Procedure Repro Reproducibility Res Resolution rev revision RFI/EMI Radio Frequency/Electro-Magnetic Interference RFM Recirculation Flow Monitor RG Regulatory Guide RHR Residual Heat Removal (System)

RI Readability (of the) Indicator (synonymous with ORE)

RIC remote indicating control RIPDs Reactor Internal Pressure Differentials RL Required Limit RLA Reioad Licensing Analyses RLP Reference leg Penetration RM Relief Mode (S/RV)

RMCS Reactor Manual Control System RMS Root Mean Square R/O (Rosemount trip unit calibration) Read-Out Assembly (calibration tool)

ROM Read-Only Memory ROU Relay Output Unit

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 53 LOS J &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY RPCS Rod Pattern Control System RPIS Rod Position Information System RPS Reactor Protection System RPT Recirculation Pump Trip RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RPVO Reactor Pressure Vessel Zero (Vessel Invert)

RRCS Redundant Reactivity Control System RRS Reactor Recirculation System Rs Resolution RS Random Span Effect RSCS Rod Sequence Control System RSD Reactor Steam Dome RSDP Remote Shutdown Panel RTI Referred-To-Input RTO Referred-To-Output RWCU Reactor Water Cleanup (System)

RWE Rod Withdrawal Error RWL Rod Withdrawal Limiter; Rx Water Level (process condition)

RWM Rod Worth Minimizer Rx Reactor RZ Random Zero Effect s seconds; sigma (standard deviation); steam S Sensitivity SA Setpoint Accuracy (a term found in some calibration procedures); Stability Algorithm (either ABA, GRBA, or PBA of OPRM; synonymous with ODA)

SAR Safety Analyses Report sat saturated SBO Station Blackout S&C sensor & converter SCtS Secondary Containment Isolation System SCS Significant Change Summary (ERIS)

SODF Supplier's Document Data Form SE Seismic Effect SEHR Special Emergency Heat Removal SEIS Seismic Effect SER Safety Evaluation Report; System Evaluation Report sec seconds SGTS Standby Gas Treatment System SIL Services Information Letter SL Safety Limit SLMCPR Safety Limit MCPR SLO Single-Loop Operation

Calc # LE-0107 Rev. 0 Page 54 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENTl UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY SM Setpoint Margin; Safety Mode (of S/RV)

SIN Serial Number SP Calibrated Span; Surveillance Procedure; Setpoint; Special Publication (of NBS)

SPDS Safety Parameters Display System; Setpoint Data Sheet SPE Static Pressure Effect SPNE Span Effect SR Shutdown Range SRI Select Rod Insert SRM Source Range Monitor SRSS Square Root of the Sum of the Squares SRU Signal Resistor Unit SIRV (main steam) Safety/Relief Valve SSA Safe Shutdown Analyses St Stability ST Startup Test STA Spurious Trip Avoidance STOL Setting Tolerance STP Surveillance Test Procedure; Simulated Thermal Power (avg NF with 6-sec IIR);

standard temperature and pressure (68 F and 1 atm) sub subcooled T Temperature t time TAF Top-of-Active-Fuel Ta Temperature Change applied to Accuracy Td Temperature Change applied to Drift tb turbine bUilding TBD to be determined TC thermocouple; Temperature Coefficient tc time constant TCIU Thermocouple Input Unit TCV (Main) Turbine Control Valve td time delay TOR Time-Delay Relay TOU Total Device Uncertainty TE Temperature Effect; Temperature Element; Trip Environment TEC Temperature Equalizing Column TEF Temperature Effect Factor TFSP Turbine First-Stage Pressure THP Time History Plot (ERIS)

TID Total Integrated Dose (gamma equivalent)

TIP Traversing In-core Probe TLD Test-Loop Diagram

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 55 LGS 1 &2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Studv ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY TLO Two-Loop Operation TLU Total Loop Uncertainty TOPPS Tracking Overpower Protection System TOS top-of-scale TRA Transient Recording and Analyses TRAPP Transient Protection Parameters TrE Trigger Error TRF Trip Reference Function TRK Uncertainty due to APRM Tracking TRM Technical Requirements Manual TS Technical Specification (Tech-Spec)

TSV (Main) Turbine Stop Valve TT Temperature Transmitter TTA Tabular Trend Analysis (ERIS) turb turbine u micro (E-06;10'S)

UAL Upper Analytical Limit UMRL Upper Meter Reading Limit UFN Uncertainty due to Flow Noise UNL Uncertainty due to Sensor Nonlinearity UNN Uncertainty due to Neutron Noise UR Upper Range-Limit; Upset Range URL Upper Range-Limit USNRC United States Nuclear RegUlatory Commission USS Uncertainty due to Sensor Sensitivity v specific volume [e.g., superheated steam, compressed (subcooled) water]

Vf specific volume of saturated water vfg specific volume of evaporation vg specific volume of saturated steam VA Vendor Accuracy vac vacuum Vac volts a-c var pertaining to variable leg VD Vendor Drift Vdc verts d-c VE Vibration Effect VII VOltage-to-Current Convertor VLN Variable Leg Nozzle (tap)

VLP Variable Leg Penetration VM voltmeter VOM volt-ohm meter

\/WO (Main Turbine) Valves Wide Open

Calc # LE-OI07 Rev. 0 Page 56 LGS 1&2 NUMAC PRNM Setpoint Study ATTACHMENT 1 UNIVERSAL GLOSSARY w water; with W,Wd recirculation drive flow Wt coolant core flow wlo without WC water column {instrument reference condition (at 68 F and 1 atm)]

WR Wide Range WRM Wide Range Monitor WRNM Wide Range Neutron Monitor W&T Wallace & Tiernan (calibration tool) wrE Warmup Time Effect X (Setpoint

  • Instrument Zero)/Calibrated Span (term in xmtr radiation effect algorithm) xmtr transmitter XPU Extended Power Uprate XRL RL drift margin (synonymous with Q)

Y Calibrated Span/Upper Range-Limit (term in xmtr temperature effect algorithm)

Ya frictionless adiabatic isentropic expansion factor, inlet to throat (ratio of compressible fluid flow to incompressible fluid flow)

Z Measure of Margin in units of Standard Deviations ZPA Zero-Period Acceleration ZS Zero Stability

-end English, begin Greek f3 ratio of diameters (dID)

~ delta; differential period tolerance (of PBA) y isentropic exponent; specific weight [(weight) density]

K flow uncertainty correction factor J.! micro (E-06;1 0-6); absolute (dynamic) viscosity v kinematic viscosity p (mass) density (j sigma; standard deviation

'tc1 RBM signal filter time constant (adjustable, optional)

..j square root extractor (also called square root converter)

t summer Q OMoS END