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Att. 6, FAQ 60.3
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island, Surry, North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/2006
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Thompson, J W, NRR/DIRS/IPAB, 415-1011
Download: ML061390201 (4)


- V_

FAQ 60.3 1 FAQ 2

3 4 Plants: Prairie Island/Surry 5 Date of Event: NA 6 Submittal Date: April 10, 2006 7 Licensee


Jayne Ritter (Prairie Island) Tel/email: (651) 388-1121 x4125 8 9 Don Olson (Dominion) Tel/email: (804) 273-2830 10 11 NRC


Don Dube Tel/email: (301) 415-5472 12 13 14 Performance Indicator: MSPI 15 16 Site Specific FAQ (Appendix D)? Yes 17 18 FAQ requested to become effective when approved.

19 20 Ouestion Section 21 22 NEI 99-02 guidance needing interpretation:

23 24 Page F-32 provides no generic common cause correction factor for diesel-driven service 25 water pumps. Likewise, there is no industry prior information associated with this 26 component type on Table 4 on page F-37. Consequently, CDE 3.0 has not been 27 constructed to recognize diesel-drive service water pumps.

28 29 Event or circumstances requiring guidance interpretation:

30 31 Prairie Island has two diesel-driven service water pumps that are monitored under MSPI.

32 Surry has 3 diesels-driven service water pumps that are monitored under MSPI.

33 34 Response Section 35 36 Due to insufficient industry data upon which to develop a separate set of parameters for 37 this component type, an existing component type should be chosen. Given that the 38 failures for this type of pump are expected to be dominated by the driver rather than the 39 pump, the diesel-driven AFW pump component type should be used.

40 41 Page 1 of 1

FAQ Log 5/17106 TempNo. PI Topic Status Plant/ Co.

58.4 EPOl Drill/Exercise Performance 1/26/06 Introduced and NRC EP02 ERO Drill Participation revised during meeting 2/21/06 Revisions to response 2/23/06 Discussed 3/23/06 Discussed.

Response to be revised by NEI.

4/19/06 Response revised 4/20/06 Tentative

_________ ~~Approval _ _ _ _ _ _

60.3 MSPI MSPI Service Water Pump 4/20/06 Introduced Prairie values 4/20/06 Tentative Island, Approval; Action to Su revise FAQ to include Surry recommended changes to NEI 99-02

FAQ 58.4 FAQ 58.4 Plant: North Anna Date of Event: 6/30/05 Submittal Date: 9/9/05 Licensee





Lee Miller Tel/email: 404-562-4676, Performance Indicator: Drill and Exercise Performance and Emergency Response Organization Participation Site-Specific FAQ (Appendix b)? No FAQ requested to become effective when approved QUESTION SECTION Event of Circumstances requiring guidance interpretation:

If a licensee were to wait until the ERO assignment process was completed before crediting the DEP performance indicator for an ERO-member-in-training, then the opportunity could be counted in a reporting period other than the one in which the performance enhancing experience occurred. At North Anna, a performance enhancing experience was provided to new ERO member before they assumed their ERO position.

The ERO member assumed their ERO position one day later; however, that day spanned reporting periods.

Question: How and when should DEP PI opportunities for ERO-members-in-training be counted?

RESPONSE SECTION Proposed Resolution of FAQ:

PI opportunities and participation credit should not be counted for ERO-members-in-training. DEP opportunities are only counted for plant staff members who are currently assigned to fill a key position on the ERO.


NEI 99-02, page 79, Line 31 states "The percentage of drill, exercise, and actual opportunities that were performed timely and accurately by Key Positions, as defined in the ERO Drill Participation indicator,....

NEI 99-02, page 86, Line 11 states, "...ERO members assigned to fill Key Positions.

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  • FAQ 58.4 Discussion:

The participation Pi tracks Key ERO members assigned to the ERO. The key word here is assigned. Trainees are not assigned to the ERO and therefore DEP opportunities or participation does not count.

Data reporting may be affected in accordance with this FAQ at some plants.

There is no need to modify past record keeping practices based on this FAQ.

Record keeping practices should only be modified for practices conducted after this FAQ is approved.

If appropriate, provide proposed rewording of guidance for inclusion in next revision:

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