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Resubmittal of Package Dated August 26, 2004: License Amendment to Reduce Allowable U-235 to 10 Grams
Person / Time
Site: University of Illinois
Issue date: 12/06/2004
From: Holm R
University of Illinois
To: Alexander Adams
Download: ML043520098 (3)


Nuclear Reactor Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Nuclear, Radiological and Plasma Engineering / College of Engineering 214 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 217-333-7755/0866 103 South Goodwin Avenue 217-333-2906 fax Urbana, IL 61801-2984

[l Reactor Administrator: Richard L. Holm December 6, 2004 Docket No. 50-151 Mr.Alexander Adams, Jr. .

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATITN: Alexander Adams, REXB MS 012-G13 Washington, DC 20555-0001


Resubmittal of package dated August 26, 2004: License Amendment to Reduce Allowable U-235 to IO grams.

Dear Mr. Adams,

Please find enclosed a resubmittal, under oath and affirmation, of the package submitted August 26,2004.

If there are any questions or concerns with this response, please contact me at 217-333-7755 or email at r-holm()

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on December 6th, 200b4.

Respectfully Submitted, Richard L. Holm Reactor Administator ,: . -,. ,,il.. ..


C: File


Nuclear Reactor LaboratorM University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Nuclear, Radiological and Plasma Engineering / College of Engineering 214 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 217-333-775510866 103 South Goodwin Avenue 217-333-2906 fax Urbana, IL 61801-2984 Reactor Adminisrator: Richard L. Holm August 26, 2004 Docket No. 50-151 Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr.

-- -~~United'StatesNucleairRegulatory Commission ATrN: Alexander Adams, REXB MS 012-G13 Washington, DC 20555-0001


License Amendment to Reduce Allowable U-235 to 10 grams.

Dear Mr. Adams,

Please find enclosed the requested changes to paragraph 2.B of the facility license. These changes are in response to the shipment of all TRIGA fuel from the facility in August of 2004.

This will place the amount of special nuclear material allowed at the facility below the level of low strategic significance (15 grams).

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Regards, Richard L. Holm Reactor Administator C: File

License Amendment to Reduce Allowable U-235 to 10 grams Currently paragraph 2.B of the facility license reads as follows; "B. Pursuantto the Act and 10 CFR Part70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," to receive,possess and use up to 9.6 kilograms of contained uranium-235,of which 7.0 kilograms of containeduranium-235 isfor use in connection with the operationofthe reactorand up to 2.6 kilograms of containeduranium-235 isfor use in connection wi'ith operation ofa subcriticalassembly in the Bulk Shielding Facility of the reactor; uap to 20 grams ofthe containeduranium-235 is of any enrichment in theform offission chambers and the balance is containeduranium-235 enriched to less than 20 percent in the isotope uranium-235 in

-heformn of reactor-fuel -upto -. OE-5 grams ofplutonium in theform of reactorfiteltransferred_

from Facility OperatingLicense No. R- 1 7; and to possess, but not separate,such special nuclear materialas may be produced by the operation of thefacility; and" Please strike out/amend the paragraph as follows:

"B. Pursuantto the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material." to receive, possess and use up- to-6ilograms_fecmained tiranium 235_, of-Weh 0ip and to 2.6 kilograms f35 raeier isr isc ino for onn-toeetioie-wtnh operationof a subcriticalassembly in the Bee:& Shiclding Facility of tlzh rwac!or; lip to4O 10 grainsof the containeduranium-235sofanys enrichment in the form offission chambers and-the bek J cotained is mue u:rann. 235 enriched tovess thaz2r in!he isotop: uraniim; 235 4n 1heform efreaetorfice; tip to I OE 5 grams qfphaonium *ot2-ishAr fr-eae<t~eq fJom Fa7ility Opera;Tig Lkfnse ANo. R 117; ad topossess, bet net separane,szwhspeedu ntmlkar ma Iria!asmay bc produ b. 1 w.apprawionof faeility; and" Paragraph 2.B will then read as follows:

"B. Pursuantto the Act and 10 CFR Part70, "Domestic Licensing ofSpecial Nuclear Material," to receive, possess and use lip oL10.gramsoftie contained uranium-235 ofan) enrichment in theform offission chambers; and"