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Transmittal of University of Virginia Reactor Decommissioning Project Continuing Characterization Summaries: Reactor Plant Stack Summary, Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary, Pond Sediment Summary
Person / Time
Site: University of Virginia
Issue date: 05/19/2003
From: Mulder R
University of Virginia
To: Hughes D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML031420399 (87)


UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA NUCLEAR REACTOR FACILITY U.S. MAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS P.O. Box 400322 675 Old Reservoir Road Charlottcsville. VA Charlottesville,VA 22903 22904-4322 Telephone: 804-982-5440 Fax: 804-982-5473 May 19,2003 Docket 50-62 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 012-G13.

One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2783 Attention: Mr. Daniel E. Hughes, Project Manager Operating Reactor Improvements Program


Transnittal of University of Virginia Reactor Decomnissioning Project Continuing Characterization Summaries: Reactor Plant Stack Summary, Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary, Pond Sediment Summary


1. Amendment No. 26 to Amended Facility Operating License No. R-66 for the University of Virginia Research Reactor
2. Docket 50-62

Dear Mr. Hughes,

The referenced amendment which approves the decommissioning plan for the University of Virginia Research Reactor calls for the licensee to submit reports of any characterization surveys performed that were not part of the license amendment application. We are pleased to transmit for your information three endosed continuing characterization sumnaries, prepared for the University of Virginia by CH2M HILL and its subcontractor, Safety and Ecology Corporation. They are: Reactor Plant Stack Summary, Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary, and Pond Sediment Summary.

May 19,2003 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this transmittal, please contact me at (434) 982-5446.

Sincere Robert Mulder Reactor Director University of Virginia


WVAP Continuing Characterization: Reactor Plant Stack Summary UVAP Continuing Characterization: Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary UVAP Continuing Characterization: Pond Sediment Summary c: Ralph Allen, Chair Reactor Decommissioning Committee Stephen Holmes, NRC

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary A pond, covering a surface area of approximately 1600 m2 and ranging in depth from approximately 2 to 4 m, is located just to the south of the University of Virginia Reactor Facility.

During Reactor Facility operation this pond received discharges from certain laboratory drains, floor drains, and other sources of non-sanitary wastewater from the building. Run off from the adjacent land areas drain directly into this pond; an overflow from the nearby storm drain also empties into the pond.

The pond was drained to expose and permit the sediments to dry for improved access and to

.facilitate radiological monitoring and sediment sampling. Thickness of sediments varied from a fraction of a meter to 2 meters depending on location.

Survey grid corners were marked, dividing the pond into 10-meter square sections and referenced to the centerline of the dam spillway. Sections containing greater than 25% pond surface were numbered I thru 22, starting in the southeastern corner section (Figure 1). Surface gamma scans were initially performed in each 10-meter square section to identify locations of elevated direct radiation. The results were logged per 1.5-meter wide lanes with the highest to lowest noted readings.

See attached survey UVAP-0245. Any discemable localized increase readings were denoted on the map and physically flagged for bias sampling.

Gamma scans of the drainage stream from the pond were performed for approximately 20 m below the spillway release point. Samples of sediment were obtained at 3 locations considered representative of the average stream conditions.

Samples were obtained from 16 statistical sample points and 18 biased sample locations (Figure 1).

A 2-inch diameter bucket auger and 2-inch PVC piping was used to collect samples. Continuous sampling was performed from surface to 6 inches beyond the interface of sediment/original soil or to auger refusal, whichever occurred first. Samples were placed in plastic bags or jars with each sample representing 6-12 inches of sediment depth. To the extent possible, a plastic sleeve was utilized to maintain an open sampling hole. Sampling tools were cleaned and surveyed for contamination, following each sample collection.

Samples of the pond sediments were screened by the on site gamma spectroscopy system, and ranged from 0.3 pCi/g to 4.0 pCi/g Cs-137. One sample indicated Co-60 at 1.6 pCi/g. Results are shown in Table 1.

Background sediment samples were obtained from the nearby Ragged Mountain Reservoir, upstream on the drainage feeding into the pond, and the soft rock face and fill dirt in the upper parking area. They were screened by the on site gamma spectroscopy system and results are shown in Table 2.

Samples from the UVAR pond, UVAR drainage and Ragged Mountain Reservoir were scanned for indication of increased direct gamma levels. Boreholes were gamma logged initially at 6",

then at 12" intervals to the borehole bottom. Some locations did require insertion of a sealed tube to maintain the borehole open during gamna logging.

Based on the on site gamma screening, gamma logging and direct beta readings, six of the highest activity samples were sent to the off site laboratory for analysis. Gamma spectroscopy and 10 CFR Part 61 analyses for transuranics, Sr-90, and other hard-to-detect radionuclides were performed.

Results ranged from 2.08 pCi/g to 3.46 pCi/g for Cs-137, no detectable Co-60 above MDC' level, 1.29 pCilg to 3.61 pCi/g Ra-226, 2.42pCi/g to 4.77pCi/g Th-232, and Pu-241 at 15.8pCi/g. Results are shown in Table 3.

' MDC is Minimal Detectable Concentration 5/19/03

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary Two background samples were also submitted to the off-site laboratory for analysis. Results are shown in Table 4.

The remaining unanalyzed samples (those not sent to the offsite laboratory) were retained and stored under chain of custody.

Based on the results of off site laboratory analyses, surface measurements, and gamma borehole logs, the levels and ratios of facility-derived contaminants were determined and no areas in the pond were identified to require remediation. This survey satisfies the continuing characterization requirements of Area 13 and 14 from the characterization report, Appendix A of the University of Virginia Reactor Decommissioning Plan.


UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary r- -

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UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary Pond Sediment Samples (On site results)

Table 1 Gamma Core Sample number Interval Logging Scan Gamma Spectroscopy K-40 Cs-137 Co-60 Pb-212 Pb-214 U-238 Th-232 Ac-228 Inches CPM CPM pCilgm pCitgm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCi/gm UVA-PD-002 0 to 6 7842 22# 28.6 3.7 1.8 2.3 UVA-PD-002DUP 0 to 6 *7120 80+ 22.3 2.3 2.6 UVA-PD-003 0 to 6 *6760 50+ 15.8 1.2 1.1 UVA-PD-004 0 to 6 *7028 60+ 38.5 0.6 2.5 2.9 UVA-PD-005-1 0 to 6 6795 13.2 0.6 2.2 1.7 UVA-PD-005-2 6 to 18 7648 160+ 21.1 3.3 2.9 2.7 UVA-PD-005-3 18 to 30 6654 29.5 2.2 1.5 2.2 UVA-PD-005B1-1 0 to 6 7518 11.2 0.8 2.5 2.8 UVA-PD-005B1-2 6 to 18 8625 200+ 39.6 3.7 2.3 3.3 UVA-PD-005B1-3 18 to 30 7568 40.6 3.9 2.9 3.3 UVA-PD-005B2-1 0 to 6 7518 12.6 0.9 2.4 1.5 UVA-PD-005B2-2 6 to 18 8625 180+ 12.4 0.6 2.5 3.1 _ _ _

UVA-PD-005B2-3 18 to 30 7568 24.2 2.1 0.9 1.8 UVA-PD-005B3-1 0 to 6 8347 23.3 0.3 1.8 1.3 2.1 UVA-PD-005B3-2 6 to 18 7984 17# 13.5 0.4 1.7 1.1 1.7 UVA-PD-006-1 0 to 6 6686 4.2 0.3 0.8 0.7 UVA-PD-006-2 6 to 18 8118 30.2 4.2 3.1 UVA-PD-006-3 18 to 30 6699 20# 64.1 1 4.5 9.6 UVA-PD-006-4 30 to 42 7419 37.7 3.6 2.8 UVA-PD-007-1 0 to 6 5243 23.9 0.6 5.1 1.8 UVA-PD-007-2 6 to 18 5463 22.1 3.4 2.5 UVA-PD-007-3 18 to 30 6102 15.9 1.7 1.5 UVA-PD-007-4 30 to 42 7075 140+ 22.5 2.4 2.2 UVA-PD-007B1-1 0 to 6 *7252 20+ 8.4 1.0 2.8 1.8 _

UVA-PD-007B2-1 0 to 6 4186 0.9 3.3 3.8 UVA-PD-007B2-2 6 to 18 4867 22.0 3.1 2.3 2.8 UVA-PD-007B2-3 18 to 30 5689 14# 21.2 2.3 2.4 3.9 UVA-PD-008-1 0 to 6 6938 8.8 2.2 3.7 UVA-PD-008-2 6 to 18 7173 50+ 39.0 3.3 2.8 1.6 UVA-PD-008-3 18 to 30 6936 31.2 2.1 1.6 _ _ 1.8 UVA-PD-008B1-1 0 to 6 *6459 14.6 0.5 2.1 2.0 UVA-PD-008B1-2 6 to 18 *7846 100+ 33.7 2.9 2.4 UVA-PD-008B2-1 0 to 6 4440 . 4.1 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.7

  • Denotes no PVC liner used for gamma logging Denotes 44-9 Beta Gamma robe readings

+ Denotes 43-68 Beta/Gamma robe reading Gamma Spectroscopy results are considered qualitative for screening purposes due to being counted in a Non-standard preparations of sample for homogeneous mixture and drying.


UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary Pond Sediment Samples (Offsite Laboratory)

Table 3 Sample number Interval Gamma Spectroscopy and Part 61 results pCi/g in Inches Ni-63 Pu-238 Pu-239/40 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-242 Cm-244 C-14 Tc-99 H-3 UVA-PD-005B1-2 6 to 18 -4.68E-02 3.30E-03 6.60E-03 7.22E-01 4.71E-03 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 2.05E-01 -8.77E-02 1.44E+02 Qualffier/MDA U' 9.19E-01 Ul1.98E-02 U/2.33E-02 Jl6.79E-01 Ul 1.28E-02 Ul 1.84E-02 Ul 1.29E-02 Ul7.99E-01 U/7.47E-01 J4.67E+01 UVA-PD-11BI-3 18 to 30 3.06E+00 1.74E-02 2.08E-02 6.81E-01 9.33E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.75E-02 4.83E-02 2.59E+02 Qualfier/MDA J 9.63E-01 Jl1.18E-02 J2.07E-02 U/7.09E-01 Ul2.48E-02 U/ 2.02E-02 Ul 1.42E-02 Ul 8.11 E-01 Ul 7.68E-01 J/ 9.07E+01 UVA-PD-012-3 18 to 30 1.07E+00 1.69E-02 3.56E-03 9.53E-01 2.00E-02 -1.43E-02 O.OOE+00 3.24E-01 -8.78E-02 1.33E+02 Qualfler/MDA J 9.02E-01 U/ 2.13E-02 Ul 2.13E-02 J 7.77E-01 J1 1.35E-02 Ul 3.44E-02 Ul 1.37E-02 U/ 7.84E-01 Ul7.63E-01 J5.34E+01 UVA-PD-012B2-2 6 to 18 1.59E-01 O.OOE+00 2.64E-02 1.31E+O1 8.66E-02 O.OOE+00 4.37E-02 -1.32E-01 -8.48E-02 5.75E+01 Qualifier/MDA Ul8.17E-01 U11.19E-01 U/ 2.49E-01 J 8.83 U! 1.17E-01 Ul 1.69E-01 Ut 1.18E-01 Ul 8.00E-01 U/7.60E-01 J3.24E+01 UVA-PD-013B-1 0 to 6 2.29E+01 1.23E-01 O.OOE+00 1.58E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 -1.90E-02 5.94E-01 1.10E+01 Qualifier/MDA 8.73E-01 U'2.67E-01 U 1.28E-01 1.06E+01 U 1.28E-01 U' 1.85E-01 Ul 1.29E-01 U 8.09E-01 U18.04E-01 U8.96E+01 UVA-PD-021B-2 6 to 18 1.24E-01 6.92E-03 -1.54E-03 1.07E+00 -1.34E-03 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.24E-01 -2.04E-01 5.32E+01 Quafifier/MDA Ul8.35E-01 U1.84E-02 UW2.17E-02 Jl8.91E-01 U3.20E-02 U2.61E-02 Ut1.83E-02 U/8.10E-01 U/7.55E-01 J4.96E+01 Sample number Interval Gamma Spectroscopy and Part 61 results pCi/g

____________ in Inches Co-60 Cs-137 K-40 Ra-226 Th-232 U-238DHP 1-129L Sr-90 Fe-55 UVA-PD-005B1-2 6 to 18 1.32E-02 9.80E-02 3.63E+01 2.02E+00 2.64E+00 2.97E+00 -6.47E-03 5.58E-02 -5.58E+01 Qualifier/ MDA Ul 1.48E-01 U! 1.54E-01 1.18 2.37E-01 6.59E-01 1.43 U! 2.05E-01 U! 6.05E-01 U' 2.03E+01 UVA-PD-11B1-3 18 to 30 1.1 1E-01 2.22E+00 3.62E+01 3.29E+00 4.77E+00 not 1.73E-01 1.09E-01 -3.95E+01 Qualifier/ MDA Ul 3.08E-01 2.73E-01 1.82 4.80E-01 1.35 Detected U! 5.06E-01 U/ 7.22E-01 U! 1.80E+01 UVA-PD-012-3 18 to 30 2.23E-02 2.08E+00 2.78E+01 1.69E+00 2.42E+00 2.92E+00 4.33E-02 1.50E-01 -2.60E+01 Qualifier/ MDA Ul 1.52E-01 1.18E-01 9.26E-01 2.18E-01 6.00E-01 1.31 U/ 2.16E-01 U/ 6.45E-01 U/ 1.55E+01 UVA-PD-012B2-2 6 to 18 2.99E-02 -1.62E-02 3.04E+01 1.50E+00 3.01E+00 not 1.21E-01 3.14E-01 -3.42E+01 Qualifier! MDA U! 1.46E-01 U! 1.24E-01 1.27 1.96E-01 5.58E-01 Detected U! 2.65E-01 U! 6.01E-01 Ul 2.03E+01 UVA-PD-013B-1 0 to 6 9.53E-01 3.46E+00 2.13E+01 3.61E+00 4.16E+00 not -2.30E-01 4.27E-02 -4.21E+01 Qualifier/ MDA U1 6.12E-01 3.18E-01 3.17 5.28E-01 1.53 Detected Ul4.54E-01 Ul 8.64E-01 Ul 1.79E+O1 UVA-PD-021B-2 6to 18 3.89E-02 2.71 E-02 2.88E+01 1.29E+00 2.51 E+00 not -1.05E-01 8.76E-01 -4.94E+01 Qualifier/ MDA Ul 1.36E-01 U! 1.22E-01 1.13 1.95E-01 5.57E-01 DeteCted UI2.16E-01 J/6.17E-01 U! 1.34E+01 J Qualifier - No U qualifier has been assigned and result is below the reporting limit, contractual required detection limit, or report value is estimated.

U Qualifier - Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MDC/MDA. Total uncertainty or gamma scan software did not identify the nuclide.

MDC/MDA- The Minimum Detectable Concentration / Minimum Detectable Activity 5/19/03

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Pond Sediment Summary Creek Background, Upstream (Offsite Laboratory)

Table 4 Sample number Interval Gamma Spectroscopy and Part 61 results pCi/g in Inches Ni-63 Pu-238 Pu-239140 Pu-241 Am-241 Cm-244 Am-243 C-14 Tc-99 H-3 UVA-BKGSL-001 0 to 6 0.00 5.75E-03 5.00E-03 1.20 3.28E-02 3.29E-02 l 3.50e-02 6.50 j 1.08E-01 l O.OOE+00 Qualifier/ MDA U/ 1.00 U/4.0e-02 U/ 1.0e-02 1.08 U/5.00E-02 U5.Oe-02 3.0e-02 4.09 UI 1.50e01 U/3.09 VA-BKGSL-002 0to6 4.IE-01 3.30E-02 8.99E-03 0.65 2.00E-01 4.45E-02 5.10e-2 3.00 l5.54-02 1.85E+0 Qualifier/ MDA U 9.2e-01 U 5.e-02 U4.0r-02 U! 1.17 5.00E-02 4.0e-02 3.0e-02 2.51 U! 1.60e-01 U! 3.59 UVA-BKGS- l Co-60 Cs-137 K40 Fe-55 Th-232 U-238DHP 1-129 Sr-90 Th-230 UVA-BKGSL-001 Oto 6 1.36E-01 2.77E-01 2.26E+01 -9.25E-01 1.61E+00 1.58E+00 -2.38E-01 -4.93E-02 3.26 Qualifierl MDA Ul 2.70e-01 2.30e-01 1.69 Ul 1.57 3.0e-02 9.0e-02 U/5.4e-01 UI 1.40e-01 2.0e-02 UVA-BKGSL-002 0 to 6 2.45E-02 3.81E-02 2.93E+01 4.09E-01 1.92E+00 1.55E+00 1.22E-01 2.12E-01 1.55 Qualifier/ MDA Ul 1.20e-01 Ul 1.30e-01 1.11 Ul 1.22 2.0Oe-02 8.0e-02 U! 4.0e-01 1.90-01 3.0Oe-02 UQualifier - Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MDCIMDA. Total uncertainty or gamma scan software did not identify the nuclide.

MDC/MDA- The Minimum Detectable Concentration Minimum Detectable Activity 5/19/03

UVAP cation: J WPtl


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UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary The Mezzanine Crawl Space is located on the mezzanine level of the UVAR facility. Access to the area is located in the main stairwelL The room is classified as a class 2 area with approximately 100-n 2 surface area. The room contains concrete block walls, precast concrete panel ceiling with steel support beams and a dirt floor.

A reference Grid system was -used for this survey. The grid was set at 1-meter intervals with the grid starting location being the southwest corner of the room.


1. Surface Scan Surveys Scans of wall, overhead and other surfaces were performed using a Ludlum Model 43-68 handheld 125 cm 2 gas proportional detector with a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. Scanning was accomplished by moving the detector over the surface at a speed of approximately 10 cm per second (approximately 4 inches per second). The distance between the detector and the surface was maintained at a practical minimum, consistent with surface conditions.

Gamma scans were performed using a Ludlum Model 44-10 handheld sodium iodide detector with a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. The scan was performed by moving the detector in a serpentine pattern, while advancing at a speed of approximately 0.5 m per second. The distance between the detector and surface was maintained within 5 cm.

The count rate was monitored by means of the audible signal output, and when an increase in instrument response above the ambient level was noted, the surveyor paused for several seconds to confirm the conditions. The observed lowest to highest range was recorded on the associated survey map. Two slightly elevated reading were noted during the scan of the dirt floor and marked for soil sampling. No other increases were noted above ambient levels during all other scan. See attached surveys UVAP-0570, 0573 and 0574

2. Integrated Direct Surface Beta Radioactivity Measurements Measurements of surface alpha-plus-beta radioactivity was performed using a Ludlum Model 43-68 handheld 125 cm gas proportional detector coupled to a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. The expected alpha activity is minimal, <10% and all detected counts are considered to from beta activity. Counts were integrated for a one-minute counting interval. Two measurements were performed. The first was a surface measurement, performed in the typical manner (i.e., with the detector face uncovered); this measurement included contributions from beta particles emitted from the surface and interactions of ambient gamma photons with the detector. The second measurement was performed at the same location with the detector face covered by a layer of wood approximately 1.27 cm (l2-inch thick). The detector response for this second measurement is representative of the contribution from gamma radiation only. The difference between measurements with an uncovered (unshielded) detector and covered (shielded) detector represents the level of beta activity. Measurements were performed at elevated locations as 5/19/03

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary identified by scans and at locations representative of the general surface area. Results for these static readings ranged from 286 dpm/lOOcm 2 to 2195 dpm/l OOcm 2 .

3. Smear Sample Collection and Analysis Smear samples for removable activity were collected by wiping a 5 cm (2-inch) diameter cloth disc over approximately 100 cm 2 (15.5 in2 ) areas of the surface, while applying moderate pressure. Smear samples were obtained at each location of direct surface activity measurement. Smear samples were counted for alpha and beta radioactivity on a Tennelec automatic gas proportional counter. All smear results were less than MDA for beta (22.99 dpmflOOcm 2 ) and alpha (19.04 dpm/lOOcm 2 ).
4. Volumetric Sample Collection and Analysis Soil samples were obtained by hand auguring, at 9 locations in the dirt floor, 0 to 6-inches in depth. Samples were submitted for on site gamma isotopic analyses. No facility related activity was detected. The samples were placed on a chain of custody and stored onsite. See Table 1 for results.
5. Conclusions Based on results of these surveys, no remediation is required. The mezzanine crawl space is ready for Final Status Survey.


UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Mezzanine Crawl Space Summary Mezzanine Crawl Space Soil Results (On site results)

Table 1 Gamma Sample number Interval Logging ' Gamma Spectroscopy 44-10 K-40 Cs-137 Co-60 Pb-212 Bi-214 Pb-214 Ra-226 Ac-228 U-238 Inches CPM pCi/gm pCi/gm pCilgm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCilgm pCi/gm pCi/gm pCi/gm MCS-001 0 to 6 30321 29.5 2.57 1.25 1.61 2.40 3.75 MCS-002 0 to 6 24011 31.8 __ 2.08 1.06 1.09 2.50 1.89 MCS-003 0 to 6 28003 28.4 2.24 1.26 1.30 5.08 1.92 1.88 MCS-004 0 to 6 27307 29.8 2.41 1.27 1.35 3.80 2.20 2.41 MCS-005 0 to 6 31210 26.9 4.83 1.58 2.10 4.81 4.70 2.36 MCS-006 0 to 6 27724 23.8 3.21 1.62 1.52 6.67 2.75 2.30 MCS-007 0 to 6 32095 28.6 4.05 1.42 1.59 4.94 3.91 MCS-008 0 to 6 27586 26.7 3.73 1.63 1.99 3.56 3.85 1.69 MCS-009 0 to 6 36346 21.9 4.16 1.95 1.90 3.10 3.95 2.22 Note 1: Gamma Spectroscopy results are considered qualitative for screening purposes due to being counted in a Non-standard preparations of sample for homogeneous mixture and drying.


UVAP Radiological Survey Form Location: RectrRWP#y -____P__-Stre -__rvey -1 PagType of 7 -___

Nuclear_Reactor_Facility Insid_______ I__ ____ UVAP_0573 Characterization Surv_ __

Commenits: Surveyed By: Date: Instrtiment Serlil Cal. Dire Probe Areal Serial # Cal. Di e ax Eff. It Eff. IaBkg. it Bkg tu L, It L, Survey of the Mezzanine Crawl Space Alice Thompson flT 03/12103 Tennelec 64052 5/11/03 -n/a n/a n/a iia n/a n/ai n/a n/a I/" n/a Jason Strand . 03/11/03 M-2221 17203r5 5/3/03 43-68 126 116719 4/803 II/a 0.111 Ivna MIa n/a n/la

Brad Myers 03/11/03 M-12 180422 4/5103 44-9 15 116820- 415103 ni/a 0.15 I na U U Q nU


tr M yers


By: ~ ~~ Date:

03/12/03 __ _ _ 7 _

_~~I z _

n/a n/a n/a Key:l 0 Smear xxx to xx) = Direct frisk A =air sample B beh dose rate in mR dd/hr --X--X-- Bt3ondary SOP -Step Off Pad sly cnrct/12' dose rare 11= General dose rare Smears_________Alpha/Beta Scan Static Cotunts 2 2 Gross CPM DPMIIO0cmn Gross CPM Atudible Coints er Minuite DPM/1OOCM ft Q t U ~No. pt yes/nio pass/fail No -Unsh Shiielded Net II L~

_I SeeI 1 400.500 __ ___ _ 1 433 304 922 290 West Wall N 0 5, E 0, Z 0,5 2 Attached 2 350-450 2 420 272 1058 275 West Wall N 1.7 E 0 1 Z 1.5 3Report ____3 400-500 3 468 270 1416 274 West Wall N 2.9, E 0?., Z 2.1

__4 ______ 4 500-600 _ _ 4 530 312 1559 294 West Wall N 4.5. EOA, Z0.5 5 __ _ 5, 450.550 ___ ____ 5 475 313 1158 295 West Wall N 5.3. E 0.6. Z 1.2 6 ____6 400-500 6 445 291 1101 284 West Walt N 6.2. E 0 7 Z 2.2

__7 7 400.500 7 476 315 1151 296 West Wall N 7.3, E 3.9 Z 1.25

__8 ____ ___ __ 8 400-500 ____8 447 296 1080 287 West Walt N 8,8. E 4.7, Z 2.6 9 9 500-600 9 604 387 1552 328 North Walt N 6.5.E 1.4Z 0.9 10 ___ 10 450-550 10 507 336 1223 305 North Wall N 6.2, E 2.3 Z 2.2 1 __ ___ 11 500-600 11 575 324 1795 300 Northi Walt N 7.9. E 64, Z 1.6 12 12 400-500 12 475- 297 1273 287 North Wall N 7.2. E 7.4, Z2.4 13, 131 450.500 1131 535 323 1516 299 North Walt N 5.9. E 8 4, Z 1 141 ___ 141 500-600 141 573 341 1659- 308 East Wall N 5.4. E 7.9, Z 0.9 115 15 450-550 15 530 325 1466 300 East Wall N 4.5, E 7.4, Z 1.8a 16 ____ 16 400-500 ___ 16 462 300 1158 289 East Walt N 3.9, E 7. 1 Z 2.2 17 _______ _____ _ 17 550.650 ___ ___ 17 651 344 2195 309 East Wall N 1.9, E 6.8. Z 0.5 18 ___ __ 18 450-550 18 531 318 1523 297 East Wall N 0.3,E 6.4,Z 1.8 19 19 350-450 19 433 259 1244 268 South Wall NO, E 6.1,Z 0.3 20 ____20 350-450 20 394 276 844 277 South Walt NO.,E 5.5, Z 1.5 QC, QC. 350-450 QC, 360 288- 515 283 South Wall NO, E 5.5, Z 1.5 21 ____211 250.300 21 308 268 286 273 South Wall NO0, E 4.6, Z 2.3 22 - ___- 22 350.450 22 402 295 765 286 South Wall N 0, E 2.3. Z 0.8

_23 ______ 23 350-450 23 384 242 1015 259 South Wall N, E 1.2, Z 1.7 24 ___ 24 350-450 24 407 261 1044 269 SOuith Wall N, E 0.8. Z 2.1 25 25 350-400 25 402 307 679 292 CeilingN 5 6, E 3.7, Z 3 26 -26 350-400 26 401 304 694 290 Ceiling N 6.5. r- 5.5, Z 3 ________________________

27 ____27 325-375 27 365 305 429 291 Ceiling N 6.5. E 7.5, Z 3 28 ____28 275.325 28 332 295 265 286 Ceiling N 4.5, E 6.5, Z 3 29 ___ __ 29 300-350 29 357 271 615 274 Ceiling N 4.5, E 4.5. Z 3 30 -- 30 325-375 30 373 315 415 296 Ceiling N 2.5, E 4.5, Z3______________________

31 - ___ __ 31 325.375 31 357 296 436 287 Ceiling N 1.5. E 5.5, Z 3 32 ___ __ 32 350-400 32 383 253 930 265 Ceiling N 2.5, E 6.5. Z 3 33 33 350-400 -33 408 331 551 303 Ceiling N 4.5, E 1.5. Z 3 34 -- 34 350-400 34 364 284 572 281 Ceiling N 2.5, E 2.5, 3 35 _______ ___ 35 350.400 35 365 263 729 270 Ceiling N 1.5, E 0.5, Z 3 QC - Q_C 350-400 C Q___ 372 309 450 293 Ceiling Nl1.5,EO0.5 Z 3 Form SEC-RP-21 2 Rev.0

Mezzanine Crawl Space West Wall 3

2 0 0D 5 . 0 0D Nortl Wall

__ 0 _

I 01~

0 -

Soil 0 a _________________ .. _________________ A _________________ J __________________ I _______________ ______________

I 2 4 5 6 6.75

l. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ll 6 7 8

Mezzanine Crawl Space North Wall 0.8 0.66 8.5 1 2 3 OP

Mezzanine Crawl Space East wall 3

0 2

© (98) 14 0.8 17 0.25 5.9 5 4 2 I 0 COP

Mezzanine Crawl Space South Wall Al 3 0~~~

- 2 Door I

6.4 5 4 3 2 I

Mezzanine Crawl Space N I

3 2

0 COPY 1 2 4 5 6 6.4

Mezzanine Crawl Space Floor N AL 3

2 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 6.4

LB5100-W Low Background Counting System - Smear Analysis Alpha efficiency log file: th230ab AJpha Efficiency 25.76%

Date: 3/12/95 Alpha activity action level (DPM): 10.00 Alpha to Beta Crosstalk: 26.65%

Counting Unit id: 1 Beta activity action leMeI (DPM): 50.00 Alpha Background (CPM): 0.445 Data file name: C:%LBXLWUNIT1SME1B022.XLD Certainty level for MDA and flags: 95.00% Alpha Correction Factor 1.000 Batch Ended: 3/12195 10:36 High Voltage Setting: 1350 Beta efficiency log file: tc99ab Crosstalk Correction: Not Applied Beta Efficiency 30.83%

Application Revision: 3 Beta into Alpha Crosstalk: 0.10%

Application Version: Standard Beta Background (CPM): 1.765 Batch ID: WVAP 0573 Beta Correction Factor 1.000 Alpha Activity [ Beta Activity Count Alpha Beta Cornpetion Carrier DPM a flags MDA I [ DPM a flags MDA time (min) CPM CPM Date - Time 1 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 2.24 3/12/95 9:54 2 -1:727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -2.48 3.26 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 -0.77 3/12195 9:55 3 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 1.24 3/12195 9:56 4 6.036 5.50 AtAL 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 1.555 1.24 3112195 9:58 5 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 1.24 3112195 9:59 6 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 16.98 8.63 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 5.24 3/12/95 10:00 7 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 10.49 7.28 <AL 22.99 1.00 0.555 3.24 3112/95 10:01 8 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 1.24 3112/95 10:02 9 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 0.24 3112195 10:03 10 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 0.24 3/12/95 10:04 11 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 16.98 8.63 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 5.24 3112/95 10:06 12 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 20.23 9.24 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 6.24 3112195 10:07 13 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 13.74 7.98 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 4.24 3112195 10:08 14 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -5.73 3.27 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 -1.77 3112195 10:09 15 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 13.74 7.98 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 4.24 3112/95 10:10 16 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -2.48 3.26 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 -0.77 3112/95 10:12 17 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 0.24 3112/95 10:13 18 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 2.24 3112/95 10:14 19 13.799 7.79 AtAL 19.04 13.74 7.98 <AL 22.99 1.00 3.555 4.24 3/12/95 10:15 20 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 2.24 3112195 10:16 96 6.036 5.50 AtAL 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 1.555 0.24 3112/95 10:17 21 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 16.98 8.63 <AL 22.99 1.00 0.555 5.24 3112195 10:19 22 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 0.24 3/12/95 10:20 23 2154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -2.48 3.26 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 -0.77 3/12195 10:21 24 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 0.24 3/12195 10:22 25 9.918 6.74 AtAL 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 2.555 1.24 3112/9510:23 26 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 0.555 2.24 311 2/95 10:24 e Page of 2

LB5IOO-W Low Background Counting System - Smear Analysis Alpha efficiency log file: th230ab Alpha Effciency: 25.76%

Date: 3/12195 Alpha activity action level (DPM): 10.00 Alpha to Beta Crosstalk: 26.65%

Counting Unit id: 1 Beta activty action level (DPM): 50.00 Alpha Background (CPM): 0.445 Data file name: C:\LBXL\UNIT1\SME1 B022.XLD Certainty level for MDA and flags: 95.00% Alpha Correction Factor. 1.000 Batch Ended: 3/12195 10:36 High Voltage Setting: 1350 Beta efficiency log file: tc99ab Crosstalk Correction: Not Applied Beta Efficiency 30.83%

Application Revision: 3 Beta into Alpha Crosstalk: 0.10%

Application Version: Standard Beta Background (CPM): 1.765 Batch ID: UVAP 0573 Beta Correction Factor 1.000 Alpha ActUvity I Beta Activity Count Alpha Beta Completion Carier DPM a flags MDA DPM (r flags MDA time (min) CPM CPM Date - Time 27 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 1.24 3/12/9510:26 28 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -2.48 3.26 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 -0.77 3/12/95 10:27 29 6.036 5.50 At AL 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 1.555 0.24 3/12/95 10:28 30 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -2.48 3.26 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 -0.77 L3112/95 10:29 31 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 0.555 2.24 3/12195 10:30 32 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 13.74 7.98 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 4.24 3/12/95 10:32 33 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 0.24 3112195 10:33 34 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 4.01 5.63 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 1.24 311219510:34 35 9.918 6.74 AtAL 19.04 7.25 6.51 <AL 22.99 1.00 2.555 2.24 3/1219510:35 95 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 0.76 4.60 <MDA 22.99 1.00 -0.445 0.24 3/12/9510:36 0

Page 2 of 2


p lRWP/WP UVAP Radiological Survey Form lSurvey # lSurvev Type: lPag of 2 Nuclear Reactor Facility inside I Il UVAP 0570_ l Characterization Survey I Comments: Surveyed By: Date: Instrument Serial # Cal. Duc Probe Area Serial # Cal. Duce xEff It Eff. x Bkg. Bkg J L, I L, Gamma walk-over of the soil floor in the Mezzanir Jason Strand Crawi Space-IBrad Myers ot) 03/10/03 03/10/03 M-2221 138352 413103 44-10 2

1895G 413103 na n/a I

ra n/a n/a n/a B3kgin CPM ,iLin CPM ----- --

Reviewed By:


o----- _i-

-. -=_a

_ _ _ tI_ =3

_ _Ii l _ _

Key: I 0 = Smear xxx to xx:= Direct Frisk A =air sample B =belAdose rate in mRadgr --X--X-- = Boundary SOP = Step Off Pad xly contact/12 dose rate #= General dose rate Smears Static Count Description 2 2 Gross CPM DPM)jOOcm ___ Gross Counts DPM/ OOcm P I

a I 1 u it No. lJl I It .

l_____ ______ lSee attached map

-~ ~ -1 _ 1 _ tl1 __ e--

Form SEC-RP-21.2 Rev 0

.1 9 9 N Mezzanine Crawl Space Floor 8 f l- l --

31000 26000-in hole 28000 7

6.75 29000-31000 I - + + U 4-4 6/

26000-28000 4

Il Il l l l l l l lll 4 / r II I r


4 -I II 5.

H 26000- 26000- 25000-26000- 22000-28000 29000 29000 28000 3 iiI 30000 i I II/


7' L Ak 4 22000-A 29000 I

2 I 1 j

_ _-il hole

~~~~~~~~in i lz°lt310001 1 _ _II 0

25000-28000 I _________________________ L _______________________

/ J 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.4



"F UVAP r I .' Radiological Survey Form Location: IRWP#iWP jSurvey # Survcy Type: Pag 1 of 6 Nuclear Reactor Facility Insid I I UVAP 0574 Characterization Survey _.

Comments: Surveyed y: Date: Instrtimeit Serial # Cal. Due Probe Area Serial # Cal. Due Ef. 1 Eff, Bkg. It Bkg L Gamma scan of the Mezzanine Crawt Space n/a Brad Myers YV) 03111/03 M*2221 138352 4/3103 44-10 2 18C056 4/3103 ni 'It. n/a fl/a fl/a n/a Jason Strand S 03/11/03 Bkg in CPM. L- iniCPM l F Reviewed By:

rank Myers Date:

03/11/03 1 1 1 _ _

Key: 0 = Smear xxx to xx, = Direct Frisk A =air sample B =eta dose ratd7i5mRad/hr --X--X-- =Boundary SOP =Step Otf Pad x/y contact/ dose rate #= General dose rate Smears Gamma Scan Static Counts 2

Gross CPM DPM/100cm Gross CPM l Audible Counts per Minute DPMIIOOcm l No. it I ( It No. Is yes/no pass/lfail No. Usil Sliieied Net i __

n/a n/a n/a nla _________ n/a n/a n/a n/a

__ l {ll I__ lSee attached l

_ map of scan area I_ I_I_ I _

Form SEC-RP-21.2 Rev.0

Mezzanine Crawl Space Ceiling I.


I3 2

1 p

0 I 2 4 5 6 6.4 Gamma Scan with 44-10 probe

Mezzanine Crawl Space South Wall 16000-18000 2

18000-L-t21000 Door

____ __________ 18000- 4Y 22000 6.4 A1-,L U~ ~~~~- -1 J r I NJ Gamma Scan with 44-10 probe

.,I Mezzanine Crawl Space West Wall 3

- 0 19000- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

22000 2000 0-2 2300 Nortl 2 19000-

  • Wall 25000 21 00-24( 00 24000- 1.25 26000 Soil 0

I 2 4 5 6 6.

Gamma Scan with 44-10 probe

Mezzanine Crawl Space East wall 3

__________ 19000- __ __ __

23000 a.

2 19000-25000 0.8I 22000-26000 _

0.25 5.9 5 4 3 2 I 0 Gamma Scan with 44-10 probe

.1 . I Mezzanine Crawl Space North Wall 19000-

.4 22000 1 19000- 23000

.4 23000- __ _ _ _ _ _

25000 1.25 22000-25000 - 2 6000 0.8

oi 25000- 60 0.66 S 6 7 8 8.5 I 2 COPy Gamma Scan with 44-10 probe

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Reactor Plant Stack Summary The University of Virginia Reactor (UVAR) Facility plant stack is located on the east side of the Reactor Confinement Building. The plant stack is 58-feet in total height running from the Mezzanine floor to 4-feet above the Confmement Building. The plant stack is made out of red brick and contains two duct liners; one 14-inch diameter made of transite and one 8-inch diameter made of terracotta. The 14-inch duct is the exhaust from the fume hoods in room M019, the hot cell, the beam port closures, and the bulk access facility. The 8-inch duct is the exhaust flue from the boiler and was replaced in approximately 1992 with a new metal duct running along the outside of the plant stack.

The plant stack also contains the air inlet and exhaust ducting to the reactor room.

The Characterization survey included the 14-inch duct, 8-inch duct, reactor room exhaust inlet, and top plenum area. A flue brush was used to obtain a volumetric sample from the interior of the 8-inch flue running the length of the plant stack. The HEPA filter and associated ducting, inline from the hot laboratory Room M019 fume hoods exhaust, was removed and discarded.

Co-60 has been determined to be the major facility related contaminant. The Decommissioning Plan provides a Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) of 7100 dpm/lOOcm 2 total activity and 710 dpm/lOOcm 2 removable activity for CO-60.

1. Surface Scan Surveys Scans of surfaces at the inlet and exhaust of the each flue, reactor room exhaust inlet, and plenum area were performed using a Ludlum Model 43-68 handheld 125 cm2 gas proportional detector with a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. Scanning was accomplished by moving the detector over the surface at a speed of approximately 10 cm per second (approximately 4 inches per second). The distance between the detector and the surface was maintained at a practical minimum, consistent with surface conditions.

Gamma scans were performed using a Ludlum Model 44-10 handheld sodium iodide detector with a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. The scan was performed by moving the detector in a serpentine pattern, while advancing at a speed of approximately 0.5 m per second. The distance between the detector and surface was maintained within 5 cm.

The count rate was monitored by means of the audible signal output, and when an increase in instrument response above the ambient level was noted, the surveyor paused for several seconds to confirm the conditions and marked the location for activity determination by static count. The observed lowest to highest range was recorded on the associated survey map. See survey UVAP-0400 and UVAP-0571.

The beta/alpha scans ranged from 263 cpm to 982 cpm. The gamma scans ranged from 7400 cpm to 17,800 cpm.

2. Integrated Direct Surface Beta Radioactivity Measurements Measurements of surface alpha-plus-beta radioactivity was performed using a Ludlum Model 43-68 handheld 125 cm 2 gas proportional detector coupled to a Ludlum Model 2221 ratemeter/scaler. The expected alpha activity is minimal, <10% and all 5/19/03

UVAP Continuing Characterization:

Reactor Plant Stack Summary detected counts are considered to from beta activity. Counts were integrated for a one-minute counting interval. Two measurements were performed. The first was a surface measurement, performed in the typical manner (i.e., with the detector face uncovered); this measurement included contributions from beta particles emitted from the surface and interactions of ambient gamma photQns with the detector. The second measurement was performed at the same location with the detector face covered by a layer of wood approximately 1.27 cm (l 2-inch thick). The detector response for this second measurement is representative of the contribution from gamma radiation only. The difference between measurements with an uncovered (unshielded) detector and covered (shielded) detector represents the level of beta activity. Measurements were performed at elevated locations as identified by scans and at locations representative of the general surface area. Direct integrated readings ranged from 136 dpm/lOOcm 2 to 3146 dpmllOOcm 2 .

3. Smear Sample Collection and Analysis Smear samples for removable activity were collected by wiping a 5 cm (2-inch) diameter cloth disc over approximately 100 cm2 (15.5 in2) areas of the surface, while applying moderate pressure. Smear samples were obtained at each location of direct surface activity measurement. Smear samples were counted for alpha and beta radioactivity on a Tennelec automatic gas proportional counter. Smear sample activity ranged from <MDA (22.99 dpm/lOOcm 2) to 124 dpm/lOOcm 2 .
4. Ducting Survey A volumetric sample was obtained utilizing a cleaning brush pulled through the 8-inch boiler flue. Svabs were obtained from the inlet and outlets of both the 8 and 14-inch ducts. These samples were submitted for on site gamma isotopic analyses. Results from the swab obtained from the top of the 14-inch duct indicated the presence of U-238 at detectable levels. All other samples indicated no reactor facility related isotopes. Gamma spectroscopy reports are attached. Samples were managed under chain-of-custody procedures and stored for additional counting or offsite analysis.
5. Conclusions Static surveys and the volumetric sample did not indicate facility related activity above the DCGL. Based on results of these surveys, no remediation is required. The plant stack and associated ventilation is ready for Final Status Survey. This survey satisfies the continuing characterization requirements of Area 3 from the characterization report, Appendix A of the University of Virginia Reactor Decommissioning Plan.


UVAP Radiological Survey Form Location: RWP#NVP S U Survey Type: Su ePage 1 of 2 Reactor room I_ UVAP 0571 Characterization Survey I Comments: Surveyed By: Date: Instrumenit Serial 5/ Cal. Due Probe Area Serial # Cal. Due it Eff. 1iElf. Bkg.

B 1IBkg (it L, 1 L, Ventilation exhaust duct internal surfaces. Alice Thompson, I 03/11/03 leninielec 64052 5115/03 nI/a n/a nIM

/a n/a i/ I/a I/1, ni/a i/a il/a Bobby Leigh 'aZ 03/11/03 M-2221 172035 5/3/03 43-68 126 116719 4/8/03 n/a 0.111 n/a n/a il/a lta

_----------------------------------- M-2221 138352 43/03 44-10 2 186956 4/3/03 na i/a n/a I/a l i/a n/a Reviewed By: Date: _

kg i PM. t1-nin CP-M -- Frank Myers 03/11/03 __j___ _

Key: I Q = Smear xxx o xx) = Direct Frisk Z =air sample B =beta dose rale in thad/hr --X--X-- Boundary SOP Step Off Pad xly coritact/ 2 dose rale - - General dose rate Smears Alpha/Beta Scan Static Counts 2 2 Gross CPM DPM/100cm Gross CPM Audible Couts per Minute DPM/100cm

o. *t II (' Is No.1 Is yes/lo pass/tail No. Unsli Slicided Net t ____

1 See 11 290-390 1 393 175 1559 220 Internal surfaces of exhaust duct 2 Attached 2 295-394 1 _ 2 355 175 1287 220 Internal surfaces of exhatist duct 3 Report 3 291-415 3 343 191 1087 230 Internal surfaces ot exhaust duct 4 4 291-405 _ _ 4 329 213 829 243 Internal surfaces ot exhaust duct 5 5 290-380 5 346 203 1022 237 Inieinal suitaces ot exhast duc 6 6 262-393 6 297 221 543 248 Internal surfaces of exhaust duct QC QC n/a ____QC n/a n/a n/a n/a Infernal surfaces of exhaust duct Gamma ScanI I I I l l 7400-8600 _ Internal scan of duct with 44-10 l l l l l 8400-9400 Scan of hatch interior with 44-10

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LB5IOO-W Low Background Counting System - Smear Analysis Alpha efficiency log file: th230ab Alpha Efficiency: 25.76%

Date: 3/111/95 Alpha acivity acion level (DPM): 10.00 Alpha to Beta Crosstalk: 26.65%

CounUng Unit id: 1 Beta activity action level (DPM): 50.00 Alpha Background (CPM): 0.445 Data file name: C:\LBXL\UNIT1\SME1B020.XLD Certainty level for MDA and flags: 95.00% Alpha Correction Factor 1.000 Batch Ended: 3/11/95 11:32 High Voltage Setting: 1350 Beta efficiency log file: tc99ab Crosstalk Correction: Not Applied Beta Efficiency: 30.83%

Application Revision: 3 Beta into Alpha Crosstalk: 0.10%

Application Version: Standard Beta Background (CPM): 1.765 Batch ID: AP 0571 Beta Correction Factor 1.000 Ir II


I Alpha AcUvity 41.

Beta Activity Count Alpha Beta Completion Carrie iI DPM a flags MDA II DPM a flags MDA time (min) CPM CPM Date - Time II r .r

_ 1 ffi 1 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 13.74 7.98 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 4.24 3111/95 11:25 2 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 13.74 7.98 CAL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 4.24 3111/95 11:27 3 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 -5.73 3.27 <MDA 22.99 1.00 0.555 -1.77 3/11/9511:28 4 2.154 3.89 <MDA 19.04 16.98 8.63 <AL 22.99 1.00 0.555 5.24 3/11/95 11:29 5 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 10.49 7.28 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 3.24 3111/9511:30 6 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 20.23 9.24 <AL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 6.24 3.11/95 11:31 96 -1.727 3.89 <MDA 19.04 20.23 9.24 <AiL 22.99 1.00 -0.445 6.24 3/11/95 11:32 II I ,

Page 1 of 1 6

( l UVAP Radiological Survey Form Locatlon: lRWP#MP lSurvey# SurvevType: Ctt A it of e- T PageI of 2 Nuclear Reactor Facility outside I UVAP 0400 Su nretie kidc a )PIRelelo2 Comments: Surveyed By: Date: Instrument Serial # Cal. Due Probe Area Serial # Cal. Due a Eff. p Eff. a Bkg. p Bkg a L. -

Surveyo fthe Reactor Facilities Exhaust Flues Alice Thompson 12118/02 Tennelec 64052 5/15103 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n

..........------------------ .Bobby Leigh A . 12/17/02. M-2221 172051 4/8103 43-68 126 116718 4/8/03 n/a 0.222 n/a na n/a _n_

Jason Strand Z5 12/17/02 M-2221 172017 4/2/03 44.10 n/a 186956 4/3/03 iVa n/a n/a n/a n/a 'i Revlewed By: Date: M-2221 172020 10/30/03 PSL4 3 93027 10/30/03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n

-gin-rank Myers 12/19/02 _

Ke : Smear xxx to xx) = Direct Frisk 1W =air sample E =bdfla dose rate in m /hr *-X--X- = Boundary SOP Step Off Pad x/y = contacUl 2' dose fate #= General dose r Smears Alpha/Beta Scan Gamma Scan _ Static Counts Gross CPM DPMIOOcm2 i Gross CPM -Counts per Minute DPM/100cm2

0. a p a IP No. Ganra No.TUnsh Shielded l Net I p Lc_1l

_I See j 1i 299.409 1 691 251 1573 132 Fan blade 2 Attachedl _ _ 2 390.441 _ i -:- 2 432 302 465 145 14" Flue exterior 3 Report _ __ 3 n/a l_ _ 3 414 296 422 143 Fan support 4 __ 4 427-465 _ _ 4 486 343 511 154 Floor 5 _ _ _ 5 455.528 _6 503 334 604 152 Wall 6 __ 6 455-528 1 _ 6 422 305 - 418 145 Wall 7 _ _ 7 395-446 14400-17800 7 423 351 257 1 156 14" Flue interior 8_ __ 8- n/a 8 629 399 622 166 8" Flue interior 9 _ 9 598-674 _ _ 9 453 434 68 174 8" Flue at bottom of stack 10 - - - 10 613-982 _ _ 10 653 448 733 176 14" Fluo at bottom of stack QC QC n/a l _ QC n/a n/a n/a n/a 14" Flue at bottom of stack

____________ l1600-14900 _ Surfaces in Plenum

Ei") ~~UVAP Radiological Survey Form Location: JRWP#/WP jSurvey # Survey Type: jPage of 2 Nuclear Reactor Facility outside _ ______ ____UVAP 0400 Characterization Survey I_

Comments: Surveyed By: Date: Instrument Serial # Cal. Due Probe Area Serial#U Cal. Due axEff. isEff. u Bkg. flBkg aL,J x

urvey of the Ractor Faciiities Exhaust Flues Alice Thompson 4* 12/18/02 Tennelec 64052 5115103 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

-*------------------------- -- Bobby Leigh 12/17/02 LM-2221 172051 4/8103 43.68 126 116718 4/8/03 n/a 0.111 n/a n/a n/a

~~~ ~~~---- Reviewed By. 2170 Date: 172027 172020 42010/30/03 44.10 n/ 116593027 43010/30/03 n/an/a fl/ n/a a n/I n/a/ //

Keyj Smear xxx to xxo Direct Frisk /Žs air samele B beta dose rate In mRad/hir *-X-X-- Boundary SOP Step Of Pad x/y contact/ 2 dose rate U General dose Smears Alpha/Beta can Gamma Scan Statlc Counts Gross CPM DPM1100cm' Gross CPM countsper Minute DPM1100cm2 N. a I 1i No. I Gamma No. Unsih Shiided Net TELd ___________________________

__I See 1 299-409 ___ 1 691 251 3146 264 Fan blade

_2 Attached - -2 390-441 ___ 2 432 302- 930 290 14' Flue exterior 3 Report 3 n/a __3 414 296 844 287 Fan support

~~~4 -4 427-465 - 4 485 343 1022 309 Floor 8

6_ 455-528 - 5 503 334 1208 304 Watt

__6 ____6 455-528 ____ _6 422 305 837 291 Wall 7 - _7 395-446 14400-17800 __7 423 351 515 312 14" Flue interior 81 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_8 n/a ______ 8 629 399 1645 333 8" Flue interior 91 9 1 -~~~598.674 __ _ _ _ _ _ _9 4 53 434 136 347 ___ __ _Flue____ __at __ __bottom_ __ __ __of____stack__ __

-0 10 613-982 __ ___ 10 653 448 1466 353 14" Flue at bottom of stack QC -Q C n/a ___ C Q___ n/a n/a n/a n/a 14' Flue at bottom of stack

_____________3600.1 4900 Surfaces in Plenum

, 0I f,

IA-1 'V A



CAlitiA SdtO IS-Dc c lq L(OD- 17 too cpm FLU OEaMINGSAT BoTITOM OF STACK C,I el,q 45Cf OF A)LL. SSFtACCS t 519- 47q ALeIA/30 SCAN iip PLatJdAl 2o3- HI4oo CfM, 3q Lf" S63^ 8 L48QS ALPfHA/SE1 SCA OF IY FLJE D(WA 3 10 .qql e ALPekIIBT ScLqA OF CILINC ,9Lf'^A IA SCAN iF /" FUE /M Lfo~- Li0 Cfff 3s 4U ce'.

ALMIR/8E1A sCt OF FLo&f - siebE ALfM / B TA U S$llELDtD DIREmCT RUDA 4x1- 6s CPm ALict/LY6T SCia or W,RLLS S.

q*U sa CPXV 5


  • OUTSIDE O PNUM CHAMOCf aqq- q67 cFi K G' - -

Lj D9

I LB5100-W Low Background Counting System - SmearAnalysis Alpha efficiency log file: th230ab Alpha Efficlni . 25,76%

  • oU)Dk 1ifi>'4 Al aon (DPM): 10.00 WMacdon Alpha to Beta CroGs 26.65%


JCo j . ; diaci;* 3 leM (DPM): 50.00 D6: j .

. *J. J. .; '} AppIlcaton RevisIon: 3 Appiloatlon Version: Standard 8eta Background (CPM): 1.765 Batch lD: UVAP 0400 , , I ,I -Beta Correction Factor 1.000 Alpha A(tWv4 . i'. . I. . , , , I , BetaAcUvlt , Codnt Alpha Beta Compion

.1 A .. .. LlI., I1 I I nMIl .

  • 1r-I I l

."I P',

.I 41 ;14 A N, l

",l,I'I"OPM rnr -, , i,,

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DfA-,l1nW l .

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rti I ;11,I. 4, okp;.l i 1 44.0i - >D. .' . . .; . dila I 0gr

' 10.49 *t.8 22.99t 3.24 .

12/1 i i, I I0

.5 I A dA' ". M . . .I 0'1 22,9t 2.24:

0.2,4. 12/1 i i, .154 3. 9 d.J6 4.6 2i;t 0,24 12/1 ids4 4dA 4.di 51,& 12114 Y; *d I 4 3.89 <MDA 19.04 7.25 6.51 t 22.99 229 1.00 (D

-bs45 2.24 6.24 12/18/94 121 10:35 10:37

}. . . 9 4 J d A

.di 1.i 3.^~

)tA 229 2'.9 11 I-CO -b.445


.4.9 1.~4 12} /b 16:iW 12)1 1d4

.9 ,I  :

I 1 o14i

. .I

Batch: UVA-TCS-045 Page 1 of 2 Sample Date Date Batch Lab V1..-.

-v 11 V1..-.


ID F Received Analyzed Analyte Result Error Units Method MDA Ir OL ualifier Instrument Type ID ID Analyzed Unit Type UVA-CD-034 12/16/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 g REG K-40 18.48 5.30 pCi/G GSS 8.14 GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16/02 IVA-TCS.04 SEC 122.00 g REG CO-60 pCVG GSS 0.49 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12116/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 9 REG CS-137 pCi/G GSS 0.47 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 121 6/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 9 REG PB-212 0.29 0.25 pCi/G GSS 0.56 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16102 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 g REG Bl-214 -0.15 0.38 pCUG GSS 0.96 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12116/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 9 REG PB-214 pCUG GSS 1.01 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 9 REG RA-226 pCUG GSS 9.29 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 g REG AC-228 pCVG GSS 2.15 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16/02 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 g REG PA-234M pCUG GSS 76.60 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-034 12/16102 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 122.00 g REG U-238 pCVG GSS 9.14 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 9 REG K-40 -9.82 19.35 pCi/G GSS 49.60 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 g REG CO-60 pCi/G GSS 2.08 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 9 REG CS-137 pCVG GSS 2.30 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 9 REG PB-212 pCUG GSS 4.23 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 g REG Bl-214 pCVG GSS 6.14 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01107103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 9 REG P8-214 pCi/G GSs 5.97 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 g REG RA-226 pCi/G GSS 52.10 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 g REG AC-228 pCi/G GSS 9.59 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01107103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 g REG PA-234M pCi/G GSS 477.00 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-038 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 19.60 9 REG U-238 pCUG GSS 47.40 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG K-40 -2.44 23.22 pCi/G GSS 57.50 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG CO-60 pCi/G GSS 3.31 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 g REG CS-137 pCi/G GSS 3,76 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01107103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG PB-212 pCUG GSS 5.11 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG Bl-214 pCi/G GSS 7.94 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG PB-214 pCi/G GSS 7.15 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/Q7/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 g REG RA-226 pCVG GSS 59.90 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG AC-228 pCi/G GSS 13.10 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG PA-234M pCi/G GSS 467.00 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-037 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.60 9 REG U-238 4.52 16.63 pCVG GSS 39.70 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 9 REG K-40 -6.39 22.17 pCi/G GSS 55.90 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 g REG CO-60 pCi/G GSS 2.87 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 9 REG CS.137 pCi/G GSs 3.24 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 9 REG PB-212 pCUG GSS 4.98 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 g REG 81-214 pCVG GSS 7.37 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 IVA-TCS.04 SEC 16.90 g REG PB-214 pCi/G GSS 6.76 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01107/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 g REG RA-226 pCVG GSS 62.50 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 JVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 9 REG AC-228 pCUG GSS 12.20 U GammaSpec

- Assembled By WLW 3131/03 1:55 PM

Batch: UVA-TCS-045 Page 2 of 2 Sample Date Date Batch Lab Volume Volume Sample Analte Result Error Units Method MDA Qualifier type ID Received Analyzed ID tD Analyzed Unit Type type UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 9 REG PA-234M pCi/G GSS 544.00 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-035 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 16.90 REG U-238 pCUG GSS 55.30 U GammaSpec 9

UVA-CO-036 01/07103 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 REG K.40 2.05 22.26 pCi/G GSS 54.20 U GammaSpec 9

UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 § REG CO-60 pCiG GSS 2.65 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 9 REG CS-137 pCi/G GSS 3.19 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 9 REG PB-212 GSS 4.73 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 9 REG Bl-214 GSS 7.38 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 REG PB-214 pCUG GSS 7.25 U GammaSpec 9

UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC 17.20 9 REG RA-226 pCVG GSS 60.20 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 SEC pCUGC 17.20 9 REG AC-228 GSS 9.97 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 01/07/03 IVA-TCS-04 pCUGC SEC 17.20 9 REG PA-234M GSS 629.00 U GammaSpec UVA-CD-036 IVA-TCS-04 SEC pCi/G pCUGC 01/07/03 17.20 9 REG U-238 GSS 53.60 U GammaSpec

  • Assembltd By WLW 3/31/03 1:55 PM
          • GA M MA SP E CT R UM A NA LY SI S***

ISOCS Report Generator ISOCSAN.TPL 2/26/96 Report Generated On  : 3/31/03 1:25:34 PM Spectrum File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\tu nasoil\TCS00049.CNF Sample Title  : tuna can soil Sample Identification  : UVA-CD-034 Sample Type  : tcs Desc. 1 : Exhaust Flue debris (Hot cell.Rx Room,HP Lab)

Desc. 2 :

Desc. 3 :

Desc. 4 :

Peak Locate Threshold 4.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) : 150 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 150 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Sample Size 1.220E+002 Grams Note: For Point Source, report UNIT = none.

Sample Taken On  : 12/16/02 3:00:38 PM Acquisition Started  : 12/16/02 3:24:38 PM Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1800.6 seconds Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02 Efficiency / Geometry ID  : tuna can Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02

Peak Locate Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:25:34 PM Page 2 P E A K L O C A T E R E P O R T Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:25:33 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Search Sensitivity: 4.00 Peak Centroid Centroid Energy Peak No. Channel Uncertainty (keV) Significance 1 309.04 0. 3074 77 .28 4.53 2 952.75 0.2803 238.36 .4.04 3 1179.43 0. 2658 295.09 4.19 4 1405.03 0. 2415 351.54 4.51 5 2434.23 0. 2180 609.09 4 . 61 6 5839.80 0. 1393 1461.30 8. 15

? = Adjacent peak noted Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Peak Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:25:34 PM Page 3

                                                      • R***********************************************
          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P 0 R T***

Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Analysis Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:25:33 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 150 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 305- 313 309.04 77.28 0.69 4.23E+001 26.96 7.27E+001 2 947- 959 952.75 238.36 0.88 4'. 17E+001 28 .32 8.03E+001 3 1174- 1185 1179.43 295.09 0.54 5. 43E+001 21.88 3.47E+001 4 1397- 1415 1405.03 351.54 1.34 7. 61E+001 26.24 4. 39E+001 5 2426- 2442 2434.23 609. 09 1.46 7. 61E+001 21.06 1. 79E+001 6 5827- 5851 5839.80 1461.30 1.98 2 . 24E+002 31. 12 9. 40E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Ilterference Corrected Activity Report 3/31 /2003 1:25:34 PM Page 4

  • ** ** * * * ** ***** * ** ** * * ** *** *~
          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I 0 N R E P 0 R T *****



tuna can soil Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\uva.NLB

.................... . .IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES ....................

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1460.81* 10. 67 1.84799E+001 5.30280E+000 PB-212 0.604 74.81 9.60 77.11* 17 .50 -3.79777E-001 4.89489E-001 87.20 6.30 238. 63* 44.60 2.89697E-001 2.53128E-001 300.09 3..41 BI-214 0.409 609.31* 46.30 -1.47318E-001 3.78789E-001 768.36 5.04 1120.29 15.10 1764.49 15.80

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

= Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3/31-/2003 1:25:34 PM Page 5

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0. 995 1.847987E+001 5.302805E+000 PB-212 0. 604 2.896970E-001 2.531278E-001 BI-214 0.409 -1.473177E-001 3.787886E-001 X PB-214 0.792

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma U N I D E N T I FI E D P E A S **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 3 /31/20 03 1:25:33 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty 3 295.09 -8.5415E-003 -146.01 4 351.54 -2.2846E-002 -65.29 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

  • G******Y*********************************************** *****************
          • G A MMA S PE CT R UM A NA LY S IS***

ISOCS Report Generator ISOCSAN.TPL 2/26/96 Report Generated On  : 3/31/03 1:26:04 PM Spectrum File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\tunasoil\TCS00083.CNF Sample Title  : tuna can soil Sample Identification  : UVA-CD-036 Sample Type  : tcs Desc. 1 : 8" Flue bottom swipe Desc. 2 :

Desc. 3 :

Desc. 4 :

Peak Locate Threshold  : 4.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.500 FWHM Sample Size  : 1.720E+001 Grams Note: For Point Source, report UNIT = none.

Sample Taken On  : 12/17/03 10:00:17 AM Acquisition Started  : 1/7/03 9:42:17 AM Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1800.4 seconds Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02 Efficiency / Geometry ID  : tuna can Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02

Peak Locate Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:26:04 PM Pa-ge 2

          • P E AK L OC AT E R EP O RT***

Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:26:03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Search Sensitivity: 4 .00 Peak Centroid Centroid Energy Peak No. Channel Uncertainty (keV) Significance 1 1405.66 0.2454 351.70 4. 67 2 5839.73 0.1700 1461.28 5.24

? = Adjacent peak noted Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Peak Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:26:04 PM Page 3

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P 0 R T***

Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Analysis Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:26:03 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 150 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 1398- 1413 1405.66 351.70 0.83 5.50E+001 21.28 2.90E+001 2 5829- 5849 5839.73 1461.28 0.38 1.02E+002 20.54 1.68E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3/31/2003 1:26:04 PM Page 4 N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I N R E P 0 R T Sample


tuna can soil Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\uva.NLB

.................... ..IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yie-ld Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1460.81* 10.67 2.04515E+000 2.22558E+001

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

= Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3 /31/2003 1:26:04 PM Page 5

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0. 995 2.04514tE+000 2.225584E+001

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 3/3 1/2 003 1:26:03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty 1 351.70 -3.4610E-002 -35.35 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

          • G A M M A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S***

ISOCS Report Generator ISOCSAN.TPL 2/26/96 Report Generated On  : 3/31/03 1:26:57 PM Spectrum File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\tunasoil\TCS00084.CNF Sample Title  : tuna can soil Sample Identification  : UVA-CD-035 Sample Type  : tcs Desc. 1 : 14" Flue bottom swipe Desc. 2 :

Desc. 3 :

Desc. 4 :

Peak Locate Threshold  : 4.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.500 FWHM Sample Size  : 1.690E+001 Grams Note: For Point Source, report UNIT = none.

Sample Taken On  : 12/17/03 10:20:59 AM Acquisition Started  : 1/7/03 10:16:59 AM Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1800.4 seconds Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02 Efficiency / Geometry ID  : tuna can Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02

Peak Locate Analysis Report 3/3 1/2003 1:26:57 PM Page 2 P E A K L O C A T E R E P O R T Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:26:56 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Search Sensitivity: 4.00 Peak CentroicI Centroid Energy Peak No. Channel Uncertainty (keV) Significance 1 5840.09 0. 1703 1461.37 5.35

? = Adjacent peak noted Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

P-aak Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:26:57 PM Page 3 P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P 0 R T Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Analysis Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:26:56 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 150 Peak Analysis To Charmel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 5831- 5851 5840.09 1461.37 1.41 9.45E+001 20.07 3.50E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3/31/2003 1:26:57 PM Page 4 N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I 0 N R E P 0 R T Sample


tuna can soil Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\uva.NLB

.................... .. IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yieid Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.993 1460.81* 10.67 -6.38920E+000 2.21669E+001

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

= Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report. 3 /31/2003 1:26:57 PM Page 5

            • I*N***********************E********************************** ******
          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C 0 R R E C T E D R E P 0 R T ***

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0. 993 -6.389198E+000 2.216689E+001

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:26:56 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty All peaks were identified.

          • G A M M A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S***

ISOCS Report Generator ISOCSAN.TPL 2/26/96 Report Generated On  : 3/31/03 1:27:40 PM Spectrum File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\tunasoil\TCS00085.CNF Sample Title  : tuna can soil Sample Identification  : UVA-CD-037 Sample Type  : tcs Desc. 1 : 14" flue top swipe Desc. 2 :

Desc. 3 :

Desc. 4 :

Peak Locate Threshold  : 4.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.500 FWHM Sample Size  : 1.660E+001 Grams Note: For Point Source, report UNIT = none.

Sample Taken On  : 12/17/03 5:00:40 PM Acquisition Started  : 1/7/03 10:49:40 AM Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1800.4 seconds Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02 Efficiency / Geometry ID  : tuna can Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02

Peak Locate Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:27:40 PM Page 2 P E A K L O C A T E R E PO R T Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/200 3 1:27:39 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Search Sensitivity: 4.00 Peak Centroid Centroid Energy Peak No. Channel Uncertainty (keV) Significance 1 253.01 0. 3183 63. 26 4.30 2 5839.91 0.1755 1461.32 4.59

? = Adjacent peak noted Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Peak Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:27:40 PM Page 3

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P 0 R T***

Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Analysis Performed on: 3/31 1:27 :39 PM Peak Analysis From Chan 150 Peak Analysis To Channe 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 250- 259 253.01 63.26 0.62 6.03E+001 22.91 3.47E+001 2 5829- 5849 5839.91 1461.32 0.52 9.82E+001 20.68 4.82E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3/31/2003 1:27:40 PM Page 4

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I 0 N R E P 0 R T *****



tuna can soil Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\uva.NLB

.................... ..IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yic-ld Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV). (%) (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.994 1460.81* 10.67 2.44294E+000 2.32154E+001 U-238 1.000 63.29* 3.80 4.52436E+000 1.66306E+001

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

= Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 3/31/2003 1:27:40 PM Page 5

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.994 -2.44293BE+000 2.321542E+001 U-238 1.000 4.524360E+000 1.663057E+001

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:27:39 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty All peaks were identified.

          • G AMM A S P ECT R UM A NA LY S IS***

ISOCS Report Generator ISOCSAN.TPL 2/26/96 Report Generated On  : 3/31/03 1:29:04 PM Spectrum File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\tunasoil\TCS00086.CNF Sample Title  : tuna can soil Sample Identification  : UVA-CD-038 Sample Type  : tcs Desc. 1 8" Flue top swipe Desc. 2 Desc. 3 Desc. 4 Peak Locate Threshold  : 4.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 150 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.500 FWHM Sample Size 11.960E+001 Grams Note: For Point Source, report UNIT = none.

Sample Taken On  : 12/17/03 5:00:52 PM Acquisition Started  : 1/7/03 11:24:52 AM Live Time  : 1800.0 seconds Real Time  : 1800.4 seconds Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02 Efficiency / Geometry ID  : tuna can Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 10/16/02

Peak Locate Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:29:04 PM Page 2

          • ~PE A K L 0 C A T E R E P 0 R T***

Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Locate Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:29:03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Search Sensitivity: 4.00 Peak Centroid Centroid Energy Peak No. Channel Uncertainty (keV) Significance 1 5840.17 0.1793 1461.39 4 .55

? = Adjacent peak noted Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

Peak Analysis Report 3/31/2003 1:29:04 PM Page 3 P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P 0 R T Detector Name: LABSOCS Sample


tuna can soil Peak Analysis Performed on: 3/31/2003 1:29:03 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 150 Peak Analysis To Charrnel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 5830- 5851 5840.17 1461.39 1.24 8.99E+001 20.29 7.12E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

I-nterference Corrected Activity Report 3 /31i/2003 1:29:04 PM Page 4 N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I 0 N R E P 0 R T Sample


tuna can soil Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\uva.NLB

.................... ..IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 0.993 1460.81* 10.67 -9.82204E+000 1.93491E+001

  • =Energy line found in the spectrum.

= Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 FWHM Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma

lInterference Corrected Activity Report 3/31/2003 1:29:04 PM Page 5

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C 0 R R E C T E D R E P 0 R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/Gram) Uncertainty K-40 .0.993 -9.82204-3E+000 1.934912E+001

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

= nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 3 /31/20103 1:29:03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 150 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty All peaks were identified.