IR 05000602/1989002

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University of Texas Construction Inspection Report 05000602/1989002
Person / Time
Site: University of Texas at Austin
Issue date: 04/27/1989
From: Ray Azua, Murphy M
NRC Region 4
University of Texas at Austin
Shared Package
ML18285A704 List:
IR 1989002, NUDOCS 8905190030
Download: ML18285A675 (5)




NRC Inspection Report: 50-602/89-02 Construction Permit: CPRR-123 Docket: 50 .. 602 Licensee: University of Texas College of Eng;neering Department of Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Programs Austin, Texas 78712 Facility Name: Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL)

(TRIGA Mark I I)

Inspection At: NETL, Balcones Research Center, Austin, Texas Inspection Conducted: April 27-28, 1989 Inspectors: ,-1./-1 E. Murp Reactor Ins;ector, Test Programs Date Section, Division of Reactor Safety I* /

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R. V. Az\Tetor Insector, Test P




Section, Division of Reactor Safety sfaTh

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--Chi.ef t Test Programs Section Date Division of Reactor Safety Inspection Summary l!tspection Conducted April 27-28 2 1989 {Report 50-602/89-02)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of mechanical equipment, piping, ana electrical systems installation; construction progress; and schedule statu :39(1':, 19(H)3(i :39(>510 PDR ADOO,: OS0(H)602 0 F'DC

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Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. Finish work and punch list item correction are in progress. Core structure installation is essentially complete with beam tube alignments in progress. Some schedule slippage has been identified. After review and discussions of the water intrusion found in the beam tube, 1t was concluded that there was no further concern for the pool liner (see paragraph 3 for details).

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DETAILS Persons Contacted University of Texas

  • T. Bauer, Assistant Director. NETL J. Green. Construction Inspector M. Krause. Senior Reactor Operator General Atomics G. Law, Supervisory Field Engineer
  • Denotes attendance at exit interview. Construction Progress The NRC inspectors toured the facility to view work in progress, review completion status, and observe general conditions. Finish work and correction of punch 11st items were in progress. Major construction items are complete. NETL personnel have accepted the reactor room and control room for occupancy. This will allow General Atomics (GA) personnel to proceed with mechanical and electrical installations prior to f1nal facility acceptance by the Universit During the tour, it was noted that the pool water cooling system was complete except for the installation of the supply and return tailpieces into the pool. The problems w1th the cleanliness of the heat exchanger and the epoxy chipping on the large size valves were resolved. The heat exchanger was cleaned by the manufacturer's representatives. The large size valves were returned to the supplier after the NETL personnel advised them that proper protection in shipping should solve the proble Replacement valves were received in good conditio The skid mounted pool water purification system was installed, and the supply and return line installation was in final stages of completio The GA representative was in the process of completing the core support structure installation. Work in progress and ob5erved by the NRC inspectors was the beam tube alignmen A second GA representative is expected to arrive the week of Moy l. This individual will install the control room consoles and other electrical and electronic equipmen Physical security elements have not all been received. Installation has not started pending satisfactory completion of door replacement, window lock repairs, and other deficiencie Items remaining to be received from GA are the Argon 41 rad1ation monitoring system and the detector chambers. The detector chambers are scheduled for shipment after licensing, as scheduled.

3. Water Intrusion Into Beam Tube NETL personnel discussed with the NRC inspectors their concern when water was found in the beam tube. Apparently. the only source was from a gap between the pool aluminum liner and the concrete biological shield. It was theor1zed by the licensee that the gap was generated by concrete shrinkage during the curing. The water could have come from the wetting down required during the concrete curing process and/or from the recent reactor room cleaning and washdown. The pool lip seal was installed after these events. The liner has a multinle coat sealing system on the outer surface to prevent corrosion, consisting of a primer paint, epoxy coating, and a bituminous sealing materia During the inspection, the water seep; had stopped or reduced to a rate that was less than the rate of evaporation. Subsequent to the inspection, the NRC inspector discussed the water sPepage matter with the NRR program manager for the facility. The consensus was that, with the liner coating system and permanent lip seal installation. there should be no further water intrusion or aluminum corrosion concerns.

4. Schedule Milestones The milestone schedule/completion dates, as published in NRC Inspection Report 50-602/89-01 1 have been revised and are as follows, as of April 28, 1989:

"111estones Completion Dates Actual Receive control room console and October 1. 1988 October 1, 1988 mechanical components Complete HVAC balancing May 15, 1989 Complete physical security elements May 5 * 1989 Complete pool water system March 31, 1989 Apri 1 26, 1989 (installation)

Complete preoperational test May 31, 1989 procedures (including GA installation and test)

Install control room console May 8, 1989

  • *

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Install GA mechanical components May 5, 1989 (including pur1f1cat1on system)

Install radiation monitoring May l 9, 1989 equipment (installation by GA}

License two Senior Reactor Operators June 12, l 989 Complete dll operating procedures Complete as requ;red by equipment instal lation; 98% complete as of January 24, 1989 Receive operating license July 7, 1989 Load reactor fuel - achieve initial July 17, 1989*


  • Depends on cask availability and receipt of operating licens . Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were discussed with the Assistant Director, NETL, at the conclusion of the inspection on April 28, 198 The licensee did not identify. as proprietary, any of the mter1a1 provided to, or reviewed by, the NRC inspectors.