IR 05000458/1985070

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Insp Rept 50-458/85-70 on 851002-03.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Actions to Resolve OL Precriticality Conditions,Including Plant Air Flow Characteristics
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1985
From: Chaney H, Murray B
Shared Package
ML20136B762 List:
50-458-85-70, NUDOCS 8511200285
Download: ML20136B772 (4)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-458/85-70 License: NPF-40 Docket: 50-458 Licensee: Gulf States Utilities (GSU)

P.O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas 77704 Facility Name: River Bend Station (RBS)

Inspection At: River Bend Station, St. Francisville, Louisiana Inspection Conducted: October 2-3, 1985

,' Inspector: / /0 b H. Chaney, Radia'tibn Specialist / Date Facilities Radiological Protection Section


Approved: [0 fd ~



[O B*.'Murray, Chief,FacilipesRadiological Dat'e


Protection Section /

Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted October 2-3, 1985 (Report 50-458/85-70)

Areas Inspected: Special, announced inspection of the licensee's actions to resolve Operating License (NPF-40) precriticality conditions involving; (1) plant air flow characteristics, (2) testing of category 1 and 2 air-cleaning systems, (3) testing and calibration of certain chemistry sample panels, and (4) actions to improve the integrity of the Post Accident Sampling-System (PASS) sample. lines. The inspection involved 11 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identi fied.



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, Persons Contacted GSU

'* Deddens, Vice-President,-River Bend Nuclear Group

  • D. Gipson, Assistant Plant Manager
  • P Freehill, Superintendent Startup and Test
  • J. Hamilton,' Projects Supervisor
  • T. Crouse,. Manager, Quality Assurance (QA)
  • P. Tomlinson, Director, Operations QA
  • G.~Kimmell', Supervisor, Operations QA
  • J. Spivey, Operations QA Engineer
  • B. Hey, Licensing Engineer --
  • S. Desai, Chemical Engineer

' *T. Anthony, Senior Mechanical Engineer

  • E. Cargill, Supervisor, Radiological Programs C. Nash, Supervisor, Chemistry R. Coppo, Senior-Projects Enginee R. King, Licensing Engineer


- E. ' Grant, Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing D. Zenel, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor


D. Speeg,' Foreman, Instruments and Controls



  • D. Chamberlain, NRC Senior Resident Inspector
  • B. Dunn, Startup Engineer,-Consultant J.-Morgan, Startup Engineer, Consultant _
  • Denoted those present-during the exit intervie 'The NRC inspector also contacted other licensee and contractor employee during the inspectio . Licensee Actions on NPF-40, Attachment 1 License ~ Conditions Item c": Verify that the plant's air. flow characteristics' are from


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. areas of-potentia 11yilow. radioactive concentrations' to areas of potentially . higher radioactive coricentrations."


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'This item has"been reviewed in previous NRC inspection reports

.- . (50 _458/84-06..85-05, 85-35,.and 85-53). 'The NRC inspector determined-


'-" that. thellicensee had,nearly completed air . flow balancing in all radiolog- -

, , sicalf ,and. nonradiological areas, except for the main control- room envelope,

. %in-accordance with preoperational test (PT) procedure PT-400-2. 'The tes ( Apackage associated with-procedure.P.T-400-2 is expected to be submitted to' ,


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i the RBS Joint Test' Group lon or about October 7,~1985, for final review.

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-3-1The NRC inspect'or-noted that. procedure PT-400-2 established test criteria that agree with the commitments contained in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) chapters 6.5, 9.4, 12.3. Final close out of

' this licensing condition will be accomplished by the NRC resident inspector after review of the data contained in PT-400- Item d: " Place in service as tested and calibrated, including installed process. instrumentation, the following panels: turbine plant sampling, condensate deminineralization, and radwaste sampling."

- This~ item has been discussed previously in NRC Inspection Reports 50-458/85-47 and 85-85. The NRC inspector determined that the licensee had performed preventive maintenance on nearly all the required instrumentation on the turbine sampling panels and on all the required instrumentation on'the condensate (panel 72) and the radwaste (panel-130)

sample panel.s in accordance with plant maintenance procedure The licensee had developed contingency procedures for the manual sampling / analysis of influents and effluents' serviced by these remaining

~ instruments on the turbine panel. Maintenance Work Requests for these systems have been assigned top priority for corrective action. This item

is considered closed for criticality; however, the NRC resident inspector will track to completion the remaining turbine panel instrument-qualifications / calibration Item f: ~" Completion of HVAC preoperational testing and loading of activated charcoal as committed'to in GSU's letter RGB-21603 of July 22, 1985. This includes in place testing of HEPA'and. charcoa '

filters.and laboratory testing of charcoal for , Iodine removal efficiency."

This item has been previously discussed in NRC Inspection Reports'50-458/84-14,'85-46, and 85-53. :The NRC inspector determined that


the. licensee had loaded;and su'ccessfully tested all category 1 and-2

' filtration / absorber, units per'the.' criteria of.Special Situation Test (SST) procedures 1-SST-17 and 1-SST-18. . The_ licensee's test results agree

- with the commitments -containeif in the FSAR, cbapters 6.4, 9.4, 12.3, and

. ' Laboratory-testing and>inplace-tests were found to satisfy the surveillance requirements of Technical Specification 4.7.2 for the main control room'HVACl' for'the standby, gas treatment system, and for the fuel building ventilation system. t This item is considered closed as a condition for criti.cality., #'

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. c Licensee Actions'on Previously Indentified Inspection Findings (0 pen)'Open Iteml(458/8422-05)h Post Accident-Sampling System - This item-



~has been previously.discusse,d in NRC Inspection Reports 50-458/84-06, 84-22, 85-17, 85-35,'85-47,.and L85-53. The NRC inspector discussed the'

NRC's concerns regarding the large number of mechanical-joints associated-




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with the PASS sample lines. The licensee submitted a schedule for.the replacement or seal welding / brazing of all uncontained mechanical joints on the PASS sample lines adjacent to and in the PASS area on the 114 foot level of'the auxiliary building. The licensee plans to complete all modifications to the sample lines before reaching 100 effective full power-days of operatio This maintenance activity will be pursued during routine power ascension testing through the five percent power platea Since the mechanical joints would not adversely impact on radiological


conditions until the reactor core accumulates a significant inventory of radionuclides. The licensee's corrective actions are considered acceptabl The licensee indicated that the remaining NRC concerns on PASS, as refer-enced in the above reports, would be completed prior to exceeding five percent power. This item will remain ope (Closed) Open Item (458/8414-03): Liquid Radioactive Waste System - This item was previously discussed in NRC Inspection Reports 50-458/84-14, 84-33, 85-46, and 85-6 The NRC inspector noted that the licensee intends to have two filter /demineralizer trains on line for processing radioactive liquids prior to exceeding five percent powe Currently, the licensee only has one processing train available, but does have

. contingency plans, contracts and procedures, for the use of a backup vendor provided liquid processing service, if the need arise Currently, preop-erational tests have been completed on train "A" (1-SST-44) and are nearing completion (scheduled completion on or about October 7, 1985) for train "B" (1-SST-45). The licensee committed at the exit interview to have both "A" and "B" trains of the liquid radioactive waste processing system operational prior to exceeding five percent power. This item is considered closed and will be tracked by the NRC resident inspector under license NPF-40 conditions for exceeding five percent powe . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with the licensee's representatives and the NRC resident inspector identified in paragraph 1 of this report at th conclusion of the inspection on October 3,1985. The NRC inspector summarized the scope and recalts of the inspection and discussed the closing of NPF-40 licensing conditions and licensee commitments to the NRC regarding the PASS and liquid radioactive liquid waste processing filter /demineralizer train '



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