IR 05000458/1985056

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Special Insp Rept 50-458/85-56 on 850715-17.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup in Findings from Emergency Appraisal & 1985 Emergency Exercise
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1985
From: Baird J, Terc N
Shared Package
ML20135E015 List:
50-458-85-56, NUDOCS 8509160255
Download: ML20135E018 (1)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-458/85-56 Construction Permit: CPPR-145 i Docket: 50-458


Licensee: Gulf States Utilities I River Bend Nuclear Group

! P. O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas 77704


Facility Name: River Bend Station (RBS)

i Inspection At: River Bend Station, St. Francisville, Louisiana j

j Inspection Conducted: July 15-17, 1985 i



Inspector: d/3/3M f.-/N/M.Terc,EmergencyPreparednessAnalyst 7/3 o/75 Date



l Approved: /3 Z3cyM 7)3o/zs-j . Baird, Acting Chief, Emergency Preparedness Dat'e i and Safeguards Programs Section i

Inspection Summary j Inspection Conducted July 15-17,1985 (Report 50-458/85-56)

Areas Inspected: Special, announced inspection to follow-up on findings from the emergency preparedness appraisal and the 1985 emergency exercise. The inspection involved 23 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspector.

! Results: Out of 9 significant deficiencies, 6 were closed. Out of 25


improvement items, 19 were closed. Out of 8 emergency exercise deficiencies, 6

, were closed. Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were i identified, e .


i i 0509160255 BW ADOCK 05000 58 i PDR pg





DETAILS Persons Contacted Gulf States Utilities (GSU)

  • D. Andrews, Director - Nuclear Training D. Bloermendaal, Senior Emergency Planner i *J. Cadwallader, Supervisor - Emergency Planning
  • M. Cassada, Supervisor - Radiological Programs
  • Fantacci, Senior Health Physicist C. Foster, Computer Systems


T. Gildersleeve, NT Engineer D. Gipson, Assistant Plant Manager K. Hugins, Computer Systems Engineer

  • King, Licensing Engineer T. Loudenslager, NT Engineer J. Newton, Start-up/ Test Engineer
  • W. Odell, Manager, Administration G. Patrissi, QA Engineer-OPS
  • J. Spivey, QA Engineer
  • R. Taylor, QA Engineer
  • C. Wells, Emergency Public Information Coordinator
  • Denotes those present at the exit inter <le . Significant Appraisal Finoings (Appendix A)

(Closed) (458/8435-24): The NRC inspector verified that required documents were in place in the technical support center (TSC) records roo (Closed) (458/8435-25): The NRC inspector verified that installation, test, turnover and procedures for the uninterruptible power supply, portable air monitor, and the ventilation system had been complete (Closed) (458/8435-44): The NRC inspector determined that non radiation monitoring systems needed for emergency detection, classification, and l assessment had been completed and that training had been given to control


room operators in their us (Closed) (458/8435-46): The NRC inspector reviewed records showing that of 92 sirens for the Public Notification System discussed in the Itcensee's Emergency Plan, 80 had been installed and tested to be functiona (Closed) (458/8435-84): The NRC inspector reviewed accountability equipment to be used during emergency conditions requiring site evacuation and determined that it was as described in security emergency procedure _ _ . _ _ _




(Closed) (458/8435-102): The NRC inspector noted that the licensee had distributed information intended for the transient population, e.g., signs in public areas, decals and brochures for use in hotels, motels, and similar location . Appraisal Improvement Items (Appendix B)

4 (Closed) (458/8435-11): The NRC inspector noted that Procedure EIP-2-102 was adequate as approve (Closed) (458/8435-14): The NRC inspector noted that lesson module ,

objectives were being properly addressed in writtesi test '


l (Closed) (458/8435-32): The NRC inspector noted that the Emergency Plan 1 had been revised to describe communication links between emergency response facilities (ERFs).

(Closed) (458/8435-48): The NRC inspector noted that radios had been tested to verify they will opera *e adequately to allow information flow !

between ERF P (Closed) (458/8435-49): The NRC inspector noted that the Emergency Plan i had been revised to incorporate a description of emergency alarms, i (Closed) (458/8435-50): The NRC inspector noted that minimum stock levels !

were adequately addressed by means of a computerized system.

, (Closed) (458/8435-64): The NRC inspector verified that emergency procedures had been adequately revised to include reminders for turnover ;

i (Closed) (458/8435-67): The NRC inspector noted that an appropriate cross reference had been incorporated in procedure EIP-2-00 ;

(Closed) (458/8435-68): The NRC inspector verified that the pagination i and label for procedure EIP-2-001 had been correcte l


(Closed) (458/8435-69): The NRC inspector noted that the new revision of the Emergency Plan clarified responsibilities of the Emergency Director in ,

classifying emergencie <

(Closed) (458/8435-70): The NRC inspector noted that emergency procedures ;

were consistent in regards to the deployment of offsite monitoring team ,


(Closed) (458/8435-77): The NRC inspector verified that provisions were i made to ensure that only trained individuals would perform radiological !

monitorin t (Closed) (458/8435-79): The NRC inspector noted that the term " surveyor" ;

was deleted from the licensee's procedure ;

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4 (Closed) (458/8435-82): The NRC inspector verified that it was physically


impossible to place the particulate filter in the media housing in any other way than upstream of the silver zeolite cartridg (Closed) (458/8435-91): The NRC inspe: tor noted that a debriefing reminder had been incorporated in procedure EIP-2-01 (Closed) (458/8435-93): The NRC inspector noted that typographical errors had been corrected in procedure EIP-2-10 <

(Closed) (458/8435-94): The NRC inspector noted that procedure EIP-2-101 was revised to include distribution of Emergency Plan revisions to offsite agencie (Closed) (458/8435-98): The NRC inspector verified that QA procedures assigned individuals with technical expertise in the areas audited.


(Closed) (458/8435-109): The NRC inspector noted that emergency prccedures allowed those acting as Emergency Directors the option to delegate the physical performance of notifications while retaining the responsibilit . Deficiencies Identified during the 1985 Exercise (Closed) (458/8503-01): The NRC inspector determined that the notification procedure (EIP-2-006) had been revised to emphasize the need to notify the NRC immediately after notification of state and local agencies daring an emergenc l (Closed) (458/8503-02): The NRC inspector agreed with the licensee that l no additional benefit would be provided by status boards in the control



l (Closed) (458/8503-04): The NRC inspector noted that the ifcensee held discussions with those responsible for assessing protective actions based

on dose projections, and has added emphasis in the training lesson '

(Closed) (458/8503-05): The NRC inspector noted that personnel had been instructed on the importance of using only approved procedures, and that ,

the procedure in question (EIP-2-001) had been revised to make it easier to us ;

(Closed) (458/8503-10): The NRC inspector determined that the procedure ,

for notification of emergency classification and protective actions to '

offsite authorities allows for recommendations to be made directly to the Parishs without state approval in the event state personnel are not i available. In addition, personnel were reinstructed in the need for timely notification i

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(Closed) (458/8503-15): The NRC inspector noted that procedures had been changed to activate the Media Center at the Alert classification, at which time the media will be notifie (Closed) (458/8503-16): The NRC inspector toured the new work-space that the media had been assigned and discussed the logistics of its use and found it to be adequat . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives identified in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on July 17, 198 The NRC inspector summarized the scope of the inspection and the finding No violations or deviations were reporte ;


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