IR 05000458/1985044

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Insp Rept 50-458/85-44 on 850603-0726.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Open Significant Const Deficiencies Per 10CFR50.55(e) & Previous Insp Findings
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1985
From: Jaudon J, Mcneill W, Renee Taylor
Shared Package
ML20137Q164 List:
50-458-85-44, NUDOCS 8509200054
Download: ML20137Q172 (14)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-458/85-44 CP: CPPR-145 Docket: 50-458 Licensee: Gulf States Utilities (GSU)

P. O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas 77704 Facility Name: River Bend Station Inspection At: River Bend Station Inspection Conducted: June 3 through July 26, 1985 Inspectors:


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W. M. McNeill, Reactor Inspector, Project Date Section A, Reactor Projects Branch r.a . L~

th R. G. Taylor, Reactor Inspector, Project Section A s)w Date Reactor Projects Branch NRC consultants: Keith A. Ward (EG&G Idaho, Inc.)


Ron Larson (EG&G Idaho, Inc.)


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'$ J. P.ProjectBranch Jaudon, Chief, Proje t Section A, Reactor Date l


' 8509200054 050912 PDR ADOCK 05000458 G PDR

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Inspection Summary l

. Inspection Conducted June 3 to July 26, 1985 (Report 50-458/85-44)


Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of Open Significant

Construction Deficiencies (10 CFR 50.55(e) and previous NRC inspection findings. The inspection involved 174 inspector-hours onsite by two NRC ,

inspectors and two NRC consultant Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie i 6



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-3-DETAILS Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Personnel (GSU)

W. J. Cahill, Senior Vice President T. C. Crouse, Quality Assuran:e Manager


l T. F. Plunkett, Plant Manager R. W. Helmick, Director-Projects


R. B. Stafford, Director-Quality Services Principal Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation Personnel (S&W)

W. I. Clifford, Resident Project Manager R. L. Spence, Resident Quality Control Manager i


D. P. Barry, Superintendent-Engineering

The NRC inspector and NRC consultants also interviewed and interfaced with additional GSU and S&W personnel as necessary to meet the purpose of the inspectio . Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Iterr (458/8402-01): Clarification was required on the identification of film and its associated reader sheet for weld A on spool RA 017 It was reported that the film for weld A on spool RA 017X was dated August 22, 1977, and its associated reader sheet was identified weld il and was dated August 19, 1977. A review by the NRC inspector of the original





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-4-reader sheet, not the carbon copy found in the film packet, established that the reader sheet was identified A but misplacement of the carbon paper resulted in a cut off of the top of the letter A, thus the carbon copy appeared as a letter H. In addition, the reader sheet was dated in the upper right hand corner as August 19, 1977, but the lower left corner documented that the radiographs were made on August 22, 1977. It appears that the reader sheet was started on Friday the 19th and then the radio-graphs were made on Monday the 22nd. After the NRC review, the carbon copy was correcte There is no evidence to suggest that this film and the reader sheet are not properly associated and identified. This item is



i (Closed) Unresolved Item (458/8402-02): The licensee's radiographers were not recording the location of all indications identifie ,

A sample of film was reviewed (noted in the following paragraph). It was S&W's (the ifcensee's radiographer) practice to record the location of

, unacceptable indications by dimensions, template, etc. This practice has i been observed in many previous NRC inspections. If indications were found l to be acceptable, their presence is noted but their locations were not ,

. recorded. This is a standard practice in the industry. Whereas recording ,

! of the location of acceptable indications would be advantageous for the subsequent inservice inspection, allow for comparability in nondestructive methods (UT vs RT) and aid reviewers of the radiographs, it is not a requirement in procedures or specifications. This item is closed.


(Closed) Violation (458/8402-03): Radiographs failed to meet ASME Code


quality requirements in that surface conditions (weld ripples) could mask

Indications and radiographs exceeded the plus 30 percent density requiremen The reradiographs of the 12 elbows (16 welds) were reviewed by the NRC inspector as well as the 10 CFR 50.55(e) report (DR-173) and the General Electric field Deviation Disposition Request No. 251, Revisions 0 through The corrective action to this problem was to reradiograph all the welds in question that were supplied by ITT Grinnell Corporation through General Electric. These welds had been ground flush for inservice inspec-tion and, thus, the surface conditions removed. The welds are identified in table 1. These are all the longitudinal welds of elbows supplied by


Grinnell. Only one other subvendor supplied welded elbows through General Electric, Associated Piping and Engineering Corporation. These welds were reviewed 100 percent by GSU and found to not have these problems. A sample of Associated welds were also reviewed by the NRC inspector and are identified in table 2. No problems were found with the associated elbows.



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i Table 1 ITT Grinnell Welds i  !

] Line N Elbow Serial N ;

j 1-MSS-600 32-7 90 Els i 1-MSS-600 33-7 " "


j 'l-MSS-90 "



1-MSS-700 35-7 "

1-MSS-700 36-7 " "

1-MSS-900 38-7 " "

i 1-MSS-600 39-7 " "

1-MSS-800 44-7 " "

i 1-MSS-800 1-A-1 50 Els '


I 1-MSS-900 1-0-l'"

l 1-MSS-700 1-F-1 " "


j 1-MSS-600 1-G-1 "

Table-2 Associated' Welds -

Spool N Elbow Serial N G002-8-1 14 20" 90* Els i

! G003-B-1 11 20" 90* Els G004-8-1 12 20" 90* Els 1 j G011-B-270-1 2 10" 90* Els


{ (Closed) Open Item (458/8436-03): Inspection reports (irs) on reinspec- l

.; tion of cable trays for fill requirements did not identify that all j applicable trays had been reinspecte '


i Since the last NRC inspection, a detailed review of the cable trays requiring inspection and trays that have been inspected found an addi-t tional three cable trays to be inspected. The engineering review estab- I i lished 1,182 required inspection. This engineering review was overchecked '

i by the NRC inspecto The difference between 1,297 and 1,182 represents  ;


additional trays inspected but not required to be inspected (Cat II, '

I duplicates, no fills, and etc.) Amendment 16 of the FSAR has also  !

i modified the cable tray fill inspection requirement. Overfill, if separation requirements are not compromised, is acceptabl '

! The table below

] summarizes the irs on this reinspection effor This item is close !

1 No. of No. of IR N '


cable trays IR N cable trays

E50000847 3 E40002049 126


E50000700 1 E40002048 34 i, E50000698 1 E40002047 130 t

l i

1 '

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't E50000696 3 E40001495 67 '

E50000694 10 E40001489 109

'E50000692 6 E40001483 90 E50000690 1 E40001482 80


i E50000689 7 E40001481 47 '



E50000688 8 E40001476 57 ESC 000685 3 E40001469 136 ,


E50000030 4 E40001420 259 E40002135 2 E40001309 24 E40002134 2' E40001305 37

E40001289 13 E40001283 2 1 E40001279 1 E40001249 4


(Closed) Violation (458/8502-02): Records were found not be stored in ,

accordance with ANSI standards in that both S&W and GSU vaults had loosely

stored paper and paperboard boxes. Corrective action was to remove loosely stored records or secure such in folders, etc. , and replace

, paperboard boxes with metal file cabinet This was verified by GSU QA


surveillance inspections. The report of surveillance was reviewed and both vaults in questions were inspected by the NRC inspector. No additional problems were identified. Preventative action was to have j training sessions for GSU and S&W records personnel. Records of these

training sessions were also reviewed by the NRC inspector. This violation is closed.

i (Closed) Violation (458/84-36-05): irs had incorrect revisions of drawings, specifications and inspection plans listed as being used for the

inspection activit ,

S&W has completed an interdisciplinary review of all irs issued at this l site. Fourteen disciplines and subgroups (power generation control t

complex, electrical raceways, piping / hangers, instrumentation, electrical equipment, electrical cable and terminations, liner, HVAC, civil,


mechanical, project quality test group, structural and receipt inspection)

sampled irs from 1979 to the present in accordance with Quality Assurance


Directive No. 7.11. During that time frame, about 75,000 irs were written

] (not inclusive of receipt inspection). A total of 4,400 irs in these

! disciplines (except structural) were sampled and about 750 errors were j identified. In the structural discipline a 100% review was performed on

! all 10,500 irs and about 1,000 errors were identified. The errors were I

reviewed in detail and the necessary corrections documented. Very limited -

reinspection resulted from this activity. None of the errors resulted in

an impact on hardware. The NRC Inspector reviewed a sample of 14 irs that were identified to have errors. The changes made to correct the irs and justification for such changes were reviewed in detail. This entailed review of the IR and its inspection plan to establish the scope of the activity and the documentation change that was made (drawing, specifi-i



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cation or inspection plan revision) to determine the impact, if any, on the scope of the inspection activit In this review, it was noted that the error rate observed was biased to the high side because there were no grace periods allowed after a new revision for distribution tim A sample of seven irs in the instrumentation discipline was inspected by the NRC inspector. The specification inspection plan and drawings were verified to be of the correct revision at the time of the inspectio The action taken to prevent recurrence was to retrain inspection personnel to use the document and drawing indexes (e.g.,15-217 and IS-256) in order to verify the correct revision of a document. This item is considered close (Closed) Violation (458/8501-02): Surveillance reports of document control activities of unsatisfactory conditions were not responded to within 15 days with corrective actio GSU QA engineering performed surveillance in order to scope this proble The cited examples were responded to and corrective action taken to close the report In this regard, QA surveillance reports CSEZ-85-01-11 and CSEZ-85-03-02 were reviewed by the NRC inspector. As preventative action to the violation, document control personnel were retrained. Records of this training were reviewed by the NRC inspector. In addition, an interoffice correspondence (IOC) dated March 8, 1985, was issued to document recipients which requested them to review the procedure CSI 11.1.2 and its requirements. A review by the NRC inspector of recent surveillance reports found that, in a recent month, 25 clear reports and 7 unsatisfactory reports were issued. All of the unsatisfactory reports were responded to within 15 days. The surveillance log book and procedure CSI 11.1.2, " Document System Activity Surveillance Reports," were also reviewed by the NRC inspecto (Closed) Violation (458/8502-01): The measures established for control of the GSU warehouse activities and the spare parts stored therein were not fully implemented. Several examples were cited of this proble In this regard, the revised procedures NHP-0002, " Storage of Material";

NHP-0004, " Maintenance of Material in Warehouse Storage"; and MSP-0002,

" Corrective Maintenace Program," were reviewed by the NRC inspector. A review of the warehouce and material in storage found that the new labeling requirements were being complied with by GSU. It was also ,

observed that ASME class parts were segregated from non-ASME part '

l The " Equipment Storage History Cards" (ESHCs) and their associated l

" Maintenance Check Records" (MCRs) were inspected by the NRC inspecto It appears that all ESHCs and MCRs are retrievable based on a sampling of these records. ESHCs are now issued on each specific part requiring l

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-8-maintenance rather than on a generic basi Preventative maintenance was found to be documented on MCRs and backed up with maintenance reports as required by such procedures as PMP-100, etc. ESHCs are now generated within 30 days of receipt. A review of the daily receiving log verified such. It was noted that ESHCs are now being issued for small motors for MOVs and small rotating equipment such as fans and pump Presently, there was found to be about 50 quality class 1 parts on preventative maintenance, two-thirds of which were motors for MOVs. It appears that a clearer rational has been established for determining why and what prevent-ative maintenance is to be performed. In addition, it was also noted that Nuclear Parts Associates (NUPA), a joint venture of GSU and S&W, will be storing spare parts for this sit NUPA presently has acquired about one-third of its projected inventory. GSU will continue to maintain a warehouse for consumables and modification parts. GSU QC is monitoring warehouse activities and the NRC inspector reviewed QCIRs on this monitoring activit The monitoring is of nearly all quality class 1 maintenance performed and is accomplished under the River Bend warehouse maintenance system schedule which was also reviewe In regard to measures taken to assure that chemicals were separated to avoid mixing in the event of an accident, it was noted that " Product Data Pages" (PDPs) are required for flammable and/or hazardous chemical In the PDPs, vendors are required to identify special storage requirement In addition, PDPs are required by procedure to have chemical permits issued. Storage requirements are also identified in chemical permits. It was observed that some acetone was stored with various lube oils. Neither the PDPs nor the vendor supplied documentation identified any storage requirements for action or its compatibility with lub oils. It was reported to the inspector that there was no chemical permit for acetone and that only one-third of the chemical permits required have been issued to date. This will be addressed as an inspection. item in a later operation (MC 2514) inspectio (Closed) Violation (458/8502-03): Construction records for structural steel columns in the auxiliary building were not retrievable or available-for revie A type C IR 556200001 was issued on this proble The problem was found to be limited to the 64 columns in the auxiliary building and 18 columns in the control building. Construction records, " Construction Completion Checklist Program" (CCCPs), were issued for any column without documentation and QC inspection was performed. The NRC inspector reviewed the ES-1 and ES-66 drawing series and verified the above scope as well as the CCCPs and their associated irs for the auxiliary building. As preventative action, the ironworkers and inspection personnel were retrained. Records of this training were reviewed by the NRC inspecto In regard to the errors found on S 1201943, it was noted that an E&DCR E 32.97A had changed the design from a Nelson type stud to an A-36 all

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thread welded stud, which means that a snug tight torque is correc A new sample of 10 columns was established from the above review. The records were reviewed for each of these columns. It was found that records could not be found for one column (Post) identified 1-53P2 found on drawing ES-66G; therefore, a'new type C IR was issued S 5620032. This IR reestablished what inspection records' were available for all the columns and also reinspection of 1-53P2 and one other column. A new sample of 20 columns was then checked by the NRC inspector and found to be satisfactor (Closed) Open Item (458/8510-01): A program for ASME Section XI repair activities had not been establishe GSU and S&W have established a mutual program for ASME Section XI repair activitie The program is described by procedures (GSU) NPE-3-003, Revision 1, dated March 27, 1985, "ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement Activities"; Section 25 of the S&W QA Manual, "SWEC Operations under the ASME Section XI Code"; Revision C, dated August 19, 1985, and its appendix Section 25/RB, Revision 0, dated August 19, 1985, and (S&W) SEP 106.10, dated July 31985, " Control of ASME XI Activities," dated June 3,1985. In summary, af ter an N-5 form is issued, all repairs will be to ASME Section XI rules and documented with NR-1 and NIS-2 certifications. Repairs prior to a N-5 issue, if not covered with a new N-1 or NA-1 form, will be documented on the N-5 for (Closed) Violation (458/8510-02): CCCPs did not assure compliance by welding material station attendants to requirements of procedures as evidenced by the delegation of the documentation to attendants and also that ovens were found below the temperature requirement Additional surveillance by S&W and GSU established that the observed conditions were an isolated case. The NRC inspector reviewed the GSU QA audit CSWZ 85-05-02 in this regard and the procedure CMP 6.4. The preventative action was to have supervisors initial all CCCPs generated by attendants in order to preclude similar error An inspection of one of the two current stations (No. 1) found that CCCPs were icsued as required and all daily logs were in order. Recorded temperatures were found to be acceptable. A sample of 2 ovens were independently checked and found acceptable. A minor change to the procedure was made so that the procedures better described activities in regard to frequency of checking, recording results and use of pyrometer (Closed) Violation (458/8540-02): Sufficient records were not maintained to furnish evidence of activities affecting quality in that irs and markup drawings on structural inspection of high strength bolts contained error S&W issued a type C IR S 5620026 which addressed the scope of thin problem and corrective action on the cited examples. Of the 26 inspectors,11 were found to have contributed significantly (e.g., 90%) to the total number

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-10-of errors identified. At this site, there were about 10,000 bolted connections documented on about 500 irs. The 11 inspectors' irs were reviewed 100% and corrections made. The typical errors were wrong connection description, bolt quantity or mark-up drawing informatio For the balance of the inspectors, a sample inspection was done of each inspector's ir A low (i.e., less than 10%) error rate was observed in the remaining inspectors. Training was performed on this problem with the 4 inspectors currently employed. The training records and the above irs were reviewed by the NRC inspector. A sample of 66 connections on 7 irs were inspected, including some corrected irs, and no additional problems were identified. Note in addition to the first 6 inspectors identified in the GSU response to this violation, an additional 5 inspectors were identified as a results of the sampling inspection which required 100% review of their records. This problem appears to be limited to bolting type irs where numerous data points were entered on a single IR (e.g. , an average of 20 connections per IR). As a result, the chance of an IR having an error in one of the data points increased. This violation is considered close (Closed) Violation (458/8533-01): Failure to adequately document changes to inspection report result The NRC inspector reviewed the corrective steps shich included:

. the reviewing of S&W inspection reports for inappropriate changes,

. the reinspection of any item identified on an inspection report containing inappropriated changed, and

. the retraining of S&W inspection personnel authorized to perfrom review of inspection report The NRC inspector interviewed the S&W FQC inspector who originated the inspection report identified in the violation as having been inappropriately changed and determined that there had been no deliberate attempt made by the reviewer to falsify record This item is considered close . Review of Potentially Significant Construction Deficiencies The NRC inspector reviewed the below listed items that were initially reported by the licensee as potentially significant construction deficiencies but were later determined by the licensee to not be reportable within the context of 10 CFR 50.5b(e). The review was for the purpose of establishing whether the licensee's determination of nonreportability was proper and whether corrective actions were appropriate to the involved deficiency. These items are considered closed b

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since the NRC inspector had no further questions on either aspect of the revie Deficiency Report Number Short Subject Title DR-156' ' Non-essential loads connected on Class 1E buses DR-242 Fractured pinion gear in Limitorque valve operator DR-268 Rosemount trip units DR-274 Rating of field wiring to solenoid valves


DR-279 Lack of preventative maintenance for LPCS and RCIC pumps CR-285 Rosemount 1152 Transmitters DR-292 Relay contacts on CRD backup SCRAM valves DR-293 Material supplied by Interstate. Steel.

DR-300 Pressure retaining components not hydrostatically tested DR-302 Wiring of HPCS diesel generator l- DR-304 Followup to IE Bulletin 84-52 l DR-306 Cracked nuts of wedge type concrete anchors


DR-308 Solder connections in radiation monitor

, . DR-316 Floor drain check valves had incorrect springs


i DR-319 -

Corrison in motor operators for valves The NRC inspector reviewed'the following formally reported significant deficiency reports to determine whether effective' corrective measures had

.been taken for each deficiency. The NRC inspector determined that such


'^ -action had been taken in each case and the below listed reports are

. considered close .


Deficiency Report

- Number Short Subject Title


! '


DR-117 Containment negative pressure scenario


DR-177 Neutron monitor cable problems.

DR-183 Taper on socket weld flanges  !

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-12-DR-199 Connectors separate from coaxial cables DR-216 Electrical penetration problems DR-222 Relocation of 125 DC panel -

DR-228 Linear indications in diesel engine valves DR-246 Minimum wall thickness discrepancy

DR-250 Leakage in Rosemount Model 1153 transmitters


Vital A.C. inverter adjustments


DR-255 DR-260 Drain line for CRD SCRAM discharge volume DR-261 ITE-Rowan auxiliary relays DR-263 NGS-01 Rockbestos cable I

. DR-270 Containment. penetration pipe and restraint lugs


'DR-271 Conax containment penetrations for RTDs DR-272 Spring can hanger stop pins not removed during

. testing-DR-276 Improper design locations for check valve in ,

, RCIC-HPCS systems DR-277 Improper solder flux used for electrical connections'  ;


.DR-281 HVAC charcoal filter units not properly supported ,

DR-282 Anti syphon holes in spent fuel pool piping not drilled i DR-283 Failure of drywell pressure sealing devices DR-298 Defective diesel engine air start check valves

- DR-299 Failure of back pressure regulating valve in'

diesel engine fuel system

, DR-301 Limitorque valve operators with high torque switch settings ,

DR-303 Failure of bellows connecting pumps to service water system piping '

! DR-310 Hissing lock pins in diesel generator throttle con-trol system

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-13-In addition, the NRC inspector reviewed the following deficiency reports for which some corrective measures were incomplete as of the time of the inspection to assess the appropriateness of the proposed action and the effect on any reactor operations that may be authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. These items all remain open pending verification that proposed actions have been complete DR-193: A line break scenario had been developed involving piping running from the containment building pressure suppression pool to various safety-related pumps located in the auxiliary buildin The accident postulation envisioned flooding the pump rooms coupled with a lowering of the suppression pool below design level. The corrective action is to provide a system for detection of the accident and for initiation of a water return pump back system that would mitigate both possible results of the action. The corrective action was partially completed at the time of the inspection and the licensee has committed to having the entire action complete prior to exceeding 5% reactor powe DR-280: This involves the failure of magnesiun, alloy rotors of Limitorque motor operators in a simulated LOCA environment. Only valves involved are the two in the LPCI mode of the RHR system operation. Two like valves outside containment not subject to LOCA environment can be used as backup to the units in containment. The licensee has proposed to revise his Emergency Operating Procedures to provide instruction for appropriate valve alignments when using the LPCI mode of operation. At the present time, no corrective action to alleviate the operator failure mechanism has been developed and prove DR-287: This item involves the misapplication of a fuse block by the vendor of the vital A.C. supply inverter The misapplication involves a potential for pulling the studs from the block when making external connections to the block or when replacing the fuse. A corrective action has been developed and necessary hardware ordered but not delivered. At present, the connections have been made up as suggested by the fuse block manufacturer and have been operating satisfactoril OR-290: This item involves retesting of portions of the HVAC system, primarily those related to the charcoal filtration units. The retest is to be conducted at the peak pressure generated by the blowers as opposed to normal operating pressure as was used in the original test. The licensee has committed to having this -item cor.pleted prior to loading fuel in the reactor and the NRC senior resident inspector will so verif DR-295: This item involves discovery during preoperational testing that several GE electrical circuit breakers would not close on demand from remote controls. The cause was determined to be that rocket pawl cechanical system for loading the closure charging spring had become worn by repeated use of breakers during preliminary tests and the

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preoperational tests. At the time of this inspection, 14 of 32 circuit


breakers had been repaired and the licensee had instituted a preventative-maintenance program on the units. All of the units must be reworked as required to assure their functionability prior to loading fuel in the reactor and the NRC resident inspector will so verif DR-313: This item involves a finding that certain components in cabinets containing the controls for the generator unit on emergency diesel gener-

, ators tend to overhead during generator operation. The licensee is in the process of providing additional ventilation for the components and has scheduled completion prior to fuel loa In the event that the modifica-tions are not completed, however, the licensee has determined that leaving the cabinet open will provide sufficient coolin If the latter course is necessary, emergency operating procedures should cause the doors to be opened shortly after the diesels are started and assume loa The NRC resident inspector will verify that appropriate provisions are mad DR-314: This item involves the potential or actual failure of electrohydraulic valve activators through leakage of hydraulic fluid into the electric motor. The valves serve to control the temperature of the cooling water to the condensers of the HVAC water chillers serving the main control room. The licensee has removed the valves from the system and returned them to the vendor for investigation. Manual valves have been installed that control the water temperature under stable operating


conditions. Cooling water temperature may become unstable when it becomes necessary to obtain the cooling water utilizing the standby portion of the service water. system, and then, only if the cooling water is below approximately 60*F. During the period in which the electrohydraulic control valves are not installed, both standard and emergency operating procedures should require monitoring of the cooling water inlet temperature to the chillers, on a daily basis, when operating with coolant furnished by the standby service water syste DR318 .This item involves a finding during testing that a family of dampers in the HVAC system experienced excessive leakage of air where control shaft bush ings are installed through the frame of damper. The licensee and the vendor for the dampers have apparently developed a correction for the problem. An NRC inspector will examine the corrective mea sures and review proof testing'in a future inspec tion. The licensee has committed to having the corrective measure completed on all dampers related to control room HVAC and on those dampers required to maintain adequate cooling to safety related equipment. The balance of the dampers will require correction prior to causing the reactor


to go critica . -Exit Interviews The NRC inspectors met with licensee senior representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on June 7 and 14, 1985, to discuss actions an findings resulting from this inspectio ,

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f-14-i preoperational tests. At the time of this inspection, 14 of 32 circuit breakers had been repaired and the licensee had instituted a preventative maintenance program on the units. All of the units must be reworked as required to assure their functionability prior to loading fuel in the reactor and the NRC resident inspector will so verif DR-313: This item involves a finding that certain components in cabinets containing the controls for the generator unit on emergency diesel gener-ators tend to overhead during generator operation. The licensee is in the process of providing additional ventilation for the components and has scheduled completion prior to fuel loa In the~ event that the modifica-tions are not completed, however, the licensee has determined that leaving the cabinet open will provide sufficient cooling. If the latter course is necessary, emergency operating procedures should cause the doors to be opened shortly after the diesels are started and assume load. The NRC resident inspector will verify that appropriate provisions are mad DR-314: This item involves the potential ~ or actual failure of electrohydraulic valve activators through leakage of hydraulic fluid into the electric motor. The valves serve to control the temperature of the cooling water to the condensers of the HVAC water chillers serving the main control room. The licensee has removed the valves from the system and returned them to the vendor for investigation. Manual valves have been installed that control the water temperature under stable operating conditions. Cooling water temperature may become unstable when it becomes necessary to obtain the cooling water utilizing the standby portion of the

service water system, and then, only if the cooling water is below ,

approximately 60*F. During the period in which the~ electrohydraulic control valves are not installed, both standard and emergency operating

procedures should require monitoring of the cooling water inlet temperature to the chillers, on a daily basis, when operating.with coolant furnished by the-standby service water system.


DR318 This item involves a finding during testing that a family of dampers in the HVAC system experienced excessive leakage of air


where control shaft bush ings are installed through the frame of


dampe The licensee and the vendor for.the dampers have


apparently developed a correction for the problem. An NRC inspector will examine the corrective mea sures and review proof


testing in a future inspec tion. The licensee has committed to having the corrective measure completed on all dampers related to control room HVAC and on those dampers required to maintain adequate cooling to safety related equipment. The balance of


the dampers will require correction prior to-causing the reactor


.to go critica . Exit Interviews


The NRC_ inspectors met with licensee senior representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on June 7 and 14, 1985, to discuss actions an findings resulting from this inspection.


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