IR 05000425/1988013

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Insp Rept 50-425/88-13 on 880229-0304.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Electrical Work Activities
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/1988
From: Belisle G, Wright R
Shared Package
ML20148N002 List:
50-425-88-13, NUDOCS 8804060288
Download: ML20148N021 (8)






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Report No.: 50-425/88-13 Licensee: Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, GA 30302 Docket No.: 50-425 License No.: CPPR-109 Facility Name: Vogtle 2 Inspection Conducted: February 29 - March 4, 1988 Inspector: 'IM R. W. Wright pff mM 3!2 A BS Date Signed (f Approved by: N %k (_ J G. A. Belisif,'Shetion Chief 3 [21 8[l Dfte Signed Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the area of electrical work activities Results: No violations deviations were identifie PDR ADOCK 05000425 0_ _

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees 0. Borowski, Electrical Quality Control (EQC) Supervisor

  • D. Fiquett, Assistant Construction Project Manager II
  • E. Groover, Quality Assurance-(QA) Site Manager - Construction
  • C. Hayes, Vogtle Quality Assurance Manager
  • McCarley, Project Compliance Coordinator


  • P. Rice, Vice President and Project Director Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, QA/QC personnel, and office personne .

NRC Resident Inspectors R. Schepens, Senior Resident Inspector - Construction (SRC)  :

  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on March 4,1988, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the i areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio l Unresolved Items i I

Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.

4 QA Inspection of Electrical Work Performance (35061) '

l The inspector examined various safety-related cable procurement, storage, handling, cutting, installation, pulling, routing, splicing, and termi-nation operation This inspection was performed to determine whether site work was being performed in accordance with NRC requirements and SAR commitments, that the QA/QC program was functioning in an effective manner to assure requirements and commitments were met, and that prompt and effective action was taken to achieve permanent corrective action on

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significant discrepancie Civil construction activities were previously examined and documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-425/88-14. Piping construction activities are currently being evaluated by the Vogtle SRC and will be documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-425/88-12, which will assess the acceptability of the licensee's Readiness Review Module No. 4, Mechanical Equipment and Pipin The following acceptance criteria were examined to verify the inspection objectives:

Bechtels Construction Drawings and Related Field Change Requests (FCRs) and Deviation Reports (DRs)

2X30-CA-D02C, R2; E-FCRB-115P


2X3D-CA-D020, R1; E-FCRB-146P 2X3D-CA-002E, R1 2X3D-CA-002F, R0 2X3D-CE-009A,R1 2X30-CE-009B,R1 2X3D-CE-D09C,R0 2X3D-CE-0178, R0 I

2X3D-CE-H02M, R0; OCN-1,2,3 4; E-FCRB-20,908, 21,442 2X30F454, RII CX3DF001, R22 CX30F002, R14 CX3DF003, R12 Vogtle Field Procedures l l

ED-T-02, R12, Raceway Installation ,

ED-T-07, R12, Cable Installation ED-T-08, R10, Cable Termination l GD-T-01, R15, Nonconformance Control QA-A-01, RS, Qualification and Certification of Technical Inspections 4

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Bechtel Construction Specification No. X3AR01, Section E9, Cable Installation and Cable Termination, R22 The inspector reviewed the above listed electrical work activity specification, procedures, and drawings to determine if the most recent revisions were used and in agreement with the SAR. Procedures were also examined to determine if they adequately described critical

' points, methods of installation and test hold points which properly reflect design inten Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie Field Inspection Cable stored at the reel yard was observed being removed from the purchased reels, cut to predetermined lengths and either coiled in a Figure 8 configuration or placed on dummy reels of proper reel diameter to avoid twisting, kinking or violating the minimum cable bending radius The following cables were observed:

(Type Cable)

EE-580 Card # From To Cable Length


2BY2B16 SA 28Y2B16 2BCJB3306 510' (81E)

28Y2B14 SA 2BY2814 2BCJB3308 518' (81E) ,

28YC132 SA 2BYC132 2BCQHVC1 345' (8)E)

Several other non-safety related cables

The cutting, coiling, color coding, labeling, handling, and transporting of these cables were in compliance with applicable procedure A random sampling of approximately one hundred cable reels stored outdoors in the reel yard, cutting area, and power block


area identified that all reels were properly positioned on both ends-with no cable in contact with the ground and that the cables were

fitted with acceptable heat shrinkable or rubber end cap The inspector observed the crafts during the partial pulling operations for the following cables

(Type Cable)

EE-580 Card # From To Cable length 2BY2B16SA 2BY2B16 2BCJB3306 510' (81E)

2BY2B14SA 2BY2B14 2BCJB3308 518' (81E)

2AR3514SA 2AE340TQAFVD 2AE445TQAA 765' (A77)

2AH2793ASA 2AE340TQAFVD 2AE445TQAA 770' (A77)

2AH2791ASA 2AE340TQAFVD 2AE445TQAA 770' (A77)

All cables were noted to be properly tagged, color coded at not more than five foot intervals, and routed in appropriated cable trays in agreement with the EE 580 card instruction No minimum radius


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violations or cable kinking were observed during these cable pull The inspector verified that. multiple small clamp-on rollers were used properly and that free air space from tray-to tray, conduit to tray, tray or conduit to equipment did not exceed three fee The inspector did not notice any sharp tray edges requiring additional edge protectio ,

The inspector witnesseo the termination splicing of power service cable No. 2AB1513HB to nuclear service cooling water motor L 2-1202-W4-001-M03. This process utilized Raychem's Nuclear Motor Connection Kit (NMCK-4V-35-00). All work was accomplished satisfactorily in ' accordance with the vendors motor connection installation instructions which accompany each ki The inspector also accompanied an EQC inspector during his inspection of the following completed cable conductor terminations located in various panels and cabinets in the Control Buildin !

, Room N Panel / Cabinet ID Cable Termination No RA 16 2AH12975WA-1, 2AJ8208WA-2 AJ8212WA-2, 2ABCilWA-2, ,


2ABC14WA-2, 2ACDPUAXB-2,  !

2ACDPUAXA-2, 2AH12978WA-1 j RA 16 2BCDPUAXB-1, 2BCDPUAXA-1 2-1625-05-006A


RA 16 2ACBEH01BSF-2, 2AR9960SA-2, i

2-1804-53-A02 2AR9960SB-2, 2ACBEH01ESB-2, l


I RA 22 2AH12975WA-2, 2AR9960SA-1, j 2-1816-03-014 2AR9960SB-1, 2AH12978WA-2 i One discrepancy concerning the use of an out of date wiring diagram j (2X30-CE-0090A,RO) was identified by the EQC inspector. Revision 0 i'

of this wiring diagram identifies two cables with the identical

cable number (2ACDPUAXA-2) entering panel 2-1623-05-001, with each cable's conductors being landed on different terminal points. The


EQC inspector found only one cable terminating in the panel and ,

immediately proceeded to check with field engineering to find out if l there were any changes to the controlled drawing. Field engineering l identified that Revision 1 to the wiring diagram deleted the second cable; consequently, the cable terminations were correct as installed. Subsequent checking by the NRC inspector with document control personnel verified Revision 1 was current, and review of all other drawing revisions utilized determined this to be an isolated case of no safety significance. All conductors for the above cables were found to be lugged correctly and landed of the proper terminal points.


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The inspector accompanied two EQC raceway inspectors during their inspection of miscellaneous segments of conduit assemblies, pull and termination box installations, and their anchorage These items were inspected to verify proper size, type, location, separation, identification / color coding, routing, and anchorage in accordance with design drawings and procedure requirement Raceway installation work inspected included EE 580 Card Nos 2NE444KSJ25, 2NE454RX003W, 2NE454RS022, and 2NRJB4816. A discrepancy punchlist item (Log No. EL13P-4330) was written by EQC for electrical ,

termination box 2NEJB4816 for #14 bolts not being torqued and a #4 anchor bolt that did not achieve minimum (60 inch pounds) torque capacit Field observations and discussions with randomly selected electrical

. contractor and GPC EQC personnel were conducted by the inspector to verify proper electrical work activity program implementatic s. The  :

inspector concluded that the craf t personnel possessed the rez91 red knowledge, skill, and training to perform their assigned tasks and were accomplishing their tasks in accordance with approved procedure The inspector examined the Cleveland Electric (CE) cable termination i

certification log dated February 9, 198 The inspector also ;

verified the training and certification records for four termination -

electricians that were observed during work and found them qualifie Additionally, the training and testing records for eight observed '

cable pullers were examined and found satisfactory.

1 Within this area, no violations or deviations were identified.


, c. Quality Control ,

The inspector reviewed the following inspection records generated for ,

the above observed electrical activities to determine their adequacy, whether deficiencies submitted by the QC inspection personnel received proper corrective action as applicable, and if work and work controls were adequate:

Raceway Installation Cards and Inspection Reports Equipment Installation and Associated Support Cards Conduit Installation and Associated Support Cards Discrepancy Punchlist Log No. EL13P-4330 Cable Installation Cards and Inspection Reports Termination Installation Cards and Inspection Reports EQC Inspector Certification and Qualification Records The inspector reviewed applicable QC procedures (paragraph 5.a) to determine if the frequency, timing, and acceptance criteria for the subject inspections were adequat The number of EQC inspectors provided for the coverage of electrical work activities was satisfactory. Discussions were conducted with various EQC inspectors to determine 1f their knowledge was adequate and to determine whether their findings and concerns received proper management attentio . . . - . . -- _ . . ., - - - - --- - - - - - -

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P The inspector concluded that licensee and contractor management was attentive and responsive to QC inspector identified problem The EQC inspectors observed were knowledgeable of their inspection fuentions and acceptance criteria, and were proficient in performing their assigned task Within this area, no violations or deviation were identified, Nonconforming Items Reports The inspector reviewed recently written deviation reports on electrical cable work activities to verify that corrective actions accomplished the following:

Corrected the items Determined the cause of the deficiency Considered reportability to the NRC Instituted effective action to prevent recurrence j Detect trends in discrepancies


The following electrical related deviation reports were reviewed:

ED-16592, ED-16583, ED-16582, ED-16572 ED-16567, ED-16566, ED-16561, ED-16558 ED-16556, ED-16554, ED-16552, ED-ED-16550,  !


ED-16549, ED-16545, ED-16544, ED-16532,  !

ED-16529, ED-16526, ED-16523, ED-16521, ED-16519 i

j The inspector reviewed the last two QC Deviation Trend Reports (87-6, 88-1) and the most recent Inspection Attribute Trend Report (88-1). l No significant trends were identified in the electrical disciplin Within this area, no violations or deviations were identified, i Materials and Equipment e.

The inspector examined certificates of conformance, test reports, and receipt inspection data for purchase orders PAV 3718 and PAV 3080 regarding cable observed terminated. The electrical cable suppliers


were found to be on Bechtel's Approved Evaluated Supplier's List dated January 31, 1988. An examination of the electrical' cable

torage conditions in the reel yard and power block were sati sf acto ry. All torque wrenches used by EQC for cable splicing operations and bolted electrical conduit / equipment support functions
were observed to have current calibration stickers, j


Within this area, no violations or deviations were identified.



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f. Audit and Surveillance Reports The inspector reviewed the following licensee conducted audits /surveillances which were performed on various phases of electrical operations:

CP18-87/47 QA Audit of Cable Pulling / Routing CP18-87/20 QA Audit of Cable Routing CP18/CP19-86/30 QA Audit of Cable Routing and Termination CP18-86/20 QA Audit of Cable Routing CP19-87/42 QA Audit of Electrical Terminations CP19-87/06 QA Audit of Cable Terminations CP19-86/11 QA Audit of Cable Terminations CP17-87/24 Conduit and Cable Tray Surveillance CP18-87/02 Cable Control Surveillance CP19-87/28 Raychem Heat Shrink Surveillance These audits and surveillances were examined to determine if they were meaningful, effective, reflected quality performance, and whether corrective actions taken as a result of audit / surveillance findings were proper, timely and complet Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _