IR 05000423/1985070

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Initial Matl Control & Accounting Insp Repts 50-423/85-70 & 70-3014/85-01 on 851112-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting,Including Organization & Operation & Shipping & Receiving
Person / Time
Site: Millstone, 07003014  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1986
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20140E244 List:
50-423-85-70, 70-3014-85-01, 70-3014-85-1, NUDOCS 8602030215
Download: ML20140E262 (4)






Report Nos. 70-3014/85-01 50-423/85-70 Docket No License No SNM-1950 CPPR-113

. Licensee: Northeast Nuclear Energy Company P.O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101 Facility Name: Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3 Inspection At: Berlin and Waterford, Connecticut Inspection Conducted: November 12-15, 1985 Type of Inspection: Initial Material Control and Accounting Inspector: 8/dE h71'

A. Della Ratth, Safeguards Auditor

/- N-df date -

Approved by:

R. R. Keimig, Chief, Safeguards Section, date Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Branch Inspection Summary: Inspection on November 12-15, 1985 (Combined Report Nos. 70-3014/85-01 and 50-423/85-70).

Areas Inspected: Initial, routine, unannounced inspection of nuclear material control and accounting, including: organization and operation; shipping and receiving; storage and internal control; inventory; records and reports; and, management of the material control system. The inspection involved 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> onsite by an NRC regional based inspecto Results: The licensee's procedures were adequate for the control of special nuclear material (SNM) and were being followed. Records and reports were complete, well maintained and readily availabl PDR ADOCK 050



DETAILS Key Persons Contacted

  • Romberg, Station Superintendent J. Kelley, Station Services Superintendent J. Crockett, Unit Superintendent D. McDaniel, Reactor Engineer
  • J. McConnell, Reactor Engineer, Technical A. Cretella, NUSCO, SNM Accountant R. Sachatello, Supervisor, Radiation Protection T. Rebelowski, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Millstone-3
  • J. Shedlosky, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Millstone-1 and 2
  • present at exit inverview 2. 30703-Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on November 15, 1985, and stated that this was the initial inspection of the nuclear material control and accounting program. The inspector then summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto . 85102-Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Organization and Operation The inspector verified through review that the licensee had esta-blished and was maintaining written procedures for nuclear material control and accounting and that written statements of responsibility and authority had been established for those positions with respon-sibility for special nuclear material (SNM). The procedures were included in the licensee's SNM Inventory and Control Procedure, EN 31001, dated December 21, 1984, and appeared adequate for the control of SN Shipping and Receiving The inspector determined through review that the licensee had established, maintained and followed procedures to assure that all SNM received was accurately accounted for. There were no shipments of SNM made during the period under review (April 1-September 30,1985).

In addition, the inspector determined that the preparation and trans-mittal of Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE /NRC Form-741)

were the responsibility of the Unit Reactor Enginee _ _ _ _ - - -- ~_ - -. - -- -




The inspector performed a review of all DOE /NRC Form-741's generated during the period April 1,-September 30, 1985 to determine authorized signature, timely dispatch, and accuracy of data. No discrepancies


were note c. Storage and. Internal Control The inspector determined through review that the licensee had established and was maintaining and following a system of written

material control and accounting procedures which provided for know-ledge of the quantity, identity, and current location of all SNM bearing materials within the facilit The inspector also determined that the licensee had established and was maintaining Item Control Areas (ICA's) that included the reactor cavity, new fuel storage area, spent fuel storage pool, and other areas that were appropriate for SNM contained in other than fue d. Inventory The inspector performed an inventory verification on November 14, 1985, which consisted of a piece count of the fuel assemblies shown on the new fuel storage map. The inspector also compared the new fuel storage map to the fuel location history card


file. There were a total of 193 fuel assemblies located in the new fuel storage area.

J l e. Records and Reports


The inspector reviewed the licensee's records, reports and

! source data used for the preparation of the Material Status Report (DOE /NRC Form-742) submitted for the period April 1-

, September 30, 1985 as required by 10 CFR 70.53. No discrepancies were note Attached to this report as Exhibit I is a summary of the licensee's material activity for the period April 1-September 30, 198 f. Management of Material Control Systems The inspector determined through review that the licensee had esta-


blished a management system which provided for the development, revision, implementation and enforcement of nuclear material control and accounting procedures. There was an organizational structure i

responsive to the nuclear material control and accounting require-ments, pursuant to the license and applicable NRC regulations.


i I

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EXHIBIT I MILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT 3 Docket No. 50-423 License No. CPPR-113 Docket No. 70-3014 License No. SNM-1950 Material Balance for Period: April 1, 1985-September 30, 1985 Reporting Identification Symbol: XVS Reporting Unit: grams Enriched Uranium Element Isotope Beginning Inventory:

( April 1,1985) --- --- --- ---


Receipts: 89,101,000 2,587,866 Material to Account For: 89,101,000 2,587,866 Removals:

Shipments: --- --- --- ---

Ending Inventory (September 30, 1985) 89,101,000 2,857,866 Material Accounted For: 89,101,000 2,857,866
