IR 05000415/2005024

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Insp Repts 50-498/85-06 & 50-499/85-06 on 850415-0524. Violation Noted:Support 1-5-0036-S022 Bolts Loose
Person / Time
Site: South Texas, 05000415  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1985
From: Constable G, Garrison D, Clay Johnson
Shared Package
ML20137C023 List:
50-498-85-06, 50-498-85-6, 50-499-85-06, 50-499-85-6, NUDOCS 8508220199
Download: ML20137C063 (14)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-498/85-06 Construction Permits: CPPR-128 50-499/85-06 CPPR-129 Dockets: 50-498 and 50-499 Categoryi A2 Licensee: Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P)

P. O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001 Facility Name: South Texas Project (STP)

Inspection At: STP, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: April 15 - May 24, 1985


Inspectors: -

7 (I C.T. Johnson, Senior Resident Inspector Date Project Section B, Reactor Project Branch 1 (Paragrapns 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12)

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[D.L.Garris6WResidentInspector Da~te Project Section B, Reactor Project Branch 1 (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12)

Approved: -X 2 m./ )

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G. L. Coi1 stable, Chief, Project Section B Dath Reactor Project Branch 1 Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted April 15 - May 24, 1985 (Report 50-498/85-06 50-499/85-06)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of licensee action on previous inspection findings; licensee identified items (50.55e); heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; spent fuel racks; and public meeting The inspection involved 472 inspector-hours onsite by two NRC inspector j Results: Within the areas inspected, one violation was identified and is l discussed in paragraph l l

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L DETAILS I' Persons Contacted h Principal Licensee Employees l R. M. Attar, Civil Engineering Supervisor


K. Jolley, Project Licensing ,

! *K. O'Gara, Project Compliance Engineer t

! *F. White, Lead Project Compliance Engineer 1 R. Hernandez, Supervisor, Project Compliance i

M..Powell, Supervising Engineer, Project Licensing .

l D. Long, Site Engineering i F. Alkov, Material Control Supervisor

  • S. Hubbard, Senior QA Engineer l
  • M.' R. Wisenburg, Licensing Manager l * A. McBurnett, Supervising Engineer, Nuclear Licensing .
  • R. Keating, Operations QA, General Supervisor I j * T.'Westermeyer, Project Manager j * L. Perryman, Meteorology Lab Supervisor A. Ludwig, Maintenance Supervisor


  • . * S. Blair, Maintenance Support Supervisor i- * H. Kinsey, Plant Manager- ,

l * M. McDaniels, Senior Specialist  !


  • C. Arthurs, Project QA. General Supervisor:  !

] * A. Blewett, SPE-Construction Superintendent -



  • Khosla, Project Compliance Engineer i
  • P. Sabol. Mechanical QC Supervisor Other Personnel

! Bechtel Power Corporation (Bechtel)



B. Linwood, Document Control K. Dotterer, Project QA Engineer '



A. Bice, QA Engineer "


J. Noxon, QA Engineer '

  • R. Medina, QA Engineer F. Joyce, Tendon Engineer A. G. Benyo, Supports Lead Engineer

N. B. Kuloor, HVAC Coordinator

K. K. Patel, Lead Engineer, SMTS l l- A. Howard, Lead Engineer, Materials AC l 2 W. M. Senn, Lead QC Engineer, Receiving  !


  • J. L. Hurley, Site Engineering Manager

, *R. W. Miller, Deputy PQAM i *0. M. Stover, Construction Manager  :

l *J. B. Gatewood, PQAE [

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-3-Ebasco Services, Inc. (Ebasco)

J. E. Peterson, HVAC Assistant Lead Engineer (Unit 1)

R. Marberg, QC Supervisor (Pipe Supports /HVAC)

A. Layfield, QAE (HVAC/I&C)

D. Volkening, QC Inspector (HVAC)

R. Hinojosa, QA. Engineer S. Bodnarchuk, Lead HVAC Engineer (HVAC)

J. Parks, QC Supervisor

  • C. L. Haun, Quality Program Site Manager
  • R. G. Peck, QA Site Supervisor
  • J. A. Thompson, Site Manager Westinghouse Electric Comnpany (Westinghouse)

A. Hogart, Site QA Manager

  • Denotes those individuals attending the exit interview conducted May 24, 198 . Site Tour


During this reporting period, routine tours of the site were conducted by the NRC inspectors. In addition to the general housekeeping activities and cleanliness of the facilities, specific attention was given to areas where safety-related equipment is installed. No apparent violations were observe . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item 8210-03 . This item concerns statements in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) that: Structural and miscellaneous steel conform to one of seven material type Certified mill test reports are to be furnished for all material Contrary to statements a and b the reports noted that several other types of steel materials were being bought for project use; also certificates of conformances were allowed for some bolts,-nuts and washer After review, the NRC inspector concludes that these items are the result of deficiencies in the FSAR. The FSAR has since been updated to include an extensive listing of structural materials to be used on the jobsit Also, statements to the effect that certified mili test reports documenting chemical and physical properties or material certificates of compliance be supplied for all material used on the project in accordance with AISC specifications, and material and purchase order specifications. The licensee has also identified this problem area. The NRC inspector's review of the licensee action on this matter is deemed satisfactor This item is considered close l .

i-4-(Closed) Unresolved Item 8414-01 - This item concerned discrepancies in


the changeover.of the document control functions and responsibilities.

! Procedure WPP QCI 3.0 did not provide detail for use of the daily notification list; the field revision list, field history records and matrices contained dual entries; and there was an excessive backlog of work and errors. In essence the program was effective but.had not been completely " debugged."

The licensee,- in response, has revised the procedure clarifying the use of the daily notification list and reviewed the history register to purge the double entries. '. Additionally, a 100% review was made of the stations receiving records against the records sen The.NRC inspector additionally checked drawing stations D75 (fabrication shop), A02 (Unit I), D-71 (Ebasco), and D-73 (HL&P startup)

for drawing control which. included 2 plumbing drawings, 14 specifications, 4 aperture cards,.1 as-built drawing, 1 vendor drawing, 2 elementary

' diagrams, 4 piping and instrument diagrams, 7 field drawings, 1 set of electrical notes and details, and 3 instrument piping drawings. The control station drawings were verified against the master in Bechtel engineering document control and found to be ih full agreemen Additionally, 3 recalls were verified and were returne'd the same day as recalle The NRC' inspector did not note any items or problems in the areas inspected; therefore~the corrective action on this item is considered adequat This item is considered close (Closed) Unresolved Item 8312-02 - This item ' concerns review of nonconformance reports (NCR) by licensee personnel for possible 10 CFR 50.55(e) action. This area has been evaluated in detail and is included in this report as a separate major inspection (paragraph 8). No further action is required. This item is considered close .(Closed) Unresolved Item 8211-01 - For: bolts of certain heat code lots, the accompanying nondestructive examination (NDE) test reports indicate that more bolts were.NDE tested than were heat treated and mechanically and chemically tested. The items of concern were 2-1/2" x 15-1/2" and 2-1/2" x 14" ASTM-A-540, E4340-H, Grade B23, Class 4 bolts. The NRC inspector reviewed all of the pertinent documents in purchasing and the document control vault in resolution to the apparent discrepancy. In conversation with the assistant quality assurance manager for the

, manufacturer, it was determined that the physical test sheet that is

.sent to a purchaser only' reflects the number from that heat that was shipped, and not the total number tested. In this case, 359 and 241 l 15-1/2" bolts and 64, 14" bolts were shipped. The NOE report reflects the l number that the manufacturer desires to have tested with the excess placed

iM ) stock. The 600 15-1/2" and 64 14" bolts, as indicated in the quality
block, were received on Material Received Record (MRR) 81208 and Receiving i_ Inspection Report'2745. The Charpy impact test reports are acceptable, L



-5-based on ASTM-A-540, 1977 and ASME Section III, Sub-article NB 2321.2, 197 This item is considered close JClosed)UnresolvedItem 8306-03 - This item concerned an NRC inspector's oDservation of removal and disassembly of erected structural steel in order to relocate some components. It was noted that there was no procedure, method, or control established to document or verify disassembly / reassembly. It was noted.that a procedure was in draft form and in a review cycle. The matter was unresolved pending issue of an adequate procedur Quality Control Procedure 10.27, " Modification / Removal Control Procedure,"

has been finalized and issued for use (Revision 2 is in use); this

. procedure is worked in conjunction with Administrative Site Procedure 22,

" Field Fabrication Modifications." No further action is require This item is considered close (Closed) Unresolved Item 8203-01 - The concern during the transition was that the new constructor (Ebasco) may not have adequate procedures, personnel, and training at that tim It is established at this time that the licensee, designer, and constructor have an adequate procedure program designed to allow for performance of functions on the site as evidenced by the volumes of approved program documents. The programs are considered adequate at this time. This item is considered close . Licensee Action on Previously Report Items (50.55e)

The NRC. inspectors reviewed the following deficiency evaluation report (DER)/ Incident Review Committee (IRC) and determined that no further action is necessar (Closed) IRC 167 - This item concerned 458 tendons which, due to changing of contractors, forced long term storage causing tendons to deteriorate to a non-usable condition, exhibiting rusting and pittin The NRC inspector verified through conversation with the president of a scrap materials company and through shipping reports that 430 tendons were scrapped and 28 had been retained by the vendor (Prescon) and given to a local company for scra The licensee has committed to total replacement of the tendons in addition to specification requirements which would preclude a like situation including periodic surveillance and application of corrosion inhibitors and storage in a controlled environment. Also, the new tendons will be manufactured in a time span consistent with construction progress so that the tendons should not be subject to storage longer than 8 month Fabrication of new tendons commenced in February 1985 with the licensee contractor maintaining weekly surveillance at the fabrication shop. The NRC inspector is satisfied that the licensee has properly handled and




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-6-processed:this matter in accordance with established procedur This item is considered close (Closed) DER-84-011 (IRC 195) - During an anchor bolt review program, twelve bolts 1-1/2" x 35" long were determined to have been fabricated from ASTM-A36 instead of ASTM A-19 The purchase order was placed by Brown & Root, Inc. (Brown & Root) in 1979 to Bostrom-Bergen who subcontracted the work to Meddco Metals (Meddco).

Meddco. fabricated the bolts from material supplied by Ryerson, identified as Heat T161, with documentation stating that the material was A-36. The Meddco statement of conformance and shop traveler attest to the fact that the correct material had been used. The fact is that Meddco quality assurance did not verify that the material was of the correct type even though the traveler was signed off that it wa Brown & Root receiving did not verify that the material was of the correct type and placed the material in storage for use. When the error was discovered by Bechtel, the 12 bolts were located and identifie All 12 have been verified as being made from A-36 material using a scanning x-ray fluorescence analyzer. Four bolts have been verified as having been scrapped. Eight bolts have previously been issued to the field and are located in the Unit 2 steam generator wall and are identified on Drawing 3C01-2-C-1651, Rev. Bechtel has completed design calculations and j determined that the eight bolts are satisfactory for their intended servic The NRC inspector reviewed the documentation associated with this item,


i including discussion with the designer and physical observation of the installed material and concludes that no further evaluation is necessary I and that nothing could be gained by further pursuing the matter. The I

evaluation by the licensee is satisfactory. This item is considered close . Safety-Related HVAC Systems L The purpose of this inspection is to determine (1) whether QA plans, instructions, and procedures for inspection of safety-related HVAC systems have been established; (2) whether technical requirements associated with safety-related HVAC. systems have been adequately addressed in the construction specifications, drawings, and work procedures; (3)

through direct observation and independent evaluation of work, whether the installation of safety-related HVAC systems are in compliance with the NRC requirements, licensee commitments, and cod Procedural Review The NRC inspectors reviewed three construction site procedures, one quality control procedure, and one specification pertaining to the


installation and inspection of safety-related HVAC duct and duct supports. Procedures reviewed designated the responsibilities of various

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-7-individuals. These procedures provided hold points for craft personnel and they appear to have adequate inspection / installation criteri Means have been established to verify that any deviations, _ field changes, or discrepancies from approved drawings are adeauately-controlled and processe Procedures reviewed are listed belo .

. CSP-6, Rev. 2, " Installation of HVAC Duct Hangers and Equipment Hangers," dated 3-7-85

. CSP-9, Rev. 1, " Installation of Duct and Duct Accessories,"

dated 1-4-85

. CSP-82, Rev. 4, "AWS D1.1 Structural Welding," dated 1-15-85

. QCP-10.21, Rev. 4, "HVAC Duct / Hanger Installation Inspection," dated 4-17-85

. Specification SV279VS1003,'Rev. 4, " Installation of Safety Class and Nonsafety Class HVAC Equipment and Ductwork" b. Observation of Work and Work Activities The NRC inspectors performed an inspection of an HVAC system in the electrical penetration room above elevation 35'-0" in the electrical auxiliary building. -This HVAC system extended from 9'-8" south of 23 line to approximately 3'-0" north of 21 line; turns due west parallel to 21 line and continues to duct section 043 (Intermech Drawing 5-V-11-1-V-0057-A-ID). The NRC inspectors checked for location,-

orientation, size and configuration, bolts and bolted flanges, and type of gasket material used for duct sectio There were approximately 20 supports and 44 duct sections in the system inspected. The overall system appeared to be in compliance with procedures and drawing One observation made by the NRC inspectors during the inspection was the numerous alternate methods used for duct support installatio The craft has the option to use various alternate methods to install duct supports. These alternate methods are listed in three book volumes called cookbooks. Utilization of the cookbook makes it cumbersome and time consuming for QC inspector The Ebasco HVAC engineer did inform the NRC inspectors that the current program now is implementing drawings and cut sheets which will stand alone without the use of the cookboo ,


~ Records Review The NRC inspectors reviewed all traveler packages of safety-related HVAC duct and supports visually examined in the electrical penetration roo The licensee is adequately preparing, reviewing, and maintaining a system of quality records. Visual examination indicates that there is reasonable assu'rance that the records reflect work accomplished in the field and are consistent with NRC requirement Supports Travelers Duct Travelers

. 1-6-0057-S001 thru S008 . 1-6-0057-001 thru 006

. 1-6-0057-5010 . 1-6-0057-008 thru 017

. 1-6-0057-S014 . 1-6-0057-019 thru 030

. 1-6-0057-5026 thru S032 . 1-6-0057-033 thru 043

. 'l-6-0057-5038 . 1-6-0057-042 thru 094

. 1-6-0057-5043 Drawing (Intermech, Inc.)

. SV-11-1-V-0057-A-ID No violations or deviations were identifie . Training of HVAC Inspectors (Ebasco)

Ebasco QC Procedure 2.1, Revision 4, was reviewed in order to assess that the procedure contained adequate requirements for certifying and evaluating personnel to the commitments of the FSAR and ANSI. The following items were evaluated:

. References.- This section contains nine sections, each of which is considered applicable and indicates to a complete document review for requirement input; i.e., 10 CFR, ANSI, Reg Guides, FSA . Attachment, forms - Ten forms are attached to this procedure and indicate degrees of proficiency obtainable, required or obtained including training, physical ability and experience factor . Responsibilities and Procedure - These items are outlined generally in the area affecting general supervision with emphasis placed on the three levels of qualification and the ANSI minimum

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. requirements for education, training, and testing. All pertinent information is documented and filed, accordingly, on relevant form . Physical Requirements - Ii1 this area a person is capable of qualifying partially depending upon the type of work require The eye test is standard but is not a cause for rejection in itself as it allows for variances in near and distant acuity and color vision. The " Statement of Physical Condition," which is completed by the applicant, appears to be immaterial as it is only a testament of conditio . Indoctrination and Training - Demonstrated training and reading assignments are included with emphasis plact.d on the form themselves being self-explanatory. These forms provide for review by supervision and issuance of certification cards and certificates of proficienc . Evaluation of Performancc/0ngoing Training - Provisions are made for evaluation of performance by a higher level inspector or enginee Ongoing training relies on extensive readin . Documentation - Files of individual history are maintained in the training complex in an orderly manner and contain pertinent information on the individual's background, work, and training history, i

A review of the files was performed for seven inspectors of different backgrounds. In each file examined, it was found that the required documents were enclosed, properly completed, and current for each activity examined, including background verification. The records examined were:

education and experience work related, eye exam, training, reading, examination score sheets, certificates of qualification, evaluation, and certificates and cards of certification No violations or deviations were identifie . Class 7 HVAC Supports Class 7 supports are Seismic Category II supports whose continued function is not required but whose failure could reduce the functioning of one or more plant safety systems or components to an unacceptable safety leve Procedures The NRC inspector reviewed procedures, drawings, and specifications for the HVAC support / systems to determine whether adequate technical requirements and inspection / installation requirements associated with Class 7 HVAC supports have been adequately addressed. Adequate inspection procedures have been established for Class 7 HVAC supports / systems, including scope and frequency of inspections, acceptance criteria, documentation and reporting requirement = - _ .



-10-Means have been established to verify significant design and field

, changes fron, approved design drawings are adequately controlled.


Drawings and general notes define and delineate safety-related/nonsafety-related boundaries and equipmen Documents reviewed are listed below:

. Specification 7A050G-S1005, Rev. 2, " Specification for Quality Program Requirements for Quality Class 7 Systems, Structures, and Components," dated 11-06-84

. Specification SV279VS1003, Rev. 4, " Installation of Safety Class and Nonsafety Class HVAC Equipment and Ductwork"

. Quality Assurance Manual for Quality Class 7 Systems, Structures and Components, Rev. 3, dated 2-18-85 b. Observation of Work and Work Activities The NRC inspector, by direct observation, interviews, and independent evaluation of work performance, work in progress, and completed work, determined that overall activities relative to Class 7 HVAC supports are being accomplished in accordance with NRC requirements, licensee procedures, and specification, except for the discrepancies noted in the observation belo During the observation of Support 1-5-0036-5002 the NRC inspector noted that the bolts were not torque Contrary to the above, traveler package inspection reports for Support 1-5-0036-5022 indicated that all bolts were torque This violates Procedure CSP-6, paragraphs 7.02 and 7.0 (50-498/499-8506-01)

The NRC inspector also observed workers installing an HVAC support wall plate using large crescent wrenches to tighten the bolts before final torqueing. It appeared that the installers were using excessive force to tighten the bolts, possibly exceeding torque requirements. This may indicate poor construction practices or a lack of trainin Documents examined by the NRC inspector are listed belo Support Traveler N . 1558200-36-5027

. 1558200-36-5029

. 1558200-36-S023 l . 1558200-36-5020

. 1558200-36-5021 i

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. 1558200-36-5026

. 1558200-36-S025

. 1558200-36-S030

. 1558200-36-S028

. 1558200-36-S024 Records Review The NRC inspector reviewed all records pertaining to the Class 7 HVAC supports inspected. Records were easily retrievable and legible except for the discrepancy noted in paragraph 7b. The records adequately document current status, latest drawing revisions, and all associated documents indicating conformance to plans. Traveler packages reviewed are the same as indicated in paragraph 7 . Review of Construction Deficiency Reporting 10 CFR 50.55(e)

The purpose of this review was to ascertain the adequacy of the procedure :


and process in promptly reporting and evaluating 50.55(e) item The NRC inspector reviewed the applicable procedures, forms, logs, system, and followed the process from the design reporting and nonconformance reporting aspects. Bechtel Quality Control Instruction 5.3, Revision 6, is used at the site to review NCRs for reportability in conjunction with General Project Procedure 2.20, " General Project Requirements for Reporting Significant Deficiencies." The procedure the licensee uses to evaluate and process 50.55(e) items is Project Licensing Procedure 02,

" Reporting Design and Construction Deficiencies to NRC." The following was noted during the inspection and review: The procedure for processing deficiency evaluation reports for 50.55(e) items is handled by three methods: (1) an individual with a concern may generate the report; (2)

design engineering may generate the report based on information that one feels is applicable; and (3) nonconformance reports are reviewed by the

. A/E QA group and nonreportable items are screened ou From the inspector's review of this process, it is noted that 50.55(e)

items are reported in a timely manner as either potentially reportable or reportabl Five deficiency evaluation reports (DER) were examined in the Houston


office of the A/ Review of these procedures indicates that guidance is available to promptly process the DERs. The method, procedures, and time periods for processing DERs is considered adequat No violations or deviations were identifie . Review of Concrete and Records The purpose of this inspection was to verify the integrity of selected concrete walls in the Unit I Mechanical, Electrical Auxiliary Building (MEAB).


-12-The NRC inspectors had previously noted in the stairwell of the Unit I MEAB that the wall surfaces below and above the 35' elevation (rooms 104A, 206A, and 211B) contained an excessive amount of surface imperfections, mainly small voids left by air bubbles or entrapped ai The total surface area of the voids is estimated to be about 15-20 percent. The NRC inspector and three licensee and Bechtel field engineers made an inspection of the walls in order to determine if the surface condition was an indication of the internal soundness of the wall Sounding of the walls with a steel bar did not reveal any defective area Observation of an existing wall boring did not reveal any areas that were


not solid. An inspection and review of the records for Concrete Pour MD-1-W025-07A at Elevation 39 and Pour ME-1-W025-06A at Elevation 41, especially the cylinder test data was performe The date of the placements were November and December 197 The concrete mix used was Code B-1-3-11 (4000 psi at 28 days). The records reviewed indicated that the requirements for air content, slump, temperature, unit weight, and compressive strength were met. Nine 28-day cylinders were compression tested and all specimens broke above 5700 psi. It was concluded, based on review of records and inspection, that the surface condition is not an indication of the internal soundness of these wall No violations or deviations were identifie . Spent Fuel Racks The purpose of this inspection was to determine how receiving inspections were performed, and also the storage requirements for the spent fuel racks (Units 1 and 2).

The NRC inspector was informed by the licensee that many of these racks would be utilize However, they are also planning to use high density spent fuel rack Procedure Review The NRC inspector reviewed four procedures and one specification pertaining to receipt inspecting, maintenance, storage requirements, and a procedure for all nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) data packages. Review by the NRC inspector indicated that procedures appeared to be adhered to. Documents reviewed are listed belo . Specification 953264, " General Specification for Pensacola Division (New & Spent Fuel Racks)," Revision 1, dated 8-25-76

. WPP-QCI 12.0, Revision 14, " Storage Control of Permanent Plant Items," dated 12-15-81

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. WPP QCI 4.0, Revision 10 " Receiving Inspections," dated 2-15-82

. WPP QCI 28.0, Revisio"n 9, " Maintenance of Materials and Equipment," dated 3-21-82

. TP 7.5, Revision 0, " Review of Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) Data Packages"

. Westinghouse NSSS Storage Manuals Records Review The NRC inspector reviewed maintenance records for the spent fuel racks. Records indicated that maintenance was performed periodically as required by procedure. Inspection attributes consisted of damage support inspection or deteriorations and any damage to the rack Cleanliness was not a part of this maintenance check. Review of the purchase order / data package indicated that all documentation required by. procedure was contained. The NRC inspector was interested in examining material test reports, certificate of compliance, and ND reports. Westinghouse Change Notice 4 deleted the requirement for data packages to contain material test reports, certificate of compliance and NDE report The only document required by this change notice is a quality release and any deviation notice The licensee informed the NRC inspector that NSSS equipment by Westinghouse is handled differently, and that Westinghouse, by contractural agreement, will maintain this documentation. The NRC


inspector has requested these documents from the licensee and Westinghouse for reviewing. This will be considered an open item until these documents have been reviewed. Open Item 50-498/499/8506-0 Documents reviewed are listed belo Purchase Order l


. P.O. 247445

. P.O. 204005 Receiving Inspection Reports l . RIR 1779 l

. RIR 1776

. RIR 2698

. RIR 2668 l

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Data Packages

. 0891

. 0893

. 0919

. 0917 Maintenance Records

. M-4462

. M-4032

. M-2082

. M-4033

. M-4164

. M-4168 Observation Observation by the NRC inspector indicated that the spent fuel-storage racks were stored as Level "0" material supported on dunage and exposed to the environment. Review of Westinghouse storage procedures indicated Level "D" storage requirements as did Bechtel procedures for the spent fuel storage racks. Spent fuel racks were stored in accordance with site procedure The NRC inspector informed the licensee that the storage racks cleanliness condition was not in the best of shape. The licensee informed the NRC inspector that the racks will all be hydro blasted prior to installation No violations or deviations were identifie . Public Meeting I

The NRC staff hosted a public meeting in Bay City, Texas, on May 2, 198 The NRC staff from NRR Division of Licensing perforraed an environmental review of the site and its surroundings. The purpose of the meeting was to provide the general public with the opportunitj to comment and question the staf The RIV Section Chief, Public Affairs Cf icer, and Senior Resident Inspector were introduced to the general public, local officials, and the applicant prior to start of the meetin p 12. Exit Interview An exit interview was conducted on May 31, 1985, with those personnel denoted in paragraph 1 of this report. During the exit interview, the NRC inspectors summarized the scope and findings of this inspection.