IR 05000338/1988002

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Discusses Insp Repts 50-338/88-02 & 50-339/88-02 on 880125- 29 & 0208-12 & Forwards Notice of Violation.Response Should Describe Actions Taken or Planned to Improve Effectiveness of Inservice Testing & Audit Programs
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/26/1988
From: Grace J
To: Cruden D
Shared Package
ML20155H317 List:
RTR-REGGD-01.144, RTR-REGGD-1.144 NUDOCS 8806200249
Download: ML20155H312 (2)


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May 26, 1988 Docket Nos.53-338, 50-339 License Nos. MPF-4, NPF-7 -

Virginia Electric and Power Company ATTN: Mr. D. S. Cruden, Vice President, Nuclear Opm ations P. O. Box 26666 Richmond, VA 23261 Gentlemen:



(NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-338/88-02 AND 50-339/88-02)

This refers to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted by M. Shannon on January 25 - 19 and February 8 - 12, 1988. The inspection included a review of activities authorized for your North Anna facilit At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the inspection report. The report docu-menting that inspection was sent to you by letter dated March 14, 198 NRC concerns relative to the inspection findings were also discussed in an Enforcenent Conference held' on March 28, 198 A summary of this Enforcement Conference is being sent under separate cove <

Areas examined during the inspection are identified in the repor Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations c# procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations in progres The inspection findings indicate that certain activities appeared to violate NRC requirements. The violations, references to pertinent requirements, and ,

elements to be included in your response are described in the enclosed Notice of Violatio *

In addithn t, the r.eed for corrective action regat-ding the specific matters identified in the enclosed Motice, we are also concerned about the lack of inplementatic,n of your Inservice Testing and audit programs that permitted this situation to develo Consequently, your response should describe those particular actions taken or planned to improve the effectiveness of these '

program Additionally, we are interested in your determination regarding the root cause of the solenoid operated valve failures. As such, we are reques'cing that you include in your response any root cause evaluation results and any corrective actions based on these result ' 0 88o88g,,

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Virginia Electric and Power' Company 2' May 26, 1988 l

In- accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's Rules of Practice," Part 2,


Title 10,- Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this . letter and its enclosure will be-placed in the NRC Public Document Roo l The' responses directed by this letter and.its enclosure are not subject to the l clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction' Act of 1980, PL 96-51 Should you have ary questions concerning this letter, please contact u

Sincerely, (Original signed by J Nelson)

J. Nelson Grace Regional Administrator Enclosure:

Notice of Violation cc w/ enc 1:

G. Kane, Station Manager N. - E. Hardwick, Manager - Nuclear Programs and Licensing bec w/ encl:

J. Lieberman, OE ,

NRC Resident Inspector DRS Technical Assistant Document Control Desk Commonwealth of Virginia


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