IR 05000333/1992018

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Exam Rept 50-333/92-18(OL) Administered During Wks of 921026 & 1105.Exam results:8 of 11 Applicants Passed Exam, 2 SRO Instant Candidates Did Not Pass Exam & 1 Reactor Operator Did Not Pass Exam
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1992
From: Arthur Burritt, Conte R
Shared Package
ML20126K649 List:
50-333-92-18OL, NUDOCS 9301070209
Download: ML20126K657 (205)




U.S. NUCl.11AR llEGULATORY COMMISSION OPERATOR LICENSING 11XAMINATION REPORT Examination Report No.: 9218 (OL) Facility Docket No.: 50-333 Facility License No.: DRP 59 Licensee: _ New York Power Authority James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Post Office Ilox 41 Lycoming, New York 13093 Facilities: J. A. Fitzpatrick


Examination Dates: October 26 November 6,1992 Examiners: A. Ilurriit, Ogntions Engineer


T. Fish, Senior Operatiour Engineer D. Prawdrik, Examiner, EG&G M. Parrish, Examiner, EG&G 3

  '/  j ~

l N


Chief Examiner: r / /8 - W~ h1 A. 'llurritt, Operations IIng'incer Date


Approved by: ef Ch3 8 1 $ /2 -Si -% Richard J. Conte, Chief Date llWR Section Operations llranch, DRS




p ,9301070209 930104 L PDR .ADOCK 05000333



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l l INAh11 NATION SUMMAltY Initial examinations were administered to one senior reactor operator (SitO) upgrade, five Sito instant and five reactor operator (110) candidates. Four of six SitO and four of five itO applicants passed both portions of the examinations. Two SitO instants did not pass the operating examination and one itO did not pass the written examination, in general, the applicants were well prepared for the exmninations. The applicants' effective communications and teamwork during the simulator portion of the examination were a noted strength.110 performance on the written portion of the examination appeared to be notably weaker than that of the Sitos. The 110 scores avereged over five points lower than the SitO scores. The itO weaknesses appear to be focused on selected areas as indicated by section 3.1 of this report. The facility staff readily cooperated with the NitC lixaminers during the examination preparation and administration and strengths and weaknesses were identified as feedhack to the licensee's training progra . While conducting the operating portion of the tests, the examinets noted deficiencies in the areas of limergency Operating Procedure (liOP) locker control, procedure adequacy, and identification of limergency llesponse Planning Areas (liltPAs). To summarire, liOP lockers had either missing or faulty locks and inadequate inventories; four procedures, in particular OP-22, * Diesel Generator limergency Power," lacked consistent guidance with respect to emergency load limits; and the method used to identify tiltPAs is susceptible to non-conservative errors. The facility agreed to review these observations and take appropriate corrective actions. Section 4.0 of this report has the detail # au m u


_ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ ____ f DETAIIJi > INTitODUCTION  ; The NRC examiners administered initial examinations to one Senior Reactor Op;rator (SRO) upgrade, Ove SRO instant, and Ove Reactor Operator (RO) applicants. The examinations were administered in accordance with NUREG-1021, fixaminer Standards, Revision 6. The results of the examination are summarized below: .


SRO RO Pass / Fall Pass / Fall Written 6/0 4/1 Operating 4/2 5/0 Overall 4/2 4/1 PREEXAMINATION ACTIVITIES The facility reviewed the written examinations in the facility training center from October 13 16, 1992. The review team included the Operations Training Supervisor, the License


Operator Replacement Program Administrator, one licensed Senior Reactor Operator, and two licensed Reactor Operators from the operations group. The simulator scenarios and JPMs were validated October 13 - 15, 1992, on the facility simulator. The facility staff who


were involved with these reviews signed security agreements to ensure that the examination was not compromise .0 EXAMINATION FINDINGS AND OllSEltVATIONS The following is a summary of the strengths and weaknesses noted during examination administration, This information is being provided to aid the licensee in upgrading their training program, Written Section The following subjects were missed by at least three of the six SRO candidates, indicating a weak performance in these areas:

* Knowledge of the requirements to have a Senior Reactor Operator on the refuel floor

, during core alterations with no other concurrent responsibilities; l

* Knowledge of which activities require an instruction or a procedure;
* Knowledge of the hydrogen concentrations (percent volume in air) that will result in an explosive mixture; l
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* Knowledge of the number of safety / relief valve (SitV) operations provided by the accumulator following loss of pneumatic supply to the SitV;
* Knowledge of the challenge to containment from a failure to scram transient with a     ,

- full main steam isolation valve closure * 1 I

* Knowledge of the initial effect of a sustained loss of shutdown cooling during refueling; The following subjects were missed by at least thrce of the five itO candidates, indicating a     ;

weak performance in these areas:

* Knowledge of overtime requhements;        .


* Knowledge of the hydrogen concentrations (percent volume in air) that will result in an explosive mixture;
* Knowledge of conditions when concurrent dual verification is permitted in lieu of independent verification;
* Knowledge of why the rod worth minimizer is not required to be operable when power is greater than the low power setpoint;
* Knowledge of the system / plant respone to a recirculation flow unit failed downscale;
* Knowledgc of the plant response to a turbine trip on low vacuum with one turbine stoo valve failing to shut;
* Knowledge of the challenge to containment from a failure to scram transient with a full main steam isolation valve closure;
* Knowledge of what method of rod insertion will result in the largest differential pressure across a control rod drive piston;
* Knowledge of the initial effect of a sustained loss of shutdown cooling during refueling;
* Knowledge of the plant response to loss of both divisions of 24 volt DC power; l
* Knowledge of the reason for the itPV level band (177" to 222,5") identified in j procedure EOP-2, "ItPV Control";

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    * Knowledge of the effect from a small leak into the drywell on RPV level instruments at the control room panel 9-5; Walk through Section The following assessments were based on observations of at least 4 candidates Strengths
    * Use of operator aids: During performance of in-pltnt JPMs candidates traced through P&lDs posted as operator aids, prior to task performance. This tracing was performed to review system flowpaths and the potential effects of task implementation on the system / plan * Use of electrical prints: The candidates routinely demonstrated effective use of electrical prints while verifying answers to JPM follow-up questions concerning interlocks, logic and system respons Weaknesses
    * SROs inconsistent use of Emergency Plan implementing Procedures for protective action recommendations: When determining emergency response planning areas (ERPAs) requiring shelter and/or evacuation, candidates used procedure EAP-18,
     " Protective Action Recommendations," Ogure 18.6 in some cases and EAP 7.1,
     " Emergency Out-Of-Plant and Downwind Surveys," figure 7.1.6 in others. The cause appears to be procedural deGelencies that are discussed in section 4.3 of this repor .3 Simulator Section The following assessments were based on observations of at least two different crews St rengths, l
    * Effective communications, particularly excellent use of formal repeat backs and three way communication technique * Methodical approach to operation and procedure compliance: When RO candidates were distracted during performance of an evolution, they kept the SRO informed of task status and always got back and completed the task when time permitted.

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* Effective teamwork practices as follows:

RO candidates told the SRO when they were overloaded with tasks to perfonn; RO candidates asked for a priority when given multiple tasks: RO candidates told the SRO when they were available to perform additional tasks; Weaknesses e ineffective monitoring of key reactor parameters (Reactor power, water level, and pressure) as indicated by the following observations: Several minutes passed between reports of key parameters during rapid transients; Key parameter values associated with EOP milestones and transition points (i.e., top of active fuel and 43" reactor water level) not consistently announced; The candidates did not consistently provide trends with parameter information;

* Ineffective monitoring and control of emergency diesel generator (EDG) loading during a loss of site power with only one EDO available: 110th crews examined with this scenario did not reduce EDO loading to less than or equal to 2600 KW as required by procedure OP-22, " Diesel Generator Emergency Power" step G.I. When low pressure injection flow was increased, the examiners noted EDO loads as high as 3600 KW. Procedural deficiencies are discussed in section 4.2 of this repor .4 Euunination Process Observations-The facility training staff was highly sensitive to the need for examination security. They provided a well thought out and comprehensive plan to avoid any appearance of compromise.

l- In particular were the measures taken during the simulator portion of the examination. These measures included the use of multiple rooms for group separation, escorts, prescripted transit routes, and separate restroom facilitics for each grou The simulator operstor effectively sequenced and coordinated job performance measure (JPM) implementation on the simulator.- This effort allowed two candidates to be examined on the simulator simultanelisly, yet prevented overlap and minimized examination delays. -

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              : In Plant Observations       j i

The examiners noted that access into the plant and through the radiological control areas was  ! smoot j i


While performing in plant JpMs three EOP/AOP lockers were accessed in each of the three cases locker control and inventory were inadequate. The examiner and candidate opened  :


both control rmi drive (CitD) vent sig cabinets; neither cabinet was locked and they were


both missing required equipment, These cabinets were missing a copy of AOP-38 along with a large wrench to connect and secure the CRD vent rig hose. The relay room cabinet was also entered and in this case a break away type lock was removed without damag Operations personnel determined the k)ck was faulty and replaced it. The locker did not a contain fuse pullers required for deenergiring a stuck open safety relief valve in accordance with AOP-36, " Stuck Open Relief Valve (s). The inventory list did not include fuse pullers, i however this would be the most appropriate place to store fuse pullers for prompt task implementation by an operator in the Geld. The unit wr.s shut down at the time of the , Ondings - i ' During the exit meeting, New York Power Authority representatives committed to promptly . review the EOP locker status and correct any denciencies immediately. Prior to restart of ,


i the unit, the NRC reviewed the licensee control of EOP equipment in inspection report 30-


333/9214 and no dc0ciencies were identified. This issue is considered closed.

Procedure Changes

During the operating portion of the examination, the examiners identified the following procedures as potentially requiring changes. The examiners discussed their observations with the Licensed Operator Replacement Program Administrato . Procedure OP 22 " Diesel Generator Emergency Power," does not provide consistent guidance for emergency diesel generator (EDG) loading for the condition when only one EDG is available for each emergency bus For example, the op_erating sections of the procedure direct operators to limit EDG loading to 2600 KW Ilowever, the system description section of the procedure mentions additional load limits; up to 3050 KW under certain condition It appears that the limit (2600 KW) iniposed by the operating section unnecessarily prohibits EDO operation above this pomt, even when additional loading may be required for event / accident mitigation. The extended EDG load limits described in , the system description section would allow operation above 2600 KW, but yet remain - [ within the EDO capability. This additional load Ocxibility would enhance the- ' ^ operators capability to combat degraded plant condition . . _ _-_-.__a._~_ _ _ . _ . -. _ . _ . _ s_ .. _ _ - _ ,_ . . ~ . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ , __

h 8 Indications of thermal hydraulic instability contained in AOP 8, " Loss of lleactor Coolant Flow," and AOP 62, "less of Feedwater Heating," are not consistent with RAP-7.3.16, " Plant Power Changes." During the operating examination, one candidate was noted to have incorrectly assessed indications of thermal hydraulic instability when using reference RAP-7. . Procedure OP-19, " Reactor Core isolation Cooling System " section/ step E.1.3 does not provide clear guidance on which RCIC system valves should be closed when RCIC is in a standby lineup. This step describes control positions and valves required to be open and then simid y states, "all other valves closed." ~ This methodology does not provide a concise list of closed valves that operators could use during system alignment verification . Procedure ST-ll, "Off Gas Rad Monitor Instrument Functional Test," does not , contain a precaution or a note to alert operators that in the trip test mode, if the test - setpoint is left stat!c for 3 minutes the monitor will shift to the Inop mode causing a channel trip. Also, the procedure does not provide remedial guidance if this inadvertent channel trip occur New York Power Authority representatives acknowledged these four fm' dings and committed to review the procedures and make appropriate changes. The NRC will review these items in a future inspection and the issues are unresolved (50 333/9218-01), Protective Action Recommendation Methods


The emergency plan imr,lementing procedure EAP 18, " Protective Action Recommendations," d es not appear to provide sufficient guidance for the operators to determine emergency response planning areas (ERPAs). Shelter and/or evacuation-recommendations for these areas is mandatory for General Emergency (GE) declaration During rapidly degrading plant conditions the Shift Supervisor (SS) may have to make the . GB declaration and subsequent protective action recommendations (PARS) without assistance from the Technical Support Center. Procedure EAP 18 " Protective Action ' Recommendations," does not provide a method for determining the affected sectors, or establish the size of the downwind sector to be considered for the case described abov Figure EAP 18.6, "Protecth'e_ Action Map ERPA's," illustrates the ERPAs, but does not provide compass reference marks for accurate application of wind direction. . EAP-18


section/ step identifies the downwind area as 22.5 degrees on either side of the indicated wind direction. This guidance appears appropriate; however, it is not in the procedure path taken during 'the initial PAR required for the scenario above. _The candidates made shelter / evacuate recommendations by folding a piece of paper to make a 45 degree


sector and then attempted to center this sector along the estimated wind vector they had applied to figure EAP 18.6. ERPAs were then identified based on the areas enclosed by the 45 degree sector. Facility training personnel stated this is an acceptable method and is discussed in Emergency Plan trainin T- ,

11ecause figure 18.6 has no compass markings, the SS is forced to estimate where on the figure he should apply the wind vector. Ar. plying major directions, such as N, S, E, or W would be straightforward.. Ilowever, applying almost any other vector, for example one of 117 degrees, would be difficult; an estimate would have to do, Any such estimate would likely be made more inaccurate by the crude, paper folding method of determining 2 degrees on either side of the wind vector. The net effect of these rough calculations could be an incorrect ERPA-determination, resulting in El(pas requiring shelter or evacuation not included in the PAR that is develope New York Power Authority representatives stated that they would review the procedure in question and make changes as appropriate. This matter is unresolved (333/92 018-02) pending a review of the corrective actions to ensure proper ERPA determinatio .4 Summary  ;


The examiners noted 1) instances of EOP lochers which had either missing or faulty locks _ and inadequate inventories; 2) examples of procedures, in particular OP-22, which lacked


clear guidance, and 3) the method for making PARS is susceptible to non conservative error The facility agreed to review these observations and take appropriate corrective action .0 UNitESOlWED ITEMS Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to determine , whether they are acceptable, an item of non-compliance or a deviation. Unresolved items- . disclosed during the inspection are discussed in Section 4.2 and .0 EXIT MEETING An exit meeting was conducted November 6,1992, following the administration of the examinations. Exit attendees are listed in Attachment 5. The facility presented their comments on the written examinations (Attachment 3). The NRC exam team discussed generic findings regarding the applicants performance and training program strengths.



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   <Q \

g/Z6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission operator Licensing Examination


f This document is removed.from official Use only category on date of examinatio NRC official Use onl l

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'Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. . Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in
: parentheses after.the question. The passing grade requires a final grade-of at least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up four (4) hours after the examination start CANDIDATE'S TEST VALUE SCORE 1 100.00    % TOTALS FINAL GRADE All work done on this examination is my ow I have neither.given nor received ai _ _ _ _

__ Candidate's Signature =



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. ANSWER S:H E E T Multiple choice (circle or X,your choice)

.-If you change your answer, write your selection in the blan HULTIPLE CHOICE   023 a b c d

_001 a .b c d 024 a b -c -d 002 a b c d 025 a b- e d 003 a b' .c d 026 a b c d 7 004 a b c d 027 a b c d 005- a- b c d 028 a b c d 006 a b c d 029 a b- c- d

.00 .a b c d   030 a .b c .d
:008 a b c d-   031- a- b c d-009f -a b -c d   '032 a b d'

010 a b c d 033- a b c d-011- a b- c d 034 a b c .d _ 012 a b c d 035 a b c d 013 a b c d 036 a b c d 1014 .a b c d 037- a .b c- d 015 -a b c 'd 038 - a b c- d 016 a b c 13 039 a b c .d 017 a -b c d 040 a b .c d-018 a b c d 041- a- b c- d l: l 019 a c d 042 a_ b d 020? .a .b c' d ___ 043' b' c d f021 a b e d 044- ~ a- b .c- d 022 a- b c- d- 045 .a .b .c d l-L , _


I A N S W E'R- SHEET' l MultipleLChoice '(Circle or X your choice) -

 .  .
~If you' change your answer, write your selection in the blan a b' c- d  068 a b c d
- MULTIPLE CHOICE  069' a b d- _

l 047- a b c d 070 a b c d

'048 a b c d  071 a b c d 049 a b c d  072 a b c d 050 a b c d  073 a b c- d m
'051- a b c d  074 a b c d
.052- a b c d  075 a b c d
~ 053 a b c d  076 a b c d 1054 a b . c d  077 a b c d

, 055 a- b c d1 078 a b c d 056 a b c d 079 a b c d _057 a b c d .080 a b c d 058 a b c d 081 a b c d 059 a b c d 082 a b c d _

.060 a b- c d  083 a b c d 061 a b c d  084 a b c- d-06 a .b c d  085 a b c d ___

063 a b Je d 086 a b c d , 066 a b _ d- 087 a b c d

-- 0 6 5 - a b d  088- a c .d 1066 a b: c d  089 - a b-:c d 067 a- b c d  090 -a b c d s


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 ' Multiple choice  (Circle or X your_ choice)
 ,2f you change your answer, write your selection in the blan .091, -a' b c d MULTIPLE CHOICE 092 a b c d __

093 a b e d 094 a b c d .

-095 a b c d 096- a b c d 097 a b c d 098 a b c- d 099 a b c d 100 a b c d i ---


  (**********1END OF EXAMINATION **********)



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h NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply: 1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application end could result in more severe penaltie . After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is yot.r own and you have not received or given assistance in completing tne examination. This must be done after you complete the examinatio . Restroom trips are to be limited and only one applicant at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheatin . Use black ink or dark pencil ONLY to facilitate legible reproduction . Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each answer shee . Mark ycur answers on the answer sheet provided. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAG . Bofore you turn in your examination, consecutively number each answer sheet, including any additional pages inserted when writing your answers on the examination question pag . Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literatur Avoid using symbols such as < or > signs to avoid a simple transposition error resulting in an incorrect anawer. Write it ou . The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the questio . Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to any short answer question . Partial credit may be given except on multiple choice questions. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION AND DO NOT LEAVE ANY ANSWER BLAN . Proportional grading will be applied. Any additional wrong information that is provided may count against you. For example, if a question is worth one point and asks for four responses, each of which is worth 0.25 points, and you give five responses, each of your .esponses will be worth 0.20 point If one of your five responses is incorrect, 0.20 will be deducted and your total credit for that question will be 0.80 instead of 1.00 oven though you got the four correct answer . If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions cf the examiner onl __-- . -

14. Whsn turning in your; examination, assemble the completed examination with-sxamination questions, examination aids and answer sheet In addition, 1 turn in all scrap pape :15.LEnsure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your answer is

-on your answer shee Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following the examinatio .'To pass the' examination, you must achieve a grade ~of 80s or greate . There is ' a time limit of four (4) hours for completion of the examinatio :18; When you are done and have turned in-your examination, leave the~ examination  j

area (EXAMINER WILL DEFINE THE AREA). If you are-found in'this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoke !


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QUESTION: 001 (1.00) Givsn the following-conditions: Today's date is Cctober 26, 199 A fully trained, male radiation worker is 25 years old toda He has a current NRC Form 4 on recor His previous lifetime whole body exposure is.31 Re He has no radiation-exposure this year to dat What is the MAXIMUM whole body radiation exposure for 1992 available for use by this individual in accordance with 10 CFR 20 without invoking limits for emergency and accidental exposure? a. 1000 mrem b. 2000 mrem c. 3000 mrem d. 4000 mrem QUESTION: 002 (!.00) Which of the following describes the minimum watchstanding requirements in order to maintain an " Active" license? Two 8 hour shifts each calendar mont b. Six 8 hour shifts per calendar quarte c. Seven 8 hour shifts during any three month period, d.~ Seven 8 hour shifts each calendar quarter.

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; QUESTION:-003 (1.00)

A' Licensed Reactor Operator has worked the following schedule during a-refueling outages  ; l Monday -- Scheduled day off Tuesday -- 7 am to 7 pm Wednesday -- 7 am to 5 pm Thursday -- 7 am to 3 pm Friday -- 7 am to 3 pm Saturday -- 7 am to 3 pm-Sunday -- 7 am to.9 pm CHOOSE the work schedule for the following Monday that is the MAXIMUM allowed without written authorization by the Resident Manager-or . LSuparintendent of Powe . S~am to 5 pm _ b. 7 am to 3 pn am to 5 pm am to 7-pm

-QUESTION: 004 (1.00)

. Which of the following describes the requirements on physical location , of-licensed personnel in the control room? a. The NCO.may be temporarily absent from the "At the_ controls-Area" in order to respond to alarms at the back panel i b. The NCO may leave'the "At the Controls Area" provided that the SNO or ASS is'in the control roo c. When there is fuel in the reactor, a senior licensed operator must' remain in the control room at all time d. At least two licensed Senior' Reactor Operators shall be present-in the control. room during startup or planned shutdow c a 2 -,  ,n , , .c $
: QUESTION: 005 (1.00)

Rhich of the following would constitute a " Radiation Area"?

- a, An accessible area where a person could accumulate a wnole body dose greater than 100 mrem in 5 consecutive day b. An accessible area where-a person could receive a whole body dose greater than .5 mrem in one hon c. Any area where measurable neutron radiation is detected.

' d. Any area designated as a Contaminated Are _90ESTION -006 (1.00) In order to protect the health and safety of the public, an action which '

' departs-from Technical Specifications is required to be immediately performed by a licensed reactor operato Which of the following describes the course of action this operator is
. permitted to take?

a.'Immediately take whatever action is required without further directio b. Notify the Senior Nuclear Operator then perform the require'd

 - actio ' Perform the required action'then notify the Senior Nuclear Operator or Shift Supervisor of.his actio d. Obtain approval from the Shift Supervisor and then perform'the actio .

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- 3 QUESTION1 007 ~ (1.00)


- Which-of the-following describes the method _used for independentl varifying a: locked throttled valve 7-

-_ Remove the locking device, carefully close-the. valve counting tae. turns then reopen it the same number of turns,-; reapply the
 -locking device to the valve, record _the as left positio ir

'l b. Independent verification of this-valve cannot be performed, place an "NA" in the-signature space for this valve, c.'Since it is already locked, the-valve may be assumed to be .i throttled in the correct position. The-verification may be-signed off as complet d. Independent verification.may be. accomplished by observing the action of the person initially setting the valve with the- . independent verifier in attendance.

, QUESTION:;008 (1.00)

-Which of the following describes the required actions if during a valv lineup independent verification, you find a valve to be mispositioned-open?

a. Contact the person performing the initial valve lineu Have-him properly position.the valve before verificatio Leave the valve as found and-inform the Shift Supervisor of th unexpected valve positio c. Inform the person .rforraing the initial lineup that a_ mistake was made. Close the valve as required by the lineu # d.-Inform the Senior Nuctinx .cator of the mispositioned valv , Close the valve as requi-td by she lineup.-

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_ QUESTION: 009 (1.00) During accident conditions, which of the following Hydrogen Econcentrations (percent volume in air) will result in an explosive mixture? %- % % . % QUESTION: 010 (1.00)

.Which of the following is the MINIMUM time an operator'must abstain from consumption of alcohol prior _to reporting for any scheduled shift?

a. 8 hours hours hours-d. 3 hours

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- QUESTION Oll' (1.00)

x- (While returning RBCLC pump "A" to service following maintenance, which' -

:of;the-following is the correct sequence for removing tags and valving in the pump?

a. Open the discharge valve, then open-the suction valve, close the vent or drain valve, remove the tag (s) on the motor controls b. Close the vent or drain valve, open the suction valve, open the discharge' valve,: remove the tag (s) on the motor controls, c. Remove the tag (s) on the motor controle, open the suction valve,- open the discharge valve, close the vent or drain valve d. Remove the_ tag (s) on the motor controls,:close the vent or drain valve, open the discharge valve, open the suction valve, . QUESTION: 012 (1.00)


LWhile closing the reactor water cleanup outboard isolation valve (12Mov-18), the'following indications occur Both valve position indicating lights above the switch extinguis The annunciator for " Valve overload or Power Loss" is receive The valve indicates mid position on the 09-4 graphic displa Which of the following could account for the present status of 12MOV-187 a. Tripped thermal overload b. Tripped supply breaker c. Tripped torque switch-d. Closing relay (42C) burned out


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3- QUESTION':1013: (1.00)--

-Which of_the=following would' permit " concurrent' dual verification" in;
.lisu of. independent verification of an approved jumper / lifted lead:to a plant: system?

a.-The installation is in a radiation area of 100 mr/h , b. The installation'is in a confined spac c.-Immediate system response is expecte d. Immediate installation is necessary to prevent a scra .


, QUESTION: 014 (1.00) Which of the following is indication that a Safety Relief Valve (SRV) ,

-vacuum breaker has failed in the_open position during SRV operation?

a._ Direct pressurization 1of the suppression chamber air space each time the SRV is opene b. Steam bypassing the relief valve T-quenchers with a direct discharge = path into the suppression pool, c.'An increase in-drywell to torus differential pressure, d. Suppression pool water being drawn up into the SRV discharge line after the SRV is closed.

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m._..-. . .- ._ - _ . . _ _- , . _ _ _ . _ - . _ . .

(QUESTION 1 015 (1.00)-
'Ths.following plant. conditions exist:
 -Automatic Depressurization System - actuated _

Reactor water level - 50 inches All RHR pumps - running

 .Both Core Spray (CS) pumps  - running

120 second timer . timed out 7 ADS SRVs - open-Reactor pressure - 150 peig and decreasing-WHICH of-the following willfcause the Automatic Depressurization System SRV's to.close and remain closed without further operator action?- a. One ADS Normal / Override switch is placed in " OVERRIDE".

b. Water level is raised above 59.5 inches, c. Water level-is raised above 177 inches,


d. All RHR and CS pumps are stoppe . QUESTION: 016 (1.00) JThe-following. plant conditions exist Reactor power is 100%.

 'RCIC Pump and Valve Operability Test is in; progress with the~RCIC turbine running.7(ST-24A).

Torus temperature-is 85 degrees F and-increasing 3-degrees F every' i 15 minutes.- All other plant parameters are: norma _ Select? the MAXIMUM amount of time the test can continue 1 assuming the


current trend. continues, a.-120 minutes ' b. 100 minutes-c.-80 minutes


d. 50 minutes

          - ,
,.  .,-- . .  ,,  . . - . ,

m-QUESTION _017 ?(1.00)

;An~ATWS has occurred and the following conditions exist:-
   - 20% on APRMs.-

Reactor power

   - 200 inches'

Reactor-water level Drywell pressure - 1.1 psi All scram valves - open SDV vent and drain valves - shu , Mode switch - in SHUTDOWN Which-of the following describes resetting of the scram to allow draining of the Scram Discharge Volume? , a. The scram can be-reset by placing the mode switch in STARTUP a placing the CRD Discharge Volume Bypass switch in " BYPASS".

b. The scram cannot reset because the mode switch is in SHUTDOW c. The scram can be reset by_-placing the CRD Discharge Volume - Bypass switch in " BYPASS".

. d. The scram cannot be reset because a scram signal exist QU2STION: 018 (1.00) Which of the following scrams is always required for all modes of-operation? a. Turbine control valve fast closure

b.' APRM Inoperative c.sAPRM Flow Referenced Neutron Flux d. APRM fixed High Neutron Flux (120%) f


r i ! j :' l' L

 -  . ,.  .- ,

_. . . . _ QUESTION: 019 (1.00) Which of the following describes the operation / configuration of the two backup scram valves? a. Normally energized, one valve will de-energize with each RPS channel to vent air heade b. One valve powered from each RPS trip channel, either valve must energize to vent the scram air heade c. Both RPS channels cust trip to deenergize either valve, both valves must deenergize to vent the air heade Both RPS channels must trip to energize either valve, one valve must energize to vent the air heade QUESTION: 020 (1.00) Which of the following describes a properly orientated standard fuel bundle? a. Orientation lugs (boss) on the bail handle points away from the center of the control rod of the four bundle arra b. The channel spacer buttons face the control rod of the four bundle array, c. Serial number on the ball handle is readable from the outside edge of the fuel cel d. Channel fastener is located on the outside edge of the four - bundle arra .

- - . . . _ . . . . . -     ---.....-a

_ . QUESTION -021) ( l '. 00 ) '

.Onca.the Standby Liquid Control system has been initiated, boron ,
. injection _may be terminated whens _

a.-suppression pool temperature decreases below.llo F.


 . .    -i
- b._SLC tank is empt c. All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 0 _i l
- d. Reactor power decreat's to less than 2.5%.


     ..l QUESTION: 022 (1.00)

Which of the following describes the response of the Scram Discharge-Volume (SDV) valves following a half scram signal? ls. SDV vent and drain solenoid valves do not change position.

4 All SDV Vent and drain valves remain open, b. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve reposition A11'SDV Vent and drain valves remain open.

. c. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve reposition One set of SDV vent and drain valves close, d. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve repositions.

. All SDV vent and drain valves clos > M iQUESTION :023 (1.00) Which of the.following Reactor Protection System automatic scrams-is

bypassed.when the mode switch is_taken from "RUN" to."STARTUP"?- a. Turbine Stop Valve Closure - b. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure 1


c. Scram' Discharge Instrument Volume Hi Level

 'd. Main' Steam Line Radiation Hi-Hi Rad-


a mv -

q i l

' QUESTION: 024, (1.00)-    l


;Which of the'followingsis a safety-Limit violation?

La.'With-the_ Reactor-shutdown,-water level drops to +5 inches' and-is

 .then' recovered, b.-MCPR momentarily-reaches 1.18 during a-loss-of feedwater

transien I c. Reactor power is increased to 21% with pressure-less than 785


pei . A core performance daily surveillance shows CMFLPD equal to 1.03.


- QUESTION: 025 (1.00)

The following conditions exist during a major plant transient: Drywell Temperature 250 deg F Torus water level 15 feet Torus water temperature 95 deg F and constant Drywell pressure 25 psig and increasing Torus-air temperature 165 dog F Reactor water leve inches and slowly. increasing Reactor-pressure 385 psi Which of the following operator act' ions must be performed to initiate '

-drywell sprays?
-a.-Place-drywell'apray control in NORMAL and then throttle open-DW-


 -SPRAY INBOARD VALVE 10MOV-31A/ ;b. Place,drywell spray control in MANUAL, open DW SPRAY OUTBOARD-

VALVE-MOV-26A/B and throttle DW SPRAY INBOARD VALVE 10MOV-31A/ c. Place drywell spray control in MANUAL and then throttle opwn DW SPRAY OUTBOARD-VALVE MOV-26A/B d.LPlace drywell opray control in NORMAL, open DW SPRAY INBOARD-VALVE MOV-31A/B and throttle DW SPRAY OUTBOARD VALVE'lOMOV-- 26A/B.

m w


YOUESTION: 1026' (1.00) Which of the following describes why the charging water header-to the Hydraulic, Contre ( Unit (HCU) Accumulator nhould NOT exceed a MAXIMUM of 1670 peig?

-a. Ensure control rod insertion'apeeds are not' excessive during a-

scram, b.' Minimize leakage and resultant damage to the scram valve c. Prevent damage to the CRD mechanism during a scra d. Prevent damage to the accumulator during a scram from high .j differential pressur i QUESTION: 027 (1.00) During a scram from 100% power, which of the following describes a control-rods' response if it's CRD Hydraulic ContJol Unit. accumulator piston does NOT move? NOTES.(Assume the accumulator is mechanically bound up.)

ta.--The control rod will fully insert using charging water pressure, b. The control rod will insert until reactor and CRD pressures ; i equaliz c. The control rod will insert until the CRD flow' control. valve open ,

d. The control rod will-fully insert using reactor pressur i

l l , l i 'I , _ _ l . i _ = Ma


QUESTION: 028 (1.00) Which of the following condition (s) for the Reactor Building Ventilation Exhaust Monitoring System is the MINIMUM which must occur in order to start the Standby Gas Treatment System? a. One Downsc41e trip

b. One Downscale trip and one HI trip c. One HI-HI trip d. One Inop trip _ QUESTION: 029 (1.00) The main condenser low vacuum MSIV isolation signal will be automatically byp,,esed by: a. turbine Stop Valves closed OR the Mode switch out of the RUN position, turbine Bypass Valves closed OR the Mode switch out of the RUN-pos it ion . turbine Stop Valves closed AND the Mode switch out of the RUN position, reactor pressure greater than 825 psi _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ __ _ _-______ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


-QUESTION: 030L (1.00)

-Ths following conditions exists An ATWS is_in progress Standby Liquid Control' Pump "A" is running and_ injecting to RP Sslect the reason that the Boron injection rate should not be increased by local operation of SLC Pump "B".

a. The "B" system'equib valves will not fir b. The relief for SLC pump "B" will lift making it ineffective, c. Excess discharge pressure will lift both pump reliefs reducing Boron injection flow, d. Excessive injection rate could result in power chugging.

-QUESTION: 031 (1.00) A1 single control rod scram will ALWAYS result in each of the-following EXCEPT: a. Control Rod Block Annunciato b. HCU TROUBLE Annunciato c. Control Rod Drift Annunciato d. Blue SCRAM light on full core displa I

< QUESTION l032 (1.00)-
'RWCU= system blowdown to the Main in progres =Which of the following is the adverse effect of opening RWCU 12HOV-56,7 -

BLOWDOWN TO CNDSR and RWCU HOV-57,-BLCWDOWN TO RADW at the same time? a. Formation of a void space.could occur causing excessive water" hammer downstream of the Blowdown Flow Control-Valve 12FCV-5 b. Any vacuum ~in the condenser could be lost-via radwast c. Excessive blowdown flow could cause a RWCU isolation _due to pump cavitatio d. Excessive blowdown flow-could place excessive heat load on the regenerative heat exchange QUESTION: 033 (1.00)

'Which of the following rod motion sequences does NOT open the " settle" ]

valve (directional-control valve 120)7 a. Withdrawal (One Notch)\


i b. Emergency Rod Insertion c.-Continuous Rod Insertion

-d. Withdrawal (Notch Override)

t I, -l l-i l l'

, _ _ -,   -

i i  ; O [ QUESTION: 034- (1.00)  ; Which of the following .siindication of'an uncoupled control rod _when

< fully withdrawing la control rod?-


 ,a.. Rod. position indication will momentarily go blank and the' ROD
 - DRIFT-~ annunciator alarm b. Rod position indication goes blank and ROD _ OVERTRAVEL annunciator alarm c. Red FULL OUT-lights-illuminate and ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator  l alarms, d. Red FULL OUT lights extinguish and rod position indication will-momentarily go blan QUESTIONS.035 (1.00)

Which=of the following will generace a rod block with the Reactor Mode Switch in " Refuel"? a. The refuel platform is over the fuel-pool and is moving a fuel bundl b. The refuel platform is over the core, and one control rod is withdrawn to-position 2 c. The refuel platform is-over the core and_the fuel grappleLis not full u d. The refuel platform is_over the_ fuel pool and the trolley mounted hoist is loaded.

[ ,


O w v- , +, - ->we,--,c y


E , 1


QUESTION: 036 ( 1. 00 )'

-If no automaticfinitiation_ condition is present, which of the following s will by itself trip the RCIC_ turbine AND cause RCIC to_ isolate?

a.-Manua1 7 isolation pushbutton b. Manual. turbine _ trip c. Turbine exhaust pressure high  ;


d. Steam supply pressure low QUESTION: 037 (1.00) The High Pressure coolant Injection (HPCI) operating electrical malfunction closes CST suction isolation valve 23MOV-1 Which of the following is the expected system response? a. The pump will trip on, interlock with-23MOV-1 b. The pump will trip on low suction pressur c. The system will automatically switch suction sources, pump

 . continues to ru d. The system will automatically switch suction sources, pump will trip during awapove . .-  - - - .-. -, ,

QUESTION: 038 (1.00) The following conditions exist: The HPCI turbine was in operation but has trippe An auto-initiation condition is still presen The turbine trip signal has cleare Select the turbine trip signal that MUST have operator action in order to restart the turbin a. O(erspee b. Low Steam Supply Pressur c. High Turbine Exhaust Pressur d. High HPCI Area Temperature QUESTION: 039 (1.00) The following plant conditions exist: Level has decreased to less than 59 inches ADS timer has actuated, but has not timed out All RHR and CS pumps are running Prior to any SRV's opening, level is increased to 100 inche Which of the following describes automatic ADS system response?


a. Timer sequence resets to zero when level increased above 5 inches, if level again goes below 59.5 inches, blowdown will occur in 120 seconds, b. Timer sequence will stop and blowdown will only occur if level goes below 59.5 inches long enough to finish 120 second timer, c. Timor will time ou^ but blowdown will be inhibited unless level again goes below 59.5 inches, then immediate blowdown will occu d. Timer will continue and b'owdown will occu.. 3r. co.npletion of 120 second timer countdown unless level goes above 177 inche _ QUESTION:_040 (1.00)- _ :) Why..is1the Rod _ Worth Minimiter NOT required to be operable when power is greaterithan the Low Power Setpoint?.


a. The; requirement to have each control rod manipulation second checked by anotherLperson ensures the correct sequence is maintained.--  !

.b. Above this power level,Ja-power excursion from the worst possible single rod withdrawal error can not result'in fuel damag c. Above this power level, a power excursion from the reactivity added during a single rod drop accident will not result-intrapid-fuel dispersa d.'Above this power level,-the established rod sequence provides enough control rod withdrawal limitations to keep fuel within the design LHGR Limit '

QUESTION: 041.-(1.00)- _ _ While at power which of the following systems will automatic isolation of main condenser air ejector discharge flow to the stack? a. Main-Steam Line radiation Monitor b..Off-Gas Radiation Monitor c. Off-Gas Vent = Pipe-(stack) Radiation Monitor d.l Main Stack Radiation Monitor , I l


L g







QUESTION ;042 (1.00)- Which of_the following is designed _to ensure ~ adequate not positive ocuction head for the reactor recirculation-pumps? a, Speed runbackLto=44% upon a RPV low level alarm, b.-Rate of speed increase limited to 2.5% per second c. Master controller maximum output limit of 302.5%. d. Speed limited to 26% if feed flow is less than 20%.


QUESTION: 043 (1.00) Which of the following meets ALL requirements to withdraw rods for-reactor startup? a. 3 SRMs at 3.0 counts per second, 1 SRM at 2.0 counts per secon 'All SRM detectors-fully inserte r b. 3'SRMs inserted far enough to provide 3.0 counts per secon SRM channel in bypas , c. 2 SRMs fully inserted at.3,0 counts per secon SRMs inserted far enough to provide 3.0 counts per second.- d. 2 SRMs at: 3.0 counts per secon SRM detectors fully inserted

k I o

    . , , _ _ , . _ . . _ _ _ _ _
      , _
. QUESTION: 044 (1.00)

ThsfNuclear Control-Operator records.the following integrator data four-

'houra after the previous" data was taken:

LFloor draln sump leakage since.last reading .- 576 gallonsL-Equipment drain sump leakage since last reading - 2856 gallone Floor' drain base valueLleakage- - 2.2 gpm

' Salect the Reactor Coolant System Unidentified Leakage rat a. 2.4 gp b. 4.6 gp ,

c. 11.9 gp * d. 14.3 gp QUESTION: 045 (1.00)

-Which of the.following signals will NOT isolate the Drywell and Torus vant and-purge valves?

a.-Reactor Water Level 165 inches

 . Reactor Building Differential Pressure +2"wg 1:. Radiation Refuel Floor Ventilation 11,000 CPM d.'Drywell Pressure  2.9 peig


  , , - , ,, - . - , .
= QUESTIONS 046 . (1.00)~
-R* circulation Flow Unit "A" has failed low downscal .Salect the expected response to' bypassing this flow unit from


. panel 09- a. The half scram-and all control rod blocks will clea b. The RBM control rod block"will clea c. The " FLOW REF OFF NORMAL" alarm will clea d.-The " FLOW REF OFF NORMAL" alarm and all. control rod blocks will clea QUESTION: 047 (1.00)

Raactor water level has decreased to 150 inche If level continues to-decrease, which of the following-automatic actions-will occur next? a. Group I isolatio b. ARI initiation c. Group II isolation a d. SBGT auto start _


'._ b,- l

, _ . . , . _

r __ , , _ , . , , . _,


QUESTION: 048 -(1.00).

~ Which of the.following describes the' automatic response'of-the. primary

: containment.-isolation system ~to a valid 1high steam flow signal in'the
"A"; main steam-line?

a. Only.the "A" ateam line inboard'and outboard MSIV will:clos b. Only channel Al of the containment isolation logic will de-energiz c. One solenoid on each MSIV will de-energize but no. valve actuation will occu d. A Group 1 containment isolation signal will resul QUESTION: 049 (1.00) Which of _ the following would be an indication of a safety relief valve being open? a. SRV tailpipe temperature 525 degree b. SRV tailpipe temperature constant at 310 degrees . ' c. Increase in total steam flow wit' a decrease in reactorfleve d.. Increase in total steam flow with constant generator outpu . QUESTION: 050 (1.00) Which'of'the following detrimental effects could occur if a Diesel Ganorator was continuously operated at 2000 KW7

a.' Inadequate turbocharger coolin '

.b.-Turbocharger clutch problem c. Unburned fuel-buildup in the air bo : d. Unburned fuel buildup in the exhaust manifold' .

l l _- _ . . . _ , . . . . _ . -

. . - . .. - .  -
(QUESTION 051 (l.00)

Sslect the expected plant response to the11oss of one feedwater pump-while. operating at full' power with both Reactor Water Recirculation M/A transfer stations in manual? a. Reactor recirculation pumps-run back to 44% spee b. Reactor recirculation pumps run back when the RPV low level alarm is received until the alarm is clea c. Reactor recirculation pumps run back to 44% when the RPV low level alarm is receive d. Reactor will scram on low RPV level if no operator taken.

, ( QUESTION: 052 (1.00) Which of the following describes the FIRST signal causing a control rod drift alarm when a scram occurs? a. Rods other than the one selected are moving through odd numbered position b. No insert signal is sent to the selected ro c. A non selected rod moves off its latched even numbered positio d. When fully inserted the rods are not in a latched positio QUESTION: 053 (1.00) IF the drywell pneumatic supply system to the safety / Relief Valves (SRV)

.is lost, select the SRV capability provided by the accumulator'and check'

valve arrangemen a. Five valve operations or hold valve open for 30 minutes b. Remain capable of depressurizing the reactor under any condition -

 . . -  .  ,

c. Operable for 100 days if no valve cycling is performed d.'Five valve operations for ADS valves only ,

        :.3 i $ QUESTION s .- 054.- (l.00)-

While operating in single loop, the-following plant. conditions exist .


Loop "A" jet-pump. flow _

   - 55 million lbm/hr-Loop "B" jet pump flow  --5 million lbm/hr
"A" recirculation pump speed  - 1665 RPM
:"B" recirculation pump speed-  - 0 RPM
"B" recirculation pump discharge valve - open-Reactor power   -65%

Select the actual total core flow and the indicated total core flow'from

.the core flow measurement syste ACTUAL- INDICATED million Ibm /hr - 60 million Ibm /hr
  - million Ibm /hr - 50 million Ibm /hr- million Ibm /hr.- 50 million Ibm /hr
' million Ibm /hr - 60 million Ibm /hr e
.  (1.00)
~The rod worth minimizer Low Power Setpoint (LPSP) is determined by a. The lowest APR b. The lower of total feed or total steam flo .c. Total feed flo . Total steam flow.

J t

 . - . , -
  . . . - ,  ---.---4- . - y 7. . , , _ - . - , , - ,-~,4
- _ - _ _ _ _ _ - . - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _  _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

QUESTION: 056 (1.00) Which of the following will always result in an APRM INOP trip? a. Less than two LPRMs per level input to the APR b. Less than 14 LPRMs total input to the APR c. Less than 55% output from the APRM count circui d. More than three LPRMs bypassed for the APRM.

QUESTION: 057 (1.00) The following running sequence has occurred for Recirculation Pump As Idle for greater than one hour Started and run for 5 minutes then tripped Idle for 20 minutes Started and run for 5 minutes then tripped Select the condition that must be met in order to start the pump agai NOTE: Partial page 18 of OP-27 is provide a. Must be deenergized for 45 minute b. Must be deenergized for 25 minute c. Must be deenergized for 15 minute _ May be restarted immediatel _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - _ - - _ _ _ .____-_- _ - --_-_____- _-_-__ - _---_ _- _ - _ - - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _


-.QUESTTONt_058 (1.00)
'While performing a plant startup with reactor. power at 5%, main fcondenser-vacuum decreases to 22" Hg_ vacuu Which of the following. automat'ic - action (s)' will occur?

l-a. Main turbine trip and. reactor scram,


b. Group I isolation, reactor scra c. Main turbine trip only, d. Reactor feed pump turbine tri [ QUESTION: 059 (1.00)-

'Which of the following will initiate Fire Protection Water Spray in Emsrgency Diesel Generator Room "A"?

a. One ionization smoke' detector AND one flame detector in the protected area activate b. One ionization smoke detector OR one flame detector in the-protected area activated and one fused sprinkler head activate c. Protected area high temperature switch actuation and loss of air pressure in the pipin d. Protected area high temperature switch actuation and fused sprinkler head heat-activatio QUESTION: 060 (1.00) Select the expected MAXIMUM-increase in leak rate'to the drywell if both seals on ONE reactor water recirculation pump should fai to 5 gpm b. gpm c. 60 to 70 gp d. 90 to 100 gpm !-

 ,  -  , - _ . , - -
     ,,._  ,


- QUESTIONi 061 .(l;00)

Ths following conditions' exist SDC isolation interlocks are clear Both recirculation = pumps are--secured' RHR-pump "A"'has just been. started in the SDC mode

?Why must LPCI outboard valve 10MOV-27-be opened to full system flow rate without delay?
=a. Prevent draining reactor. water to the torus through'the minimum flow line, Provide sufficient flow for adequate pump coolin c. Provide sufficient core flow to prevent stratificatio d. Ensure RHR piping remains full while-keep full is secured.

d i

: QUESTION: 062 (1.00)
.Tha:following conditions exist:     ,

The main condenser is experiencing excessive air in' leakage Reactor power is 45% and being decreased The main turbine just tripped due to. loss ~of vacuum One turbine stop valve fails'to close AllLother turbine valves respond as expe-ted

:Which'of the following' describes the result of this failure?

a. Automatic fast transfer will be delayed until a_ unit' lockout occurs on= reverse: powe b.: A reactoro scram will occur on high reactor. pressure or high


i neutron flux.- c. The HSIVs will need to be closed to limit reactor' vesse ~ cooldown rate.. . d. Automatic , transfer to reserve power for buses,10300 & 10400 will' be' delayed until voltage drops to 25% of' norma ' i.



! I


t- , , , ,, , -yy_ m -y m ,, - ..J.--. . ~ . - . ~ - - -.

. . -
[ QUESTION ': 063 - ( 1. 0_0 )
$f DC control power is lost to a;4KV AC breaker, which'of the:following operations may be performed at_the breaker?

a. Tripped open only.- b. Closed only (if open).

c. Closed (if open) and. tripped open, d. closed (if open) then opened then close QUESTION: 064 (1.00) During power operation, region B of the power to flow map is unintentionally entered following the trip of one recirculation pum Which of the following actions should be taken immediately? NOTE: Modified Power to Flow map (fig 1 of AOP-8) is provide a.' Scram the reactor.

' b. Restart the tripped recirculation pump to exit region c. Raise the operating recirculation pump speed to exit region d. Contact the Reactor Analyst Group for instruction s l'


l i-


._ QUESTION: 065-_(1.00).

A raactor startup near peak Xenon conditions is in progres Solset the range-of control rod positions.where unusually large control rod. worths could_be experience a. 04 through 26 b. 04 through 32 c 08 through 32 d. 08 throughL40 QUESTION: 066 (1.00) on increasing suppression pool temperature, a manual Scram is required prior to' exceeding what temperature? deg F b. 105 deg F c. 110 dog F d. 120 deg F , !

  ,- . - - - --, . . - - - . - - - -.-.- .. -. . . .

________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Il QUESTION: 067 (1.00) I Idsntify the reason that reactor power goes down when reactor water level is deliberately lowered during a failure to scram (ATWS) even a. Lowering RPV water level will result in further concentration of boron thus lowering the reactor power leve b. Lovering RPV water level will increase reactor water temperature, adding negative reactivity due to reduced moderator density thereby reducing reactor powe c. Lowering RPV water level will reduce natural circulLtion driving head and core flow, increasing voiding and thereby reducing reactor powe __ d. Lowering RPV level reduces power by decreasing the subcooling of the water entering the cor QUESTION: 068 (1.00) A loss of RPS Bus "1 has occurred due to actuation of an Electrical Protection Assembly , /A). Upon restoration of power to RPS Bus "A" only three (3) of the WHITE Scram solenoid indicating lights for RPS Bus

"A" reenergiz All "B" side Scram indicating lights are energize ,

Which of the following actions is appropriate? a. Assume 1/4 of the control rods should have scrammed, depress both reactor scram push buttons, b. Assume 1/4 of the control rods have received a 1/2 scram signal, - continue operations and investigat c. Momentarily insert then clear an "A" side half scram to pick up the relay and energize the ligh d. Slightly raise the output voltage of the "A" RPS MG Set to energize the ligh _ _ - - __-- . _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . __ __ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I l QUESTION: 069 (1.00) Select the REQUIRED action for a sustained reactor period of less than-30 seconds during reactor startup?

        - >

a. Manually scram the reacto b. Insert control rods until period is greater than 30 second ,


- c. Stop control rod movement until period decays to greater than 30 second d. Insert the selected control rod to its previous positio QUESTION: 070 (1.00) P The following conditions exists


An ATWS is in progress Reactor power - 22%.

-Reactor water level  -

170 to 180 inche Reactor pressure' - 960 psig t which of the following-is severely challenged if_a full MSIV-closure should occur? a. Fuel integrity b.' CST Makeup availability . c. Containment integrity d. Injection system operability'



' +- - .  - e ry - vm ., , y c ,_ ,m .;-,,, , . .,, yc,..,_#-., e , ,-y.,,,,,m .
       , .
     .- - - -

QUESTION: 071 (1.00) Which of the following methods-will result in the largest overall , differential pressure across the Control Rod Drive piston for inserting control rods? a. Open individual scram test switche b. Maximize CRD cooling water differential pressur Drive control rods using maximum drive pressur , d. Vent the scram air heade ' QUESTION: 072 (1.00) While at full power, one MSIV has gone closed for an unknown reason resulting in expected safety Relief valve operatio The following post transient plant conditions are noted: Reactor pressure - 1010 poig and stabl Reactor Water Level - 198 inches trending to norma Reactor power - 99 Generator output - dropped'30 Mw SRV 02RV-71K - lifted and has NOT rescated SRV 02RV-71L - lifted and reseated Reactor Protection System - No actuations have occurre Which of the following is the required action? a. Continue operation and attempt to shut the.SRV-71K by cycling the control switch and establish suppression pool cooling, b. Establish suppression pool cooling, commence a reactor shutdown, cooldown to remain below the Heat Capacity Temperature Limi c. Scram, establish suppression pool cooling.and enter EOP- . d. Reduce reactor power to less than 901 then enter abnormal

. procedure for' Relief Valve Stuck Open (AOP-36',

r i l s ll


a .n ,.r, -

  ~ a v , - - - .  -

QUESTION: 073 (1.00) Instrument air pressure is decreasing due to a pipe break in the reactor building. Loss of Instrument Air AOP-12 has been entere Which of the following requires a manual scram? a. The " Scram Air lleader Pressuro Low" alarm is receive Instrument air pressure has reached 65 pel c. The " Rod Drift" annunciator is in for control rod 40-17, NO other rods have move d. Scram discharge volume vent and drain valves drift shut.

a QUESTION: 374 (1.00) Which of the following in the initial concern should a sustained loss of chutdown cooling occur when refueling is in progrece? a. Airborne release on the refueling floor, b. Excessive radiation levels inside the upper drywel c. Fuel clad degradatio d. Reduced core shutdown margi m a __ _ _ _ _ _ _-_m._..__._ ____m______-______- ._.__________-_. _____.__._.___m______._____.______.____..____._-_________________________



-QUESTION: 075- (1.00)
'Salect the condition that requires entry into EOP-6, Radioactivity i R31 ease Contro a. A primary system is discharging outside the primary and secondary containment .

b. offsite radioactivity release rate is above the Emergency Plan

" Alert" leve ,

c. Turbine building ventilation is isolated due to high radiatio d. Loss of 2 of 3 fission product barriers with potential loss of the 3rd barrie . t i


OUESTION: 076 (1.00) i Why must the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves be verified ; closed after a scram has occurred?- -


a. T , ensure there is no primary to reactor building lea ' b. To ensure that the CRD discharge path has sufficient back ", pressur t I c. To initiate the timer that allows scram reset after 10 seconds, f


d. To maximite the CRD water going to the RP t QUESTION: 077 (1.00)  ; Which of the following states the effect-of losing both divisions of the E24V DC power,aystem while at power? j a. A reactor scram signal occurs if the modo switch is in STARTUP.- b. Loss of all SRM's and IRM'e' administratively prohibits a shutdow *


c.-The main stack cannot'be' sampled for particulates and Iodine, d. Reactor recirculation MG speed control will lock-u ; i



    ~_ ... . . - . - . _ . - . - . . - - . - - . - .




' QUESTION: 078 (1.00)

i Which of the following requires an immediate reactor scram in response [ to a partial loss of coolant flow? NOTE: Modified Power to Flow map (fig 1 of AOP-0) is provide ' a. APRM upscale alarm on two channel b.. Core thermal power - 41%, Core flow - 33% . c. Core thermal power - 63%, Core flow - 44% d. Core thermal power - 56%, Core flow - 34%

, QUESTION: 079 (1.00)       ,
-When operating within the guidelines of q *al J tios RPV/L, the prefered level range in between 177 inches :n /42.S' inche Which of the following is a reason for thia level' orad 7 a. Preserves use of the condenser as a heat sin .

b. Peod and condensate systems may be used to maintain leve . c. This is the range of the automatic RPV-level controlle > d. Preserves the availability of steam driven equipmen , a

      .  ,

I L L i



. - - - ,, - . . , . - , .. . . . . . ~- . - . . - - - . . . . . _ . . - - . . - . . . .
- .  .. . . . - . . . - - - - - . - .  . . - - . - . .. ~ . . . - - - . - .- -- -.

QUESTIONS 080' (1.00) i


Ths following conditions exists

          - in progress RHR loop A pumps are tagged ou Maintenance on a leaking SRV is in progress in the drywel i Both RHR loop B pumps have tripped and cannot be restarte i within 30 minutes of the RHR trip, coolant temperature has increased from 140 deg F to 200 deg ,


Which of the following actions HUST be taken in preference to the othere? a. Increase any running recirculation pump speed to maximu b. Maximize heat removal with the Reactor Water Clean Up syste r c. Establish secondary containment integrit d. Increase RHR heat exchanger cooling flo QUESTION: 081 (1.00) With the plant initially at 100% power, the following has occurred One RBCLC pump tripped and the standby pump did not star One RBCLC pump is still' runnin RBCLC pressure dropped to less than 40 psig and ESW starte ESW is supplying RBCLC.and pressure has 75 psig.' No RBCLC loads have reached temperature limit Select the appropriate operator response

- Manually start the standby RBCLC pump and secure ES b. Manually scram and enter both AOP-11(Loss.of RBCLC).and AOP- c. Determine and correct the cause of low pressure then secure ES d. Investigate the cause and if temperatures increase then scram and enter AOP-1 T r'-v?- T +. --,y .-e,r' m- g a..p.. yr y.,q ,_y -,i--. 9- 9 g e  -p , y. g % y-
- . _ . . _ . - . . . - - . . - - . . -. . . ~ . - . . . - . ~ . - - . . . . ..  , ~ . . . . - . -- ..~





guEssioN: 082 (1.00) , t Which of the following conditions REQUIRES entry into EOP-3 " Failure to-


Scrom" after a Reactor-Protection System Scram has been initiated?  ! Notes NO Reactor Analyst is availabl a. Reactor period is infinit b. Reactor power is 1%. c. One center control rod stuck at position 4 d. One control rod at position 02 and one control rod position is unknow ! QUESTION: 083 (1.00) ' Which of the following will result from the loss of 125 VDC System "A"7 , a. Loss of the backup scram functio b. Alternate Rod Insertion System "A" will initiat ; c. Main Turbine tri d. Reactor Feed Pump "A" tri ,




_' __<- _ '

      --e c u s<~ ~ . - .+ _ ,o
. . . _  .  .   .

QUESTION _084 (1.00) LWhichLof the following describes how the reactor building is protected


from excess differential pressure? a. The SBGT is not capable of achieving a negative pressure sufficient to damage the reactor buildin . b. The. reactor building _ door seals will leak sufficient to prevent excess differential pressur c. Only operator action is available-to maintain the safe reactor building differential pressur d. A vacuum relief will lift greater than -5" water pressure in the reactor buildin QUESTION: 085 (1.00) The following conditions exist

A reactor startup is in progress The mode switch is STARTUP The main turbine is tripped A valid Group I isolation has occurred The reactor did not scram Select the signal that generated the Group I isolation a. Main steam line' tunnel temperature'


b. Reactor water level c. Main steam line radiation d. Main steam line pressure-O t i sur

    .  .

_, QUESTION: 086 (1.00)= There is a small leak into the drywell from the recirculation syste Ths . leak does not depressurize the reactor but drywell temperature is risin Which of the following is the effect on panel 9-5 level instruments? a. Indicated level may read below actual leve b. Indicated level may read above actual leve c. Reference leg flashing may occur causing erratic level ' indicatio d. Indicated level will be correct unless drywell temperature - exceeds 212 dog QUESTION: 087 (1.00)

'The Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) were automatically started by
" Degraded" bus voltage condition The EDG output breakers will automatically close 0.8 sees after meeting-which of the following interlock conditions?

a. One double ended tie breaker open and EDG voltage _90%. b. Both double ended. tie end EDG bus loads trippe c. One double ended tie breaker open and EDG bus lo&de trippe d. EDG bus loads tripped and EDG voltage 90%. .-

'GM  . . . . -  - -
    -___._m___ _ . _ __ . . _ . _ . _ _ _. ___ -. m __.-.

_ QUESTION: 088 (1.00) Which of following requires entry into EOP-5, " Secondary Containment Control"7 a. Water level of 1 inch in one crescent are b. Reactor building ventilation exhaust radiation level of 300 CP c. Reactor building differential pressure of -3"w d. Reactor building floor drain sump pump, 20-P-6B operating and maintaining sump level 1 inch below the high setpoin QUESTION: 009 (1.00) With the plant initially at 100% power, a turbine trip has occurre The following post trip conditions exist All control rods are at the pro turbine trip position Reactor power is 50s scram lights for all llCU's are on All RPS group lights are extinguished Which pair of actions should BOTH be successful in causing control rod insertion? Deenergize the scram solenoids Perform manual scrams b. Vent the scram air header - Insert rods with individual drive signals - c. Insert rods with individual drive signals Vent the individual control rod overpiston volumes d. Vent the scram air header Vent the individual control rod overpiston volumes k .. ..

. - _ _ _ -  _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ .- -_-__ _ _   - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ , . ..

t QUESTION: 090 (1.00)  ; I


~ Which of the following describes plant response to-a load rejection with ' i the plant initially at 45% power? j a. A TcV fast closuro will occur on power to load imbalance and the reactor will scram on Tcv fast closur l-i b. A Tcv fast closure will occur on power to load imbalance-and the  !


reactor will continue to operate using bypass valve and SRV's for pressure contro ;


c. The turbine will trip on reverse power interlock and the reactor will scram on high pressure or high flu !


d. The turbine will trip on power to load inhalance and the reactor will scram.,n turbine stop valve' closur l


QUESTION: 091 (1.00) While operating at full power, a turbine trip occurs and all automatic- - ' electrical systems function as designe select the resultant power supply to 4160 volt emergency bus 1050 a. Transformer T4 via bus 1030 b. Transformer T3 via bus 10300

c. Transformer T2 via tie breakers 10402 and 10302.- d. Emergency Diesel generators "A" and "C". .]




s a b _ i



.           -!

I y -* , -c + c --, ,- , ,-..,m-= ,..-.f.-----...<------- --r,_

10 ,

' QUESTION: 092 (1.00)

Which of the following is a load which is automatically supplied by i-Emergency Service Water (ESW) upon a loss of Reactor Building closed j Loop Cooling (RDCLC)?  ! l a Rl!R pump motor cooler ,


b. Recirculation MG Fluid Drive cooler t c. CRD pump bearing coolin f l d. Drywell equipment sump coole [


QUESTION: 093 (1.00) Five control rods failed to fully insert after a low RPV level reactor scra Which of the following is REQUIRED to insert the rods manually using RMCS system? , a. Use Emergency Rod Insertion to bypass:all control rod block b. Roset and block ARI'then use Emergency Rod Insertion or-Continuous In movemen c. Dypass the RWM and use Emergency Rod Insertion or Continuous In-movemen d.~ Shut 03CRD-56 (Chg Wtr Sup lidr Isol V1v) and use Emergency Rod- _Inmortion or_ Continuous In movemen ~

     - - -

QUESTION: 094 (1.00) Th3 reactor operator detects that one control rod has drifted out 6

. notches and power is trending up. The rod can be driven inwar Which of the following actions is required?

a. Hegate the power increase by manually inserting the rod to its proper position, b. Fully insert the control ro ;

-c. If a Rod Block Monitor out block does not stop the rod then l manually scram tF, ro !

d.-If more than one APRH H1 alarm is received then manually scram the reacto l


QUESTION: 095 (1.00)


The following conditions exista l The reactor has scrammed but not all rods fully inserted-SLC pump "A" is injecting boron into the RPV


CRD pump "A" is operating , A total loss of of f site power occurs followed by both Emergency Diese l censrator systems automatically reenergizing-their respective buse Select the AUTOHATIC pump response when the buses are reenergize a. CRD pump "A" only restarts b. SLC pump-"A" only-restarts c. cRD "A" and SLc "A" pumps restart d. Neither-pump restarts



.. , . , - . . n. . . - - . , , . , ,, . , - - ,. c,+.-. .
- -__  _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - . __ ._
' QUESTION: 096 (1.00)

While operating at 100% power a total loss of instrument air occur Select the subscquent system respons a. Condenser vacuum breaker will fail open b. Outboard MSIVs will drift close c. Inboard MSIVe will drift close d. Off car Disch to stack valve (01-107A0V-100) will fail close QUESTION: 097 (1.00) Complete the following sentenc i When starting the second recirculation pump, the discharge valve is not , opened unlose the other pump speed is less than 50%, in order tos  ! i a. limit pump thermal transient to lose than 100 deg F/h b, avoid excessive vibration of the jet pump riser c. reduce the reactor power trannient from increasing flo ; i ' d. limit the differential pressure across the discharge valv l , QUESTION: 098 (1.00)


l Following a feedwater level control transient resulting in a' reacto level of 225 inches, which of the following must be manually. reset after  ;

' level is restored to normal in order to have HPCI and RCIC in a standby lineup?         ,

a. RCIc isolation, no action required for HPCI


b. HPCI isolation, no action required for RCIO


c.-RCIC turbine. trip, no action required for EPCI d. HPC1 turbine trip, no action required for PcIC i


I L l

-- ~ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _  .. 2 . __ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ .
   . - _ ____-____

QUESTION: 099 (1.00) During testing of IIPCI, the Suppression Pool temperature inicreased to 104 dag Which of the following describes the requirements for entry / implementation of EoP-4 " Primary containment control"7 a. The actions of E0P-4 are required to be performed when suppression pool temperature is above 95 deg b. EoP-4 actions may be deferred for 24 hours while supprossion pool temperature is reduced below 95 deg c. All llPCI test procedures allow 4 hours to reduce supprossion pool temperature below 95 deg F prior to entering EoP- d. Technical Specifications change the FJP limit to 105 deg F for 24 hours after completion of any testing which adds heat.

QUESTION: 100 (1.00) Which of the following describes the offect of losing 125 VDC system "A" power to the ADS system with a valid initiation signal present7 a. ADS logic "B" will still initiate ADS only 4 ADS valves will open b. ADS logic "A" will receive backup power from 125 VDC system "B" All ADS valven will open c. ADS logic "B" will still initiate ADS All ADS valves will open d. ADS logic "A" wil2 receive backup power from 125 VDC system "D" Only 4 ADS valves will open (********** END OF EXAMINAT10N **********) i

 - _ _- - . _ _ _ _ - _  _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - . - _ - _ _ _ - - _ . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _____ - _ _
    . - - - -

_______ , d



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CAUTIONS o The following limitations are applicable to starting a tripped RWR pumpt

- Two starts from cold are permitted A pump motor la considered cold if the motor has been deenergi ed for 45 minutes OR if the motor was started after being deenergized for 45 minutes and ran for LESS TRAN 15 minutes before trippin IF the motor trips after the second cold start, THEN the motor shall be doet'9rgized for at least 45      f .-

minutes before restar One start from hot is permitted: A pump motor is considered hot if the motor has been energized for GREATER THAN 15 minute This hot start shall not be in addition to the second cold star o . .

   .  ..   .

o Technical Specification maximum allowable R9i: loop heat-up OR cool-down rate is 100*F per hou ~ . D.35 v  !

 . .
   ... .



D.3G Page 18 of 66 _ Rev. N _

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      'df' * l Paw 09 il  23AfD C2C 23 2044 Paw M M
   - K AfD '08  Mf8 :8 Pew 4?$        i 23470 C2D 23 20*4 'rw OSM   !

Ouvice A LPC3 104 F Baner, Eme 153 8 am M treante til 8 2$t 7 1 MAfD 't$ EPC troy f3RTDtC2C t3 202C *anoiOSM


13 2C2D Pane 09 94 * Seen Aew Fear i (snasi 10e 8 til 8 ACC 0rvwes tance sig s


fin p 13AfD tc2A 13 202A Paw oSM unfD 10$ Hii105 Pew 09 ?$ tMTD 10*8 t3 20?S Paw 0496 l Om 8 L7C1 tW F tt! 8 ***ca, besng t-aann awe tu a su 9 i

         !?!ee amanaur==m wat0 its  IPC m   23Ar04tC     I 23 2cA Pew OSM   *

23470 410 23 2029 P- OS-M

   $LC % Ases waTD tia  (DCi e g t04 F 133 7 A AMA Mem licrunger   12$ F 24 7 Acore fue PtzsCooerg % A w     23AfD 0t A 23 201 A Pow C49$   i-104 8 t33 # 234tD418 MPTD 113  (PC are,     23 2018 Pew 0694 forus Acom Sam   120 5 290 F Rom em    g 10 , is a "mp3q  , , ,c ,, , ,
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' \
,. ANSWER KEY f / 7 { 6,4- A m Cf{ ,

MULTIPLE CHOICE 023 b 001 c 024 a 002 d 025 b 003 c 026 e 004 a 027 d 005 a 028 c 006 d 029 c 007 d 030 d 008 b 031 a 009 b 032 b 010 c 033 b 011 b 034 b 012 b 035 c 013 c 036 d 014 c 037 b 015 d 038 d 016 b 039 a 017 d 040 c 018 b 041 b 019 d 042 d 020 b 043 a 021 b 044 a 022 b 045 b l t I ( .. l

_ . _ . . _ . ..


046 c 068 b /


MULTIPLE CHOICE 069 d s, h g(,f)/ 047 b 070 c 048 d 071 a 049 b 072 c 050 b 073 c 051 c 074 a 052 c 075 b 053 a 076 a 054 b 077 a 055 d 078 d 42 f 056 e 079 d ; 057 a 080 e en ,f1' 058 e 081 b 059 d 082 d 060 083 c 061 b 084 d 062 a 085 a 063 c 086 b 064 c 087 a-065 a 088 a 063 c 089 c 067 c 090 a

 . . . _ . . . .
,.'   .ANSW2R KEY  _

. e


091 b l


MULTIPLE CHOICE 092 c i 093 #D f


096 b 095 c 096 b


097 b 098 d , 099 a 100 c (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)


r ' s l

/      , -3-
* -
' ANSWER (1.00)
      ). f I~ J REFERENCE:

JAFNPP Radiation Protection Manual Ch 6, 6.8.4, 6.9.5, 6.9.6, 6. l l

 [3.3/3.8)      l l

l l 294001K103 ..(KA's)

- ANSWER: 002 (1.00) REFERENCE:

JAFNPP NRC License Maintenance ODSO-30 rev 1, sect [2.7/3.7]. 294001K103- ..(KA's) A24SWER: 003 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP PSO-26 rev 6, sect T/S, pg 247a, item 6b


294001A103 ..(KA's)


_ y F -. ..9.s, m~b, , a ,.-m .

F'- ..

. J-
~ ANSWER: 004 (1.00)    a j l

REFERENCE: JAFNPP ODSO-1 rev 16, sect 6.8.4, pg 16 T/S table' 6.2-1, Minimum Shif t Manning Requirements,_ pg 260a

 [3.3/4.2) 5
'294001A109 ..(KA's)
' ANSWER: 005 (1.00) REFERENCE:

JAFNPP Radiation Protection Manual rev 8, Ch 6, 6. [3.3/3.8) 294001K103 ..(KA's)

. ANSWER: -- 006 (1.00) , REFERENCES-     .

10 CFR 50.54(x)(y), pg 579, primary ref JAFNPP ODSO-2 rev.02, sect .

 [4.2/4.4) 7 294001A102_ ..(KA's)



*   .

ANSWER: 007. (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP10DSO-18 rev 9, sect 7.6. (3.7/3.7)


394001K101 ..(KA's) ANSWER:_ 008 (1.00)


JAFNPP ODSO-18 rev 10, sect 7.6. .1


294001K101 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 009.- (1.00)


SDLP-94F, PG 5,' LOR 1.07, 1.08 SNLP-94F,:pg-10,.II.B.3.a.1: Fac bank 20004242B01S rev 0

 [3.4/3.8) 13 i-
~294001K115 ..(KA's)

l l: _ L




ANSWER: -010-

  (1.00)- REFERENCE:
 .JAFNPP WACP 10.1.26 rev 4, pg 18, sect 7. [2.7/2.7)

294001A103 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 011 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP WACP 10.1.2, rev 22, pg.23, sect 6. (3.9/4.5) 15 , 294001K102 ..(KA's)


ANSWER: 012 (1.00) _ _ REFERENCE: Fac Bank 20004250FJC01 rev 0


l- 294001K107 ..(KA's) I j: I . . . ANSWER: . 013 (1.00). ,

: s 4 --r- = -

e -e- , --- - ,--w*,e- e . , - - wr *- . .w -

      -%s- as * - a --

c _ .]

.        '1 REFERENCE:

JAFNPP WACP 10.1.3 rev 14, pg 4, sect 2. (4.2/4.2) 294001A102 ..(KA's)


ANSWER: 014 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-02J, rev 7, pg18,-D. LOR 1.04d (3.0/3.3) x 239002A201 ..(KA's)

- ANSWER: 015 (1.00) REFERENCE:

SDLP-02J REV 7, pgs 10 and 16 LOR 1.04a (4.2/4.3) 218000K301 ..(KA's)

- ANSMER ._ 016' (1.00)



 ,r f-- 1-iy,'-
   .----y , y--y ..-. .- c.-,- y- g. wq .g, #

y ma, -._ , ,,, g y9_.,

    . .. - . .- . - . -t

iREFERENCE RCIC OP-19 rev 24',._pg 12, sect:C'. '2 . a - LOR 1.07,.105 degree _F limit

 [3.5/3.6) 22-21.^00A219 ..(KA's)

,p : ANSWER: -017- (1.00)- REFERENCE: SDLP-05 rev 8, pgs 69&70, Table VII, Scram Sig.sals-LOR 1.08

 [3.9/3.9} 23 212000A404 ..(KA's)
- ANSWER . 018 (1.00) REFERENCES-Tech / Specs table'3.1-1, pgs 41,41a,41 T/S Definitions, pg 5,. item 1.0, Reactor Power Operation
 [4.0/4.1] 24  *

212000A212 ..(KA's)


LANSWER: 019 (1.00) 3 d.

. J A e

     , -

n- -

_ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


REFERENCE: SDLP-05 rev 8, pgs 18 and 19 LOR 1.04 (3.5/3.6) 201001K203 ..(KA*a) ANSWER: 020 (1.00) _ REFERENCE: SDLP-02G rev 5, pg 33, 2a. through 2d LOR 1.19 Fac task for RO 508B.302, move fuel RAP-71.3. sect 5.2.1, Bridge operator responsibilitico

  [3.0/3.7) 26 234000K505  ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 021 (1.00)

      - +


  [4.0/4.2) 27 211000G001 ..(KA'e)

ANSWER: 022 (1.00) .

     . . . .

F~ J]

.     .
.REFERENCEt SDLP-03C;rev 6, pgs125:and.26, sect 13.c.1)

LOR 1.04

:[3.5/3.4) 28
-   _
:301001A105 ..(KA's).

'AMSWER: 023 (1.00)

    , '

REFERENCE: , SDLP-05 rev 8, pg 69,' Table VII, scram signals LOR 1.03c

[3.7/4.5) 29 212000G011 ..(KA's)

ANSWER: '024 (1.00) REFERENCE: T/S sect 1 liand-1.2, pgs 7,8,9,-

.2120G30005 ..(KA's)

1 ANSWER:' 025 (2.00) b.

l l'



    -FAC bank 20505005B01C rev 1 OP-13 (3.5/3.41 31 226001A403 ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 026 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-03C rev 6, pg 31, sect F. LOR 1.07 (3.2/3.3)


201001G010 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 027 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-03A rev 4, pg 13, sect 3.b.2.a, pg 16, sect F.1.a. LOR 1.04 -

    (3.6/3.7) 33 201003K404 ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 028 (1.00) l

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  . _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _-_-


 -SDLP-17/18 rev 4,ipg 38,: sect _ '

and pg 102 table VI LOR 1.08, 1.10, 1.11- _


_ _ _

     :. >
 '272000K402 . .~ ~ ( KA ' s )  ,

ANSWER: 029 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-05 rev 8, pgs 35 & 36, sect d. [4.2/4.1) 339001A301 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 030 (1.00) REFERENCE:

 :SDLP-11 rev.7, pg 19, sect LOR 1.04e  >
 [4.2/4.2) 36 211000A408 ..(KA's)

' s ANSWER:- .031- (1.00) a.' .



r- - .

.     .l i


 -SDLP-03D rev 4, SDLP-030 rev 4,
 :[3.5/3.3] 37
 -314000G008 ..(KA's)-

ANSWER: 032 (1.00) REFERENCES-OP-28 rev.37, pg'47,,0.9 Cautions LOR 1.07 (3.2/3.2)' 38 204000G010 ..(KA's) _ - ANSUER: 033 (1.00)- ' REFERENCE:


_ SDLP-03F'rev 5, pg 24, item 5-Note OP-26,-OP-65

 ; LOR-1.04, 1.07 (3.2/3.2)
;3010 2K408 -..(KA's)

l-l[ 034 '(1.00)' '






,   . ,. . - _ , _ .
. . . - , . - . .  ,_ _ . . ._


 'OP-26 rev 6, pg;1 .[3.8/3.9) 42-
 - 201003K402 -..(KA's)
-ANSWER:  035. (1.00)
 - : REFERENCE:      1 SDLP-08B rev 2, Figure 8B-7, Rod Blocks LOR 1.03
 :234000A302 ..(KA's)
' ANSWER: '036 (1.00)



OP 2 19 rev 24, pgs 6 & 7, Trips and-Isolations-LOR 1.04


! 217000A202 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 037 (1.00) b.



g w - *-

- ..


REFERENCE: OP-15 rev 34, pg 11 LOR 1.04 (3.7/3.8) 46 206000K419 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 038 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-23 rev 7, pg 40, item col.a, col.b, OP-15 rev 34, pg 7 LOR-1.08 (4.0/4.*1 47 206000A201 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 039 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-02J rev 7, pgs 16 through 20 LOR 1.03 and 1.13 (3.8/3.8) 218000K501 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 040 (1.00) _ _ _ - --_ - - -___-_-__-_--_-________-___-_--_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

_ _ . REFERENCE: SDLP-03D rev 4, pg9 T/S pg 100, sect 4.3, RWM bases (3.3/3.7) 201006K501 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 041 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-17/18 rev 4, pgs 10 through 27 LOR 1.04 (3.1/3.3) 271000K102 ..(KA'e) ANSWER: 042 (1.00) REFERENCE:


SDLP-02I rev 6, pg 12, item 4.2.b, LOR 1.04d


202001K607 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 043 (1.00) _____--_______ - _ _ _ _ -

_ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ._


+ REFERENCE: SU/SD Procedure OP-65 (3 channels >3 cps, detectors fully inserted) Tech Spec 3.3.B.4. (2 channels >-3 cps) T/ Specs table 3.2-3 note 4 (only one SRM channel may be bypassed) SDLP-07B, table VII, pg 69, (SRM full in interlock)

  (3.4/3.6]  52 215004h407   ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 044 (1.00) __ REFERENCE: OP-50 pg 13, and ST-40D SDLP-20 pg 20, LOR 1.05 Tech. Spec. Sect 3.6.D, pg 14 (3.4/3.6) 53 268000A401 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 045 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-16C rev 5, pg 42, Table VII, Isolations LOR 1.08 (3.8/3.8) 54 288000A301 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 046 (1.00) _ . . . . . . _ . .

       . . . _ . . _

SDLP-02E rev 6, pg 18, and Table I Annunciatore SDLP-07C Table I, FLOW REF OFF NORMAL annunciator LOR 1.11d (3.4/3.5) 55 202001K123 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 047 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-02B rev 8, pg 43, Table VII LOR 1.11 (3.8/3.9] 216000K119 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 048 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-16C, Fig 16C-7

 - 1.08 (3.5/3.5)

223002A302 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 049 (1.00) I _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

    , . - . .
-AOP-36 pg 4J Steam: Tables Mollier Diagra _
; [ 3. 3/3. 5'] - 59
. K504 ...(KA is)

ANSWER: 050 (1.00) _ . . REFERENCE: OP-22 rev 24, pg 17, ,


SDLP-93, pg 27, item 6i LOR 1.04t Fac-bank-26401004EDGC01 rev 1 mooified


364000G00 ..(KA's)_

'AWSWEat 051 (1.00) '

REFERENCE: SDLP-02I.rev 6,fpg 12

. SDLP-02I fig 021-2'

L -LOR 1.04e  ;


l:: 259001K411- ..(KA's)

. ANSWER: 052 (1.00)'


!.- l l g

 - _ _ . . . . . , .,
. _ ,  , . .  . - .. . . .. ~ , .- -
..      ;
- .-REFERENCE:      -j SDLP-03G rev4, pg 15 and_'16    *


 [[ 3'. 2 /3. 2 )

i 301002A303 ..(KA'e)'

-ANSWER: 053 (1.00)
      .- l REFERENCE:.

SDLP-29, pg 19,' item 12.f, LOR 1.10e & 1.10d. NLo 1.08d & 1.08e


_239002K602 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 054- (1.00) REFERENCE:

 .SDLP-02E ruv 6, pg 20 and figo lla & 11B LOR 1.10

202002x301 ..(KA's)

      . ANSWER: 055 (1.00) *

' . I, l .: ,. ,- . .. . - . . . . _ . . _ .

 - .. _ .- - - . . . . . . . - - .

+ REFERENCE: SDLP-03D.rev 4, pg-12, LOR 1.04- ,


301006K502 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 056 -(1.00)- REFERENCE: SDLP-07C rev 6, pgs 22, 25, 26, APRM inrute and trips LOR 1.08 (3.2/3.2) 215005A303 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 057 (1.00)- REFERENCE:

-OP-27 rev 33, pg 18, CAUTIONS (3.)/3.7)    _

302001A401 ..(KA'e).

ANSWER: 058_ (1.00) ~

    ;,; -


.SDLP-16C Table.160 LOR-1.04

245000K307 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 059 (1.00) ' REFERENCE: SDLP-76 rev 5, pgs 25 and 26 LOR 1.04


286000K402 ..(KA's)

-ANSWER: 060 (1.00)

SDLP-02H, pg 16, item OP-27, pg 5._ bottom paragraph LOR 1.04c, 1.08,

[3.3/3.3]-    .

i-202001A109 ..(KA's)


m 'J ANSWER: 061 (1.00) b.


  - .- . . .
   . .
.. - _ _ _ _ _ _ -

REFERENCE: FAC bank 20501017D03C revi OP-13 (3.7/3.7) 205000A401 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 062 (1.00) a.

REFERENCE: FAC bank OP-46A (3.222/3.3) 262001A302 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 063 (1.00) REFERENCE:


SDLP-71B rev 3, pg 17, item d. CAUTION LOR 1.10


263000K302 ..(KA'a) ANSWER: 064 (1.00) _- _ . - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - - _ _ _

   . '

g'_ _- ,


FAC bank 20004202B09C rev 0


302002K302- ..(KA's)-

' ANSWER: 065 (1.00) REFERENCE:

OP-65 rev 6, pg 13, sect D.7.6. CAUTION * SDLP-03B, LOR 1.07

 [3.4/3.6)   ;

295014K209 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 066 (1.00) REFERENCE: Tech / Spec pg 165, sect 3.7.A.1. [3.8/3.6).

'295013G010 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 067 (1.00) C.

I !


"! REFERENCES MIT 301.11D(EoP-3)'pg 24 bottom M

_ ~ EO 3.07--

 :' [4.1/4.5)

1 ' 295037K303 -..(KA's) ANSWER: 068 (1.00) REFERENCE: I _I . SDLP-05 rev 8, flg 05-5A LOR 1.04 (4.0/4.2) > 395015A102 ..(KA'e)


ANSWER: .069 (1.00)

 ' _ REFERENCE:   .:

OP-65 rev 56, pg 13, step [4.0/3.9) J295014G010 ..(KA's)

- -ANSWER: 070 (1.00)  ,

I- , u


l' .. ,, - , _ _

   . ~_. _ _
- -
-     !
' ~ REFERENCE:   .;

MIT 301.11 (EOP-3), pg 24,-item . EO 3.07-

 ( 3.- 7 / 3. 9 )

395020K101 ..(KA's)' . ANSWER: 071 (1.00) ' REFERENCE SDLP-03C rev 6, pga 25 & 26, SDV vents and drain LOR 1.04 and 1.15c (4.2/4.3)

 - 295037K307  ..(KA's)

_ 072 (1.00) ,



 -SDLP-05C, reactor scram at 1045.psig-SDLP-29 SRV 71 k setpoint-1090 psig

, EOP-2 (Should_have TCV-fast closure scram)



 :395025K201  ..(KA's)

ANSWER:- 073 (1.00).

- , c.


    -- ,

_ , . . .

'aREFERENCE 'AOP-12, Loss of instrument air,~rev 10, pg 5, sect [3.7/3;4)

395019G010 ..(KA's).


~ ANSWER: 074~ (1.00)    l . REFERENCE:

AOP-30 sect C.2.3.d., pg 7

.295021A201 ..(KA's)
. ANSWER: 075 .. ( 1. 00 ) REFERENCE:



295038G011 ..(KA's) _

; ANSWER: 076 (1.00) .7

_ g * +m, -- y -n m s. we w g


AOP-1 pg 8, rev.18,: sect C.~2.3, CAUTION

--    !
-295006K203 ..(KA's)

_ i ANSWER: 1 077 -(1.00) - REFERENCE: SDLP-07B, table I, pg 61, Ann 9-5-2-52 & 53 SDLP-17/18 table VII, pg 97 Stack gas PRM OP-43B fig 1, 24VDC one line



-295004K303 ..(KA's).

ANSWER: 078 (1.00) : REFERENCE: AOP-8, pg 3, item : [ 3.' 8/3. 7 )

.295001Gv12 ..(EA's)
: RNSWER: 079 -(1.00)


t k

>'    1 -:, 3-

MIT 301.11C (EOP-2), pg 19, sect'c.1 & EO 2.07-


295008G007 ..(KA's)

-ANSW2R: 080 (1.00)

, ' REFERENCE: AOP-30, pg 6, sect c.2.2.d.1 and pg.7, sect C.2.3. (3.2/3.9) 2950210008 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 081 (1.00). REFERENCES-ARP 09-6-2-32-RBC LO-LO press

:AOP-11 pg 5, sect (3.5/3.6)

295018K101- ..(KA's) ANSWER: -082 (1.00) , _ - , . - _ - _ .

    . .
..     >

0D50-28 sect 6.16 (one rod out statement) and.6.17

.-EOP-2 and-EOP-3 entry statements (4.1/4.2]

295015A202 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 083 (1.00) REFERENCE: AOP-22 Table I,-Effect of isolation SDLP-71B (3.3/3.3]


295004A203 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 084. (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-01B, pg 14, item- SDLP-16A, pg 5, LOR.1.02 _(3.9/4.2].

'295035K101 ..(KA's)

t ANSWER: 085 (1.00) .

. ,. .- . - . .
     . ,
.  -
 .SDLP-16C rev 5, pg 39,' Table VII, Isolatlone-


 --LOR -1; 04 SDLP 05, pg-69, table VII, MSIV scram bypassed out of RUN


 :395020A101 ~.. (KA's)
; ANSWER' 086 (1.00)
 . ,

i SDLP-02B rev 8, pgs'17 through 20, sect LOR 1.10e

 [3.7/3.9)~    ,

295028A203 . . (KA's) ,

. AESWER: 087 (1.00)

a, ,



 . -
     ' .i "

SDLP-93 rev 6, pg 40 sect d.2, pg 41 sect c.- (4.1/4.2] l 295003K202 . . (KA's)


ANSWER : 088- (1.00) a.~


I .

-v--  &  4
 *t  g- y yc -g- y-


-EOP-5= Entry Condition MIT'301.11 :EO-5.02

295036G011 ..(KA's) ANSWERt 089 (1.00) '


Fac bank 20004213B01C rev 1 AOP-3 [4.2/4.3) 295037K307 ..(KA's)-

' ANSWER: 090 -(1.00) ' REFERENCE:

Fac bank 34403009FJC01 rev 0 ARP 09-5-1-51 ( 3'. 6 /3. 6 ) 295005A102 ..(KA's)

:. ANSWER: 091 (1.00) v-
  ,a_____ . , .




-SDLP-71A:pg 118, Electrical Distribution figure EO 1;10 & 1.11 (3.2/3 3).

29500SK208- ..(KA's) ANSWER: 092 -(1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-46B pg21, sect LOR 1.04


295018A101 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 093 -(1.00)- 9? O REFERENCE: FAC bank 20004208B02C-AOP-34 pg 12, sect c.7 ,


295015A103 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 094 (1.00) b.

. _ , _ , -- - ,im.-, ,-

.;    -
,  AOP-27
 ,ARP 09-5-2-3,_aetion 5-

_( 4.0/4. 3 ]- 395014A203 ..(KA's)'

. ANSWER: 095 (1.00)      l REFERENCE:

FAC bank 20004215B02C AOP-18 and AOP-19 (3.4/3.5}

.295003K204 ..(KA's)
,; AMSWER (1.00)

4 REFERENCE: FAC_. bank 20004224B03c modifled AOP-12, pg 3, NOTE !


295019K205 ..(KA's) , ANSWER . . 097 (1.00)-


l l

 . . _ .  . . , . _ . . _ , . -_ u _ _ . . _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _
: ~.           7


 'FACLbank:20201004B01S i T/S bases

295001K207- ..(KA's) ANSWER: 098 (1.00) . REFERENCE:

 ;OP-15, pg 7, bottom para SDLP-13, pg 40, item F.5, .

SDLP-23, pg 59 , Table I

-295008A104 ..(KA's)

hNSWER: 099 (1.00) REFERENCE: " MIT--301.11A, pg 13, Procedure use, items E.1.a and E.1 . e


Tech Specs, pg 166, item A.1. .[3.3/3.5) f295013G007 ~..(KA's) . ANSWER: 100 (1.00)

 . .
 . . , , ., , ,--nr p - - -- -- , .,,, .._, - --n. . , - - - - -,.n. ,, ,- - . -.. ,,.-- c-- , , .. ..---m-- n~ .-w,- ,


. REF!t:RENCE .' ,

I i OP-68, rev 10, pg_4,

.ARP 09-4-1-8, rev 2, pg 1 (3.2/3.4)

295004K102 ..(KA's) , l

p r _ l1 (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********) !


T' ? ,-rs . - - v- - , , . , , -. y e.-._, , - # .,$ . . . .,,.o -.

      . , .-+ 4

i- -. l,

   ~ ATTACHMENT 2    -
      ,' ' (s)

g' .m.-,

        (); l L -i,3 l

r, . .




i i


Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Operator. Licensing Examination  !


_ This document is-removed from ' l official Use only ca*e9 y on date of examina'. ! NRC Official Use Only -

          .l y
,- .,a..... .
 . , , . . - - - :.;._,...._..- - _ _ . . . . . . , _ . . c .. , ;-- . . .  ;-..- ,
        - . - . . . = , . -
      . - - , , -- . - . _ . . . - ,  .. - -







Uss'the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover shast on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in


parenthesen after the question. The passing grade requires a final grade of -r at least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up four (4)-hours after the , examination start CANDIDATE'S= TEST VALUE SCORE  % 1 200.00 _

     % TOTALS FINAL GRADE All work done on this examination is my ow I have neither given nor     ,

received ai , Candidate's signature l P i p r r




c l-' l


i 3, . _.s m.r., .m..... y... ....,,r .

    -m,..., ,.    , _ . . . . . . . . , . .

. ----- AN8WER SHEET Hultiple Choice (Circle or X your choice) If you change your answer, write your selection in the blan HULTIPLE C1101CE 023- a b c d 001 a b c d 024 a b c d 002 a b c d 025 a b c d 003 a b c d 026 a b c d 004 a b c d 027 a b- c d 005 a b c d 028 a b c d - 006 a b c d 029 a b c- d ___ 007 a b c d 030 'a b c d 008 a b c d 031 a b c d

~009 a b c d  032 a b c d
;010- a b c d  033 a b- c d 011- a b c d  034 a b e d 013 a b c d  035 a b c d 013 a b c d  036 a b c d 014 a b c d  037 a b c d 015 a b d  038 a b c d 016 a b c d  039 a b c d 017 a b d  040 a b c d 018 a b c d  041 a b o d 019 a b c d  042 a b- e d 020 a b c d  043 a b .c d-021 a -b c d  044 a b- c- d __f 023 a- b c d-  04G a b c 'd t



_ . _ _ -


. Multiple choice  (circle or X your choice)

i If you change your answer, write your selection in the blan ' a b c- d 068 a b c d , l



- 047 a b c- d   070  a b c d 048 a b c d   071  a b c d    3 040 a b c d   072  a b c d    ,

050 a b c d: 073 a b c d ,


051 a b c d 074 a b c' 'd 052 a b c d 075- a b c d 053 a b c d 076 a b c d 054 a b c d 077 a b c d f B 055 a b c d 078 a b c d

- 056 a b c d   079  a b c d 057 a b c d   080  a b c d'

058 a b c d 081 a b c d 059 a- b c d 082- a b c d 060 a b c d 083 .a b c d . 061 a c d- 084 a b c d 1062 a b e d 085 a b c d t 033 a b c .d 086 a _b - c- d 064 . b c - d 087 a [b c d 1065 a_ b c d _088 a b c d 066 a b- c d 089 a b c d: 067- a b c d 090 a b c d v ,

~d' & +

t b w t w w - w r -s r e w--o ,- -ww- .-er-e=rwe-ew-vw-+e---eee=* ws- = e- ~ e dew r + e--- au++u , - * ~ - c- i+-*wa-- -

          =--e t o- e- r +- --

- - ANSWER SHEET Multiple Choice (circle or X your choice).

If you change your answer, write your selection in the blan a b c d HULTIPLE CHOICE 093 a b c d 093 'a b c d 094 a b c d 095 a -b c d - 096 a b c d 097 a b c d 098 a b c d 099- a b c d 100 a b c d



 '(********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)
   . _ . - _ . _ -


'During the administration of this examination tho'following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penaltie . After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the' cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have not received or given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examinatio . Restroom trips are to be limited and only one applicant at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheatin . Use black ink or dark pencil ONLY to facilitate legible reproduction . Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each answer shee . 6. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided. USE ONLY T!!E PAPER PROVIDED AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAG ..Bafore you turn in your 1xamination, consecutively number each answer sheet, including any additional pages inserted when writing your answers on the examination question pag . Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literatur Avoid using symbols such as < or > signs to avoid a simple transposition error resulting in an incorrect answer. Write it ou .-The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the questio . Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to

:any short answer question . Partial credit may be given except on multiple choice questions. . Therefore,.

ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION AND DO NOT LEAVE ANY ANSWER ~ BLANK.- 12. Proportional grading will be applied. . Any additional wrong information that is provided may count against you. Fcr example,'iffa-question is-worth one point and asks for four responses,- each of which is worth 0.25 points, and you give five recponses, each of your responses will be worth 0.20 point If one of your five responses is incorrect, 0.20 will be _ dsducted and your total credit for that question will be 0.80 instead of 1.00 even though you got the four correct answer . If the_ intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.


,__g---.m-.,py._ , , _ g -. . , . _ .._., . ,9._,,7 .,

7 _,7, g, p.m, , ,mm_a9.,_y ,m% .. g,,, 4 4 g,y9- % ,Avmesy y1r , :m--

I' ] i i

-=14.,Wh:n turning in your examination, e;;ceble the completed examination with l

_oxamination questions, examinatior, aid; and answer sheet In addition, turn in all scrap pape ] 15. Ensure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your answer in-on your anewer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following- ; the examinatio l


16. To pass the examination, you must achieve a grade of 80% or greate . There is a time limit of four (4) hours for completion of the examinatio . When you are done and have turned in your examination, leave the examination-area-(EXAMINER WILL DEFINE THE AREA). If you are found in this area while the examination is still-in progress, your licanse may be denied or revoke ! h f

: QUESTION: 001 (1.00)
~Given-the following conditions:

Today's date is October 26, 1992.- A fully trained, male radiation worker is 25 years old toda He has a current NRC Form 4 on recor Hic previous lifetime whole body exposure is 31 Re He has no radiation exposure this year to dat What is the MAXIMUM whole body radiation exposure for 1992 available for use by this individual in accordance with 10 CFR 20 without invoking limits for emergency and ?ccidental exposure? a. 1000 mrem _ b. 2000 mrem c. 3000 mrem d. 4000 mrem

. QUESTION: 002 (1.00)
'Which of the following describes the minimum watchstanding requirements in order to maintain an " Active" license?

a. Two 8 hour shifts each calendar mont . b. Six 8 hour shifts per calendar quarte c. Seven 8 hour shifts during any three month perio d. Seven 8 hour shifts each calendar quarter.

. . . . .

    . . . _-_=_ . - _ - _ - _ _ _ -

_ - - - - - -.- -.- - - = - . . . . - ~ . ~ _ . - ~ _ _ . , - . - _ . . .

       . --

QUESTION: 003 (1.00)


Which of the following describes the required emergency-notifications in response to an-emergency declaration? a. State,-local-agencies, and the NRC must be notified immediately after declaration of an event not to exceed 15 minutes except for an Unusual Event which may not exceed 4 hour b. The NRC must by notified within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency. _ State and local agencies must be notified-immediately thereafter not to exceed one hou c. State-and local agencies must be notified within 15 minutes and =d the NRC must be notified within 4 hours after declaration of the even d. State and local agencies must be notified within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and the NRC notified immediately thereafter not to exceed one hou QUESTION: 004 (1.00) A Licensed Reactor Operator has worked the following schedule during a-refueling outage: Monday -- Scheduled day off ~,

. Tuesday' --

7 am to 7 pm Wednesday -- 7 am to 5 pm-Thursday -- 7 am to 3 pm Friday -- 7 am to 3 pm Saturday' -- 7 am to 3 pm-Sunday -- 7 am to 9 pm CHOOSE the work schedule for the following Monday that is the MAXIMUM

. allowed without written authorization by the Resident; Manager or Superintendent of Powe a. 5 am to 5 pm
. am to 3 pm c. 7 am to.5 pm d.-7 am to 7 pm
  >      .. ;

_~ .. _

___ . _ .._ ._. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . JOUESTION: 005 (1.00) Which of the following describes the requirements on physical location

.of licensed personnel in the-control room 7        l

a. The NCO may be temporarily absent from the "At the Controls , Area" in order to respond to alarms at the back panel I b. The NCO may leave the "At the Controls Area" provided that the l SNO or ASS is in the control roo j c. When there is fuel in the reactor, a senior licensed operator  ; must remain in the control room at all time 'I d. At least two licensed Senior Reactor Operatora presen in the control room daring startup or plannet, shetdow t




-00ESTIon: 006 (1.00) Which of the following would constitute a " Radiation Area"? -I a. An accessible area unere a person could a: cumulate a whole body , dose greater than 100 mrem in 5 consecutive day c b..An accessible crea where a person could receive a whole body - dose greater-than .5 mrem in one hou c. Any area where measurable neutron radiation'is detecte , d. Any area designated as a Contaminated Are . 4 h


a i ,

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. _ _ . . ~ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ , . . _ . _ . _ - _ _ .



f QUESTION: 007 .(1.00)  ;


In order to protect the health tr.d safety of the public, an. action which daparts from Technical SpscificaLions is required to bo immediately t

' performed by a licensed reactor operato I

Which of the following describen the course of action this operator is permitted to take?


a. Immediately take whatever action is required without further i


directio , b. Notify the Senior Nuclear operator then perform the required , actio _ f


c.- Perform the required action then notify the Senior Nuclear ~! Operator or Shif t Supervisor of his actio d. Obtain approval from the Shift Supervisor and then perform the I actio , QUESTION: 008 (1.00)  ;

~Which of the following describes the method used for independently verifying a locked throttled valve?

a. Remove the locking device, carefully close the valve counting the turns then reopen it'the same number of turns, reapply the lockidg device to the valve, record the as left positio ., b. Independent verification of thin valve cannot be performed,  ; place an "NA" in the signature spaceL for this valve, c. Since it is already-locked, the valve may be assumed to be throttled in the correct position. The verification may be signed off as complet .! d. Independent verification may be accomplished by observing the action of the person initially setting the valve with the '. independent verifier in attendance.


           , !



, A I ,- _, . . _ -. ._4 _ . . . . _ ._ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . .. _ _


' QUESTION: 009 (1.00) You are the SRO assigned to observe and supervise core alterations: during fuel offload from the reactor vessel. You are notified to go to ths nurses' office in the administration building for a random drug screen sample. The only other SRO on shift is the Shift Superviso Whl'ch of the following is permitted? a. If the bridge operator has moved the fuel out of the core then he may continue to move fuel to the fuel pool without your presence but may not pick up another bundle until you retur b. Since the plant is in refueling, an individual with a valid reactor operator license may be stationed in the control room and the Shift Supervisor may temporarily assume your functio , c. Il qualified, you may exchange shift positions with the Shift Supervisor and after turnover requirements are met, fuel i movement may continu !


d. An individual with a valid reactor operator licence may be

design ted to assume the supervision of the remaining fuel movement provided that the bundle is not in the cor l



QUESTION: 010 (1.00) A mandatory operations department task must be completed in a high radiation area. Which of the following REQUIRES an ALARA review? a.__ Initial-radiation exposure estimates exceed _one man-re b. The whole body dose rate at the task location is greater than 100 mr/h i c. Any individual at the task location may receive greater than a l 100 mr dose, i d. There is airborne radioactivity'ac the task locatio .


b t

     . 5 L-i
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i i i


QUESTION .011 (1.00) .j Which of thi following activities requires an instruction or a f procedure?  ; i a. Filling skimmer surge tank ! b. Call out of personnel  ; i c. Checking a relay energized or de-energize d.-Removal of caps on drain lines for system drainin l


i OUESTION: 012 (1.00)  ;


During accident conditione, which of the following Hydrogen  ; concentrations (percent volume in air) will result in an explosive miature? , E % j i % i f ' 80% %

              .i F

I-y l


_- l' I a . _ -- . . - . _ . _ . - . . . _- --- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - - - - . - - - - -





QUEST 10N 013 (1.00)


While returning RBCLC pump "A" to service following maintenance, which

'of the following is the correct sequence for removing tage and valving    ,

in the pumpf  ! l a. Open the discharge valve, then open the auction <alve, close the vent or drain valve, remove the tag (s) on the motor controls,. b. Close the vent or drain valve, open the auction valve, open the a discharge valve, remove the tag (s) on the motor controls.- c. Remove the tag (s) on the motor controle, open the suction valve, , open the discharge valve, close the vent or drain valve d. Remove the tag (s) on the motor controle, close the vent or drain valve, open the discharge valve, open the suction valve, . , 90EST10N 014 (1.00) , While closing the reactor water cleanup outboard isolation valv (13MOV-18), the following indications occurs j Both valve position indleating lights above the- switch- extinguis The annunciator for " Valva 0, ricad or Power Loes" is receive The valve indicates mid position on the 09-4 graphic displa Which of the following could account for the present status of 12MOV-187-a. Tripped thermal overload a b. Tripped' supply breaker c. Tripped torque switch - d. Closing relay (42C) burned out .


L L -- . . . . . ~- . .

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_ QUESTION: 015 (1.00) Which of the following is sufficient justification for NOT tagging the-handwheel of an motor operated valve being used for system isolation? a. No increased level of protection is realise ., b. Double valve protection is unnecessar j c. The MOV power supply breaker is racked ou d. HOV supply voltage is less than 4 K {


QUESTION: 016 (1.00)

'Which of the following would permit " concurrent dual verification" in i

lieu of independent verification of an approved jumper / lifted lead to a plant system? a. The installation is in a radiation area of 100 mr/h b. The installation is in a confined spac : e. Immediate system response is expecte d. Immedlate installation is necessary to prevent a scra t


_ QUESTION: 017 (1.00) Which of the following is an action that would justify "For-Cause" Drug and Alcohol Testing?


a. An individual is observed in a private vehicle on his way to work with persons considered to be drug user ^ b. Open beer cans are reported by a roving security guard _to be ~ visible inside an employee's car in the plant parking lo c. The STA observed the on shift NCO exiting a bar on his way to' Wor d. An Auxiliary Operator states-that his relief has the smell of-alcohol on his-breat <

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QUESTION: 018 ( 1. 00 ) - Which of the following is indication that a Safety Relief Valve (SRV)

-vacuumzbreaker has failed in the open position during SRV operation?

a. Direct pressurization of the suppression chamber air space each tin,e the SRV is opene b. Steam bypassing the relief valve T-quenchers with a direct discharge path into the suppression pool, c. An increase in drywell to torus differential pressur d. Suppression pool water being drawn up into the SRV dischargo line after the SRV is close QUESTION: 019 (1.00) - The following plant conditions exist ,. Automatic Depressurization System - actuated Reactor water level - 50 inches All_RHR pumps - running Both core Spray (cs) pumps - running 120 second timer - timed out 7 ADG SRVs - open Reactor pressure - 150 psig and decreasing WHICH of the following will cause the Automatic Depressurization System SRV's to closo and remain closed without further operator action? a. One ADS Normal /Overrido switch is placed in " OVERRIDE".

b. Water level is raised above 59.5' inche c. Water level is raised above 177 inche d. All RHR and CS pumps are stoppe . _ l'

 .   .- -a.-
._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   __ _ ..___


- QUESTION: 020 (1.00)

Thz_following plant conditions exists >


Reactor power is 100 , RCIC Pump and Valve Operability Test is in progress with the RCIC -


turbine running. (ST-24A) Torus temperature is 85 degrees F and increasing 3 degrees F every 15 minute All other plant parameters are norma ' Soloct the MAXIMUM amount of time the test can continue assuming the current trend continues, a. 120 minutes b. 100 minuten , c. 80 minutes ,


d.-50 minutes ( QUESTION 021 (1.00) An 4tWS has occarred and the following conditions exists t Reactor power - 20% on APRM Reactor water level - 200 inches Drywell pressure - 1.1 poi All scram valves - open SDV vent and drain valves - shu Mode switch - in SHUTDOWN Which of the following describes resetting of the scram to allow draining of the Scram Discharge Volume?

  . a. The scram can be reset by placing the mode switch in STARTUP and placing the CRD Discharge Volume Bypass switch in " BYPASS".

r b.'The scram cannot reset because the mode switch is in SHUTDOWN.

. c..The scram can be reset by placing the CRD Discharge Votume Bypass switch in " BYPASS".

d. The scram cannot be reset because a scram signal exist .

            .P e
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  . . _ . . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.

QUESTION: 022 (1.00) Which of the following scrams is always required for all modes of operation? a. Turbine control valve fast closure b. APRM Inoperative c. APRM Flow Referenced Neutron Flux d. APRM fixed High Neutron Flux (120t)

          -_ _

QUESTION: 023 (1.00) Which of the following describes the operation / configuration of the two backup scram valves? a. Normally energized, one valve will de-energize with each RPS channel to vont air heade b. One valve powored from each RPS trip channel, either valve must energize to vent the scram air heade c. Both RPS channela must trip to deenergize either valvo, both valves must deenergize to vent the air heade d. Both RPS channels must trip to energize either valve, one valve must energize to vent the air heade ._, _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.. . .- - - - . . . . . _ . - . ~ . .. _ -.--

QUESTION: 024 ('l . 00 )

: Which of the following describes a properly orientated standard fuel -

bundle 7 a. Orientation lugs (boss) on the ball handle' points away from the center of the control rod of the four bundle arra b. The channel spacer buttons face the control rod of the four bundle arra c. Serial number on the bail handle is readable from the outside edge of the fuel cel d. Channel fastener is located on the outside edge of the four bundle arra QUESTION: 025 (1.00) Once the Standby Liquid control system,has been initiated, boron

- ; injection may be terminated whens a. suppression pool temperaturo decreases below 110 b. SLC tank is empt c. All control rods are inserted to or beyond position 0 d. Reactor power decreases to less than 2.5%.




______ _-_-. QUESTIONS 026 (1.00)


iWhich of the following describes the response of the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) valves following a half scram signal?

-a. SDV-vent and drain solenoid valves do not change positio All SDV Vent _and drain valves remain ope b. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve reposition All SDV Vent and drain valves remain ope c. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve reposition One set of SDV vent and drain valves clos d. One SDV vent and drain solenoid valve reposition All SDV vent and drain valves clos QUESTION: 027 (1.00)

Which of the following Reactai Protection System automatic scrams is

' bypassed when the mode switch is taken from "RUN" to "STARTUP"?

a. Turbine Stop Valve Closure b. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve closure c.-Scram Discharge Instrument Volume Hi Level d. Main Steam Line Radiation Hi-H1 Rad


m a e ______-___.__ __._.A_

__ _ . QUESTION: 028 (1.00) Which of the following is a safety Limit violation? a. With the Reactor shutdown, water level drops to +5 inches and is then recovered, b. MCPR momentarily reaches 1.18 during a loss of feedwater transien c. Reactor power is increased to 21% with pressure less than 785 psig, d. A core performance daily surveillance shows CHFLPD equal to 1.0 _ QUESTION: 029 (1.00) Which of the following condition (s) for the Reactor Building Ventilation Exhaust Monitoring System is the HINIMUM which must occur in order to start the Standby Gas Treatment System? a. One Downscale trip b. One Downscale trip and one HI trip c. One HI-HI trip d. One Inop trip _ e

' '
 --- ___-_s_ __________________m.___ _
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.  .

QUESTION: 030 (1.00)

:Th2 main condenser low vacuum MSIV isolation signal will be 1 automatically bypassed by:

, a. turbine Stop Valves closed OR the Mode switch out of the RUN positio t b. turbine Bypass Valves closed OR the Mode switch _out of the RUN ' positio c. turbine Stop Valves closed AND the Mode switch out of the RUN positio d. reactor pressure greater than 825 psi QUESTION: 031 (1.00) The'following conditions oxist An ATWS is in progress Standby Liquid control Pump "A" is running and injecting to RP ' Select the reason that the Boron injection rate should not be increased-by local operation of SLC Pump "B".

a. The "B" system squib valves will not-fir b.-The-relief for SLC pump "B" will lift making it ineffectiv . Excess discharge pressure will lift both pump reliefs reducing Boron injection flo d. Excessive injection rate could result in power chugging.

! 1: l l-. h , ,. _ . . . _ . ,

. -

QUESTION: 032. (1.00) A single control rod scram will ALWAYS result in each of the following


a. Control Rod Block Annunciato b. HCU TROUBLE Annunciato c. Control Rod Drift Annunciato d. Blue SCRAM light on full core displa ^ QUESTIONS.033 (1.00) In order to prevent significant damage to the drive mechanism, which of . the.following actions is specifically PROHIBITED as part of the attempts r

=to free a stuck control rod?.

a. Driving the rod full in, b. Driving the rod full ou , c. Increasing Drive pressur d. Manually scramming the ro : QUESTION: 034 _(1.00) Which of the following states the concern with operating Standby Gas-Filter Trains at flow rates greater than 6000 scfm? ca. Reduced.Iodino removal efficiency b. Adsorbent bed thinnin c. Warpage of the adsorbent ~ screens ,

 - .d. Deformation of the charcoal filters

t f #c- g --- w e,r ef' r+r a- =- + , * * -- 4 ,-e-e--e .w-- -+4 == = rw-+-,he - w -e-e,- m m-- e - + w e- es

-- -

q i QUESTION: 035- (1.00) _ Which of the following_ rod motion sequences does NOT open the " settle" , valve-(directional control valve 120)? a. Withdrawal (One Notch)


b. Emergency Rod Insertion


c. Continuous Rod Insertion


d. Withdrawal (Notch Override)

.. QUESTION: 036~ (1.00)

Which of the following is indication of an uncoupled control rod when fully withdrawing a control rod? * a. Rod position indication will momentarily go blank and the ROD DRIFT annunciator alarm b. Rod position indication goes blank and ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator alarm c. Red FULL OUT lights illuminate and ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator alarm ,


d. Red FULL OUT lights extinguish and rod position indication will-momentarily go blan , t

rg g y- -y- ~3w., s---, -.

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_ QUESTION:'037 (1.00) Which of the following will generate a' rod block with the Reactor Mode { Switch in " Refuel"? a. The refuel platform is over the fuel pool and is moving a fuel bundl b. The r6 fuel platform is over the core, and one controi tod is withdrawn to position 2 The refuel platform is over the core and the fuel grapple is not full u d. The refuel platform is over the fuel pool and the trolley mounted hoist is loade OUESTION: 038 (1.00) If no automatic initiation condition is present, which of the following-will by itself trip the RCIC turbine AND cause RCIC to isolate? a. Manual isolation pushbutton b. Manual-turbine trip


c. Turbine exhaust pressure high d. Steam supply pressure low QUESTION: 039 (1.00) When must APRM calibration be performed? a. Prior to taking an APRM out if BYPAS b. When any APRM differs by 2% or more from the average APRM powe c. When FRP is greater than-MFLP d. When an APRM gain-adjustment factor z(AGAF)_is greater than 1. P - -- _

     . _

--. . , , , l_


QUESTION:-040 (1.00) The High_Prosaure Coolant Injection-(HPCI) operating when an

--olectrical malfunction closes CST suction isolation. valve 23MOV-1 Which = of the following is the expected system response 7 a. The pump will trip on interlock with 23MOV-1 b. The pump will trip on low suction pressur c. The system will automatically switch suction sources, pump     ,

continues to ru d. The system will automatically switch suction sources, pump will trip during swapove QUESTION: 041 (1.00) The following conditions exists-The HPCI turbine was in operation but has trippe An auto-initiation condition is still presen The turbine trip signal has cleare Select the turbine trip signal that MUST have operator action in order to restart the turbine, a. Overspee b. Low Steam Supply Pressur c. High Turbine Exhaust Pressure.- d. High HPCI Area Temperature i

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . . _ . _ . . ~ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ - . . _ . . _ . _ I l l

. _ .        i QUESTION: 042 (1.00)

LThe following plant conditions exist Level has decreased-to less than 59 incher-ADS timer has actuated, but has not timed out All RHR and CS pumps are running Prior to any SRV's opening, level is increased to 100 inche Which of the following describes automatic ADS system response 7 a. Timer sequence resets to zero when level increased above 5 inches, if: level again goes below 59.5 inches, blowdown will-occur in 120 second b. Timer sequence will stop and blowdown will only occur if level-goes below 59.5 inches long enough to finish 120 second time c. Timer will time out but blowdown will be inhibited unless level again goes below 59.5 inches, then immediate blowdown will occu d. Timer will continue and blowdown will occur at completion-of 120 second timer countdown unless level goes above 177 inche ' QUESTION: 043 (1.00) Why is the Rod Worth Minimizer-NOT 'equired r to be operable when power'is greater than the Low-Power Setpoint?


a. The requirement to have each control rod manipulation second checked by another person ensures the correct sequence is maintaine E b.: Above this power-level, a power excursion from the worst possible single rod withdrawal error can not result in fuel damage, c.'Above this power level, a power excursion from the reactivity added.during a single rod drop accident will not result in rapid fuel dispersa d.'.Above-this power level,--the established rod sequence provides-enough' control rod withdrawal limitations to keep. fuel within-the design .LHGR . Limits.

I- ! (i-

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-QUESTIONS 044 (1.00)

While at power.which of the.following. systems will. initiate an automatic

' isolation-of main condenser-air ejector discharge stack?
. Main Steam Line radiation. Monitor b. Off-Gas Radiation Monitor c. Off-Gas Vent Pipe (stack) Radiation Monitor d. Main Stack Radiation Monitor

QUESTION: 045 (1.00) Which of thof following is designed to ensure adequate net positive suction head for the reactor recirculation pumps? a. Speed runback to 44% upon a RPV low level alar b. Rate of speed increase limited to 2.5% per second c. Master controller maximum output limit of 102.5%. d. Speed limited to 26% if feed flow is'less than 20%.

; QUESTION 046 -(1.00)
.Which of the following meets ALL requirements to withdraw rods for reactor startup?

a. 3 SRMs t 3.0 counts per second, 1 SRM'at 2.0 counts per secon All SRM detectors fully inserted.



b. 3 SRMs inserted far enough to provide'3.0 counts per_secon SRM' channel in bypas c. 2 SRMs fully inserted at 3.0 counts per secon SRMs inserted far enough to provide 3.0 counts per secon ~ d. 2 SRMs at 3.0 counts per.secon SRM detectors fully inserted it


QUESTION 047 (1.00) R3 circulation Flow Unit "A"'has failed' low downscal > S21 set the expected response'to bypassing this flow unit from psnsi 09- a. The half scram and all control rod blocks w111' clea , b. The RBM control rod block will clea c.'The " FLOW REF OFF NORMAL" alarm will clea d. The " FLOW REF OFF NORMAL" alarm and all control rod blocks will clea , i

' QUESTION: 048 (1.00)

Rsactor water level has decreased to 150 inche If level continues to decrease, which of the following automatic actions


will' occur next?

-a. Group I isolatio . ARI initiation c. Group II-isolation d. SBGT auto start

, 't r r - .- ,-m . -

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-QUESTION '049 (1.00)

Which' of the-following describes the automatic response of the primary

:: containment isolation system to. a valid high' steam flow signal in the
"A" main steam line?

a. Only'the "A" steam line inboard and outboard MSIV will clos b. Only channel Al of the containment isolation logic will de-energiz c. One solenoid on each MSIV will de-energize but no valve actuation will occu d. A Group 1 containment isolation signal will resul QUESTION: 050 (1.00) Which of the following would be an indication of a safety relief valve being open?

-a. SRV tailpipe temperature rapid rise to 525 degree b.'SRV tailpipe temperature constant at 310 degrees c. Increase in total steam flow with a decrease in reactor leve d. Increase in total steam flow with constant generator output.
051 (1.00)

_ Which of the following detrimental effects could occur if a Diesel Gansrator was continuously operated at 2000 KW7 a. Inadequate turbocharger coolin _ b. T':rbocharger clutch problems, c. Unburned fuel buildup in the air bo d. Unburned fuel buildup in the exhaust manifold.

L ' , p u


QUESTION: 052 (1.00) Select the expected plant response to the loss of one feedwater pump while operating at full power with both Reactor Water Recirculation M/A transfer stations in manual? a. Reactor recirculation pumps run back to 44% spee b. Reactor recirculation pumps run back when the EPV low level alarm is received until the alarm is clea c. 3eactor recirculation pumps run back to 44% when the RPV low level alarm is receive d. Reactor will scram on low RPV level if no operator action is take QUESTION: 053 (1.00) IF the drywell pneumatic supply system to the Safety / Relief Valves (SRV) is lost, select the SRV capability provided by the accumulator and checi valvs arrangemen a. Five valve operations or hold valve open for 30 minutes b. Remain capable of depressurizing the reactor under any condition c. Operable for 100 days if no valve cycling is performed d. Five valve operations for ADS valves only QUESTION: 054 (1.00) Which of the following will always result in an APRM INOP trip? a. Less than two LPRMs per level input to the APR b. Less than 14 LPRMs total input to the APR c. Less than 55% output from the APRM count circui d. More than three LPRMs bypassed for the APRM.

.. .. . . . . - _ .

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' -QUESTION: 055 .(1.00)- ThaLfollowing conditions exist *

-The main condenser is-experiencing excessive air in leakage Reactor power is 45% and being decreased The main turbine just tripped due to loss of vacuum one turbine stop valve fails to close All other turbine valves respond as expected which of the following describes the result of this failure 7~

a. Automatic fast transfer will be delayed until a unit lockout occurs on reverse powe b. A reactor scram will occur on high reactor pressure or high neutron flu c. The MSIVs will need to be closed to limit reactor vessel cooldown rate, d. Automatic reserve power for buses 10300 & 10400 will be delayed until voltage drops to 25% of norma . L QUESTION: 056 (1.00) If DC control power is lost to a 4KV Ac breaker, which of the following-operations may be performed at the breaker 7 a. Tripped open onl b.-closed only (if open), c._ closed (if open) and tripped ope d. Close d (if open) then opened then close _ - _ - - - _ _ - - - .

    . . . .. .. . .. .
     .. .
     . ..-
057 (1.00):

During power operation, region B of the power to flow map is

" unintentionally entered'following the trip of one recirculation pum Which of the following actions should be taken immediately?
-NOTE: Modified Power to Flow map (fig 1 of AOP-8) is provide a. Scram the reactor, b. Restart the tripped recirculation pump to exit region c. Raise the operating recirculation pump speed to exit region d. Contact the Reactor Analyst Group for instructions.-   -

QUESTION: 058 (1.00) Salect the mosaing of a black highlighted circled number "1" appearing in the EOP' Note: Table 5-1 of EOP-5 is provided as an exampl i a. Identifies areas requiring manual initiation of fire suppression equipment, b. Identifies areas requiring manual-fire suppression by personnel, c. Idencifies a potential problem with RPV level instrumentation accurac d. Only "1" temperature above Maximum Safe value is. sufficient to require RPV depressurizatio .' q



e,- 1 QUESTION:'059 -(1.00) Idantify_the' reason that reactor power goes down when reactor wate level is deliberately. lowered during a-failure to. scram (ATWS) even . a. Lowering RPV. water level will result in-further concentration'of-boron thus-lowering the-reactor power leve ,


b. Lowering RPV water level will increase reactor water ,

 -temperature, addingfnegative reactivity due to reduced moderator density thereby reducing reactor powe c.. Lowering RPV water level will reduce natural circulation driving head and core flow, increasing voiding and thereby reducing .

reactor powe d. Lowering RPV level reduces power by decreasing the subcooling of the water entering the cor QUESTION: 060 (1.00)

'The-reactor was scrammed due to suppression pool water temperature being greater than the Technical Specification Limi Which of tre following describes the MINIMUM conditions required to Lresume pow r op.eratton?

a. Suppression Pool Temperature is less than 105 degrees F and-must 1xa less than 95 degrees F within. 24 hour b. Reactor start up'may commence if Suppression Pool. temperature is _ less than 105. degrees F provided temperature is below 95 degrees


F before placing the mode switch in RU c. Suppression Pool Temperature must be less than 95 degrees F , prior to placing the Mode. switch in STARTU . d. Suppression Pool temperature must-be less than 95 degrees F-prior to exceeding 1% power.


,.y y , ~ y n , ,..  -
     , --

QUESTION: 1061 - - ( 1. 00 ) -_ A: loss of.RPS Bus "A" has occurred due to actuation of an Electrical-


Protection Assembly-(EPA). Upon restoration of power- to RPS Bus "A" onip;three,(3) of_the WHITE Scram solenoid indicating lights for:RPS Bus

"A* reenergize. All "B" side Scram indicating lights are energized.--
-Which of the following actions is appropriate?

a. Assume 1/4 of the. control rods should have scrammed, depress both. reactor scram push' button b. Assume 1/4 of_the control rods have received a 1/2 scram signal, continue operations and investigate, c. Momentarily insert then c' lear an "A" side half scram to. pick up the relay and energize the ligh ' d. Slightly raise the output voltage of the "A" RPS MG Set to energize the ligh ,

-QUESTION: 062 (1.00)
-Select-the REQUIRED action for a sustained reactor period of less than r30-seconds during reactor startup?- Manually scram the reactor.-

b. - Insert control _ rods until period is greater than 30 second c. Stop control rod movement until period decays to greater than-30 second d. Insert the selected control rod to its previous position.


, , - -

I-QUESTION: 063 (1.60) Which of the following is the required action when- Minimum Critical

.L ver Ratio (MCPR) is raduced to 1.05 during a transient?

a. Immediate action must be initiated to restore MCPR to acceptable values and the reactor must be shutdown within the next 2 hour b. Power must be reduced to less than 25% within two hours and be in cold snutdown within 24 hour c. The reactor must be scramed immediately and be in cold shutdown within 24 hour d. The reactor must be shutdown and not restarted until Nuclear Regulatory Commission revie __ QUESTION: C64 (1.00) r" The following conditions exist: An ATWS 10 in progress Reactor power - 22%. Reactor water level - 17C to 180 inche Reactor pressure - 960 psig Which of the following is severely challenged if a full MSIV closure should occur? a. Fuel integrity _ b. CST Makeup availability - c. Containment integrity d. Injection system operability i _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  .  . . - . . . . _ ~


.-QUESTIONS.065 ;(1.00)
~Which of- the (N ; owi..g metL ;oda sill result in .the largest-;overall

, : differential pressure across~the Control' Rod Drive-pieton for inserting-

. control. rods?.

a.'open' individual sort.m test switche b. Maximize CRD coolir,g water. differential pressure'. c. Drive control rode using maximum drive pressur d. Vent the scram als header.

r QUESTION: 066' (1.00) Following a loss of coolant accident-at 1000 power, the following conditions exist -

 ' EPIC is out of' service-Average drywell temperature of 16TI-107;& 108 256 deg F Drywell pressure on panel . 09-3  40 peig, RPV water level on panel 09-5 Wide P.ange 40 inches

' RPV: water level Fuel Zone on: panel 09-3 -130 inches-4

'Which of the following describes use.of the level instruments?

Notes Figure 4.7 and 4.8 of EOP-2 is provide ' L a. No Fuel Zone or Wide Range instruments may be use b. Both Fuel Zone Yarway_and' Recorder may-be used,'. Wide. Range ma ~

 -be used for level, trend only.

, - . L .c. Both Fuel Zone Yarway and Recorder may be used~for level and - ' level trend,; Wide Range may not be used.

l d. Wide Range may be used for level and' level trend, Fuel Zone


[ instruments may not be used.

! l [ [ l l !' . . . or ,.e-.-,- k- ,n

m o ,

   - p4L, w at .4 i 4m +4 ,- --~ + 3.n.s- 4 -e M c-- .e . 4 L n-l

QUESTION -067 - (1.00) While at full-power,.one~MSIV.has gone closed _for an unknown reason lrosulting in expected Safety' Relief Valve operatio ;

'Tha-following post transient plant. conditions ~are noted Reactor pressure _
   - -

1010 psig and stabl * Reactor Water' Level - 198 inches trending to norma Reactor power - 99%.

-Cenerator output ~  - -dropped 30 Hw SRV 02RV-71K  -

lifted and has NOT reseated-SRV 02RV-71L - lifted and reseated Reactor Protection System' - No actuations have occurre Which of the following is the required action? a. Continue operation and attempt to shut the SRV-71K-by cycling the control switch.and establish suppression pool cooling.- + b. Establish suppression pool cooling, commence a reactor shutdown,.

 = cooldown to remain below the Heat Capacity Temperature Limi _

, c. Scram, establish suppression pool cooling and enter EOP- _ d. Reduce reactor power to less than 90% then enter abnormal procedure for Relief Valve-Stuck Open (AOP-36).

QUESTION: 068 (1.00) Which of the following describes why the. ADS valves must be opened, in

: accordance with EOP-9, when Reactor Water Level reaches -43 inches?

a. This level was selected to be consistent with the level that-requires RPV depressurization in accordance with EOP- " b. Steam Cooling is not effective in removing decay heat-when RPV level is above -43 inche If the-ADS valves are opened below'this level adequate core cooling cannot be-assure d.L This level is at two thirds-core coverage which is the-basis for steam coolin . . . . . _ .~ .- _ ,

-QUESTION: 069 .(1.00)

Which of the following constitutes " Adequate Core Cooling"? a. All rods are full in, only LPCI is injecting, RPV pressure is 200 psig,.RPV level is -25 inches and decreasin b. ATWS in progress, RPV injection is mai taining level at.-35 inche c. All rods are full in, no injection source, RPV pres &Jre is 50 psig, all 7 ADS valves open, RPV level at -48 inche d. All rods are full-in, only one Core Spray-system is injecting, RPV pressure is 100 psig, RPV water level is -25 inches an increasin QUESTION: 070 (1.00) Which of the following is the basis for inhibiting the: Automatic ~ Depressurization System during an ATWS to prevent depressurization?- a. A considerable amount of energy will be put into the Suppression

 ' Pool =well before it is necessary or required.- .; It would drive plant conditions above the RPV Saturation Temperature-curve: making RPV water level readings unreliabl c. Under.ATWS. conditions it would cause a large loss of-RPV inventory and impose a severe thermal transient on the fue __ Onct- below the shutoff head of the low pressure ECCS systems, the injection water might cause a large power excursion.

!- I.,


! I-l lL L [ ..

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 ,. . -_ -.- . .-- . -.
    .- . . . ---

QUESTIONa-071 (1.00):

? Instrument air pressure;is decreasing due to a pipe break in the_ reactor buildin Loss of-Instrument Air AOP-12 has been entere l
:Which of the following~ requires a manual scram 7 a.~ The " Scram. Air _ Header Pressure Low" alarm is receive ,

b. Instrument air pressure has reached 65 psi c. The " Rod Drift" annunciator is in for control rod 40-17, NO other rods have move . d. Scram discharge volume vent and drain valves drift shu QUESTION: 072 (1.00) . Which of the following describes the action to be taken by persons on tha. refuel floor.during core reload in response alarms of the Refuel-Bridge ARM, the Spent Fuel Pool ARM and the New Fuel Vault ARM? a. Check dosimetry and those individuals with higher than expected readings must-evacuat b. If possible, reverse the action causing the alacme then evacuate to the 357 ft elevation of the reactor-buildin c. Immediately attempt to reduce radiation levels by moving the -

-component being handle d. Stop work in the area and immediately evacuate t'o the step off

_ pad pending evaluation by Radiation Protection personnel.



 . - , .
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- - -- . .~ . . . - . .-.--, -. . . ~- .. .. ,. . . .


] QUESTION '073 (1. 00 ) l-iWhich.of the following-is the initia1' concern ~should a sustained loss-of-ehutdown cooling _ occur when refueling is in progress?

a. Airborne release on the refueling floo ,

      . ,
=b. Excessive radiation-levels f.nside the upper drywel =c. Fuel clad degradatio '

d. Reduced core shutdown m'argi .,


.. QUESTION: 074 (1.00) . Tha Emergency.RPV Depressurization_ flowchart (EOp 8). directs the  ; operator to use alternate depressurization. systems if suppression pool level is below 5.5 fee SELECT the reason for this actio a.-The bottom of the downcomers is uncovere b. The design pressure'of the torus may be exceede . l c. Ensures ECCS pump NPSH and vortex limits are not exceede d. The HPCI exha6at line is uncovere , f n E_

, . _ . . ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ._ - . _ . _ _ - _ - - _ . ..

-QUESTION: 075 (1.00).

-> Should it become necessary to-lower reactor level during an ATWS

. condition,=only the following systems are specified for use to maintain   ,

lsvel: Condensate /feedwater-



       'I-Select the reason why only these systems are to be used?

e a. These systems provide the cleaneet source of-water for injection into the reacto , b. At this point in the ATWS, reactor pressure precludes use-of other system c. Their point of injection ensures mixing of the cold injection water to reduce the' potential reactivity transien ~ d. These systems either start or operate automatically so_the operator need only verify lineups when this step is reache . QUESTION: 076 (1.00) Select the condition that requires entry into EOP-6, Radioactivity Release Contro a. A primary ~eystem is discharging outside the primary and secondary containment b.,0ffsite radioactivity release rate is above the Emergency Plan-

 " Alert" level.-

c.' Turbine-building ventilation is. isolated due to high radiatio d. Loss.of-_2 of 3 fission product barriers with potential ~1oss of the 3rd barrie > q (--+ 3 e3

_. . _, _ _ s - -. - --> __ -- .. .- _ _1



.-QUESTION 1077f _ (1.00)--

Why must;the scram'discr>arge volume vent and drain' valves be verified

- closed after a scram has occurred?-

a,Toensurethereisnoprimary[to.reactorbuildinglea .

. ' t."To ensure that the CRD-discharge path has' sufficient back

pressur c. To initiate the timer that allows scram reset after 10 second , e d. To maximize the CRD water-gowns to the RP . ,- QUESTION: 078 (1.00) Which of the.following requires an immediate reactor scram in response-to a partial loss-of coolant flow?

=i NOTE: Modified Power to Flow map-(fig 1 of AOP-8) is provided, a. APRM upscale alarm on two channel b. Core thermal power - 41%, Core flow - 33%

c. Core thermal power - 63%, Core ' flow - 44% d. Core thermal pouer - 56%,l Core flow - 34%


QUESTION: 079- (1.0L

.WhenLoperating within the guidelines of EOP-2, Section RPV/L,,the  ,

prefered level range is between 177 inches'and 222.5 inche Which of-the following is.a reason for this level band?- a.' Preserves use of the condenser as a heat sin _b.-[ Feed and condensate systems may be-used to maintain leve ' c.-This is.the range of the automatic RPV level controlle '

 -d.. Preserves the vailabilityfof steam driven equipmen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

QUESTION: 080 (1.00) The following conditions exist Refueling is in progress RHR loop A pumps are tagged ou Mainterance on a leaking SRV is in progrees in the drywel Both RHR loop B pumps have tripped and cannot be restarte Within 30 minutes of the RHR trip, coolant temperature has increased from 140 dog F to 200 deg Which of the following actions HUST be taken in preference to the othere? Increase any running recirculation pump speed to maximu b. Maximize heat removal with the Reactor Water Clean Up syste Establish secondary containment integrit Increase RHR heat exchanger cooling flo QUESTION: 081 (1.00) With the plant initially at 100% power, the following has occurred: One RBCLC pump tripped and the standby pump did not star One RBCLC pump is still runnin RBCLC prossure dropped to less than 40 peig and ESW starte ESW is supplying RBCLC and pressure has increased to 75 psi No RBCLC loads have reached temperature limit _ Select the appropriate operator responses a. Manually start the standby RBCLC pump and secure ES b. Manually scram and enter both AOP-ll(Loss of RBCLC) and AOP- c. Determine and correct the cause of low pressure then secure ES Investigate the cause and if temperatures increase then scram and enter AOP-ll.

-- - _ . _-__- _ _-- - ____ - _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ -


QUESTION: 082 (1.00)


Which of the following conditions REQUIRES entry into EOP 3 ) Scram" after a Reactor Protection System Scram has b

    " Failure to een initiated?

Note NO Reactor Analyst is availabl a. Reactor pericd is infinit b. Reactoc power is 1 c. One center control rod stuck at position 4 d. One control rod at position 02 and one control rod unknow position is QUESTION: 083 (1.00) Which of the following will result from the loss of 125 VDC System "A"? a. Loss of the backup scram functio b. Alternate Rod Insertion System "A" will initiate . c. Main Turbine tri d. Reactor Feed Pump "A" tri M


l _ QUESTION: 082 (1.00) Which of-the following conditions REQUIRES entry into EOP-3 " Failure to Scram" after a Reactor Protection System Scram has been initiated? Note NO Reactor Analyst in availabl a. Rcactor period is infinit b. Reactor power in i c. One center control rod stuck at position 4 d. One control rod at position 02 and one control rod position is unknow _ QUESTION: 083 (1.00) Which of the following will result from the loss of 125 VDC System "A"? a. Loss of the backup ecram functio b. Alternate Rod Insertion System "A" will initiat c. Main Turbine trip, d. Reactor Feed Pump "A" tri _

--_--.u,..--_ -m _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ _ __, _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ ___ , _ _ _ _ _, __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.-.. A - ,

(Q ESTION 084: ,(1.00)~-
-Which of.the following describes how the reactor building is protected from. excess differential. pressure?:

a. The SBGT'io.not capable ofiachieving a negative p'ressure-suf ficient - to damage the reactor buildin b. The reactor building door seals will leak sufficient to prevent excess differential pressure, c. Only operator action is available to maintain the safe' reactor-building differential. pressure, d. A vacuum relief will lift greater than -5" water pressure in the reactor buildin QUESTION: 085 (1.00)

.The following conditions exist:

A reactor startup is in progress The mode switch is STARTUP The main turbine in tripped A valid Group I isolation has occurred


The reactor did not scram Select the signal that generated the Group I isolation: , a. Main steam line tunnel temperature b. Reactor water level ,

:c. Main steam line radiation d.-Main steam line pressure

o k


N v m , -- gv.. ->mr-- -m 4 - - '-e a w+- ,*t--- * -.r m- y p- '

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- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-QUESTION: 086 (1.00)

l There is a small leak into the drywell from the recirculation syste The leak does not depressurize the reactor.but drywell temperature is risin Which of the following is the effect on panel 9-5 level instruments? a. Indicated level may read below actual level, b. Indicated level may read above actual level, c. Reference leg flashing may occur causing erratic level indicatio Indicated level will be correct unless drywell temperature _ exceeds 212 deg QUESTION: 087 (1.00) The Cuargency Diesel Generators (EDG) were automatically started by

" Degraded" bus voltage condition The EDG output breakers will automatically close 0.8 secs after meeting which of the following interlock conditions?

a. One double ended tie breaker open and EDG voltage 90%. b. Both double ended tie breakers open and EDG bus loads trippe c. One double ended tie breaker open and EDG bus loads trippe _ d. EDG bus loads tripped and EDG voltage 90%.

-  _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ . _
  - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __         . _ _ _ _ _ _

l i :. QUESTION: 088 (1.00) Which of following requires entry into EOP-5, " Secondary-Containment Control"? a. Water level of 1 inch in one crescent are b. Reactor building ventilation exhaust radiation level of 300 CP c. Reactor building differential pressure of -3"w d. Reactor building floor drain sump pump, 20-P-6B operating and maintaining sump level 1 inch below the high setpoin _ QUESTION: 089 (1.00) e With the plant initially at 100% power, a turbine trip has occurre The following post trip conditions exist All control rods are at the pre turbine trip position Reactor power is 50% Scram lights for all HCU's are on All RPS group lights are extinguished Which pair of actions should BOTH be successful in causing control rod insertion? a. Deenergize the scram solenoids Perform manual scrams b. Vent the scram air header - Insert rods with individual drive signals - Insert rods with individual drive signals Vent the individual control rod overpiston volumes d. Vent the scram air header Vent the individual control rod overpiston volumes

- _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ - . _ _ _ - - _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ - - - _ _ - _ - - -
  -  . , .
: QUESTION: 090 -(1.00)_
.Which of the following; describes plant response to a load rejection with-the plant initially at 45%-power?   ,

a. A TCV fast closure will-occur'on power to load imbalance-and the-- reactor will' scram on TCV. fast closur ~ b. A TCV fast closure will occur on power to load = imbalance and the reactor will continue to operate (? sing bypass. valve and SRV's' for pressure contro c. The turbine will trip on reverse' power interlock and the reactor will scram on high pressure or high flu d. The turbine will trip on power to load imbalance and the reactor will scram on turbine stop valve closur QUESTION =091 (1.00) While operating at full' power, a turbine. trip occurs and all automatic electrical systems function as designe Salset the resultant power supply-to 4160 volt emergency bus 10500.

2- a. Transformer T4 via bus 1030 b. Transformer T3 via bus 10300 c. Transformer T2 viantie-breakers'10402 and 1030 d. Emergency Diesel generators "A" and "C".

. . .- .. . . - . . . . . . .. .

' QUESTION: 092 '( 1. 00 ) '

The-following condit'ons exists t A scram has occurred and plant response is normal except-The Green FULL IN lights.for 3 rods-are not on Full core rod scan shows these rods at (-99) Four rod display is inoperable: Select the action for determining that all rods are full-ins a. The-full core rod scan is sufficient to verify all rods in, b. Check the Blue scram valves open lights for these rod c. The position of these rods is unknown without tectnical hel d. If the white refuel permissive light is on,'all rocs are in.

'- _ QUESTION: 093 (1.00) _ The following conditions exist The reactor'has'been scrammed There is a' Main Steam Line Drain-leak into the turbine bld Emergency RPV depressurization in anticipated ALL main. turbine bypass _ valves have been fully. opened Conditions degrade and require immediate emergency RPV Depressurizaticn per EOP-8. Select the REQUIRED actio a. Continue Depressurization using only the bypass valve b. Open 7-ADS valve c. Open 4 ADS /SRV valve d. Close the bypass valves and open 7 ADS valves. . f



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- QUESTION _094'.-(1.00).

' Drywell prsssure is maintained l.7 poig greater than- torus pressure-in Lordar.tos_


a. Prevent actuation of the drywell to torus vacuum breakers.:- i b. Reduce the water slug forces on the torus during'a-LOC ._c.EIncrease the nitrogen concentration in the drywel , d. Ensure torus at the high end of its band.-

; QUESTION -095 (1.00)
'The " Shorting Links' to the neutron monitoring protective logic-are e-remove Which of the following describes the MINIMUM channel trips required to cause a scram?

a. Any two SRMs-b. One SRM and one IRM c. Two IRMs or two APit d. One SRM or one IRM or one APRM .


s y

   . . - .  .

s. . v i QUESTIONS.096_ ( 1._00 )


Tha following conditions-exist

 - The-reactor is at.100% powe = RPS MG SET "B" has one--inoperable Electrical Protection Assembly.-

_ l RPS Division "B" has been shifted to-its' alternate sourc l l

 "A" RPS MO set-is overheatin RPS Division "A"'and MUST be shifted to its alternate sourc l-Select the required action.after RPS Division "A" is shifted to its-alternate sources a. Reduce power within 30 minutes and be in cold shutdown within the subsequent 24 hours, b. Insert a half Scram on either RPS division until one RPS MG Set supply can be restored to servic ~

c. Restore either RPS MG Set supply to operation within 7 days or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within 8 day d. Return RPS division "B" supply to RPS MG Set "B" and. continue full power operation for 72 hour QUESTION: 097 -(1.00) With the reactor operating at 100% power, a turbine trip has occurred-followed by a reactor scram. _A Safety Limit violation did NOT occu .-Which of_the following' signals must have initiated-the scram?


a. MSIV Closure b.' Turbine Stop Valve Closure c. Reactor Vessel Pressure High d. APRM HI-HI r;

. _

! l: l C


QUESTION: 098 (1.00)

 . five control rods f ailed to fully insert af ter a low RPP level reactor scra Which of the following is REQUIRED to insert the rods manually using RMCS system?

a. Use Emergency Rod Insertion to bypass all control rod block b. Reset and block ARI then use Emergency Rod Insertion or Continuous In movemen Bypass the RWM and use Emergency Rod Insertion or Continuous In movemen Shut 03CRD-56 (Chg Wtr Sup Hdr Isol Vlv) and use Emergency Rod __ Insertion or Continuous In movemen QUESTION: 099 (1.00) During testing of HPCI, the Suppression Pool temperature increased to 104 deg Which of the following describes the requirements for entry / implementation of EOP-4 " Primary containment Control"? a. The actions of EOP-4 are required to be performed w'on suppression pool temperature is above 95 deg EOP-4 actions may be deferred for 24 hours while suppression 2 pool temperature is reduced below 95 deg _ c. All HPCI test procedures allow 4 hours to reduce suppression  ? pool temperature below 95 deg F prior to entering EOP- d. Technical Specifications change the EOP limit to 105 deg F for 24 hours after completion of any testing which adds hea _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ __ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - - ..

 .  .  -~. ,,
COE'STION: - 100_ I(1.00}'
'Which of:the following describec the effect of_ losing 125 VDC system "A"-
'powsr to~the ADS ofatem with a valid' initiation signal present?

a. ADS logic "B" will still initiate ADS Only 4 ADS Lyalves will open b. ADS logic- "A" will receive backup power from 125 VDC system "B" All ADS valves will open c. ADS' logic "B" will still initiate ADS All ADS valves will open d. ADS logic "A" will receive backup power from 125 VDC system "B" . Only 4 ADS valves will open


I' I i-- l- (********** . END OF-EXAMINATION **********) (. .. b



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_ - , , , . - - - , - - - -



TABLES 1 AEACTOR Butt. Dmo AREA TEnaPERATURES anga mwg uanhaus uAw uAzinsJu W ,,, , uAunasu Sut McWieaAL guy A*amr berg '04 8 til 8 Reacu besrg 34o m.- too f 153 # u : pre og s 2n ie =a m as unto is og n uRt3 te nam =C n grx4 P, i uti as 6.w 0s-75 natD c D D 20s4 'rw WM


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[ l l l l Rev. N Date 11/16/88 Page 4 of 4

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D.33 k D.34 __ . . ___ . _ __ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ___

. , _ _

CAUTIONS o The follo .tations are applicable to starting a tripped RW:

  - Two stascs from cold are permitted:

A pump motor is consiiiered cold if the motor has been deenergized for 45 minutes OR if the moMr was startefl after being deenergized for 45 minutes r nd ran for LESS TRAN 15 minutes before trippin IF the motor trips after the second cold start, THEN the motor shall be deenergized for at least 45 (


minutes before restar .

  - One start from hot is permitted:

A pump motor is considered hot if the motor has been This hot start energized for GREATER THAN 15 minute chall not be in addition to the second cold star . o . .

      . .
     .. -    ,

o Technical Specification maximum allowable RWR loop heat-up OR cool-down rate is 100*F per hou . __. ___ . . . ___ __ _ . _ ___ _ . . ___ . . . . _ .





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v D.36 Page la of 66 Rev. N e - - - - . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _

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   -   >

1M . 2$0

   -   t 1 -- - -- - . . - - -

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   !   m   as .i 4     -

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    ... _...  .

E te44 - t , gg . . am = . sn; i

    . H _ _ , _ .1 _   . ,_ _ > >.

m-- . - * W <r ew e b

             ' t
 ---  _.. -  . . , , . , ,  _ . . , , - _ . . , _ , , _ , . . , . . . , _ , .

, _ _ _ __ _ - _ .- . _ _ - .- __-_ - _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ . _ - - . O' ~ KEY O A Il 8 W E R f: / T l CA-/4 M 92 -. b .

          > h ,",

i +/ HULTIPLE CilOICE 023 d 001 c 024 b 002 d 025 b 003 d 026 b 004 c 027 b 005 a 028 a 006 a 029 c 007 d 030 c 008 d 031 d


009 e 032 a 010 a 033 d 011 b 034 a 012 b 035 b 013 b 036 b 014 b 037 c 015 a 038 d 016 e 039 d 017 d 040 b 018 c 041 d 019 d 042 a 020 b 043 e 021 d 044 b 022 b 045 d

- . _ . - . ~ . ~ - - . . ~ _ . - - - ~ . - - . - - -  - - - . - . - . . - . . . . - - - ,.-~.
.. *



046 a 068 c HULTIPLE CHOICE 069 a l 047 c 070 d 048 b 071 c 4

l 049 d 072 b  ;

050 b 073 a 051 b 074 b 052 a 075 c 053 a 076 b 054 c 077 a 055 a 078 d i 056 c 0~19 d

      {; ,,

057' o 080 e p1 bh 4 l' 058 c 081 b 059- c 082 d


060 d 083 c


061 b 084 a

- 062 d <rt ,.h _  085 a 063 d   086- b-L ' 064 c   087 a
= 065 a   088 a l-066-- c   089 c

l < 067 a


l ,

 - _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l ANSWER KEY g 1 /


091 b MULTIPLE CilOICE 092 a 093 b 094 b 095 d - - - 096 c 097 b

098 g"% 099 a 100 c


o (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)

/? 3

      . (3 s-.
."-      F l-
' ANSWER: 001 -(1.00) -


 -JAFNPP Radiation Protection Manual Ch 6, 6.8.4, 6.9.5, 6.9.6, 6. [3.3/3.8)

294001K103 ..(KA's)


ANSWER: 002 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP NRC License Maintenance ODSO-30 rev 1, sect _(2.7/3.7) 294001K103- ..(KA's) ANSWER: 003 (1.00)

       ._ REFERENCE:

JAFNPP EAP-1.1 rev 23, sect 4.41AND 10CFR50.72(a)(11)(3) of Jan 1, 1990, pg 597 .


394001A116 ..(KA's) l-l


n i i

 . , _ . _ - _....,u__ ~- - . , . . . . _ _ , _ _ _ - . .





ANSRER: 004 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP PSO-26 rev 6, sect T/S, pg 247a, item 6b


294001A103 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 005 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP ODSO-1 rev 16, sect 6.8.4, pg 16 T/S table 6.2-1, Minimum Shif t Manning Requirements, pg 260a \ [3.3/4.2) 5 294001A109 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 006 (1.00) - REFERENCE: JAFNPP Radiation Protection Manual rev 8, Ch 6, 6. [3.3/3.8) 294001K103 ..(KA's)

. _ - _ - _- _ _ _ __  . _ - - - ___-_-____-__ _ _ _ _



ANSWER: 007 (1.00) REFERENCE: 10 CFR 50.54(x)(y), pg 579, primary ref JAFNPP ODSO-2 rev 02, sect [4.2/4.2) 7 294001A102 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 008 (1.00) t . REFERENCE: j


JAFNPP ODSO-18 rev 9, sect 7.6. s (3.7/3.7) 294001K101 ..(KA'o) t

       , [
-ANSWER:  009 (1.00)

TS, Definitions pg 1, sect 1.0.B, pg 247a sect.6.2.' JAFNPP RAP-7.1.3 revl5, sect JAFNPP ODSO-1 rev 16, sect 6.25.2-

 [3.5/4.2)- 9
--2'94001A112 ..(KA's)    -


-.-u-yry =-mep y-  >r--g- e y wy-- - g r wm -4 ,-eayap , M & * 'g'u *
      ._- . - . . .

ANSWER: 010 (1.00)




JAFNPP Radiation Protection Manual, Ch 9, sect 9.6-


294001K104 ..(KA's)


AW&t 'ER: 011 (1.00) REFERENCE: JAFNPP AP 1.13 rev 0, sect 7.1.3, exhibit 9.2.A.11, exhibit;9. JAFNPP ODSO-17 rev 22, pg 34 of 112, skimmer surgs tank level -

, Reactor Operator Qual Std, ODSO-22

 [2.7/3.7) 11 294001A103  ..(KA's)-

ANSWER: 012 (1.00) _ - * REFERENCE: e SDLP-94F, PG 5, LOR 1.07, 1.08 SNLP-94F, pg 10, II.B.3. lFac bank 20004242B01S rev 0 (3.4/3.8) -13 294001K115 ..(KA's) > l' . L L



       .h i
.,,--,-8-- - ,,---a ,-r,. - n ,,,r. , r,-- ,, -r,. -.,,.-a >
. , , ,  .
      -~ . - --   .
           ' .
 *           ,





ANSWER: 013 (1.00) j

           -: REFERENCE:

JAFHPP WACP 10.1.2, rev 22, pg 23, sect 6. '

 (3.9/4.5) 15 294001K102  ..(KA's)
. ANSWER:  014 (1.00) REFERENCE:

Fac Bank 20004250FJC01 rev 0


1 294001K107 ..(KA's)~


ANSWER: 015 (1.00)

           . . .. _ _     _

REFERENCE: JAFNPP WACP 10.1.2 rev 22,.pg 17, sect 6.1.12 (3.9/4.5) 17

- 294001K102  ..(KA'e)
-ANSWER:  016 (1.00)


           - i s
'm, h u- e. + .e-- u..,e n- ., y n .-w --e-TF8 & = 4 W'

rw-- '*' -- (rv w-' 1yy *wl't- y w* Tw yv T=s' 'Ty "w v e + v- y T-r +'wt*Y*-

.,. . -., --- _ .   .- -. - ~ -  _.. ...,.-..- _ ~ .


        --._ - ....-. - .. - . - - -.. -..-  ,- , .
 ..            !


 ~JAFNPP WACP 10.1.3 rev 14, pg 4, sect 2.2.4-         !
 [4.2/4.2]           ;

394001A102 ..(KA's)  !


ANSWER: 017 (1.00) " REFERENCE ,


JAFNPP WACP 10.1.26 rev 4, specifically pg 21, sect 7. r (2.7/3.7) 19 l ' 294001A103 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 018 (1.00) i REFERENCE ' SDLP-02J, rev 7, pg18, D. LOR 1.04d (3.0/3.3) 339002A201 .,(KA'n)

~ ANSWER:  019 (1.00) t F
, .:.,,. .-.....,-.,,.....,,:.  . . ~ . . 1,, . -. - -,, , , .. . . - , . . ;n., ,k,.... , . - ., e h - +rw,,,~-->
. - . - _ . _ - . ~ . - ~ . - . . - -


 $DLP-02J REV 7, pgs 10 and 16 LOR 1.04a (4.2/4.3)
-218000K301  ..(KA'o)       1-1 l

i ANSWER: - 020 (1.00) i I REFERENCE  ; RCIC OP-19 rev 24, pg 12, sect C. LOR 1.07, 105 degree F limit

 [3.5/3.6) 22       ;

t 217000A219 ..(KA's). , i


ANSWER: 021 (1500) * : REFERENCE:


SDLP-05 rev 8, pga 69&70, Tablo VII, scram signale LOR 1.08 (3.9/3.9) 23 'j J


312000A404 ..(KA's)  !-




ANSWER: 022 i


i n.w'-


w-~~- - 4,,--- -,,,,---,n, ,,e---O.--- , - - , w,' e, - - = - - ~ - - - -~- e

    - - _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .--- _ _ _ .- . . . _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

__ _ _ . . f-


REFERENCEI , J Tech / Specs table 3.1-1, pgs 41,41a,41 j T/S Definitions, pg 5, item l'.0, Reactor Power Operation  ;

 (4.0/4.1)  24                l
                  ! A212   ..(KA's)               {
- ANSWER: 023 (1.00)                }
                  : *

REFERENCE - . SDLP-05 rev 8, pgs 18 and 19 , LOR 1.04 -}

 [3.5/3.6)                 l

201001K203 ..(KA's) ,


i t 024 '


SDLP-020 rev 5,=rg'33,.2s. through 2d LOR 1.19 Fac task for-RO 500D.302, move fuel RAP-71.3. ecct 5.2.1, firidge operator reeponsibilities ,

 [3.0/3.7]  26 334000K505   ...(KA'e)
- ANSWER: 025 (1.00)                .
                  - :

i .- 1_ l h 1 y, , + - - . w- , - < + , _ _ - - , . ' ' vr teve> * * * = *' ' ~ * * * - v ---v'+-- *'w-r'=-*w vwrr~rr '- www-- twww*** * -** u =** - w<=--se '*-= r -' * '"'



f i REFERENCE: l l EOP-3 sect Rx/Q -

(4.0/4.2) ,27 i

I 3110000001 . . (KA's) .


ANSWER: 026 (1.00) l I REFERENCE: l


SDLP-03C rev 6, pgs 25 and 26, sect 13.c.1) LOR 1.04

[3.5/3.4) 28

201001A105 . . (KA's)


r ANSWER: 027 (1.00) ! REFERENCE:  ; SDLP-05 rev 8, pg 69, Tablo VII, scram signals - I LOR 1.03c ,

(3.7/4.5) 29 2120000011'  . . (KA's)      ,

ANSWER: '028 (1.00)

        ' .3



pty 9 eg-p p ygg e- w?miie%* e,yy-py-a y *.eN-y myre ye g -, nap p-w--e 4 ~ qi --- ie -+yww-- w--- w ----es-*



BEFERENCE: a l T/S sect 1 1 and 1.2, pgs 7,8,9, l

          't (3.8/4.5)

212000G005 ..(KA's) ,



ANSWER: 029 (1.00) j

           ! l


          . SDLP-17/18 rev 4, pg 38, sect 3.g. and pg 102 table VII

LOR 1.08, 1.10, 1.11 (3.7/4.1).

? 372000K402 ..(KA's)


ANSWER: 030 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-05 rev 8, pga 35 & 36, sect d. (4.2/4.1) 239001A301 ..(Fa*s)


ANSWER: 031 (1.00) >

 . ',

l l l .- r


1 . .i. , _ . , - . . , .. -~ _ . , - . , , _ . . , . , . . . . . . . . , _ . . . . , . . _ . _ ....,.-.._._._,,w,.-..,.,_,.__,,_,, ,s.,.~... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ . . . ,


REFERENCE SDLP-11 rev 7, pg 19, acct LOR 1.040

 [4.2/4.2) 36 211000A408 ..(KA'o)

ANSWER: 032 (1.00) REFERENCE SDLP-03D rev 4, SDLP-030 rev 4,

 [3.5/3.3) 37 2140000008 ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 013 (1.00) REFERENCE: AOP-24 rev 1, pg2, sect C, first CAUTION SDLP-03A, LOR 1.11a -


201003A202 ..(KA's) ANSWER: OJ4 (1.00) ( l _

. _. . .. _ . -. _ . _ _ - . . . . _ . . .

_. _.. . _ __ __ ___ _ -.. -____ ._,_m_... . __ . ..... _ d REFERENCE , t SDLP-018-rev 5, pg 32 & 33,. item I.2.a,b,c, ' LOR 1.07 JSEH-91-019


261000A103 . . (KA's)

- ANSWER:  035 (1.00)         , REFERENCE:

SDLP-03F rev 5, pg 24, item 5 Note OP-26, OP-65 , LOR 1.04, 1.07

 - [3.2/3.2)

201002K408 . . (KA's) , . ANINER 036 (1.00) ~ REFERENCE: OP-26 rev 6, pg 12

 ' [3.8/3.9) ~ 42
. 301003K402  . . (KAfs)

037 (1.00)

            . T l

_ Y 4 v w .y --w-, -Ww.4-p.yww n$rg- e a irwme g u.r g. Sy4 W g 99 % s- e- p 'N .rg.- 1y v7

w - , , - -. . e. _ . -- . ~ ... .. - . .. ..- - _- -. -- , _ ... _ . ..- - . -.


REFERENCE: SDLP-08D rev 2, Figure 88-7, Rod-Blocks LOR 1.03

 [3.1/3.7)             -

334000A302 - . . (KA's)


038 l ANSWER: (1.00) REFERENCE: OP-19 rev 24,-pgs 6 & 7, Trips and Isolations LOR 1.04 (3.8/3.7) 217000A202 . . (KA's)

. ANSWER:  039 (1.00) ,


 - SDLP-07c rev 5, pg 71, item 4 . d. 2) . b)

T/S table 4.1-2

 - RAP-7.3.1 pg 3,-item LOR 1.07
 (3.0/3.4): 45
- 215005A107   . . (KA's)-

rANSWER: 040'- (1.00) ' .

-             _ Dr '-'r-4- w wirew-+4g- ag a< wewnu ew w w-w=.r'ge-o--werwNe -ew-, ei, , , - . - -eeg-- q---pg- , ,, wq' 4 ca. .+ y % g f e4emm m- y
   . _ . _ , . _ ___   . . - . , . _ . - _ .. . . . _ . __ . _ . . _ . _ . . . . _ _  .

REFERENCE: OP-15 rev-34, pg 11 r LOR 1.04-(3.7/3.8) 46 206000K419 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 041 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-23 rev 7, pg 40, item col.a, c.1.b, OP-15 rev 34, pg 7-LOR-1.08

 [4.0/4.0) 47 206000A201   ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 042 (1.00)

            -. _. ___ -  -

SDLP-02J rev 7, pgs 16 through 20

 ' LOR'1.03 and 1.13-

218000K501 ..(KA's)

-- ANSWER: 043  (1.00)            - ~



l i _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ - - - , _, _ . . - , - . _ _ . , _ - . , _ . . _ . . . . . _ , . . . . , , _ . - , . . . _ , . _ _ - , . . _ . . _ . _


SDLP-03D rev 4, pg9 T/S pg 100, sect 4.3, RRM bases


201006K501 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 044 .(i.00) ' REFERENCE: SDLP-17/18 rev 4, pgs 10 through 27 LOR 1.04

- 271000K102  ..(KA's)      *

ANSWER: -045 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-02I rev 6,upg 12, item 4.2.b, LOR 1.04d


202001K607 ..(KA's)-

.- Af4SWER: 046- (1.00)- I F
- p p- -

4 ,I , , . - - - - - - - - ,, e - - - m~,c,v... r- r -, e.- -w--, , , , -- , , - , ,- , a ,YN- -. , ,,

REFERENCE: SU/SD Procedure OP-65 (3 channele >3 cps, detectors fully inserted) Tech Spec 3.3.B.4. (2 channele > 3 cps) T/ Specs table 3.2-3 note 4 (only one SRM channel may be bypassed) SDLP-07B, table VII, pg 69, (SRM full in interlock)

[3.4/3.6) 52 215004A407 ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 047 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-02E rev 6, pg 18, and Table I Annunciators SDLP-07C Table I, FLOW REF OFF NORMAL annunciator LOR 1.11d (3.4/3.5] 55 20200lK123 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 048 (1.00) _ REFERENCE: SDLP-02B rev 8, pg 43, Table VII LOR 1.11 (3.8/3.9) 216000K119 ..(KA's) r ANSWER: 049 (1.00) . - . . . . . - - . - , - - . - . . - - ,...-. - . . . . ..- . . - _ . . . . -. ...... . . . - .


t REFERENCEa-SDLP-160, Fig 16C-7 LOR-1.08 -i

 [3.5/3.5)             'l 223002A302  ..(KA's)

ANSWER: 050 (1.00) ~i i


REFERENCE: -- AOP-36 pg 4 steam Tables Hollier Diagram (3.3/3.5) 59

'239002K504  ..(KA'o)

ANSWER: 051 .(1.00) L REFERENCE: __


OP-22 rev 24, pg-17, SDLP-93, pg 27,. item 6, LOR 1.04t Fac bank 26401004EDGC01 rev 1 modified

 [3.7/4.2)             -;

, , 3640000001 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 052 (1.00) .

- ,+  .m . . , . - . .
    . > . ~ _ . . _ _ , . , . . , . , s._ , , , _ . . ~ . .  , ,. . .._ .._ . -.... . . . . ;,.-_.m. -J . ,- -. . . - . , .

REFERENCE:- SDLP-021 rev 6, pg 12 SDLP-021 fig 021-2 LOR 1.040




I 259001K411 . . (KA's)  ; ANSWER: 053 (1.00) a.- , REFERENCE: SDLP-29, pg 19, item 12 .f, LOR 1.10e & 1.10d. HLO 1.08d & 1.080


239002K602 . . (KA's)

' ANSWERS = 054 (1.00) REFERENCE:

SDLP-07C rev 6,-pga 22, 25, 26, APRM inpute and trips LOR 2.00


215005A303 . . (KA's)

' ANSWER - 055 l(1.00)



' -- -.ecy --- m w -w--r- g y-r -,wg- et'*

_=.. ........ . REFERENCE: FAC bank OP-46A (3.222/3.3) l 262001A302 . . (KA's)


ANSWER: 056 (1.00) ! REFERENCE SDLP-71B rev 3, pg 17, item d. CAUTION LOR 1.10 (3.5/3.8) 263000K302 . . (KA's) 5 J-ANSWER: -057 - (1.00) REFERENCE: FAC bank 20004202B090 rev 0 (4.0/4.0) 202002K302 . . (KA's)


ANSWER: ~ O!,8 ' (1.00)

     ' ,


   *Tt$ T- 4

REFERENCE : MIT 301.11A, pg 12, item EOP-5 EO 1.03)


295032G012 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 059 (1.00) _ REFEREllCE : MIT 301.11D(EOP-3) pg 24 bottom EO . 07 (4.1/4.5) 295037K303 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 060 (1.00) REFERENCE: _ Technical Specifi:ations pg 166, sect 3.7.A.1.c.3, T/S (definitions) pg 5, item [3.2/4.3) 295026G003 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 061 (1.00) .. .- .. __ .- . . . _ . -_ ._ _ . . _. _ . . ._ m _.. . .. . .__ . . . _ , _ _


SDLP-05 rev 8, fig 05-5A LOR 1.04


295015A102- ..(KA's) ANSW2R: 062 ( l'. 00 ) l REFERENCE:

1 OP-65 rev 56, pg 13, step I (4.0/3.9) 295014G010 ..(KA's) ANSWER: '063 (1.00) REFERENCE: Tech Spec Safety. Limite pg 253, sect [3.8/4.3) 295014G008 ..(KA's)

' ANSWER: '064 (1.00)

c. . <


h y -.e-y n ., w-m...www.,-.<,


 .MIT 301.11 (EOP-3), pg 24, item EO 3.07 (3.7/3.9)

295020K101 ..(FA's) ANSWER: 065 (1.00) REFERENCE :


SDLP-03C rev 6, pgo 25 & 26, SDV vents and drain LOR 1.04 and 1.15e (4.2/4.3) . 295037K307 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 066 (1.00) REFERENCE: MIT 301.11 (EOP-2) Fac bank 20005204B05C rev 1


295028G012 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 067 (1.00) . . . . . . .. .

     . . . .. . . . .



SDLP-29-SRV 71--_k setpoint-1090 peig-

 'EOP-2 (Should have-Tcv fast 1 closure scram)
 ( 4'.1/ 4.1 )

295025K201 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 068 (1.00) REFERENCE: MIT 301.11J (EOP-9) pg 7 item EO 9.04-

    .1 395031K304 ..(KA's)

,_ ANSWER: 069 (1.00) > RETERENCE: MIT 301.11A, E0 1.04 (4.6/4.7)

'295031K101 ..(KA's)

AMSWER: '070 (1.00)_ L ,;



    .I l

i i


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ REFERENCE: MIT 301.11D (EOP-3), pg 10, item h.1 & EO 3.07


295015K103 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 071 (1.00) c.

REFERENCE: AOP-12, Loss of instrument air, rev 10, pg 5, sect [3.7/3.4) 295019G010 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 072 (1.00) REFERENCE: RAP-7.1.3 pg 24, sect ARP-09-3-1-20, (not complete info) LER 87-002, pg 69 of SDLP-17/18


295023G005 ..(KA*a) ANSWER: 073 (1.00) . . .

. . _ .. ~. .,4
  , . _ _ -.. -. . . . . - , . _ - , .- . . . . - - . . . . - _ . . . . .~ .. .._ . - ._--__ - ._ . ..



AOP-30= sect C.2.3.d., pg 7:


L[3.6/3.7) .


395021A201 I

   . . (KA's)'


           'I ANSWER .

074 (1.00) , REFERENCE MIT 301.11I (EOP-8) pg 7, item 2 , b, EO 1.04-

           .. i 295030K208  . . (KA'e).

_ ANSWER ; -075 -(1.00) 4 .- REFERENCE: MIT 301.11D (EOP-3)-pg 26,-para h.3, pg 29, para EO 3.07 - .


395037K106 . . (KA's) d

: ANSWER:  076 -(1.00)

b .'


O y y v ,, wwa ,t - er w. - m - n o -.- e e ,

.-  , . . ....- ..-. -.-._-.. - _.. _.. . . . . . ...... . ,


-'(4.2/4.5) . -


. 3950380011  . . (KA's).

. ' ANSWER: _077 (1.00)-

       , .


-AOP-1 pg 8, rev 18, sect C.2.3, CAUTION

395006K203 . . (KA'a) ANSWER: 078 (1.00)

-. d .'

REFERENCE: AOP-8, pg 3, item [3.8/3.7]. 295001G011 . . (KA*a) ANSWER: 079 (1.00) .4

 ',gy r y %-  -

p ------ " - e

.- -, - . . . _ . - - -

_ . _ . _ . . _ . - m ._ _.. .m, . _. .


MIT.301.11C (EOP-2),:pg'19, sect. col & EO 2.07

- 2950080007=  ..(KA's)-
- ANSWER: 080 (1.00) REFERENCE:.

AOP-30, pg 6, sect c.2.2.d.1 and pg 7, sect C.2.3. [3.2/3.9) 295021G008 ..(KA's) , ANSW2R: 081 .(1.00) , REFERENCE: ARP 09-6-2-32 RBC LO-LO press AOP-11--pg 5, sect _[ 3.5/3.6)

=295018K101  ..(KA's)
- ANSWER:= 082 (1.00)
 . s g 4 _   ur

REFERENCE: ODSO-28 sect 6.16 (one rod out statement) and 6.17 EOP-2 and EOP-3 entry statements (4.1/4.2) 295015A202 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 083 (1.00) REFERENCE: s AOP-22 Table I, Effect of isolation SDLP-718 (3.3/3.3) 295004A203 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 084 (1.00) REFERENCE: SDLP-01B, pg 14, item SDLP-16A, pg 5, LOR 1.02 -


295035K101 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 085 (1.00) a.

@ ,

. . . . .
.    ,. . _ _.. _ .. . . _ , _ _ , . ,

s $

  -      2
> : BEFERENCE: . _

SDLP-16c!rev.5, pg 39,-Table'VII, Isolations LOR 1.04'

 ~SDLP'05, pg 69,' table.VII, MSIV-scram bypassed out of RU .
 [ '3. 6 / 3.'6 )[

1295020A101 ..(KA's) ANSWER: 086 -(1.00) ! REFERENCE: f-SDLP-02B rev 8, pgs 17 through 20, sect LOR 1.10e (3.7/3.9)

.295028A203 ...(KA's)
..RNSWER: 087 (1.00) REFERENCE:

SDLP-93 rev 6, pg 40 sect d.2,-pg 41 sect [4.1/4.2) .

-295003K202  ..(KA's)
: ANSWER: -08 (1.00)-


     -, ,. --



- .;

:! = EOP-5 Entry Condition MIT_301.11F-s :EO 5.02

_ _ _ (3.8/4.1) 395036G011 ..(KA's)' ANSWER:. 089 (1.00)- REFERENCE: - Fac bank 20004213B01C rev 1 AOP-34


295037K307 ..(KA's)

: ANSWER: 090 (1.00) REFERENCE:

Fac bank 34403009FJCO) rev 0 ARP 09-5-1-51 -

 .[3.6/3.6)   _

295005A102 ..(KA's) AliSWER: '091 (1.00) .


_ __ _. . .

. ,

REFERENCE s -:- SDLP-71A pg 118, Electrical Distribution. figure-E011.10 & 1.11 _q(3.2/3.3)l 29500SK208 ..(KA's)

' ANSWER's 092 (1.00)

AOP-1 pg 5, Immediate operator actions SDLP-03G, Table VII LOR 1.04


295006A107 ..(KA's)

- ANSWER: '093 (1.00)


' REFERENCE: MIT 301.11A (use and format)-pg-13, item E . 2. c EOP-02, RPV/P then EOP-8


295017G012 ..(KA's)


_ ANSWER: 094 (l'00).


 - '

P !' n

  ,e y ,-

g-; - 9


_ REFERENCE - iSDLP-16B pg=35,-:: item 6.a:

 ' LOR 1.07-

i(3.0/3.4) 395010K101 ..(KA's)

-iANSWER: 095 (1.00) ' REFERMCE-SDLP-05 pg 39 item ,

LOR 1-03 (3.3/3.4) 295023A106 ..(KA's)

. ANSWER: 096 (1~00)
 - REFERENCE:     -
 ..  .   >
 .T/S pg 222c and 222d, sect 3.9. .[3.2/4.1)
-$95003G003  ..(KA's)-

o ! . ANSWER ; 097 . ( 1. 00 ) - l -. : e l '?

. . . - _ _  _ __ ..,._._:. _ . . _ ._ . . - . .
   , .. .. . .. . ,. ~.. ., .. . . . - .  .
  ,       -


 -T/S pg 8, Sect 1~. :SDLP-05,' Table.VII-

lSDLP-94B pg-23, item ; LOR 1;0',d-.


395606K305 ..(KA's)- ANSWER 098 (1.00)-

 ..Af C .
! REFERENCE FAC bank' 20004208B02C AOP-34 pg 12, sect [ 3.- 6 / 3. 8 )

295015A103 . ._ ( KA ' s ) . ANSWE (1.00) REFERENCE:

  ..  .  .. . s
 .MIT 301.11A, pg 13, Procedure use,-items-E.1.a-and E. Tech-Specs, pg 166, item A.1. [3.3/3.5)
-295013G007  ..(KA's)
' ANSWER:  100- (1.00)


{. , e _ i

. _ _  _ _ _ . - . . _ _ _ . . .  . _

_ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ .

*      ,.
., - :-
 -o'P-68, rey 10,<4,--    --

ARP 09-4-1-8, rev--2, pg 1

 . _

395004K102- ..(KA's)-

     :- o




     . . ;.
     :l r       i

_ '

  -(********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)

1 i

.'      ,

'i q


I a

. _- - . ..  . - _

ATTACIIMENT 3 FACILITY COMMENTS AND NRC RESOLUTION SRO QUESTION 62/RO QUESTION #69 Select the REQUIRED action for a sustained reactor period of less than 30 seconds during . reactor startup? Manually scram the reacto Insert control rods until period is greater than 30 seconds, Stop control rod movement until period decays to greater than 30 second Insert the selected control rod to its previous positio ANSWER: FACILITY COMMENT: Accept either "b" or "d" as a correct answe The question does not clearly state that the short period was caused by the movement of a selected rod. If the candidate assumes that this is the case, then the correct answer is "d", which is the key answer, The annunciator response procedure for a short period alarm, however, does not presuppose movement of a selected rod and simply directs insertion of control rods to lengthen the period, which is answer "b".- Answer "b" encompasses answer

"d" so one of the two options should have been replaced with another distractor. This was on the initial review, NRC RESOLUTION:

Comment accepted.- l l l-l



Attachment 3 2 SRO AND RO QUr.STION #80 The following conditions exist: Refueling is in progress RHR loop A pumps are tagged ou Maintenance on a leaking SRV is in progress in the drywel Botn RHR loop B pumps have tripped and cannot be restarte Within 30 minutes of the RHR trip, coolant temperature has increased from 140 deg F to 200 deg Which of the following actions MUST be taken in preference to the others? Increase any running recirculation pump speed to maximum, Maximize heat removal with the Reactor Water Clean Up syste : Establish secondary containment integrity, Increase RHR heat exchanger cooling flo ANSWER: FACILITY COMMENT: Accept either "b" or "c" as a correct answe The qtiestion stem states that refueling is in progress. Il is expected that if irradiated fuel


movement is in progress, the candidates may assume that secondary containment is set, which would cause them to eliminate option "c" and select option "b" to establish a cooling-mechanism. On the other hand, it would be prudent to ens!rg that secondary containment _ was established, leaving option "C" as a viable answer. AOP-30, " Loss of Shutdown Cooling lists both "b" and "c" as tasks to be accomplished, with no preference stated or inferre NRC RESOLUTION:

. Comment accepted.

i i a ,, .-- - -

     , , , , -
. - - . - .- . -- - .

NTTACIIMENT 4 SIMULATION FACILITY REPORT Facility License: DRP-39 Facility Docket No.: 50-333 Operating Test Preparation and Administered from: October 13, to November 5,1992 This form is to be used only to report observations. These observations do not constitute audit or inspection findings and are not, without further verification and review, indicative of non-compliance with 10 CFR 55.45(b). These observatiens do not affect NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information which may be used in future evaluations. No licensee action is required in response to these observations.

During the conduct of the simulator portion of the operating tests, the following items were observed.

ITEM DESCRIPTION Core The power to flow response on downpower maneuvers does not track expected plant response, When decreasing power in IC-14 reactor power trends significantly below the 100% rod lin This adverse response made it necessary to adjust average power - range monitor (APRM) gains to simulate actual plant condition These adjustments resulted in delays of up to 30 minutes in simulator setup.

Process computer Thermal limit monitoring program (P-1) used in the simulator is not consistent with the program (3D-Monicore) used in the plant.

Communication The simulator communication headsets did not function. This head set failure made communication between the simulator console operator and the lead examiner difficult.

Condensate - While operating at steady state at full power (IC-14), condenser - hotwell and condensate storage tank level both increased continually. This contradictory information indicates the simulator was creating water inventory.

Turbine Bldg Sumps - Turbine building sump high level and turbine building floor drain tank (TB33B) low level alarms occurred during all conditions for no apparent reason u l

-. . ..~ . . -  - - . - . . .. . - - . . - ~ - . . - - . _ - . ..
  . - . , . . . . - . .


--Attachment 4 -  2
-- SRM  SRM period swings from .+100'to -80 occurred and would not stabilize when power was reduced to approximately 75%
 -Radiation Monitoring During the conduct of ST-11, Off-Gas Process Rad Monitor Instrument Functional Test,17RM-150A would ~not change units and subsequently stopped working altogether,  ,

Radiation Monitoring During the conduct of ST-ll, Off-Gas Process Rad Monitor Instrument Functional Test, an off-gas isolation (closure of AOV-100) did not occur within the 15 minutes as required, i + J '

 * ,- + - , -  , , ,
   .  .
      . . . .

NITACllMENT S Licensee Personnel J. Romanowski Simulator Supervisor D. Topley Training Manager

. M. Coulomb   General Manager, Support Services -

H. Salmon, J Resident Manager - Y R. Post Quality Assurance Engineer .j G. Tasick Quality Assurance Manager F. Catella Operations Training Supervisor \ . . J. Morris- Licensed Operator Replacement Program Administrato R. Locy Operations Manager R. Barrett General Manager, Operations NRC Personnel - A Burritt . Operations Engineer, Chief Examiner - T. Fish Senior Operations Enginee __-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ }}