IR 05000333/1985029

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Insp Rept 50-333/85-29 on 851021-25.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Testing Surveillance Program for Pumps & Valves
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1985
From: Jerrica Johnson, Kucharski S
Shared Package
ML20137H524 List:
50-333-85-29, NUDOCS 8512020419
Download: ML20137H547 (7)


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Report N /85-29 Docket N License N OPR-59 Priority -

Category C Licensee: Power Authority of the State of New York


P.O. ax 41 Lycoming, New York 13093 Facility Name: James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Inspection At: Scriba, New York Inspection Conducted: October 21 - 25, 1985 hbd

Inspector: 45A i b S. D. KEcharski, Reactor Engineer date Approved by: A 18lLolFf J. Johnson, Chief, Operational Programs date Section, OB, DRS Inspection Summary: Inspection on October 21 - 25,1985 (Report No. 50-333/85-29)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of the Inservice Testing Sur-veillance program for pumps and valves, and tours of the facility. The inspec-tion involved 31 hours3.587963e-4 days <br />0.00861 hours <br />5.125661e-5 weeks <br />1.17955e-5 months <br /> onsite by one region-based NRC inspecto Results: No violations or deviations were identifie g [g h PDR f


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i DETAILS < Persons Contacted

  • R. Baker, Technical Services Superintendent
  • R. Converse, Resident Manager
  • Fernandee, Superintendent of Power
  • 0. Lindsey, Operations Superintendent
  • J. Lyons, Performance and Reliability Supervisor
  • D. Patch, QA Superintendent P. Swinburne, Performance Engineer NRC Personnel
  • A. Luptak, Resident Inspector
  • J. Stairs, Reactor Engineer Denotes those present at the exit meeting on October 25, 1985. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen) Unresolved Item 50-333/83-10-02: The licensee developed and re-vised Plant Standing Order No. PS0 31 to govern pump and valve inservice test data evaluation and trend analysis. The inspector reviewed this procedure and the trend analyses. Based on this review (which is described further in Section 3.5 of this report), this item will remain ope (0 pen) Unresolved Item 50-333/83-10-03: The licensee had agreed to es-tablish a limiting value of full stroke time for all power operated valves as required by IWV-3410(C) of ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. At this time the licensee has all the power operated valves accounted for but not all valves have tested to date. This item will remain open pending NRC review of the test data. Inservice Testing (IST) Program for Pumps and Valves 3.1 Document Review


Draft Copy of the Inservice Testing Program Description for Pumps and Valve Plant Standing Order Procedure No. PS0 31, IST Program for Pumps and Valves, Revision 3, March 27, 198 .



Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-18, MSIV Fast Closure (ISI)*, Revision 6, March 20, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-1C, Primary Containment Isolation Valve Exercise (ISI)*, Revision 16, August 28, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-1R, Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Containment Isolation A0V Exercise (ISI)*, Revision 1, June 12, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-2A, RHR Pump Flow Rate Test (ISI)*, Revision 16, July 3,198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-2R, RHR Service Water Pump and MOV Operability Test (ISI)*, Revision 10, June 12, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-25, Valve Testing - Residual Heat Removal (ISI)*, Revision 9, July 17, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-20, RHR Servi <;e Water Piping (Class III) Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 2, February 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-2W, RHR Piping (Class II) Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 1, February 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-2A, Core Spray /

Flow Rate / Valve Operability Test (ISI)* Revision 18, July 17, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-3M, Valve Testing - Core Spray System - Cold Shutdown Only (ISI)",

Revision 4, May 23, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-3N, Core Spray Class II Piping Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 1, February 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-48, HPCI Flow Rate /HPCI Pump Operability /HPCI Valve Operability Tests (ISI)*,

Revision 20, August 7, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-4H, RCIC/HPCF Valve Testing (ISI)*, Revision 9, September 4, 198 . . - - . -- -- - - . - - .- - --




Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-4L, HPCI Class II Piping Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 2, February 20, 1985.


Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-6A, Standby Liquid Control Pump Functional Test (ISI)*, Revision 14, February 6, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-60, SLC Initiation and Demineralized Water Injection into R.V. Test (ISI)*, Revision 7, January 11, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-6E, Standby Liquid Control Explosive Valve Inspection and Replacement (ISI)*, Revision 2, February 23, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-88, ESW Pump 1 Operability Test (ISI)*, Revision 3, April 2,198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-8C, ESW Motor Operated Valves Operability Test *, Revision 4, May 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-80, ESW Pump Flow Rate Test (ISI)*, Revision 12, August 7,198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-8K, Control Room Service and Chilled Water System Class III Piping Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 1, February 13, 1985.


Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-8L, Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling, Emergency Service Water, a1d Service Water Systems Class III Piping Pressure Test (ISI)*,

Revision 3, May 22, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedures No. F-ST-98, EDG Full Load Test and ESW Pump Operability Test (ISI)*, Revision 20, November 7, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-9F, Emergency Diesel Generator System Air Start Piping (Class III) Pressure Test (ISI)* Revision 1, February 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-9Q, Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Piping (Class III) Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 1, February 13, 198 Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-9H, Emergency Diesel Generator Engine Cooling Water Piping (Class III)

Pressure Test (ISI)*, Revision 0, January 12, 198 .

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Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-24, ISI RCIC l Valve Testing, Revision 6, April 18, 1984.


Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-24A, RCIC Pump and Valve Operability / Flow Rate Test (ISI), Revision 8,


August 7, 1985.



Operation Surveillance Test Procedure No. F-ST-26M, Valve

! Testing - Reactor Water C1'ean up System (ISI), Revision 7, August 15, 1985, i


3.2 Scope of Review The inspector reviewed the above documents to ascertain compliance


with 10 CFR 50.55a(g) which requires Inservice testing (IST) of i pumps and valves in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler '
and Pressure Vessel Code. A major portion of this review was j evaluation of the licensee's IST program with respect to procedures,
conduct of test, and analysis of results.

! 3.3 Procedure Review I

! The inspector reviewed the surveillance procedures listed in Para-


graph 3.1 for technical adequacy and to ascertain compliance with requirements of Technical Specifications, Section XI of the ASME

, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and 10 CFR 50.55a. During the review '.

process the inspector noted that the surveillance procedures do not


specify the ranges of acceptance criteria (allowable, alert and required action range) so that the operator could analyze the results 3 of the test immediately upon completion. The licensee agreed to add j the various limits to each procedure. The inspector had no further questions at this tim .4 Test Witnessing On October 22, 1985, the inspector witnessed the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) surveillance test. The test was being conducted in accordance with approved procedure F-ST-48, HPCI Flow Rate /HPCI Pump



Operability /HPCI Valve Operability Test (ISI)*, Revision 20. The surveillance test was conducted in two parts; for technical specif-g ication requirements and for Inservice Testing requirements. The


i inspector observed the performance of the test to ascertain that the prerequisites were met, the proper precautions were taken, the


instrumentation used for the test had the required calibration stickers, and the operator involved in performing the test was knowledgeable of the procedure and its requirements. The inspector did note that the operator performing the test was not reviewing the data to see if the i

IST results were acceptable during the test. This is discussed further i below.

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3.5 IST Results Evaluation The inspector reviewed individual data sheets and trend reports for a sample of the tests listed in Section 3.1. The inspector also discussed analyses of the test results with the ISI coordinato During the review process the inspector noted that, on the average, the IST data took 5 to 6 days for final review by the ISI coordinato The ISI coordinator related that the data should also be reviewed by operations during or just after testing. In reviewing a sample of the test reports three different examples were pointed out to the licensee where operations did not review the data immediately upon completion. They were as follows:


F-ST-2A - RHR Pump Flow Rate Test, Revision 11. On October 14, 1985. The AP limit (pump suction-to-discharge) was exceeded during the test and operations stated the test met the acceptance criteria. This also occurred on October 17, 198 F-ST-2R - RHR Service Water Pump and MOV Operability Test,

-Revision 10. The AP limit was exceede l


F-ST-48-HPCI Flow Rate /HPCI Pump Operability /HPCI Valve Operabi-lity, Revision 20. On May 31, 1985 the AP limit was exceeded and operations was notified by the ISI coordinator on June 10, 198 All other test data, such as flow rates, discharge pressures, tempera-tures and vibration measurements met acceptance criteria for these test The inspector pointed out'the problems, with acceptance limits to the licensee who agreed to add the limits to the test procedures as an aid to eliminate any problems in the review process. This item will remain unresolved as stated in Section 2 (Item 50-333/83-10-02) pend- ,

i ing procedure revisions with ranges of acceptance criteri '

4.0 QA/QC Involvement

.During the review of the IST program, the inspector interviewed the QA department personnel to verify QA involvement. The inspector noted that


, there are approximately 260 surveillance test procedures and, since 1977, the QA department department has witnessed or audited 62 tests. Based on the number of times these tests are ??rformed, this is a low percentag Of the 62 tests witnessed only 5 vare > art of the IST program. The QA department has agreed to incrc2rc tb< audit program coverage- to 10% of the technical specification v7 1;t 1 u veillance procedures per year. The inspector had no further questions at this tim .




5.0 Management Meeting A meeting was held on October 25, 1985 to discuss the scope and finding of the inspection as delineated in this report. At no time during this inspection was written information provided to the license _ . _

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