IR 05000327/2004022

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Notice of Violation from Insp on 850327-0422
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah, Reed College
Issue date: 05/10/1985
From: Yuhas G
Shared Package
ML20128D488 List:
50-288-85-01, 50-288-85-1, NUDOCS 8505290094
Download: ML20128D493 (2)


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Appendix A


Notice of Violation Reed College License No. R-112'

Docket No. 50-288-



. As a result of the inspection conducted during the period of March 27 throug r

.- April _-22,~1985'and in accordance with-NRC Enforcement Policy 10 CFR, Part 2,


- Appendix C,-the.following_ violations.were. identifie .

A~. 101CFR Part 19.11, " Posting of. Notices to Workers" requires:

' L"(a) Each licensee shAll post current copies of the following documents:

(1) The regulationslinLthis_part and in Part 20 of this chapter;.(2)fthe-


license, license" conditions, or; documents incorporated into a license by


t reference, and amendments thereto;!(3) .the operating procedures-applicable to licensed. activities;_(4) ...

L(b) If posting of a document specified in-paragraph (a).(1), (2) or (3)

'of this section is not practicable, the licensee may post a notice which'


describes'the document and states where it may be examined.... ,

., '(d) Documents, notices, or forms posted pursuant!to this section shall appear'in a sufficient number of places to permit individuals engaged in licensed activities to observe them on the way to or from aty particular

. licensed activity location to which the' document applies, shall be conspicuous',-and replaced if-defaced ~or altered...."

Contrary to the above,.on March 27-29, 1985 documents specified:in 10 CFR Part-19.11(a) were not posted at the licensee's facilit This is a Severity Level V Violation.(Supplement IV).


' LIO CFR Part 50iS4 " Conditions-of Licenses". part (i-1) that

" Holders of operating _ licenses in effeet on. September 17, 1973 shall'

implement an operator requalification program which, as' a minimum, meets the requirements of. Appendix A of Part-55 of this chapter which was


submitted for approval by- the Atomic Energy Commission."

.The licensee's NRC approved operator requalification program, revised on November 27,_1980, requires: (1)-"Each. reactor operator (RO).and senior

. reactor operator (SRO) take a requalification~ examination once every



year, ...(2) each.SRO and.R0 willibe' responsible for making at least 10



f _ reactivity control manipulations' per year, and s(3) once every six months, a meeting of al1~RO's and SRO's held:to make them aware of recent


changes in the Reed College Reactor Facility License, Facility design

, < ' changes', recent abnormal occurrences', and changes in emergency 1



Contrary to the above, during 1983 and -1984 the reactor operator

- requalification program was not implemented-in that:


L1). c0ne SRO had not taken the yearly requalification examination since May 198 '4 850510 PDR ADOCK 05000288



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.2). - During 1983l one SRO made- only~ 3. reactivity control manipulations and another_SRO~made-only-5 such manipulations in 198 ). ~ No RO.or'SRO meetings _ were held between the period of November 1983 l and January:198 _



u This is a. Severity, Level IV Violation (Supplement 1). I CFR Part 50.54(i) requires:

"(i)'Except as provided in $ 55.9 of this chapter, the licensee shall not permit the manipulation of the controls of any facility by anyone who is


not a licensed operator or senior. operator as provided in Part 55 of this chapter." and s

10 CFR Part 55.31(e) states: I

"{e) If a licensee has not been actively performing the functions of an operator or senior operator for a period of four months or longer, he shall, prior to resuming activities licensed pursuant to this part, demonstrate to the Commission that the knowledge and understanding of facility operation and administration are satisfactory. The Commission may accept asievidence, a certification by an authorized representative of the' facility licensee by which the' licensee has been employed."


Contrary to the above, at least four individuals holding NRC operator licenses who had not performed the functions of a reactor operator for periods of four or more months were subsequently permitted to manipulate the controls of the Reed TRIGA facility without being certified by an authorized representative of the facility or receiving the approval of the' Commission. The individuals holding the below listed docketed ~

licenses and the respective dates involved are as follows:

1) Docket No. 55-8696 April 26,_1983 through September 29, 1983 2) Docket.No. 55-9442 January 12, 1984~through June 26, 1984 g June 26, 1984 through January-14, 1985

. 3) Docket No. 55-7177 May 16, 1984' through October 12, 1984


4) Docket No. 55-7180 August 25, 1983 through March 28, 1984 June 5, 1984 through February 15, 1985


- a Severity Level IV Violatic,n (Supplement 1).

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.20'1, Reed College is hereby required to submit to this office within thirty days of the'date of this Notice, a written-statement or explanation addressing each alleged violation and including: (1)

.the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) ~i corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations;.(3) the date '

>when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to


extending your response. time for' good.cause shown.

l l MAY 101985 g4 ,

l . ruhas, Chief Date Signed

P.(iWs Radiological Facil Protection Section

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