IR 05000293/1984025

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Forwards Order Modifying License & Notices of Violation & Deviation from Insp Repts 50-293/84-25 & 50-293/84-29 on 840806-10 & 840824
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000000
Issue date: 11/29/1984
From: Taylor J
To: Harrington W
Shared Package
ML20237L241 List:
FOIA-87-450 EA-84-112, NUDOCS 8708280088
Download: ML20237L402 (3)


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...e NOV 2 91964 Docket No. 50-293 EA 84-112


Boston Edison Company M/C Nuclear ATTN: Mr. Wl111am D. Harrington Senior Vice President, Nuclear 800 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02199 Gentlemen:

Subject: Order Modif Deviation (ying License, Notice of Violation and Notice of NRC Inspection No. 50-293/84-25and50-293/84-29)

This refers to the special inspection conducted by Region I staff members on August 6-10, 1984 and August 24, 1984 at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Plymouth, Massachusetts, of activities authorized by NRC License No. DPR-3 The inspection report (50-293/84-25) was forwarded to you on September


The inspection was conducted to review the circumstances associated with a24, 1984 radiological incident in which a contractor worker received an unplanned ( occupational radiation exposure of approximately 1.1 rem to his hand while perforning work in the Control Rod Drive (CRO Repair Roo we also reviewed your implementation of correc)tive actions taken for a previo unplanned exposure which occurred in the same CRD Repair Room on January 18, 1984 The recent unplanned exposure on August 18, 1984, identified by a member of your staff, and the apparent causes of the exposure, were discussed at a management meeting on September 5,1984 and at an enforcement conference on October 16, 1984 with you and members of your staff in the Region I offic At these meetings your plans for corrective actions were also discusse On September 26-27, 1984 another inspection was conducted to review the corrective cetions taken prior to resumption of work in the CRD Repair Roo That inspection report was forwarded to you on October 26, 198 (50-293/84-29)

Although the unplanned occupational radiation exposure received by the individual was not in excess of the regulatory limit, the causes for the exposure are of concern to the NRC because a significant radiation source existed in the CRD Repair Room, supervision of activities in the CRD repair room was not adequate, and radiological and ALARA controls were not implemented, there Specifically, work perfomed in the room was done, and had been done for approximately two months, using a procedure which had not been reviewed and approved, and without recognition of its use by your supervisory personne CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED B708280088 870825 PDR FOIA '


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{ Boston Edison Company -2-Further, adequate surveys of the CRD Repair Room were not performed, radiation levels in the room were not adequately controlled making identification of highly radioactive chips difficult, and workers were not provided adequate in-structions the room. regarding the presence and handling of highly radioactive chips in In addition, notwithstanding the use of the unapproved procedure, the approved procedwe for CRD disassembly did not include sufficient important precaution-ary statements and radiation survey hold points necessary for implementation of chips. appropriate radiological controls and timely detection of highly radioactive would have precluded these events. Consequently, it is not apparent that the use of the Of equal concern to the NRC is the similarity between this occurrence and an highly radioactive chips in the CRD Repair Room. occurrence in January 1984 resulted in the issuance of a $40,000 civil penalty on AprilThe incident 17, 198 The in January recent occurrence indicates that the actions taken to prevent recurrence were not effective and demonstrates the need for significant improvement in the radiation protection program at Pilgrim Statio At the enforcement conference, you described the corrective actions th6t have ( been taken, acknowledged the need for a review and evaluation of the adequacy of the Radiological Controls Program, and indicated that a contractor had been retained to review both the recent event and the entire Radiological Controls Organizatio review Further, you made certain comitments regarding the contractor issued by the Region I office on OctoberThese 26, 1984 comitments were described in a Confi of these violations, I have detemined that these comitments are required toIn view of th ments by a Confirmatory Order. protect the public health and safety and, therefore, sho


Although the violations associated with the recent exposures have been classified in the aggregate at Severity Level III in accoroance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C, 49 FR 8583 (March 8, 1984 and civil penalties are considered for Severity Level III violations or pro)blems, I have the enclosed detemined Order. that the more appropriate enforcement action in this case is You are required to respond to the enclosed Order and Notices and should follow the instructions specified therein when preparing your response. Your written will be considered in determining whether further enforcement action appropriat i

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'I Boston Edison Company -3-In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2 l

Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room and the Order will be published ,

in the Federal Reciste !

The responses dimeted by this letter and the enclosed Notice are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget, otherwise required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 '


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ed James . Ta or, Deputy Director j0ffice of spection and Enforcement Enclosures:

1. Order Modifying License  !

' Notice of Violation 3. Notice of Deviation


cc w/ encl:

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l 1 A. V. Morisi Manager, Nuclear Management Services Department C. J. Mathis, Station Manager Joanne Shotwell, Assistant Attorney General Paul 1.evy, Chainnan, Department of Public Utilities i Plymouth Board of Selectmen 1 Plymouth Civil Defense Director l Senator Edward P. Kirby I