IR 05000289/1984019

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IE Insp Rept 50-289/84-19 on 840827-30.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Lesson Plans for Classroom,Basic Principles Simulator & B&W Simulator Training Which Provided Addl Instruction in Knowledge Area Weaknesses
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1984
From: Baunack W, Dudley N, Keller R
Shared Package
ML20204H405 List:
50-289-84-19, NUDOCS 8411120307
Download: ML20204H513 (5)


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Report No. 50-289/84-19 Docket N License No. DRP-50 Priority -- Category C Licensee: GPU Nuclear' Corporation P. O. Box 480

.Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057

Facility Name: Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: NRC Region I, King of Prussia, PA Inspection Conducted: August 27 - 30, 1984 Inspectors: Yd[b r /S'2*7Y date N.DudlegReact6rEnginee (Examiner)

, i ()AL+W l0 W. Baunack, Proj Engineer dat( /

Approved by: k Robert M. KeTler, Chief

/0/9[97 date Projects Section ID-Division of Project and Resident Programs Inspection Summary: This inspection consisted of a review of lesson plans for classroom, Basic Principles Simulator, and Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) Simulator Training which provided additional instruction in the knowledge area weaknesses found during the Operational Readiness Evaluation conducted on February 8 and 9, 1984. Also, an evaluation of weekly requalification quizzes was conducte The inspection involved 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of office review by two NRC staff personnel and 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> of onsite inspectio Results: No violations were identified. Training on two topics, prediction of nuclear instrumentation indications and the functions of the electro-hydraulic control system, was evaluated as inadequate. Training on all other topics has been of satisfactory quality and dept PDR ADOCK 05000289 C PDR

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This evaluation consisted of a review of the proposed training contained in a letter from H. D. Hukill (GPU) dated May 14, 1984 and the conduct of the proposed training. A review was conducted of lesson plans for each classroom -lecture, and of. the training received in the Basic Principles Simulator and at the B&W Simulator in Lynchburg, Virginia. Additionally a- review .was conducted of the weekly quizzes for Licensed Operator


Requalification training . cycle 84-2 and 84- Instructors were interviewed to gain an insight into the major thrust of the classroom and simulator-instruction, and attendance records were' reviewe Licensee Action On Previous Inspection Findings:

(Closed) Inspector Follow Item (289/84-05-01): On February 8-9, 1984, an operational readiness evaluation was conducted of TMI licensee personnel to assess overall operational knowledge and understanding in various areas. 0verall, the licensee personnel were found to possess acceptable knowledge in the areas examined. Weaknesses were identified for several y individuals in certain areas, and in addition, the inspectors identified i 13 specific topics in which licensed operator knowledge should be up-

% graded. The licensee was requested to provide NRC Region I with a de-


tailed plan and schedule of proposed requalification training in our b --


letter of April 13, 1984. By letter dated May 14, 1984 from H. D. Hukill


-(GPUN) to Dr. T. E. Murley. (NRC), the licensee provided the details of this program identifying how operator knowledge will be improved in each of the 13 specific topic areas identifie .The following- is our assessment of licensee conduct of the proposed training for each topic are " Reactivity coefficient effects while at power: The less,n plan

" Reactivity Coefficients" number provided adequate augmented training in' this are The lesson plan includes the

. derivation and explanation of basic reactivity coefficients including fuel. temperature, moderator temperature, void, and pressure coeffic-

-ients. The power doppler coefficient and power defect concepts are


- discussed including their effects at the point of initial heat

. production. The instructor's major thrust during the lecture was to

= relate coefficient effects to power plant operations and the changes in coefficients over core lif . Transient analysis for loss of main feedwater > and a deboration accident: The lesson plan " Moderator Dilution and Loss of Feedwater SFAR Chapter 14" number provided adehuate augmented training in this are The lesson plan includes the assumptions,



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analysis, and results of accidents as presented in the Restart Report-and FSA The -results of different assumptions concerning system response on the severity of the -transient ~ are addressed in detai . Plant maneuvering when placed in a situation not covered by proce-dures: The lesson plan " Review of January / February 1984 Simulator ATOG Experience" number provided adequate augmented training. in this area. The lesson plan directs operators to review four primary symptoms _and to refer to , ATP 1210-1, until a course of action can be determined. Also the philosophy of procedural use and the crew concept are addresse . Calculation of boron- change required for a power change: The lesson plan 'fCalculations for Boron Changes" which covers procedure 1103-4 provided adequate augmented training in this area. The lesson plan presents how to use the procedure and what types of reactivity changes can be mad Practical application in the use of the pro-cedure is provided by working problems using batch additions, . feed and bleed reactivity changes, and the deborating demineralizer Each example reinforced the ' concepts taught during the reactivity coefficients lecture and reiterated reactivity coefficient effects on plant operation . Calculation of .~ h$at balance without a computer: The lesson plan

" Heat Balance Calculations" which covers procedure 1103-16 provided adequate augmented training in this are The lesson plan covers how to take readings and perform calculations at power levels of 30%,

70% and 100%. The basis for using primary and secondary heat balances and the use of the weighting factor at various power levels is discusse ' Methods of controlling the plant cooldown rate following reactor trip: The : AT0G drills performed at the B&W Simulator provided adequate-augmented training in this area. Each operator was exposed to a steam line rupture, a loss of coolant accident, an OTSG tube leak accompanied by a main feedwater valve closure, a loss of feed-water accident (LOFW)'and a combination of a LOFW, loss of emergency feedwater, and failure of the high pressure injection system. During these accidents the candidates were forced to use the Excessive Cooling procedures, ATP-1210-3, and the Under Cooling Procedure, ATP-1210-4. By completing -this training operators used- all methods of plant cooldown and were exposed to the most effective method of cooldown in each casualty situatio . Methods of controlling xenon oscillations: The lesson plan " Method of Controlling Xenon Oscillations" provided adequate augmented training in this are The lesson plan discusses Mechanical l

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Maneuvering L Recommendations, imbalance, 'and core' operating limit It explains how imbalance _ is effected by power level, control . rods,


and t axial . power ~ shaping: rods -and presents options. available to properly control imbalance.


- ' Manipulations of the Makeup and Purification - System to reposition Control; Rods: The lesson plan " Manipulation of Makeup System to Re-1 position Control Rods" provided adequate augmented training in this


area. .Th~e lesson plan details how to make-- boron changes using the batch ' and - feed and bleed processes during ~ planned .and . unplanned

- transient operations. 'Use was made of previously calculated values for . boron changes _ (See Item-4) and appropriate sections of the

. Power Operations Procedure, OP 1102-4, the Soluble Poison Concentra-tion = Control Procedure,- OP 1103-4, and the Makeup and Purification System Procedure, OP 1104-2, were explained.



, Basis, of limit settings incorporated into the Integrated Control System: The-lesson plan " Basis of Limiting Settings Incorporated into

'ICS'? number provides adequate augmented training in this-area. . The lesson plan provides a detailed explanation for the basis


for the high : load limit, low load limit, load rate of change, BTU limit, low level limit,' high-level limit, cross limits, and reactor-demand high/ low limit :10. Control functions of the Electro-Hydraulic Control System: On shift study of the lEHC section of the.TMI-1 Operations Plan Manual was not-adequate ' to prepare operators to correctly answer the -questions concerning' the EHC system on the weekly Licensed Operator Requalif-


ication Quizzes. All operators completed the required on shift-study


of the EHC system, yet' of the 33 operators who had completed the


. weekly quizzes ~ only.19 operators were able . to score- greater than '70%

on ;the questions concerning the EHC system. The _ inspector considered the questions ' of marginal worth for' evaluating .an understanding of the EHC syste . Logic.'and control of Reactor Trip Breakers: The lesson plan " Logic! '

and Control of'CRD Breakers" provided adequate augmented training -in this are The . lesson plan discusses under voltage coils, "E" and

,. 3 , "F" ' relays, shunt - trips, CRD breakers, and local mechanical- trip The lesson ' plan details what combinations of trips and faults would



cause' a _ breaker to- trip and their effects on the total rod drive


control system.


l12. ' Construction and operations of the RCP seal package: The new lesson plan " Construction and ' Operation of RCP Seal Packages" number provided adequate augmented _ training in this are The lesson .. plan details seal construction and requirements for seal i _ injectio It discusses instrumentation associated with RCP seals and the normal and off normal indications. Also, the symptoms and


appropriate'~:immediate actions for- seal package malfunctions are


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13 . Predicting indications on Nuclear Instrumentation during a reactor startup: : The lesson plan "BPT Introduction / Orientation for Licensed

Operators" and manipulations -on the Basic Principles Trainer (BPT)

~did not provide adequate augmented training in this area. The BPT is' a compact simulator which uses the software from the Oconee full scope simulator and provides -an interface with the software from a

~s implified control- panel . Due to the . simplification of the plant-control panel -the BPT cannot be used in _ place of a full scope sim-

.ulato However,: the BPT's ability to display trends of selected

' plant. parameters, including reactivity, and its- ability to simulate plant transients .provides ' substantial training . capabilities. During

.the initial training - session on the BPT, - reactivity effects and expected- nuclea'r.' instrumentation'- indications were'_ predicted and:

observed by the ~ students from criticality to 100% powe Thi_s ,

training. was provided ;because the _ licensee . interpreted item 13 of'

. Inspection Report 289/84-05 to be from criticality to power, and also-

, because the BPT .was not properly modeling subcritical multiplica- ~

tio The intent of this item was for training to be provided inr predicting Nuclear ' Instrumentation from suber'iticality to cri tic-


ality 'in order to . observe the 'effe::ts of subcritical multiplicatio The BPT. may_ now be used. for this- training since modeling problems

have been correcte ; Familiarity with routine operational manipulations is adequately addressed _

! "by the Restart Qualification Card Program, which ensures all operttors-willi perform or observe routine startup procedures for primary and second-ary ~ systems, power escalation and physics ~ testing evolutions, and required -

surveillances- in a . controlled and . supervised manner. The completion of the applicable portions of ~ the restart qualification cards for all crews will be -' verified : periodically during the Power Escalation Test ' Program



. Of the 13 topical areas identified in Inspection Report 50-289/84-05 all but ~ two areas -(Items '10 and 13) have been adequately covered by the training provide The training was operationally oriented 'and ~ the

. instructors related theoretical concepts- to actual plant operations wherever possible. Concepts were carried through from lecture to lecture and from lecture to simulator training. Training on normal plant evolu-

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tions will-be' documented by the Restart Qualification' Card Progra Additional training on the prediction of nuclear instrumentation from sub-critical to criticality, using the BPT, and assurance that operators

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_ possess adequate _ knowledge of the EHC system is needed. Both will be restar (50-289/84-19-02)

.C. ' Exit Interview The results of .this evaluation were discussed with M Newton by Mr. N. Dudley on-August 30, 198 .
