IR 05000267/1985019

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Insp Rept 50-267/85-19 on 850625-0703.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Surveillance Procedures & Records,Ie Bulletin & Generic Ltr Followup, Plant Staff Readiness to Operate & Maintain Plant & Tours
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1985
From: Farrell R, Jaudon J, Plumlee G, Skow M
Shared Package
ML20133B767 List:
50-267-85-19, GL-82-33, GL-83-28, GL-84-24, GL-85-02, GL-85-2, IEB-79-01, IEB-79-01A, IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1, IEB-79-1A, IEB-79-1B, IEB-80-11, NUDOCS 8508060271
Download: ML20133B843 (6)


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I NRC Inspection Report: 50-267/85-19 License: DPR-34 Docket: 50-267 Licensee: Public Service Company of Colorado P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80201-Facility Name: Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station


Inspection At: Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station, Platteville, Colorado ,

Inspection Conducted: June 25 - July 3, 1985 Inspecto s: . /JJJ /& 7 3d $$

g E. Fa ell, Senf6r Resident Inspector (pa[rs.2.b,4, nd 5)

8 Date Al N ] 30 SS


g. P( Jatj60ii, Chief,' Project Section A D 5te, (pars.(4 and 5)

M E0 P1 lee III, Reactor Inspector Date FML M. E. Skow, Reactor Inspector werkr

' D6te-(par. 2.a)

8508060271 850801 PDR ADOCK 05000267 G PDR





Assisted by: .W. A. Spencer, Consultant




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y,0 E.. Ireland, Chief. Engineering Section, Reactor Date '


,/ Project Branch Inspection Summary

InspectionConductedJune25-July 3,1985(Report 50-267/85-19) ,


Areas-Inspected: Special announced inspection of surveillance procedures and records, IE Bulletin and Generic Letter followup, plant staff readiness to operate and maintain the plant, and plant tours. The inspection involved 85


. inspector-hours onsite by four NRC inspectors and one NRC consultan Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were -

identifie ,







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DETAILS Persons Contacted


Principal Licensee Employees -

J. Gahm, Manager Nuclear Production



  • L. Singleton, Manager Quality Assurance F. Novachek, Technical / Administrative Services Manager
  • F.. Borst, Support Services Manager
  • Fuller, Station Manager-
  • Ferris, Quality Assurance Operations Manager S. Willford, Training Supervisor
  • D. Evans, Superintendent Operations
  • Franek, Superintendent, Plant Scheduling and Stores
  • R. Craun, Nuclear Site Engineering Manager
  • S. Hofstetter, Nuclear Licensing Engineer
  • J. Eggebroten Superintendent, Technical Services Engineering
  • Denotes attending the exit interview held on June 28, 198 '

4 Surveillance Procedures and Records  !

4 . Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDMs)

Test-RP-5, " Control Rod Drive Checkout," has been completed for all of the rods that have been refurbished and are currently installed in the core. RP-5 meets the requirements set forth in the existing Technical Specification The licensee has committed to interim Technical Specifications for control rods in their letter P-85180,


dated June 7, 1985. The licensee committed to operate the facility in accordance with procedures based on those interim Technical


Specifications prior to plant restar The licensee also stated that


all appropriate tests on their CRDMs will be performed meeting the requirements of the interim Technical Specifications prior to restar The new procedures are in preparation. Review of these surveillance procedures and results remains an open item (8519-01).

1 Existing Technical Specification Surveillances A survey of licensee records indicates:


. Licensee is utilizing approved procedures to perform technical specification surveillances.


. Licensee activity performing technical specification surveil-lances has continued throughout the current. extended outag .

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.- Surveillances required and possible are maintained curren It g is not possible to do all surveillances when the reactor is not

, at power. Additionally, it is not possible to perform surveil-

' lances'on equipment which is dismantled / removed for overhau The licensee is currently proving systems operable and restoring


s plant configuration in preparation for restar Interviews with plant and nuclear power production division management indicate the -

licensee's intent and understanding of the requirement to have all surveillances current at restar Verification that surveillances are current is considered an open item (8519-02).

' Surveillance records reviewed included:

. Reserve Shutdown System


Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel (PCRV) & PCRV Penetration Overpressure Protection

. Helium Circulator Water Turbine Drives

. Bearing Water Makeup Pump

. Firewater System / Fire Suppression Water System

. PCRV Closure Leakage

. Alternate Cooling Method (ACM) Diesel Driven Generator

. ACM Hard Valve and Transfer Switch

. Fire Water Booster Pump

. Circulating Water Makeup System

. Safe Shutdown Cooling Valves

. Hydraulic Power System

. Reactor Building Exhaust Filter

. Standby Diesel Generators

. Station Batteries No violations or deviations were identified in this are . IE Bulletin and Generic Letter Followup All the open Bulletins and Generic Letters at Fort St. Vrain have been

. answered by the licensee with those currently under review by the NRC staf . Bulletin 79-01/-01A/-01B " Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment"

. Bulletin 80-11 " Masonry Wall Design"

. Generic Letter 82-33 - Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 " Requirements For Emergency Response Capability"





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, . Generic Letter 83-28 " Required Actions Based on Generic Implica-

'tions of Salem'ATWS Events"



. Generic Letter 84-24 " Certification'of Compliancefto 10 CFR 50.49, Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to



Safety For Nuclear Power Plants"

. Generic Letter'85-02 " Staff. Recommended Action Stemming From NRC Integrated Program For-the Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issues Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity"


All' responses by the licensee met the Bulletin / Generic Letter time requirements-or subsequent licensee commitment time requirement No violations or deviations were identifie '


. ,

- . Plant Staff Readiness to Operate and Maintain the Plant

! ^ l, q l u+ The plant' staff's readiness to operate and maintain the facility was'



reviewed. A special startup training program was completed for the

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, licensed operators. This program was reviewed by (a) actual attendance ati s- 7 a class session, (b) review of lesson plans and backup material for all -

( ..^ i

', sessions, (c) review of examinations,'and (d) discussion of results wit '

', -


. both. operators'and training staff. This program included: *



, 4 4l; Discussion of completed plant modification ' ~

, Actual Overall Plant and System Operating Procedure "



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' Control room mockup so that pertinent gauge readings and switch


,( manipulations could be integrated with classroom discussio '~". Discussion of technical specification requirement ,



'I Additional training'will be necessary to cover plant protective system setpoints and the final CROM surveillance procedures. The program will>


~i properly

equip the operators to safely operate the plan c,

Sufficient ~ trained staff are available to provide necessary shift mannin No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Plant Tours


-The NRC inspectors toured the plant to observe housekeeping, fire protec-tion, and' general job practice ,



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Inspectors familiar'with the plant for more than 1 year noted consider-able improvement in plant appearance and housekeeping practice The plant has been shutdown with major modifications in progress for over a year. Consequently, all equipment tag status and system configurations should be verified prior to restart. Plant management has advised the SRI that this is being done by the plant staf No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Exit Interview Exit interviews were conducted on June a' '1985, and July 3, 1985, at

.which time the inspectors reviewed the scope and findings of the inspectio .-

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