IR 05000254/1996015

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Deviations Noted in Insp Repts 50-254/96-15 & 50-265/96-01
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1997
From: Ring M
To: Kraft E
NUDOCS 9703030142
Download: ML20135B643 (2)


1 Februe.ry 25, 1997 Mr. E. Kraf t l Site Vice President Quad Cities Station l Commonwealth Edison Company 22710 206th Avenue North i Cordova, IL 61242 l


Dear Mr. Kraft:

l This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 31,1997, in response to our letter dated November 22,1996, transmitting a Notice of Deviation and a request for a reassessment of the safety significance of undersized thermal overloads identified in the control room ventilation system at your facility. A justification for differences in the safety l

significance, if any, between your facility and the Dresden facility, for which a similar l l

condition existed, was also requested. We have received your response and have no l further quest:ans at this time.


/s/ M. A. Ring  ;

Mark A. Ring, Chief Lead Engineers Branch Docket Nos. 50-254; 50-265 Enclosure: Ltr 01/31/97 L. W. Pearce, Comed, to US NRC w/enct


Distribution: 9703030142 970225 See attached list PDR ADOCK 05000254 0 PDR DOCUMENT NAME: G:\OUA02147.DRS To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box *C" = Copy w/o attach /enci *E" = Copy w/ attach /enci 'N" = No copy 0FFICE RIII JRS l# RIII:DRS, 16 Rill:DRP lM RIII:DRS l/J NAME Dundsn/kjc Rin y)C v Hiland ALS Leach / Grant We6 DATE 02/ /f, /97 02/ 11 /97 02/24 /97 02/94 /97 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY

E February 25, 1997 cc w/o encl: T. J. Maiman, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Operations Division D. A. Sager, Vice President, Generation Support i H. W. Keiser, Chief Nuclear 1 Operating Officer i L. W. Pearce, Station Manager C. C. Peterson, Regulatory Affairs j Manager l 1. Johnson, Acting Nuclear j Regulatory Services Manager l Document Control Desk - Licensing '

cc w/ encl: Richard Hubbard Nathan Schloss, Economist, Office of the Attorney General )

State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission J. R. Bull, Vice President, General &

Transmission, MidAmerican Energy Company i

I Distribution: 1 Docket File w/ encl Rlli PRR w/ enc! A. B. Beach, R1ll w/ encl SRis, Quad Cities, Enf. Coordinator, Rill w/enci ("PUBLIC IE-01"w/enct OC/LFDCB w/ encl Dresden, LaSalle w/ enc! R. A. Capra, NRR w/ encl '

DRP w/encI W. Axelson, Rlll w/enct TSS w/ encl j DRS w/enct LPM, NRR w/ encl  !


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Cominonw c.titli tilsv>n

( Citirw Gcnerating Station 22*10 20hth .benne North -

Curdm a,11. 612 s 2 9' eO rei um,s . 22. i LWP-97-008 January 31, 1997 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk References: (a) NRC Special Inspection Report No. 50-254/96015 (DRS);

50-265/96015 (DRS) and Notice of Deviation, dated November 22, 1996.

Subject: Improperly Sized Overloads Found on the Control Room Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System in 1995 In Reference (a) the NRC asked:


... we are concerned about the difference between conclusions reached regarding safety significance of undersized thermal overloads identified in the Control Room Ventilation System at your facility and the Dresden facility. As a result, we request that you provide us, within sixty days of receipt of this letter, the results of a reassessment of the safety significance of this issue and the justification of differences, if any, between the two facilities."

As noted above, NRC inspectors reviewed Quad Cities Licensee Event Report (LER) 50-254/95-002, " Improperly Sized Overloads Found on the Control Room Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Due to Inadequate Original Design Analysis," and Dresden LER 50-237/95-001 " Inoperable Control Room HVAC Booster Fans due to Improperly Sized Thermal Overload Heater Devices." During these reviews, the inspectors noted that although the event at Dresden appeared identical to the event at Quad Citios, the evaluation of the safety significance of undersized thermal overloads identified in the Control Room Ventilation System was different between the two facilities.

Quad Cities had determined that in the event of a design basis LOCA congruent with a degraded voltage condition, the "B" train of Control Room Ventilation could have failed due to the undersized thermal overloads. If the "B" Control Room HVAC system failed, unfiltered air had the potential to enter the control room subjecting the operators to ir. crease dose. The Dresden LER. stated that the safety significance of the event was minimal because a means was readily available for the operators to manually restart the booster fans within a reasonable time period.

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l LWP-97-008 U. S. NRC Page 2 January 31, 1997 '

In response to this request, Quad Cities Station has conducted a reassessment of the safety significance of the issue. Quad Cities Station concluded that the safety significance, as reported in Quad Cities LER 50-254/95-002, was correct. At Dresden Station there are differences in the design. For instance, the Control Room HVAC system included the Dresden Unit 1 Control Room. The impact of the undersized overloads was reduced because only one fan was affected.

However, Dresden Station is reassessing the event and will submit a supplemental LER if that is appropriate.

If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact ,

Charles Peterson, Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (309) 654-2241 !

extension 3609.

Re tfull ,

, [.k. Q W LRv L W. Pearce Station Manager Quad Cities Station LWP\RL\pim  ;

cc: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region III ,

R. M. Pulsifer, Project Manager, NRR l


J. F. Stang, Project Manager, NRR C. M. Miller, Senior Resident Inspector, Quad Cities C. L. Vanderneit, Senior Resident Inspector, Dresden D. C. Tubbs, MidAmerican Energy Company ,

R. J. Singer, MidAmerican Energy Company l F. A. Spangenberg, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Dresden !

C. C. Peterson, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Quad Cities DCD License (both electronic and hard copies)

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